Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1976, p. 1

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EXAMlNER TELEpPHONES iriiiliitimi lti iiW ttmntout Admintro To 14 Hm ltiiii ltltttll 776 hill 112th Year N0164 llS All lllilllCRNlCSs lltillllfllltltts tor liiigeiic tor the pi llltll will llllt tiNedls pin slii til troiii liil ttttoJul at the tieiiitss are well under tieorgian tollege lheatre The tiiyphori ltieiitie ltev llilllllil tlirts with item totnpnrii ls tins rehearsing laire iti liar tooiii stlllt CAPSULE NE WS luerrillas kill two sllSitl Litit nationalist guerrillas iriztiustieti illltl krlaed ti white rind uirl luesdin or fit roiiit lKt For iitorrii and Hen liritlge iritoriiiisi setiries slot otlm Birthday message for Ford ASHINU ltl President Ford began his Nth year today slicing ii hirthdti cake that urged him to tine em llell Jerr Ted Mack dies at 72 TltltltiW led Mack the low keyed master oi ceremonies who made the Original Amateur llour an institution on television tor years is dead it Spain approves reforms MADth tAlt Spains rightwving parliament lioued to government pressure today and approved reforms oi the penal code but the government lost an attempt to give more liberal definition of the term political parties tlioe ilule tent and Joan Altgran sliltttitll it theeiidoi dock during the pli tl iiiiiner liiotosi apote fined sotiiiititi uttror lrumar lgiittl tiltitid it eliitirIiitii program tittct pleading itlil luesda to it charge or driirrig while irito reited lltwiistzrredSto tiipote to state ABOLI TI 0N BILL LONG VERDUESTANBUR Commons will make death penalty decision tod ttll tlt tith threi men scheduled to hunt lhursdio the torniuous makes its tiiial decision today on whether to retain or abolish the death penalty Last speaker in the emotion charged toriimtins debate was toriiier Liberal cabinet minister Holicrt Stanhury who the BC to EXOtlllthL Taiwan Games decision awaited MUNlltlIAI ttlt The in teriiatioiial ttlyiiipic oiiiiiiit tee ilttti asstiiililed today to receive the ltitlllill word that laiwtiii lll pitll otit oi the tinnitsopeningSaturdayaiidtti tate threats by black Alllttlll threats lohoicoit litevent iii liiig yr secretary general iii the Taiwan ttlyinpii ioiiiiiiittte was quoted in liiipei today 1sslltti his learn withdraw unless it is iilimetl to compete under the iliigot lllt lltttlllillt tit liiiia tti tiiltillli has participated in tiie tiliiipii taints vitlioiit lli national ting liliillllttttlll illtlttl Mr Niiisaid liii Just il little iiiad lilltl lltllii who has lived Ill tiiiie all his lite said this tllll the ltorrie planning hoard mettinglutsdii ltril riiot residents iii in tiiiltr lliiidits wont he too con llttl he liten lighting Mr li lltt plan to liiiiltl townhouses on the ttllllll iltlt tii litlle tllll west oi the litiidiin National ltailwai Harki li lttisttiwsplatiscitsent Iiitwdoi night to lllt Il tlttlilllltlll tttllllllllllt tor the second time It lieeii long hard liattli tor Mr llristtiii and his itiiii itilllNlJIXlllllltlltllllilhlilil piililit meeting April lit residents opposed the develop tirtitiiistiiiites well have iiti choice but to register our protest by withdrawing iroiii the ttlyiiipir tariiesat Moiitriril Under such llthtVll the final decision on Iiiiwaiis partiti iatioii was expected iti lie that liy Slieii liiiin into the countrys tlyiii pii tiiiiiiiiittit president who is in Montreal The ltit liatl appealed to liiiwiiii to roriipete its group til stateless athletes alter the tanadiaii government said it would reiiise tti allow the team iiitiiihtrs to enter tiiiiiidit ii they insist on ttiliipeiiiig under Barrie Ontario jriiiudo Wednesday July l4 I976 Arnieins iiiiiiiArnN novcofijr the name niitl iliig oi the ltepulilietii hirin tniiittla recognizes only the llltltltltllltl Peoples Republic oi thiiia Also overslintloiving the Mon treoi tilyiiipits was the threat til withdrawal hy hintk Airitaii athletes llieir goveriiriients are angry hetiiiise New Zerilaiid an Hlynipit pitllltl pant has been competing in rugby against South Airita titspite that countrys Ittttitl segregationpolicies ilie ltit zisseiiilily appealed to the lntwriiitse liiesday to toiiipett til the Montreal WNHQUSE iiieiit iii the area llltll is now heavily lrted iiitl tised as open iptlttlltllltlillltl llie lilfliflml tttlllltlillltl they said ias not lllil lllli plan hut the number oi lttltlliliti pto posed toi Little illllt litt vttti hiyiitw lilt iiitl lllt lllll tiiitlts