wrrre DUIIIU cxurnirier aoturoa JUI I976 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL 563900 Brick bungalow lust north of town fully broadloomed fireplace In living room sliding walkout from dining room bedrooms full two car garage with drive through very quiet area pool sized lot COLLETTE CRESCENT Large bedroom brick bungalow fully broadloomed large games room and rec room in lower level fenced lot must be seen to be appreciated $54900 35 SPRINGHOME RD bedroom brick custom built bungalow 20 21 rec room with fireplace baths nicely landscaped grounds attached garage paved drive near bus stop schools and churches $54900 1600 SQ FT Remodelled home with fireplace located on acres of good garden land bordered by everflowing trout stream just 20 leisurely minutes drive from Barrie Make an offer and move In before fall BARRIE 12 miles on paved road 100 acre corner lot 5000 feet total iron tage Lots of potential has hydro beautiful pine lined drive to secluded building suitable for conversion Gently rolling cultivated land plus maple bush with trails and stand of mature pine Reduced to $75000 with terms BUILDERS PERSONAL HOME Set In acre stand of mature trees only minutes north of Barrie among large estate homes valued in excess of $100000 Quality materials and workmanship at only $98900 BEAT THE PROPERTY TAXES Move to Hillsdaie new split entry bungalow with attached garage family room with fireplace full broadloom all on large lot with heated greenhouse for only $49900 MEADOWLAND AVE storey bedroom home broadloom baths garage paved drive Excellent condition asking $54900 OAKLEY PARK SQUARE Brick bungalow on nicely treed lot bedrooms broadloom dish washer finished rec room and 4th bedroom in basement carport patio paved drive Priced to sell at $48500 COMMERCIAL SPACE Of 666 Sq Ft with plenty of parking plus an income from an at toched storey home rented for $200 monthly steal at $44500 total with low down payment BAYSHORE ESTATES Split entry bungalow finished rec room with fireplace double garage paved drive deck all on landscaped lat asking $55500 55 DOWN To excellent financing for this bedroom bungalow with fireplace and rec room and walkout to deck JUST LISTED Large or bedroom home finished rec room fireplace car garage paved drive huge lot Home and grounds immaculate $559 $316 DOLLARS With $5 down to mortgage buys this storey brick duplex in Allandale The $316 includes principal interest taxes heat and hydro Our asking price $43500 $161K CASH To mortgage buys 78 acres of high treed land near Flesherton On tario Our asking price $29900 BEDROOM Brick backsplit at 25 Carol Road in Allandale Heights This home is immaculate with family room fireplace car garage fenced yard with concrete patio Our asking price $65900 MIDHURST 2400 sq ft home with bedroom bathrooms car garage sauna fireplaces broadloomed throughput on ls acre lot Asking $95XX BEDROOM storey brick with broadloom in living room and dining room part basement on 51 120 lot with garage Asking $35995 low down payment NEW LISTING bedroom storey with rec room office hobby room baths large dining room oversized kitchen 35 200 yard large private patio Asking $47500 TN ACRES OF RAVINE Treed land North of Barrie ravine small stream excellent finan cing EXTRA LARGE BUNGALOW 27K square feet in Midhurst bedrooms separate dining room kitchen with breakfast area family room with stone fireplace and walkout to deck Pool sized lot Extremely well built OLDER BEDROOM HOME ON SHANTY BAY RD On large 128 189 ft lot could be severed into lots 18 ACRE LOT High and dry mile east of third concession of Dre mature hardwood balance clear and some second growth $36000 CUSTOM