The Barrie Examiner Seturdo Jul I7 197613 TELEVISION GUIDE IIIFFAlO TORONTO II NAMIIJON 0x00 thwm Movie tMvs Loves FRoii Harris IIIetween The Hash 22Wheets 600 2Siralght Line sBest oi McLean $74ng llWrestlino l2Douo Hall Now hTV Bingo 100 2Hee Haw 4Water World La Pierre 7iltlrkland and Company OuEmargency Iztocksr Room 22Walter in Kitchen 100 eTreasure Hunt SitPhyllis 22Ooii Classic 7Last oi the Wild IlCaiebrlty Sports 000 2Emeroency 35l2This is the Law sThe Jeiiersons 22Mike Anscornbes tlLaw Conference 7Hapoy Days The 9Pocus 600 9Carioons IlSpecial Place 7Chriatopher Closeup irEncounter 700 2Ecumedla News 7lt Harald ot Truth 9cartoon Playhouse lICrossroads 700 2an of Discovery 3Crossroads 7Brother Teds World of Gospel IlFether Meehan 000 2Jlmmy Swaoparl Day Oi Discovery 7Sunday Surprise llCamera on Canada 00 2Champlonship Fist lng Palmer Tad Armstrone eIy The People lying Tomorrow 22Johnny Lombardi 7Movie Lord Love Duck PAtbum TV i2Rex Humbard I2 is sA Way Out 100 Meet The Press iitereld ot Truth 4vPartrldoe Family kConcernlno Women llNews IARRIF IIIFFAlO IIIFFAlO TORONTO PMRIOROIIOII IARRII CAR 22 OlOIAI SAID IT OXXI Olympic Games 0100 eOoc 22Newsweek 35I2Fawlty Towers 7XXI Olympic Games 000 2Movie 4Mary Tyler Moore ISMDavid Copperiield 9Movie Face 22Money Talks IIstersky Hutch Tl eBob Newhart 26eorge Anthony I000 bDinan shore 35I2XXI Oames llControntation It 00 3457itl2News wSweeney mos IlMovie MAsH it 2News iLate Edition 5Weekend Edition l2nght Final 00 4Movle Players 7Movta Daughter at The Mind may MORNINO 0x10 IMFJimmy Swaogart 2Jarry ialweil 7Rocketshlp 9Uncle Bobby Ileracle Crusade l2Church Today 000 3WGospel Hour 405 0t Archie 22lt is Written 9Paradox moral Roberts 000 FRex Humbard sHerlem Globe Trotters Popcorn Machine 35XXI Olympic Games 9Day at Discovery 22Encounter lilt ls Written l2Jlmmy swagoart 1000 MAY AW dOrealest Sports Laosnds ssl2flomantlc Rebellion 9Joys oi Collecting lISpace 1999 has 2Commanders 35I2XXI Olympic Games evaudeviile 9Cahadian Crimes 200 tlNot On Your Nillle 7issues and Answers FRed Fisher 22Oral Roberts 2100 2Vlrolnlan eMovle Treasure oi Olympic Prince oi II 2saturday Night frMovle Beau Geste IIiS0 l2Movle The Executioner Ill Castle keep 00 9News l2 l0 22nMovie Baron Blood 4MNews XXI Olympic Games l2 50 40Movle The Long ships hi0 ll Movie CC and Company Challenae It40 57Movle Blood tor Silver Dollar 100 77 News 230 Movie Another Time Another Place Movle Mahona String 4x50 Movie Revenue oi the Barbarians 44 Lamp Unto My Feet 22mGreek Program Rex Humbard lt ltallan Panorama 12Day oi Discovery l0100 22 Festival Portuguese Open Rap Look Up And Liv 77 Fllntsiones l2 It is Written 00 Oral Roberts Camera Three These Are The Days vPeoples Church i2 Church Today 00 22 Portugal 76 Rev James Andrews Face The Nation Ir MakeA Wish l2 Crossroads 000 22 Circle Square 77 XXI Olympic Games 330 Summer Sports 22Oood News ll tlee Haw 000 Movie Tribes 22Church Today Geli 430 Question Period tlTiny Talent Time 22 Agape 500 wUntamed World 22vaeaniler IlWlld lnodom Bernice Bede Gear For Sunday July 10 1010 ARIIO March 21Aprll 10 You have honabie Intentions today but theyre not enough to excuse your making people you help teei obligated to you TAURUB April 2oMay 20 Be satisfied that what people otter you today is the best they can give its not fair to expect others to try to operate by your standards OIMINI May 21June 20 You can be very gracious to those who accede to your wishes to day Pals who try to think or themselves wont please you nearly as much CANCER June 21July 22 Whether or not you realize it your motives are transparent today it be of little avail for you to try to put others on LEO July 23Aug 22 Although you have tendency to deal in illusion today you must come to grips with reality it would be serious mistake to do otherwise VIRGO Aug 238ept 22 In business dealings today make up your mind to grit your teeth and hold the line Your oppo nent ls determined to have his way LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 An inability to decide which way the scales are leaning could cause you to delay so long that whatever you say or do is really irrelevant SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Usually youre ready to lump in with both feet when theres something to do today youre likely to look for an excuse to hold back OAOITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 YOure mere gullible than usual today You tend to believe what lrlends tell you though you know in y0ur heart its not true CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 10 You have sympathy today with those under you This would be fine except that you should be exercising discipline rather than restraint aouaaius Jan 20Feb 10 It would be nllty today it you could stay in bed and shut the world out Scale down your ac tivities as much as possible PIBCEB Feb 2oMarch 20 it you plan to begin new project today line up your list of materials before you start You could buy much more than OUR BOARDING HOUSE DID YOU PACK MY lNSIST 0N HE MUbT MEAN CHE5 SET AND MR6 HOOPLEe HE 6065 PR05PECTOR5 COUSIN JERRY BACK FOR PICK Linnmim THE FRY COOK MORETICK ILL TAKE CARE OF AT THE eOMETHlNe My EVENING CLOTHEa lNDEPENOENc lN THE pensouALLY IF DAY HAMBURGtR GARAGE JERRY HEARs THAT DRlVElN THERE HELL NEw IM IN TOWN HELL EVERY iTEM LA EVERY TIME Ml55 lT on 862w lung WILL LIN DE Rf ANY Bernice Bede Osol For Monday July 19 1070 ARIES March 21Aprli 19 This could be costly day for you it you dont manage your resources Wisely Pay oft old obligations before assuming new ones TAURUS April 20May 20 Youre not going to be able to operate as independently as youd IlkP todny unless you Iinlll domnnds others make of you GEMINI May 21June 20 Dont try to manipulate others irom behind the scenes today It wont work it you wrint help or favors make diroct re quest CANCER June 21July 22 Be crirclul today With irionds whom money is in issue Someone could very easily wrnd up tooling theyve been taken advantage oi LEO July 23Aug 22 You hrivc tondnncv today to do IIillIQS tho hmd wriy Youro likely to rcsonl ll II anyone tries to point Illlh out VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont lziko litlid lrnc today regarding it motto where you know in your heart you could be wrong lvoryono makes mislakcs Dont lot It bug you LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Youre not IS sharp in tiusiincss niorc than her share oi doniostir frustrations today Dont iplllltl surprise qunsts on lior PISCES Feb 20March 20 Make IItiI oi what you want to accomplish loduy then chock as you go along Something liliDOllillll ould slip your mind 21 76 litre coming your you Will have lllit outsutri internists lliun youvc lliltl tor uornn line it should tic lung but dont put morn Iltillt ill the lrrn lliilll you Jill Illiiililqi NORTH OAQJIIZ V83 OAQJtltiIl WEST lot 0854 KJ9785 EAST O7 VAQJII 02 5A10632 SOUTH AK108543 V65 OKIO7 NorthSouth vulnerable South Pass Pass West North East Pass Pass Opening lead Pass I0 75 74 By Oswald James Jacoby Todays hand has up eared in this and other co umns Oswald Jacoby sat North and Mary Zita Jacoby his wife was South At that time the grand slam bonuses were I500 not vulnerable and 2250 vulnerable The game was rubber bridge and East and West were both top players After East had overcalled Jacobys opening diamond bid with four hearts and West had bid five hearts over Mrs Jacobys tour spades Ozzie wanted to have Mrs Jacoby play grand slam but he wanted to stop heart lead How could he do it One way would be to make fake cue bid at six hearts and then go to seven spades The trouble with that action would be that ex ert West would say to himscl Why did Jacoby bother to cue bid when he was Elderly traumas their work TlAWt CF The admin istrzition of St Patricks scnior citizens home are cndciivoring lo rcducc the trauma the Cl dcrly hnvc moving from it homc cnvironmcnt to such rest dcncc lonsmpicntly lhcy nrc ltltlk ing St Patricks