llitre llt llIltl plani iiitli about too liilllltllt proposed in an area which is piiiiiniily single taiiiily and semi tlt tachedlioiises Mr lliisltiw was told by the hoard iuiudiiy night tti redraw his plans reducing the number tii townhouse anti eliminating row oi townhouses on Little Avenue lll2irlilNfllvll1 Nt ilt sent notices to lll the residents in the urea and held his own meeting in the llIVllW lliia litit only itw ot the oh jttltilitlltlttltil llit revrsed plan includes two hiotks tii townhouses lltllilltl the trees Willi total oi itii llllil to single iainilv Ninth and lo itllll detached tlltll iioiii lit tievtiiue Hill the resideiito irtiii liap it The petition liftl tlirtt tillltt lltill the density is too high itii llttilitu the developer onli lttllltttl the number til uniti to ltttt iitiiii Ltofi and the developer can still ilt ttllt substantial capital itain iiy selling single iariiili detached houses on the proper tv Bradfords Salad Festival activities start tonight itli iltlltlilt taiiada titLite capital is busy today pr epariiii tor the ttllllllil oi the Boy charged in shooting ttlllJIlttN tint ttli lltlltltl Ntililetoii lioy was Illillllttl iith iiiiiiisliiugliter lollowing shooting incident ltiesdriy in liich one oi his tiieritis as killed ltllltt saiti otk tiiliiiiittl police spokesman said three tritrids ieie pli uni tll one ot the lioys homes when the hoy hrought out his tiitheis tottealihre ri tie lle loaded it aiitl tired hit tingthenctini ruthchtati lolite tlitl not release tiaiiies iii ptisotis itioltil otiletoii is illitilll northwest tit lorotito in miles ttiwiisaririual Salad Festival Activuies liegiii tonight with street dance on John Street iitiriit iii to midnight lhursday there Will he riioiistci hiiigo at lllt iotuniiiiit teiitre beginning at 7to in At tiitt me again at the coriiuiuiiity centre people eaii display their hearty appttitits by taking part iii burger eatingtoiitest At it iii at the same ltittl iron the llrussel Sprouts will play itir it rock contest Palttrdai wrll optii With parade ll in down liollaiid Street to Itiiigharii and up to the toiiimunit ttllllt At the centre there will he salad making contest at Lin in with well known per sonalities guing olit their taviirite tomliiiiatioris lTtilii it filo toii loSnliid itest ill be in operation illowuig pttiplt chance to eat all kinds oi salads The music group Nudge will play throughout the day beer garden will take tiVei the centre iitirii ti in to ii iii and Will nature the music oi Mtriitiiits anti ieorge ash and the Hktohertest lprrtss Sunday wrll bring monster barlieciie iroiri noon to ii in Music will he provided by Nostalgia It piece or chestia lhe iestnai will conclude it the ioriirnuriity centre at in wrth an ecumenical church ser vrce The guest speaker Will he Marni lattersori throughout the ttstival there Will he iitiiiiertius sports tour iiariierits aritl carnival Hll he lll action on the grounds oi the torrirriiinity centre Accused says he lose job court reconsiders sentence loioiito husuiessriian stay ed tiut oi the Barrie lail tiiil ittei he told Judge John Arijo he would lose his ioh lraucis ltroadioot Zttt who hxes iii loroiito but has cot rage on the llth line oi lrinistil liiwnship pleaded guilt lll ltltlllttlll court Tuesday to assaulting police ottiter lie was tintd $3M and ordered to make Sitin restitution to the in iiisiil lolicc llepartiiieiit tor damagedradiotransmitter The assault occurred on the shore of Lake Simeoe ton Some joke saysjudge Harrie woman 15 grieri one tir on proliiititin tor steal int 331 trorii the Barrie lit to Dine in Theatre in pro llltlitl court lietore Judge John rio Tuesday liitiaial rset pleaded guilt to the llillLt trowrr attorney lhortias tear said the their was ipparentli ii ioke Norrie Eoke siiiil Judge ri criticized the uiiieriiiiieiit tor permitting liheril ils to vote according to their consciences rather than along party lines would have much prefer red that the gowrnment had not only put forward bill in the terms which met its convic tions but that it stood in that bill and was prepared tostand stable Gary Stevens of the to rush Police had been stopped on the Min line on an unrelated matter luiieltiabout 11 top in when ii car went past ll it high rate oi spptti lle gine chast itli the root lights flushing the car was abandoned where the ltth line ends at Lake Struttie Stevens saw man running irtirii the car so he pursued on toot He heard noises the lake and came iiptiii ltroaditiot