Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1976, p. 6

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6mThe Barrie Examiner Thursday July 15 1976 200 local arean members attend Cookstown anniversary OOKSltM enin of entertainment and speeches was enjoy ed by over Bill local and visiting omens institute members last minislim ewn mg when iookstowii oiiieiii institute celebiatikl its sixth ltil thday The highlight oi the ciciit held in ookstoiiii iciitiai School llhliitl ltilu spew ti by the piesiiieiit Fixleiatnl mucus ot liitiiio ll Niticluske lt laluskc Jttl tltJ tookstown ltlsillllx Mas iigti tip Hlll the first meeting oi the lust woiiieiix lllSIliillt the first meeting ciii tictit lttltl lit Itili lilSi liliiild iookstiiiiii held meeting tlill tlllttg nieniticis tioiii hiizctiil liistoii iiid surrounding cow tiilllllitts was the omens llllllLlll tiiiiiicil iii the county Mrs luluskc oi chislut iiieed the stall of the iiioienieni which now ltlltx LIES branches with til ill liltlillKlN tllltl ages it to units oilti Eli Itttltiltls It has stalled as ioiticl 05 His institutes iili ll itlx is illllllsi to the hat the Institute bout till women iiid on iiiaii showed up at lici iis meeting which itcliiiilc ltoodless known as the tenetch of wt in the tiist Pkdei Ill till tler theme was en poitaiice ot the iitlixiitiial within the gioiip No gieat painting has met been painted no great piece llitlsit inn eer been cciipescd and no great stiirx has ever been iiiii ten by group it has always been done by in iiiduidual stressixl lts laliiske Great ideas always start with one person Ilenr Ferd had an idea and the car tor everyone was born Madame urie had an idea and radium was discovered Alexander liell had an idea and the telephone became ltillll Even on small scale good ideas from in dividual members of group are very important and can mean the difference bet ween just existing and becom ing involved to realirc the goals of the institute she said The draw for the blue and gold quilt WI colors was won by Mrs Kingston ot Baxter Musical entertainment was feature of the evening Heather McDowel sang French song and the rain song accompanied on the piano by her mother Mrs Murray McDowell Mr Sparry and Mr Henderson with accordian and guitar gave several lively numbers in cluding Scottish and Old Time iordon Stephen and Roger Dot rendered number of dance and western pieces with their orchestra Miss Kathy Monk man sang solo Mrs Joan Mcliean gave history of the ookstown WI the tlllIOI IC IR IISIINIICI lloiis Ilc ries leit presi dent of Zeta lambda iliap Ill ot Reta Sigma Phi Soiiiii presents cheque tot Roll on behalf of the chapter to Paul Abbott president of the ssiwiation tor the Mentally Retarded The money ili llt used for facilities toi the mentally retarded Fiiii iner photo VER IllSKIT prest dent of the Federated mens institutes of Ontario spoke to over zoo who last week attended the 75th an niversary celebration of ookstown WI She encour aged members to explore She said members coming from ihurchill used to have to cross the big swamp over cor duroy road in horscdmwn bug gies lrinter Mr Stodaril for the 25th anniversiiry printed ltlil invitations for $2 that so sue cesstul was the ookstown Wl that Thornton formed its own Wl in 1902 As president of the tookbtown WI Mrs Don Monkniaii thanked everyone in eluding visitors for helping to make the evening incinoriiblc one There is no tnier group of women than the members of US Day Tour To MOSCOW lENINGRAD ea KN every idea in order to keep the philosophy of growth live She congratulated the Cookstown group for being one of the oldest institutes in Ontario Photo by Brian Rakerl our own ookstown WI she stated Without their wholeliearted enthusiasm and help this evening would not have been possible Relieved to be the oldest visitor there was Mrs Sadie llounsome of Bradford who at tll is still an active WI member She is charter member of Fishers orners Wl started in lll2l Everyone enjoyed buffet lunch including an anniversary cake and were given crocheted mint cup The evening closed with prayer by the Rev Rooney SR Dorothy Spring tolling wood teacher works vitli lId ward lliiilips helping him pronounce the th sound in HELP IN PRONOUNCING his words Mrs Spring is one of 25 teachers from the area who is taking the course for teachers interested in special education which is being held at Eastview Secondary School The course is being offered by the Ministry of locn pro education at several tions throughout the vincc llIXllllllllll photoi Marion Webb has seen many changes in her teaching career of 42 years Marion Webb stepped oitl of Normal School in 1932 as brand new teacher in 42 years of teaching she has seen the average teachers pay cheque soar from $690 year to $ltltltlil the little classroom of 25 expand to the open concept classroom and library transform into the resource centre Im old fashioned says the 63 year old Mrs Ross who retired this June Mrs Ross recieved many gifts from the students teachers and principals of In nisfil township at her retire 30 people attend reunion for Holmes at Alliston About 30 people attended the lloiines Reunion from Utopia lrenfil Windsor lronto Brentwood Alliston lot tenham and Barrie The ma nion was held in Alliston Park President Beth Stewart opened the meeting and