Im IOIIlI OLDER children troni undles Heights IltIlI ceiilre re II IIIIIIiI the more elaborately costumed per lorIIer In Wednesdavs Itltlltll lllVSl ICIIIniIIeISIatI Reporter Nevt week IIri Williams IespIIIIsIIIIIItiIs II III llllllllpl lI ltl MIIIIIIII will he Mr WIIIIIIIIIs lirst dII on the tub as president III the IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIeVIlhIss oinpain Itic IIlI IIIIIIIliIiii ever III head the IIIIIIlo IIIIIII lIIIsIdIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiringIIIIII lIIe lIrIIII do Isinii III IIIIIII pIIIII Spark Plug IIIIs plants in Itlll InericiIi cities and sub sIIlIIIIIe Ill lrIiIiIe itllllll IInizlnnd lcien lIIIIIIIIpIIi and Ham II where II Williams Ill lIeIIi pieIIlIIII III llIIIIiiI tIIlIII III rltNitt IIIII ttlllllIltWMIlN llltl IIII ttIlIlllt ip pliIIIIIIIIIeIiIIIpInIIit IlIlII IlllIIIl thin llllIlllIIIlllt Tlll Is the Ile week itltW IIIIIIII wilt spend II III desk at ltarrie lIcI III Iiiiidi Id ptatt lle Ilht IIt IIIIIIJ Its 1pttxldettt III the IIIIIIpIutI parent thin the IcIItIs creative arts night held at Sun IIIdIIIe Park The evening was the lotli III its kind held by the II recreation department careproducts Mr Illiaiiis mu coinplaine about American iIilIIIence tanadiIIn Industi II its their Iiioiiev then naturally thevre going III liIIie II IIIII IIIt III sa in the matter hut he agrees that it Ii rare occasion when the situation is reveisIII III Llt II tIinaIIiIIII control over In nierIIIIIioperation dont IIltt IIIII pItsIIIIIIII thats gone IIIIw ii as IIll head III tlIecIInIpIIII lltl ttllltI IIIgt personal Ittllllllll tlIl III IIIIII III over lance widened lI iears III IIIin Iciel UII with the IiniIIIiii lIIIIIIIIIcIIIIerx tllIIlIlIt which has TIIII IlltllIIItl Ell IIiiIIIiII alone III III IIIIIIIIIIIIL IIINIIIIIIII ten 21 IIltIt Hull II II tIIII IiiIeIIII III SIIVIINMII It the head III the IIIIIIIIII IIpeIIItIIiII wIl IIIIpIIm III tanies tit eeIIlIalet IppoIIIted ice prev Iltli and general IiiIiieII IIIIIIiIIphoto tiII Iiewli Yanks work harder at executive level IIIeIiIans IIIIIII hardei IIIIIIIIIIIIIs anaiiaeenient lei e1 IIIIIIIIis iuen named prestdeet oi It gtIiieriI iii III IIIIIII lt1k Ittusstninpaiw lhe Ire nioIe IltIltlTIIlh 4llld the want more worldl jniods and the re IIIIIII to pend Iheeiior III eei Iltttlt Iii Is Ianadians take IIIIIII more reIIIed Ittitude lr IIIIaIiIs IttIIMgt to latIe hinzsetl an eceptioii Ardtlddldtl Im Just nor vzllul tanadian Ihai Iiialt especialii III saIs tierii Ii IIIIIIIIII who has anion but he makes no bones about hard work being the secret or his own IIM with IMVIIIH55 not IIIII did what ï¬xkni III Inc IIIIIIs did In more he sa And come roniotinn tune he sagt such hi up are reInemlIereII Government policies II III III1IIIII ttI IIIJIIII iIc Ith It IIII IXIIII II IM courage ihe kitIII III hard work IIIIII would make tanadzar products competi on Ihe world IIIIIIIIII nieI III IirnIx can build honie pai less and get productiiztx than tlie IIIIIIII In epIinIIInI Intanada II result he IId tanada III dangei III losing out III IIIUgtI important market the IIIIIedStates changing poliI ies II this sort he says was one III IIm goals It he had carried through with his tllgt to seek seat at Queens Park plans cancelled at the Itth hour to his promotion lore IIIIsIIIessIIien III izeeden III tKIIlIlM Iiusine pa the dont know whether could tiaxe changed anitliiIig he says But could III IIed II IactotnN he LItll ti The concert is one of three special events held annually in connection with the summer