OV wx heï¬qtrisï¬Ã©eminen Harassm Iulfl 979 13 Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COME AND COMPARE If you have seen the rest come and see the best PRICED FROM $37950 II2 Mortgage $950 DOWN $27659 MTHIYPI GEORGINA GARDENS and bedrooms Srhool Shopping Bus stop at door Paved drive Saddod lot Prrvrilr Garuqrs SWIIrIrnrrrq Pool Fully Bromflomniil Houses can be finlehad to your specifications $1200 SUBSIDY which brings your Interest down to AGENTS ARE WELCOME EED III triri lr RESALE VALUE GUARAN yru Soles office and models Open TI to daily and TI to weekends or call tor special showing 737198 the home falls Iiirho care about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 72626 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS MILE NORTH FROM CITY LIMITS New split entry bungalow with finished basement large lot in quiet area Law down payment Asking $53900 Financing available Call Corby Adams 7286829 DOWNTOWN AREA $36900 bedroom brick home large kitchen living and dining room Features $25 200 mortgage at l0°o Ask tor Corby Adams 728 6829 EAST END OVER 2000 SQ FT level side split on Blue Mound Must see Asking $69900139 °o first mortgage Owner will hold second Call Corby Adams 728 $829 BILLIARD LOUNGE AND SNACK BAR Downtown area asking $32000 Phone Corby Adams 7286829 Jy27 Dlll McCreary 7284865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Gearge Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 TF LANKINWOODS ORILLIAS NOW GOT IT ALL Luxury LOTKIOITTITTIUTTT townhouses overlooking Lake Simcoe Compare our 0X1 iting models and stunning location Priced tram $46 900 and now ready for inspection with July or cuimm rf Call 705 325 98H Orillia l4I66898420 Toronto TDW 00° nLLLJ II as TTh TE APPRAISALS TORONTO 416 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL REALTOR 988AYFIELDSI BARRII 28 406 Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Oruce Loftin 728 774T Chuck Lambert mMT Bill Evans no tollI 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cult 7284067 Harry Magill 7263364 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Deekuixen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 EMORY MIL EFT LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE TORONTO 364 794T 726 IBBI TF BARRIE OFFICE 109 Boylield Street 7289201 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On tario TF Barries One Man Real Estate Office For results without confusion Sell with WHITE REALTOR FOR PROMPT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 rrhs TF NCOMF PROPERTY Live in hrautitul bedroom hamr in mist and and IO mvr rin iTTc nmv at $270 monthly to carry mortunmr Must br scrn Ownir transitIron TTILDIIODT 726 9005 alter INVESTMENT PROP RT good in lOTYTl on TFIDIOX $59900 Privatr sale Call 718 9799 turinu businrv hours PRIVATE SALE primr residential pro lCNIIV bedrooms startv and one halt baths fenced lot walk out To patio somr bromtlaom nrnqlr Tamar pm rant tirst TYTUIIURUT Nnar Grorginn Col Iaqr Must Svll Sncrilir $50900 or brst oltrr with or without down payment lhl will your Imraain 778 I632 $43900 New SIITUII tarnity homes under an struction GtfllKltfln COIIIOI area Telephone Pratt Homes 728 n59 $48900 IMMACUL AT lnrqrn brIrnnrri bunurilnw situated on 60x lba It lot double clamor lose to all tar rIrtms lIfl rillenl VrIIlll Eileen Grrrn Assm rates ll Realtor 4Tb LIIIII NEAR lAtltE9ttr Con 0t Oro storey bedrooms wvll trvvct lot year 0th Ask inu H900 Vic Donrr VIrITI Rldl Fstntv 716 7423 