Ellie Iï¬arrir Examiner Published by Canadian Nowspapors Company limited to Bayflold Strut Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Honshaw Managing Editor 4Tho Barrio Examiner Saturday July 17 I976 Good productivity vital for boosting economy While much stress has been given excessivegovernment tax spending in analysmg main causes of infla tion Ontarios provincial treasurer Darcy McKeough has been stress ing other aspects As the provincial treasurer sees it the enormous challenge of the future is going to have to be met head on by the heavy taxpaying private sector There will be many who will sup rt his view that productivity per ormance will be key factor It will be the means by which we are able to ensure for our labor force continued improvements in its ma terial standard of living he said during speech in Toronto The need for production efficiency so that goods can be produced at competitive prices on international mar ets of the future was given needed stress Mention also was made of the great need for steps to encourage more investment in Canadian manufacturing for in dustrial expansion to provide the necessary jobs to cope with unem ployment problems The governments role in fighting inflation was touched upon with the guideline restraints on tax spending increases prominently mentioned But some might feel too little stress was given the need for actual cutbacks in rapidly mounting ov ernment spending in order to re uce taxation No one is likely to argue that there couldnt be practical cut backs in such spending which in itself would help reduce the cost of living for most people Lower taxes for business and in dustry also could open the way for halt to price increases Excessive government spending which has resulted in deficit financ ing des ite recordhigh budgets at both oral and provincial levels could hardly be viewed as good ex ample for true restraint It is all very well to talk about so called selective tax increases which will not create undue hardship on citizens generally or retard econ omic growth But when such argu ments are presented they should be expanded so the full proposition can be made subject to general anal ysrs There should be general agree ment that restrictions on future bor rowing increases are past due Con tinually adding to the public debt is an obstacle in the way of economic recovery But in the final analysis long term prosperity will depend on the private sector under free enter prise system so important to our democratic way of life Increasing productivity is challenge in which all have part and responsibility to their fellow Canadians DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 17 I946 Town of Barrie experiencing great est building boom in history In cluded in permits are 49 houses most in $4000 to $5000 category largest permit $115000 was for Zellers store addition Wellington Hotel operated by brothers Jack and George Kennedy had permit for $35000 to repair fire damage Mrs Hughes of 22 Clapperton St looked out her window and was sur prised to see fully grown deer lying on grass beside Ba tist Church Startled the deer too off in direc tion of Bayfield St leaping high fences with ease Work being speeded up on excavation work for new fourlane hi hway Toronto to Barrie Davi Smith of Barrie director of Community Life Train ing Institute for Simcoe County leaves to become director of Adult Education for Province of Saskat chewan Creemore farmer trap ped big bird with wing spread 72 in QUEENS PARK Advertising test expected in fall By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Advertising will get big test this fall pe Ontario Hydro is oing to try and convince the pu lic it must conserve electricity And its effort is to be keyed to one to see an advertising program Good luck to it And to adver tismtl had to build new For getting the public of On was ww$km 97hr Barrir Examinrr Nkiï¬ï¬iï¬iï¬vbï¬k tario to voluntarily cut down on the abandon with which for years it has used electricity could be mate trick than rpetual motion llRTAlL GROWTH The reasons for rationing are there fair and square for every Hydro in forecasts for the years ahead had estimated it plants to take care of an annual growth of seven per cent in demand Because of financial clamp down by the overnment it has ches and body 32 inches it was iden tified by game overseer as turkey vulture Last one caught in Simcoe County was in 1910 near Barries Little Lake Economic situation in Europe particularly Germany is very bad according to Rev George Lark new rector of St Thomas Church Shanty Bay addressing Barrie Kiwanis Club at weekly din ner meeting in American Hotel Capt Lark served as padre past two years with Canadian Army Fa mous young Barrie concert pianist Reginald Godden presented new Canadian composition Treatment To Youth on CBC radio Written by Harry Somers it was dedicated to Dudley Garrett defenceman with Toronto Maple Leafs killed in ac