BUILT HOME In Allandale Heights four bedrooms baths family room ravine lot are some of the features This home must be soon 3105 Jyl7 Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Paul Arbour 7264897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Bruce Laffin 7207741 Chuck Lambert 720com Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff meow Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 BARRIE OFFICE 109 Boyfleld Street 728920 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On tario LAKE SIMCOE WATERFRONT Three bedroom cottage with fieldstone fireplace and large glass en closed porch overlooking the lake furnished appliances like new price $549 Call Murray Stoveii 4362306 A41 $41 91 Three bedroom well cared for brick semi on lot 165 it in depth with paved drive mortgage at 10 for more details call Murray Stovell 436mJ58 JUST LISTED Beautiful and well kept cottage within steps of Lake Simcoe Fully furnished and insulated for year round enioyment Mature trees surround this fully fenced I50 wrde lot with garage Asking only 535500 Call Fred Walker 7265199 J59 PRIVATE BUILDING LOT IN MIDHURST 93 250 fully cleared lot surrounded by trees on sides Culvert driveway installed approved for septic Asking $18900 Cali Fred Walker 7265199 Jy Simcoe St AT FRED GRANT SQLARE Barrie 7373711 AAAAAAAAAA nonunion SAL nortmiosssrs REAL ESTATE royal ltgtcillt really Ill 42 Dunlop Slrritil West Hittite 0m Trrlrrphrintr lillbl 71 1771 COOL AMONG RIES This spacious three bedroom hark split offers lots of extras large family room with fireplace thermo glazed sliding door off separate dining room treed lot on quiet street close to schools and shopping asking $52900 all Dwight Norrena MORE SPACE TOR Large four bedroom tudor style home family room with fireplace frilly broadloomed separate dining room privmy lance Early possession available owner has moved and MUST SELL asking $52500 Call Karen Hulak DOG KINNLL Present use bedroom home included Lot is fully lent ed Approx acre Zoned M3 Could be used as industrial site John Mornton 737 I223 QUIET STREET IN BARRII Lat 73 165 with stream bedroom brlr home large living room and dining room Located on secluded street $38000 John Morton 737 I223 DUPLEX IN ALLANDALE Live in one bedroom unit and rent the bedroom lower unit to live in comfort for less Large treed lot on quiet street Separate garage Vendor will hold second mot tgage with $4000 down Call Elen Norrena NORTH END HOME bedroom side split family room Hollywood kitchen fully decorated piece both separate car garage Call now It see at $54900 Dave Thomson in7 Mason REAL ESTATE LIMITED fli RM2 ZONING Large three storey older brick home in excellent condition Two bathrooms easily duplexed Fireplace and loads of cupboard space Centrally located Asking $55900 and vendors will hold mor tgago For appointment call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 No 925 EDGE OF TOWN year old level sidesplit bedrooms family room large living room and large 80 190 lot Home is very well decorated and has quality broadloom throughout Great family home with country set ting but only mins from downtown Really worth looking at Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 726 5407 No 912 ON KEMPENFELDT BAY beautiful bedroom gold medallion home with many extras plus 85 feet of Lake frontage This home was built for comfort Call Jack MacLaren 726 1938 No933 YOU WILL BE SURPRISED At the am0unt of room in this Northlander Mobile home in tread area bedrooms 14 ft living room 11 ft kitchen completely fur nished Cant beat this value at $10900 Call 7261938 MLS 1575 CHALET ideal retreat for the sport oriented family bedrooms baths