0t 726 l77l DOWNT OWN Common ial Lor ntron Irttal llIiIll or OIIKO stIIrTTQ 10 per TTI IIlIftIL inu available Bab Urry Viau Rtnl Estate 726 T77I or 72 Still $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum sirtiria buncmtnw Bra Bay Point Im TTTaLUlrII OTKIIIIOII Cariiui Attractiw mounds Bub Urry Viau Real Estnlt 716 I77lur 72H SHIT BUILDING LOT 17000 l00 Iill Willi septic permit LUrIIl in quuI vrllitqr rIear Borrii Terms Bob Urry Vriiu Riitl state 716 T77I or72lt Still ALL STON LdITllITTltI gmdue ISO Vic taria at 133 66 Home with troctrm is rat one tinlt baths May Dt LlUDItILl Cr swrth appliances Phone 4Tb 2499301 or wr Ill Prmulv S6 Downrivrtw Avt anrrsviiw OrIt MIM IC9 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT Innistil Township Asking $I00I Make In DIITT Viau Vlrlll Rinl shite 726177tnr726I603 ACRE LOT tor salv Thrrv miles south at Barrrv Holly Privato Telephone 726 682i nttrr in LOT 00 313 It streams siniilt portcl sewage system installed Mrdtiurst arra SI8000 Call Mrki H124 I668 COTTAGES FOR SALE LAKE SIMCOE I00 rant Iokntrorrt alt IllIl near Oru Park ttriTrOcrrrru elm ITIt treated stam tiripliti insulatth tirrntctlourrwrt Knot ly Piniv IIIHIUUITQUI tumult boiithousi with Heavy duty arts dint lllt tr wrnc tr all Tirraritol 4th 9065 dllil or utter lirlv Ifttr 46 5451 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824I4 Ctaurtied advertuementl and notices for the page must be received by in day prelteding publication with the en centre at Clouitied DtIplOy ad vertuements which must be in by on two day prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words SS Additional word ts per word CARD THANKS 25 word 00 Ad ditional word9 ct per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse SS 00 With vene per aunt line 2T cent per line COAAING EVENTS $3 72 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Culb Ducaunl Rates apply it paid within days On gtr two insertions 9c per word in semen Three cmecutive IMHO cents per word inwtion total I2 Six consecutive insertions Blt per word per in arton total SH 52 Multiple Inlmtof may be ordered tablect to cancellation when unifactory malt chromed thth at counting tewer than 24 word count as worth Each initial breviation set at number etc count as aerate word ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phene insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Theretore the Cloulhed Advancing Deportmont requires ad advertsen to kin dly mcheck their advertisement im mdiotely otter tint insertion in order th¢ my error or omruion may be reported More in order that some may be reï¬lled tor the following day publication The Dorrie Earnrner responsible to only inconortly printed insertion at any ad vertrtement and then only to the extent at portion at ad that involve the misprint Errors which do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible for correction by make goodo Th Barrie Examiner reserves the rift to cloudy revrse or reect any want ode PHONE 72B 24 SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALI IIIS IN TITLE III IM lI Illll Il AN IN THE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE DIRECT SALE PRINCIPALS ONLY Barrie cIOSe to Highway 400 Brand New and bedroom homes 75 400 foot lots 90 Financing Call collect 70542931 Au9 WILLsoiI REAL ESTATE LIMITED $I3800 asking price for this mobile home in Angus bedrooms living room kitchen stove and tridge Only years old For more details call Mary Morrison 726 I938 or 7289933 