ommfl mayin ï¬x MINa lt9 Ml Ciuulation ll2th YearNo I77 EXAMINER TELEPHONES Classdicd Advoitisiiiq All Other Departments 726 3539 2411 726 6537 Metro police Slammed fin report TORONIU tlt Criminal charges likely will be laid against some Metropolitan lo ronto policemen as result of royal commission report which tiecuses police of brutality and jcovering up their actions vs John Maclleth tliitarios solicr itor general He said in an interview Wed iiesday alter releasing the report on tile Metro police de partnient that he has forwarded it to rown Attorney leter Rickahy to consider whether charges will be laid The report prepared by Mr lustice Donald Moraiid ot the tllttllt Supreme oiirt said Metro policemen heat citizens in six oi to cases investigated and talsitied records to cover up complaints Mr Justice Moiaiid said that in some cases he touiid police took the law into their own ban is aiid became sell appointed judges and juries Wlll Ii lltil lltck chairnian oi the Metro police commission said criminal charges will be laid iegarding brutality as well as xrjury it Justilied We can not let this thing end here In the report Mr liistiee Mo rand said he believes the alle gationsol ltt yeatrold loin lleii derson is one ot the most ptibli cited cases investigated by the commission The lorotito postal worker said he was taken to police statioii alter drug raid at his apartment and had iiiecliaiii cal claw placed on his penis atid viscgrtp wrench placed on th testicles lloyvever Mr liistice Morand said he touiid no evidence oi widespread brutality in the iorce but there its growing hiss oi public con tidence in the department because ot improper conduct Mr Maclleth said he wanted to einphasie that when you consider the number oi arrests and the number ot police till Ws53 cers on the force the percentage is very very small The report also said Police thiei llarold Adanison must take action before public sup port for the police disin tegrates hiei Adanison said the re port is progressive document and some of the problems men tioned already have been cor rectcd Action would he taken on other problems brought out duringtheliearings The commission was estah lislied in October ltl7t aiter alle gations of police brutality were contained in published reports The report is critical oi the police do iartnient and calls for independent civilian control over complaints against police to prevent further abuses Syd ltrowii chairman of the Metro Police Association said he is concerned that the report might harm good relations be tween Ioronto residents and the 5500 iiieniber police Iorce Mr Justice Moraiid also made reconinieiiilations to both the police department and the provincial government They llttllltlt tlutting drivers pictures on all driving licences to enable police to make better ideiiti ticiitionoi suspects 2teplacing the iolice coin plaiiits bureau lll system not controlled by the police dc partinent tohiuidle citien coin plaiiits against policemen tllsing pens instead of pen cils to prevent police from at teriiigciitries in their notebooks to conceal evidence LlInacting legislation to pre vent the use in court ot evi dence obtained through use of hedetectors Lilanniiig or restricting the use ot he detectors by employ ers for screening their employ ees itlxpanding police coniniu nity service units to establish better relations with the public Report could be good thing til it ll RllltllllNSI Itllilltlslt Reporter The report oi the ttoyal toin mission on Metro Toronto Police Practices could be good thing tor police iorces Barrie lohce hici Fart Snider jaaid today It police department takes it iii the proper light it can no prove its image and improve its piecedures by it he said He said he had not yet read lllt report which tound Metro police guilty ot using excessive ioree in six of the 17 cases in vmtigated but ititeiids to do so as simitasposstble li its constructive criticism its good he said lotice conduct iiiiisi be above reproach He said there time been oiily one or two coiiiplaiiils about lltllllt lolicc behavior since he took oy er as chiei iii pri The complaints hay ltl oly ed alleged verbal abuse only atid haye pioed untonndcd he said thiet Snider