Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1976, p. 13

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wr 45 125 NH PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE The Barrie Planning Board has scheduled Public Meeting to discuss the Housing Policy Statement BliOtly the purpose of the Statement is to utilize the following FederalProvincial subsidy programmes as vehicles to lower the cost of housing in the City The Ontario Housing Action Programme The Assisted Home Ownership Programme The Assisted Dental Programme NonProfit Housing Assistance Municipal Land Assembly Your attendance at the Public Meeting will help Council tor mutate working policies in order to take maximum advantage at programmes The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall Thursday July 22 i976 at 700 pm BATES Asst SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board Jy14ib2022 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card oI Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra in cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch BIRTHS Mondays child is lair ot lace Tuesdays child is lull at arace Wednesdays child is lull ol woe Thursdays child has lar to go Fridays child is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard tor its by mo And child that is born on the Sab oath Day is lair and wiSe and oood and any Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which lay oi the week was their birth late Keep this and other important in formation tor your hilcis tulure Barrie Examiner Birth Announce merit wrii WK Iudt the name oi your child the day ol the week month and year at birth the WflQhI and other vital in lnrmation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate tor Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 to MrIXITIUm 40 words Additional words ints per word PHONE 778 NM GOOD NEWS STORY When you an noume the birth at your tiild in The Barrie Inniiner iipninqs of the notice are available for Babys Book Family tree Records and to mail your tricnds and relatives in those tar away plmes Flore an Int ttnlnl alter birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 728 MM HAPPY OCCASION The birth 0t your Llltlfl To tell the uood news to intlids and neighbors The Barrie Ex mniner ClasSilieri Stall are as near as youi telephone The day ol hirth nut that 778 7474 MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Auti ENGAGEMENTS LUNAU CAREY Mr and Mrs icuiur Lurmo ol Barrie wrsh to an rinuiu the enriagenient at their Iiduutilir siirarinc Ruth to Mr Dayid George dllv Run it Mrs ALILIIL Carey ot Or illni IIH weddiiio to take ptai on Auuust 14 N70 in St lites Ariqlii an hiiri ti mi ie DEATHS kMAN lirltlt on Sunday iulv lit 19M ill at itin oiiinitmi dries ilik krrinri iloyeil twistinth it MIQI Elm kiimii Iiir lather oi Pit li Davin ot Hm Roam ot Okanaqat tails mm hr lllt NAI Stuart ion iiit or Bar ll Alst sin iveit In now grown lItliIIll RIIIIJ at the titnbel oi EJIIK iitr Aivll it Serx ii IIIHI inlor moot Wtillfidd in Br llll il iiitilim IN MEMORIAMS RIICHII ott in lox trio voiuiioi or tieIr bi ottii Mr wtio pnxsiii iwtiiy to IV 19s ilt Iti istl IiI they so Yriiiiior inx luhltl Well rustic ltmt ix tv lt Nut It7 wantiii iltinr res iooiy wonto nit AI ty Iltttllllt io xtxiov mo it iii uott In onnu memory who Ltdxmn own tt lsIY itll It vrit II irikmi viti tunY IJLII II Ow timtv ix wt inmost okriv oil toiiu tl VJi Ho wrirn we in in Irit xi Summit tIi VI flin cxmti ti iom Ui tmw tii or wt hm it cm tot tut mimirw tH lt itlit Nvi vvv wc oll slit IKE ml d0 Tomi WIN li iuxlv wtva no1 Vi It IILTI rot llt ipu money No or IIk it at si in xr me in is mu COMING EVENTS ANAF BINGO Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 30 Regular gamesS Np Iaihpot 90 every week Admission Si 00 lot cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE YF must THURSDAY KNIGHTS BlNGO Weekly 730pm EMBASSY HALL Over $520 in prizes 50 minus includes cards Auspices KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TlF LAA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classitiod advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by in day preceding publication with the air captlan oI Classlliod Display ad vortisomants which must be in by two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 00 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 