Owen Sound Ont up Tpnd grow with us We need someone not afraid of hard physical and Axe NELP WANTED NELP WANTED CERTIFIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST This position ls located In the City of Barrie The applicant will be part of team engaged In the design and supervision of con struction of variety of municipal works minimum of three years of related experience is necessary The firm has health Income protection and pension plans In effect and salaries will be consistent with experience and ability Apply In writing to AINLEY AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS 52 MORROW ROAD BARRIE ONTARIO SALES PERSONS EXPERIENCED PREFERRED Improve your career in well established firm with knowledgable and experienced staff OHIghest commissions and Incentives Guldonce and Instruction In all phases of Real Estate Mortgage and appraisal departments °Alr conditioned offices Call JH Willson or Bob March for appointment All inquiries strictly confidential REAL ESTATE LIMITED WSTF ï¬n CAREER IN SALES MARKETING CAREER OPPORTUNITYNOT JUST JOB The sales person that we are looking for would require high energy high intelligence be innovative enioy meeting and working with people We see ourselves In sales as consultants to our prospects and clients helping them to plan and buy the right product for their communication ll9 DUNLOP SI Uh IQiIH IORONH iril Milt It Is an opportunity for recent College and University graduates to become Professional with rewarding career and an above average income Many of our salespeople are marketing and business graduates We provide six months inplant training course to provide the in depth technical training Assignment alter training to Toronto area with guaranteed income base Send us an indepth resume Preference will be given to those ap plicants with business experience andor higher education Address your application to Ken Cruickshank cr Richardson Bond and Wright Limited PO Box 550 Jy7 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT We offer an excellent opportunity to Chartered Accountant in terested in continuing in practice with mediumsized firm of Char Ierea Accountants located north of Toronto Applicants should possess one or two years postqualification ex perience and be capable of functioning In professional capacity with minimum of supervision and have strong motivation to establish career in public practice Experience in municipal auditing an asset Write Box R60 Barrie Examiner AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON We are one of the largest and best equipped recreational vehicle centres in Ontario Were looking for long term relationship with italented and aggressive salesperson who wants to make money irmental work and long hours when required Our choice will be self starter who Is intelligent easy to get along with and can work with team Salary and commission is negotiable with the right person For an interview contact David McKee president THE HITCH HOUSE LIMITED 7057289700 Jy8 Coordinator of Safety and Training Decorative metal and seat belt manufacturer requires experienced Safety Coordinator with minimum of years appropriate ex perience Applicants with strong metal fabricating and assembly background mwill be given preference Apply in confidence to LEONARD TODD DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 140 Bay St Midland Onturlc Phone 7055265451 Jle HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BOYS and GIRLS Earn Extra Money and Win Prizes THE BARRIE EXAMINER NOW HAS ROUTE OPENINGS IN BARRIE AND ALL COTTAGE AREAS IN THE LAKE SIMCOE AREA Ill Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayï¬eld St or Phone 7266539 Name Address Telephone NELP WANTED IIllIIIIIIIllllllllllllilllllllllll LaPAGE lilillllIllllllllflllglllllllllllll LTOR REAL ESTATE SALES THE BARRIE OFFICE HAS OPENINGS FOR EXPERIENCED PRODUCING SALES PEOPLE AND OFFERS Excellent commission and bonus system Subsldlzed 0HIP and supp health plan Includes Income protection 50° MLS fees paid by company Coast to Coast referrals shared by all salespeople on rotating basis leeral advertising allowance plus extras for startup Corporate transfer listings shared by all on rotating basis Air conditioned fully equipped office Loads of free parking No management competition For more details speak to any local agent or for confidential ln lervlew call LARRY FORTIN at 737001 LEPAGE IDNTARIDI LTD 355 Bayfield SL BARRIE ONTARIO Jy79l2ldl6 TORONTO STAR requires SemiRetired Gentleman or Housewife To deliver papers daily to our customers on an established route in West Gwillimbury township Afternoons only Must have reliable vehicle Apply In writing to Box 372 Orangevllle or telephone 519 9410522 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HAIR STYLIST to take over clientele Top salary paid to qualified person Telephone House of Bellini Bayfleld Mall 726 462i EXPERIENCED MECHANIC required for Farm Equipment Dealer knowledge of farm equipment an asset Must have own tools and be able to work with little supervision For appointment contact Murray Richards at 728 5510 Charles Richards and Sons PAYROLL CLERK required part time position Experience