said complaints are investigated by hiinselt or Itcpiity thici lteg eathway and any ioiiiid to be siib stantiated would be dealt lll iit criminal court it the behavior were criminal iii nature or internally it it were iinattei oi dereliction ot dtity tine icceiniiicndation oi the Royal toiiiniissions report calls tor the handling oi coin planiis to be taken oyer by system not cotitrolled by the police tlnet Snider said he belieyes police should handle the in vestigation but said he does not obyect to scnitiny ot the in estigatioii tioiii outside IUl ltF tll lloweyer he said scrutinizing body should ltae police input to prey ide police minded point at iew He also said ciyilian tey iew boards hay not worked out in tlt lttttd States The chief supported recoiii inendatioiis calling tor pictures on driy ers licences to aid iden titicatioii and tor epaiisioii oi sssssswi ltts¢sssssrss police community service bran cites He said establishment oi youth bureau and community relations otticer are among his platis tor the force btit xttcli things are harder to do with to man torce like llarries thaii with ttiititiiiiaii body like lorontos He also supported reconi inendation that policetiieii use peiis rather pencils iii making notes to prevent talsittcation oi notes He said erasing notes is already an oiteiice under the loltcc cl corrections are to be made by drawing line tlirongh the mistaken passage aiidiintialliiigit lle disagreed tilt the reports implication that police do not understand the need to keep the public iiitorined He said Barrie police do all they can in this respect and he belnweslorontopolicedotoo tliiei Snider who sttetl tt years with lorotilo police beiore coming to Barrie this year said letro has the top torcc Ill oith niciica and it would be too bad in NT letro policemen condemned tor the actions ot tew Indecent assault Barrie police are looking to inati iii connection with an ill decent assiult on year old Ferris Latte woman ihiei Far Snider said today He said the woman was in the basement ot her apaittnee loitldtog minesday inoining when the man got oti eleyaior and at grabbed lat posed hiinseli She broke tttt ironi the building llie suspect described as white aged in or si tect tall oi slender build with light brown shoulder length hair and tie ti Wilsons of Stroud still in need of home still looking tor home Following an article in lenesdays Examiner Brenda Wilson oi Stroud and her tour young children are lts Wilson has rtsseived otters oi some help troni the St incent de aul Society and couple has oiiered bednxims as tent porary torin oi accoiniiiixlation lrs ilsoii iives on fixed income ot $426 month and believes she can atiord to pay $200 month tor twobedrmim Apartment or house it all utilities are included She is willing to live anywhere iii this area and can pro ide ruierences Anyone who could provide aeconiiiiixiation tor the family askeh to telephone 4362814 The Barrie Examiner traig ltyther it displays with pride the end result of make tip application of water at 59 HERES LOOKING AT YOU paint for Indian Day at the humid Summer tentre at loodiellow school With make tip by ileiida Lawren cc and costume by tliiir manic allaghan oiiin Baiiio Ontatio Canada Thursday July 291976 traig fit well itito llll liidiaii theme llxitlllllltt lllltlttt by ltoli Kraikei Great losses of life and prOperty from major earthquakes in China llIllei li thiiia today ililttttltid great losses oi lite and property ironi ltltttllllll intakes Wednesday iii item ily populated industrial area oi northeast thina east and south east tit lekittg is usually the case iii such disasters thinese authorities released no casualty tigures or estimates oi damage llut ob seteis here said that tens oi thousands or people might ltae heeti killed Altersliocks were reported continuing French suryiyors said laii gshaii coal ininiiig city oi more than one million was to tally destroyed llsinliua the otiicial thiiiesc news agency reported treinely serious damage and losses ltl langshan tto miles east southeast oi Peking and to miles northeast oi lientsni llsinliua quoting statement ironi thinas ruling tentral oniinitteo said the iirst iniake was ceiiired til the langshan Fengnan