broadloomed quality built never lived in Moonstone area Asking $50900 Call Paul Hort 7261938 or 7266171 No927 OWEN ST Close to downtown storey older home kitchen living room bedrooms and bath downstairs Kitchen living room bedrooms dinette bathroom upstairs Presently rented Oil fired hot water heated Deep lot paved drive Call Carl Doran 7261938 or 7287805 MLSI285 it LILINIUI Jr III Irmr INILI rm It AIIRAIerr AND INANL iNL Uli LiNlll TF Jy17 Lee Benham 4245033 Mary MorrisOn 7289933 Wilma Bidwell 7269135 Jack MacLaren 7284950 Carl Daron 7287805 Ian Rouse 7265407 Lou Duff 4241356 Rita Scondrett 7284865 Art Edmunds 7260787 Peter Switzer 7286435 Bob March 7293444 Wilt Vozoau 4246358 Pat MocRiner 7263929 Marg Wakefield 4245465 Maureen Maier 7286294 Jone Young 7284717 Paul Hort 7266171 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE lllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll LTD REALTOR IONTARIOI BELL EWART CAN YOU BEAT THIS $29000 Year round bedroom home on large 99 165 lot New piece tiled bathroom convenient kitchen Large heated garage for the hobby loving husband Rugs and drapes included Coll Muriel Jeffery at 7266383 SHANTY BAY BARRIE $110000 Historic century home on two floors bedrooms baths plus powder room Hand hewn log addition exuding old world charm cobblestone fireplace cathedral ceiling Family sized kitchen with pine cupboards builtin appliances 42 pool patios lots more extras Call Muriel Jeffery at 7266383 BARRIE $53 900 Charming bedroom split entry bungalow Main floor farnily room brrck fireplace hoilywood kitchen walkout to large fenced treed lot Large mortgage minutes to 400 high way Call Muriel Jeffery at 7266383 HWY 27 AREA bedroom bockspllt with walkout to concrete pool immaculate condition Early occupancy $75 900 Good terms Call Dick erlson Newmorket 8954304 or at Toronto 8890544 AE LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 BAYFIELD STREET8ARRIE ONT737001 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR JyT7 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 726I881 TORONTO 364 794i TF Ross Miller 7260563 Ken Miller 4361431 Al Rose 7288116 Ron Spraule 4873715 Harvey Weber 4363815 Jim Harris 7267173 Sammy Benhom 7285664 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Ron Jones 7268997 Cec Cooke 7283036 Percy Ford 7287930 Ron Thorne 7288714 Gerald Neill 7267733 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Ross Burwell 4589248 STF mm ms Iw tire Ironic ï¬ll who cat about prop 47 COLLIER IT CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS is SOUTH BARRII Nl HOMI ustnrn btirk bungalow Iti tread area of higher prired homes Tastefully finished and redured to $49900 Must sell easy lirirrri ring try your down pnytnenil all ruby Adarns 728 6829 OW DOWN lAYMl NT Very atitrirtire hnteuuwnrrd in level with beautiful private lmrkyurd irimtly mom has fireplace and walkout White shag throughout Must be seen Reduced to $512900 Call Corby Adonis 728 6829 RIDUCII $485X BRICK DUNSHOW IASI IND Large kitrhen with ample iuphoards gleaming hardwood floors Angelstone liteplma In living room 1200 sq It Home is Im rnarulate ask for Corby Adams 728 6829 Mill NORTH IROM CITY LIMITS New split entry bungalow with finished basement large lot in quiet area Low down payment asking $53900 financing OVCIIOIJIB Call Corby Adams 728 6829 COMMERCIAL BUII DING REDUCED Downtown Barrie exrellent lorotion Owner will take back large lir st mortgage asking $85000 Call Corby Adams 728 6829 DOWNTOWN ARE $36900 bedroom brick home large kitchen living and dining room Taatures $25200 mortgage at 10 Ask for Corby Adams 728 6829 IEAST END OVER 2000 SQ FT bedrooms car garage family room