uu4¢at New gt avpuma tum 54 xi no an rap ulne barrio examiner iuesda Jul 27 W76 Astro OUR BOARDING HOUSE WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD ANT ASKN WATCH YOUR WERE Answer to Prevtous Puzzle FOR AJF0T TONGUEOFFILER KNOWN A9 OIdfflOhIOIIOd loglc works Hodgepodge OB 4E5 BUT THié IE AND MY MY FELLOW 35 35 ii lllfdl mm nu Dunno Bmm Bade ow yous second COLLEAGUES ArtesioANs NORTH 27 iconoclast who violated that 093 tt tiling Ely mm For Wednouda 20 107 GGEï¬TES N0 RE INVITE 47 rule Hence when West show Mnscultne 37 lalltnloqtctll ggk slatJ Iroouro COFFtEHéAT £A2Â¥LN€To 10 ï¬t out on the second club lead 38 Ella ARIES March 21Aprll 19 004 83 marked With 4444 now agséotto Long shots are not kely pay 10 distribution 13 Evade all Serpent lia BAltltlE CABLE 22 GLOBAL all today but hard work will WEsT EAST contract declarer would S°I°umnd 44 WW Bank on the museas you TURF or 1M 5MlTH£tONlAN 93 88 robably make the some play M0 Cmd mm mum magnum arm not the spots on the dice tSVElOTm xi N9TTUl ON ut it would not be sure 16 Sillyme my M405 my nulei 5659mm flooymt pï¬tRttllm TAURUS April 20May 20 THE ARMV $4 Q10 mm Players don 17 Naw Unclowd Mistralnod 29 the gotta by MO Schools ZIZCLWOU You tend to overindulge those pQOViN always lead their longest suit Wm 53 3M mt monoi 37 Dmtntm 9Unlversltv ofthealr 4CBS News Programming YOU love today This could be rRWU For SOUTH mm OVUIM New mm mum 38 sum Flï¬htensteln ms IOJO mistake that wont help on one 10 39 90 IFFrlendeam rs coursos motsture BIDIIILHI name 40 Russian HlohRO ll the Ian run 7Vwmdow°n The NM Dreswp lmnsmlt Dow 70 Flilrttltet storehouse Howe 560mm Fargo xmmmkm GEMmI May ï¬dunnowm Ag We continue to et questions it Emmott at Altitudas trml till it If Ilill gigotFor WomenOnly 2Dtnan NWhemOmomne may be tempted today to lloth vulnerable about Whether 0m only 30 ml WW lcvmltInt 43 Ngttyrlenrljlj gt esame milm llllllt tillvus Melclt air con Playhouse 133101th Street cmbclllsh the lacts bit rathe coum be by dedarer oru nlmgnn Femaloymentplle 9To$ontgtgggs Smart ht than to tell it like it is No one West North East South answer is that if 14 Polvncstm 7700 ms Kaggens Yexm wtll believe your tall tales defender hows honors his Side filthle luullmntlum tum WM My tit llml toil gaggaAM 3ggggaar andMusc lldgauoplngcowmm CANCER June 21July 22 1883 NJ Pass Pass gets credlt or Illlt DIEI iiit ll Milt PI ifllillltllf 27 $23118 metalln ngnooroo 930T 27 Hollywood Squares Youll Wind up disappointed to Sass defarerdllzlds hmors his sd JV FWW tnmmum 49 imclltti no ow Voting and Wm day it y0u expect too much pcninfl load Re We WW MliAWF lw xmspecmpla jï¬kofgglghk seslflsa irom friends Dont put them on WW aimRocketshipr town 1°$ZUAXOV the spot by being overly swaldsl Jam Why Pricelsquht rlemaridn ll isomeric PhlDonahueShow 351 LEO Jlg 23 hTzday hand typical uy ug 22 your ands shown in theauction WI EVENING impulsive generosity could ridge columns and books of 600 pop FtnmEdnmn cause you remorse later on 50 or 60 ears th bd 74 iil2 News xxt0iympicoamos VXXIOI is 81 EM Emuon Hogans Homes my Svoruflrlwlrty Sggrxs Np wrt llllllnllts you can at one notrump and everyone Hours mo NiqmFlnm 0rd got what you think Is ex would pass since in auction lCtQ 630 am on 21233212220 ll3wws you got credit for all over lllGll RIVER Alta UP 279 News llCannon rm VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 tricks below the line Green Valley Food Processors Trulllor 900 Movie in 5a Usually youro aware ol details West would open the three W03 Cimilduys Sl SHHCK Conscquenccs PoltceWomon Hnwk Tnda pm 6mm MA 50 you see