Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1976, p. 5

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shlt rate NEW LOOK FOR INNlSliII STREET Sam ltenda and leorge King employees of llaco onstruct ion work on the boulevards of lnnisfil Street near Shear Park The com panv put in new sidewalks and is now sodding the space between the sidewalk am the street tlilxaniiner lhoto Indians appear incredulous on national park proposal lIAWA tfll Indian leaders appeared incredulous Friday when Ottawa and in tario proposed creation of na tioiiul park to cure the prob lems of the mercury con laminated liInglish Wabigoon lliver sysleiii in northwestern thitario The park would he vehicle for solving the social and eco IIoIIIIc probIeiIIs created In the region since the Iiierciuy pollu tion was revealed six years ago said Indian Affairs Minister ludd Itiichaiian lIe and lloiiald Irvine in tario resource development secretary aiuioiiiiced the idea to reporters after meeting with Indian leaders from the area He said that it all parties ill Volved agree an agreement in principle to establish the park might be signed by the end of this month Fred Kelly president of Grand toinicil Ircaty It in He tiora Int said the Indians cannot see how the park would solyic their major problems of mercury poisoning and uneiii ployment We see it as ii copout cliein trick to allow the federal and provuicial governments to continue playing political games NtllSlNllIRE Mr Irvine said that after an agreement in principle is signed discussions will be held about possible closure lle pliiii tied to recommend the proposal at an Ontario cabinet Iiiectiiig Wednesday ISIII neither minister made clear how the park would solve any of the iroblems Mr Ilu clianaii said that With estab iishmenl of national park the governments could come to grips witli the questions of clos mg the river system to all fish Iiig paying comixinsation to in volved parties and planning the social and economic well being of residents of the area In lti70 it was revealed that the system was polluted and commercial fishing was ban PAY HIKE REDUCED Wage rollback appeals fail OTTAWA itII Two groups of workers who ap pealed antimflatioii hoard wage rollbacks to the administrator found Friday their pay in creases had been further Itdlltttl ln reducing the wage in creases allowed by the anti III flatiou hoard administritor Donald lansley followed through on warning he issued earlier The orders issued Friday on appeals by two groups of non teaching employees of Ontario school boards also indicate that Mr lanslcy intends to take tougher approach than the board has on the thorin issue of historical relationships However the rulings will be welcomed by board officials who feared the boards ability to achieve voluntary coin pliaucc with the controls pro gram it Mr lansley granted higher increases The orders issued Friday ap ply to two year contracts retroactive to Ian negotiated by employees iii the Sudbury district Roman tatholic separate school board and the Wentwortli tounty board of education iii llamilton IllTlllllfi lNllthhlIS In Sudbury thl custodial and maintenance employees rcpre seiited by the tanadian Union of Public Hiiiployees had origi nally negotiated pay increases of it tilt and ll 71 per cent which ttie board said should he reduced to i263 per cent and eight per cent Mr lansley said the Sudbury workers must be litnited to in creinents of and it per cent lake the hoard Mr Iansley found the group had an liistori cal relationship witli similar workers employ ed by the Sud bury Board of Education OTTAWAATAGLANCE By TIIF lll PRESS FRI lll I970 The toiniiions tentatively set Wednesday July It as the day to take final vote on whethei to abolish capital punishment in tanada The gmernnicut allowed some representatiyes of the Republic of thiiia Uly Inpic team to enter tanada to discuss the1rs1tual1on with the Interna tionai illympic committee I85 Dunlop The finest cuisine Lakeview FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY SUGAR GLAZED HAM with Spanish Sauce Of GRILLED VEAL CUTLET $3 Children under 12 225 New Democrat Stuart lieg gall suggested in the tonimons that tanada show world leader ship by applying sanctions against countries which harbor air Iiiiackers The federal and Intario gm crniiiciits proposed creating national park along the mercury contaminated ling fish abigoon river system In northwesterntlntario 7285l5l 25 ncd leaving many Indians Without work IWo major tourist lodges closed aboiil the euime time saying they would Iiol entice people to come and catch poisoned fish llial killed many guiding jobs for the III litlns Later it was discovered that residents of two reserves on the system Wliiledog and rassy Narrows had symptoms of Minaiiiata Disease Iiierciiry