22The Ierrie IKOMIIIBI Wednesday July 1976 RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Olenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South I70 Burton Ave 7209066 TF USED TRAILERS I975 Lasalle 27 Park Model I975 PMC 24 Grandaire I974 Sunset 17 with shower I97I Rambler 18 with fridge lurn oven sleeps I965 Rambler l4 sleeps 1973 Woods hardtop sleeps I974 Starcrott Galaxy swinger I972 Starcralt Stormaster with fridge TILSON TRAILERS Hwy 27 MIDLAND 5263124 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS J19 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baylleld St MOBILE HOME on corner lot In Small park 62 12 Like new Telephone 72 675 Of 720 Ind COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south of Barrie New homes on large 7500 sq ft lots Ready to move In Low down payment 15 yea mortgages Call 720 6875 LET US GET you hitched trailer hitch that is All types Call Harold at the Hitch House Limited 7209700 1974 TRIPLE 16 ft travel trailer sleeps way lrldge spare tire canopy toilet double gas tanks outside electric plugs Reese $50 hitch electric brake controller mirrors like new condition $3900 or best cash offer 720 9626 1914 HARD TOP camper years old sleeps double foam mattresses new spare tire on rim in good condition S750 Telephone 635 26I7 after pm TRUCK CAMPER slide on type stove oven fridge head shower hot water tank furnace pressure system sleeps 1974 model To view Joe Dyson Luella Blvd Anten Mills RENTALS APR19 syn16 IIDROOM Antmlnl downtown tri In at athl AMAILAIUI ll mm OOWJF info imktwi PrkIttg gunIoQolouhoh no light we Itly wimmvaINITs 19 MRRIRINUW sultanTwila payrulttlucimil Imam so I0 ye manna step one lral location II BEDROOM Apallnieiits rotor ap pliances drapes emigrant next to sun cos Plateer 796 ON BEDROOM newly itetoratett on bus route includes heat telrigetakir stove private entrants parking easy walk downtown Available Iuly Istslts Telephone 717 0324 mitts am TDWNHOUSES Spacious rooms two bedrooms lull basements all heat on city bus route 8100 plus all and utllltles No dogs Adults PHONE 7204752 If no answer please call alter wnl TF houses To RENT BRAND NEW townhouse for rent III ex cluslvo Incallon For more inlorlnatlon cell 137 1961 days 726 1432 evenings Ask for Joe FOUR BEDROOM semi back spilt ved drive garage broadloolnetl hroughout appliances gulat street Ideal for kids and pets $345 monthly Telephone 737 2703 BEDROOM BUNGALOW St Vincent and Queen area fridge and stove $300 per month plus utilities Suitable for small family Available immediately Phone after6pm 720 7023 BEDROOM house for rent re lrI erator and stove $205 monthly plus utl ltles Allandale area Available 1m mediater Telephone 726I234atler pm SEMI DETACHED bedroom large kitchen and living room lull basement 2I6 Shanty Bay Road Available Im mediately $275 monthly healed Telephone 726 5047 LARGE bedrdom house Centrally located $300 monthly plus deposit NO pets Call 7206604 after om BEDROOM HOUSE and one half baths rec room double garage large lot Available July Is $335 monthly Larry Thompson representing Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 30000r 726 5219 NEW bedroom back split finished basement garage $295 monthly on Fer ris Lane Available immediately Telephone 7260335 bEDï¬DDMhIdeIe hurrié trig and stove S235 month plus utilities Availablelmmediately 77204610 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE RIDGE ROAD AUTO SALES 69 BUICK Skylark dr hardtop V0 auto PSPB new paint Certified ST 395 09 CAPRICE Klngswood Estate wagon V0 ItsP0 Csrlltlotl $1495 69 METEOR 833 dr hardtop ISPBPW AMFM radio 30000 original miles Certified SI 895 60 BUICK Skylark dr sedan 6cyl PS radio 67000 original miles Certified SI I95 7i CORVETTE Coupe 350 auto steel city grey Certified 36500 TRADE INS ACCEPTED RR ORO STATION 4073297 JyIO CARS FOR SALE 1m PIRBBIRD Well equipped vtl autnniatlt ralliaili lots more sharp 02993 Muslsell Phone 720 6923 ltll mcz MOTO CROSS III good con dition Asking SKll Telephone 726 5919 1970 PONTIAC TEMPEST 360 VII power steering autnlnallc radlo miles per galon excellent condition 01330 Telephone 737 0660 after 430 pm 19 CHEVELLE MALIBU VII autoniatlr door hardtop vinyl roof power brakes and steering Gmxt con dition 300 Telephone 7211 7039 after I969 CHEVELLE Malibu door hard top VII automatic certified best offer I960 Firohild 327 automatic many high etlorliiance extras best flfltl elepllone 737 IOSI I969 CHEV IMPALA Custom door hardtop V0 automatic certlllnd Ask Ing SI 00 I967 Mustang as Is 0200 I960 DartGT asis3250 Tolctplione 737 1051 1975 GMC hall ton VII automatic certified $3500 1973 Buick 150 Vil automatic air conditioning new radial tires Certified $2500 1966 Super Bar 363 speed as is 3350 Telephone 4362642 GRAFFITTI