with fireplace large ktt chen beautifully landscaped lot with 90 ft frontage Drive by Blue Mound Dr Reduced to $69900 first mortgage Vendor will take back sorond Call Corby Adams 7286829 BILLIARD LOUNGE AND SNACK BAR Downtown area asking $32000 phone Corby Adams 7286829 SPLIT ENTRY BUNGALOW Spotless borne in Allandale Heights Three bedrooms Finished rec room and patio Mortgage $36900 at 9V Priced to sell quickly $52500 Phone Audrey Marshall1362880 in Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MOCQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362830 TF RCHOLKAN Er CO LTD REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 346625 OAKLEY PARK immaculate brick bungalow in excellent resale area Features bedrooms living room family size kitchen on main level 4th bedroom sitting room kitchenette on lower level Priced to sell at $45900 Helen Burns 7262386 THINKING OF RETIREMENT HOME Located in Sandy Cove Acres this home features ample size bedrooms bright kitchen cozy sunroom with walkout to patio Appliances included Asking only $32900 call Helen Burns 7262386 DOWNTOWN LOCATION $42900 New storey bedroom family homes large 10 17 kitchen Braadloom throughout 11r finan cingl Try 53500 down Call Helen Burns 7262386 OLDER BRICK STOREY Only $35900 All rooms extra large Farm style kitchen has walkin pantry Forced air gas heating New roof chimney Walking distance to schools shopping Call me anytime Helen Burns 7262386 OWNER HAS PURCHASED and would like to see an offer bedroom townhouse appliances included baths broadloom throughout finished family room Asking $34900 Call Helen Burns 7262386 GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREABrick bungalow with attached garage Hardwood floors throughout financing House is vacant so possession is immediate Call Helen Burns 7262386 $2000 DOWN bedroom country home brick cedar large living room dining room kitchen lot 170 180 Mature trees Coll Elaine Cardinal 7269751 or 7284401 VENDOR ANXIOUS 296 Nelson Street choice bedroom brick home full basement $30800 mortgage at 9V Buy now Call Elaine Cardinal 7269751 or 7284401 BEDROOM BRICK HOME Newly decorated finished family room with bar cedar fence corner lot Mature trees Coll Elaine Cor dinal 7269751 or 7284401 EXECUTIVE HOME $99000 to $1 14000 immaculate interiors and ex teriors Double garage landscaped grounds prestige area Call Elaine Cardinal 7269751 or 7284401 FLEX WORSLEY STREET 60 165 lot good investment property Don Allan 4872412 $4000 DOWN East End Barrie immaculate bedroom brick bungalow broadloom throughout country size kitchen carport paved drive fenced backyard schools nearby plus private ac commodation for mom and dad downstairs finished kitchen living room bedroom workshop Jerry McNabb 7284401 Jyl7 305 Blake St Simcoe Plaza 7371414 Bovis Homes NEW EAST END bungalow Main floor FR with large fireplace patio doors offer wanted $62 000 VIEW OF LAKE East end level spilt double garage executive home high ratio financing WORSLEY STREET Large storey home zoned high rise 36 ACRES Barrie city limits distress sole 10 ACRES Investment land with storey house close to Molsons On above listings please call Bernice Whelon 7371414 or 7262334 WWIIs BARRIE PHONE 7261405 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 19 BAYFIELD sr Wass Real Estate Broker 726 4651 even iii till Collier St Ph 737 1771 Tor Line 380 Mortgages Appraisals Consulting is Proud Iri Iresetit CPI HOUSE Three new homes under rnrtstturtion lust 200 ft away from the lrike lthl IIUNi on down Illr til tnwrirtls Irile turn right just helnto the hike rrml turn right again until Shelswell ï¬lvd lfuuses rite rm your left Asking prire $54900 