Ellie Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Umlted 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublishecGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 47Tha Barrie Examiner Monday July 12 I976 Henshaw Managing Editor Bulloch scores points for business community John Bulloch gives us something to think about He told the Rotary Club that the free enterprise system faces extinc tion if trends toward excessive COII centration of powers of government and business continue He argues that as concentration grows countries become more dif ficult to govern and conventional tools of fiscal and monetary policy become unworkable diffused socioeconomic model for society is the way out be main tains More selfsufficiency less bureaucracy fewer imports less cent al planning and more smaller scale secondary industry are among his suggestions Self sufficiency without protec tionisni As president of the Canadian Independent Business he argues that small and medium sized businesses are best Federation of able to respond to changes Not unusual fare for speech on behalf of the 350Ximember body Trouble is government is not making it eas for person to open businessan keepil running And Canadians with their pen chant for large savings accounts are rone to keep their money in the iank We have all heard the stories about Canadian businessmen sell ing out in despair to US capital when they could not aise money from Canadian banks Bulloch has good points but businessmen alone will find it ex tremely difficult to turn things around It is the man on the street who has to elect government that is truly responsive government willing to listen to reason and to act People have to learn business is not rotten Or shall we all employees of the state in DOWN MEMORY LANE Kl KLIX KlN IN TOWN Barrie Ikaminer July 10 1926 Three sclfconfessmi members of Ku Klux Klan Barrie chapter formed less than year ago commit ted for trial at Simcoe County Fall Assizes by Magistate Compton Jeffs They were charged with at tempting to blow up St Marys Church on June 10 One terrorist admitted placing three sticks of dynamite in basement furnace room on structions of others Town Council demanded retraction by On tario Motor League with reference to radio broadcasts from Toronto warning drivers about alleged Speed traps in Barrie At Ot tawa Mackenzie Kings Liberal government defeated in three divi sion resigned The Governor General asked Conservative leader Arthur Meighen to take over Moonshine found during moonlight raid on Oro farm bush by Barrie OPP led by Inspector Richard Cox One arrest made and whisky still seized plus one gallon of finished product and 35 as Midland pitcher Herbert Hot Dog Jennings settled down after poor start and handcuffed Barrie batting stars Dobson Frank Armstrong Charlie Lynch and Delbert Emms Charlie Pouchers Allandale CNRA rink has been scorching notable wins in district lawn bowling tournaments running ahead of such notable skips as Andy Malcomson Hunter Ken nedy and Peter Clark Earl Rowe MP DufferinSimcoe was main speaker at annual convention of Simcoe County Womens In stitutes held in Barrie at Library Hall Barrie Board of Trade hosted big community gettogether day for people of town and rural areas with sports events at both Queens Park and Fair Grounds band concerts and downtown street dance to music of George Powells orchestra During warm weather new ice cream parlor Operated by John Saso and Sons Charles An thony and Joseph has been doing rush business at corner Maple Ave and Elizabeth St It is next door to gallons of mash Barrie baseball team lost for first time this season COMMONS CAPSULE Milky shot at civil service by agriculture minister From The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA It has been whis red for years that the federal ureaucracy is the fattest cow in the land but in booming voice Agriculture Minister Iii genc Whelaii has actually dared to compare This week he took swipe at the ublic service while rc spon ing in his uniquely con voluted way to criticism for the crisis facing industrial milk producers The minister went to great lengths to say that some pro inccs must share the blame He denied encouraging the great production increase which led Gin Barru Examiner 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266587 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $44 Bil yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County 534 on yearly Balance of Canada $36 on year iv National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto WITIO 610 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press IS ex cluswely entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num 203815register61 to the current surplus and said his department wanted limit of 100000000 hundredwcight of milk last year We said we had no more money for any more milk than that and that to produce any more would be waste of procl uct They had excellent growing conditions cow is biological entity and responds to all good things All these things come pounded situation that would be the envy of many of my colleagues in the cabinet if they could get the people they are responsible for to become so product we he claimed However Mr Whelan has also taken his lumps lately One wag suggested that the minister has been wearing