tion while serving with Royal Cana dian Navy Horace Lapp noted pianist and organist brought his Toronto orchestra to play for danc ing on new monolithic marble floor in Barrie Arena He re rted it was best dance floor he ha seen on pre sent crossCanada tour But whether it can be con vinced to actually conserve is another matter Here are some of the ways that have been roposed so far whereby we con conserve Have showers instead of baths Have smaller bathtubs Half fill baéhtubs tgtay bright ing irtyi ee you pm that much refrigerator space See if you need all that much house Lower themes tats Upgrade insulation Put in triple lass windows Repair to reduce its ildins program leaky aucets Cut down on the 15 Bayfleld Street to me care of ongysszkmé uze oift a2 heating for Barrie Ontario consequen ve in phonemm Either consumption is reduced 398133 Numberm to mean only six per cent Igrleagegfï¬lsacflmc W03 Ml wm and preferably 19$ or and people can be expected to Return la8e 8le dig gesgrgegtï¬fwfrggge be glad to get them fixed But ggéifgngï¬gzgys selves in the The will you really cant see much vol excepted have been Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 plant breakdown somewhere and therewont be reserve plant standing by to untary action on the bathtubs and the triple windows And in fact until there is real point of crisis probably there will be 15 is takcits place glib sterilemsilfzo vecglv BATHS DOWN ï¬gorï¬ï¬ccuggrsmgsmnon Simcoe county moo yerr MRWlflilQtiagï¬i if dro wants to get an the gala of Canada $36M year ems now it will Pmbably it can well be that the public have to mason to other less ma Dethlngquorm can be CONinc need for thanvoluntary approaches mil1710 640 Carneyi si Mm conservation some it already nas in mind treat Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Pres or Reutcr and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material stated by its employees and ucedin this newspaper yright Registratio 203815 register 61 Num THE PICK or PUNCH cs such snob hes changed his name to Escargot ItPwm 1th PARLIAMENT HILL Members of Parliament face difficult times By SIIIWAilI acl IIOI Ottawa llltllll Thomson News Service its probably good thing that our members of lnrlizi mcnt are getting II llircc iiioiilli lltlk in illtli constituencies before returning to Ottawa for the rigors of new session because Ilicy will be facing dif ficult times Just four years after Prime Minister Trudeau had op timistically proclaimed bilingualism to be an accepted fact across Canada the longest parliamentary session in our history ended with the country embroiled in renewed language war great deal of missionary Work will have to be done this summer if Parliament is to avoid another emotional outburst on the issue And no one could predict this when the current session began back on Sept 30 I974 following Mr Trudcaus brilliant election campaign which produced majority Liberal government Bilingualism wasnt mentioned in the throne speech which opened the session Of course neither were price and wage controls inflation was the overriding concern in 1974 and the throne speech said that Canada has thus far suffered less from in flation than most other coun tries but the problem is serious and urgent However we were entering new era of national cooper ation Together we would solve our problems NEW KlOPERATION The government has there fore initiated series of con sultations with the principal groups in our society business rofcssions farmers labor ant provincial governments They will be asked what proposals they can suggest and what contribution they are willing to make to defeat inflation And the throne speech went on to suggest this new emphasis on cooperation would extend far beyond inflation The fed cral government believes that it has the responsibility of playing the leading role in bringing Canadians together to discuss their common problems the government intends to fulfill this leadership role with vigor and determination These meetings will form part of major effort by the federal government to enter into dialogue with all segments of the Canadian community This longest parliamentary session which produced 84 pieces of legislation accom plished many things but there is certainly no evidence of any new unity and coopcration in the country The government not oiin failed to find con census on inflationfighting perhaps that was an impossi le goal anyway but even federal provincial conferences seemed to become more bitter than bet ter June conference on the economy ended with federal and provincial delegates scar cely speaking to each other And few days later Mr Trudeau told provincial pre miers he would establish gen uine Canadian constitution whether they liked it or not COMMONS CAPSULE Collective sigh of relief as record session ends From the Ottawa Bureau of Thomson News Service OTTAWA The current record session of this Parlia ment has endedwith collec tive sigh of