lucc whcrc rcsidcnis can mutc as closely FUNNY BUSINESS WIN AT BRIDGE Ozzie bids daring grand slam going to bid seven all the time So Jacoby tried the reverse method He just bid seven spades West studied and studied and finally came to the con clusion that Jacoby was sure ly void of hearts Hence his only hope lay in the club suit He led club and Mrs Jacoby racked up the grand slam Ashthei Readers continue to ask us it we will open one notrump when we hold fivecard ma jor suit The answer is decided yes if our distribution is 5332 and our hand meets all other requirements for an opening notrump Briefs ItlIIlAN AIIVIIIICS NEW YORK AP In an opinion survey cight out of It pcoplc said lhcy would chan thclr household routines to is advanlugc ol lowcr IIIgIlIlIllH electricity costs About 70 per ccnl of 00000 Gcncriil Public Utilities urp customers said they would rcschcdulc such chorus as dish iitltI clullics washing linking rind litithlng to lutccvcning IllOVIlll ICXIIIIIIIINtII WASHINGTON AP lhc National Ilndowmcnt for thc Arts says the Hill session oI its work cxpcricncc internship pro gram shirts in Scptcmlicr Nun cy llunks chairman of thc organization said Our goal is to providc tIlltllIOtI talented young ixruplr with lIItlltitI work cxpcricncc so tirit they may enter iidiiiinislriitivc poHI lions in IIlt rirts SUPPOSE ILL GUST ®ET r1 BPOKEM IN AND THE STQLlne so ooTOF DATE THEQLL CH AMéE LOOKSf £15192 acnogg agency at It Iurl Pete ltl Certain Brook or vegelatiies rainbow 16 Permits II nridimt sen holly root iii Contender 40 Point gun var Skips l3 Saull 44 Ilirilel Marie Perturne Bread niukurs nided Iflliiii 15 Asuelir 40 Mention tn Return on Restrier II Short garkets l9 ianernl ab Murlgngme look long 20 tlruterdorie slaps Moral lnull luropnnn il ulle lllll 94 Former ii leel liussinll ruler now VILIIIIIS ril leprosy 9i lllrniriutiva ul inniqu fit iimtvy weight ll illvtlliiiiftlllitl lllnli riurily Ark IIIIIIIIIlIJ illl Muir Irma rill DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Punle lirdividuzil llirtermn monster ii Miss uti ti irrmll ilaiis 1M ilugqerur itruurriinl lie smilan vrli ii Mriilnr lisii ii Wild 35 Till Iliallt tuys l9 Amputee it Very ï¬lliiill 4t Ahatlltlilt How kilnï¬ 4i liriln ll lnreriis Ailililnri tirlll Ill IllIlllt liltt 4i irrmviu Pl Jiurr It enlivul iinule illlIr ll ririirl min limit il lilrirrlytrirnlrxi Ll iwuiirniriu PI iiru riw llBuslnessiieport theGoldanCondor 530 mums mdw Wm 71wflyw°m Gmwsmolnmn needed otherwise nan whom Rim pom tspossrblr lht Illt stylc of thur FFormbysAnthue llNewScotland Yard Omarady Bunch advmp mm you 1mm com own homes PurnttureWorltIhop 22MastersTouch liLawrence wm someone mw bucks lwo rcsrdcnts llownrd mum lcnhy 83 and Patrick s°nycm Forum SCORPIO OCI 24N0V 22 McLaughlin 84 how put about 4m knuowmplc cam Ma°mpscoun Handle close companions wrth half an on under cumvnmm nixegakeily vtMCLM July 176 diplomucly1 ondltnct today or behind he homo planting corn V0 70 onions turni and cucumbers memYW WhmTW its important that you think in doesnt readily lorqrve put To sumo Home 22Somethlnn Special l2Movie IN ll ollmc arming 030 Koiak Kansas Raiders terms D°lbnancm 95inmih5 0W lhcy say they arrhappy to have ZS wIlL UE 2Wlld Kinodom 7Movla In Harms moo year erating orig ese tho rum ursm heir Â¥lrrldAvar Nawn 35é2amtl0lymplc has spur you to grower Ssï¬ifTTQIRItijptleviniiï¬zï¬i Wortl FEM CHAMQEQ tumw 373 may IIT° more rewarding enorts task that needs attention tnkc SI PMIICkS Plans rode themi dillBronk 9onieibeathoi INDUSTRY iltEW CHIP wmmvml IF700W V010 hm PWOS of land Mr Ms 22SeerchForThe Adoliitltlsr NEW YORK AP Papcr Il WI Hum you more work mindlhihilmimililwmk tuztimglgmxphlc Pugh 0mm lzzziiuews was ï¬rst made in America IVtilltllilly of pathways gnrdcnsand game arcus 357xxr0ivmpic wr mu Philadelphia mIIIIn 1090 To CAPRmORN 224 10va ludetlkd genteel yams 7Sunday5urprlse daytheraperbusmssmsoncrg 19 pmmmd wmo my shaplm 5hmwflk Whid °° NW the 10 argcst in thc Unitc qudm cm mMovu