Special I950 Ford door sedan In mint condition only 14000 original miles Owner moving and must sell Telephone Rally 726 6403 office home 721 0727 1971 VOLKSWAGEN 411 motor and body In very good condition Fuel In lecled Porsche motor $1000 or best of ferC611456 2672afler6pm I960 METEOR door hardtop power steering and brakes 302 engine speed standard floor shift bucket seats $250 as Is 726 5432 after 5pm 1974 TORINO door excellent condi lion certified 32700 Telephone 4241995 74 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle excellent mechanical condition rust proofed glazed radial tires Phone 737 3763 or 72016I2after6pm 1377s THUNDERBIRD for sale luxury extras $5500 or best offer Telephone 17655 I973 MATADOR VB automatic 42000 miles excellent condition Certified 2300 Telephone 424 1995 POLICEMAN WISHES to rent or 71 FDEDISIIIIO Hatchback automatic room house in Sroud or general rea Apply to 80x R64 The Barrie Ex aminer TEACHER NEEDS house lorseil wife certified I966 Sunbeam Alpine must sell Phone 424 9199 ask for Wayne Clifton Room after pm 1970 FORD door auto clean COIT daughters and little old dog City or Vertible Certified Best offer See Barrie or Ora Township Prefer Sep at 90 Collier St Lot Leave name tember possibly August Call 519 etc at Filter Queen Olfice COLLECTORS ITEM Centennial year 1967 Mercury Calienli 3000 miles good condition certified Asking SL200 or offer 436 Hill room downtown location Immediate 1971 MUSTANG fastback 351 Thermo el 45000 miles wide track tires hood Dck air shocks foglights tape deck BRIGHT CLEAN broadloornéd room 2200 In very good shape Telephone 3525075 or apply Box No R65 Barrie mus EX°II°L APTS To RENT ROOMSTD LET CLEAN BRIGHT modern furnished KANEFF ssesslon Cali Hamilton Real Estate 37I000 APARTMENT HOMES gunId Fin for rent Kitchenl tfacililies IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 L3fï¬jfl CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 CLEAN BRIGHT turnished bedroom Adm for gentleman linen supplied and changed weekly Share kitchen Free TF parking Central 523 weekly Telephone Two BEDROOM apartment 3240 per month stove and refrigerator carpet hot water parking cable TV Pay own hydro Available August first no pets 74 Shirley Ave 726 0733 Dr 737 0596 BEDROOM apartment in II plex near park Recently redecorated 8215 man thly plus hydro Telephone 737 2666 THREE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Lisle Stove and refrigerator supplied S200 monthly Available now Telephone 7264626 FURNISHED Kitchenette bedsitting room share bathroom $135 monthly Downtown Suitable for working girl Telephone 7260960 weekdays FURNISHED bedroom bachelor apart ment 12 miles from Barrie Abstainers nonsmokers 720 0067 ONE BEDROOM apartment Heat hydro stove refrigerator broadloom and parking supplied SI05 monthly Available August First and last months rent 726 7005 after pm WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome 0Leose and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267I53 anytime TF LARGE TWO bedroom adult building quiet surroundings sublet to May first Available August first 5243 Telephone 726 5636 after 530pm ONE AND two bedroom apartments available immediately No children no pets couples preferred Apply Arm strong Hardware or tele phone 720 2441 CENTRALL LOCATED cosy freshly decorated room apartment Stove refrigerator parking and utilities in cludedsuitableforsinglegirl Available Immediately Rent 3155 no pets Call 720 I350 BEDROOM apartment available August Downtown location stove refrigerator and heat supplied 317$ montth Telephom 726 3442 AVAILABLE AUGUST bedroom apartment with regrigerator stove and heat and private entrance central loca lion $225 monthly Telephone 720 9799 or 720 II36 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart merit with stove refrigerator also bed sitting room and kitchen and bath Available now central parking 72 7500 ONE BEDROOM central apartment stove refrigerator and utilities parking very clean 3150 per month Telephone 73 BACHELOR AND bedroom apart merits available immediately stove triage and parking supplied From $75 to sl4o per month plus deposit NO pets Call 720 6504 afterop BEDROOM apartment available lm medialely Close to shopptna Frtdce stove and parking inCIUded 3225 men frin Cell 726 6646 LARGE LIVING ROOM 20x12 large kitchen large bathroom One bedroom tresth decanted wall to wall car peting Telephone 726 5713 between and 9pm TWO BEDROOM central 17 Worsley St parking lireplace no pets HIS plus hydro tglephone 737 3700 PARKLANE TOWERS One bedroom apartment available August All utilities cable TV parking walking distance to town 7200776 Am building gt gt gt 4H ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments $21250 to $22250 monthly plus hydro stove