rlnj ury it Its oiin simulation of back but for the ltI lifeguards entered iii the in farm lool championships next month its deadly serious The guards Mike llirniaii holding the feet IiIileiii Smith the head lloiiiiie Miillin checking the breathing and tteott iiellclte rushing to help piiic tici six nights week at Lions Pool The guards are taking iart iii the Mississauga meet adore the tintario chaniiion ships Aug 19 Ullltt gnarl on the citys team are lracy if at in lianiels and Bruce Ileniiett The victim is Monique adeaii ile aniiiier lhotoi Lifeguards in competition Alter lItftt Weeks of suiiiiui uig taking emergencies and learning first aid si flarin lifeguards tell tliciity this inor lung The tll the citys teaiii ciitcicil III the Mississauga lii itiitioiial lool toiiipctitioii Illlltllltltitl iiiect lot the pro iiiciiil championships Ill August lhis is the second cai llic ci has llllllttl team It pool lifeguard competition and Should iiiipioii its ilisiiiiil shimiiig in last siiiiiiiicis liaiiipioiisliip The team lciidei is lililecii Siiiitli llit Iiiail siiiiiiiiiiiig tII stiiiclor at liioiis lool Miss Smith captain is yiarsold aiiit has worked toi the cili toi years She iiiiisii ltltIltII iiiaioi liig iii pirloriiiacc ocals at the alltiirilslh of Toronto in Other members of the team MIiiili has to have IItItt iiigile zlud three female guards Ill Iitdi Aleona ach idonkey ball Slltltlll Iiiiiislil council uiiieiiibcis have agreed to IIllt ftloiikeys iii August At the iiiiitatioii of the fAlcoiizi tiilitttltlllll pioiiniini tng group council llttI lllltlllt gait stall ill field lciiii lot onkey baseball gaiiic oii iiii rdin tl The game scliediiled for 3130 Lil at Alcnita lleaih itli Ihc liinlstil Lions ltllIlIlt op Ettï¬lllltti llic ltlltt group opes to raise lilttlll for its pro grains see liac lliiiiicls ltt licail Lions lool lifeguard worked four years Willi the city and is taking coiiibiiiiit Bachelor of IIiiication atid IIailicloi of Arts course at lteiil liiiveisity lloiiiiic Miilliii Jnliiisou ltcacli guard second year ttIlt ltl an lll year old trade It stii dent at llasliuu Mike lliiiiiaii ltl liist yeai till the ed and is the assis laiit head guard at Johnson Iiiaili going to Sit Wilfred liiiiici Iltttlgttl taking religionaiiiliiiltuic titoft ttiiillcttc It pail liiiii guard at Lions Pool and lIIIIt council got an IIII deserud compliment this Week Mr ti It Johnston tfia enliurst resident congiatii Iated council on its foresight in not ileiclopiug marina on the Iakeshore lIiit the city Iias marina in full operation The ni tip caiiie Illll Mrs Johnston heard tkllll IItIU announcer cilticile cl council foi not timing marina at nur iits AJIIII front thought how little lie knew of the ensuing iniphca lions inc said referring to the annouucci Mrs Johnston said she think pawn PART IV PICTURE QUIZ liiiiiitiillec lftsiittfl an tt Ham POINTS the ii JT Omens ni av HOW DO YOU RATE 91 to 100 poms TOP SCORE It to 90 points incfloor 71 to 80 points Good 61 to 70 pants Fair 60 Under Hmml FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION bat isiis Oltl opinion tit tlm ttIft suimiodirxg Iamans iiailii ipatiiii iii the Ixilltili lempiis trade it student at IIastvieu and Ilriice Ileiiiietl Ill part time guard at Lioiis Pool and taking his llachelnr of Arts at tniletoiiIliiiviIsity lhe guards Will compete in three events during the day long ioiiipelitioii Willi l1 other teams lliiriiig the guard duty IIItlt WilllicInoeiiiergencysituation simulations and the team be evaluated by panel of liidgis on the aquatic rescues used Also tWo Itieiiibeis of the sis person teaiii Will be picked COMPLIMENT WELL SORT OF lives near the bay in ittntll hiirst which has marina government dock oil slicks noise garbage and boat Works just Viisli the would more the whole thing up the lake Ittte the Ailltt is leipei and with more cur rent she told the public Works committee in lettei Ilig powerful boats she said often pulling Vialei skiers churn up the bays bottom so badly the ualel becomes tilt The dirt and garbage is washed to beaches and ha thers cant get away from it and they cant go into deeper atcr as it isnt safe because of the boats at raiidoii by