relief As the debate on capital un ishment dragged into its inal days it was apparent that some of the MP5 were gettin as punchy and frustrat as Parliament Hill staff Tem rs flared and tongues sli The most embarrassing slip was made by Bob Kaplan par liamentary secretary to Health and Welfare Minister Marc La londc who responded to ques tion concerning the content of birth control pills The active ingredients of pills are matter of public record he explained published an nually in the condominium The information is published in the phar maceuitical and specialities compendium Mr Kaplan con tinued after pause to straighten his tongue Ged Baldwin PCPeace Riveri remarked on the pen trating answer to his question Socred Leader Real Caoucttc has always had low opinion of journalists but perhaps because of the length of the sitting his criticism has been blunted even more Offended by Frenchlan guage television interview of Prime Minister Trudeau during the air traffic control dispute Mr Caouette labelled two of the reporters blockheads who could not and would not un derstand the bilingualism issue There are blockheads on both sides of the linguistic barrier Mr Trudeau replied Pat Nowlan PCAnnapolis Valley wants to correct few errors made over the past few hundred years by other black heads Anticipating problems be tween Canada and France over the intentions of each country to establish zoomile offshore zones Mr Nowlan wants to re move the anomaly of history which granted France the islan ds of St Pierre and Miquelon off Canadas east coast Mr Trudeau who recently met with French President Valery Giscard dEstaing in Puerto Rico admitted he did not have the gall to raise the BIBLE THOUGHT For will declare mine iniquity Iwill be sorry for my sin Psalms 38 18 when we reach this point in our lives we can look for the burden to go and the blessing to come Except ye repent shall all likewise perish llardiy the stuff that contrib utes to worthwhile dialogue with all segments of the ana than community LAME SHARED Obviously all the fault for an apparent deterioration in na tional cooperation does not lie at the foot of the federal gov ernment Mr Trudeau cer tainly had nothing to do with some Albertans carrying hum per stickers which said let the eastern bastards freeze in the dark And the long alllory battle between Ontario and Alberta over oil prices couldnt be predicted when the Trudeau government wrote its throne speech Its probably also fair to say that the opposition was not al ways particularly constructive when it came to suggesting remedies individual Spats between dif ferent levels of government tend to dissipate as fast as they arise and few of these caused great national concern But the current backlash ainst bili ngualism which bub led to the surface in the wake of the air strike is another matter It will certainly be with us when new Parliament begins in October Many MPs went home feeling somewhat depressed about the current state of FrenchEnglish relations and this applies par ticularly to MPs from Quegtec Feelings are running high With all parliamentarians tired from the long session this would not be good time to be gin an emotional debate on na tional unity But after three month rest they will hopefully bring us through another crisis issue at the Caribbean confer ence do not think that the leader of the ition raised with the Presi ent of the United States the question of repatriat ing the Alaskai panhandle ei ther he added When Mr Nowlan persisted the PM said that in such im portant matters as this con cerning Canadian territorial ambitions would think it would be useful to have at least bipartisan policy so will ap proach the leader of the Opposi tion when he is here to see whether he is interested in for ming package in which we ctxild claim lot of lands in cluding St Pierre and Mique Ion the Alaskan panhandle and perhaps parts of Maine for New Bnmswick If can get that support for bi rtisan policy we might also ave joint election cam me Theres new job designation in the already overclassified deeply stratified and classori ented Ottawa bureaucracy But its one which la number of civil servants wil be going out of their way to avoid The term is Hubcap And just as its Iramification in the au tomobile try refers to piece of equipment which is at tractive but relatively useless the civil servant so designated is reputed to look good but is mere along for the ride READER FOR UM Health unit responds to septic system complaint DearSIr recent letter from Morris Shelswell criticized the Simcoe County District Health Unit for cost and inconvenience of sys tems and Inconsistency In re qpiremcnts all this relatln to fact that fill was requ red by our Ins tor In the Oro area Ina can hlilon highground He asked those who have been taken for ride by the health unit to communlcate with the media or the unit We know of no replies to this invitation Cost of systems has always been concern