and refrigerator Telephone 726 5063 UHFURNISHED bedroom apartment in triplex newly decorated parking Married couple only no pets Available July 15 Telephone 7260075 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824 72E5T98 REDECORATED furnished room Linen supplied Central Parking Kit hen privileges living room Responsi bieadultsonly7267186 RIGHT CLEAN large furnished 00m central free parking Working an only please no drugs drunks or ts 737 3923 before pm DOT13155386 central Bcatidn vailable immediately Telephone 7992°¢F°PT19°P ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE USINESS GIRL between 2030toshare artially furnished apartment own room First and last months rent equired Telephone Candy 7202091 or 264m2 ANTED PROFESSIONAL business rson age 20 to 30 to share large odern furnished home Baytield undies area Telephone 7265303 COTTAGES TO RENT OTTAGES Two three bedrooms antth or season sand beach 10 miles th of Barrie Trailer sites 4872427 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfie St Barrie 5006000 sq lt air condi tioned 41622I MODERN OFF space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 RL Angeloff DOWNTOWN STORE tor lease vailable July Telephone 726 0900 SMALL AIRCONDITIONED office gt parate entrance private parking 100 square ft dry storage space Good location ideal for small business 43 Essa Road 726 6474 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 3100 62th sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 16 ft clear part of large expanding industrial man 726 7T1 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1974 CUTLASS Salon air conditioned AM FM radio power windows door locks trunk steering and brakes posi traction green corduroy reclining bucket seats console electric rear win dow defogger remote control mirror dark green with white vinyl top 83950 726 6623 737 0222 Ion OLDS Delta Royale door hardtop Air conditioning power steering brakes and windows Excellent condition Private $3250 TelephOne 720 3992 to i969 OLDS DELTA custom 455 cc power steering brakes windows etc good condition 436 2461 1962 RAMBLER door sedan automatic with power steering snow tires on rims exterior and Interior ex cellent condition Needs new starter AS 18225 7263317 1974 DODGE DART Hana 10 sunroof automatic power steering buckets con sole redials many extras rustproolea Excellent condition $3495 certilied 0362041 Barrie alter Sp 1960 TRIUMPH TRJ Gleaming black Excellent condition restoration 90 per cent completed Detachable hardtop new upholstery and whitewall tires etc Asking S1 Evenings telephone 7407349 WV mm 1970 TOYOT CORO good condi tion automatic radio 37000 miles Cer titled soon or best offer Telephone 7264029 1970 MAVERICK cylinder automatic very good condition S950 1967 Dodge Coronet cylinder automatic as Is $300 or best offer 7249131 after pm 1960 CERTIFIED Buick Electra 225 door hardtop automatic power brakes power steering power windows ex cellentcanditlon Asking 8950 Telephone 4245214after Sltpm I975 TRIUMPH Spitfire convertible 19000 miles First owner Four radial snows AM radio rust proofed Asking 31500 Telephone 7262966 or 7370614 immediately 969 VOLKESWAGEN BEETLE close to 0748 in ood running condition Excellent for one buggy As is 3200 Telephone 20 3246 hm oLDs Deli 83 door 455 CI xcellent condition 20 mpg snow tires rims included power brakes steer ng windows $995 Certified Telephone 20 4902 after om ARTICLES FOR SALE BOATSAND MOTORS I976 I7 SUNRAY l35 hp Johnson $5295 I976 I5 SUNRAY BOWRIDER 75 hp Johnson $4595 I974 SIDEWINDER T975 135 hp Johnson with ski bar I975 I6 BAYLINER I976 75 hp Johnson $4495 I976 I46 FIBREGLASS Deep 53 950 I976 35 hp Johnson $2595 I976 I236 SUNRAY 197640 hp Johnson $2499 USED BOATS I6 TRAVELLER SKIBOAT I20 InboardOutboard S2I00 I8 TRAVELLER 90 hp Johnson wtiIt $1950 IS CRESTLINER 60 hp Evinrude $1499 SPORT HAVEN MARINE Shanty Bay Rd Barrie 7264001 WE BUY and sell new and used boats Sport Haven Marine Shanty Bay Rd 726 1001 MOBILE MARINE Repair Service Wood and fibreglass Also light boat building Phone 737 3670 14 FT FIBERGLASS BOAT convertible top rebuilt 25 hp Johnson electric start tilt trailer skis and all accessories 61100 Telephone 720 2666 after I970 I8 FT fibreglass boat I20 HP Mer cury stern drive Top and trailer $5500 Telephone 436 2642 20 FT CHRISCRAFT Sea Skiff inboard motor top and side curtains excellent condition with custom trailer $3000 Telephone 720 2670 alter pm THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES OF NEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TF 20 AUTOMOTIVE cans FOR SALE 74 FORD custom halfton picku 302 ClD vs standard transmission adlo Only 19000 miles as new Llc H32 792 $3265 No down payment $2730 weekly 36 months 135 per cent bank