Practising tor hop race at the Bell Ewart day camp Sammie IIIIILIKIWII ti and hrissy ltolendaalii hump READY FOR LEFROY IIOPIING RACE elbows as the leap torwartl Organined by local group and the Simcoe otmty recreation lcpartmcnt the QOUNTY GLIMPSES Stayner fair plans advanced SIAYNIIR tStafli Livestock show agricultural displays womens work exhibits anti commercial booths are among attractions being arranged for the 1070 Stayner agricultural and trade lair The twoday event is to be held on Tuesday and Wed iiesday September I4 and IS President Iolni raig and his lxnird of directors have been busy for months making arrangements Mrs Irvin Perry Iieads the ladies division Presentation of awards will he made on the closing night of the lair which has been steadily expanding its programs OIttHOINtII lllltl SIAIIIIN tSlttIlt ro township council which is headed by lteevc Wallace Key will hold its next regular meeting on luesday August ll startingat l0am Hl ONFIZIIICNIE ALLISION iStaltI South Simcoe will be rcprescn ted at Ill conlerence at the University of inelph on luesday Icdnesday and Thin sday August and by delegates There will be live counties represented with about I00 attending IItIllIS Oll NIIRS lltltlltS OBNIIBS iStalll Members ot Prices Corners Womens Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Earl Fyle on Wednesday August ll BIKEA lllON IAFONIAINIC tStatti Riders are scheduled to depart at It am at bike arthon bamar to be held from the com munity centre on Saturday July lit KICNNICIIIII OLLINGWOOD iStatfi lluroiiia Kennel club all breed dog championship show will be heard at the general exhibits liiilding at Exhibition Park here on Thursday and Friday July 29 and 30 LONGSERVIIE OBIIJJA tStafti onetime Orillia lacrosse goaltender Mel Murray has retired after 33 years with the Canadian National Railway In 1938 and Its he was substitute goal tender of the Orillia Terriers lacrosse team in the time studies ADDRESS TO senior OLA lie was given several presentations at retirement party MIZDONIICOUNIIL MOONSIONE tStatfi Medonte township council will hold regular meeting on Tuesday August til it was an nounced by lteeve Ingram Amos Other members of coiin cil include Deputy ltecvc Ilorace Vascy and councillors Dave Walker Ken lottage and Davetiordon PLAY IVY LEAFS IVY tStalfi Leaders ol the south section of the Simcoe ouiity Baseball League Ivy Leafs will meet Alliston aniicks on the home diamond camp is nearning the end ol its twoweek runtl£xaminer Photo by Mary Poole here on Friday evening July 30 recmore Braves are scheduled to play Ivy on Sim day evening August SIDIIWALK SALE UltlLLlA tStafli Orillias Downtown Businessmens Association is sponsoring another sidewalk sale this coming Saturday liily it The annual ltotary clubs Mariposa liinlest will be opening at ouchiching Park on the same day and contiiitie on Sunday and Monday Swimming events midway chariot races water skiing sol tball tourntment moonlight dance and sailing are among ittrictionsarranged County area officials put on new committee TORONTO There are two Simcoe oitnty based officials on the new intciiniiiistcrial committee of the Simcoe Georgian Area Task lorce lncliided in the seven member committee are Keith Meltner agricultural ieprescn tative in Alliston and Ioe llclleynolds district director with the ministry ol community and social services in Barrie The committee is meeting with local government officials to discuss ways ol iinpleinen ting the task force re ort The report called for ati ur ban economic federation in volving Barrie rillia Midland and ollingwood and it said Simcoe ounty arid the cities could triple in population to 540000 within 32 years lIric Fleming of the ministry of the treasury is chairman of thecommittec The other four members ac cording to list made public by the ministry are Jennifer Dar rell manager of the central of lice of the ministry of housing ti Saunders senior transpor tation planner ll Shelley industrial development com missionei and Milt Phillips of the ministry of the treasury mm Mormmtommrltv Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate Natty Subirrt Change STERLING va ant rinnvunuu do venom ma tdeesl YOU CAN EARN UNIVERSITY DEGREE IN YOUR SPARE TIME HERE IN SIMCOE COUNTY You can be admitted even it you do not have highschool diploma If you are 21 years of age with years work ex perience you may be admitted as an Adult Student in part WiIIrid Laurier University will offer 