area and coin paratnely strong shocks tl1 tell in lekittg and lietitsiii hiiiaTs third largest city with population oi it tnillzoii Maurice Monge head oi French triendship ltltLIQllltilt was in laiigshan when the intake struck beioie dawn lle Housetohouse fighting between Christians Moslems lllllll Mosletns and hrzstiaiis oiight house to Mount down tow biisiiess secttoti the los lcti sitnii ot abaa and lie tlii2stit liliiltllt ass iiiiat tet hotne today ot Fur llt rob the tlirsiiaits laittied los letn torces led by Palestinian ottitiis itackeo Fin ltiitnina lal and he business centre during the night to ease pres sure on abaa hich thethris ltllls ltae been attacking tor sidays llospitals reported that lit persons were killed and 77 wounded during he night ll lleitiit abaa and the nearby lal stiinan ieiugec camp oi lai aatii are the only lettist pock Martian soil sample in Viking laboratory lltl talii the as sample at lartzan soil is in the iking lander ttoiir ished by light water apor and clinker soup scientists begin man iirst search tor lite oiiaiiothei platie The robot landers ariii scooped tip the sample and dc posited ll in three chambers ot its iiiiniaturc laboratory Wed nesday lhe experiments will take weeks and answers are not peeled soon ltut scientists dis played immediate toy that the protect as uitder ay and pin that had yamnied the robot arm as dislodged last weekend there had been doubt that iknig could pick up the soil sample Im delighted ecstatic cant tell you how thrilled am said Dr Herald Soiien scientist on the project team But one piece oi bad news in truded An instrument to sear ch or molecular building blocks of life signalled it did not get sample of soil Engineeis said it may haye been false signal or Vikings arm may have come iip empty when it tried to collect hc sam ple for the instrument ets remaining in christian ias lleirut lal Zaatai has beer iht thiistiai tliilt than iiceeks ahaa has lice ioiiiiuered the iiichtt radio sail lllte lttsltltis ittitltil their tighters in abaa were still holdingout they said then toi ces kiiiting into lltl ltiinitiiaiict captured two high rise apart incnt buildings tr iloor totlooi combat Another coininnniinie iid thristian gunners continued to slltll lal Zaatar clearly bent on preyeiitiiig the international lled tioss ttttlt resctiiiii norc than rooo wounded Palestinianstroin the camp The Red tross planned to try again today to eyacuate the wounded but the conyoy was called oii when liristian niili tary commanders told lled tross oiiicial they had received no orders to suspend their at tacks on the camp ltr llassan Sabri Kholi the Arab Leagues mediator said this was very strange since lresident Suleiman Fraiipeh had promised on bchali oi hristian political leaders that the Red tioss convoy would he allowedtogothioiigh liilt titl rfiiill lit llii said there was liaiilly lillllil iiiglcit staniitiigin tliicity The hotel where ldtlltlt tsitors were stay iiigi oliapsed lllt nictnbci thi group young woniai yas ciiisliiit death The onl other lttlilttils known to be iii laiigshan were nine Japanese technicians inc was killed two were missing and teared deal lttlll weii riously lllllllttl and two slightly litirt lhe 33 mm it it iiiciiilier the French group escaped tilt sq iii lilllll ltlllttiis lluy weti led barcioiit in then night ctohes tttlttss lllt liiips til lttl ltlt which were all that ieiiiaiiad oi llitlltitlitltlt il lotige to sid tits pat was iilxtl it titliidl iilliitsi iilttl Lieit tow llttl lwli ll tlii ha ri is iii flitltiiol lltllltll llt il lhi liill yitt lltt ii PvtHQ and early today be gionp lct oi Shanghai in ii away tiozii he titlakitotte Ioige sazd iltlniiigi thinesc aiithoivtas inttubers tit his group decided among them selves not to discuss deaths or itiiiiries because it was tioneoi till litisitiiss tttiscryers lekziig said that siiitc ltili had been no warn in it liedzms iiilt tttttiiil oi iigiaii popii lattot could lian iiiry oi death The area coal mines operate around the clock and 212 it li escapul in observers said iiiatiy innitrs could be liuiiitf deep uni dergioinid Foitiiei prime iiiiniscr tough Hiitlan oi ttslltllt who was in lci1tsii when lie iirst iiuakt iit said