program Williams starts Monday as DeVilbiss president Standard III III New Jersey How did anadian get the top spot at IIIVilhiss Well tor one thing he says the parent IIIIn may have looked III his record in Barrie where he has doubled sales IIIIInie gtiltce president IIIItlier adianlage was geographical DeVilbiss operations are divided into domestic the and In ternIIt InnIIl ever where else Including tIInIIda He worked In the latter division and was close enough III headquarters to IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIwIlhIlIetIIIIncr III tIInaIlII he says he had ttlhltItldIlIt IllltttllIIlIl and II IIIIIIeI chance to keep Iii close touch with everi aspect III the IIIItIt that do industrialists iii IIlt Iiiore populous IIuted SLIIIIgt Iii eoiiii III the states he gtII he lII not he IlllllL2 an IIIIIIIIalli tanIidIIIn ap iiillllIIIIIIII11lllll5 lttlItIIII pliilnsnpli III Itlllftt IIIIII III eiIId liiin lII tIIII liltlll llIHll lI lIii IIIIIIIIMIIIIM tie Il iii IIIIIIIIIIL the right corporate becoming IIIIIIII IIInptc ZIIILIIIIIIL IIIIII man an IndiinIIiII II titIidI LIIIIL subordinates the IIIIIIIe needed to net Ilieiiiolis IIttIt Ind iIIIIIIIIii IIIIIIUII II=IIIIII with Ill top ltItIlltllltII IJII Ile he sees IllIIthIllIll tIL IiIitIIII Iiin wheel III the IIII III the IIItIIIIIIIIII IIeI II Itt tic dittezeiit depart IIIttiIi that II iota Ltil iII IIIIIIMII It the TIip II IIIIIII now BIL began career It lleIIIII at IT Ilgt Ii IiI IIIII enipInee in the plant Illtl iIII ated in Windsor The IMNIIIIII was tenipnraiwtiile he worked toward completion III II IIIJTIIIII course and spot It the IlIIltltttllllLl department in ltti two Iears in Ihe IIriidIIr Ilurini the war weii hack In engineei IIILL III IIIIII and switched to sales III nus He worked IIIIIIII Ines out III Mndsnr and an comet taking oer as indsot Ittill IIIIIIIIILII her the plant as min ed to lidlllt In on Ilt Iinc 1e Bari Ie III ISNIe as nil lIIIIt1IILtl engineering direItor to the presidert II eecuIIII Icc president mix and president and haIrIr III the hoard In Iain Ii ilizanis and tits Itc ILIYII established deep Harrw their II ears Iieic Iiiong other lIIIIp II Iliiains has served IIderIiiaI Rotaz IlutI president and chairman of the Bat Ianut acturers sstiIiiior That the one regret hax IIIg Ie Ieaxe Barrie he IIIIIIs sales quJITlI iIII IstigtfIII RN IIIIIts II particular source III regret III need to withdraw from pelttzcs long an actie ltttglcgt tonsenatix Mr MIIIanIs sought the partvs nomination for the Simcoe IeII tre riding III the new pro Inciai election hu withdrew two da gt lIcIIIre the nnIIiinatIor meeting IIIcause III lllgt promotion III IIgt II ltIII Iharice to II Queen ttgtII1t good larlI ll still always wonder It Id IIl been succesuut politician he 5a Music dance costumes sculpture part of creative arts evening for youngsters Tlll ltlTS from Hillcmst public school summer ac twity centre gave rousing SlSlrI RALPH and her collegues at the allandale Heights summer tltlHll cen Ire reall whnoped It up Illllllll Wednesday nights per rendition of This Old Man during the city recreation departments creative arts lormance III Sunnidale Park The children all dressed in In dian attire sang II short song tor the audience Temporary permission given for parking lot Harrie planning hoard is granting tIInporar per mission to II new car dealer to use No IIcIIiit propertiegt asa parkinigloi IIII lIIMIIII IIII III IIIIIIIIItII II IIIIIIcli Ier IIII III lxsa liititII III tIieI II lcveIIIpiiiIiit IIIIIIIIIIITIIII Inllnwine II