12th YeorNo 163 solve the dispute tinned all da ficials mediators role MONTREAL CP question of Taiwans participa tion in the 1976 Olympics re mained muddled as the Inter national Olympic Committee prepared to meet in general as sembly today in last effort to Closeddoor negotiations con and late into the night Mon ay with Philip Krumm president of the United States Olympic Com mittee meeting Taiwanese of in selfassumed The com Henry Hsu Taiwanese IOC member said Taiwan is still considering participating in the Games even if the team cannot te under the name Re public of China Meanwhile African sports of ficials refused to commit them selves on whether or not they will boycott the Games to pro test New Zealands presence The governments of Tanzania and Mauritius have threatened to pull out rather than compete ainst New Zealand but no ot er nations have joined in the The Barrie Examiner threat Taiwans withdrawal from the Games seemed certain Sun day when Lawrence Ting vice president of the countrys Olympic association rejected compromise r0 president Lor Killanin that the Taiwanese march under the Olym their national flag WOULD WITHDRAW Mr Ting withdraw if the proposal were ratified by today general ses Sion posal by IOC pic banner rather than said Taiwan would INNISFII Reeve Bill Gib bins ilefti outlines the history of annexation for 200 township residents Monday Looking on are councillors Grant Andrade and William Tipple 1n the background are maps of the various an nexation schemes proposed by either Barrie or the township Examiner Photo Annexation threat to economy Innisfil residents are told By PETER LESNIAK Examiner Staff Reporter STBOIlDThe economic viability of Innisfil Township is threatened if Barries plan to annex 13500 acres is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board OMB Township residents were told Monday Annexation will rob Innisfil of 20 per cent of its total assess ment 516 per cent of its in dustrial and commercial as sessment and 25 per cent of its total area the 200 residents at the meeting called by lniiisfil council were told Btit the big questions such as the Impact of annexation on the towriships taxes and services remained unanswered IteSidents were told that financial impact study has been commissioned by the township to shed light on the matter In formation collected will be used by the township to support its case before ii hearing of the OMB later this year Innisfil is proposing to give Barrie 6000 acres major chunk to the west of Highway 400 it will give the city im mediately But lands to the east of the highway it hopes to give tip gradually over five to 10 year period In the interim this area is to be jointly planned and developed by Innisfil and Bar rie ANT AFFORD IT The township simply cannot afford to hand over major portion of its assessment holus bolus without sending mu nicipal taxes sky high Reeve Bill Gibbins said In addition to giving up its lands and assessment Innisfil will also probably have to give the city money in proportion to the rcentage of land annexed is money is to be used by the city toward paying the capital cost of providing ser vices to the people of the annexlt ed area This happened when the Town of Wasaga Beach annex ed chunks of adjoining townships and will likely deal lniiisfil residents further severe economic body blow Reeve Gibbins said If Stroud is included in Bar ries proposed boundary expan sion lniiisfil will lose its police and fire stations there These will have to be relocated If we expect to hold on to viable township then we have to hold on to our plan official plant Coun William Iipple said WONT BE REDUCED He added that fire and police services will not be reduced regardeless of the outcome of the OMB hearing But he cau tioned that the impact of annex ation on local taxes is another matter Throughout the twohour meeting Innisfil councillors repeatedly criticized Barrie Council for refusing to no gotiate peaceful annexation Barrie was accused of not negotiating in good faith and failing to make counter pro posals to Innisfils suggestions over the past two years Every attempt has been made to discuss with Barrie the joint planning of the Painswick sector DeputyReeve Blake Constable said We can com promise ourselves right out of existence We have gone or very close to as we can go without drawing battle line Mr Constable noted that In nisfils proposal was practical and realistic and when com bined with the lands Barrie hopes to annex from Oro and Vespra townships is more than sufficient to accommodate the Cant understand how city determined area boundaries STROID The annexation debate has raged in an at mosphere of confrontation rather than cooperation says Don Buggies builder and espra resident Mr liuggles who attended public meeting Monday called by Innisfil lownsliip said as result the public is uncertain the credibility of