Irrrlrrded rire lireplme VI UNI full wulluut errtrtil Your Host will be Peter Simpson on Mrndriy Itily Ill 1976 between till ii iii Wl NI YOUR BUMNIA lyl7 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service 0th OLE RlIl TOR AGENT TOR Ll TiZlA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLL 728 8017 PETER GUMELS 7282425 PINE VIE ESTA TES ril erlhurirl NOW AVAIL A811 Building lots homes of your choice finished family room with lrreplur Aluminum sollit fascia Large double rat garage with entrance to basement Splits up to 1713 sq ft for $67900 Bungalow 1660 sq ft for $69900 $1 vrncrnr sr NO rusr OVER ms BRIDGE ON rue EAST SIDE PETER GUBBELS 7282425 Jyl720MK JOYN COLE 728 8017 RT Al STAT BROKER ii rillrrr st 5n 201 riamr 7288675 GOT DREAM Try this brand new bedroom brick bungalow now under construction on beautiful 127 150 Lake Simcoe back lot Builders price of $64900 includes luxury features like forced air electric heating fireplace and double patio door walkauts to 30 cedar deck For more good news please call Robin Jupp 7288675 or 7371362 evenings 68 FT BEDROOM MOBILE Only years old on beautiful wooded lot only minutes from Barrie Asking $16900 including fridge and stove TV tower all drapes and tool shed Please call Robin Jupp 7288675 or 737 362 evenings Jy17 Philip Jupp 7288675 FRi CRA Bob Danlord 7263740 Doug Siewert 7280475 Robin Jupp Trevor Dokin 7282899 Mongdg Manna 7374362 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283m EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Slums 7232930 Phil Franchette 7282619 Rog shgllwgll 4872920 David Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Willon 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 IOIIIT AIMIYIONO LIMIYID REALTOR rr Residential Forms Acreages Commercial investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES racemes TF 149 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Martin Aitseimer 7281762 Terry Vogan 4562544 Allan Thompson 728 1024 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Elisabeth Rase 7374525 Thomas Broiley 7282994 David Wigley 7268497 Grace BrolIey 7282994 Paul Dvmoulln FRI Bradley Watts 7287209 CRA SRA 7370731 Ernest Watts 7787209 Wayne Dobson 3372838 riosiri HOMES mm on Airs mums mum ESTATE SALE beautiful kept 53 12 Mariette Home with 18 expondo This home is complete with carpeted Iivrng room and master bedroom cedar deck 12 carport aluminum skirting and is set up ready to occupy an landscaped lot rn Big Cedar Estates 3267068 or 3259181 Jyl7 MORTGAGE SERVICES RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible roles Immediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA 89COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG Th STF M°E96°5 M9EIEtEEE MORT AGES medat acton Ogdfllderfllgt Taliu lsl ANDnDMWggfl BMmwld arranged Frsts from 11 and three Quarter per cent Seconds as low as 13 and one hell Prompt attention Reasonable rates Confidential Cell Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Pttiiip Juoo errteo Reettor 12s sus even rngs737 1342 Ings MORTGAGES 1st 2nd Ira bought and solo Immediate acton contaeolian prarsalservrcencmneo Hamilton 7371 RIM TAT PROPIRTY FOR $ALE PRIVATE SALE 53 Marshall Street Modern bedroom storey brick with family room baths fireplaces electric heat Iuoadloom double garage other extras $77500 trinrtpals only fly up palntment ROSSMAN 728 ibiSor 7269684 FSTF $43900 New single lentil tumors unrlrr It Qirirrr iliauifll tuttigr men IllegitimatePlatinum2778175 Pt 14 tale LIIliJli Murmur015000 yearly terms Irelivs instituted Telephone 174 048 ettui it TIV 0er Nearly ll rs res will so many atltls rrtrimlirl lot If trims furwirtuln telvisa