Elia flame Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Boyflold Street Barrio Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Honshow Managing Editor 4Tho Barrie Examiner Monday July 26 l97ï¬ COOperation is vital in battling inflation Criticisn of the Overnments price and wage contro seems to be gaining momentum in some circles But even granting that much of this faultfinding not without reason it would be regretable for thegreat maority of people if this major step ta en to contain inflation were abandoned Inflation and cost of living would be soaring even more than it has been in the past 12 or 15 months All levels of government from federal down to the municipal scene could give material hel to the cause if ey would cutbac on unnecessary spending and du Iica tions rather than compete for raw ing ever increasing amounts of the hard earned taxpayers dollars It has been painted out repeated there is too much duplication with federal and Ontario governments both havin ministries involved in labor heal social security en vironment consumer protection natural resources and business re ulation he growing bureaucracy and mounting taxation of recent years have added to difficulties of business and industry as well as people generally the moment property taxes have been receiving attention but heav income levies also are con stant in mind Not all of the latter goes to the federal government which collects the money The On tario governmenet receives 234 per cent of all income taxes collected and has made proposals which it was estimated would increase this percentage to whopping 387 per cent In the battle against inflation the federal antiinflation board has fre quently been the target for criticism The chairman Jean Luc Pepin says critics of wage and price controls are undermining the whole battle Some might recall that majority of the members of Parliament han dicapped the battle from the start by voting themselves healthy raises before implementing the controls Other critics have cited cases where increases have been allowed to cer tain favored groups some in government jobs out of line with the index figures majority of Canadians whose in come has not been keeping with the minimum guidelines can ardly be blamed for feeling skeptical at times particularly en they have to cope with prices and costs which have been soaring well above these levels Housing costs is one of the most glaring examples of sharp price rises but there are others which readers have oken about It should not ave to be constantly stressed that general coOperation is essential to make the program of fective The leadership shOuId be coming from the top to be supported all the way down the line for the best results Its challenge which shOuldnt be disregarded DOWN MEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner July 26 less Town council adopts motion to have committee of chairmen look into advantages of obtaining services of trained town manager Motion moved by Aid VS Hamny and AS Morrow Summer prom concert at Barrie Arena crowded with talent es edially that of trumpeter Rafae Mendez Eight persons who set out in two boats rom Collingwood Yacht Club miss ing in Georgian Bay KE Cooper one of 55 mem ers of RCAF Training Command Band back in Canada after tour of Western Europe Son of Mr and YOUR BUSINESS Gold market is struck by yet another panic Mrs Harold Cooper of Barrie Rocky Marciano visits the area to attend training camps of James Parker and Archie Moore who square off tonight at Maple Leaf Ball Park in lSround heavyweight match Mike Browning ace hurler for Ivy humbles former mates with nohitter in 20 victory over Barrie Flyers at Agricultural Park Peter Alexander Mills who joined the Barrie law firm of Stewart Esten and McTurk in one was among those called to the bar having taken this training at Osgoo Hall One of five graduates awarded gold keys for contributing to student life at the special school By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service kind of panic seems to grip the world market in gold once year The recent 1976 panic drove the price of gold as set by bull ion dealers iii the City of Lon don down to twoyear low of Sim iUS an ounce The loss of SN in three days under severe selling pressure has made mincemeat out of the ex rt theories that indus tria demand would keep the price close to $130 and that the central banks of the world WWWV Uhr Carri fxaminrr to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Ielephonem Registration Number om Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundavs and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier as cents weekly 420 Single copies 15 cents it Barrie 8441 yearly Simcoe County 8400 yearly Balance of Canada assoc your National Advertising Off ices Queen St West Tuonto Hlto HOCsthcart St Mon troal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clmlvely entitled to the me for republication of all news dis tches in this paper todtoitorTheAssocitod mm register 61 would keep the price up in order to rotect the value of their own bu lion holdings It was the central banks themselves acting through the Washingtonbased In ternational Monetary Fund ilMFi that he to bring about the nic wig The IM announ last Sep temberwhen gold was trading at more than Simthat it would sell 25 million ounces over fouryear period with the proceeds to be used ultimately to help developing countries The first IMF auction on June produced price of $126 At the second auction July 14 the price fell to $12205 The third auction is scheduled for Sept 15 MINES CLOSING But Canadian goldmining executives are urging the federal government to use its influence at the IMF to bring about halt in the planned auc tions Some Canadian Id mines have stopped uction at ready and others may have to close because the price at which they can sell gold has fallen below their production costs Do the Toronto Stock Ex change share prices of leading Canadian gold ucers have dropped as as as per cent from their 1974 highs Dome Mines Ltd the most widel fol lowed gold issue has dec mad 61 percent in those twoyoais The im on South Africa which with the Soviet Union isoneofthettlxob gold pmdmers in wor has been much more severe The Londonl Financul