Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1976, p. 13

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mm ANNOUNCEMENTS or If Tfi SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES it Death Notices Engagements Births $500 710 gt maximum 40 words additional words cents per word We Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word ClTY OF BARRIE In Memoriam no verse $500 CONTRACT No 7622 TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF GREENHOUSE AND POT TING SHED ADDITION TO THE BARRlE OPERATIONS CENTRE FERNDALE ROAD BARRIE ONTARIO Sealed tenders on stipulated sum basis in the envelopes provided will be received by the City Clerk Barrie City Hall until pm local time Wflmvw BIRTHS BEMROSE Warren and Trudy Cole are pleased to announce the arrival of their first child son Christopher David 61b oz on July 1976 at Sault Ste Marie General Hospital Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Bemrose and Mrand MrsMelCole FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA MONDAY JULY 26 I976 for the construction of Greenhouse Potting Shed Addition and Washroom Changes to the Barrie Operations Centre Building Fern dole Rood Barrie Ontario Plans and specifications may be obtained by General Contractors on deposit of $2500 from the office of The City Clerk City Hall 7268642 Barrie Ontario on or after Monday July 12 I976 JY15 Plans and specifications will be on display at the Barrie Builders Ex change DEATHS Tenders must be submitted on the form provided and in the en velopes provided in accordance with the instructions to bidders In all cases of dispute the decision of the City of Barrie will be final LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Late tenv ders will not be accepted Tender opening will be at 215 pm on Monday July 26 I976 BJ STRAUGHAN City Clerk SMlTH John Paterson At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie or Sunday Ju ly II 1976 John Paterson Smith in his Both year Beloved husband of Hazel May Perry Father of the late Helen Righton Grandfather of Judith Righton Survived by three sisters in Paisley Scotland Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie Private family service on Tuesday July 13 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery TROTTER Donald MacPherson at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day July 11 1976 Donald MacPherson Trotter in his 74th year Beloved bus band of Betty Williamson Dear father of Jean Mrs Frank Blier of Kitchener orandlather of Glen and David Blier Brother of Margaret Trotter and Elizabeth Cornwatb both in Scotland private funeral service on Tuesday July 13followedbycrematioin DUMONT Michael Lloyd Mike at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto Monday July 12 1976 Michael Mike Lloyd Du Mont Beloved husband of Thelma Du Mont 53 Warrender Avenue Islington formerly of Hamilton in his 56th year Dear father of Thomas DuMont Bar rie Mrs Marvin Kolkman Patricia Hamilton and Mrs Ralph Eades Beverley Winnipeg Resting at the Dodsworth and Brown Funeral Home Maine Street West of Bay St Hamilton Service in the Dodsworth chapel on Thursday at 130 pm Interment White Chapel Memorial Gardens Mr DuMont was member of BranCh 210 Canadian Legion Islington POLLEY John REtlred HE PC employee 32nd degree Mason member of Oakwood blue Lodge Number 553 AF and AM Toronto Suddenly on Mon day July 12 1976 John Polley of RRJ Cookstown Beloved husband of Gwen Dear brother of Reginald Elvira Mrs Fadden L00 Mrs Cobbitt Vera Mrs LampmanHazcI Mrs FCot eman Phyllis Mrs Brown Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown for service on Wednesday July 14 at Interment Alliston Union Cemetery Masonic service auspices Manitoba Lodge 236 in the funeral home Tuesday evening atB 30 SlMPSONGeorchaIcolm Suddenly at Shanty Bay on Monday July 12 1976 George Malcolm Simpson in his 75th year Beloved husband of Lila Carnegie Dear lather of Rosemary Mrs Russell Uncles Nellc Mrs Bob Sims Lor raine Mrs Sherry Yasherl Anne Mrs Harold McMaster Susan George Junior Gordon and Donald Simpson Grandfather of 21 grandchildren and tour great grandchildren Friends may Ontario GovernmentTender GENERAL CONTRACTORS General Repairs to Cottage at the Staff Development Centre KEMPENFELT BAY BARRlE