linit puttic IiieetiniIIiesdai Not one resident IIIIlll the area attended the IIIIIIIII healthy to IIIIIIII IIII though the cit has Ii petitini witli tnnanies ItttIILIIII lcrcuri applied In llt Ito and It II Itii lIIl Imlklllfl IIII IIII IIIIpIIiiII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIJIIII III laul Donut car In ttlItIIIIUI IItItILIIII TIII lllttltllil saving mos III the on street paIIIiiii It the area has reiiiiwed II the HI Ir Douglas said there real problem or lllgt to em ployees and the thI acant reSIdentIal properties on the NIltll stde II Essa Rudd III Burton will tlt the troutilc Iidei iiinIL ci sIIII IIeeII liIIII bet the ttlIIIlIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII niission tor II IIIIIImum of two IIIIs can be granted hv Ii lllllltltlptllll to com iiiercial IIIISIIII to use residential properti for pIIIIIinILInI tIlltISlCllllTltllSSltl Iaini lInriIIn larker op posed the tenipIIiaiI per llItIltII gt4lllll1ptttplt In the area tieIIee this will lead III re innini Ilttlll residential tn tlllIllItlIlilI the residents IIIIIItIII was sutiiiiIIIId iIi IIIIIIIIII when the cii lot was lhlllL one II ant lIII tor parking III IeceiiilIer lttIllLId Iei cur applied tor minor IIIaIice trIIiII the IIIniIiIittec III IllIllIIIItIII to allow the parking lot but was turned down The cIIiiiIIiitIIe Mtltl it Inainr ariance IIIIILII lIIIIir applied tor the Ieniporar use III larch and has agreed to the conditions including building ltI toot hlLlII tight hoard Itlllt Ihe cit deIelnpnieIiI Ioin Fair plans pet show prizes in 15 classes The 311 histniw III the Barrie Fa he held IIII wti pI tIe Ier II II cateeitmx trin ire resIrIItuI To pets owiIeI II children nude or Jar IIITII ecept hat there wiii he spectai Ianeon pet ow IIll II er III lttIINMIIIIIII tlIlIgt are eluded III III categories for he IIIIII hicr IIIgins tr arI IKBI gtIIIIIILIIt I01 hes trick an an III largest dog medium sized den itt to III Ihes hIgh smallest dog IIIIIgt cnniicaIl Ilressed pet most unusual pet longest tailed dog ShIIlleI IIIIIIII Ina tIest groomed cat lesi IIIIIIIIIHI Kvtt eat cat with longest hair IXgtI gthtllill$llp and IIIIIIIIgtI Iiin an pet nuttec does not meet until Septeniher IIIs pet show II owner II er It lt Iitt SI IIIIII gm IIImI dimmer th pius HIIIIII hub IIicred must wear win and entries Inns tIc un der the plosica control of the exliztitnr the show will take place at the iron or thegrandstand and entries will be taken there or theila III theshnw night Wednesday at Sun nidale lark lots Iroin all nine activity centres in the II It ltF llltlï¬lmnd oII know it ruti Inur eies The younger children IrIIiIi todriiiuton school llllillltl ac STIIUII IIIaIIII Ian dhnlders support IIII InIIisIII III Its fight against Barrie an nexatIIIn as called little on settling II deput reevI IIIIIIIIII tonstalIle on ediieIIa III letter In township cour Ill IIIIVIII RIII III lttct tozi Irtttlltlli said we leeI that there Igt no reason tor Harrie 7n want the lands as tar IIUIII Stroud and that Mroud should deIiIiiteIi remain in llithltt Itcput rIeI IIIizstatIic he concerned IIII Ittlt Ito IIIcrcII tw appu IIpIII illustrating how strnudI serx Iced apa Irniii ItaI II and the IIiel st reek IItIItIIII Ix The deput reexr said IIIgtIII new IIItIcIaI plat IIN IIIIt IIIII III IIII itlil IIIII and sewage er es tha ItiI suggesh And the IIIIicIaI plan dIns no accommodate Indai Sail past planned by Barrie boaters toiiunaiider IIaI McLeod III the Barrie Power Squadron and Lommodnrs Phil Bishop of the Barrie Yacht Club