Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1976, p. 11

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war na 14 wwnwm w4w youl The Barrie Examiner Tuesday July 13 197611 Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People CommunitiesA dvertisers 7282414 III PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 55 Collier 81 Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 4411 WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS NEW HOMES $39900 bedroom split entry bungalows in Innisfil $37900 Low down payment miles north of Barrie bedrooms and 100x200 lot $35900 bedroom home on Little Ave large lot and good mor tgage Have custom built home of your choice built on one of these beautifully treed lots off Big Bay Point Road with beach access Call Al Beacock for information on any of the above homes at 726 7949 or 737 771 Jy813 SWIMMING POOL PLUS 3200 sq ft plus bedrooms Letitia St Overlooking Barrie $20000 down 7371771 Rick Hamilton LAKEFRONT Ora 50x200 lot bedroom home $88500 terms NRick Hamilton 7371771 $14500 LARGE BUILDING LOT in Holly Hwy No 27 Call Rick Hamilton 7371771 $48500 bedroom fireplaces Holly $5000 down Call 737 1771 Rick Hamllton WANTED Industrial building lot in Barrie Rick Hamilton 737 1771 WANTED FARM IN ORO WITH GRAVEL Purchaser will pay up to 5125000 Call Rick Hamilton 7371771 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN HELP MUST SELL bedroom bungalow 50 100 years old at tached garage located in hospital area Call Jim Cross 7262159 or 7283293 FOUR BEDROOM older home wrth large family room on main floor Priced to sell at $37900 Try your down payment Call John Crawford 487 5955 or 728 3293 in3 John Crowlord 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil Franchette 7282619 Roger Shelswell 4872920 David Shelswell 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 TF PETER ASSOCIATES LTD ftxllIIIIIIIISlltlilll 72I7IIIIII Al NTS OR AMII All QUAI II HOME Bill Robillord 7264744 Joanne Thomson 7287177 Doro Barleto 7288927 TF the home folks lIIIio car about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 726 2611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Bill MLCIeaIy 728 1865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MacQuallte 728 6358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 726 8927 Audrey Marshall 436 2880 TF LANKINWOODS muffin ORILLIA N0 GOT IT ALL Luxury oitdntlllmulit Yilllltl9 Overlooking Lake Slrtkoe ltltlputv our exclllilg models and sturtltrltg lOLutIOIT VRT from $40 900 and now really lot Irtspmtlon with July llpoiuy all 05 315 981 OIIIIILT 416 O89 8420 Tarortto nw In TThS TI EMORY MILLER IIMIII Rt AL TOR DLINLOP WES BARRIL IQRONTO 304 794 261881 TF BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street 7289201 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On TQIIO mtes OILs 00 our home REAL ESTATE 53 under REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 HAYFIICIJ ST HARRIE SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE IR VALUES IN TH HUM It IIIll£ AND THE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE 72831 Photo Multiple Listing Service 15 MINUTES from Barrie new bungalow with attached garage Broadloomed throughout Good size lot Asking $49000 Try on of fer NORTH OF BARRIE bedroom bungalow with carport spacious living room and kitchen Only $31500 WASAGA BEACH Waterfront property in desirable location on safe sandy beach bedrooms living room with fireplace dining room Asking $82900 Try your offer BUILDING LOTS ORO near lake $13500 NORTH OF BARRIE Treed acre lot $16000 Mary Foster no