up to his neck in water near rock point tllllitlll€ til Stevens told the man he was under arrest toi speeding and reckless drurug hut ltroiidtoot retused to come out oi the water When the otticer reached down to haul litiiiidioiit otit he was pulled in the two struggled in the AMT and eventually ltroadtoot got the upper hand and torced sievens head under water Stei ens pulled his rttil er and tired shot into the irr llriadtoot then gaie up Judge tio had been about to sentence llroadioot to lin tlis in jail He said the Sfioo max imum true he could impose under the triniiniil ode was or tall as goxernmeiit on the way in which this House dealt vvith it said Mr Stanhury ll tor York Scarborough and former revenue minister feel that free vote is in many ways an abdication of responSihility on the part of the government Mr Stunhury said the bill for not suiiitierit ludge Auto had said the tail term would give liroaditiot chance to meet people he wouldnt normally meet in his line of business But liroatlioot said that ttll term would mean his job He said that is director of an in vestrneiit corporation he was licensed under the tintiirio Securities tornmission to hair die other peoples mone Jail terrii woulti mean loss of that licence anti thereitire his Jul dont know it tari reconsider but lot going to said Judge Anio You saw how close you came dont want you to lose your lot as much as dotit want Llllltll else to losetheirs llltl lleniis ltroiidtoot lawyers had argued against rail term s1ltt1LZ he has already suttered punishment at the hands ot neighbors llexiri said there as ii great deal oi social censure and the assault charge was source of constant em harrassmeut to Broaditxit trown attorney Thomas tleary had said that tail term was needed riot tor punishment or rehabilitation of liroadttkit but is deterrent to other peo ple total abolition ot the death peiialt is long merdue and the longer the government put off committing itself to aboli tron the greater the chance there has been that the public would lose confidence not only in the government but in the processes and adriiinistration oi the law l5 Pet Copy llfHl Home Delivery 85 Weekly Harries even though they would have to giVe tip the riziiiit ltepuliiie oi liirii compete under the llVillitlt ilag instead ol their own use the Ulyiiipit iiyinii as their anthem and march heiiiiiti blank notional iiarriesigii ltit president liord Killiiiiin said alter tour hour closed session itiesday that the liti iiiianiiiniusiy toiitieiiintd the government til ianada for in sistini that the laiwaiitse he reitisiii adriiissioii to the Hill tiv ii they used the name flag and antlitrri oi litpublic oi tliiiiaat tlietlanies WP are not against towrilioiistr as concept ii it is integrated llli other housing ltiilll hot too units Ii not in our opinion an intelligent tilv liouinigdtuigii ihtyniitl The petition ittiiws Mr ltiiutow iritl Miitlllt lltiltliiiflu ltd oi trying to make the max illtllltl iiiitiinit oi riitintv powii tileiitirii tlittitViltipiiient It would occur that this developer titttiiiptiiig to make exrtsiie iltllilv at the ptttm oi the iriditidual iisi titiit whom property will tltlllltltllt it and when the Mt eessiit density titeuro they said Mr ltridow said hi pre pared to light it any Hilario Municipal lioartl tUMlti litir iiii MA ttisl Motion want it iiitij rout hirii tittiooo tti hire planner and solicitor oi the hearing but he has tti light in dtienat oi the plan lhis has been going on itir six years With the city he fiilltl Iii littitt Mr illiltil prt merited the tlli Wllll tlltllv sion plan saying he tottll put lots on the market tor tuition with The tllv itiuswl and naked Mr tiiitow to develop llli iarid ior iiidusti ial lots He agreed to develop the rear settion til his land bordering liayvieiv lllll south oi liittle Avenue ii he could hiiild tow rihousts along lilllt Avenue The city has 927 acre in thistial park waiting itir UMP approval the Tlttltlilitl dt tltipllllttl it still sitting at run hall Mr tiistoii said as owner oi the property he has right to ttiitt it illltl post siins against trespassing Many oi the ltllltls he said llst it tor recreational pur poses think the residents are lit trig lllllilll to us he said its still in land tliltl titlltl itrirt it oil illlil cut down all the tirnttcr ii dill to Naked man removed lilllttlil lint tl lirrittorti tut department iltlltll ladder truck as Used earlx tiitli to remote nude man tron the top oi Ti toot hrghsigiiiitashoppiriepttiti