udges tor ii first aiil casualty test The guards have Iii minutes to treat the in ttttllll person giving tttptl procedure diagnosis ani treat iiieiil The final eVeiit is six person relay race Willi tilt incteis each of carrying passive subject breast stroke head up and the front crawl headiip The Ontario pool champion ships are scheduled for Mississauga Aug if and six guards from llari ie are entered The team Will be Judged on two eiiieigency situations for all Von just cant imagine him suddenly the illll can change into bean green pea soup from shine to shore she said Ihe stench ioiild knock you off oiii feet Mrs Johnston said many residents coucelticed about the real estate alue on their homes because of llie problem She admitted that liia cnliulst is working to clean up the mess but then is still more isork to be done In Barrie she said the most beautiful sight is file inclwit air from youi iateilroiit which reminds Iiei of oiwiihageir YDURWWLII PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ith yourself It ptilltIH for each correct answer iil llii Iiis ItIIll liiiislii Ilt Itll iisigiiatiiiii tin iiiei ll iiiiiiiiieiil Iiis lieiaiisi lit iiiiiiislti IIIiIIIltI illi llii giiiiiiiiiiiiits iiiiliu iiii iiipiiil Inliiigiialisiii lldtl tiii IItllI li lili Iiill liaiii liigiiii liiliii iitliiliiiiii ltll tiiiiiiil Itll it tlt It Ht lll iiiilt iiiit tilt iiuiilniii iii Hillll It itll Riil IA iiig Itlt 14IIIIIII giiilti ll issaiili liaiges iii iliiiiiiitii tapli Ical Ilium tiltiiiiii tllltllt iii lll Idllit lvi llllllltl iil lIiilliiliin iiiial ItllitI isi tlltllllitf iil liiiui lliiiiiiy Iliiiiiii iiiiiistiiaii liirii titliiiiilim isltiiliiii illiiiiiliiii Iiig iigitiilaw Tltilll iiiiali It iiti viiiiai tll lti tt ti7 til iil if hiltif itiv ii lIil iiiisilH IIillIllill It gaiiia iiIi tltiitisl tl tamtiilia Hilliin liiialc lllll iaptiiie the tail llsti known is as tll sidilmis iiii hitting IIlltl Britons and the lltlts lIll allegedly imr iii Itll tt iitetl li llI ii PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS llikc points for each word that you can match iih its correct meaning iiiii tii iii ittilsiiV iiitit Mum shilt twig members ii In sliiits Wittl ltl WWW ii IHJHIi and PART III NAMES IN THE NEWS Take points for names that you can correctly match With the clues tilti Hisstlitllt Mike Lindon Istlth Stiller il Agustinho eio Donald itlli lhh ANS ERS ON PAGE fedeal languages tJfVfVlHnf President Angola Assistant eiietary at State Atteita linister 0t Energy and Natural Resources iirwimissioner Canadian IOUIIIJII edgue VEC inc percent of their mark relay race 25 per cent and first aid 17 per cent Each of the llairie guards has practised six nights week during the last three weeks swniiining hundreds of meters in the pool working on first aid techniques and learning proper rescues and emergency siiiiiila lions The only time the guards can meet to practice is during the early iiioiiiiiig before the pool starts operation and late at night after other swniiniers have left All the guards Will be in troduced to the city council at Mondaysregular meeting Lo al General SAIiIJSlOIIItSiiI sales course for downtown merchants and their staffs Will begin Aug It on the third floor of the Municipal tsaVings and Loan building at luiilop and tweii Owners and iiiiuiagers are to meet at am and iiiiployees at in The tree toiirsessioii course is offered byGeorgianollegeiiiconjiinc tioii With the lioWiitoWii ltii provcineiit lloard ONVUtAIItiN onvocatioii exercises for diploma nursing graduates of Georgian olleges llatrie tirillia and iweii Sound caiii puses Will beheld Saturday at 30 in at rillia ltes bytei ian hinch total of tilt students Will be graduating ll llfl lt MlClCIINti lhe Vespra lownship recrea tion committee Will hold public meeting luesday at it lit at the Midliurst oiii iiiunity entre The township Will present plans for its proposed flood lil ball dianioiid at Midliurst All interested resideiitsarc llllII loatteiid cost Buggies landscape architect is to lower the standards for sciVices Services standards too high he argues The only way to decrease the of housing says loii Mr lliiggles siiid at the public meeting lhursday water