terms Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 7202220 I973 STATIONWAGON Montego Mx Villager sealer automatic power steering and brakes rear window de frasler roof rack radio excellent condi lion 736 057 altersulopm wlndow van 60000 miles automallc radio lull rice as Is 0795 Call after om 720 or can be soon anytime at I6 Eccles st South I966 DODGE CORNET new brakes and exhaust good tlres very little rust Cer titled ssoo Telephone 726 1931 I973 FIREBIRD Esprit 350 autntnatlt floor console rally wtienls power steel Ina and brakes radio show lltas rustproot exwllent tulilllllun smt Telephone 776 6740 TI COUGAR HARDIOI ll alItItltiatlr rattlo pnwet siplino and makes new paint LIt ltNY 146 SIAM lerltis avallattln FRY ClIy Mllliils 4s matlfnttl SI 2220 FORD hall ton pitk up yllntlttt slim lard trallsliilssllln Ion hnx It ï¬ts 931 2663 As Is It erlal try lly Mnlnt ii 41 Blnrllntll St 20 7770 I9 DOOR ITiIllge llatl sotlatl cylinder uoml tIIIltlIlIIltl IDAltlllllItIY ptllell Callaltnt 1720 776 CARS WANTED TO suv URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borrles Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 IF SCRAP CARS anti hulki walItIll trip prlt as paid Wlll IIII ll up Illi 9666 TOP PRICE Int 1le ran lukn MOIIIII thf IIrhilturIl St nttIt 72a IIIII JUNK CARS WANTI0 lllulinrlt Illlitts paltl Sarlltr lay pltkllll Hall Auln Wrockors 726 07ll TRACY WANTS cars and lliltks liIl wrecking IIILI arts lop prices paid Free pickup Te lpllllllf 776 R407 SCRAP VEHICLES walIlItl lin prltlul paid Iron IITIITTNIIIIII pit up ItllyIIIIII 416 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trulks wllnttIl for wrecking S25 and up Fast pIt kup 424 5949 or 435 63 or 737 2515 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing Scrap metal cars bought over sraIts S20loli 436 3677 MOTORCYCLES 1973 SUZUKI GT Ills street 10 ycle plus extras EXLLIIEIII condition only driven one summer approximately 4000 miles S750 Phone 728 4963 I972 SUZUKI trail bike 125 4000 miles owner excellenl condition 8500 Telephone726 2213afler5pm 1973 SUZUKI GT Low mllvagrt carrier 65 mpg extras excellent condition 3825 Telephone 720 0373 after pm I974 YAMAHA TXSOO Ilnuullt new August 75 7200 miles stroke twin Bell helmets Firm $1125 Tolephonv 720 6300 after6p 1973 YAMAHA 360 Enduro good condi tion 4000 miles certified and tuned Call Mike 322 2306 i971 BENELLY Bike cyl red good clean condition S200 Phone 7263l63 afteropln TRUCKS ANDTRAILERS I973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale035 2300 1975 DODGE VAN Three quarter ton power steering power brakes heavy du fy suspension Make an offer Telephone 726 I960 after pm 1976 F250 three quarter ton Ford like new snow plow with hydraulic angle loaded Custom box cover Certified Telephone 436 3488 I971 INTERNATIONAL tori stake body low mileage in condition Cor tilled Tclephoneï¬ls 2632 Coldwater 1967 DODGE VAN6 cylinder standard sink stove cooler speakers for stereo S700 Telephone 726 3415 I974 FORD XL Ranger 26000 original miles custom toneau cover mint condi tion safety Telephone 322 2708 1967 FORD half ton for sale cylinder standard $500 Telephone 436 3647 ARTICLES FOR SALE 3° M°T°R$ START CRUISIN 26 FT EAYLINER SARATOGA EXPRESS CRUISER years old ImmocuIate con dition Sleeps Loaded with toys Compass 28 channel CB radio Ioudhaler swim plat forms ladders depth finder ski towbar remote control long distance spotlight FM radio and tape deck with cabin and off deck speakers Speedometer hour meter deck mattresses for sun bathing power trim pressurized water system duoI batteries with triple switch shore power alcohol stove all canvas for rear deck enclosures 188 hp inboard outboard Mercruiser engine other extras Terms possible to qualified purchaser Coll owner Jennings 728 NOSor737I77I TF CAMPING EQUIPMENT I974 BELLEVUE deluxe 17 ft hardtop tent trailer propane tanks way refrigerator burner stove 10000 BTU furnace sleeps Like new many ex tras 50 Hemlock Crescent Borden Telephone 424 0400 GARD 599915 SHADE TREES $5 discount select now for fall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 29517 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Cir culation Department or phone 726 6539 CASH FOROLD FURNITURE books dIshes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 720 0234 OLD FURNITURE Iamos chinlifodds and ends wanted Antiques for sale 726 8704 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 IIIle 300 EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 MWFTF ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS ACOUSTIC CEILINGS dr wall systems movable partitions ad Illans alterations general contractors Hbrseshoe Valley 7267I9l ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Sofllt fascia eavestrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with Old Fashldned Pride GIBSON General Contractors 7265609 silthu Iiullll tAClA Alli etiyeltttttlxhlllu Flee allllnrile Illittl titiliswilk Iulnlnuln IM 97M BELL AND WATSON ALUMINUM C0 SIIIIII Illtllilil Illvnsaltnllullinu ltIlII lillIlIlll IIIIII Itsillllullilrl I7II lIIlI IIlIlIlIl ALTERATIONS IAIIII AND 40 MIIIy St leslllelu 446 ulllslnltlllls 5H Ill alllIetlisllIs oleylllltlie Al ll RAMONS DIDIIITILIMIHU rippers hams lepultl all talllllcme Ililfli ILIIRIUX IllirIiIII llIl Iulllllllurll solos anI selvllu Ill Allimrte Blvll Jflll AUTOHREPAIRS WE REPAIR British lurnpaull and Japanese ills Coronation Aulu Selv l7 Mitry St 726 544l INIIRIOR REMODFLLING Kltlhalis rnr mums CITII Russ 4ilfiflflfll ulfet 110 In Rolnlnliles lvnlluhln INCOME TAX returns lapalml for small ITulIllass form 1le home Mil chells Bookkeeping Service 776 2973 CARPENTER will do rec rooms Innovations remodelling etc No tub too small 726 UN AND Genordl Contldtlor Kitrhon lac rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 737 ISOT CARPENTER SparIuIizlng in rac rooms interior remodelling trim etc Please cull 7288884 alter erII to wall installations rates 4584432 Fully guaranteed COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST art work layout etc 4I6 936261 CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM FENCING Phone lor estimates tie Fence Co 7263068 7282670 Logo design Pleso call collect and Supplies Free delivery Bur Lambert DRESSMARING FIT if made Specializing in and alterations DRESSES AQUINO gowns 7266000 DRIVEWAY SEALING ROLLIES WATERPROOFING wBasements Driveways VParking Lots Etc by 10le pantsuits 76 Worsley Residential and ComercidI PHONE 7263960 PROFESSIONAL Installations taping and finishing Fancy stippled ceilings plaster and drywall repairs 7372544 ARTICLES FOR SALE CE DAR CH ESTS Handcrafted of imported aromatic Carolina cedar by local craftsmen Special introductory offer on large blanket chests reduced from $350 to $299 for July only Ranchero Wood crafts Unit 16 49 Morrow Rd Barrie 726 98 ELECTRO freeze soft ice cream machines Electro freeze Misty Slush machine deep Iryers propane Mof fall electric grill NCR electric cash register WIIII tax totals and audit tape multiplex post mix fountain pop dis penser refrigerated hot dip ice cream machines hot fudge machine Will sell on block or separately all excellent con dition424 54Ilask for Al BASEMENT SALE July 9th and 10th from 10 am till om at 04B Bernick Drive Barrie near Georgian College Old dishes bottles books etc also some new variety store stock Dealers welcome If our price is too high make US an offer Anxious To clear itd GUITAR CUSTOM standard Ovation guitar with case excellent condition Asking $350 Telephone 720 5043 SPEED Boys bicycle szsfaiso 56 inch girls bic ycle S20 Please telephone 726 0560 TRACTOR Home butlt SUItable for utility work In gardens or snow removal needs fenders and hood Wisconsin motor electric start Asking S275 Telephone 720 6238 SWIMMING POOL years old 12x3 feel round above ground with car tridge filter and ladder 300 Telephone 737 3790 COLONIAL STYLE bedroom suite dou ble bed mattress and box plus dressers months old used In spare room only $250 complete 726 2076 BROWNING AUTOMATIC shotgun 12 uage perfect condition light 12 model Lists around $500 new Telephone 26 2359 after5p OMPLETE HOUSE HOLDfurnishings in like new condition Moving must sell sortergm 975 BEIGE and white uitable for cottage or rec room 360 TeIepnone 77311230 HOMAS Transistor Organ with bench estal school desk ladys bicycle 26 ELECTRONIC ORGAN Viscount UP and lower keyboard lower peddles 15 rhythm push buttons and beats utomalic control buttons S750 film 22 i037 TYPEWRITER ROYAL carbon or ibbon full office desk mode Telephone 720 9711otIceh9urs BAY TIREIANDW AUTO ELECTRIC ecumseh and Kohler lawn mower and ini bike engines and parts Stasharp Iades adaptors and controls etc Com tclutches 152 Street 7200737 DESK stat el triciding machine nd 24 lb counter scale Dayton in ex eILent condition Telephone 7262951 ROOFING carpentry alterations all work guaranteed and reasonable 4364540 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today RovitdIixe your carpets with Al carpet steam cleaning 72663 CARPET INSTALLATION CARPET Installations Expert ReasonabIe SPECIALIST Directory of Business Services EAVESTROUOIIINO COLORED Aluminum eaveslraughing All work done and uaranfeed by owner Free estimates 7269 69 SUPERIOR iavrsraOuonmo sac cialists Roofing and tooling repairs Free asllmdtes Call 4241 56 New Lowell lt IXCAVATING WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excov Trenchlng Horizontal Augerlng 7289833 EXCAVATIONS Lots Cleared Bock Filling Stone Fences Burled PondsDitches etc DozerTrackloader Backhoe