75 words Ad ditional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $5 With vars par count line 21 cents per Ilna COMING EVENTS 3322 par column inch WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply It paid within days One or two insertions 9c per word in sartlon Three consecutive Insertions cents per word Insertion total $6 I7 Six Consecutive insertions Bc per word per in sertion total SH 52 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when sotistactory results obtained Method of counting lower than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial obr brevlotion set at numbers etc count as parole words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS Ail phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Thornton the Classitiod Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement im mediately otter Iirst insertion in order that any error or omission may be reported More In order that same may be rectified tor the Iollowrng day publication The Barrie Elaminar is responsible tor only one incorrectly printed insertion at any ad vortisamont and than only to the extent of portion of ad that iflVOIVOI the misprint Errors which do not lesson the value ol the advertisement are not eligible tar corrodions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classin revise or reject any want ads NONE 728 2111 Lake water excellent WINDSOR int itli lhc quality of aitcr ll lakes Siipc Hill and llurnn is cxccllcrit but there are at few isolated iti stances of pollution says coriimittec of thc international loint tummismon The only pollution affecting both turiaidii and the lmtcd States occurs ill the St Marys Itiycl ill Suult Sic Mtiiic Int lieli discliutgcs by Algiinin Steel and the city Iiillllt 1m in tcrtiutioniil liglttllltlll on ulcr quality it was reported Mon day it thciuiiiiiiissmns lllllliill meeting Clark on tour KINCARIHNE Ont CPI Joe Clark federal Progressive Conservative leader visited the birthplace of his greatuncle Col Hugh Clark on Monday the second day of his weeklong tour of southwestern Ontario Col Clark sat as Progres sive Conservative member of the provincial legislature from 1901 to 1911 and as member of Parliament from 1911 to 1921 He was known as the member with the longest filibuster in the Commons He once spoke for 11 straight hours to avoid vote which would have meant the defeat of thc Borden govern ment Mr Clark and his wife also visited the Bruce nuclear power plant at nearby Douglas Point Milk quota move aid to farmers TORONTO tCPI The tario Milk Marketing Board in creased milkprixiuction quotas by four per cent in June to give dairy farmers 11 chance to bring production in line with federal government requirements board spokesman said Monday The increase resulted in $33 miilion in rebates to farmers who paid lines in June because of Overprtxluclioii of industrial milk used in such products as butter and skim milk powder The farmers are required to pay the fines when the amount of milk they sell exceeds their quotas Ontario farmers were required by the federal govern merit to decrease production by 15 per cent this year zis part of the federal plan to reduce milk supplies in anzidzi Haynes Davies director of public relations for the market ing board said the increased quotas last month do not affect the total amount of milk that farmers may produce during the dairy ycur April to Mar ch 31 but gives them chance to revise production during the peak milk producing summer months Farmers were to have prir duccd 29 per cent of their ycuily quota to June 31 without being fined New guidelines increased the quotii to 33 per cent WILLHICREIIltEl The quota for September will be increased one per cent How ever the quotas for October December illltl January will be reduced one per cent and Feb ruarys quota will be cut two per cent to compensate for thc Increases Mr Haynes said the board believes most farmers will be within guidclines by that time Mr Dznics said farmers who exceeded the l3perccnt allot ment can li£l thcir fines rc bated if they cut production enough in the rest of the your so that they do not cxcccd llltiI yearly quotas MRS JOHNSTON Mr and Mrs Keith McLeod and Ray Rutherford attended the Scottish Day at the Simcoc ounty Museum Midhurst Mr and Mrs Jim Langmuii and fillllll wcrc guests zit llll du lllmgwoiths wedding in Preston on the eckcnd