most mod tllt lilllts withstood the shock but older buildings to lapsed ititiipiclely llt sdlii the iirst trcinor was tollovmd by very large eplosioiis on the horizon and at tetsltocks many Clip Titanic Examiner l5 lii Copy Caitiai Home Delivery 85 Weekly Country club WEATH ltaiii toda with chain tonight It ER FORECAST loudy Friday eoi shower liow high Friday 25 Pages to go broke Ily HANDY Iiicltilll Sports Iltlllol The Examiner lhe ltaiiie toinitiy tlub has against the wall liib shareholders were told Wednesday in will have letter troin liiii Stiirrup that It to pay special ilitoo assessment The issessiiieiit is needed to me interest payments todebentnie liol Mr Stiiriup says til the letter the cliib is Ill deiault on the interest payments laynient oi the Rhino niust hi Saturday says Mr Stirrup or It will betakeii The club has had serious diiliciiltics iiiectnitI the payroll tor the past seven iiiott tlis sanl Mr Sturiiip Mr Stiitrup warns loinoirow Is Here Shareholders attendance iii his at meeting Aug to is essential the lcltci says it tlieclubistocoiitiiiuetoopeiate II the $0in interest payiiieii made by Saturday Mr Sturriip cliib could tall into receivers bankrupt iiiillidays ltrop in iiicinbeiship has been substantial says Mr Stiiiiiip aiiil the club is proncling lossiil $tlttiltltl Shareholders are being asked it motion passed at Money received ll the shareholders coii iiiiiithidiiectoisactioiiwillbeheldaiiiliiot used tltllll aitei Aiit Lil says Mr Further unless iiitiiiiiitiiii oi $0000 is collected the resolution Wlll be considered tailiiicaiid theiiioiieysreliiiided husband and wite count as one ltltltlllt ioithespeiialassessment Non paynieiit oi this assessine litectoi ltiesday stllltllillllflillllillthxtfitsllltltl LEI will result in the llllttttlnlllt suspension of all cliih privileges Such motion does not normally require is back up tinapproval Mr non member liquidation it station in recovering it lets ltltitls drive tailed Imp liiailierthi gal action cliib woiilil ï¬eltttlittltt lhc tlllltt lhc lttlllwlli ttnidcddclit The board der to have cent paitic necessary lll ctter that special in are not waiiiu the hip go lessthatit Mi cent with th appeal The board capital ltltltl tlll lot ho thei lodays ironi August ti iconiiiiii Hwm lt lx not inasiinuin drive said beisliip part stantially so tuiiiip spent much llltlllthtlll fstiirrup said that resolutions iiiay please minority group oi In his letter Mi oi the shareholders deieat oi the who lllttlllS debenture oi the club no capital Sturinp said the capital it $lotio ironi each iiiiiiibei has holders as see ol iiiontli Mr Stiirriip told the an l3Xittlltlltt reporter that he was coiiiideiit the reach ilic iiiinnniini goal oi uiiiiitly has collected $371000 amount needed to iliiiiiiiate the ii thecliili isclosci tosiuoooo ol diiectois believes that in or snccessiul operation antlfipir ipatioii liy club inciiibeis is it IIHIUSI but could ioiceclosing tlieclub Sturinp noted that the degree oi par ticipation by the ineiiibeis is about 33 pet reiiianider unresponsive to the oi directors has ttllllttllllttl thi coniniittic to extend the hind tll essential that we reach the iinoinit oi money through the id Stiniiip but that the iiiiiii icipatioii must be increased sub that the chili can be sticcessiiil operation Ill lll icspict ln summing up Mi hard working incinbii have over the years Sturiiip said many time and energy to help create lllll llic lttlllt is we hate not paid our way and iii by Aug haveineuiii iloiiistaggciingdelit ozlov is sent back to the drawing board liiiu lolo back at the drawingboaid liairic planning board then hers sent the Toronto dewlopci back home Tuesday to have new plans prepared by registered architect tor Is proposed ieiital apartment building Mr lyoloy partner in hex liclli lteviloptiiiitls Ltd had presented plans which were not pitpared by tll architect The board said the plans were not good enough to giyi ap itttl to site plan bylaw which details all aspects oi the building tioin pliiinliing to teiiortreatment li Kolovs plans were stamped by iegistiied striic ttiial cngiiiiei Mayor ltoiiaii laikci op posed the boards decision saying li Koon satisiied the boards ioui