33 courses this Fall and Winter as follows 27 Courses on Saturdays at Twin Lakes Secondary School Orillia Courses at Eastview Secondary School Barrie to be offered 700 1000 pm on weekday evenings At least courses at Base Borden to be offered 700 1000 pm on weekday evenings FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF THE CALENDAR OF OFFERINGS CLIP THIS AD AND SEND IT ALONG WITH YOUR NAME AND WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY Information Office Twin Lakes Secondary School Birch Street Orillia or telephone 3264682 Ross Furzecott ttSDontop St Barrie 7266495 wwrmi um ohm MIDHURS PUBLIC MEETING VVYrrvry Viva Support Vespra park lighting MIDIIUItST The start of public meeting in Midhurst this week was delayed because many residents were attending softball game nearby When they finally got together about 25 people gave unanimous support to Vespra township recreation com mittees plan to develop Vespra lownsliip Athletic Park at Midlinrst reat ioti ol lighted diamond at an estimated cost of $32000 will be the first project in the park Its the lirst major sports facility the township has on dcrtaken said oiin Veiiner Lambert member of the recreationcommittee When we look at what our neighboring townships have done we seem to have been lagging behind considerably III recreation lteeve Alan loliiiston said Vespra council has policy ot providing 20 per cent ot the cost of any recreation project in the township lle encouraged other groups to approach council if they have project in mind ltlIADY INSPItht Engineering for the ball diamond is being completed and construction lenders may be called in month We hope to be ready for playI next spring said committee chair man Murray van Basset Mr van ltassel said the cotii niittee had been seeking park site for three years before the potential use of Doran Park east of Highway 27 near Iliin way 20 was realized The park covers more than 30 acres Access will be provided from Ilighway 27 but another route is planned through housing development being considered unitli tII tlirtittrk loiir loot lencc will surround the diamond to discourage vindalism and lFiloot warning track is plan ued Distance troin home plate to the oittlield lence would be Elf feet with the batter lacing north according to preliminary drawings maintenance building and relreshment boots are also to bcconstriicteil Laura McNabb committee member said Vcspra has more than too children involved in junior sotlball with lin peewees having won the provin cial championship two years in row lownship residents also Alliston swingers hold dance in potato barn By MAItt iII CT SIt ll XIV ALLISlth lhc potato storage barn on the larin ol Mr and Mrs lIlgin Blaker was again made ready lor several events during the past week The big eventwas the lltli animal dance sponsored by the Alliston Swinging IIights group of sqtiare dancers which now has membership ot 30 couples from the Alliston area Shelbiirnc Orangeville Barrie Bradford lhornton tillord hurchill Sharon and lottenha lack and Marg llambly were Presidents this past season and Lionel and Dorothy Parliament headed the Barn Dance om mittee Many hours ol planning has to go iiilo the projedt which has brought renewed interest in square dancing to this area thanks to the instigators the host and hostess IIlgin and Marg Blakcly onvcncrs for decorating were Doug and Marg Jackson and loan and Paul Kerr and among those who helped to con vert the Barn to ottage complete with flower garden window boxes rose arbor loot prints on the lloor even rest illlilS Ill liltll tllllll fll aiolc and Ihane McNeill Wib and Beryl lladwcn and Barb and harles Wilcox last years convenorsi lCach year other couples come up with dit terent nlcas tor decorating and the result is work of art that has to be seen to be titlly ap picciated Almost 000 gathered on Satur day eyening for dancing from It pm to am with giiesls lrom Florida Pennsylvania and New York States Saiilt Ste Marie Kitchener Sarnia Peterborough llamilton Burlington St athcrincs Toronto Mississauga and NiagaraouttaLake tallers engaged lor the evening were Bill oopcr Mississauga Jim Lee llamilton Stu ltobcrtson Burlington and Don urtin ol Derrick ity Penn Ian llattle provides the excellent elec tronic equipment ltefresli mcnts ot llambtirgs with all the trimmings potatoc chips and tarts were served during tlie evening and ideal weather at the week end also added to the successol tinfestivities Again the