Mrs Thomson tllllllél illltl Mrs Dave Johnson and Mrs Heriiaii Johnston attended at shower ill honor of Estelle li1ieillc zit the home of Mrs Ron llcwitt Ardtrca IIstciic will become the brute of li id llcwitl July 31 We all wish Mrs Allan Jon son Jr 41 speedy rccoycry The Sunday school and congregation of Esmin thurch ctlliiyci llitll picnic it Urn Memorial Park cdncsituy cyctiiiig despite the thunder shower tlitit intcrruptcd lllt supper hour GARDEN NOTES SC This is an artists conception of the Viking lziiidcr is it could look after its expected misty it THE VIKING MARS LANDER Itiniiiiig today on the surfiicc ol the pllilltl Mars Scientists woke up the unmanned Imidiiig crult Monday and found everything in fine working ordcr for the cinfts Bell Ewart maple tell of trip to Holy Land By ilIlilHilNA MIItIIIIIJ BEL EWARI Jack illltl Flor Torrens enjoyed their rccciii trip in the Holy Land Ihcy iSiltll many places lll Jerusalem including the Mount if lliyis King Solomons lcm pic Thc Dome of Rock which encloses the stiinc on which llllllillll was to have sacrificed lSlllit lhey illMi went to Mount Zion illltl walked in the Garden iii icthscmuni littl Sii llltl Iomli and the room where The Last Supper £l thd IIicy Sii lhe liurch of the iti ity the ltlllllplltit of Buffer zone for Beirut BEiittT Itii Lebanons warring liiistizitis and Mo lcms announced llll ugrccmcnl today to establish hullct zone between llltll scitors of Beirut Palestinian Libcratiori rgaiiiimtion ltitlltl Yusser Arafat also announced he was sending pence emissary to Damascus bccziusc thc Syrianlulcstiniiin IISIS as well as the Lebanese tlll yzir must come to till end Aruftit held night long emergency conference with his allies thc lllllSl Lebanese Mos lcms Ilc also held his second secret mccting in three days with El dclcgtition from the rightwing hristiziii lllillilligt party which has the largest hristiiiii lIIillllil lighting in thc tSmontli old wur Roth thc jomt luicstinniii Moslcm commin and thc ihti lungc pilll announced that the meeting resulted in ugrccmcni to rcstorc electricity to Beirut and to establish it frcc Illllt to restore ttllllllilllltéllltili bet ween thc Mmlcm 11nd hiistniii Sttltti of the city IIIIIIIIR The illiilliiillttllitlll Sillil both Sides would Alllltllil their fighters from the 1m ytird idc no mans Iiiiid ill which Ambassador Francis Mcloy his economic counsellor iiid llltil Lebanese cliiiuttcur wcrc cup lured lill month before they were murdered The ltlllt will be lllilllilttl within 48 l1itlll of the with druwul by 121m Saudi lillllill md Sudanese troops iit tlu Arab ltiitlll pciiickcipiiig tor cc who lllt been standing by it Iiciiiit iripuit the at nounccmciit xiiill It will be lllt lust Xllyt kicpitig duty iILllltil to the Arab League lttltt which lli bccn iiiirig llllit oi the Siltlllltii IIIllhIt7 oi licliii waiting for the Moslcms urid hristiiiiis to agree on some SIISDQllSlIIll of hostilities ibscrycrs said they believed Arntntx decision indicated he was rciidy to bow in Syrian iresidcnt litifcl Assnds de llllllltl lllzil he and his leftist Lebanese Moslcm allies stop shooting and ticgotititc it pcucc Stllltllltlll satisfactory to Syrizi Since June Assad has sent 13000 Syrian troops and hun drcds of tanks into minimum to prcyiiit ii Palestinian Moslcm victory llllll would result in in Slilllitlltlll of ii liltlltlll Socialist regimc Assad was reported to want moderate hristiim Moslem coalition supervised by himself FIGHTINGIINIINLIIS Mcziiiwhilc lllt 15 ciiibzissy postponed indefinitely lllI ltr llilllltll it llllttllll ziiid other Iorcigncrs scheduled for today bcciiusc of fighting along the routitniiiimiisius An embassy Uliicizii sziid zi cuinoy would be orgziiiicd lliltl it the security problem ilStS or iii tiltllllliill by sea iilJil might bilirmngid liin Hit ot lllt ibiiiit Milli llltiltllli Iclt Ill Lebanon signed up tor the cumin along with 2m persons ot other lizllliill llllll tlll lllt llflllll lltilil Monday Christians ttlllllllitil lltlll it luck on it IllltSlllllitll refugee camp in thristmii controlled tlltlll itciiiil tor the 38th tl£l Itiit lllt Iilititiiiii dclciidcrs or Ill 7iitii rctuseii tnquit Iiiixtmn iiid ltlllSI iIiliid 11 the suburbs lllll lllt tiilllllitlildl iiiil port litl of Itciriit iiiii iloiig lllt iiiic 4llllllllL lllt hlttltlll illtl tlirnimn LL lt1l ot lllt tilpllJl