toll 3221 I8 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Bill Stewart 7284153 Leo Cavanaugh 728 207 firmstron Residential Farms Acreages ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED NULTOR Jy13 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Marion Bryk 7285405 Ross Batstone 7263043 TF gr Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER 149 BAYFIELD ST MEDONTE FOR BEAUTY 7269262 WHY NOT OWN THE BEST Owner designed custom built 1700 sq ft of luxury living car garage baths many other unusual features and it is not too early to think about the ski hills For full details please call Tom Brolley 7269262 CENTRALLY LOCATED ALL SOCIAL ACTIVITIES CLOSE BY Will consider any reasonable offer on this bedroom home as owner has relocated in Western Canada 3yearsold Arrange to see by calling Tom Brolley 7269262 COMBINE COUNTRY PLEASURE WITH CITY CONVENIENCE Beautiful split entry brick bungalow 10 miles south of Barrie Large lot excellent mortgaging that qualified purchaser may assume Arrange for personal inspection please call Tom Brolley 7269262 Terry Vogan 4562544 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Thomas Brolley 7282994 Grace Brolley 7282994 Bradley Watts 7287209 Ernest Watts 7287209 EDEM MLS REALTOR 9e BAYFIELDST BARRIE 728 4067 JY 13 Allan Thompson 7281024 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 David Wigley 7268497 Paul Dumoulin FR CRA SRA 7370731 Wayne Dobson 3222838 REAL ESTATE LTD APPRAISALS TORONTO ltlo 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7284067 John Colwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 Frank Hooey 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Magill 7263864 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 TE 79 BAYFIELD ST IIARRIE PHONE 7261405 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SER ICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE REALTOR 7372101 Complete Realtor Service AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF Simcoe St AT FRED GRANT SQL ARE Barrie 7373711 PROPERTY FOR SALE NKTE Ikltf boom vet4x au II xtamulv IV whotf It 34 mw Lt 38 II Hsll we At AJ Ir lt Icx lv tl 0mr Lent tree VL saw altvr nu uv on In utta 38 sl $43900 New Irlum LI yievhv at IBE LALOu hone rchv mm vs vIT con 545 MC mxe ottlr 23 81 Itr BEALT Lu NQEE MTIV uIIt HtLTN Ea vita Lu tt on IISTRL baswmm xc Dishwasher recam $48 SOC Tollomer Je oils LDC BLLDIA Accra sat wrw mls lr LIATI vLVtl Sap my BtuI LAFx sauna tractorss toco aanlqv on lt10t st Bar 48 its IAKE LOOK New ones to so TLVv ls Ium€ lots at trrrs Beauty influence th large ralttt style home Eu rnalaw Shown by aomntmmt anlv emtor Cut mortgage For OOIats Lalt came htev Real Estate T281566 ALLANDALE HETGNS tl id tlulttunxn split erttv ILcalovs Three bedrooms Large com orth trreplam wrth aas barbecue Mo cd garage This name Is very Impressive Take drive by Ellen Street and we are sure you wlIl agree that the asking pr Ice ot SS9 900 Is very reasonable 7281366 or 835 2741 Lorne Hay Real Estate LN 900 its wafer RQN AILL lLM 91 33 LOTS FOR SALE 35 Icsr lekyTt rmw IRTIT COTTAGES FOR SALE LAKE SIMCOE lut 000 Ntflkngt 416 Jooxlttm as BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPLLTRL to will rotoe zxw tv Me ale women at an ear or WQIVNQ EthLn mtnlmv For IDL Dre or 90 63 Extt MORTGAGES AND IND Mortgages tr VQtd Frrst quattfl oer Ken and one halt Reasonable Bouah solo tram II and three Set ends as low as Drgrnpt ranton ContlcentIaI Call Roan uDD Mortgage Manager Wimp 000 mac Realtor 23 sets even Ings 1361 COMPARE our rates Flrst second thrc mortgages aopralsels Gerry