the id niinistiations have been under mined and the priorities are questionable He said he cannot understand how Barrie determined the boundaries of the area it wants to annex from Innisfil es ra and Oro townships And ed the criteria used are lar ly statistical rather than ba on the natural attributes of the land He said the city is overlook my about 5000 to 6000 acres of land in the northwest corner of Innisfil and the southwest cor nor of espra that has zero agricultural capability and very high residential capabili ti Quoting from an article writ ten by art American planner he proposed an agrrcommunity planning model that bypasses the traditional urbanrrural con flicts Clusters of small reSidential areas surrounded by agri cultral lands reduce the high costs of constructing long sewage water and road net works from the City core out ard and reduce urban sprawl This planning approach uses the flat land for agrir culture the hilly river and creek valleys for residential development he said Based on the Israeli Kiiibut In part the model builds close knit communities that are almost selfsufficient for food and servtces Such concept also preserves farmlands and allows farmers and urban dwellers to coexist Sldt by Side BBITANN 1A ARRIVES IN HALIFAX Queen Prince Philip on ninth visit to Canada 3435 HALIFAX WI The royal yacht Britannia the Queen and Prince ilip to Canada today to start her ninth visit following bicentennial tour of the eastern United States The yacht nudged through thick fog early today buffeted by 30knot eastsoutheast wind Nearly two inches of rain was forecast for today which may cause some flash flooding in this area plans for alternate indoor ceremonies At Boston last stop on the Queens US tour shetook part in ceremonies marking the rev olution against her Georgian ancestor Today she will be greeted by descendants of the colonials who were expelled from New England at that time because of their loyalty to the Crown INSPECTS RIG Her Nova Scotia schedule There are no immediate calls for inspecting an oil rig opening an addition to senior citizens home turning the sod for multimilliondollar recriL ation centre and attending cultural presentation including pipes fiddles ukeleles and voices Wednesday she tours the An napolis Valley to take part in concertpicnichandcraf gathe ring on the campus of Acadia University and will open hos pital at Windsor hometown of Premier Gerald Regan Among those greeting the Queen today are GovGen Le 100000 population predicted for the city in the next 30 years ONESWIPE He took one swipe at Mayor Dorian Parker noting that she was recently quoted as saying the acquisition of more in dustrial land for the city could be less important priority to the purchase of new city hall tell you that raised some eyebrows in Innisfil the deputyrecve said referring to the citys bid to buy the bankrupt ivic Square Tower last week Other questions which Barrie either does not have answers to or is refusing to divulge ac cording to Reeve Gibbins in clude the impacts of annexation on the people of Barrie How do they hope to service the annexed area he asked What will be the cost And what effect will it have on the city tax rate He said Barries expectations of huge provincial grants to offset the costs of annexation for property taxpayers are just high hopes that could be disappointed Interviews continue in HRC probe OBlLlJA Ont tI Jo seph Willard has interviewed more than 70 persons in his in qmry into the affairs of the Hit ronia regional centre for the mentally retarded and said Monday he will continue inter views until Friday Many of the interviews have been with staff members of the centre where violence has created controversy in recent months Harold Bobbins ho is on the staff of the provincial ministry of community and social serv ices and is assisting tr Will ard said his presence has not inhibited persons being inter viewed ger and Prime Minister Trudeau At state dinner Wednesday night she will def liver her first speech of the touriin both offiCial languages While she will do most of her Nova Scotia entertaining on the Britannia she will stay ashore at the old Government House residence of the lieuteiiantgov ernor On Thursday she leaves for New Brunswick Her visit will take in Fredericton and the But Henry Hsu said Monday no decision had yet been made on whether to accept com promise Harold Wright president of the Canadian Olympic Associ ation said he had been hearing minors all day Monday that Taiwan will agree to ar ticipate under the Olympic an ner The Canadian government which recognizes the Peoples Republic of China says Taiwan can participate in the Games but cannot call itself the Repub Only $200000 stands between Barrie council and new city hall Thats the additional amount the Bank of Nova Scotia wants over the citys $19 million bid for the Civic Square Tower on Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesdav July 13 I976 TaiwanOlympic issue remains muddled lie of China nor use its national flag or anthem In Washington Monday White House spokesman said US President Gerald Ford had phoned Mr Krumm to express the opinion that the Canadian sets governments stand very bad precedent The spokesman declined to say if the President would rec ommend that US athletes withdraw from the Games if Taiwan does not participate Mr Krumm said earlier this week the US would take Collier Street Council was given the counteroffer by the bank Mon day before its regular meeting at pm special meeting is scheduled later this week to MAN CHARGED IN SHIP INCIDENT KINGSTON Ont CP Security aboard Canadian Armed Forces command ship was tightened Monday follow ing an incident in which Kingston man swam along side the vessel and fixed an empty cardboard canister to its hull The man boarded the shipanchored in the harbor as base for the forces security personnel during Olympic sailing eventsand told the officer on duty that he had placed an object on the ship without being spot ted An Armed Forces spokes man said general alarm was sounded and the ship was searched The canister was found affixed to the hull The man told personnel he wanted to prove that their Olympic security precautions were slack The spokesman said security officers on board the ship have been told to keep closer watch for such in cidents He said the man would not have been able to swim close to the ship if it had been an chored at the Olympic site Security lines had not been established around the com mand ship in the harbor he said City police removed the man from the ship Douglas Donovan of King ston has been charged with public mischief police spokesman said Annexation bid hearing The Ontario Municipal Board has set Oct 28 to hear arguments for and against Bar ries bid to annex some 20000 acres from Innisfil Oro and Vespra townships The hearing will start in the date set Barrie ity council chambers beginning at It ani city hall officialsaid today Barrie wants to annex 13500 acres from Innisfil 4500 acres from Vespra and l300 acres from Oro CAPSULE NEWS Meet today on controls TORONTO tCli The Ontario legislature meets today to deal with legislation designed to include the province in the federal antiinflation program an issue on which Premier Davis said he would not be reluctant to fight an election Expulsion angers UK LONDON iAIl President ldi Amins expulsion of British diplomat his wife and two other Britons from Uganda is total ly unjustifiable retaliation was muted by fears the foreign office said today But talk of for the safety of the other 500 Britons living in the former British East African colony Hostage agreement sought BRISSIIIS iAI Heads of nine West European govern merits promised today to prosecute or to extradite anyone who takes hostages They called for worldWide agreement to do the same Ehtiopian plot fails LONDON titeuterI plot to overthrow Ethiopias military government has been faded and 18 persons have been executed Addis Ababa radio said today Expects full recovery for ailing PatNixon LONG BEACH Calif AP Pat Nixons doctor says the wife of former president Rich Acadian area of the North Shore hatham and New castle On Friday she leaves for Montreal to open the Olympic Games Saturday Princess Anne will be there with the British equestrian team It had earlier been an nounced that the Queen would be joined by Prince Andrew in Montreal and Monday night it was disclosed that Prince Charles would also be there to watch Olympic events ard Nixon will recover from her recent stroke but that her hus band and daughters Will have to guard her from the depressant that often afflicts stroke rlC tims c1 ï¬gu rs Youd close the lid if you wore your bullet proof vest and stool helmet it Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85r Weekly Pages ticipate Meanwhile out discuss the proposal with city solicitort Howe The city has until pm Tuesday liily to make deci sion on the $2100000 selling price of the ninestorey building built in I973 The owner Harvey Har bridge went into receivership earlier this year and the building was offered for sale by tender The citys bid was the only one acceptable by Iunwoodco Ltd acting for the bank but was considered too low The citys bid is subject to up proval from the Ontario Municipal Board OMB to bore row $24 million The additional $300000 is needed for renova tions of the office space The city has until Sept 30 for 0MB approval and the closing date is set at Oct With the selling price the ci ty is also expected to pay any ROSS RtlIER Itl FOR MAYOR Alderman to seek mayoralty in Barrie next election Hi FIJI ltriltillrlsTA Ikanuner Staff Reporter lto Archer toyear old Ward alderman today an nounced he will run tor layor in the lteteiiitiei municipal election Ald Archer made the an nouncement