Ii I2The Barrie Examiner Monday July 19 I976 TELEVISION GUIDE BUFFALO TORONTO II NAMILTON BARRIE CABLE 3BARRI BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO I2 PETIRBOROIION 22 GLOBAL Monday 22Movlo 247llI222Naws 00 Millions liliregomy iEariy Edition 030 l2Nloht Final 524 Hours Fthllll ï¬zzMoney Talks memon llMovle Dont Drink The Water own 279Naws 900 3Truth or FA 7vMovte Stranger Consequences Family on the Run llParty Gama FJOG F°I° ll so l2Barnoy Mlllor 30 litMovie 700 CW9 Winchester 71 9Good Times M806° 2Bowllna for Dollars l000 Hum 2Jlgsaw John ajs 3512XXlOlymplc 4Madlcal Centre cm FPlo Whistle MMm 7To Tail The Truth tPNows WM lIFrlondsOlMan 1030 no war °°V°°° 43 9Movlo The 730 eHollywood Squares lIWlld Room MHMW PM kStrlkes Spares =00 Mlgm 2i457 9l l2News gjmmm naovoriey Hillbillies TitBe My Guest OCTM 7xxr Olympic Games 20 vHaadilne Hunters 3Lata Edition lIPollco Woman Fxxr Olympic Games It 1110 2Rlch Little 2Johnny Carson 4Rhoda lMarv Grillln oxxt Olympic Games sFlnal Edition 4Lata Great ms 5Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 245 aMovle Girls ol Pleasure Island Tuesday Am 1200 IFun Factory JAMovlo Cry Panic IvorNews 22News 110 211Days010ur Lives +As The World Turns 227 Be My Guest Commander Torn llvYouno and The Restless 5Summar of 76 3gt512wxXIOIymplc moo WUnclc Bobby Show Games 2Movle Calling ll Midday 7Family Feud Northslde 777 20 9lJoyce Davidson Show cross Wlts I7Farm News 200 221leely Woman 1130 9Colebrlty Dominoes Trouble with 2Gono Show sAll in the Tracy oSearch For Family II Marcus Welby MD Tomorrow 22Aoape so nEd Allan 775204300 Pyramid or Mod squad 7All My Children l25ummer Scone or Brady Bunch FFllnlslones 210 22 Little Rascals I2Marcus Walby friWhats The Mlke Douglas 12 Good Word 24 FAround The 211 Doctors 21Little Rascals Black World 121ArGuldlnq Light 500 SMNews Break the Bank 97 Ironslde l1 300 22 Thanlrl PMaoaxlne 29 Anolher World ll Dlnah lConcontratlon WA In the Family 530 SvCoronation street IlaGeneral Hospital Love 7Ryans Hope wchk Van Dyke llDouble Exposure 330 227 Canadian Cavalcade American Style 22 Jokers Wild Match Game WININO 000 22 Hogans Home Merv Grillin 2347ll ionNews mo FM Ed° 524 Hours gownobena Fuck XXl Olympic Games 9ltDaflnlllon 50 ll Larry Solway Show 630 Good Times I2Nl9hl Final 279News liCannon 135 Truth or 900 rNews Consequences TILDoctor on the God =5 93 Game 2Pollce Woman MOVI Md lFGaoroe Hamilton 4MA Answers IV FHanoed Man 150 700 930 l2Movle 2Bowlino for Dollars oOne Day Al Red Sundown 1542400 Olympic Time Games 22OddCouple XXI Olympic ANews ii rswAT Games 27Noneymooners wzoo llMerv Grlllln 7710 Tell The Truth rClly ol Angels 22Movie Calling wNew Original Switch Bulldog Drummond Wonder Woman wrNews 1215 llShowblz oMarcus Welby iLMovie 130 1030 The Caretakers 2Wlld Wild World IIWicks =°° of Animals limo Tomorrow 4Strlkas Spares zzae My Guest 3Mollie Desire Misses 34 79 12New5 Under the Elms 22Baverley Hillbillies ii 20 Mary Hartman lIOInah Shore Late Edition Mary Hartman 300 9rXXI Olympic Games 31 FMovlnOn llilo JrMovle 4Popl 22ln Private Life SIIVGTCIIW FXXI Olympic Games my DOCTOR SAYS Tonsilitis quinsy cause By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thoateson My fa ther has had quinsy every year for long time It seems to get worse each year was hoping you could give me some advice or something he could use for itMAB Quinsy is an abscess of the tonsils The abscess appears behind the upper part of the tonsil The usual cause is acute tonsilitis With it there is edema swelling in adjacent tissues and difficulty in swallowing because of swelling in nearby structures All in all not very pleasant affair If quinsy recurs this way with your father it is time to think about removal of thc tonsils This would have to wait until thc present quinsy attack sub sides Sometimes thc abscess will burst on its own and sometimes it has to be lanced Antibiotics may help keep the infection un der control until you decide on removal It certainly should be looked at Therc can be very high fcvcr associated with quin sv Dear Dr Thostcson havc what my doctor says is carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands was sent to bus ital for tests and while was ere it started in my other hand It still is present in both no dont understand very much about the cause of it or if it will get better or what The doctor surgery is the only thing have been taking water tits also have arthritis that cause the pmblem Mn Rt This is nerve problem and its not uncommon with ar thritis One of the main nerves ser ytzs the hand and fingers the tan nervei passes through tunnellike structure formed by the tendons and ligaments of the wrist When pressure is placed on this carpal tunnel pain results The usual symptoms are pain in the thumb the index finger and the middle finger There is general weakness of the fin gers in trying to grasp The pain often occurs at night while sleeping but it can come at othertimes 2Johnny Carson With symptoms in both hands you inighl suspect arthritis as cause sooner than an injury You mention taking water re lease pills ldiurcticsi Fluid ac cumulation can cause the swell lugs and that could producc pressure on the iicrvc men tioncd The pills may hpr rc diicc that Gout can bc causc and ii very low thyroid condition could account for liquid build up If you arc in mcnopausc that could also be factor You dont give inc your ago Hormone treatment for thc menopause symptoms can help and injection of it corticosteroid solution has provide rclicl iii sonic cases Generally conScriullvc treatment should be tried first If that is not cffcctivc surgery to relieve the pressun might be necessary Dear Dr lhostcson had Cesarean operation for my baby had an infection whilc carrying him The baby iscight months old now but still fch vcry uncomfortablc and Solilt times it hurts and have swollen stomach How long does the tesiirciiii operation lilkt for cftccts to dis ap liar ls ll advisablc for inc to live aiiothcr baby ls thcri also ISSIIIIIILV may havc natural abor millLR Normally one can resume full activin after eight or to weeks You can have another baby but that too may havclo be Cesarean It depends on thc exact reason the Cesarean was necessary the first time in other words the cause of the iii fection You did not indicate the location or nature of the in fection If the infection is cleared up satisfactorily and if you become pregnant you could very wet have normal labor and delivery However Id say you have more immediate concerns than afuturc pregnancy lfthcre are pains after all this time you should certainly return to your doctor Could be adhesions from the Cesarean scar or fur ther development of the in fection you had Astro Graph Bernice Bode Osol For Tuesday July 20 1076 ARIES March 21Aprll10To day and tomorrow things could develop that would mean extra dollars in your pocket Look around Theres profit to be made TAURUS April 20May 20 Conditions will be generally favorable where your personal interests are concerned Take steps now to advance your cause GEMINI May 21Juna 20 You do your best working by yourself today If you have im portant things to do get off alono where no nlio can look over your shoulder CANCER June 21July 22 Be ready to do all you can today to help buddy who has stood up for you in the past This person is well worth all the effort LEO July 23Aug 22 llnpor lant goals can be achieved to day if youre writing to pay the price Strength of purpose ls necessary to scale tho moun Inin VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 You can pill things in their proper perspective today So long as you approach matters plac ticaliy the results wall ho rewar ding LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 situation youre involved in may like profitable turn especralv Iv if lhosc concorlicd strive to help ll along SCORPIO Oct 24 Nov 22 You might have to make dccisron today one With for reaching effects Once youve thought it through dont alter your vmws SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 If youve boon thinking about embarking on sell improvonioiit plan start II to dny Your chances of success are excellent CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Organization and mnnaqnmenl arc your