MEEHAN Consl Co Ltd 32634I0 ORILLIA mugs FIREPLACES Specializing In natural stone anthue brick Custom built and deslgned All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA BARRIE SID HENSTRA TORONTO 2937934 AND MASONRY Speciallllng irI Ilre laces Written warranty Alla brlc block and stone 72B5673 BRICK BLOCK stone work specially Free estimates Iy New Lowell 424 5156 COLONIAL FIREPLACES all lary built 303 Illlln 728 40407 FURNITURE REFINISIIING JR enterprises Your fine furniture deserves the quality and care of our hand stripping and finishing 205 Dunlap St 705 7266I78 737287I Fireplaces Stan Knlre full fat IIAIIITYMAR FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between IO om and 530 prn HOME IMPROVEMENTS BOI CUMBERLAND Complete bathroom kitchen renovations Including ceramics Mosaic llllng also rec roams 4364179 STONE brick laclnrs lIaarln texture coating Also who esole on rate of building products 726 9710 or visit our showrooms Sciappetton St lame INTERIOR REMODELLINO kitchens let looms Call Russ 416 360i after 630 Relatenres available NEED MORE living spate rel loom extra bedroom play lama laundry of line storage sprite Alsrt painting wallpaperth Murray Ball 7200904 CARPFNIRY PAIRS relmvmintle lei Itmms masonry Junk 20 yams evpetleltle fsllllilltes It 911 GRAHAMS IIillIlfl IIIlIlIllVlllllIlllIIl Shlngles Installed Roollng Repaired AIumlnum Erlveslluuqh AIumlrIutn Solll Alurrllrlum Slrllng Gdlvmllrerl Eaves Chlllitieys Rebuilt LAWN CARE General Maintenance Trees and Hedges Trimmed Patios Installed Exterior Pointing Window Cleaning Services Small Moving Jobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 STORM WINDOWS removed Eovestroughs cleaned lawns cut ETEEE°9LI$PL°Z7 GENERAL HOME maint and repairs Painting lawn care cleanups £2373916 GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance carpentry renovations painting plumt bing Experience references reIiabIe 7260038 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing Sodding seeding general maintenance flowerbeds etc 726178552 HEATING coOLlilo VESPRA VALLEY Heating sheet metal Forced alr heating air condition ing electronic air cleaners 7280733 COMPLETE HEATING plumbing rinkler systems airconditioning eel metal fabrication Service and maintenance 24 hour servic 7370909 ARTICL FOR SALE USED COLORED TVS Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 29 Col lier St 7204297 ABOVE GROUND Swimming Pool 16ft 32 ft ft Fantasy complete with sundeck and filter years old Price $3000 Telephone days 4509314 or nights 4569714 SWIMMING POOLS IS 30 aluminum brand new complete with iacuzzi filter deck fencing and accessories im mediate delivery S2995 in kit form installation extra No gimmicks we sell what advertise For further in forrnation call Leisure Pools 1416292 1123 Collect CONTENTS Roxton solid maple coffee and end tables matching lamps Me diterranean dining room suite double size box spring and mattress with frame almost new All in excellent condition 7260061 SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must dispose of1975 aluminum pools in stock sacrifice price for desparately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools include Walk around deck Fenced filter and warranty Size 15 26 31000 cash Or terms Call Gard collect daysoreveningsl 4I6 221 4040 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1975 season half price Guaranteed installa tion and terms Call collect days or even ingsl 4I6 4818002 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or ca11726 4606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Foals Baymart Plaza YORK AIR conditioner 25 ten com pressors water cooled MB phase hydro model 1003 for information call 726 1009 LAWN BOY iawnmowers and Johnson Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 726lw1 HOOVER FILTER Queen Electrolux Kenmore used vacuum cleaners S20 and uLTelephone 7260053 20 INCH portable black and white TV wfll standBestoffer Phone 720 221L NEW BATHTUB and vanity basin never used aqua marine S60 Telephone 7207416 after4pm ANTIQUE DINING room suite piece good condition 3575 or beSt offer piece wrought iron kitchen suite $50 unirayal radials GR70 15s S75 Phone 7262064 after Szwpm and Products FARMERS MARKET BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Suppllfl Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260330 or 7206766 MWFTF PAVINO EMMEIWERY CUSTOM bAlLtNG 30 cents bale El Custom combining and trucking avail 4364553 or 43614 MM DRIVEWAYS DAVlD BROWN model sistrectéFEr PARKING LOTS sale 550 hours with case loader Telephone 726 2670 after om CONCRETE WORK Alï¬kls ICIJALMElishIrIII type cfmblne ALL WORK GUARANTEED elfer7ppm32 Itrl FREE ESTIMATES FARMERS MARKET MUICASIER ST 7370179 IllfllfA comAr lmo Pallas Behind