at 10 this morning at the Bayshore Motor llotel saying leadership IS his main platform believe can give the city the kind of leadership needed at this critical time in our his tory he said in prepared statement propose to give the kind of leadership that will give the clearest direction and gain the best results from our City staff He made the announcement with his campaign managers David Hogben solicitor Douglas Man of Viau Real Estate and William Sakeris sales manager for National lrustrealtor Ald Archer said he has bustness background and wants to operate the city with good business sense Leadership he said has been lacking in the City Leadership is one of the ma jor concerns in the forthcoming election he said here are cold and calculating look at whether its athletes will par delegates to the Games had lit tle comment on chances of boycott against New Zealand and other officials qtiestioned whether even Tanzania and Mauritius have officially pulled Both countries said last week they would not compete but Willi Daume of West Germany IOC senior vicepresident said no official notification had been EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST it ion 726 6539 ngéhgnci ofldls over Igge Classified Adverttsmg 728 2414 today and overnight Cloudy All Other Departments 7266537 Wednesday 23 received African rest there federal and provmcial taxes sales tax local improvement charges rates duties levies and assessments on the proper ty DEPOSIT BANK If the city does not accept the amendments to the tender the counteroffer will be null and void and the $95000 deposit will be returned to the city without interest or deduction The document is signed by Paul lerabek vicepresident of Dunwoodco Ltd Mayor Dorian Parker thinks the city should continue its ef forts to purchase the building and does not foresee any pro blems with the OMB do think there are ad justments which can be made in the 1976 capital budget which would allow us to avail our selves of this opportunity she said Mayor Parker said the cit could have tailor made four major point to my plat form and they all relate to leadership few times during his an nouncement Mr Ilogben inter rupted Aid Archer to give an explanation of his comments PLATFOR His platform includes new form of municipal financing redevelopment of downtown working With the neighbor mg municipalites on annexa tion attracting industry to the city Historically the city has budgeted by history depending on the needs of the previous year he said We need new approach to financtng by goals Ald Archer said the city has developed list of goals for Barrie and he thinks the council should place new emphasis on thegoals He said the council has to restore confidence in the City and the local government Council should work with the neighboring municipalities and people interested in investing in Barrie the Abraham Ordia secretary general of the Nigeria Olympic Committee and president of the Supreme Council of Sport for Africa is known to have met with other Afrian delegates but he declined comment on the matter Monday The Organization of African Unity recently passed resolu tion condemning New Zealand for permitting one of that coun trys rugby teams to tour South Africa despite recent racial tin ministration building at very little cost with minimal renovations But she said the cit has to discuss the counterof er with the city solicitor because there are lot of unanswered ques tions The proposal she said will be given to the solicitor as soon as possible Mayor Parker said if the city purchases the building there will be considerable saving to Barrie taxpayers She said council has included $5 million for the construction of new city hall in the capital budget for 1978 Changing the tender docu ment she said and offering the city counteroffer is perfect ly legal Mayor Parker said she could see nothing that would make the original bid redundant We have to ne otiate some of the tradeoffs esaid dont think the Citys been as accessible as it could be to industries he said ouncil members should show little more interest and do better sales job He said the city should start land banking for industrial ur poses to offer companies and at reasonable price But the incentives to my dustries should not include any tax concessions Ald Archer has represented the Ward area for nine years and is the third candidate to an nounce an intention of seeking the mayors position Dorian Parker the present mayor who is finiahin her fourth year in office Jim Perri Ward alderman and ci development committee irman are also running Ald Archer is the public works committee chairman and operates his own air condi tioning and refrigeration business in Allandale He is married with three children and lives on Campbell Street Ald Archer is member of the Kinsmens K40 Club Kerr Masonic Lodge and is an elder at Burton Avenue United Church