on the big of Spades and the defense food pltx essing plant IH ready l2 RicorocHnmilton 990HnnqctJMnn Movtc Quccnol mt ReCheCk Hams and would gather in four spade rbaiulvsmhWmtsasuenm Plrntosl oot 700 Pliot$iic By Sid moo tans Ea woum 8mm mm istiwlï¬ï¬‚dffli ii Sl32°$plt XXI omnrm BRA Sarn 230ct 23 To the 10 diamonds the blindtill tiittttfttlgily 35 5mm toyoo ï¬lLLgn dy 15 gamu as comd By Polly Cramer fourth Spade and we woud somconc llisyto lgkpthpln news Clly oiAnulils 27 Movtc Tho Sltcl use lead diamond More than llilliorr in onoymooncrs Swll Cl To Tell Tthrutll 22 New 1205 PrOblem south would take ms or snack mils SCmSmlNd N01 New0riyintll Marcuchle GrnndCircuithck SCORPIO OCL 24N0v 22 dlamonds and caSh our Ch th Anwricu very and ll glorlllfï¬womon 1033 1235 Be watchful today that youjre DEAR POLLY How can remove the odor of dog Ms West would discard most of it consumed ltlolsim mo limo tr mamgmqmow not careless or wasteful wrth urine from my polyester rug Thc rug is only three three diamonds ported he said So we llavc xx owmm GM DPMY Gum mo llllllfzjs thatt belongf to others it years old and do not want to have to replace it Thanks Now South would cash his ace to fight back with our produc ntkiitlvlltaltï¬Worid I1361579ll l2 News TMoxï¬rroylA BOUND L0 005 V0 9nd5hlp for the many helpful hints SONJA and queen of hearts and Slllkts shares Latc Edlllon Llfcl SAGlTTARIUS Nov 23Dec DEAR SONJA The National IMNWW null CNm 9339 for wears jaCk in prmuw umulm It Mlsscs XXI Olympic Games TthithSmlkoi 21 Usually youre latrly lucky lng suggests covering such it damp spot with table salt Order to 800 16 trleS arid mod and law hdl glcilrglgzmlbltles gan prlvmlw 31233333 person but today youd better as much as onehalf inch thick Leave on until spot ls Win the rubber by Pmlmwmfll Stillfslmn will til 800 Johnny Carson 110 rely 153m on Your abilities throuuhly dry perhaps day or two and then swccp up The aumor WOUId explain 080M formmmwpone logs MtlviilOn MorvGrlflln Movie Dame Fortunes lickie lady salt and stain The odor should itth with it the that the finesse was sure 1mcmmmmmMH TlchenrtolnMnnl CAPRCORN 5m 22Jn vacuum is used to pick up the salt empty hag im thing If West had helda five lc lliiiii no mm WEDNDESDAV AFTERNOON 19 In an attempt to tmpress mediater and wipe off any parts that have bccn touched card diamond suit he Would my 30 mo mull lllflh Funpacmv NguzleEWsul JQJOMMhGan others today you may take on by the salt POLLY have opened it In aUCtion you gaty will employ six flStlllH it Movlgcroam mo MMYGWS protects beyond your DEAR POLLY My Pct lccvc conccrns the int led Your IOHEGSt 383 initially possibly incrcttsitlg to itzmmzg 23 Unsolooyurrntilycs 470°Conttnrtmtrrtom capabilities You have nothing possibility of buying discontinued patterns havc been Olrump W09 betme any 12by yltllthtmi SumlnlerOlnh Games Movwmdp 07 bi embarrassment told the stores have ten days to discard or dcstroy them it msfloryaoboys ow 2232 turns gums AQUARUS JaL 20Fb 19 but do not see why such patterns could not be put in mo Jéngnmson Show Llrfglsvagmn you nkeafyertodnydoiont box and sold as discontinued pattcrns for discount LANLPJS lingo 200 Trotrblcwilb your own rather than on the ad price during this ten days period Many people could use spawn 27 éfjgg1vdl3iliiIinc lgmmml vmc casual acquaintances them for their original purpose and others would like to Elttlltlitlnrrow 2730320000 Pyramid Tito Restlcss Loud 005 you bulggzegrzgï¬ieyas plaCking or wrapping palm KAY 430 need three odd si7e throw ru sf AllM llltrll wrut Ti Ill Flnlsltoncls Goolllrstlurtl PlSCES Feb 