and sewer systems usei past are totally unrealistic now in the He said in the 1950s and lfkllis it was possible for municipalities to construct large underground networks of pipes and connections to move watei and sewerage Now he said the city should be investigating new ways of providing services Society Mr ltiiggles said is hung up on the idea that all sanitary sewage should go to the same large treatment plant tillllï¬lf WAYS There are other ways of treating sewage on local basis which is far less costly he ilIttI There are se Ilt ways and aseptic ways oi treating sewage Ihe Ilariie planning hoard held the public meeting to discuss the lit page housing policy statement prepared by the city planning department The recommendations in the report suggest the city use the various provnicial grants available to lower the cost of housing Mr ltiiggles said the proviii clal and federal grants are blatant examples of lack of initiative canseit by socialism think we have to accept the fact tlial Were living in capitalistic free enterprise society he said Its not socialisticsimcty Marshall lreen member of the greater llarrie lliainber of oiiieice said oVer 40 pei cent of the document is devoted to how the city can receive gover ninent grants for housing About paragraph he said is on the high cost of seiVIces and another page and half to the gniiging develoiwrs Willi paragraph on problems caused by the municipal govei iinient think the city should be doing everything it can to con Vince the province to speed up approval of the proposed developments he said And then we should keep careful watch on our own Htlldull Mr lrecii said the best way to lower the cost of housing is careflil waichdogging The city he said should be working Willi the develoiwrs but instead the city has allied itself Willi the proViiice which is givmgouf handouts foi divelopiiieiit lloli ennis housing advisory committee member argued tlial the federal amt provincial grants are part and parcel iif development Ile said it the city does not take advantage of the grants while the are available other municipalities Will Gets 21 days in jail for firing shotgun John Garfield Jones 17 of Angus was sentenced to 21 days iii Ilitll by Judge John Aiijo in provniVial court Thursday Jones had pleaded guilty to two counts of dangerous use of firearm Acorduig to rown attorney John Madden Jones had fired off three shots frotii 12 guage shotgun ltl Angus about Ma 22 line of those shots had smashed the bedroom Window of residence Sometime later that same morning he fired shot into the door of ministry of natural resources building Ontario Provincial Police chased the car he was riding in and Jones fled on foot lie was eventually found hiding uii derneatli ar His lawyer asked Judge Anjo for probation saying the man was on week long riiiik while his parents were away What if there had been so meone in that bedroom said Judge Anjo You must learn that you cant go about wildly shooting off gun As well he prohibited Jones from owning firearm for period of one year Hit man with bat put on probation James Brouillard of Innisfil Township Thursday was sen tenced to three years probation after Judge John Anjo found him gudty of assault causing bodily harm Judge Anjo said normally such an offence would mean jail term but reduced the sentence because of one cir cumstance Brouillard thought his stepdaughter was the Vlfllni of rape William Eves also if Innisfil testified he had spent the night at Brouillards home after Brouillard was married April 1975 Both Brouillard and his new wife had children by prey Vious marriages About 30 Eves offcrd Mrs Brouillards daughter ride to work in Barrie and she accepted Eves said that Since they had some time to spare they parked neara dum on the 12th concession and ha sexual intercourse He said it was totally voluntary on the girls part Eves said he then drove her to the Wayfarer Restaurant which wasnt where she worked and then went to visit friend and finally ended up at his own home about noon BASEBALL BAT About pm Eves said Brouillard come to his house with another man Eves said when he let Brouillard in Brouillard hit him over the head with baseball bat and screamed