Ont 66860 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 200 pm LOCAL TIME on Tuesday July 27 1976 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillla Ontario LSV 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding this Tender please call Mr Mclsoac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services Ontario PUBLIC lionfi PUBLIC NOTICE or in call at Stecklry Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie from pm Wednesday until Thursday noon Funeral servrce in St Thomas Church 90 Shanty Bay on Thursday July 15 at pm Interment St Thomas Cemetery If so desired memorialdonations may be made to Ontario Heart Foundation or Royal Victoria Hospital Auxrliary TRELOAR John Henry At Royal Vic OHAI The Barrie Planning Board will be holding public meeting on Tuesday July 13 1976 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss an application to redesign and rezone property at the north west corner of Bayfield and Wellington Streets from Residential to Commercial The properties are municipally known as 152 160 I624 and I66 Bayfield Street and I0ltl2 and I6 Wellmgton Street The properties are presently designated Residential in the Official Plan and zoned Residential RM and RM The application is to redesignate the area Commercial and rezone the land by site plan to Restricted Commercial CI tor office space The proposal is to completely restore the exterior and modernize the interior of the existing buildings Plans of the development may be Viewed during regular office hours at the Planning and Development Department in City Hall RICHARD BATES Asst Secretary Treasurer Barrie Planning Board Jy9I2 13 The Barrie Planning Board has recerved an application for Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment fer 27 acre parcel of land nor th of little Avenue East of Bi iai Road and west of the CNR railway The land is presently desrgnated Industrial in the Official Plan and is levied Restricted Industrial MI The proposal Is to redesignate the land Residential to permit 163 unit residential subdivision The tISIdential proposed is in the form of Single family detached and semi detached housing The Board will be holding public meeting on Tuesday July l3 l9 at 800 in the Council Chambers of City Hall interested persons should attend or write to express their opimons Plans of the development may be viewed during regular office hours at the Planning and Development Department of City Hall Bates Assistant Secretary Treasurer Planning Board Jy9l213 Irinliil lullirn Fine Choice PAt flakm Hi the Cll Ltp ri the this pet pc Vl wen luwlt pllitfiltN Fmteit Pattivm Hail Sizes ll 26 IS 31 3119 ll lbust LINN 3s yll JSIITCII $l00 each amino 110 Meow he Add IN to 93m batten tor 155 nu and handling Ont residents and 7c sales tax lrrnt in Sin Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept The Barn hammer It 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough Ontario Ml GET SI 00 pattern tree choose it trcm NEW SPRlNG SUMMER CAIAIOG Packed with hundreds of great sun sport CllV trayel stile Send 75c for Catalog Now 482 Sew Knit Book $125 SIZES instant Money can Instant Sewing oo 107202 Instant fashion Book $100 toria Hospital Barrie on Monday July 12 1976 after lengthy illness John Henry Treloar owner of Simcoeside Golf Club Survived by his loving wife Melinda dear father of John of Scar borough loving grandfather of Tammy and Timothy and dear brother of Earl of Ennisnrorc and Trudy Mrs Ken Mar shall at Toronto Resting at the boom llc Funeral Home West and Coldwater Streets Orillia where service will be held on Thursday Juiy 15 at 11 am Gravesrde service at Resthaven Memorial Gardens Scarborough an ar rival of motors at IN MEMORIAMS EDWARDS ln loving momory of dear grandson Randy who passed away on Ju ly 13 W75 Day by day our thoughts do wander Tothc grave not far away Where they laid our dear grandson Just one ylar ago today Always remembered and sadly missed by Nanny and Grandad Smlth GOODFQHAM In loving memory of beloved wrtv and mother Gladys Ethelvvyn who passed awav July 13 I908 roawrvii thoughts of onir so dear Ottcn br mu silent tear Thoughts ITltl to onus lonu past Year all on but IVItlVlL itla List Sadly missed by husband Walter Daughter Pat and son Bird DE