MLS No I498 ONE MINUTE WALK trom lake in Innistil on I2th line years old bedroom bungalow situated on very large lot Home lectures elec tric heat broodloomed and hardwood floors no care vinyl siding and garage Vendor will consider taking back first mortgage at preferred rate to qualitied purchasnr Drive by it looks twice as good inside Call Ian Rouse 726 1938 Or 726 5407 MLS No I694 $49500 Split entrance bungalow large master bedroom will ac commodate large suitn some finishing in basement Goad tirst mortgage at T0a In Large garage and paved drive Call Pete Swit zer 7264938 or 7286435 MLS No I467 CHALET Ideal retreat tor the sports oriented lamily Four bedrooms baths broadloomed quality burlt never lived in Moonstone area Asking $50900 Call Paul Hort 726 1938 or 726 6I7I No 927 IIJ DUNI at It It Ikl INHI rm It AIIRAliItli Atll ltlAtJt th HII lltllll lt Ill TF Jy27 PETER LUSH ASSOCIATES TI 38 ILLIIIII SIILlllll Til Hill AGENTS OR CAMII AU QUALITY HOMI Bill Robillard 7264744 Dora Barreto 7288927 Joanne Thomson 7287I77 John Thomson 7287T 77 TF grmstrung Residential Farms Acreages IOIEIT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER PRQESEILFQEEME musrm RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR CONVERTED BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE beside Mad River in Mulrnur Hills apprOx 20 miles from Barrie Excellent workmanship throughout Huge LR Dr kitchen large bedrooms with lots at room lor 3rd washrooms lull high basement garage acre at land bordered by maples Only $44900 Anxious and looking tor otters Jerry McNabb 7284401 HORSE FARM room home large born on acres large 40 pine trees Complete privacy $74500 Don Allan 4B7 24l2 JUST REDUCED TO $29900 Must sell Bright bedroom brick bungalow includes utility room and extra large lot 220 lrontage with lot at room for gardening Only $3000 down Monthly paymen ts lrss than $300 Call Sue Drennan 737 0437 NEW LISTING Queens Park area storey self contained brick duplex lose to hospital One hr and one br apt Good firian cing Kindly call Ruth Gibbons 728 I409 NEW LISTING East End level brick bark split family kitrlien overlooks lamin room with walkout to patio bedronrns baths vendor has moved so possession is immediate Call me lor more details Helen Burns 7262386 BARRIE SOUTH bedroom brick bungalow linisheil rec room and bar Extra large 75 200 lot This cozy home is priced to sell in the low $405 Call Helen Burns 726 2386 COUNTRY HOME MILES WEST OF BARRIE Modern bedroom brick bungalow with lull basement rec room and bar baths situated on acres on Can Essa Twsp To view all Sue Drennon 7370437 MODERN BUNGALOW EAST OF ALLISTON Tastelully decorated bedroom custom built bungalow tinislierl rer room patio garage beautilully landscaped with planter at tront 0t house Situated on Boyne River To view all Sun Drenrian 737 0437 finished Jy27 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 73721 OI Complete Realtor Service OLE REALTOR JOHN COLE 72880 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF NEW LISTING Large I800 sq It bungalow with double car garage family room with patio door broodloom throughout priced at $62500 and vendor will hold st mortgage NEWTON STREET bedroom brick bungalow with full basement priced to sell at $42700 with financing available BEDROOM storey home situated on large lot 66 I50 swim niing pool tool shed and refrigerator remains Vendor anxious to sell LOW DOWN PAYMENT will buy this bedroom house close to General Electric and on