foul language at him Eves said he fell down and Brouillard hit him around the legs then left Eves was taken to Royal Vic toria Hospital in Barrie then transfered to Wellesley Hospital in Toronto for treat ment of skull fracture He was in hospital for week then spent an additional three weeks off work Mrs Broudlards daughter testified that she did not want to have sexual intercourse With Eves and that after he took her behind the bushes she com lied because she thought her life was in danger Afterward Eves let her off at the Wayfarer and she called her stepfather who picked her up Broudlard testified that he was so enraged when he saw his stepdaughters condition that he deCIded he would repay Eves He said he didnt call the police because he didnt want the 16yearold girl dragged in to court Judge AnJo said that by law there was no reason why the man should not be convicted But he granted the probation in stead of jail term because he felt the man was no danger to society But let me warn you he said if you Violate the terms of your probation and are be fore the court again you will go tojail NORMAN JIIWISON AI ROTARY tLIllI Canadian con ten rules no way to promote talent lanaihaii content regulations are bad way of promoting laiiadlan talent liliii dnecloi Nniman JeWison ultil heri lhinsday Illit thedtiectni ot Itolleibiill IIlltlllt on the ltont and otlici major films tiiIItI tax on liliii profits iiiigtit bea good Way Mr JeWisoii aiiadiaii now livnig iii lilngland told the liar iie ltotaiy tliib taiiadian ai tisfic talent should compete Willi international talent the way lop taiiadiaii athletes coiiipetenitlieiilyiiipics liiisl iate iaiciii needs no pioteetioii he said He deciied tiiiiadiaii nationalists who think taiiadiaii in lists lose thcii roots if they go abioad oi Who think tanadiaii Work In atiloiiialtcallvHood We know deep in ma hcai Is that thats iiol Ittlt Iiisaid He said no pei cent of film piofits fioiii taiiada go lo the United statis because most of the films shown heie are Aiiieiican and most IIltitlllPt are Aiiiei ican owned He said tax of Ill pei cent on profits could be used to fund Regulate television not movies Jewison leleVision Violence should be regulated by law biil Violence in names should not sasy filni tirectnr Norman ItWlsUtt Theres no reason Why the film Industry cant police itself the dlreclot of the highly Violent tihn Itolleiball said in an iiiteiView Willi The Examiner He said TV is diffcieiil because it is soiiifliicntial Mr Jewtson siid he opposes exploitation of Violence in films lint In Ilolleiball he said Violence was used to make point that society Will end up as depicted in the film it ciii rent trends continue felt that the liliii was war ning be said JeWisoii said lliitain where he now lIVcs is fin ahead of most iouiitiies iii restrictnigl Violence Many American shows me banned because the Violence in them Is essential to the plot and cannot Iwedllednlif The Toronto naliVe also said he Would like to see less Vi oleiice in hockey As long as bully becomes stai youre iii linuble he said He said he was glad to see Montreal deliat the animals from Philadelphia in this yiaisStaiiliyliipfiiial iaiiadiaii films oi liiiinice liliii school like those loiiiid in ntliei countries Weie the biggest con siiineiii ol Aiiieiicaii films in the woild ioutside the It he said Why dont we get soiiieol that money back Mi Jewison strange naini loi Metlimlist he said told the audience laiiiidinns liaw excelled in dociiinenliii ies and shoits biil have trouble Willi tcatuie leiiglli ltlnis IIIIZIINIIUIH tine reason he said is that many fiiiiailiaii features ate too pioloiiiid too pretentious and siitfei from some con hised idea of what liniiidiaiia should appieciafe It liliiiiniikcis pei sist in iiiiik iiig such iiioVies he htllti no one going It iiliit no tilleti giiiiiglocnre He said anadinn audiences want thesametlniigsoutsideol the movies as anybody else and have no abiding interest tn tanadian ciiltiiie as film sub leil ltut he piaised IInti Shebibs tfoiii own the flood as ltltn lanadiaiis identified wttb amt as work which could stand up in conipaiiiioii With any small filin in the World He noted that the