SJARIlN lii Iovrnu mentor it left wtrubassint away July ll IVA Non knivx it but to love him NUIH named him but pr also Always TtVltlIINl tll lly hm yl DWARI In on mummy it our new son tinl brother Ramly who passed away llrly Ii wry Our Dinirvs Runny Vow years wvri Llll 0t tun iilit auutrr Vol wlrw IlV tun my our rotors and our sir liw luv le was our plvto nxr ttiii was lirli llllt ltrlt we lt ltml ldl Sllrmttv Wilt Imuir mil wt in litir would lakilt 3W8 in mi uavv us an Ittl bi women 07 wlml we would let Ml oibl ltim ust niw imri in Vin Dan on rr favvd But Viyl slctlllllll liruttur Lwley Lint At an tt Jun New any oralvtw am vuym 1nd and mus CARDS OF THANKS mn lxtN rs in arm grvlymi ttJHl nu out is and al wi Tt um wl ll lt box in AHAN Av nw ltl Wi urnc pic if thm Nat tv MM l1 Mg ltl7 to no ray 831 in ontp tt1p Ill an wil kw utrlkx lll nu gnimic rm hints or Ttl no rmwxsis tt Munrs im Pip Liqu QII We li Hurt unfair rumr cym li1 qm ki Oniin li COMING EVENTS Ringo VulrirNluy ARMY NAVY and un ivorulc urn lirwlgu SI JACRPOI $200 Oppcxrte Brewers Retail On Anne Street ADMISSION 00 It THURSDAY KNIGHTS BINGO Weekly 30 pm EMBASSY HALL Over $520 ill prizes SI 50 admrs includes cards Auspices KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TTF show on lKliM radii Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Fights ruling on pregnancy VANCOUVER CP Shirley Poole newlyelected president of the Canadian Airlines Flight Attendants Association CALFAA plans to continue the struggle against federal ministry of transport ruling that pregnant stewar desses be dismissed Ms Poole said in an inter view The decision to quit working because of pregnancy should be made jointly by the flight attendant and her doctor not anyone else And if it is de cided that the woman cant con tinue to work then she should be provided with some kind of coverage Ms Pooles other major con cerns are safely and day care We still feel very strongly about the safety aspect she said We want flight attend ants to be licensed according to safety standards that the minis try of transport should set out And wed like to set up na tional safety committee within CALFAA as the American un ions have done ALFAA will set up com mittee to study the possibility of establishing 24hour daycare centres in major airports for the children of flight at tendanls because even though most of the airports have nursery facilities theyre not equipped to handle children whose parents mav be LOnthfor three or four days at time SAINT JOHN NB ltP ravis flushing is wellrverscd in handling problems of studon ts He was director of guidance for Saint John schools for 18 years und later moved on to become deputy superintendent of lhcdistricl Al 61 he is moving on again to job that is more inter estmg exciting and chulleng mg Ills challenge as first suporur tcndcnl of the Atlantic pruv inces Spttlitl education author ity is to bring about improve merits in educalionul StfVllt In those with sight and hearing handicaps the Atlantic re gion Reminiscing about your career in education his ll hi SJIKI III III IlIItIVIt Ive been llllll which III in lllt Iistrxcl schools for 80 long that all the schools hqu taught in have either been turn down to make way for new burldmgs or are no longer being used as schools lie bus been mlborn prmcr pal illllIIIIIISllitllll and sympu lhtllt our to thousands of Sam MW lJohn lhllllltll graduate of Sam Iulln high school he lllllillllctl bachelor of tlllllilllllll degree from Im wle of New Brunswick 193 and masters degree Heart attack lIIIIlll1 lid Slixk former llamrlur lltus lIIIIlIItIIlJlilI inil businimman iliell ll heart 11 lack Nlnnlriuil on Thursday Il wlt learned Friday Ir Stuck worked for llIll1llillI rmlm Slalmn lllll mit Itltlltlll Sldllllll lllkll before mm mg to Montreal few years lgu to dll is host of mdrn talk llt 1150 ll1l ed III politics operated two restaurants and ma nu rml as luwuln Found obscene KIItIIIINIIR nl llr Judge John Burridgc Friday found thelhristnias 1975 ISSUL of Penthouse maganne obscene and fined three variety store owmn for selling II The pro vrnciul court judge described the magazrne as pure filth and said Il went far beyond lwmg flippant saucy or risque Fined $300 each for selling ob scene malcrral Lifter