old flmhaII sidewalks sin thimtteys rurbs New Bound work and re mils fll estimates HUdng pm blaml etc llatnrllttode Items 450 4711 after In IIIIIIuIds koy rusns huhy sols mills tea Illsys hem hands toys doll av rlolllus flush eggs OlttlfVlftY IA IURUAY MORNING IAVINII III Ir Driveways Parking Lots PERSONAL Tennis Courts Chltnneys Repaired Concrete Work I2 YIARS lefltlf NCI rug MAyï¬ CALL MIMIII Wm lIFIIlf All Ittuyltlu lullviqes luutl 80 Is llllltutls llltaltillmls Illllllllrms usllull 0C building In milm till 12 IIl Sun Tropical sunoundng lllllr lb years INCOME Late Around The Pool land Foods rlcwm Illa HUM IA lalums llalmlell Angus DOIIQMIIUIOWIIQII llutrle marl OS up Datum It JAMS Ol Iqu St East 474 Will ulterruml weekends alum Intmug all in We start duh corbb°n msUlAflo mm um than 2774 Qulet Area Terrific Sale stuff 0th Insululiutl um Price Air Fare fibreglass blnwittq mill sllltiu flee 73Mgw Accom 2Mools Wl Inq tree estimates Ill MI say FVOH IlolIINc 70727 itlttlcls RIDING INSTRUCTION Lawn and garden trlullll Irsllrfsrupe eel HAY vices rausutluhlelules I2 4514 RIDII IN IN In 041 menu lfmses boarded Battle minutes Dunop AWN CA windy Hrluyhfmrri mom 7284700 5mm CLEAN UP Pruning muwirig ROOFING Evmmgs 7267680 soddirlg seeding general mulllfellmile wr Jy7 llawelheds all 726 0552 All ROOFING New and old wrw stamina IeltIIlrlrlq Irmwmq hmln sitmom 371 I897 CARD READING counselling Day hedge and shrub tllrnmlrlq rough mow 67 and evening By appointment only ing Vir IllIltlsIra 726 0427 gooï¬ng cmpmtyy Alumna All Phone 720 0860 work guaranteed and reasonable GREENVIEW MIND AND DONS SHINGLING SERVICE Shingl ing repalrs New old homes and cat MOYHERAGIEMA rages chimneys flashed 4246934 med ad Help nesidenncl Commercial Business manage health love and personal problems Private conflden Sodding Weed Spraying SEWING MACHINES tial Open days weekly 1430A Dufferln Street Toronto 416 533 0414 Seeding Fortillling srwncn co Specialists repairs all lawn Mainyenance paï¬Â°s makes Industrial domestic sewing machines New and used Agents for Reasonable Rates Brothel Sewing Machines 737162l 737 1185 Free Estimates 7267087 or 7284494 STUCCO IIUSSEL IEXIURE Svrjoy tit9 Summer is the time prices are ucro interior ex ure wa on OI ings Free estimates Dale Russell lowe and helday now Is on VESPRA VALLEY Heating licenced MP°mm YOU WI MOMPGF agents for Dominion Lightning Rod CO have wide sglgcï¬on on Ltd Reduce insurance rates 7280733 week complete vacations Why ALL MAKES ol electrir pneumatic 10va AND STORAGE now ug 72612 after pm HAY TRAVEL SERVICE ESSA MOVERS an Cortoge 83311 or 07 Tv AND RADIO 73323305 MUSIC INSTRUCTION BARRIE IV In home mm to all Jy7 makes of televisions 29 Collier St Call GUITAR LESSONS Classical and 7284797 popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7264 cbï¬ltrdcted inemy lIltlrne froen thivs date MUSIC NSWUUON Gmar At forward July I976 wllhoulmy written cardlon Plano Canodlan Academy at THE WATERMAN Lelroy rib39m conun MIZIBIIdST IWIsl se 35 2123 WW me rooeomonomoeoraanco in and advent 725 99 WELDNG Iege area to Keele and 401 area Monday EXDSMND Mug smdim Bow to Friday Share driving and expenses airtime 32s High ouam guaranteed 799°°° workmanship at PAINTING reasonable prices PF PAINTING decorating drywall lenc wPressure vessels ing salts action uaranteed Free awry my Structuralfobrlcatlon sdays nigh 10 29 Au PAINTING paper hanging ex P°°ble wed9 perisnced frea estimates lock escored tome 3°Y only Richardson 726201 7S68674 seats remaining For details HILLSDALE DECORATING Interlor exterior walpapering custom textured walls and ceilings Telephoue 705 C0 72847 or 7267680 99539151 l0 VELLINGA PAINTING and 6302 MUSION 555 Interior exterior Work guarantee rituallshudaoyudrr rte76393239901 WINDOW CLEANING TELECARE Why fight your problem AND pANnNG WW and alone Letafriend help Call Telecare do Fm Hmuu unsonabl ALLEN WINDOW CLEANING 7267927 anytime vww woyanggm my coup 726239 Specialists to houses apartments and SERMANENf EMOVAL 0y PAINTING Elana °2TLPL° mflLEA superfluous hair Lydia llrenchuk pointing Free estimates Reasonable rates Call Steve 7268205 pvmc WINDOW CLEANERS 20yeorsexperiance MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estmates nsure ed Ph zoomguam a°° Phone 7372472 Imoglne Nassau for only S24LW pp One week with many extras This has to be ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANO FOR SALE Doherty upright piano and bench S75 also steel office desk 30x44 none 720 3427 gt RACING years old converted to under slung New seat with getting straps and new spare wheel Excellent condition S250 726 3317 losrEED rSEirig bike 2i Inch frame $7579SDTIQM7J 1735 TABLE LAMP floral ginger jar flutted tan shade trilight 550 Telephone 726 2230 BARRINGTON inch reflecting