concerns made two weeksago Mayor Parker said she is satistied that the developer is using all architect who is Just as qualitied as some oi us around who consider ourselves plttlllltts thought we had this resolved at the last meeting slitsaid At the lint lioaid iiniiiiig the iiieniliers stltl the tlttltitttt away with requests to move the building away iltiltl Kolov Street add some underground parking landscape the abou ltolttttl parking lot and widen the parking lot entrance isil hdtiks Are you happy that you won gold medal ll liiii letit said he does not obitcl to tln title ol the apai tniciit building on the tint tbwisi cornci oi Kolov Street and tnndles Itoad but does not likitliitiiiilitiiiit lllISl Illlllli lt going to be the tallest building lll the city and we bet lll make sure it looks good he std Id like to see what its going to look like Id like to see soniettiinghkea model The building is it storeys with lfii units on It acie site second lilyilotiy littlldtltL with tiit coiidoininiiiiii units is planned north iii the rental hiiildiiigonKolovStriet Ald ltlll said hi llkts the iiisign oi the condominium sllllitlt building but the rental building rictaiigiilai is tnaxsnc Doug Skilion said the con ttlll oi area residents made at the public lllttllllfl are not satisiicd He said tee altei natives should be prepared to show variety oi building slyltsitlltllittflllills don think we can resolve this kind oi plan overnight he said It you ask tot approval on the base oi what we have lll not support ii Eightyearold Dalston boy dies after bike hits truck eightyeai old Dalston boy was killed Wednesday while isitiiig his uncle and grandiiiotiier ill Hastings in lllllt east oi lcterboroiigh Murray llténts li wa kitlcd while riding bicyile which hi tully ltlittlttl gravel trtick tit thceaily iiiteinooii He was visiting his uncle leriy Todd and grandniothci Peggy tathcart tliarles llicks lliistiiis lolice chiti 1s tiiyesiigatinL the accident which occuted the iiiteisiitiiiii iii titer and lill sltmts Vllll litl liillav and Police catch US Marines lwo lnited States larines were apprehended in downtown Harrie Wednesday with reii ted car they had neglected to retuin to the rental agency Barrie lolice had Farl Snider said today He said he marines on leave until tnidAugiist rented the car in aliiornia lune Ilti and were supposed to return it within day or two but instead have been touring the lnited States and anada They were captured after citizen notified an oitvduty Barrie policeman of their suspicious behavior the chtei said He said no charges have been laid and police are making certain the two leave anada The marines due for posting to Ukinawa when their leave expires are harles Allen Wilson 20 and Michaerl Eugene Gastineau 18 both privates thp lllixalietli titia was stilt it oi llalston Murray was the brother oi lracie and Jimmy oi italton lie was the giandsoti tliaci aiii llt is at iln liikley lziiwtd lloiia toylotsliym ltatrieun til in Friday luticral scr itt tilt stltttllllttl at pin liidaj at st lobiiV Anglican tiititi tiatgiiutst with burial at lttlli teiiitierj CAPSULE NE WS Indians should control it till ilt tt tlttiarni the killtl Ht llt itoi ltli people ioi ttt group has let unintended ltidiatis should latte onttol Met pin iiicial sudj Fire hits Brantford hotel liltllttltlt itii tl Ktllif ii ll fiiil tilti iltitilii lllt lliiltl ltl tit tlill iili iei silltl iiititlil ltt tti toda llatiiageil the Hotel is latidniaik tri alaii lttliatti tiltd ti hotel residents at iboii Lieiiglitris had the blae iiiidei Bus suspect arrested tlltMt lllllt tahi the kidnapping of ttiowchi driver wasartested today by ienlo lark alit llls brother is already iii tt cident laiiiis chmnicld sought in ila silIiXil hildrcit and their bus police istody lli toniiictioii with the iii Idi is not worried NAlHt Bl President Idi Amin appeared to be taking relaxed attitude today toward Britains break in diplomatic relations with tganda However one of his aides to ons remaining in tganda All ld Nairobi newspaper that Brit become lgandan citizens Seventy die in jet crash PRAGLE tReuteri Sevei days crash of tzechoslova today ity people were killed Ill Wednes atrliner the airline confirmed