being war nod not to by Walurloo regional police were James Glen Mi Comb and Antoine Raftopoulos both of Cambridge Out and ChungKym Sm of Kllfhtlltr CONCRETE PROMOTION Rosemary McCracken holds chunk of the multimillion dollar Olympic stadium which an enterprising Mon treal promoter has begun marketing for $298 each Businessman Morton Sher man gol his hands on excess concrete chunks left over by construction crews and is selling the items like hot cakes He plans to give 10 cents from each sale to the Canadian Olympic Associa tion It should still leave him with enough profit to laugh his way to the bank Photo West Indians beginning to leave Great Britain By LLtlYl TIMBERLAKI LONDON Reuterl Many of the West Indians who came to Britain to seek their fortune are going home if they can af ford thc plane fare In the Info 19505 and early 19605 tons of thousands of young West Indians were re cruited for booming British economy to take jobs that Brit At 61 he moves on to job that is more interesting education from Boston Univer sity 10 years later SICIISCIIANGES It has become increasingly difficult to educate children to day because of social changes he says The situation is marked by single parents working moth ers increased pcrmissiveness and the influence of television and other mass media Mr ushlng warns against bigricslt school should be small enough that teachers and stu dents know one amolhor Despite todays permissiue smrtt and frequent calls for more freedom Mr ushing says he lltlltVtS many Children want and need discipline Young llllllltll are seeking llltLlillI and control Some of the young people really want adults to my to them Dont do this There ilrt things you shouldnt ilii Lmy pmva xpcct too much from schools As an example he Llltll the problem of alcohol and drugs Iuvu given courses In it but ll lttldllll hasnt been suc blissful because its much bigger problem than has ever been There must be return to more responsibility on the part of the purln There has been slllll lkltl transferring in dnulnrl Itlkllllltllll to the lllllllllllllll IlJl STHIJVIS ITIilllIlt Mr Pushing say duration is more than lhc lhrtl Rs llll1itlllt must keep our riculum up to date and efforts musl lt mmli lit help children rope rlb modern Liy ll mg gnu change in ttlllkdllllll today is llIt rcsurgencent inter est Ill spn iilm iliun for hart trapped lllllllltll In the lili 1920s llltft was tremendous lullrust the tdU v1lli1II ill the physrctilly and mentally hanrtuapwkl but Il waned during the Depression ter VI in pisl lulu tum enough money or turned staff At present 29 teachers in Saint John are working with children ith learning disabilities and 13 others with phltlll and medially handicappal youngsters The good old days he sug gests are not as good as one of lcn remembers think there much etc citing and interesting hap prnmglixlay IIUIITBIILUIJ African and Asran under developed nations face mounting IIItWOtXI shortage SHINE BRIGHTER Most of the stars that can be seen easily on clear night are brighter than the sun ons usually didnt want on the buses and subways or swooping thcslrects Now the boom has subsided and many migrants find them selves with dcbts mortgages children and perhaps without even the lowpaying jobs they once had Emigration of West Indians began to overtake immigration around the turn of the decade Between 1971 and 1973 9000 West Indians came to Britain but 14000 left mostly for the islands In 1974 the excess of departures over arrivals was 2000 In 1975 bad economic year for Britain arrivals topped dc partures by 800 but most com munity leaders see this as re flecting not so much change of heart as the fact that would be emigrants could not raise the air fare home GUYANA RECRLITINU Many island countries have recruitment schemes to entice skilled West Indians home the most aggressive rhaps is Guyana country iggor than Britain with population of loss than one million and with government that wants to de velop its mineralrich interior The Guyanan High Commis sion has not released statistics of its recruitment program but West Indian newspaper editor said it has been most success ful Apart from Guayamans il has attracted small islanders from such places as St Kills St Lucia and Antigua who hurl taken