ioisoiiing from eating the ish More persons With synip tons have been found and some Indians refuse to stop eating the fish ltlawa has suggested that tntario ban sport fishing on the river system to eliminate this problem thitariohas refused The federal and provincial ministers had planned to dis cuss the matter in private Ill day but the liidiaiis insisted on being present They met for about one hour Willi the titans tcrs then were asked to leave while possible solutions were discussed privately llowcyer he reduced the ad ditioiial amounts attributed to the relationship because the relationship was not particu Iarly strong one and because the other group had received an increase prior to the anti in flatioii that was greatly in cess of the corresimiiduig the cost of living increase In Hamilton the Wentworth touiity board had proposed to increase the salaries of non union clerical and secretarial employees by 17 ft per cent in the first year with the second year open for negotiation The board had said the first year should be reduced to Ill it per cent lllll ltl t2 IIIR IINI Mr lansley ruled however that the workers must be held to pei cent increase in the first year and no more than it it per cent III the second year The board had issued its deci sion on the basis of an historical relationship with employees of surrounding school boards Itut the adiiiinistiator said there was no historical relation ship with aiiotlier specific group as required by the pro gram guides The ientworth claim for his torical relationship had been based oiin on the general leyel of wages paid by nearby boar ds which Mr Tansleys order said demonstrated no more than competitiyencss in secretarial salaries paid by area boards my ifBumiiiinn 19 Alliston 435476I Fully Licensed The Rustic Hearth llining Lounge Char Grilled Steak Lobster Open every evening Tuesday through Sunday Phone ahead for reservations Lounge Amateur Nile Every Wear Proud of hijack rescue Israel UNITED NATIONS AII Brushing aside Africiiii charges of aggrmsion Israel told the UN Security ouncil it is proud of Its rescue of hijack hostages from Uganda and challenged the United Nations to declare war on terrorism Uganda accused the Israelis of barbaric unprovoked and iiiiked ag ression in the July coinnianio raid that rescued more than lth hostages from an Air France jelliner being held by pro Palestinian hijackers at the IZntcbbe airport III Uganda titlicr African countries backed the charges during the opening session of debate lll din which is scheduled to re suiiie Monday morning and ex peeled to run all next week The to nation Organization of fiican Unity fllli requested the Security ouncil debate At ricau and other Third World na lions have prepared resolution condemning Israel for the raid lint the lliiited Slatesisexpcctedtoveloll Israel unmediately took the offensive Iiridiiy saying the commando action was was Ills lifch because of what Israel said was Ugandan collusion with the hijackers Man fined llAMlIItN itli scrap yard business and its principal shareholder were fined almost $40000 III provuicial court Iliiir sday on charges under the In come Tax Act Hoffman and Sons Ltd and Solomon llofl man were fined after pleading guilty to charges of income tax evasion and failing to record sales and purchases in between llec Ill Itllfi and May ltllb Figures fall SAItNlA tint ttIt Har uias unemployment figures are the lowest ever recorded since litl0 say statistics released iii the Illltllltll Times The statistics released late last Iiioiitli showed only it per cent of those livnig in the city Were out of work Woody llammond manager of the tanada Manpower office Sar nia said the current con structiou boom III the area was largely the reason for the low uiieinployiiiciil figures China ItilttiNIti ttli The United hiirch of aiiada rcaf firmed Its conviction that an ada recognize the Ieoples lte piihlic of hina and support its Ineiiibeisliip in the United Na lions III statement released Iiiiday the United hurch said it believes that laiwancse alli letes should be able to partici pate but Iiol as rcpreseiitalives otthuia Drug seized NIAGARA FALLS nt ttli An Investigation by lttMl and Niagara regional police re sulted in the arrest Thursday of three men and the seizure of to pounds of morphine Willi an es tinialed street value of$itl000ti fharged With possession for the purpose of trafficking are Nor IiiaIi Mctourl 2t of Niagara lals IIno lgnagni 27 of Niag ara on the Lake and luiscppc escio 21L of Niagara Falls Win $100000 ltlltttNIt tII John and Barbara ltoss of Bancroft nt collected $I00000 Friday for holding one of the winning Win tario lottery tickets drawn lhinsday Mr ltoss 33 said Ill an inter view he and his 29 year old wife who had purchased IT tickets on the draw stayed up all night