will recen the salute III various SGIIIIIE Ixsels this SIIIIdII lIIc IIILIIMIII the Barrie IIIIIIr Squadron annual sail past the II men II Ill be ahoard lr MacLeods boat the Mac anchored just off tentennial Beach Vessels from tIoth clubs and several marinas are expected III pass III reHew beween il Ir and noon lla pr LIIIIIZ III at the end III IIIIIIanII street ill SIIII IIKII IIII IItpIII exer two minutes Iolliiw ed II the pow er boats cit pert ornied during the show Illlt song They ac compIInIed themselves with tixiti tired IIIIIIIII centre llt IIIII Iiiulit tt when the pIIIIIIIIIId this well known children Landholders support unsettling Constable cliildII plar iis HIIL IIie IIIIIIIIIIII II III tItlt III Itll III res IlllllIltL tltl llItltli ltIIIIIIIp iiiII II IIIIIIII II III Ii II ttllI ltIcI that would permit pIIpIIIIIIInn ol IIIiincII IIIIIII tiled to Ho IIIII IHttIItI he IIIlIItl IIIII tIeweIii IIeIIIopiia iY In Harrie and thc deerIIpnIInt In IIIIIIII as In IItIl mutual IIIIIINIII resin YIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIII tllIt II II III wart IIIII III ItIIiIII there homemade st ruments lhIIIoI rattling III tllxaniiner eIItIrI llIeII Iormance III hopes III scoring Illllll itli the llltIllt put into pII tr III meet with Harrie council to discuss Iinnevatioii IIIcause the It reliisnl to do what would look IIIHI It puIIIIc IIIiI IIIL ol the IIiitIII in IIIiiicipal Imard Ill IhI IIll heat IIIL Is IItttIllIItI IIII IlIIIIvIII IIII JP IlI IIIIIIII IIic Iij IIII ap plied to annex JIi IIoII aI lt lllltllllltllllu township land to IIIIoiniiiodate tIttIUpllltllI III II IIIII acres IrIIni Illtlhitl IIIII IIIIIII Vespra and TIIII troni IIIII IIIO lllllIII II III the Illltt IIIII IIi iiitinlfjtit Fence not best idea planning board says IIIIIIIIIL1IitlllIIIIIIIIIYt iIIII Ie keep lie llltlt icIeI IIIII Helium IIII IIIAII tIIi III pla he heard test that III 7IIIIItIIl It II ILII Ttl rim is tIIII the want IIII tic ahdw III wuih III Baker rescent put IIL meeting In held Iucva TIIaItII Ita pIaI up II It IkH la while II Is required Itiild tIIIa rd II fkfl tI IIIII IItIIIII tt IIIIIIIII III TIIII tencc II III ItI III aloii I4 It the II It III IIIIII tight gtUI IIIIUIIihlrtlllvldllligIIl1IIILIII an The Ience III ttiIII heights wet II and IIet IIIt IIIIIIII IIsIIIIII IiIl IIIIIIII iI iIIIIIt for It Iv IIIIIIII IDKIYIL llr IIUI Itl II¢ in IIIIII IIIIK IiK Intwlttlt III heie TIlF ItITslPIIHI llIllcrest puhlic school summer activitj centre Haw rousing rendition III This IIIII IIIII during the cit recreation departments IIeatie Ittgt night ted II¢III SIIIIIIIIIIIII lark IIISZ13IIIIIIIII7 III Iex IIIII th Is tir tllr IIIIIIII iliI IIIIA IIIIIW II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII theniseiuI III homemade rattling in struments PHOTOS AND STORY SIIIIIIIA MctlthEltN Examiner Staff Reporter Music dance costumes and sculpture were part III creative arts evening held Ied Iiesday night at SIIIIIIIIIIile lark The evening Is one III three special eeIIIs planned the cit recreation department lnr its nine sunnner activit cen tres Iver tzIII children are in volved III the pIIIurIIIII and II large number III the children and their parents attended lestivitiesat the park lCIIIli centre was required to submit mural done It tlllttl and junior children II lllllltll IIIIIie lI tots II sculpture and II IIII singing IIIIII ltlllll hand The centres also had to present two III loIIr IiildiIiniiIil progiaiiis These could he singing dancing IIIIllllIl oi II rhythm lIIinIl Presentations ltlllllttl