Nyiml itirgi lllt burned out at control lllillltli wcre llllkillll Ittllltl the lllllllt vUlitN lib Answers to some questions By JF iUtl Home Horticultural Society This week ll try tc iiltl sonic itdtltl questions that illllt ti iiic but muses brown pitch on my iiwi This is tllgtttt most com ion on bcnl grass lil It may be controlled by mercury tliimiii iyciohixzmidc Ircm and nmncb turt tungicidcx xk your deicr lot 1111 itiiigxcidi iiid ltdtl wimt in II lhcn follow directions on thc hith iit counc dogs pilltxl tcr minor or en mi troni ritzllmg Iht mimcr can LJUN brown patch Junc bugs ill iiso only in their czisc the grass Just dies ind you could mil hack the sod and find the plTJx roots till cutcii thlnrddnc is the inswcr for them What causes holes in my maple tree leaves lii lhlS case was due to some sort of caterpillar Thcrv as no sign of infestation on must of the leaves but final found one curled but and Insnlc it wasa cotton cocoon from hich thc worm hiid gone and apparently chewed holes ill good area around him Had he been spied lll time an applicw ion of Malathion spray would have saved the damagc However even the tent cgitcr pillars seldom kill true they just make it look mess Watch your ash trees for caterpillars thcy iii Hail lltllllltt or tsli tlit lllI min dolor slugs Slugs iri crj cotiiinoi iitcr ill ttic him we hic liml And then worm humid illiyx lhcy liitlt by titty rind mi to night him iiin who il llKcll kdlklr ixirly ill Ihc ycur rind is churgc oi the nor ticiiitiiril ttispmy tciorrziizin yl lin Ichydc placed men in icct loin LJliltlltl illiillllttl rc llt pit lltl oiif Il inii worked Zinc lti 1c found Ltllfint Itxitllllzl lt slug KlltH llilril you LI be sure lrrils irid hattrim Aw get ii it iic1 llitl li lit Lit lltl ill HITMIKFI tini lady ilt boiling ircr ind pourx litltl the pests seem to he They usually get into chicks and come into the house by iy ot doors and windows An in sicl icide that contains Mcluthion or Chlordane will help keep them out iiid will do the some for ants lt boiling water is ltilslllt whcrc you have them use it cycr use msuticidcs it you can sub the problem without lhcm This is the lllllt to get till your flowering shrubs pruned cut buck and shaped up Any shrub that is lllllSllttl blooming should be pruned Remember to pick the dead flowers ind pods off iill plants ll AA LA A+AAAA you wiri lltili to Lllllillllt liliiiiiti ltrii to lllt cicc 111 growth this nmdc llllllW llttllt unwtcidy and they ix Illihl lK tilllllii ltlll ip 1mm Altltll TI otIic w1l wiisILiJow illti tiv llt IEIA Fglzt iii ltl II ili lI ll iz play NM itiiciatu llit iii Jun ii is diy igii Iy tl Ic trot tii Kills To liii11i1 Ei vwtzot igiixi on thc iro wm wry ly beanirztii IY ltl1 Jr lllt ilt Mli ldht ti tom thi Hui Iotiiiii iotiii iofl ingwwut llitlp1ii ill llJllIItl lilh 1mm Sound init hilt ticrc il Tom Thompson lilll see they lourtty and ilil Sound lilgttlll lizd iilllt borne by Soutbuitipto loit llgs md Killtdlllitlt ox Sr tltll llthlktr tor ulcmw Dori torch lzri ii Ig toi Lill till mr iII ltll gardens wc may ll or om local tour at Lirric iIlil Your hpr is Ntliiiltll li iltti gim hiking ortIirx tor llt lhc new bimklct pllllitil by Mens Lirdcii tluli 11 America is liicciitciiiii pro lei iiiil itllrlttl tiiirm lIo lltlllllllilliK iit $1M Jllttl to llII tor the igilAliIi iillltlili llil riiiiiz ltti IIAAtl Iii thrisi the tend Sea the ozixis oi Jerico iiiid the iinndiiiii lillltll of the ancient wiills of lhcciiy ihcy drove ltill ltl lcl Avir tilting the Mediterranean coast and flcw to London where they spent SlVtlill days with friends from Scotland and lltlillltl llicy spent llltll tiltth wedding innivcrsury on Sightseeing ltttlt of London IlICI IIIVIIS IIiIII tongrzitulzitioiis in John lllll llll youngest son of Mrs Norma lllll who recently rccciycd lll bzichilor oi cduciiiiiiii dcgicc from Nipissing liiiyirsity ollegc ltuchcl Im Applcion was born Ill Itiiyzil Victoria Hospital it tiwlti pm July Shc is the dtiuglitcr oi itiuiic illltl John Ap plctoii til it sister for lummy iioud grandparents are Mr and rs Iiim Kerr grczii illllll Mrs Villlll MncKcnic and two coisins Lolicllu and Diane will be Sptll ding ii few days visiting lrum Vancoiiyci wedding shower was held for Mciju ltissziiicii of Angus She is the fizmcc of lziiil Archer of llilllit Forty thc guests iitcnded With Interest Taken ANNUAL