new casual suits in the Commons because his older suns are cov cred with milk powder and eggs courtesy of farmers who protested his dairy policy in recent demonstration on Parliament Hill And the minister was too cute for his own good when re sponding to Opposition agricul ture spokesman John Wise Itllginl in the Commons readVI was going to say what the Wise member of Par liament has saidMr Whelan said What did the dumb minister say inquired Tory MP The Conservatives have yum ped at every opportunity to em irrass the government over the conflicting explanations by Defence Minister James Rich ardson and Supply and Services Minister JeanPierre Goyer of how the government was lef holding $16 million bag in the aborted deal to purchase 18 long range patrol aircraft from Lockheed Corporation Take the time this week when Mr Richardson rose to answer question about the sible revivial of the deal un er new conditions their flourishing fruit market Look whos beside you Jim shouted Opposition whip Steve Paproski tPC Ed monton Centre referring to Mr Goyer The cooperation between the minister of supply and serv ices and myself has always been very close Mr Richard son replied Now we are even closer Jim youre great standup comedian George Hees PCs Prince EdwardHastingsl jibed Jim now we know who is writing your French lines Mr Paproski added Former prime minister John Diefenbaker has once again tangled with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau this time over the PMs remarks during an in terview while aboard plane returning to Ottawa from Puer to Rico The PM claimed that agree ments reached by air ilots air traffic controllers an the gov ernment concerning the safety of bilingual air communication mark victory for bilingual in Canada Mr Diefenbaker ianired if Mr Trudeau still holds this view after being unable to con vince some outspoken cabinet ministers an ObVIOUS reference to the resignation of Environ ment Minister Jean Marchand and the criticism of Commu nications Minister Jeanne Sauve The right honorable gentle man explained the context in which the interview was sought by the press on board the plane Mr Trudeau replied He will have to remember that these were opinions which were given as it were on the fly Fly or sly another MP in quired The prime minister is flying around so much that one won ders whether his flying ex perience alters his viewpoint Mr Diefenbaker retorted PARLIAMENT HILL We have an unerring knack for ridiculous situations By STEWART acllltIOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service It was rather funny the other day as External Affairs Minis ter Allan MacICachcn stood in the Commons and said that if Taiwanese athletes tried to come to the Montreal Olympics as representatives of the Re public of China they probably would be turned back at the air port Because it turns out while the minister was making this statement three members of the Taiwanese delegation were busy at work in the Olympic Village behind door marked Republic of China The external affairs depart meiit at the risk of wrecking the Olympics has been ada man in saying that Iaiwancse athletes will iiol be giVen entry visas so long as they claim to represent mainland China But it seems the incssage didnt go very far It took me 10 minutes to get an entry visa in Los Angeles WAX Steam is going out of Brazilian economy By JOHN IIARHRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Some steam is going out of the booming Brazilian economy whose gross national product GNPI was increasing at record nine to 10 per cent rate in the early 19705 With an estimated fiveper cent GNP increase for 1976 Brazil is still doing well and re mains the foreign investors best bet in Latin America But Brazils Japnstyle indus trial takeoff which began af ter the military coup of April 1964 and overthrow of neo Marxist presidency has been blunted first by oil price in creases in late 1973 then by world inflation The increases in world oil prices hit Brazil especially hard because she had become the worlds largest emerging industrial nation Growth rates for new and ex panding industries in Brazil were often in excess of those in the older established industrial countries making Brazils energy needs proportionately larger The result has been an unan ticipated shift in Brazilian for eign policy to support the inter national positions of Arab CANADAS STORY When Orange Day caused some riots By non Bowyiix One hundred years ago Or ange Day was an anniversary that was feared in some parts of Canada It was day of clashes even riots between Protestant and Roman Catholic bigots On July 12 1849 in Saint John NB an Orange process ion suddenly found that it had to pass under an arch of green ery that had been constructed over the route This meant that the Orangemen had to dip their banners which they refused to do Instead they attacked the ar ch and began tearing it down This led to such serious fighting that it is believed that 12 people were killed Neither side would admit casualties so the correct figure was never known The bodies were hidden and funerals held secretly During the fighting the mag istrates fled from the city and the mayor tried to intervene He was hit on the head by brick tossed into basement and nearly died before being rescued Troops had to be called out