loliti said the man itrrrtiitl up the srgr ii clothing rind dropped it utirnierflsttitliegrotnid wrists reriiiiwd Oh dear dropped again The pound it passed the abolition tiill will replace the exrstirig tern porar law due to expire at the end of next year whith provides the death penalty as punishment for killers oi policemen and prison guards There now are ii men on death row The prickly question has been WEATHER FORECAST it little Sunny with cloudy periods and arintr today Warm and hiin lhiirsdiiy with chance of ii thunderstorm litiw tonight lHt high lhiirsdiiy 2Ht 28 Pages lN Ytllf tit tlioi lioii street Maines lia not liten good llilis Wtilt iiiit lool pint oil tirove llil ii liiiy plan when It pit hot and sunny Whin ltli tllltv are not heini titlllllltlttl vinttorw Illltti itt liiilltlllttl swimming Lotguard liga Herr tries to tear Kerry Mother how to drum to or look at some pool ittivrtiis turn to Page to llcainuitrlhtitoi Pond poser for city board Harrie planning hoard in mg diiiituit problem it pond north of lIdgthill lirrw man riitidtor natural The board asked the planting department to ptt pare report givrng row ttirnittlt to retain the pond and keep tht Jizittr tpiilit when the area developed llit dipirtiiiont retort mended iiiitaiaf the pond tie tlirninattd Mayor lioriari lariur op postd the ltt Uilllllllltilltili ing it is natural pond and should titprotet ted in rhtt it ill disagree Aitii Jilliitii who says that is not natural pond it tllttllllv is she irti think the rug shoutt preservo natural pond not tlillllllvtltti Vlzifirnori iirxetithtir till tor oi planirrot and titwhip ll merit said according to in wt rronnitntoi rrrpr Jud prepared ii rorisultotita the pond is not natural and di pro bald drj up at two dtii topinent takes pltltt The pond it l1ltltlllltii ltistrrtt Willtlt proryistwi tor deietopirwri it rei ot lititiwtititl llltitli 77d tlit titniltipfi Arts trod IH trt titit Pit mini Two lilt Innisfii will get plan grant lr irni iInt iv iizitro rri at tHtli Skulll fittitits the rah horas iitiiiriti patrng studies liiihst Alf ttttrn $2 titt itsss prepari it bring and tlitl iii iptti erisi griirfs are illmiini of io Itll of how Yw lit helping iititlt ptiptttv stirltirl pi it nin prograrvis accord ie gm erririieri news release the itoet debated tour times in the last to ears The current bill would replace hanging with 2573ear prison sente ice for firstidegree murder and toyear sentence for seconddegree murder Today after the daily prayer session the MP5 are scheduled to vote Then the whole ques tion goes to the fienate ioit lit iit the import study in the tiiil oi pritrVirig the pond in the present ltKltltUH wit tie in high Also the toil sllyi irioving the pond north in txperiive alter native in report to the board Mr tniir wJitiitr itl to retain the pond in it pititnt ltMillitili Lottid ttlfltlki tenetd work my mi trntiii ior tonstrut tori it imitation oi iilt traps ridding and planting oi rrmr harik re grading lltl bank to for trier conditions ttllitltiit oi irttl mornintuit oi tilt traps iittr ionstruttiori itttotniion iorth oi the ma tor rotlm tor road in Residential iirstr it ti ht aid is expensive the tiiii vost oi relocation would he paid by the developer not ht titj would pay for the tlititttllol maintenance lht pond Would how little prvii littll advantage ht sald hi hi pond eXistirig Situa llit itllii deterioration is Littli 1IWl rirAtithtr recomr mended against moving it and tuggested the pond be drained irid lti artti developed residen inii the orij problem he said is hat ro one is sure how the water min the pond Mr ltl Moritr said it is probably iron are €iifldil condition Moi rt Aouid be nterrupted by voristrtittion tiirwtitii twitlltlttl construe tion proposing 286 Hora Jl its acres in ii winded he plan are 76 semi jir not trtet townhouses it titttk triktiihiiitsN tr 11 Muriner sijitl there is sittlllll problem With the litipltlil lack of level innit tie sultl the plan IS l¢llii in the amount of parkatut lfm itnird recommended Hawaiian seven tits from the pia it he some tlrtd as the ex smg putmind dedication and itw tptvg cash in lieu of parkland tor remaining 52 acre rietti revrr 3y rider the bill now before Parliament parole could be CutlSldttdl for persons cons ltlttl of tirstdegree murder after 15 years In final plea for retention Sinclair Stevens tPCYork Simciiei said the possibility of being put to death deters wouidbekillers

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