strong suits today If you have prnincl wrlh loose ends Hows the lime to tie them up AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your rescrvoir of strength t0 deiy may surprise even you Hnwcvor to run the bust race pricc yourself wrscly PISCES Fob 20March 20 Mental rallim than physrcal of forts Will QIVPII you more enjoy rnciil today And youre better equlppod to 1510 your Creative instincts July 20 1976 Your hopes Will be based on Ilillllfiill foundations IIII torn int your You should rcrillzc your goals bill it nigiy lrilm mum Illllt than you iritrtilpntc ill first WASTE TOO MUCH TIME EDMONTON Pi ily po licc no longer respond to non injury traffic accidents whcrc the daniagc is less than $350 Police Chief Robert Lunncy said situation which saw in Iicc respond to 3449 undcr$itili accidents in thc first four moti ths of 1976 is less than cfficicnl use of manhour THANKfE Fae DONl ares HADTC AND IM EXPECTINGK wowsmgflwpg $733 wAlT ma HOWYOU tw HAVENI BEEN TO BE GENT my NEW mono 07 BEING WHILE HAD EAI EiLIH VEKYQOOD TO BED NITHOLIT LRDI SAKSTC MY LUNGl Bis tuna TODAY ANY SUPPER use NDEED II ii VII in KL JJ v7 om4 Vtmlt new ro VHAILIJI mm AN HEN 45 we SAID HaEN 4le hrEL Ar To HIM It mm Joe Hrs enemas itEILFE MILE I375 SHORT RIBS KERRY DRAKE gt ITTfTV Tifj Axi TV Msthx ti anxm vA ms Inimwz St Ly inM KNL WIN RNM ï¬ï¬aavsasr WW as Ws Tfm 17 27 Hth peso IN you PLEASE seine LISTEN naval auras DEFAMADON we us IWO or nus CREDIT ARE Mgr 47 YOUR 5651 CARD EXPIRED Wm DNNERs AND mace IT to K97 MN CREEZT 17 OI in 93$ gt29 By Iolly ilinicr caling Vcry handy around lhc barbccuc loo DAR OUR BOARDING HOUSE EGAD says ILL SEE RED IF BE MORE 0L YOU TO RADIAL5 HE DOESNT 5TART YOUR TIRES QUIET HELPIN Llï¬ WITH ARE 50 5TICK iJU6T SAW THE FLATéf 50ME OLD THAT WITH FLASH 0F JOKER MUï¬T HAVE EVEN THE YOUR RED IT MAGNETIZED MY INNER TUBES OLID MAY BE CARDINAL 5TEELBELTEP HAVE INNER UBBEE 31 IGIII E6trifil32l INN Pollyfï¬s Pointers srufr gm drawer with sale goodies Inflation Fighter DEAR POLLY Many limos whcn am invltcd lo bridal showcr or soliicoiic is in the hospital am short of cash dccidcd to start it gift drawci thncvcr scc liltrziclivc Iittlc things on salc buy them to piil in this llHWtl am always prepared for such cmcrgcncics and really savc iiioncy ATHERINE DEAR IOLLY When any of my towcls start to gct thin in thc ccnlcr but arc still good otherwisc cut lhcm into napkin Sth picccs lo usc whcn on picnic or having cookoiil Thcy wash casrly and when dampened arc Ideal for fingcr slylc DEAR POLLY Perhaps other new molhcrs havc dis covcrcd lhill diripcr lincrs arc grcat but cxpcnsivo cut Ihcm in half illlfI thcn havc two boxes for the pricc of onc Also told cloth dinpcrs togcthcr into squmcs and scw thcm lugcthcr Io liltikt great burp pads They arc also wondcrful to lisc lindcr baby whcn changing diapers wiping chins and spills or for lusting and oven waxing thc car LINDA DEAR POLLY cut the tops off of old socks and crochct around thc cdgcs and iisc thcsc picccs to make blankets usc odd colors of yarn happen to have KAY DEAR lOLLY had beautiful umbrclla that could no Iongcr bc iiscd since some of thc ribs wcrc brokcn hatcd to throw it away bccausc thc covcring was so pretty removcd lIIlS covcr with gay pallcrn of roscs from tho brokcn framc scwctl lhc ccntcr hole and hcmmcd the outer edges Now how nicc round cloth for drum table RENE DEAR POLLY buy boys sncakcrs for myself sincc lhcy arc lillllrlilhlt durahlc and more economical Thcy arc Sizcd Irirgcr than IlloSt inlidc for women so allowancc has to bc iiiadc for that diffcrcncc The boys sneakers arc often on snlc LEILA DEAR PULLY thn Icmons arc bought on salc thcy can bc kcpl for qiiili limc by putting into sterilized canning jars illlll cuvciing Willi cold wulcr Screw lid on tightly and they SIJI licsh uid yiiId iiiorc mice than when first bought MARGARET DEAR FULLY scw lot thn basic gathch or slccvcs in gzirmcnt pill out those Ihrcads after thc finzil scwuig and wind on lhrcnd spool to rcusc for hem or sow ing on buttons This SithS 501th money whcn onc docs lot of scwing smcc thrcnd is now quilc cxpcnsivc SHELLEY DEAR PDLLY