celebrating their win He said they usually watch the draw on ltltlitli but were busy this time and had to call his wifes mother to get the in ning ticket numbers The Itosss held ticket lllltll her 65608 In series 60 fr Itoss miner said they likely Ill invest the money The ltosss have three year utcl wan Second Wednesday Illilllltlii lltl llllilAli Hillrni bane Unilingualism MtiNlltliIAl itli lllllll iigltal lirench Quebec and iiniliiigual lnnglish tintario could lead to the destruction of tonfederalioii Prime Minister lrudeau said Friday Speaking on the ltttlll Ian guage Iladio aiiiida leIevtsion network Mr lrudcau told panel of journalists Iliat the success of bilingualism depen ds on its having firm base iii IntuiioandQIIihcc Quebecs sii iporl is essential ill selling the liilingualism pol icy to the rest of the country and Qtieliccers must believe III II if the policy Is to work be ad led Mr lrudean said he is con vuiced however that French Iiuist he the language of usage in Quebec while liliiglisli tlillhl remain tlic principal tongue III hilario IIIiinsli faiiada has not yet understood bilingualism the prime Iiiiiiistcr said ItlilWttl effort should accordingly be made to show IIIiglisli ana dians that the bilingualism pol icy is necessary to avoid break ing up thecouiitry liesaid Sentenced ltlltthlt ttli ltodiiey Anderson l7 of Toronto was sentenced Ilitll to one year definite and one year less day indefinite in reformulon on each of three charges of fraud involvnig the IIalon td Anderson pleaded guilty to tie frauding the store of $0000 by using three credit cards lie re ceived after submitting false applications lie was also given six iiioiilii sentence for lmssession of stolen credit card Shot in head IlIAMINtItIN tint ttli Paul Martin fit of Ieaininglon was In satisfactory coiidilioii in Windsor hospital llltl1t fol loWIiIg shooting incident ear lIel III the day Police said they sent an officer to investigate report of man carrying shotgun Police said man pointed shotgun at the In vcsttgaling officer and said he would not be taken alive The officer tlieii fired his rcvolvei WALTER MATTHAU and TAT EAL together they make it happen IIIH JHII CKNKH Hill It Tllli BAD NEXTS HELD 3llll BECOIIII SMASHING NEE ADULT itlnuou MM AtAMOuS PLAYERS TMIATRE CG ST um hitting the man in the head ieiuiiingtoii is about miles southeast of Wiiidsoi Fire damage ItllANlItlllli tint tfli Damage has not yet been as seemed in tire liriday til the citys main water works plant The fire which was coiiliiied to elccli Iciil Wirliig iii INIMIIHIII area below the Iiiiiiii pumping unit cttlIMtI power tllhl uplion biil water sttvtie was not dis iiipted The cause of the Inc has Iiol yet beeiidelel inined lloy dies WININllt fltil tflt five year old leiiiiiiiigtoiifliil boy died III hospital heie ltltlttv of injuries sulleied when he was struck by car iiiiii his home June Iiiad is llaiiiiy ltoulios son of Mi and Mrs Snikis Ilontrot ltehearsing lilelSltiNJint AT The taiiadian Armed Iioicir band It ielicaistiig the national an tliiIiis of the III countries coiii pcfiiig Iii sailing events in the tilympics being held llllt flat the band Will perform only few of the anthems iii public an only the illlllllllli ol leaiii wtu ningmedalsaicplayed Offers help tillttlttilillttWN tint ttII the Niagara lilscarpincnl HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 IMPERIAL CINEMA toinniissioii has offered to help municipal planners III the area by providing Information IUI preparation of municipal plans Ivor McMulfiii commission chairman said III II slatetiienl iiiiornuilloii on the 2000 squaic inile area has been coiiiptIid for ii draft IIiiister plan It in chides data on mineral resoni ces forest vegetation soils and liistoiic sites Georgetown ts about miles west ofloionlo FROM EMBRYO TO WOMAN IN WEEKS 3lie hasjust been born at age 24 he perFeet creation ofscience almost Bagbield Miami 7260044 now PLAYING it 915 pm MATINEE SUNDAY AT I30 Very possiny INlii ttt Btmie Twin DriveIn Theatre 487 22 ac mssts rge ml 64 11 lo Hnne Bancroft ftiRtLi UEHt the funniest motion picture of the decade SCREEN NOW PLAYING RARE AND ECIAL MOle ik llllutlr fitHHHERSI inflow HINDENBURG 01 91 Mi motive Set The Hindenburg 53 find AV nfg our im iys militiaiiowmtiiiuiiiiiiiiorim ROCK HUDSON mow Ibo Emile Examiner Saturday July IO I976 IN CONCERT THE ORILLIA OPERA HOUSE Ilikets $4 00 tux iml available it Gordons Hm tii 64 Mlssisstigu St fllllfli let 56 BMW Ma clam 7209044 EMBRYO FAMILY ENTERTAINENT EVENINGS SAT 72I5 92I$ rm li Hui quulllu mr Vllilllllll HELD OVER 3rd WEEK 715 pm ADULT IITIIIIII Mulderliylleafha we Dorrie Twin Drivevln Theatre 487 22L SCREEN NOW PLAYING Brilliantly understated viwe about lll hutllafl spirit an antberi really

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