20March 20 our motorhome entrance and aISle bUl COUId 01 ind Mnwwty new Linkmmmk tan whit others today but the right Sizes and colors bought one of those rubber VERQ CONCEPNED ABOUT THE l155 427 ouiuinrrLiultt Michoutilnv dont short y0ursell for backed washable thro it rtlnfllnckWorltl oneLHpoLin it Dinah mwdlnlq who dontt reqny discount St 0a th gm Isa re feet at cws 300 500 lt ore ac rcw wit ctpen thc l00 72 C1n1tli1n Ironsitlt 49er ll Th9 wouldnt do It ex ï¬r actsz ï¬r ulaoonno Cavalcade 27 ThatGirl lOt you the lideSdneededdbefore domg any cutting They were cr Foilfflllmllon 79 Another World 510 own an trimmed around the corners and may glglmcs lnTwanniy LOVCMWMH You notches were made for an exact fit We can shake or Wk 1er tyrtrhum vacuum our new rugs while camping and then easily mnpmmmmm Jokmwnd launder them when we get home The leftover pieces went into drawers and cu boards as dd mom Militia Sm road rattles Jul 281976 of NW8 mgwgsl Thousand grammar Gatitcs After ten years of hard wear and tear our camper domnolinitioil wwkï¬mnmn Lmy WWW Show miizgrtlllllrtllltlmlshew515 SCSISbfg drgwersicupWard and refrigerator doors were chippod lc curl 12 NititltFirml an ce In 19 nowt anhtppnrtho was to you this year However you Sta de bougth my CIOth backed Vinyl and yoummnm mm mm News haw Wndmcy to coas You lglun an hcméelre em all to match our other 900 45 ecor emove an es ut drawer or dooru RTE ingrxlrww it flinmrtlattdï¬on MovinlOulnlSiqnll Jigilgï¬ake oi them what on the Cloth side of the Vpinyl and draw arounlzjgigow1€x2 ovrc Nrl Htwc 50 All orttt Pooplt l7 Moyto ThtSpnilorg nagkltllg pen Cut one inch larger than drawn fold vinyl AN OFFlCE DOOL Gone 00 8C Imeumrmnm Ho 35 IonW NSPIREDMANY GI 00d and staple pleating neatly at the cor txa flows ChmaMm Gm PWTOU cm Hers lacuilms used on the refrigerator and freezer ï¬n Olllvlllnonlfft lotoo OOPS Triton TllcTrutli NBC Nuwg 5mm 112 Deep lhomas MCCUllOCh an also cuat an pver the edges we II ttrltu5lul BlutKniuht Six spiration to all Nova Scotians with dec all pmka shears and ll gmstoma tgozrMCHLUHWM was preacher who chopped tr ora iyje 113 stery tacks staggered we 5mm SW no Ims his own wood taught school in lmme aroun oors and wmdows to hide any pccl Miss Sporlsbont Movic Paris Blucsi l0 cabin and was doctor to the Ins and weathered marks from old leaks our Cam or HtuhRolllIrs xxmwnwmnm 23206 vas 300T 51th He founded pmtou now asa right custommade look that we can be proud ii 27 BcvcrltyHillbillics My GUM Masï¬fï¬fgffn Academy and later became the to Show Camp grounds BELVA rx avwcmuomtmo am 20 mm om first president of Dalhousie Col DEAR POLLY may be only twelve years old but LnttEdifton Slarsk llH lrl 31 xxmtympmoamos xx otympo 0mm MW mufmrj 00 kit 30 Illtplgfrsrlltiye Today haye great way to fold fitted sheets It is easy if you LS0 30 Goltlancsl DH one end overa chair and then fold the other end over oustwt pmlll Johnny Carson 215 lntlllunlcnl the Ian Who lnn the same Chair Take 0f and regular gt AM Gtl Ficrnvl Eatmtunn mmtutmtrs Nuns dtdinNova Scotiain1803 sheep It should be Stralghtv GA1L Forward my weekly allowance Disneyworldl wm THE DOCTOR SAYS NlCEleEE JUST BESOClA LE IM NOTVERY lnlll tle at JLN IN AND NEW ACE ItLL TAKEonaN 500° Do NitRE NA 7VAgt 90 BOD AT DART FOR YOU GET PRACTISES at JEl Dr HAL5N5 HANDED mum Es my 35 MAPS1 gm warmth PAF ME PRACTICE thTE LITE Mt WHEN it iifi WeeAH cl woman ritr itrint our it was m1 one By ti lllSllStiN MD the body surfacci The con llcnr Ilr Tllostcsoli nm trusting coolcr air it tlic skill writing this for my mother surfucccxaggcratcs tlic suddcn chcn