IroiiI simple singing III This IIlIl Man accompanied Il rattliIiI instruments III tIIlIItIlIlItI costumedsongsatioulannuals lhe murals Iollowed IIll tllIanc theme and Stlllpllllt included evertliini1 IlIIIlI SnoopyIoIIiioctopIIs lour judges eIIIiiiIIeIl tlIe lII work and pttstllIIIIItIlh IIIltlI centre could nlItIIIIi Ii IIiIIxIniIIIII III ltIpIIInts IiieIIclIIategnr The centre ï¬nishing with the liiizliest IllllllIIIl ol IIIIIIIIII received trnpli IIIIs years winner Il Mapletirove lIIlIIIwIIl III John IIIIII Street IIIlrIiigtoiI and Steele Street centre tied Iol third There were also iIlIlIIIIiu lian led out to children Ittl ItlllllttlllllltIllllllJllIlJlII III the lot Iateigorv tinIII lIoII VIItsIIII III liiIiIe III tiles won liist pi Ie MIIII llkl Illltl lIId IlIIIIIIIIIII tied IIII second and lIIIIssII lIeieaII IIiiiie third The iIIiiiIII IIIIt went to Susan IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IoswellandltIIlIinIiIIeIl IIItI ltIIIII and IIIIII IIIIIuIIsoII tied tor lust iIi the llllll categoii Keith Iastello lltI lIIIIlII lIIcliiIIIie tied IIII second IltltlHlldlllIIJIIIII1IlllIt third LOCAL AND GENERAL llIlltILltI llie tIIIIIIdIan lleIiI IIII Societys IIIIIlIIIe lIeIII lll testing van lII III at IIIiIliIIII Mall IIIIIIII lrIIni Ioii III and III III II was IIiIIIIrIItli reported III Wednesda IIIillllllltl that Wediiexdai we the IIIIM iIIIil IIIIv IIVIIQI II Hlltl llie IlllltlllIII Antique SIIIiIII II III hold show AIIL and at the IIlIIivIIle toiiIniIInII Hall with proceeds IIInit IIIiiiIitIII III the Mario Ileait Foundation The show will be open Iioiii to top in Fridai and Inn In toli In Saturday oIIrteIII selec IIII dealers VIIII lIe IIIIIpIIIiIIII tIIrIIiturcand glass llliAltS tIlltl AIIIIISIIIN An Allistoii youth will appear IIi ttilllI AIIII to IIIce cliIiIuIs ol IIIIIILIIIIIIII tIlIllII IesIIltIIiI IIoIii Ii IIIIIII Ilttltlllll IllI III IIIIIIII police iIIltI Ioda lInnic tonIiIIl till ol Al liston was struck II an east hound vehicle while crossInLI Victoria Street on loot She was pronounced dead at Stevenson Memorial Hospital liaruId is lIII Ic aglit IT ilt tlaSHJC The holding ltlocks coop nIIrsei school will hold II garage mtll Aug IIIIiii In to noon at tattic ltd It It lltllltllxl leoplc wIslIIIiI to IIIIIIJII IrIIIIIK III III wile IiII IIUNHIHIIH1IIHMIIIOII tire IllIltIltItItt ILHHICR Sllll lrltltl The IIowIr show will he held tonightni the Spoke at SIIIIIII ttIvt Acres Itllllt IIlII III placed In the hall tioni noon III pin The pulIIII IIIIIIIII lioni III toEI III In IIIII in ad IIIIIUII charge and reIinII merits and door prize are IIIIIIIIIIIII Ut tlll IAINSWIIK lIiI laiIII Wltk Horticultural III iI wll hold II Ltaraue wilt Iiu In III the one room howl in do IIII nII II writHI II and ILI Point Road rtiiio IIII he dropped IIII IIIMIN iIlI IIItï¬III and the IIII IIILIII II II IIII IIiIIrc IiiIIIIIiIIInI cle phone lat liac 73V IIIII IIIIII hItId 72 97 13 III IIIIII III IIIIIu 43 HI Htll Hl if the Hi tip Olhttifl uh Ioniniittec III the Harrie Itous Int tniiInIItIII holding IIIIIIIIIL III III III IIIIttgtiE Itllilfllnl It to II he Illtttlnfl tout III ti tIII IIII tltl Ian III II IIIIIIaII Iiiii ISIIaif III Inop housing will Il Iiomi II the meeting question period MII tollow All are welcome at the meetInE HE lHllI llElt RUI or Vt eddId But No iII is the title III IIIeIIIIIIaIIIa Idtlifl piIwiited Natur Ia and tlIIIIII it Kenipcnlext III thIIIIIIIIaI lullk tIï¬ IIlt lIIIII IIIIIN Illtlgt Ihe plI to run cIIIi tinuall through the weekend IS part of the fIueSk Theatre