telescope motorized drive four eye pieces SI95 Antique mahogany dresser oval mirror wash stand Brass pulls Best offer 720 7349 evenings ARC WELDER 220 amps garden trac tor trailer 10 cu ft electric stove 30 inch Reasonable Igors l2th line In nislil 5th cottaoefrom lake AfterSpm DOGS AND PETS MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 7260061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Kquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE SalonSham inc and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264I4I POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7260790 Pet Studio GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups alondei male and female registered all shots purebred with pedigree rays available Asking 82m Telephone 7260056 BULL TERRIERS for sale registered weeks male and female coloured and white Air Marshall line Telephone 726 9429 DASSET PUPPIES weeks old registered innoculated and warmed tricotor and brown and white colors Long eared hush puppies Coilingme 705 445 2004 TWO KITTENS to give away weeks old litter trained Telephone 7207091 SIAMESE KITTENS for sale purebred weeks old litter trained $25 each Telephone 424I774after mom PUPPY nine weeks old part terrier free to good home Telephone 7201069 SIAMESE KITTENS healthy and lovable Bluepoint weeks old charn pion background papers available 841 each Telephone Orillia 3263261 POODLE PUPPIES weeks Old2 black females $60 each Telephone 7262073 FREE to good home Great Periengse to months old male needs room to run MUSKRAT AND leather coat beige size 12 In new condition Call after om 7371999 12 INCH Sears Tv stereo includes receiver turntable with dust cover speakers miiimeter movie camera with screen and proiecrar pair of lined drapes 7263945 Good withchild reanelephone 436 4547 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 FARMERS MANN VOIUO Why not call inquire HAYS TRAVEL LIXFiIMJEQBjALE 7284700 or 7267680 FOX AND Hound Tack Shop English evenings riding equipment and apparel Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop st Barrie 720 2431 YEAR OCDOeidihg l3l bands will make good games or Western pleasure horse 3503mm Telephone 4241261 HORSES BOARDED Modern new stable large box stalls trailering Win dy Braes Farm 4th Oro Hwy ll 467 3333 atter6 WATTTEHTIO SEZhestnut gelding Ii years old needs good home and good rider 3110 Telephone 7206714 REGISTERED Thoroughbred Gelding age height 152 His kind temperament and powerful quarters make him an ex cellent iunior hunter prospect Price $600 Telephone 424 6500 POULTRY AND CHICKS JyTO RELIEF from pain soreness tension due to muscle overstrain Steve Whit man Reg Masseur 726 4092 ALconoLIcTsANoNvMoUs 7206501 if you drink thats your business If you wantita quit thats ours Call any time We will be pleased to deliver to your home or office READY to lay pullets Also farmeresn HAYS TRAVEL eggs Craig Hunter Poultry arm 2205199911 573 4330 FEED SEED ANDGRAIN Emmostm CUSTOM BALING New large baler Jylo baled to your requirements Loader also 258802 WHEAT STRAW for sale at harvest time LOSTAND POUND in lieid orbisles Telephone 456 $017 HAY BALEDn thetleldtocentsiï¬ie FOUND bicycles at Beyfield Mall good for cattle Telephone 4364111 or Owners may claim by lagntllytng 06455 ZELWE2€YW HAY FOR sale baled or standing LOSTReading glasses in black 635 TellL°¢yj3ZMH mgt BOYIeld Mall area on July ï¬ï¬ron SALE Stored or in the hold LLPL°L°JEZLL° IiiLW 771L QUANTITY OF bleached out hay In swath and windrow suitable for bed ding cents per bale Telephone 7206739 CONDITIONED TIMOTHY and blower hay for sale stocked in the lield No horse hay 90 cents per bale Telephone 372165 AVON MFG 215 XE we om Nows unpes urll mo 09 um 1th food Avon mm STRAWBERRIES Top quality pick your own all you want no weighing or other restrictions Lots of parking Art Wright miles north of Bradford No II Highway mile west on 13th Llne 4167752 STRAWBERRIES Pick your own 26 miles north of Barrie to Perkinsfleld in tersection then three quarters of mile east watch for signs DAousts Stand Bring containers 5260569 STRAWBERRIES Pick your own at the Ego Strawberry Farm Lot Calcu sion Medonte Take Highway 93 to Craighurst turn right on Horseshoe Valley Road to 9th concession of Medante See signs 6353124 Closed Sun days STRAWBERRIES Pick your own North on Highway 27 to Slmcae 22 Turn right one mile to Gill Read First house 7206297 Sales Representative Sell worldtatnous cosmetics popular fragrances family products at aatnpetltive prices Iewelry and more many shown on TV Be your own boss No ex perience necessary Prefltable opening In Barrie and Slmcoe County No obligation Call 720 9652 today for Interview or write AVON PO lax 5Iarrle0nt MTWm mxr seed gainer1 ar TMJceLg svs yï¬uWvï¬ 9v