jobs in the depressed fuc tones of northern cities llkl Birmingham One young restaurant worker Signing up for his family said think hilyt better chance of making Il out there There seems to be kind of banner here It CllllllS town when you have gone certain llSlitlIlt and you cant gel any further The owner of the ruslziurunt also Guyanabound West In llitlL said he was ltélVlIIll br ausc British tax laws were hard on small businessmen TIIIIRSIIIIL West Indians urv not lllt only people leaving Britain From I964 to 1973 mxllrm DUIIplt migrated to Britain but 28 mil lion Ieft nearly 30 per cent of them headed for Australia Among the West Indians rea sons for leaving vary spokesman for the Guyanan High Commission said most of their applicants werrx mature middleaged peo lc who had always in ten ed to go back But many are Icavrng poor and bitter recent report to Parliament by the North Lon donbased West Indian Lead ership Committee said The majority of West In dian immigrants came to Brit ain on British passports which they believed confirmed their British identity They soon dis covered however that the more possession of British pass ports and more obvious trapp ings of their British per sonality in language religion values were not sufficient to counteract the disadvantages nfa black skin ASIANSTAKEOVER Government statistics show that over the period 196973 34 000 immigrants arrived from the West Indies and 40000 emi grants left for the West Indies Over the same period 256000 people mostly of Asian origin arrived from African Com monwealth countries and the Indian subcontinent and 128000 left for those areas Many Asian immigrants are welleducatin and experienced in running small businesses In fact it was their dominating position as the retailers of Igzmda Tanzania and Kenya that prompted their expulsion from those countries These new arrivals were after the some Jobs and homes as the West Indians For years rightwing uppo bouts of immigration such as member of Parliament Enoch lnwell haw urged the govern ment to pay the fares of non European Immigrants who ml to return home Ironically some West Indian lllllllllllllll leaders are do mumle the some thing iuyunu Is even putting ll into practice offering jllll contracts of from three to 1th years and puymg lures mrl transport for l1rltthilll grinds llul Guyana wants only kllltll people Sets up program to help babies KIICIIIZNIZR Um Dr Alvin Mahrer pa hologist at Iruyirsity if lcrlixi has set up program lll help babies gum llllltlllltltlllt and awareness through llItlI own actions and sounds His lvclmiquvs h1i been do ilnpixtsrnve 1971a the unmr srtys Centre for lrrrutru In ant Development We are asking the mother to listen and let the baby inmate sounds or games and llltl vu teach her how to respond llr Mahrer said For example typical play framing 59331011 if baby lugs at mothers finger mulhtr allows the baby in examini ll If the baby pulls mother lower lip downward mother should respond by letting her mouth drop With the pressure And if the baby says ehya mom does too Sooner or later he said there will be dialogue developing between the two the Important thing 15 mat the baby initiates the action The baby will have feeling of acmmphshmem or affecting the environment DEVELOISlRIOSITY Dr Mahrer said that after playtraimng babies are mun curious enteryam themselves better when they are alone and tllt more assurln liv Sctlll he began lo think rboul him an infants early lllt tlltl the lhllll when Ilt was working llll patients in mental mstzlulinns 1949 kept thinking about where ll all begins Vlhat is there in an infant early world that makes him the way he is Researchers say it begins wry early In life That theory is not new but is new be said Is It eliipmrnl of method of play my which helps lirwlnp an in fanl character In studying the relationship between mothers and their babies he noticed that the mother Ill maintain running mnimlugue IIII her baby The mother is always doing things to her baby like rattling toy or tickling his Ith lr Mahrir said the first year is IUllill and mothers should be taught how to help lhtlt babies develop fully HOLDS PRESTIGE CAPT SAMRRO NS ll hthouse here is believed to bet euldest in anada Built in 1758 ll towers 140 feet