film cost SirJinn to make was entirer tanadian and grossed 36001in The lesson he said is that taiiadians cant start with $20 million liliiis you have to start at the beginning Countys WLU students will graduate at home Ily MAItliAlllIl Aftllll Il liltilJJA For the first time since the inception of the Siiiicoe Campus of Wilfrid Laurier llniVersily iWIti here it years ago Sinicoi fouiity students Will graduate at home At special luncheon lhur sday Dr Frank leteis president of WLIE announced convocation exercises for Sun coe ounty students Will beheld Nov at ltarrie cntral ollegiatc At that time an honorary degree Will be conferred on Jack Ramsay director of dlltitllftll for the Siincoe toun ty Board of Education Mr Ramsay was nominated for the honor by eicirieiilary teachers in the county Last April the university announced it had accepted the nomination The luncheon was attended by approxmiately 390 students faculty members and special guets SE SIIUNJULSS Extension courses offered by WLI are held at the Simcoe ampus as It is known to the students or Twm Lakes Seton dary school building owned by the Slmcoe tounty Board of Education In reference to this Mr Ramsay who was among the special guests present said he was pleased to see our facilities so well used and pleased in sec WLI still progressing in SimianMinty Courses are also offered at FB Borden and will begin this Brian McAllister left and Harold Lawson were sworn in as auxiliary police officers by Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker Thursday Auxiliary fall at Ilaslwcw school in llari ic liiank liolcoiliiiayor of Urilha also present as guest Weliomed all those present Later in an inlervnW he said it was Just fantastic to see so many people coming to Urilha to further their education Another special guest was Sue Miilcahy chairman of the Simcoc ollege foundation ltr Jerry llall director of the Hiillia cairipiis who had iii trodiiiid the special guests pointed out that in September extension courses would be available in Ilarrii for the first time Ilarlier in an inlcivnw fir Hall said he sees the move more as filtlfllrltlllitllllft than an expansion of slfVltt We haw always had the courses available If tiiillia then we moved into Base lfor den with several courses and now we will offer some at East sci oiidai View ollegiale iri llarrief he said Dr Hall addHl Wc were asked to bring lriirersitjv education sewices into the area Sinicoc County and that is what we try to do We have budt up per mancnl university library at the Simcoe anipus including audiovisual eqmptnerit and Vi generally bring our own professors for the extension courses OTLTEIHEHS The lfniycrsity courses traditionally dominated by elementary teachers working NEW AUXILIARY POLICE OFFICERS policemen 3585 regular of ficers and work at least eight hours month at their own convenience There are toward their devices have been change toward people With more vaiied vocations registering The move into ltairie IIHHIUH is seen as opening up more imssibilitiesi for people iii the llarric area to get flower sity education through part hintstudy in Hall is looking to the biaiseviivcs businessmen and off I4 workers to respond He pointed out that Senior Fillcm are among thniw studying toward their degrees lai aura the do not pay tintiori tees and there are on basic rmpiirenierits but all courses offered are credit clauses Also those who are 21 years of age who Wiin to work for unwersity credits now have that option in the special adult student intogory ltr Hall is pleased With the number of students attending classes and pmnted out that WLI is increasingly being selected as thi first choice university by students filling out applications for enrolment in universities Ari influencing factor in this decision In flail feels its that WHY is smaller university of fering more iridiVidualized in struction than is prrsnble in larger institutions Information about the cour ses being offered is available from the WM Information enire lfi trillia at the wan lakes Secondary School on Bir ch Street or by phoning 7m 4682 now is auxiliary constables in Barrie They often assist with special events such as parades Examiner Photo Fig