Syvakas 487 200 Pat Qulnn Ltd 371414 MORTGACES bought and solo Int muddle nattnn contdentlal dem Irvass IetIEstale8rokLr 726 Aojleven ngs MORTGAGES Isl 7nd er boughtana solo Immealateactlcn conta Italap pralsalservvcemluoeo amllton 717 1000 rates WLLSIIII DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Barries One Man Real Estate Office For results without confusion RCHOLKAN Er CO LTD 7R REALTOR IllI Sell with flflhflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 WHITE REAL ESTATE LIMITED °°°°°° L° 3625 némoa 119 DUNLOPSI 7261918 IORONIOItIJooIo APIRAISING ANIIIINANLING Il LINIII FOR PROMPT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 TTltSA TF TF 323 ST VINCENT 5T br up down fam rm all appliances rec rm garage Asking $46500 Doug Ferguson 7286172 HORSE FARM br home completely redecorated large born on scenic acres Only $73000 Don Allan 4872412 ESSA TWP Modern br brick bungalow finished rec rm bar stereo acres of property Sue Drennan 7370437 BLDG LOT 150 250 Crystal Water Park Only 32000 down try your offer Sue Drennan 7370437 COMMANDA LAKE LAKESHURE LOTS 150 to 200 frontages Property staffed Sat Sun Directions Take Hwy 11 to Trout Creek west on Hwy 522 approx I9 miles iust past Hwy 524 turn right at sign Golden Sands $hores TF STOREY AND ONEHALF$36900In convenient residential area walking distance to downtown Features 15 foot kitchen separate dining room living room bedrooms and full basement Immediate possession Call Mary Morrison 7261938 or 7289933 No 952 CITY LIVING GETTING YOU DOWN How about bedroom bungalow on one acre only 17 miles from Barrie Home features full basement electric heat broadloom pony barn garage large kit chen and living room Only steps from the lake and beautiful Ist mortgage with excellent terms Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 MLS 1528 LARKDALE CRESCENT ANGUS3 bedroom side split in sparkling condition Broadloom over parquet king size bedroom fenced back yard Trees double garage Asking $49500 Open to offer To in spect call Wilma Bidwell 7261938 or 7269135 No 932 BODY SHOP Paint shop Towing business and bedroom house Equipment fenced compound approximately acres Good ter ms Call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 7286435 No 923 COUNTRY HOME $2000 down bdrm bungalow large kit Dr LR Lot 175 180 mi West of Barrie Dan Allan 4872412 For information call 1416277 1237 or 14162779741 Jy15 Jy13 Trus PRICED FROM $37950 10V2 Realtor 87 Buyfield St 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 If you have seen the rest come and see the best GEORGINA GARDENS and bedrooms Houses can be finished Privale Garages to your specifications MTHLYPI TRY $5000 DOWN bedroom home an extra large lot near lake 10 financing Fireplace deck and many extras $55000 Call Andy Melnyk J16 2V ACRE LOT In village of Lefroy Asking $20000 Call Dorothy Fitzsimmins J2I School Shopping 8us stop at door Swtmming Pool Paved drive PRIVATE LAKEFRONT PARK 81200 SUBSIDY bedroom home can erect your own dock Vendor will hold mor FUHY Broadloomed SOddOdlm which bring Vaurlntorout tgage $27500 Call Tom Fitzsimmins J22 down to JY13 AGENTS ARE WELCOME LES WAINWRIGHT 4362396 ANDY MELNYK 7267369 ELVA MILLS 7283749 ANNE SPENCER 4589211 TOM FITZSIMMINS 4562620 ED GREEN 7294123 RESALE VALUE GUARANTEED DOROTHY FITZSIMMINS BI PURVIS 60452 III It It with 4562620 Inmp HI III UI WW DuhIhndwAVTnnflw Solos office and models Open 11 to daily ltd 11 to weekends M°GAGE Hem or call for special showing MORTGAGE SERVICES MORTGAGES RENTALS RENTALS tutllrt 77A AL AL JfliIEFENI em To REM AVAILABLE July tirst one and two