Times index of South African gold mining stocks has glunged cpercentjmtsincc ayof this year and 74 per cent from its record high of April1974 VICIOUS CIRCLE Both South Africa and the So viet Union have unintentionally contributed to the downward on gold prices Apart from its gold industry South Africa has weak unba lanced economy which ac counts for its huge chronic defi cit on international trade As the price of gold declines South Africa must sell more gold to correct its pavments deficitand those sales of course put increasing pressure on gold prices The Soviet Union too has been forced by the imperatives of foreign trade to sell more gold than usual In its case the recipitating factor is the need or hard curv rencies to pay for the heavy volume of United States wheat it has had to import because of Soviet croo failures OUTLOOK FOR GOLD Neither South Africa nor the SOViet Union would win any popularity contzsts on the inter national scene Their goldin spired discomfiture is no doubt being relished in most other parts of the world It would be flying in the face of history however to suggest that the current weakness means that gold is finished naievertne iorces 0t specu lation may do to its market price it remains store of value that cannot be reproduced on the printing press FEAR NOT THE BEST BRAiNs THE CABINET ARE NEGOTiATlNG REPLACEMENT PARLIAMENT HILL Purchase of the new airplane such emotion Ry SIRWARI MuclJJOI Ottawa Ruriau Thomson News Service never thought the purchasi of military airplane could be an emotional experience but after watching Defence Minister James Richardson describe the new Aurora can hardly wait for more new tanks and warships to be announced He was explaining why the name Aurora was selected to replace rion which replaced the original Electra etc We have named it Aurora after the northern lights dis tinctivc feature of the Canadian North In mythology Aurora is the goddess ol the dawn and is said to sci out licforc ihc sun For this reason also Aurora is an appropriati name for an air craft that patrols liclori thi dawn as well as in lhc daylight hours likc to iliink that Aurora will reflect not only the down of it new era in our long rnngc pa trol cn ialiility but also thi dawn oiI series of major ac quisitions bclicVi that iututc years all Canadians and particularly members oi the Canadian Ar mcd liorccs will be proud and reassured to know that thc Aurora the best long rangi pn trol aircraft Ill ihc world Will Assassmation of diplomats does not help their causes By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The fifth World diplomat to be murdered this year was killed by land mine near the British Embassy in Dublin The victims were Christopher EwartBiggs newlyappointed British ambassador to the Re public of Ireland popular competent career diplomat and private secretarv Along with him the most sen ior British government official in that governments Northern Ireland office and the ambassa dors chauffeur were severely Wounded Its only weeks since the new ambassador to Lebanon the late Francis Meloy Jr also was murdered in Beirut street and like EwartBiggs within weeks of taking up his new appomtmcnt Two others come to mind both American diplomat shot in Athens at Thristmasetime and an honorary American con sul kidnapped and then mur dered by the vicious Monte neros Argentinas and probablv Latin Americas QUEENS PARK Ministry got its start as parttime show nos viiinits Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Yesterday in talkin about the vital problem of cuig spending men For goodness sake MotherIm perfectly capable of jumping off the ledge myself tinned marginal spending and the difficulties there are in knocking it back or eliminating it The example gave was that of small park program In To route which had been approved at cost of 845 million Another example which shows how these programs flow and the difficulties in cur tailing them is to be found here in the ministry of culture and recreation The seed for this ministry was planted some 10 years or so ago when the education do partment with Bill Davis as minister gave birth to the On tario Arts Councu The concept was to centralize grants which various arms of government had been givmg to some major theatre music and ballet groups and to give some assistance to the arts generally It started with parttime secretary and budget of 3500000 Except for the major youps which had been getting grants the Stratford ShakeL lll guarding the sen approaches totnnndn Ah yes it was movoig mo mcnt And at time like this it is almost indcccnl to talk about momy STILL liXIICNSIVIi Rut all the patriotic poetry ill thc world cant covcr the fact that we now urc commitlcd to spend $le on bchnlf of each man woman and child in fan ado tor the purchasi of its pro pclloi drivcn airplzincs that were iiisigned more than 20 years ago Icrhups they are lht bcst III the world for sea patrols and pcrhups as Mr Richardson suggests anudinns will be vir tually smiling in their sleep toughest urban movement Soon it Will have to occur to the IRA ProVisionals Latin Americas guerrillas PLO and the rest that their cause is in no way supported or encour aged by their assassination of world diplomats RESISTANCE RESLITS Rather these acts of terror against official representatives often sympathetic to negotiating formulae in CIISIS areas arouse world revulsion and determination to be more restsiani than before to the lemands of extremist groups guerrilla spearean Festival for one the concept of assistance to the arts generally was to make profes Sional adrice and instniction available Within year however the councd was off the ground and flying It had fulltime staff elabo rate quarters III prime space on Bloor Street and had started parcelhng out grants here and thereand eventually every where This vear the ministry of col ture will spend around $150 mil lion and the arts council will probably dish out about third of this This of course IS marginal spending To say so is to invue brick bats from various sections of the community and to be cate gorized as an ignorant red neck The cries would be shrill that culture contributes to society and that as modern and preo perous province Ontario should encourage it