Member ansrla Deposit Insurntufi IHLIIHJTIUI W070 Mm GREY raiser IMPAN 5H IOO MIKE BENVENUII Manager LEO MIRIITSCH Acrouniant as Miopsi TITIll JADE EAST RlISTAIRAXT is 509 PoweSiarx Cheese and Canada Utes Dine QUVI1IT19 Dov Lounge OPEN DAYS WEEK 737 JQIO Nu cur tiiis couronssvr St ON ALL ORDERS with this Coupon historic descent to the fiicc of Miirs NASA lhotu vizi Al llintiii piiity hcld zit McDowells lot tiigciicic Iliistisscs wcrc Velma RPM and Laura Forsythc tut of town guests were present from Toronto iiliiiriiugh IIrnniiilcn Angus and litirric From Finland the brides grain tllllttllltlillHtiiIllIlltlttl liiil the groom to be is the son of Mrs Shirley Forsythe of litiiric illltl the grandson of Mrs Lois Archcrof IiiII IIwnrt The Barrie Examiner TuesdayLJuly 20 VI 97on713 Centennial celebration major Edenvale event By MRS AUBREY illIEN EDENVALE Well Eden vale rolled out the red carpet on luiy 10 Friends youii zmdoid came from near and ar to on joy the smorgasbord prepared by the Indies of the com munity The occasion was our centennial Some czimc from Simcoe New Liskzird Sloiiff ville London tlziwa Burlington Sudbury Ihamesvilic Toronto inktfield Richmond Hill and mnnv from Sizivner and Barrie J5 well IS our neighbors from Minesing Anten Mills lllltl luciilly The 10 of the coitiiiiuiiity were very busy painting lll ling grass setting up ii huge tcnt tables llilllS and numerous otherjobs Then all that was left was Mr Wcaithernuiri lo ttiiptllllt ilc did Close to 350 people lizid ii delicious supper of salads pics and birthday cake lhcii czimc it time of meeting old friends of yesterday Plenty of old pictures wcrc up on the walls illttl proved to he of grctit interest variety program was presented on the bzill diamond It was till done by descendants of the early settlers or present residents Russell Miiw was Mt Mr llon Atkinson of Stiiyiiir started the evciiing off with some songs with gurlzir zic compunimcnt Also featured were quzirictti barbershop Singing rccitulions illItl Skll Then on Sunday morning it ll oclock we all gathered iigtiin ill thr biill diamond when Iiivcly church seivuc took plzicc lliv Vinit of iiiziiiisviilc was the speaker who gave ill iippriipriziii HIPSSilLJ iillll lililSllttl off with poem of the folks of IIdcnvzilc There was special music rovided by Allen MLNZIIII sou Doug liffcii Larry Durnford Lowell Pugh Larry Maw in male quar tcttc rind mixed quzirtctte of Mamie Grant Anne iiffcn Doug iiffen and Larry Maw Wilfred Itegeer was ill the piano for the service It was wonderful servwe and mic that will be remembered for ti long time by many folks as they Sill in the sun on 10 benches bleachers and lawn chairs At noon everyone returned ti the ommunity all where shared in ii bountiful lunch The afternoon was spent in baseball giiiiics and sports special thanks should also go to Ken litfcii for the excellent Job he did with the loud speaker The committee in chingo would like to tzikc this up poriuniiy to sziy thunk you to all who came lrom 1i distantc lllll othch who took pilll In view for the first time was cairn on the spot where the former Presbyterian church and liilll liiiiied church Illti stood Defence aids minor bantams It was at strong defence which helped the Marne minor lillll IIIITIS to zi 31 Will over tiiiiidwooil Saturday ill gumr plziycd tit Steele Street Harrie lllllt up Will three goals in the second bull to snzip ii ll deadlock itfltr the opening hzilf of pliiy Highlight of ll first half was the szive by lizirrii goalie Iive iiliingbmrrnc on 2i penalty Slliil tfliir Emir Examiner Currier Boys Girls youcanwina 45 rpm SINGLE PLAY RECORD OF YOUR CHOICE With new subscription orders courtesy of fiMwWIh CANADAS LARGEST AND BESTKNOWN RECORD $70K AT THE FIVE POINTS sumo Mila Wm Burr in Eng 13 iwes tur 99 MM new gm Wyn tr turqugi rt it 19 in yJix BAITth tili blues nirttvy cru lil was IAythkll re 45 rr mgruoi cut413 jut ijt Iglt feffllil player New Vlt portobe iit JTIJ 99 yri 1l retards Sirryiuefim If YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE IARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER IARRIE EXAMINER I6 IATEIELD $T IARRIE 7266539 w0uld like to be carrier for the BARRIE EXAMINER and win prizes and earn weekly income BARRIE EXAMINER lb BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7266539

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