to quell the not There were similar clashes in Montreal and Toronto in other years One of the worst was in Montreal in 1877 In 1860 the Prince of Wales NT YOIR OPINION Letters submitted for publication mist be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit cori dense or reject letter said one of the Taiwanese dclc gates in Montreal just had to answer few questions like whether this was my first visit toCanada It wouldnt surprise me if the visa ofliccr told the laiwancsc that when you are in Montreal you should really go to the Olympics We seem to have an uncrring knack for getting ourscIVis into ridiculous situations And this particular one could become even more ridiculous before it over states many of them with left wing extremist regimes which are anathema to Brazils con servative ruling generals But Brazil desperately needs the oil from the Aral pctro leumproducing states In Al geria Brazil has established foreign oil exploration subr sidiary of Petrobas Brazils stateowned and operated oil and gas production cor poration The technical basis of Brazils economic miracle was the direct application by decree of very successful formula of indexuig called in Brazil monetary correction or the crawlingpeg later King Edward II made tour of the British North Amerir can colonies His visa to King ston was cancelled because Or angemen had decorated the city with banners Today the situation Canada is happier In OTHER Jll I2 EVENTS 162IKing Charles con firmed grant of Nova Scotia to Viscount Alexander and Avalon Peninsula fld to Lord Balti more 1673G0vernor Frontenac landed at presentday Kingston with 120 canoes lSiBDuLhut Tonty and La Durantaye battled Iroquois 1744Acadiaiis and Indians attacked Annapolis Royal NS ismL15 Gen Hull invaded Canada from Detroit tintSamuel Jarvis killed John Ridout in duel at Toronto innWork began on railway from Winnipeg to US border 1898rBritish Commonwealth adopted penny postage GOVERNMENT FIRM The position at this moment is that the government still seems unbendiiig in its stand that Iaiwancsc athletes wont be permitted into the country until Canada receives assuran cc they will not attempt to represent the Republic of China And the International Olympic Committee so far seems equally unwilling to do this As result the Olympics which already cost Canada some $15 billion are seriously tlircatcnixl Some members of the IOC have sug cstcd they should be cancellet or moved elsewhere Its whopping diplomatic mess which should not have arisen at this late stage The problem was lying there from previous Olympics and it should have been tackled long ago Instead it reared its ugly head at the last minute and be fore the government and the IOt could sit down and straighten things out both sides began hardening their positions in public Now its ex ceedingly difficult for either to back down And it would have been so easy for the Canadian govern ment to make an accom modation Its position from the beginning could have been that the IOC runs the Olympics and what happens inside the sta tiums is none of the govern ments business And if the Peoples Republic of China doesnt like the way Taiwan claims to represent all of China let that country fight with the Olympic organizers LITTLE SlPPORT One thing is clear if the Games are cancelled or wa tered down the only country to applaud will be China Makes you wonder about our priorities doesnt it And at the rate we are going Canada may have trouble at tracting big international even ts in future We made huge fanfare about hosting that in ternational conference on crime last year in Toronto and few months before it was due to open we backed out We didnt want any hassles with delegates from the Palestine Liberation Organization And for the same reasons we nearly cancelled this years Habitat conference in Van couver doubt whether the United Nations will ever give serious consideration to moving its headquarters here But there is no reason why politics should become so en meshed in sports Whats the difference whether the fastest swimmer in the world claims to be representative of Mars Since our principles are so high in relation to Taiwan its worth nothing that trade be tween Canada and that country last year totalled $20 million And bet that when we were buying cheap shirts we didnt stop to ask Taiwanese business men whether they sold under the Republic of China label WES Winners losers in world trade Hy VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Mtairii Analyst Thomson News Hervlcc Tnke care of the pence for the pounds will take care of themselves Mild William Inwndcs who was chancellor of the excheqiicr during the reigns of three ltritish mvcicignh Over the last couple of years however the pound Ktorling has decidedly not bccri taken care of From value of nearly $250 in March 1975 it has sunk to about ti lhat of cmirisc its in com parison Willi dollar that has itself bccn weakening against the two hardest currencies the Swiss from and the West Ger man mark Both the British and Canadian governments are ac customed to putting the most favorable interpretation on devaluation of their currencies The theory is that as coun trys currency loses its foreign ciichangc value that countrys exports become relatively cheaper and foreign customers will rush to buy them The latest monthly