KANEFF bleddroom partmrnts 22H tohsgclz ind ES IP rt era 0V 8n RESlDENTlAL COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL APAEMENJ HMES gzyggggheggs atlzp lorotlon no DPIS me inns Offering Best possible rates lMpEmAL IOWERS 7269580 335935Dngtlalelyomrllzwnvatisds Immediate Commitments CEDARWOOD COURT 726499 ms TCIfPhom 776 375 V°°bhrs °d°v Adults 31315723gsllgnonvmggp Flt nt 76 COMPLETE SERVICES FOR BARRIE AND AREA fields ONE BEDROOM nrwly derorated on bus route includes twat retrlqerator stove private entranirl parking easy $230 FURNISHED S210 unfurnished bedroom modern apartment in country setting 10 minutes trom Barrie 45 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG 7264491 BARRIE 8630398 TORONTO Head Office Toronto 95 NHA LOANS minues Tommo Hydro he an walk downtown Avatable July lst IT75 TS ptiances included Telephone I705 Telpmn 737 037 First mortgages from TI no 5455 Two BEDROOM apartment 3240 per Second mortgages from 12 month stove and refrigerator carpet THREE BEDROOM storey apartment lF YOU NEED MONEY Residential commercial In $37233 ttlxrrclemslgcsiXwisest dustrial Cottages Farms GETTING MARRiED 0an mm Shrrley Ave 726 87330r 7370596 Immediate Tst and 2nd Open Mongage Loans Apartments Hotels com Zeggqap5en3sr¥rtorloofist2k APTSJNANTED ArIyIAIItll In all homes cottages farms vacation dominiums Builders Loans bedroom apartment In Elmvale Call T0 RENT J27 20l3 BEDROOM and LUITITVIQTLIRI proptrTIOS Land Mortgage Construction WANTE One or two bedroom apart Busmess Loans artment ment or house North Collegiate area newly decorated $225 Including heat hydro Tu thltsnluldh Illtits low mnth payments Existing Mortgages Purchased Pakw and mm De liliegSrrTJesffirfiRif App Hume Improvements uly worthy reason NHA TGIBDDOTWTNOMY Con AVAILABLE ONE Bedroom apartment TI my lltt listing In llerLlTIIg ITIIIHQdQP ventional Icons or moior Duckwonh and Grove 96 Tmephofl To Ciltlstrultmn fulllls tree dlferP try us 7371628torturtherparticulars development Planning and BRAND NEW townhouse for rent In ex Wt rellltv Last to Itlt ltSt mortgages Clusiye Iocailun For morn InEOrmaIOn moncra ana ysls asSIs once WELLINGTON pLACE 776 unwanmm Jo provided THREE BEDROOM unfurnished MORTGAGE FUNDING 00m two and mm boder mm am to 530 pm Thursday evenings till pm Saturday by appointment Call apartments to rent Children welcome Loaso and reference required Call 728 6321 betore Ask tor Vinn BEDROOM bungalow St Vincent and Queen Area trio and stove $110 per month plus utilities suitable for small le7 Anytime 24 Hour Phone Servrce 129 DUNLUPST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 726 0981 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 363 3421 Call Loon Garrick Real Estate 263230 $1322 nsggwfle Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF WM DSUMMERS Ltd 7263827 or 7267I53 BEDROOM my Mth Borne OHICG anytime TF payed drive aroadloom throughout 170571173451 9T Bayfield Si appllanres $345 monthly plus utllItles Available AuQust trrst Telephone 717 2783 TOWNHOUSES 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Resrdential Commercral Cottages Builders Loans ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments MI 50 to $222 50 monthly plus hydra stove and refrigerator Telephone 776 5063 ONE BEDROOM apartment for business alrl downtoum locatlon TF KINZIE Sutable SECONDS FROM 13 out 0943 triage stveall utllltlésltt2ug3 mo Spacious rooms Pr bedrooms We on in °°° lull basements at out on City Sp 0d and cl BEDROOM turnlshed Moo0 home on $w and proponms Fe runs For privatetotlnAngus Telephone 474 $179 free courteous