An mcxpcnsivc container for earrings can bc iiiadc Wllh 1i candy box that has individual sections for thc candy picccs Thoso in minc arc about one and half by two in cth and um and half inches decp Thcrc arc twcnty onc scc lions put thin foam rubbcr in thc bottom of each section lvclvct would bc clcgzinli and have pcrfccl plato to kccp my currings scparatc and handy WIN AT BRIDGE Hal guessed wrong on replay iviiiiiu III II It ll II IISI EAHI Alil AQIUIII ii Ill ll Oltllo ollllrizw lfll li il Mil III ii ll till ll ll fi IIIIIII llllllllllllt MI Nollli lainl holilli Ill Ill Id lls Iiix ll luv Id liprnuiy loud Ily IIthlItI Illllllh luioliv Illll April llilid illllllt has lilllhill so Illlltll nullI llllllllltlll IIltlI Wt icplliil ll Iiiii with lllllllll discussion Iini lliul was lIlt liuiil llllll lli flillilllnuli lltltllllitl sumsaintly liy IllltItlltdllllI iswultl lltl illl ul sligillts IWIII wusn ll lswulll Must ul lllll rciilvi Ilith liiliiiiil Hal play of low Sllslflt of Dick lilil only lllillIt lliil lilny lltiilllM lic hold lliv Illlil It would hch glvmi llllll ili lxliu spudc llltk il lo llilfl lml Illllll qiiccn lcii As if was ILly scoicll lhlil first If Itk Willi his lcli Wlllll Io gut in With llic mm of clubs slic Illllllllml Iltl uc scclilid liiiic illlfl Illil gucsscd wrung llilVlll ltllll iiiys jtllk lllll was down our Iiiii ll IIill Ililll lilnycil llin Jock tl liilk uiic Ely would llilVl lilItlIl his quccii It would lhcii llith hccli difficult but not IlllpliSSlllll llll Jr to un lltllllltl licr licc scroiid lliiic BORN LOSER Firms basfmdraws amo voucanmr aqwanifges MMO KMMYEARDEAgJWECNBEMIEflJ Q4 il Gkix 1l Ir 27 ff FUNNY BUSINESS HEMRDD QOOUE eoTA MARVELoos ATTITUDE uuFORToupaE HOOUE eon DAILY CROSSWORD Ariswm to irevmus lunla Ill Ilf itllJ If she had done so South could Finfllmilï¬ ilan Ilfilhlillly would still time Hlufl EIIIZJIIEIHF gimp wrung Larry El hit ihlwulil Ilw polnl of tho de gum wlilllc hand is that when you em mm 44 Hallway mu giw player it chance to ï¬ll film uh glicss wrong Ilt may do tin °UJ ltjlzzï¬ï¬ï¬n fl filiawall away It brings or two ouyrriutz IAnIh lidill If voices Ml miltmrl at All lliifiiriu icllllci wont to Mourns rum know WIlill wv Iilll lll Itnlillllhl li ltuaumln hi lump of to put Incl tilll lluli opciiilig Wu 1h Irma hl= Il ll Writlilié in my 54 Malml lli Mas uluu Mm Ml ll it it It ll it lullvnaruo ammo WM Illlfflllrllil Wi IllilIIl Illl sluiillnlil WI wmluulltml 7m HM mi small yr mm Initial 31 IiIrIIl wt may WWWt It spoils ol Illv spade Intro IMWWWH JMW 5W Mdm mm lllriu lo liikc strong at lit at OWN WW WWW out liixl llllll lllarriml when than 111l14qb4 you fly qugsflon 9h Into illegally lm rial Univ 44 In the flirpflllh WIte Ask Mm WH WI Wm more 11 1105 wilt Im IIMI 1Illlifl mini bplhmmi iyi can is gm ir yr 4a in on out unwrappr l0 lacnbys WI ll Premiums litllrl 51 rt21 ln MW lliirnl of line Ilrivier IAil IIIIIO l1 llm lrrrr Mlw MW 29 linswul mt IlSr utilion trillVirtual questions if slamrm soladdossad envelopes are enclosed to most intoeating questions erI be usual in Hill column mu wrll receive copies of lfllY MOI IINi llVEMEIIIlMJARE VIENNA Ali Medical care provided here includes free annual chad ups for all school dilldren in the Austrian capllal Mothers may take ad vantage of clinics where chil dren up to six years old at van clnallonii hearing vision tests and other medical alien tion visiting nurse service makes house calls to old lo and hospital outpatients GLAD KIN LEFT NEW YORK AP In the ljtlh century Englands King John enjoyed hunting at King sclreic in Hampshire forcin llic inhabitants to feed an llrusc him and his relinuo no visit be was badly bitten by harvest bugs and hastily do mrtcd The townJimmie crecr led weathcrvanc in the shape the sixAleggcd insect and it still tops the church there arr LQ THATS ALI IIlIr In NI IM l1 want my children chew the things never had stars ting wrth wealthy parents rzfiil STUDENTS Improve Your Mark Rem towarvl owning your own lirlmwnier lnqura about Rental OWOBISDIL Pari 737B2OI supgram r241 Quietéï¬t NIL noran It CERTAIN CANT aw HAS BEEN cpoNoTHING CONGRESS 70 TMWS