but we have learned by much ex Ience that properly plann and in stalled system works well for years after the initial cost and very minimal system ut In to reduce initial costs on It up In further costs within few years with our affluent use of water Homeowners generally are willing to pay to have satisfactory ii stem from the beginning an do not complain regardin the inconvenience of the instal ations Each lot whether for residen tial or commercial use has leiit holes dug to determine soil types down to the five foot level As well this Indicates water table level and the topography of the lot and the drainage pattern of surface water on the lot are studied All these factors are con sldered for each lot for the slze of building proposed In order to figure out under the provincial regulations the requirements for the disposal system If the lot In large and the first test holes show poor sells on they did In recent ap lication In Oro In which Mr helswell was Involved test holes are done In other areas in order to find the beat soils The variation In re ulre manta for each appllcnt on ill only In relation to the soils water table and drainage char actcrlstics of that lot Tests done on the sand areas of ro our Inspector mm pany th senior inspector with over 22 years excellent ex perience In our unit showed good send only on the top 12 to 10 Inches with fine silty clay layer below Very fine sand oongcals when wet to form barrier which does not allow tile bed weep ngethorefore It can not be considered In tile field area Our health Inspectors are all fully qualified and receive con tlnuln education re ardlng new so ls test types of Isposa it stems etc as well any dif fcult situation Is discussed and seen with an experienced senior staff member These senior members are tops In the province and have been asked to be part of various provincial committees because of their expertise In septic tank systems Thank you for the unl ty ol informing the pu Ilc re garding our operations We would welcome reporter Mr Shelswell or any citizen to spend some time with any of our staff inspectors We believe Simcoe County lit rut place to live and play ant are doing our part to keep ll healthy Yours truly NANCY AitMilitllbT ll Ill Medical Officer of Health Were the Flyers fair in selling to Orillia Dear Sir Rather than have major development In hockey club pass without comment we draw your attention to the transfer of Corby Adams Jim Thompson and Grant Cole to the Orlllia Terriers We realim that transfers are being made continually in the major lea ues but when player has sold for an un disclosed sum and has not been notified of such change then we believe such transac tion deserves our comments Corby Adams the captain of the Barrie Flyers Community Club of which Jim and Grant are also layers has been with theclub or14 ears An outstan ing player giv ing everything he had at every game he is an exam Ie of true sportsmanship and idol of many young players in Barrie and surrounding districts Corby has made an outstan ding contributlon to public rclrr tlons by addressin father and son banquets itpca In on tel evision and radio is was good for the Barrie Fchrs orby has been bi factor in the success of this cliub lie is WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please Include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not bc authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space bllc Interest and good taste he Examiner reserves the right to edit con denseor reject letter we wean tpDAY Looking behind the Taiwan situation By JOIIN llARBIlON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service In the sharp argument be tween the Canadian govem ment and the Olympic com mittee agaist Taiwans Olym ic participation as the epu lie of China Prime Minister Trudeau said the re resentatives from that is and must be called Taiwanese and not Chinese Inadverdently and unin tentionally Mr Trudeau raised point made by Taiwanese na tionalists that their island should be truly independent state free of the 27yearold rule of the former Chinese gov ernment which came over from the mainland in 1949 Taiwan not only has the con troversial Republic of China the continuation of the Kuomin tang regime which ruled in China before the Communists but determined independence movement The third factor in Taiwans existence is the claim to that island by the les Republic of China as an in erent part of the mainland Communist re gime This claim had been the ma jor stumbling block in Pekinng efforts to win recognition Western countries especially the ones whose products and technology China needed most It was the socalled Caner dian formula of recognition of Peking Oct 13 1970 which broke that Ingram The ex pression we and the Chi nese settled for Is Canada recognizes the claim of the Peoples Republic of China to Taiwan TRUDEAU SAII NO Knowing that you can see why Prime Minister Trudeau resolutely