advrco caII zeEDROOM Apartment II Victoria st utilities No dogs Adults 726 586 Avatable August Ist Adults only No PHONE 728 052 pets Apply atterSpm atAp No FLOYD LAFFIN MOblle Homes SUBLET One 9000 site bedroom no answ phase on on WE HAVE apartment Dinetteltcn¢ntlvtngroom mm and bath Prlvote balcony wlth new at If available with competltlverates SALE RENT the latte Very rlean To view Ital rtr I59 or 2067 nt or pro com Parts and Service lONE esDROOM Apartment to sublet ROOMS 10 L57 mltments and complete con Ed 00 99 at Tower Qpriooumlg fld ntl lit forflrst nd nd 990 Bay Ava little AuWS CLEAN BRIGHT modern lurmmoa do Im Mn 26 1633ich com third mortgages IX en 51th ow out or mineda possesson al Hathrltun Etoto Modular Homes loco ALL TYPES of property rOSIdQT Norhiond For People Who are BRIG EVAN Mjtmflnd room tlaI commercml and vocational Fl s°d hr xrtr rum tar lou to IWE ALSO mo MORTGAGES ARRANGED Trovot Trorloft you are wrong or tom dogma New mmdmm uy Corsair Clone quiet secluded localon elepnono 717 Ntl cum goges cosh Reasonable Rates REDECODATED tullshed room ll II rt OUR ADVICE IS FREE mm Terms Up To 15 yoou llf llrl lltl m2 973911 lsmqaraom 22390 Call IAN KERR WNW350d Hohwm 50 HOICAE Md BAVVEW TRuzzglbeltcyewn 5t Bus 7371881 For Cash no no Av °d BEDROOM mow rent 0009 auommooavon HOME 4875335 Mortgage LII Insurance TF NOW RENTING uroe bedroom common room good Itchen toclmlcs parmg 717 2114 KINZIE LIMITED Avatabla Zfi°f oratorT new we mom rge acome PHTTOI tree partlan Wontno Manon 107 Dunlap St East MoanE HOMES Equpd gym room are teiem 717 3973 BARRIE ENTERPRISES DTRALERS obi Member Ontario Mortgage I21 BAYFIELD ST YRAVEL MATE moron HOMES tor Pommg COTTAGES TO RENT gt sae or rent Holiday In complete home arch Anoclohon comtort Barrie tent and Awnna Co 34 City bus servrce flfhffjswm uxmcmm IF Otflco Hours 90 BMW Adults only north at Barrie Trailer pm at 2421 by appointment Stern 1°55 gurus muggfofl Color automatic appliances Member Ontario Mortgage 72 6375 or no trio Sauna both ACCOMMODATlO amiun Assocmnon COUNTRY lemc cw pan min TO SHARE No is 83mm ms or ro mmw brokerage or tinder tees Barrow up to $15 000 149 on amounts Barrie Cali 41$ 50210 buslms hours or 726 an utter SPACE FORRENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE tloo payment 15 7206875 LET US 05 you hitched trailer micn that Isl All types Colt Harold at the Hrtchtlouse Limited 97m year mortgages Call FURNISHED KITCMQM boasIna room share bummer th montnty HOLlDAY lN THE SU Doumtown 50 table tor worklno °°° TREASURE LAN 231331 23131856325 1sz Telommmmwm INS x3°2° l5 year amortlzatlon PETERSBURG FLORIDA We an and on Oollowrng FuRrvlsHEDILledroombacneloroport mp30M1°MWMuw Manuucmrers Wyn pm 90 ment17milestrom Borne Abstolners 73 HOUSEHOLD REALTY hm 5° any IF° owes eelml mm It 95m° and Sprlngw 0n pm OW ana17tt models Thomson Leisurcwoy AVAILAaLE AUGUST bedroom OFFCES stones CORPORATION MITED Efficiency mm from 365 Bonnet woedllena aOrtt hgne 92 5335 apartment with rearloeuto stove and FOR RENT 16 ts Ive VII heat and ate entrance central loco BARRIE WEEK for two persons 59 at on phme we tron $225 monthly Telephone 9790 or 25 Dunlop Street East Phone the owners in DARRIE 1939 TEN Mm ngafifiifofzoEc 33513133 75 BOLER most all msvs BEDROOM rlmnt available Im 7262826 for morTOlon two tone like new spare tirenFurnllce mediame Clogs Ina Fridge We JV and way triage matador $2600 stove and parking Inc and ms men DOWNTOWN STORE tor lease Telephone 726 IJJS or evenings 724 0539 thlv Courage Available Julyl Telephone mm

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