TM hm sot ml OnIDIlflIIOIIS today es 713 Wolllfln Princlpls iMovletFirebali 8mm 19755a1050xe0dmg picinlly it youre involvcd wrth Agp lligt0WtIIg greenihomtd Cfll My iIMovieBlack Noon nus FAvcngers $30 billion Total world demand who Is now my mmg 00 Pi isnt Fmh Wm FL E° =° for Paper MS incriiSId ud siwri sume rock the boat WNW we zitflu PerIF tankegssdmon zwuh Thinning annual rate almost Six per Also on the st are rock gar 111 nrnnusinmur thee KEN cent since 1954 and now is at mUAWUS Jan 20Fob 19 dons 1051an with Whyelvqhar Adele must think that the Bible says 60 ye into the world mew FMovr 130 minionmnsayca Your main is Ilktily to Imvc gardenersswcrficallyinmind and spread the GOSSIP 35l2gtThe Waltona The Nanny rMovle Kiss 2Eilery Queen bMovie Black Veil Tomorrow Goodbye LETS GET ï¬T DOES iM GOOD To SEE LETS GO OVER MARREDIPAM COW THE OWE ALFUVEJ WHADDA DIJNNC TO tBFCITLEEIS IM eamw if if€1373 you WHADDA MCPAWNDés ARENW WANNA You HOLJEE AND WE p1 ix WANNA GriVE HlMTHE DEVILS CEDFZIC DO 5WINE Fur has hls or gt India hilt utflxmlyuattutmum its WM ttimurmcirm Alanr utiut Izvgr45=nz JL ByGC THOSTESON MD most of them are children The I7 Dear Dr Thosteson What do you know about this swine virus Im cularly inter estedin how tgets aroundT The swine flu strain of ticiatly known as ANew Jer seytwo was first identified in 1938 It is apparently closely related to the virus that killed an million people in the 1918 out break In 1967 form of the same virus the Asian or Hong Kong variety also was very lethal The mode of transmission is the same as with an virus strainby let ection the same as wi the common pediatrician could easily deter mine if your grandson has them There are several effec tive drugs to combat them Gettin rid of the can be more dif icult Pains king hy giene precautions must be ken so that there is no recur rence or danger of other family members getting them Tooth rinding bruxism can also related to tensiOn and neurosis Dear Dr Thoeteson am an 18yearold female have trapped in my stomach is causes indigestion with fullnas and bloating eat during the day and still et bloated and my stomach nOt go down until the next morning Then when eat breakfast it starts all over again am not overweight foot5 and 128 pounds Can you helpMtesGlZ You dont tell me whether you pass gas during all of this sotassumethatisnotapartof your problem If not would aspect nervous condition This situation is not uncommon among adolescent girls who have been disa inted in love Emotiom can vs lot to do withsuchthings The fact that your bloating seems to be daytime affair and is relieved at night when your system is relaxed in dicates that game emotions maybeinvol Amther less romantic cause then blighted love can be some food to which you are allergic And of course rapid eating and air swallowing could be your problem Whatever the reason you should have an examination to detect any obstruction of the co lon or Other similar disturb ance If the problem is not brought wider control it can lead to these developments in the digestive tract SHORT RIBS OM Dr 705004 LITTLE msv TUMAKE lRRlTATE SOCHABIGMANS Awwm KERRY DRAKE eagvs AART rEE was ovaq 99 We wE fvg vars My soc APN Tr Ya W7 MNT HIM RUNNIWALL OVER BREAKING THE YOU SAID 1105 you ME WAS oniodon KILL Fair WW intense arr vex CNL AWNch ANEA ix ZIP Erma is WANT TO WIN Watt AT THE COSTUME DAR MN Exss is ClelNG Mr THAT GQRILLA UTFITLL DC gt Vi How CAN 6E SURE IT LOOKS WEALISTIL Ir ENOUGH Tli MERLlN TOLD ME ll WAS MADE OF PLASTIC ME IO FIND WAN CANT 60 KILLED AN OLD AGON WITH DIGr RNA1 BORN lOSER DOY WllARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST Matthew DOES tilts TIE so WITH THE JALKET It means eellteniaberereeraintee ï¬eeCd7310201 teceaeettaretessieaelOtfieePIiaer 1370201 ON THE NiéHT OoTnplete Ottice Outfitters WHAT THIS MEANS OFFICE OUTFITTERS coupleter decorated and furnished et OU KNOW Que were on LL TELL WW lT mm with sac yr WED LIKE ro TELL You wHAr You HAVE 901 Wl CANT PRaNouNcE IT