thanked the sports committee The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted on motion by Rita Bowman sec onded by Minnie Davidson The 1977 reunion will be barbecue supper members an nounced and more money will be spent on prizes The conimit tee in charge of the barbecue will include Doug Holmes Will Marshall and Bill Brown Aim and Mac Gray of Wind sor received gift for coming the furthest distance to the reu nion Rita and Jim Bowman received gift for being mar ried the longest Mrs Stewart suggested that the late of the reunion be changed from the last Sunday in lune to the third Sunday in June WORLD OF WOME ATTAINS HIGHER RANK TORONTO tRIil Helen Margison vicepresident and chairman of the executive council of Metropolitan Toron tos United Community Fund iUCFt has been elected resident of the fund She has liad many years of service with the UCF the YWCA Social Planning Council St Christopher House and Com munity Funds and ouncils of Canada RECEIVE HONORS TORONTO tCPl Fred Reindl executive chef for the Hyatt Re ency Hotel in To ronto ant his culinary team achieved an outstanding sue cess in the sixth annual National Salon of Culinary Art and Exhibition in Chicago The team won first prize for each of their seven entries and special recognition for live demonstration of an ice car ving PARENTS WANTED EDMONTON ll Alber tas department of social ser vices and community health has started new campaign to recruit foster parents The campaign with the slogan Take two theyre small is designed to recruit foster homes which can keep brother and sister together BAN THE IIMIIE ST TAIHARINES Ont Pl Acne medication has be come big business and some of the medicine is garbage says Dr James Fulton Miami derv inatologist He is helping set up acne clinics and urging doctors to take more active role in treating acne KIDS TAKE REFUGE SAULT STE MARIE Ont 1ll The board of education here has approved extention of the block parent program larr ticipating parents display signs in their windows showing that it is refuge to child in danger Program chairman Kirk King horn says the parents have been called on nine times since the program started last January PROVIDESGlIIE TORONTO tCPl The min istry of consumer and com mercial relations has developed equal credit op portunity guidelines The guidelines which have been en dorsed by the Ontario credit granting industry ensure that everyone regardless of sex or marital status shall have equality of access to credit WIIIIELtl IR FROM ment party recently in the last 22 years she was special education teacher working on remedial reading and speech therapy She worked half day week at Sunnybrae Prince of Wales King Edward Assikinack lood Fellow Kilarney Reach lnnisfil en tral and Warnica schools Mrs Ross was well prepared to work in rural schools when she started as ltl year old teacher She was born in Stroud the daiighler of Mr and Mrs Russell Webb You had to grow up In rural school to be able to cope with one she said Imagine handling 25 kids ranging from ages fivetolit or IS Iarents respected the teachers place she says and interference was minimal She used disci line and lot of understant ing lhere were times when used the strap she said But that was when there was no other alternative Emphasis was on the basics She taught spelling arithmetic social studies science health grammar and agriculture think weshould get back to the basics she said The best thing teacher can do is teach the basics From there achievement will reward itself Word of praise can go long way for children Once they get taste of achievement learn ing becomes easier she said While kids basically havent changed she said teaching has changed since her first days in tlicdcpression lcaclicrs have lot of clerical work and supervisory Work today Kids Well lot of them want to do their own thing And that doesnt always include gettinganeducation kid who wants to learn in stinctivcly is hard to come by these days she said lnvolvrmcnt Willi special education conic rather ac cidcntly Special education teacher Marg Smith asked her to make weekly visits to the school to teach remedial reading They split up the schools As teacher you must find out why the child isnt learning and present it to him in way that he or she will shcsaid ln speech therapy she did the same took him in front of mirr ror so he could see how was forming my mouth to make sounds Now that she is retired she and her husband Jim will travel in their motor home Her plans for the future Just relaxation Ill sopfs U2 cant PEOPLE AND PLACES Iiii fitchc League of ltnrric North and South on orgimizo tloii devoted to litkpitig women nursi lhiii liablei will hold the third meeting lll ti series Wednesday July 2ft tit 4ft llriiir fill lliirrie lopic for fliteven ing is the arrival of the bob the faintly in relation to tie breast fed bully Mr and Mrs John Hayes of lllg My Point will be at home to receive friends luly 24 from from to it on their occasion of their Sittli wedding anniversary OROSIAIION Aconiniim ity shower for two couples Mr and Mrs Icd Applcby tnccffa thie Simpson and Mr and Mrs David Mitchell tiltc Marsha 52nd reunion for Iaddisons The 52nd annual laddison reunion was held recently at Molsons Park with about 59 family members attending buffet style dinner was held in the pavillion business meeting