the bus route Vendor will hold Isl moi tgage Jy2227 PROVIDING COMPL ETF PERSONAL IIED REAL ESTATE SERVICE 1269200 180 DUNLOP ST BARRIE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES BITE Ilenva no Simcoe St AT FRED BRANT SQUARE Barrie 737 3711 MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere mi all homes rittdgrs limits VdLrIllOTl and TITTTTTIIJII properties MORTGAGES Tlr imsnlirtult trtits low monthly payments Haul IIIITITUVTTTTITIIu tiny wurttiy rrmsiirr In gray iitl riiistrrii ur rrrntiiririq riiiirtqrirri imtrui trim UIHI trri rIlIVItt try us Efï¬e Wr tiivr Itrllly iIstr Tu Illtl tmcr ITIIITYLJJTTI Tony Pomeroy 7266964 MOITIII Altseirner 728 I762 1ny V090 4562544 Allan Thompson 7284024 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 gm Arrytrrrrr l9UNLPST IA Thomas Broler 728 7994 Davd W9°Y 7763 BARHIE ohminto 24 HO T653 Grace Brolley 7282994 Paul DUmDUlI 726 0981 phone SelvCg 3m 3421 Bradley wons 7287209 CRA SRA 7370731 Member Ontario Mart Brokers Assui Ernest Watts 7787209 Wayne Dobson 3222838 NORMAN MOBIL HOMES 68 AND TRAILERS DUNLOP 7283293 EAST RUSSELL CHURCH REALTOR MobilidHomes Hours Weekdays I09 Saturdays to pans and service Head UIIICB Toronto WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawtord ExcluSIve Dealer For 95 NHA LDANS 39le And Glendale Firstmortgagestrom llzo Modular Homes 87 5955 Pflm shesweu 7282930 Second mortgages from IT °o Ph Franchone 723 2619 Roger shalswe 877920 Nortblandars Resrdential Commerr val tn oowd Shesw 87 5560 Royph who 873609 Travel Trailers dustrial Cottages Farms Jim Cross 726 2I59 COSOIT Glï¬netto Apartments Hotels Con Cygnet dominiums Builder Loans gt Terms Up To l5 Years Land Mortgage Canstructron Highway II Sauth Busmess Loans 332113 EIE 79 BAYFIELD ST mm PHONE 7261405 more Mucrim LISTING scaerc APPRAISALS MORTGAGES resins OPPORTUNITY NOTCE FOR LEASE Rcsaum am am cm Hrgtws II haltwdt Dvwmr Bu zurrr Barrp Ownr waving grooms Tm or 11mm uooc mix pttri pnone 716 Elm TF WW InaI 3W an 0w WOT EXCEPTONA 18 or On SICtDS sts riI tar wur Hin gt Or tanfl Fukr mm TtttjrtxyTLIf 90 In WODdW 0W COMPARE our rahs Frs second nephew Bocodnmp Dir wlt hr in armrs third mortgages appraisers Gerry WOODWORKING 8w NES an sa pm Compton1r equiDDvx wt to Crartsrvmr COWVHT too3 pr DVDCIULIJ duet warm BushesK Ia going orncrr re 30 IVl Oraurs am rm IIr Elsi portumty tor smiea worker to wk Dusmess tor nlTSLII Asnylu SILT 000 cash Phone 726 I724 noon Saturday no Bunon Ave 728 EltSIIï¬gMOlIgOQOS Purchased IF Unlimited NHA and con ventional loans for mayor R£ NitTi WJOh HONEs rm sat en Hora Lumppr Hairk deveopmenl Plonnng and 0rr saw TyrtgnqurwVCu Li financial analysis assstance deKtVD prowded MOBrL HOME or turner in sirm park 61 ll Lr mw rr8DnOIr OPEN DAILY 728 08301 28 I6 90m t0530prri COUNRY LIVING qua Dark Sout Thursday evenings till Qt Barr New Jres range 500 so mic Redd in mm rv Low flow Saturday by oppomtment Datum watt mortanavs Carl ears vs GE nv WM SUMMERS rta tor Cair Harms trit jrt H1 is 718 QTw Barrie OITICe lwc BENCH LEADER 68H I705737345I OPITVUUIFS ISOOsq rr rQT ripen south pt Boytield St or rm It spare 850 erTT 726 0506 737 l4T4 MORTGAGES nought rtatdIL airon Ontfltlldl Dara was ï¬rm Estatc Broker In 465 Evrï¬ nu EXAMINER MORTGAQEs Isl 1m Iru imugritana WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 27117435131725 RE 737N100 Srvotras 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd and Solo rn IIIAI 7282411 IR TIIT CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT friérrirrffrtrrsirr 1I35I In UNI REAL ESTATE BROKER XII IIAYH III ST IIARRII Photo Multiple Listing Service 72631 BUILDING LOTS Hwy 27 Fergusonvolrs acre $l6000 Lakeslioro er Oro $I3 500 LOVEIY BEDROOM HOME SOUTH OI BARRII Attached garage ITTIlITTtIITTUUgIIOIII Askinq $49000 BEAUTIFUL LAKEIRONI PROPERTY IN WASAGA BTACH bedrooms stonri lirrplcirn Ill living room Murry rxtrii Make III appointment today Asking $82 900 BEDRCOM BUNGALUW Ill Barrie ITlglllvlltgll0l1tllllllllllltMuhltfllltrllll IAKI SIMCOF Nice briglil int QI or sale sandy lrimli berlrnrrrn gnarlnirrrlkilrtirriurir livrnqrrmrn Asking $46900 IN QUIET SIIIING FINLAY ROAU MtrllIirtsl II Iiirlrrrmir brick bungalow lull brisoriirrit will rrmrns throughout Pt cut at $49900 outskirts ol vrllrrqr Ncirtli II IIIIISIHTI bronrllrmrri Jy27 Mary Foster no toll 322 Tll6 Lorry Wood no toll 4873l48 Marg Wood no toll 4873I 48 Bob Saunders 7263883 Esther Kennedy 424 547l Marion Bryk 728 5405 Bill Stewart 728 I53 Ross Batstone 726 3043 Leo Covanaugh 728 I207 TF 55 Collier St Pb 737 1771 Tor Line 360 8808 OUR mt UNI Mortgages Appraisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS $39900 Antreri Mills newly rvnrrvotml fl borlrrmrri bungalow on well trend lat financing to suit $39900 New bedroom split entry bungalows iri lnrilslll Hurry Cull Al Bram ark for further intorrriotion on either it the above ads at 737 l7l It 716 7949 Iv222627 MORTGAGES MORTGAGES MORTGAGE SERVICES 5Q RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL flrririq Brut inunlilr tillt Irritrirrlirilr litllllllllltrlll IUIIITIIlt 74 lir rr IIIy COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRII ANT AREA 44m BARRIEI Hm Irm IOWIIITU It It COI II gtl HARP MIKI WOI Hill First and Serorul MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates RENTALS APTS TO RENT Existing MOIQOQ WELLINGTON PLACE Purchased One two and three bedroom 05 apartments to rent Mortgage Life lnsururir Chlldmn we 0mg Available Leasr and reference rrrqurrert FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I2l BAYIIILL ST 7267 30 Oflice Hours Hi by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 126 382 or 726 7I53 anytime IF 9p in Ill Irrri4Vliririir ll yr uri IIITII in Ill Irlttrlrfll tlltlll rrlllrjtorlllpljlr Brokers Assor iatmri lltIIllattillil IllAlI TIMI IIA III IN Ill llNl ti wl III llilru KINZIE any wry llrtqulrIlvrr liirrIrlr LIMIED liikrrr irtyri Arty xlIMII Mr Il Ipil WE HAVE funds immediately available With LOTTIDGIIIIVG rates It ot interest prompt corn mitmerits and rarnplete run fidentiality for first second and win rrrr third mortgages tr 47 ALL TYPES at property residen ivr tial OTTTTYIGTCIOIOTILI10Otlollul rl WE ALSO buy EXISIITIQ rnor mu tgogesforcosh In MN OUR ADVICE IS FREE Iwlrt mu Irw let Jun COIIIAN KERR 11 Bus 737 I881 HOME 487 5385 Huh KINZIE LIMITED I07 Dunlop St East BARRIE ir Member Ontario Mortgage 8rokars Association tr Ii 11 ya Int Imus LU APTS TO RENT in 4hr KANEFF it APARTMENT HOMES Barer Ernest am 4rr IMPERIAL rowers 726 9580 CEDARWOODCOURT 726499I 1035 Adults TF 500 PBEFWLzm or 3r rf has rv run my VQppnt Ava dtn rVrV 1h If App $7 bur mo 7262551 Juan tr Si or 3Liiriinrr BELROUM dam Jrrurn arr 717 084 ab entrdr arm Am vs 1Hme $2303 C4 Io4¢L am all BEDROOM arrartrr Li nod OWL park Rimnu ma rrrirJ THE hly Dgtu5 rrcrr Aw 4rm August TOILDTIOIM Melt ONE BEDRDLM ratngyrgtm rnal lion chisi marrm urr via Lt mm opnq EXAMINER 310 lrl it Tiltpaint316700th £256 ONE 72894 IITZOIIWLII