ripe Will tutu tenth style home uli tinplain atrium by emunmnmnt it Imrrim will tiullt mortgage for tieteiis llll turns tiny fleet kslate Mel Al ltttmt lit Ialfl ftrrrb lturrninm spill entry tilingslimy Thuts lhllrrtirrls or go Letter IIIr full trreptern with gas harmrue Int rm garage Itrrs lllutrl is you itlrnrsï¬lys lets In 41 lieu lirru and in nu slut If All eater that the listing pin it til $77700 rely mountstilts Ill 1111 In 7747 tmm its Meal Jntr PMIVFII prrrrre rtsrrittitial tut WIT 4tie41rrtirns slursy and um troll baths furl Ht tut walk nut in palm Urine tirualiltmrr sitair unique pet rent first rnurtgrigr Item IeIIJlnry Mtge Mir1 setl 511 riiu Llihlr ticst utter flint qr httlrmit dawn paymer ttts will in our trulysir I7 Mlr flit All llklfV singli faintly harm lit olmt 80 let em tlilfllgnlb st1711mm tiltsgs arcn IIIrtllllrlrly tent in Irl 4900 tuli prrv Itltt trust tirin haltptmmv Ill Urf IttVf ilMl til PHOIIIII you lrt run tut It micr tiiï¬m lrrlnt salt all His tlt rlur mg tumulttr Imirs 181 NlVlll HUIl sInInrtt alas WltiIIW Itultihrl latteI IOIIITIJ 71mins possible 171 urrw pramrt Iwu tmlttrrmnrs km titus untuut mu NariStrut rnttnl Itnltw Making 854941 Ill IMt turrsz LOTS FOR SALE WA IF NONI II lrI Ill lnrly Sound ruta lfililllt viiIt IllWI ttyrttu lose qvxirtumwI rum IIti tilt at 19f Imi or Ht for sale tuttis tmrn rrty Irnnls nuInnn and Slidu DIIINIIYITI Asking 177504 int irIr Iitrlirn Inn at illft title in Hi Iiiilllllig lot 10 ll 150 ft Il4ttlll and trail perk TltIil1 Teluptrunr 4ili 7th BUIL Ditto I01 Inrrlstri Itrmistnr Asking 117000 Nnkr an utter Vreu Vrnu Pall sloth IM 1771 IM ltIi COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT GARJr tilV lm rent tuttil it long In It Wltll1MS It IIIUII MI 10 Iriiptrririr Ill 545 In hummus I28 054 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS TRAVEL Mlilf MOTOR HOMI fur Mlle or rent Holiday rn ttlltillltlt trurrw catniurt ltnrrrt tent and Awning 14 Baylreirt it MOBILF HotM on turner lot in small park 67 lrkl nrw Itfltnllllnr 728681507 it Hit COUNTRY LIVING in quitt plirlr smith at 86 Nraw turnw on Iarur 7500 sq ft lots firmly in move In Low riuwn payment 728 685 LET 11 GE you tntrtrud trmtw tutrtr that Is All types Cell Harold Isl ttw HIT Hausa rrnrtcrt 778 970 BRITISH LIGHTWEIGHI Tlilll trailers in now titiitt in linear and HP available dircui from It Iolinwrng manufacturers Write or phone for prices and delrvrI Information 14 It ilan II it mumts Thomson Lersurewny Bat 69 Witlllttltl nt Ptronv 41 877 551 16 it yrer mortgages nil momIs British IrnvrI IllIIIHS Lttl 1099 Sinners erri nivvtllr Pitt 416 844 7041 T976 8F NDI LIADI 6811 bedruorne 7500511 It Int pan wuttr at BIHItP Ownw Irnvtnu lUVIDII Teln phrmr 716 SIM 1973 N09 HL ANDE l4 ridge stove and extras included rxr rlILnl rondrttun Lends apart lot $121900 or imst atirrr Phonr 77 77M litter TRAILER for selrl Golden Falcon 1V ytnrsoin like new on bl setrt lit Hayn Dupont term 7th linr Barm picIrer telephone 778 5754 IISI tur Flay MOBILE HOME 42 rurrrplmrl fur nishwl bedrooms good lundrtrnn years old extras Tellphant 705 479 747 I975 HT DELIJYF tlnlltI way trroue yes turnare normr stow twin gas bottles ellInt trraxrss Used firmS Westruer altar 716 50 enytrnrn weekends RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 1150th I70 Burton Ave 7289866 TF Wm Get your roots down Theres nothing like the feeling of securin you get witcn lLi own your own home Get it now Let us help you with mortgage loan custom built to fit your needs and your purse Lets work it out today at Victoria and Grey 1707mm sea039a Iroriomoi and GR YIUSY COMPANV srscc Michael Benveriuti Manager Steve Cofik Mortgage am has