traditional avenue of lights tgroccry shopping bags lilch with sand and lighted candch led the guests out the lane with headlight scatching the sign Ihank you lorcoining Safcllonie Those who cotild stay over were invited back to the Blzikelys lor noon luncheon oii Sunday with numbers of the Alliston Swining Nights and their families another group ol 230 program ol games was enjoyed President of the tliib tor the coming year are Don and Toni Bcatty lhc lacilities were made available tor joint metting ol the Alliston and Becton Itotaiy liibs on Monday night with members ol their tamilies as ttitsts delicious pork bar licctie llll baked potatoes wes served with llctb Oliver and Dave Sonieiiille ol the local club assisted by their the expert chefs Ian llaltle provided the llllllt Ioi dancing tin lucsday night the hip man tlicinical Ltd Illlll cn tcrtaincd lariners ol the area and on lhursday everything was siainantlcd and the building again became potatoe barn to house the tall crop take part in Vespra Senior Fastball League and in termediate league play in Barrie Some early estimates show that lighting the park could cost as little as $1 an hour The iark will be available to teams from such communities as Midliurst Minesing Edenvale irentel Aiitcn Mills andraighurst tlSlSllAlthti Proposed sharing of the 532000 cost is as follows $0000 from the Wintario lunrl $0000 community centres grant $9000 in public donations and $0400 troin the township eoiiii cil With lights Worth $4100 on hand council has already provnled most ol its share The APTO II MIIS IIIVINU AIISON Mrs John Kapteyn and Betty Anne are spending three weeks Visiting relatives in Iltilliltltl Ihey crossed the Atlantic by plane leavnig Malton airport last Friday Miss Barbara Stone ltN ol Fort lirancis has been recent visitor with the tierard Moran lainin Darlene atson spent last week with her brother aiitl lainin in tirillia tongratulations to Mr and Mrs tillallam who celebrated their Iltith wedding mniversary with lainin gct togethchuly lit Itccent visitors of the tlllallams included All Lapon sa of Detroit Mr and Mrs Ber nard tlllallam of Kingston and Mr and Mrs llillinghurst ol loronto Mr and Mrs Ilarold Wilson Fort lilric Mr and Mrs Ken tarson and baby of littsburg Pa and Mr and Mrs It Dar mos and limes of Willowdale visited with Mr and Mrs aison during the past week PIONIIIIII MP NIZWION ROBINSON iStalli lhis West iwillcmbury community was known as Latimers orners during its pioneer era The present name was adopted in IRS in honor of onetime member of Parliament Newton ltobinson SEWAGE BACKUPS Any Barrie resident knowing of my occurrence of sanitary sewage buckup since I968 lioin unset within the Citys sewerage system and resulting in damage to private property in the area north of IIIC NR trucks east of Hayfield St south of Grove St and west of Penetorig St is requested to contact Examiner Box R73 CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD STORE CHICAGO Inflrflv AnnINI Intw IV in No av Ithiiauwm Maotwin mum 0a Maud Suishoot Ornnï¬thUnMOrnhrldult RUSH Lenom and More AT suws ONLY Frod Aitoiro Gene Kelly etc AT SAMS ONLY ms while so SATURDAY JULY 3T 930 ANi ONLY CHICAGO Ten Aw Another Rainy Day In New York City Once or Twice and More 21 gt Something For Nothing IWhats Engrtalnment Origind Soundtrack Featuring SAM THE RECORD MAN 10 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE AT THE FIVE POINTS Born to Run Ouaan lerrod UAL STORES FOR OPENING HOURS FOR SPECIAL BALE NEIL DIAMOND Beautiful Norse It You Know What Mean and more AT saws LLDCYRI Lnrr mini Greatest Hiti Roll Over Boo may Evil Woman and 449 AT SAMS ONLY Abovob items on sale at advertised lasts FrL Sat Mon Ono cacti per person Unconditionon quor antood for one year ffErVucc Springsteen Born To Run memnwm InaMMmsuumom anuccs Coo AT SAMS Doberman Rhapsody But Friend and I0 more AT SAMS Hours Mon Tues Wed Sat 930 am to 600 pm Then Fri 930 mm to 900 pm MONDAY AUG 930 AM ONLY TACTOIY SEALED IONG MY STEIEO RECORD PRINGSTEEN Thunder Road The One and more Shes One For Adult OHIO PLAYERS Contradirtmn Whoa She My tile and more QUEEN You re My lights were intended for Anten Mills but that project fell through last year Ioun Lambert said he hopes that master plan for park development is prepared before more work is done in the park He said spotty development could destroy passive areas surrounding Willow Creek The recreation committee is made up ol Murray van ltassel