above the waves and can be seen for 24 miles The Barrie Examiner Tuesday July 13 I9761g SIMCOE NATURE NOTES New bird species found breeding in Simcoe County By ALEX MILLS Though many birdwatchers hang up their binoculars for the summer months some of us still keep vigilant watch on the activities of our summer bird populationwhich is as diverse as at any other timepf year In the Ontario Nest Records Scheme Simcoe Coun ty has the highest number of breeding species constituted by the discovery of nest in ac tive use With 141 breeding species for Simcoe represented in this scheme we are ahead by four speciesYork County has 137 Despite the com titive at mosphere of above paragraph the main function of the Ontario Nest Records Scheme is to assemble available data on the breeding species of Ontario into one col lection which is at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto More than 50000 nests or nesting colonies have been reported by both professional and amateur naturalists across the province THREE SPECIES This summer three species never known to have bred in Simcoe before have been found breeding within the boundaries of the county In early June an Elmvale birdwatcher found at least one pair of BlueGray Gnatcatchers at Wasaga Beach With alert eyes he watched the birds their ac tions and eventually saw one go to the nest the first for our county This species was first found in Simcoe in the 1960s in Minesing Swamp It is suspected that they breed there though no substantial breeding evidence was ever found Up until the discovery of the pair at Wasaga Beach this was the only known place to find these birds in Simcoe This nest brings our total to 142 In the latter part of June three stalwart birders visited Clarkes Island in Georgian Bay The main purpose of the trip was to do an inventory of the BlackCrowned Night Heron breeding colony there the only one in Simcoe Also found breeding on the island were Herring Gulls Spotted Sadnpiper and Great Blue Herons These have all been found breeding in our county before However two Gadwall nests found were firsts The status of this bird in Ontario has drastically changed even in the past few years At one time it was known only as an uncommon migrant in the pro vince By 1967 Simcoe had mere handful of records Since then it has been seen regularly in migration and more recent Iy has even been seen during the breeding season It was matter of time therefore until the first county nest was found and this was the time Br inging Simcoes total to 143 it is welcome addition to the breeding avifauna of the area While birding in my spare time at Wauhaushene on the sixth of July was fortunate enough to discover male Or chard Oriole along the CNR tracks just west of the highway In 1953 bird of this species was reported from Tiny Township on Georgian Bay Due to lack of corroborating evidence the species was put on the hypothetical list for Simcoe The Orchard Oriole has never been reported since then Getting up at six oclock the next morning looked again for the bird Fate was on my side and had little trouble in ding him The light was better this time and confirmed my identification This is the first definite record for the county Better still the male had mate and they were feeding young out of the nest This con stitutes breeding record for Simcoe but nesting record as no nest was found Since then at least five other bird watchers have seen the birds and an attempt at taking substantiating pictures was made If anyone has any interesting reports would appreciate hearing of them MAYOR LEAVES JAIL iillos RMhcIeau mayor of Hull Que leayes jflll in It lawu Saturday after finishing three day jail term after refusmg to pay St fine for speeding because the summons he fHttItd was issued English only The Ilull mayor is bilingual but says he objects to being siry ed unilingual surnmom the national laplldl llttllll Al dole 60 Club Pay As You Play Membership 9hole Par 36 Course Twilight Rates Licensed under LlB0 Jusl oil Big Bay Pornt Rd 72853I3 RENT NEW TRUCK lz Tons OPonels 12 Van I8 Van Power Tailgates Commorcial rates OCMM Truth RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELO ST Bottled SUNOCU Car Wash 7370

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