salc III the knowledgc that on Aurora lb mmcwhcre off the coast But am still not sure feel us proud and reassured as the minister docs At time when submarines nrc being tlnckcd by satellites think we are entitled to have some rcscrvations about this enormous financial outlay for lti airplanes that wont be rcady until ism And the more hear about it the more wonder whether perhaps we got carried away on this electronic kick am getting confused by all this talk of electronic cams tcrs that can be fitted to the plane At first it was okay be cause the defence people talked Ihc IRA killing of ambassa dor Ewart Riggs had all the signs of the same type of asses sination carried out against Spains late premier Admiral Carrero Blanco in 1973 land mine had been placed in txnsition With set time for its detonation In both murders the car and contents were rave aged more severely than when the car itself was rigged for de struction It appears the IRA Provtsionv als were out to kill the current British Under Secretary for Northern Ireland who was only in the car and not necessarily the ambassador the one who was killed Whatever the strategy and whatever the purpose intended the cause of republicans in Nora them Ireland will receive bar dcning of heart in London where the final decmon about Llster is still to be made and reduction if there are any left of wellwtshers about LIsters lot The world diplomatic corps now has become an endangered spectes in time of escalating terrorism Growing number of areas in the world show that Civil strife is out of control Lebanon hav ing jomed Northern Ireland in intensny and some very un stable Latin American nations like Argentine continuing in their traditional pattern of sub stantial domestic terrorism It is sad paradox that many of the diplomats murdered over the years have been men pledged to conciliation even with the most extremist groups Such were the late am bassadors Malay and Ewart Riggs not men happen to owe conciliatory men and women in their countrys foreign service who now must be cocomod in their embassies and driven around by chauffeurs who will become specialists in anueter rorist bombing techniques Obnously they wili not have room to manoeuvre or will want toStalemateisgoingtobeour lot snnpi about plane that would look or submarines But now they also talk with ual im plortancr about patrol ing the crib looking out for foreign fishing boats ice surveillance and mineral exploration When he announced the sign ing of the contract Mr Rich ardson added another possible role He said the plane equip pod wtth the proper canister could be used for agricultural land assessment tilINT PLANE In fact the minister ex pressed the hope ihai other govt eminent departments would use the planes at decent ren tal of course for these other purposes Hopefully Mr Richardsons department will exercise some discretion in this rental busmess because there is no way we can give the Russians first class war if all our planes are going to be rcn led out for ice patrols potato patrols oil patrols and beach CANADAS STORY Tories wanted to join US By BOB BOWMAN On July 26 1849 group of powerful Canadian Tories met at Kingston Ont and Signed manifesto advocating that Can ada should jOtn the United States Many of them were Montreal businessmui and one was 1an Abbott who became prime minister in 1891 Ihere was great disoon tent because of the Rebellion Losses Bill and an economic depression caused by Britains adoption of free trade This eliminated the tariff preference Canada had enjoyed in the British market Ithingston meetingwasat tended by Jotm Macdonald who had entered politics only five years prekusly He was already beginning to make his markandhadrisentothcpost dreceiver esters in 1847186 Macdona refused to sign the manifesto and was able to turn the dismal situation into progressive step towards retaining association in the British empire He advocated the formation of British America Lagos that had three objectives Maintaining the connection with Britain to work for confederation of BIBLE THOUGHT ibeooly scanty that will standupisinthesbeltaolflis arms Come out come out whaceveryouarefromyotn ownhidiigplaceoffearand fndst intothehsvuiofm med in the rammed andgofroefm anionassault tbstycmymlyc bsvclovcaoetosulber Jab 118 patrols HoWevcr now that we are getting into the rent opium age perhaps we should con sider expanding the practice For instance we are buying new tanks from the Germans and since we have no one to shoot at right now why shouldnt we get each one equipped With plow cultiva tor and mowing machine For mcrs livtng near military bases could rent tank between wars We would naturally change the name of tthe lmpard tanks to something distinc lively Canadian no not Beaver and we could all go on another emotional binge at the unveiling Just think how proud and reassured we would be knowing that those tanks chur ning through our alder bushes in the dead of night are the best in the world Mwnwhilc still dont think we can afford to spend Si billion on IS patrol planes British North America the adoption of commercial national policy Many of the people who had signed the annexation manifesto realized that they had gone too far and welcomed Mscdonaids proposals as an escape Abbott said years later that he had signed the manifesto in moment of petulancc Annexation sentiment dlit appeared when the British Americana wasformed It was one of the important steps towards Cordederstion in um OTHER JULY EVENTS liSl Iroquou attacked Jean nc Msnce hospital at Montreal tutQuebec Council fixed pricesofcomrnodities nnFrench ship La Seine was captured with Bishop St Valhcronboard tIs7Montcalm and laws defeated British at Lake George usemoisburg surrendered to British after 23day attack imJohn Graves Simone arrived at Niagara to be first liaitensm governor of Upper Canada intFirst Selkirk settlers sailed from Scotland for Red River InsSir Jain Franklins es pedition waslutsecninthcAr ctic irisPrince Edward Island Railwsyopased isleJewish Iiifanuy Com pany wasformed in MantraIto saveintheFirst World War imWanenG Hardingvio nod Vancouver the first us president to visit Canada hiring termofoffice taxEdward VIII Duke of WW unvaled Vimy Me morialinIrancc SJArmistice WWI ended