an asset Own transportation Telephone for appoint ment 705 435 550i Ask for Mrs Leg gait INSULATION COMPANY requires am blfious energetic Individual with carpentry background The successful candidate will be interested in career and not iust lab Apply in writing to the insulation Manager Post Office Box 602 Barrie ORANGEVILLE Experienced hair stylist required $150 plus per week In terested persons call 519 941 2044 after pm KITCHEN HELP required for summer camp Cook baker pot washers and dishwashers Telephone Mr Fellus 705769 3601 ouTLOA EUTURE In retail manage MOTOR MECHANIC Applications are now being received for the position of Motor Mechanic to work at the School Bus Garage 37 Camp bell Street Colllngwood On tarlo Must possess Class Mechanic Licence Starting rate $461 per hour To start im mediately Interested persons apply In writing on or before July 14 I976 to Mr Mylchreest Coordlnator of Transportation SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 99 Ferris Lane BARRIE Ontario LAM 2Y2 June 29 I976 Jy7 COUPLE Womed for ment Manager trainee required Train Shanty Bay Estate ing program supplied Salary plus bonus after initial training program Reply by resume to Mikes Milk Stores 85 Patter son Rd Barrie Ont Attention Lewis EXPERIENCED snort Order Cook Ex ccllent company benefits Apply in per son vafare Restaurant Cookstown SOUS CHEF For too room hotel with convention facilities to 500 In North Bay Ontario Year round business hotel with golf MAN to do gardening and general work to housekeeping Furnished house on property in cluded Chauffeurs Licence preferred 7260483 do light course and swimming pool Applicant should have thorough experience in all types of food preparation cooking and employee supervision Apply to Anderson General Manager Pinewood Park Motor Inn Box 687 North Bay On tario 800 experience on pay roll banking recon cillatlons typing Extensive benifit package Apply Canadian Tire Barrie WORM PICKERS WANTED no ex perience necessary Apply in person at Market Square or telephone 726 4851 after pm CT R0 Suddenly youre earning many 3s and enioying every moment of it For the past 50 years Electrolux products have been sold exclusively by men but because of expansion and the fantastic success accomplished by many ladies hired recently we are offering lull or part time free dealership to both ladies and men Car required For personal in tervlew ask for Mr Graul 7210992 NORSEAWAIWD perinsnem pasiiion weekend rotation necessary must have Fensvereien telephoneww OFFICE CLERK required steady employment Good educational back ground and office experience desirable 9991799455 195° IIFXIEVY BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise Jy9 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN HIGH SCHOOL Grades 13 Finish at home in your spare time All books supplied Low monthly payments write for free booklet including phone number United Institute ASSA Egllnton Avenue West Toronto MSN 1A7 Ontario SALES HELP AND AGENTS OUR AGENCY well established in General insurance is looking for per son to head up our life division Contact Simcoe Insurance Agency 7269961 to ar range an interview for riday July 9th EMPFPYMENT WANTED LIC AIR COND REFRIG MECH Also has Gas Fitter Lic Looking for steady employment in Barrie area Will ing to start at bottom and work up For maneht work desired Will consider maintenance position Phone 726 3556 MATURE YOUNG woman wanting job that might include child care house cleaning cooking and sewing Wants live in and possibly salary Call 728 3451 NELP WANTED through either failure or delay replies in forwarding such however otherwise CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for thesepegesmustberecelvedbyapn day preceding publication with the ex ceptlon of Classified Display od vertfsements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENYS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES words 35 on Additional words cts per word WDOETMAMSZSMJSU Ad ditkmelwerdsctsperward mmnoncssiuomssoo Mthverse per reintline II centper line WEIEN $122 per column Inch uwanomuuu CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Barrie HOT lessen theveleeeftheadvemrmt are not eligible for corrections by make goods ThelarrleExeminerreservestherldItte classify reviseer reject anymtads WHO26H NELP WANTED ra ltsnlt EMPLOYMENT warms SEEKING CAREER IN BARRIE AREA Will travel if required WHO CAN USE Altractive intelligent lady midthirties well groomed College graduate Pleasant personality EXPERIENCE years with major Toronto company In public relations sales and service Enioys dealing with the public Telephone 7281822 Jy7 PUILIC NOTIC PUBLIC NOTICE THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE NOTICE IN THE MATTER of bylaw of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to close part of Wellington Street West formerly Craig Street according to Registered Plan 1204 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this notice at least once week for successive weeks In the Barrie Examiner at its meeting to be held at the City Hall Barrie Ontario at the hour of 700 oclock In the afternoon on the 26th day of July 1976 consider and If deemed expedient