was conducted later The new cxerutivc for 1977 in clude Joe laddison president Orma Iiees vice president Mary llirlehcy secretary Doris Pratt treasurer Mr and Mrs Sam Kane sports dircc for Keith Lees Fay Smith Helena Howles directors Mr and Mrs Brian lralt table committee lcrry laddison past president Mrs Seth laddison and Truman laddison were given prizes for being the oldest fami ly members Edward lratt re ceived prize for being the youngest member Loto Canada Removable ormrests $134 Lokematlc powercbain $615 Mm PHARMACY MM Penetang St at St Vincent Barrie Ont Shelswclll was held recently at thicominunitycentre MIDLAND Ilwlithtinnual Antich Market tfounlry Mill Will open liiesday July 21 at in and liily 2i and 22 from it am to to in There will be rcfrcslniicnts and sandwiches served Tost is $1 for adults and so cents for children The market is being agnostier by the auxiliary to St Andrews Hospital Midland Guests at the Nelson home on Napier Street for the lost two weeks have been Mrs Nelsons brother Rev Dr It Mclieod and Mrs Mclieod of Thunder flay GRADUATE James Wilson son of Mrs Freda Wilson Essamere Farms Thornton and the late Dr Edwin Wilson graduated with bachelor of arts degree in economics from Wilfrid laiuricr lniversity ElilXT Joe faddison was elected president of the executive for the animal laddison reunion which was held this year in Molsons lark LURNES DUPLICATING it Printing SERVICES Electronic Stencla cut to original $300 No Job loo Small 22 BAYFlElD ST 7260955 WHEELCHAIRS Removable log rosts casters cushioned upholstery aluminium H99 7285407 Loto Canada Inc federal Crown Corporation has been established to conduct and manage national lottery Applications are invited for Loto Canada lottery ticket distributorships that may be available in the near future Some of the distributorships mainly those in metro and semiurban areas will be exclusive distributorships for Loto Canada tickets In those areas the exclusive distributors must be engaged on full time basis in the sale of Loto Canada tickets and will not be allowed to market sell or distribute any other products services or other lottery tickets In the case of corporations applying for exclusive distributorships at least one shareholder must hold minimum of one third of its capital stock and that shareholder should be employed full time in the ticket distributing business All applicants must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants residing in Canada and must provide the following information Name current aridross date of birth and place Cit birth 2Wlfirk history triCiUIlllg iomonstrainzz exDirieiiiwa in the rnarlwting hot itiwfhw with iitiiiittii an in wt past tmpl was piis heal an iiiiaies stwirii ywn vari MQS dining the past tii yoas State it you have bow tiiiinxttid if so whom Stat in airtor of preference those communities in which you would like to carry on the distrioctirship State your mun expected earnings from iff OSl nitsnp before income at 10 Corporati ins applying Shtlulf Dtlylrjg the following aititixiral irifrirriatiiun names and addresses of the shareholders NEAT TocFXllu and for what amount If not can you or and the number of shares they hoirl To heat three pound canned Pom bonded names and addresses of directors haiii thoroughly leave it in Three character references names and addresses of officers moderate oven tor about an Only 0° Written certification of wrie of credit date of incorp0ration whether it is public hour of $30 000 or Dflvale company and the nature of its Sales Seerce Rentals Most recent finanCiai statements including present busmess CUdlng statement of assets and liablllthS Partnerships applying should provide the Return OlrlOfe ilOlOHlO Moscow Leningrad lt Enquire lollfl about tll iwilliini ilttlli statement of earnings followmg additional information ll Torontol wheelchairs wall hits crutches and tuiispi ii statement Of working capital names and addresses of partners the nominal nannia their share of the partnership ANIIUIIES lNlllilLlliS but Name an add ess mghs °Lcomm0donon ms 055 0° lliAlNEl PERSONNELIO am 151 ha institution With which yot deal nature of the present busmess prwate Ioclmes Complete iiiostuiiiy Iiwstoini ppllr 099 Three meals every day ShOMY BOY Extensive si htseein in Moscow Leningrad Canadian Afipor degomw doane Applicants who are awarded Applications should be distri utorsriips must agree to the foliowmg typewritten and addressed to the Visa Charge to adhere to prescribed system of Secretary Technical Review CommMu accounting and Manual reporting Loto Canada Inc Convalescent Aid Cenfre mm 078W DEPARTING 5m 30 mo stockatbltlyd Yon SfN af Wellin ton St to piowde annual audited finanCial 360 Llsgr Strut 00310mm draperies RETURNING OCT I916 statements Ottawa Canada Ofurriiiuie Wm AURORA to agree to reasonable inspection K1A 0L9 oinianoi designoi on staff in BSSISi of records All applications must be received at the ab0ve you With your decanting problems JOHNSON TRAVEL Dunlop St Borne lPSTAIRS DUANE HALL PM Hi 0PE Muslin roiRipu ie Sl PM on ieoisTMEsr 7272122 889962 Loto Canada is under no obligation to accept an address Before 1700 hOUFS July 26 1976 applicant All information supplied to Loto Canada Inc Will be treated as confidential Tuos to Sat to 7280599

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