months ago shc had at tcclingorwarmth sunk 51 llol3tfll It is not clcill to mc wlictlicr tfl you arc asking about tlic aver Hum5 THAT QQ ml ugcduriition of each indiVidlial ï¬qEQCfi 5ng ollltl slic tontinllcd after shc ash or 10mm mnmhS Dr mm hmno years for thc flashes in pcrstsl WINTIIROP ANDY CAPP was 42$ MEEE l3 Shc ciimc buck just wonder fully lti onc month aftcr sbc conic liumc shc was getting feeling back in her right lcg and by Christmas she was walking and talking very well Her thcru stopped ill lunuury an shc was on her own itftcr that Now shc can usc An individual flash can last alnywhcrc from it few seconds to fivc or it lniliutcs Its hard to figurc an avcragc bcciiusc tlic flzisllcs loud to diminish iii lrcqticncy and duration as tlic body adjusts to tltc lowcr lior monc lcvcls lwo ycnrs is con SHORT RIBS BORN lOSER her right arm fairly well and is Sldtrtd bill iVWiltJ t0 sulrungtuuseherrighthand duration of lilciiopziusc symp Mayra ANN snatch By gr 5mm Jr we an rm proud of her turns if symptoms ptlSlSl it dVE ArvinQM trinity v13 wt for shc has done just great wc much longer than that it is to oV Vt no sums AN FOUND sus ms utnfkf tv ShfPIPY lt HAPPINH think Sht was 68 when she had liinc to scorch for othcr causcs thSllilk ou ucrc lsc to discontintlc Never Miss Call Will sllc gain full strcngtli back in her arm and hand We till want to know would likc to rend your booklct on strokc How can pct it hits You all how real rcason to be proud of your mothcl our lettcl is tllc kind like to print occasionally to Show how early treultiicnt and ptlSlsttttcc can pay rich dividends for stroke victims It is linposstblc to say from this distance whctllcr your mother wrll gain full strength back Her strch tip pears to have been on the mild side llh only th weeks hospitalization hope you will read her this It should make her as proud as herlamily Dear Dr Thostcson on coming menopause what is the average length of time tor hot flashes had these symptoms thc hormones sincc you tippur cntly wcrc alllc to wcntltcr thc storm tithout tlicni doubt that your smglc ycck of hor mollt therapy at the beginning had anything to do With lllt lcngth of time you liltd your symptoms Hurinonc liccds vary among wonlcn For sonic ll caln bc lion cficial but morc and murc pby SltlllllS arc plcsciibing ll only ill scycrc cuscs Ilcar llr Thosttson have taken digitalis and digtmn for almost 25 years What is thcdif fercncc between the two 1S Digitalis is the powdered leaf of the plant of the same name Digoxin is more con centratcd form of the drug more purified Version of the ac tlvc ingredient Thus it is faster IllVli PHILIPSCODEAPHONE on itelephoneonswermgJewel Whitfield ouirltrms Pick Up Messages from any phone Remote and Nonremote 29 DUNLOP BARRlE 737 O0l WIZARD 0F ID from all 51 to ho 52 Did acting Also it can bc given in m°3l5 3° waynammnfl Al more precise doses Both are 774 Long YOU PUCIEH or b0 113 generic tnonlrudt namci Al wetle EEEN tORsN VETERINARIAN FIR OF edo aingcmtm drugs and both have the same EENJAL goo Htp tailgwithetchlemegirslnM bs°rghea0 QR irf ALL DoToR rt Dc You BELIEVE IN The hot flash is caused by Confidential To the sudden change in cir SBllYes your heavy cof culation due to the general feedrinkingcould beafactorin decrease in gland ovariani your urinary dribbling function at this time The result Eliminating it would certainly is an instability that allows be worth try urologist is blood to flood into the tiny the kind of specialist you should capillaries tthg blood vessels at look for rDUcL ET EllN uSED TO THE HEIGHT BUGS BHNNY FRANK ERNEST