pass bylaw to close and step up and sell to the ad olnlng owner that part of Wellington Street West formerly Craig Street according to registered plan number 1204 In the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe more particularly designated as Part on Reference Plan 51 R5697 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be preludlcially affected by the said bylaw and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie either in person or by his Counsel solicitor or agent THIS NOTICE was first published on the 23rd day Of June I976 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE by Its solicitors Boys Seagram Rowe Taylor 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T2 ANY PERSON interested may see plan of that part of the road proposed to be closed in the Office of the City Clerk City Hall Collier Street Barrie Ontario during regular office hours Ju2330Jy714 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Complete dispersal of all house Saturday July 1076 furnishings dishes china at oopm sharp Tools and miscellaneous an tiques collectors items Pine tables bake cupboards coloured leaded glass windows Dining room suite with round table For MRS MARY FRYER To be held Sat July 10 com mencing at 1230 sharp Sale to be held at the premises Lot 15 con lnnisfil Township miles south of Stroud on High way No 11 at the corner of Can Alcona Beach Rd The undersigned has received instruction to sell the following Living room furniture Chester field suite living room chairs platform rocker Bedroom piece bedroom suite piece suite with round mirror ladies oval front dresser mens dresser to match an tique continental beds l9 Portable TV 24 88W TV cabinetradio record player TV combined Dining room suite with round table and buffet Antiques collectors items Antique parlour tables Large kitchen table pine harvest tables pine drop leaf pIne lam cupboards bake cup boards pine chest old sythe cradle in good condition an tique mirrors Dishes china noritachy pieces old antique chairs coloured glass leaded windows 14x33 one 16x35 good condition several cracks miscellaneous items Old pic tures frames Tools quantity of hand gar den Iools electric lawn mower bench saw table other or ticles too numerous to list Rugs Carpets curtains for JOHN EILEEN RUSSELL I79 OWEN ST BARRIE ONT Rectangular popup leaf dining room table with matching chairs in excellent condition hand made 2x3 table Fridgidaire cu ft dressing table with stool large round mirror beds with springs ex cellent mattress and hand made birch head boards writing table framed level edged mirror rolled counter toppped cabinet 36x32 3x4 pigeon hole pine cabinet 30 hd stove cable black vinyl buttoned sofa bed with matching chair chrome kitchen table mal ching chairs antique reading lamp ew adjustable brass neck small round Duncan Phyfe style table small round living room table with lower shelf wicker arm chair wicker arm rocker wooden rocker trilite table lamps 10 cu ft Woods chest freezer deluxe recliner like new GSW spiralator wringer washer used months propane range one year old table saw on large steel base with 34 hp motor cracks 303 cal carbine with 30 rounds of ammo sectional fish but pieces with aluminum door one inside French door panelled doors all with har dwore set of ladies golf clubs with leather bag odd woods irons quantity of hand table power saws Brass blow torch old tire pump extentsion co rds plumbing tools quantity of good point rollers brushes assorted trowels furnace fan exw Vs hp motor leather craft kit 500 plus rug brick picnic Terms COSII no reserves 05 cooler dishes pots pans gar home sold den tools lawn furniture and Owner or auctioneer not many other articles too responsible to public liability or property loss Selling by number with ID VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR STROUD SCL 23 numerous to list as well as 1965 Meteor door cyl standard I969 xz ton pickup cyl standard Vehicles will be sub iect to reserve bid JY7 Terms cash or cheque with MET satisfactory ID No reserve exce on vehicles AUCTION SALE Lunch available Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accident or in jury on property on day of sale Bill Barr Auction Service COOKSTOWN Bill Barr Auctioneer SALES BARN Phone 7230744 °l c°°°w IO Marian Cr Barrie on Hwy 39 Jy7 you BRING IT www WE SELL lT TUESDAYS PM LEGAL Livestock and Produce FRIDAYS PM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Household goods or what have All persons having claims you against the Estate of GERTRUDE WITTEN REID late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Married woman Deceased who died on the 6th day of June 1976 must forward some to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of July 1976 after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the Executors will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not have notice COMPLETE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD DISPERSALS For further details contact FRANK WEBB Cookstown L705 4589172 4589784 WTF AUCTION SALE GRAHAM ALLEN Auction Service Recent graduate of Reisch World Wide College of Auc DATED at Barrie Ontario this 30th day of June I976 