survey by leading British daily news paper The Financial Times tends to bear out the theory It noted marked improvement in the number of companies ex pcricncing rising trend of new orders over the last four mon ths EXPORTSLAHHING That falls short of being in controvertible proof that weak ness of the pound or of any other currency is necessarily good for trade In the first place the upturn in British exports is pro ably the result of strong recovery in international trade that is being led by number of major industrial economics Second place if deviiluatiim were necessarily good for ex iris tiicii Switzerland would in trouble QUEENS PARK All or nothing for the premier HyDONOIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO In all the talk about an election and this is talk which will certainly keep boiling along until the event is actually dropped in our laps there has been little iipprecia tion of the highly critical per sonal position in which lrcmier Davis must find himself The election will be very much of an all or nothing ball of wax for the premier He will have to win it with clear majority or else or else his political career could be down the drain If in the election his govern ment is defeated the premier would almost certainly have to resign as party leader And even if he were returned with another minority which would seem the most likely prospect at the moment he would at least have to put him self before convention tightly or wrongly because much of the trend has been to put the blame on him person ally for the party decline he al most certainly would be op posed at such convention and there would be probably good chance he would lose out 131131 Tnoioirr The orchestra of God and the rogram of evangelism has roken down because we all have insisted on playing CIJI own little tune instead of taking up where the angels left off announcing that the Saviour has come to die for all on the cross and lives for all in in tercession at the right hand of the Father And now am no more in the world but these are in the world and come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they maybe one as we are John 1711 THE PICK So far this year the franc has reciated on tradeweigh basis by eight per cent Despite that Swiss exports in JanuaryMarch were growing at an annual rate of more than 10 rcent hird Britains own recent history ails to confirm the sup posed advantages of decline in the value of the pound The iSpcrcent drop between Mar ch and September of 1975 didnt bring about any immediate im provement in exports Other countries arent geared up to switch from one supplier country to another on short no ticc And British exporters for their party often use level nation as means of increasing their profit margins rather than reducing their foreign currency prices An obvious example is the scotch whisky industry supremely confident of the market for its products at almost any price LESSONSIGNOREI What it all seems to mean is that governments learn little if anything from their economic hardships Despite successive declines in the value of the pound the Labor government is still in creasing the mono su ply as it it had never heardlof inflation and has indicated budget dch cit of £12 billion $2l billioni this year vs 108 billion last year Its little wonder that the fu ture of sterling has been ques tinned and that Kuwait Ni geria and other membercoun tries of the international oil cartel have been transferring funds out of the United Kingdom Prime Minister James Callaghan after an all day meeting July with industry and labor leaders announced that Britain has its best clian co in 30 years for solid rise in living standards and sustainth growth To llill Davis this would be critical blow For he has been more of political animal than anyone we have had in power around here since Mitch Hep burn He has breathed and IIVcd politics since very carl age and it has been practically his only livelihood Loss of the par ty leadership by defeat would be personal disaster CLUB Iltillllllt So what are the chances of survival The answer rests almost completely with the future As of now with the house ad journcd and the three parties resting between rounds and no particular issues or con trovcrsics heating up the at mospherc there is cooler climate in which to look at the play At this stage none of the three parties appear to have been gaining any substantial ground Most pcrtincntly the govern ment doesnt give the imprcs sion of having made many solid marks since the election last fall It has been carrying on but there hasnt been feeling of vitality or energy reflected from it or its moves SPECIAL MARK There hasnt been sign of that special mark of chain pion the mark of Winner More it has been the per formance of club fighter With the saving grace the per formances of its two opponent parties have also been those of clubfighters Will the government wake up Will it realize it is in life anddeath struggle Will it ap preciate that it has to fight to get to the minds hearts and goodwill of the people of On tario Or will it sit back and smoke cigars sedentary par ticipant in the passmg scene of Ontario politics The future of Bill Davis could depend on the answer OF PUNCH think that when it comes to putting rubber tires on top of other rubber tires he has no equal