toun Venner Lambert Ioun nldn Wilson llarold Mc Master of irenlcl Laura Mc Nabb ot lidenwilc Bob Knight ol Midlnirst John lollins of Mintsing and secretary Wilma iillen Official plan for Craighurst Hit STATION As many as four public meetings may be required before Craighursts of ficial plan can be approved The Highway 93 amlet is in Will auction 25 bicycles STBOUD More than 25 bi cycles will be among the ar ticles in ublic auction at the Innislil po ice office on Satur day Aug The auction is to start at It According to police chief Bill Ilrown articles include motor cycle parts purses clocks lamps flashlights little bit olevrrything DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Thursday July 29 I976 TACKLE Daiwa Berkley Stren Quick noun 29 no Id analhan wnrwri it TRANSMISSION Automatic Transmission Specialists Wmtann 7372292 458 Blake Street BARRIE AUTO STEREO Stereos Radios CB Radios 7288844 l0 Baylield IIIIIIIIlllIlIlIIlllllllllIll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllIlIllllIlllIlIlll Eavntroulilng Rollin Alumlrwm Siding In Estimate VB Installations Ioody Mi Concrete Woetnd Gravel Product IARRIE AUTOMOTIVE RECONDITIONING SPECIALIST Car loaning Engine Painting Shariwooing Simonmng 453 DUNLOP 7265452 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll loath WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD What it com to drycloomng truu us to no Ith 72055 OMC MEICRUISEI STERNDRIVES ONNSON MOTORS PEIERIOIOUON DOATS Tlltl 4562339 MARINE Woman royal 00k realty no 42 Dunlop at Maple WE ARE RADIO DISPATCHFD FREE $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES 737 223 SEAFOODS nor OBSTEII 0mm lb lobster Fries Cole Slaw Drown Butter I96 Blake 726937l BLACKLOCKS mm FREEZER ORDERS by the lid the pick of the crop our vary but boot cut and wrapped you like no charge Come and select your boot Irom wot ISO Itdn available 90 lb Cultom Cutting Noma Curlng Smoking lool Pork Veal Lamb NO COOKSTOWN 45042 NWT MILE 400 EVERLAST 26 20 EVERLAST ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Mullet Artifact The Cult Gallery Cotton Weaving Embroidery httory Jewelery BERCZY ST 72673 Controlled Mobile Concrete ALL KINDS Of CEMENT WORK Patlo Srdowollu Cvfbtng 90 Perches PHONE 7265333 Dotson owners ask about tree I5pt spring inspection on your car Otter good until June 30 SIMCOE OATSUN 7370254 549 Baytiold DEIB ELECTRONICS Your Comnicotine CENTRE Twoway RIG Huh In TM WNT CI Iotoroh Unhotriu 000M Ny 7267282 All govnrnmont impoch meat from Iorol oroo larrru quality and ramonablo pricey four townshi ro Vespra FlosandM onte Don McKay Oro deputy clerk said Oro plans to holdï¬a public meeting within two mont lbs to explain the seconds Ian which will amend the icial plans of all the townships But the other townships might not be ready to amend their plans by that time It all four townships are net ready to hold one public meeting they may hotdj separate ones Mr McKay saidi HUNORSPIUNEER JAItltATT Staff This om Medonte border coin munity was named after pioneer harles Jarrett who came from Kent County En land to 0m in 1831 Later he ecame Jarratts first post master At onetime Jarrett had hotel and tavern located itlll the site of the present com munity hall ALWAYS STAY SHARP The beavers long sharp iii cisors consist of material that is hardest in the forward face which causes them to remain chisel sharp as the teeth wear away nottheMwmhuvufldmdeItflllmumdmdpthdethmh memutmimmqnmmmllmmunchinMMhnrlhuhum FIGNT INFLATION WITN lillllllY IN 462 P0 llllAltl== SaveUpTo $300percase I2FLAVORS aMAicn 1283261 nu Your Enltrtuinmntit Number To Call 7204681 ROXY THEATRE TEATURING THIS WEEK to outer FARM and Always tor the touch that means so much 72681 28 Dunlap Hours Tues Thur Fri till pm vvwww LILAJ FREE ESTIMATES Whatvorymhndng Inelan 73708I MEIFT Sales and Service My 256m DINING ROOM $9 Specializing in French Cuisine Licenced under the LLBO 63 Color St 7269072 DELUXE TAXI 24 NR SERVICE 7204444 7205555 Qaqortui PARADISE MOTOR NOMES Canada ï¬nest MINI MOTOR HOME and CUSTOM VANS lay or tom Iron in 723 Midhuut Fine selection at Oriental Giltware 728 823 crimes coco gymtun Il scum TokeOut Delivery 53 Collier St IIIvmu nus srors AT sms noon FlIllllllllllllllIlIIIlllllllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIllllllIlIIItlilllllllIlllIIllIIIIIlIIIIlIllIllIIIIllIlIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIllltIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIlllIIIIII l2