tioning FREE SERVICES FOR ANY SEAGRAM ROWE CHARITABLE ORGANIZATION soknor IN SIMCOE COUNTY 5mm 7374 BARRIE Ontario or 7265055 Solicitors for the Executors hMWFAu2 Jy7142l EMPLOYMENT InuitITw ANNOUNCEMENTS 31593361 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column Inch BIRTHS ADOPTIONS APPLETONJohn and Diane are proud to announce thrI arrival of their daughter Rachel Lee lbs 01s at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday July 1976 sister for Tammy Eileen Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Kerr and greatgrandmother Mrs MabelApplefon MASTERS Mr and Mrs Ken Masters are proud to announce the birth of their first grandchild boy lbs 14 oxs born to Ken and Ann Masters nee Dempster Saturday July 1976 at Nanalmo British Columbia Thlrct grandchild for Mr and Mrs William Dempster formerly of Barrie Great grandchild for Mr and Mrs William Darby RR Barrie DAUGHERTY Jack and Sharon are pleased to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter Shannon Lee little sister for Shawn Many thanks to all can MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST 7281561 Aufi BINNIE Joan and Gard are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Amanda Katherine lbs McCAGUE BOWEN the engage and one half ounces on June 29 1976 at 705 pm at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie First grandchild for Mr and Mrs Ray Ramsey and Mr and Mrs Elwood Binnie all of Barrie Special thanks to Dr Bailey and nurses McKNlGHT Peter and Elaine of Of tawa are happy to announce the birth of daughter sister for Shannon born Monday July I976 at Ottawa Clvlc Hospital Pleased grandparents Mr and Mrs Ian Rankin of Mississauga and Mr and Mrs Austin McKnight of Barrie FLOWER FAIR The Florist Who Cares GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA 7268642 ment Is announced of Carol Lee daughter of Mrs Mary McCaque of Bar rle and the late Mr McCaque of Bar rle to Robert Bowen son of Mr and Mrs Bowen of Barrie The marriage will take place at Central United Church on Saturday July 24 I976 SPEERS FARQUHARSON The Rev and Mrs John Edward Spears of Barrie Ontario announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Shelagh Margaret to John Paton Farquharson son of Mr and Mrs John Stewart Far quharson of Toronto The wedding will take place on Saturday July 10 1976 at 230 oclock in Trinity Anglican Church Barrie Ontario Jy15 Mondays child is fair of face Tuesdays child is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays child has far to go Fridays child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its liv ing And child that is born on the Sab bath Day is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important in formation for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announce mentwill include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital In formation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice I9 only $500 Maximum 40 words Additional words9 cents per word PHONE 728 2414 GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounco the birth of your child in The By MRS GIFFEN The community was sad dened to hear of the lane ac cident that claimed life of Bob Dunn of Minesing Mrs Dunn is the former Dorothy McNabb of Edenvale and our sincere sympathy goes to Dorothy and daughters Deb bie and Terry Lynn Our sympathy also goes to Mrs Doug Giffen in the pass ing away of her father Mr Mel Bales of Slayner number of folks here at Iended both funerals Mr and Mrs Harry Giffen and Doug attended the ce Barrio Examiner clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Rorords and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classified 77B 7414 HAPPY OCCASION The birth of your child To tell the good news to meter cerwce at Reussty friends and nrighbors The Barrie Ex recent aminvr Classified staff are as near as your telephone The day of birth lust dial 728 2474 Mrs Della Waller of Toron to spent few days at Mr and Mrs llarry Giffens Mr and Mrs Doug Giffen were in Toronto at Massey Hall to witness the commis sion to the Salvation Army of their cousin Vernon Bales ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST Mr Bales was posted to Friendly7C23ur2t33s Service cagigrargnglbfarrlf Keith tsmith MWFSS and Randy of Ravenshoe and Mr and Mrs Russol Street and Susan of Georgetown were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen Mrs Warren Giffen and children enjoyed few days at cottage at Burks Falls EyeCatcher Anne Giffen spent the weekend at Kingston Well our lens are all made for the envale Old Home weekend on July 1011 We are all hoping for good weather and lots of good friends to renew acquain tances garden by dragline EDMONTON Ever plant garden with dragline That is what University of Al berta work crews are using to develop the universitys Devo nian botanical garden west of the city in $750000 fiveyear expansion program The dragline is being used to deepen two sloughs by scooping out 15 feet of peat which will be mixed with sand to make growing medium As well 400 tons of rock will be hauled in and built up to simulate high mountain or alpine meadow The 803cm garden was set aside in 1959 mainly for re search on