resists any con cesslon for Taiwan athletes ap peering at the Olympics under flag representing the rump Nationalist re me Taiwan Itsef is booming aggressive island economy heavily bolstered by American loans and resident multina tional corporations Its population of 15 million is truly minuscule compared to the 800 million of the Peoples Republic of China but it is dynamic and busy island Taiwan now competes with Japan for many of the tradi tional consumer products we have accepted as being Japa nese Next time you buy tran sistor radios their batteries cotton apparel even life jackets that look Japanese look again they are probably Taiwanese Many of these roducts are made in socall offshore in dustries factories to which the raw materials or semifabri YOUR BUSINESS For every millionaire there are paupers By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service its eas to blame developers and buil ers for the cc in creases that have ma home ownership more difficult than ever Its just as easy and almost as valid to blame the an for the increases in the monthly bills that hcdelivers Granted the development in dustry probably has its share of profiteers whose goal is big quick windfall profits But for every overnight mil lionaire in the industry there are probably several overnight paupersentrepreneurs who took risk and ended up losing their shirts on those houses that seem so outrageously priced They woul passio nately that the bamc should be placed on all three levels of governmentfor the monetary policy that interest rates skyhigh for tne interminable bureaucratic delays in giving approval to housing projects and for the building codes that prevent builders from effecting any sensible economies Heres the case history of developer who spent four years bringing subdivision to com pletion In 1972 he paid 01750 for three parcels of suburban land totalling 33 residential lots He paid $95000 cash and borrowed the remaining $35750 on three oneyear mortgages at interest ofeight and nine per cent He estimated the cost of land savicing legal fees commie sions and park dedicabons at $356000 making his total cost 3757750 Next be contracted to sell the land to builder for $82501 That would produce profit of 367250 on his 895000 in vestmentwhethought But two neighbors objected to his plan claiming that the lots were unsuitable for the semi detached housing he had plan ned Two years went by before provincial authorities dealt our image and how can you Im proVe this Image by bringing In unknown players The attendance has been major concern of the Barrie FIyers for some time and without Corby an drawing card this attendance will dwin dle further im Thompson has served the Barrie club for nine years and Grant Cole for two We feel that these three players have been treated unfairly and in an un derhanded way and have been sold llkea piece of report or near Iwithout be ng noti led Is this fair way to treat players who have given so mUch for so little Are we lng to sit back and allow Is kind of shabby treatment to continue Iii there not better solution Ionccmcd Fans of Barrie iilyers Community llockc Club catcd goods are imported for quick and cheap manufacture But Taiwan also has high technology Industries In ciudln one of Asias major shipbu Idln facilities for bulk carriers an supertankers In spite of our com Iete snub of the Island diploma icaily we still do lot of trading with rai wan which is our seventh larg eat customer Some Canadian business or ganizations like the giant To ronto Dominion Bank which has Taipeh branch do direct busi ness with the island state The regime founded by the late Chiang Kalshelr in 1940 af ter he and remnants of the Nationalist Army fled China now is in the capable hands of his son and younger adminis trators Taiwan also is major mili tary power in Southeast Asia with military and air force bolstered by American equip ment or models of It manufac tured in Taiwans own defence industries The commitment to return to China some day is unbe lievably still part of the Nationalist government ethic But Taiwans United States inspired economic strength has also spurred the Taiwan inde ndence movement whose riders are either in exile or In prison with the oomplants re them and approve developers plans During those two years his costsoriginal ly estimated at $356000rosc by more than 50 per cent to $541311 The main reason Land mort ga rates had nearly dwbled the for the sec ond year to be increased and renegotiated at lsperccnt interst Taking into account the extra legal fees of 000 and inter cstolumwthefirstyearsnd mom in each of the next two years the dcvelopersoostsbad reached 8t101250 on land that he had agreed to sell for the 860 He in to mnemonic that sale agreement with the builderat fee of imamand arrived at new sale price of 81319000 Toservicetheland heludto borrow anothe 850000 at 15 pg cent and keep his mortgages in force for fourth year at $2 000 interest