the number of plants which will thrive in the Alberta climate It has been open to the public for about four years and was visrled by 6000 persons last year After an exceptionally heavy snowfall in the winter of 1974 large sections of the garden were devastated by floods which killed hundreds of birch trees Much of the work now In progress is cleaning up flood damage said Pat Seymour garden director The expansion program was made possible by $375000 do nation from the Calgarybased Devonian Grou Foundation matched by fu from the Al berta advanced educatron de partment Another 815000 came from Scotlands Stanley Toss on jacket 0r vest for travels near and far Easy Lacy and solid bands form horizontal stripes Cro chet Jacket or vest of strands bedspread cotton or single strand of sport yarn Pattern 7037 Sizes 1046 Incl $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 15 each pattern for llfSl class mail and hindllng Semi to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Smith Trust for establishment Scarborough Ontario 0f botanical gardens MI 07 througth the world Ont residents Illll 7¢ sales taxi Print plain ly Pattern Number Your Name Address More than New before 700 Or Signs we prsntez 5109 NEW 296 Needierrat Ca aiogoe Has everything 75 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fifty lluilts 5100 Ripple Crochet $100 Sew llnit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 flairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book $100 Instant Money Book $100 Complete Afghans 14 $100 Easy Art of Needlepoint $100 Complete Gift Book $100 Book of 16 Quilts 60¢ Museum Iluilt Book 60¢ 15 Quilts for Today 60¢ Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans 12 60¢ ALAflhgth Olympics benefitted Munich By SCOTT THORNTON MUNICH Renter As the countdown begins for the Man treal Olympics sports officials and administrators here say Munich has emerged winner from staging the Games four years ago Their verdict aflIr drawing up balance sheet of the 1972 Olympics The Games at that time the most costly ever held were ex greensive but the burden has been arable and this pretty Bava riancapital now has magnifi cent rls and recreation cenlt Ire ich is being pul to good useb its citizens Olympics hevr left us many longstanding lunIlits and we have never rimriled having them here Slim er ner Goehner director the company which runs IN 11 pic sites No Olympic llilr has been more successful Munich The Olympic cumplm r3 biggesl in Europe has lie lems however Official concerned at the lack of attracted to the rowing IHlii and horsejumping stadium several miles from the mini area FLATS STILL EMPTY At least 300 flals in the for mer Olympic Village stand em ly for want of tenants or uyers The central site massive 200acro park dominated by the imposing acrylic glass lent roofs and lowering steel ylons of the main stadia is sill being subsidized by the Munich city governmenl at the rate of arouan two million marks $750000 year But you must remember what we gel for this said Mayor Georg Kronwiiler Munich now has sports and leisure facilities which are among the best in the world The Munich Games cost to tal of 197 billion marks of which 135 billion marks was for the stadia and other permanent infrastructure Olympic of ficials say Some 627 million marks had to be paid out by Wesl German lax ayers on the federal state an local levels Munich and Bavaria each had to find 154 million marks from taxation Goehner said the Olympic park has been visited since the end of the 1972 games by more than 17 million visitors and sightsecrs at almost 500 events STADIUM POPULAR The 78000capacity Olympic Stadium the home of European soccer champions Bayern Mun ich drew total crowd of more than 53 million up In the end of May The Olympic Park 10 re sponsiblc to the Munich city government also controls thr 13000capacily indoor stadium where Muhammad Ali defon led his world boxin crown in May the indoor athTolics hall fivepool sammin stadium 55003031 cycle are ium Iihe in terior of which Is also used as four allweather tennis courisr ice arena regatta course and the 900f001 television tower topped by revolving restaurant Crosscountry vehicle new MOSCOW Reulori TWO Ukrainian engineers have developed revolutionary crosscountry vehicle which has no wheels no rails and no air cushion the newspaper Socialist Industry reports Instead the hemispherical machine which resembles childs spinning lop propels it self with rolling motion The Katelyot or Rollerflyer Is intended for carrying freight in rough terrain such as Siberia the newspaper said The cargo is placed at two points on an elliptical ring whichIss nbylhe motor The effect oft unbalanced revolve Ing ring propels the machine along the ground and the driver whose cab is suspended on shock absorbers InSIde the ï¬n conlrolslhe motion news per said the ma chine whic will clImb woe gree slopes and cross water will be lighter than con ventional truck and will not need many of the compmienls of normal vehicle such as gear box or clutch report from the SIberIan section of the Soviet Academy of Selences send the method of propulsron of the Kalolyok needs more detailed study swmthhmwh