Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1976, p. 21

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Newspapers Get Things DoneFor People SMART 111S EVERYWHERE READ THIS IAIIIC 11 111 Il IIS IN IIIII III 12 tilll Il NI EL LIMITED PHOTO MULTIlL APPRAISAL ILOS $29900 wrth terms Bill Rawrr 726 SUNNIDAIT and garage steal at $49 900 BRTNIWOCH 726 8999 25 ACRE portals vainnt land Ideal building sites 525000 with terms Bill Ruer 726 8999 M11111 PHONE 7261405 amp lt1f LISTING srnerr MORIGAGES Cities with two storey house attached small born 8999 25 aires mini luirn exrellent larm home bank barn terms Bill Rawrt 726 8999 Largo two storey lout bedroom home nicely deroratid on one arm lot Asking $39900 With terms Bill Rawn Jy7 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP EAST 728 3293 REALTOR Hours Weekdays la Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN $48 900 riosir to Wellington ilam bedroom bungalow with at tarhoil garage Dial 726 2159 Jun IWOIIIIROOM011AGT on boautrlul smludml 80 140101 It in to shallow sandy bunt pi ii ml to sell Call John Crawlord 487 5955 or 728 12911 ON 0R0 TWI watur $69 500 all Dovt Sholswel lohn Crawlnid 487 5955 Phil rant 11010 728 2619 llnvrd Shrlswnll 487 5560 1rrrrrns 726 2159 1055 Split intry flungnlow years old 112 130 lat many ixtias iiiiIudril plus an attarhod double garage ilnsii to I487 5560 or 728 3293 Jy7 Petrrt Shelswell Roger Sholswoll Ralph Wilson NEW CONCEPT IN LIVING AND ATMOSPHERE KLONDIKE PARK Come and bring your lamin lor drive through our award winning modular home community Enjoy the trees lakes parks Investigate how you can enjoy our swimming pool and shuttleboord courts our hole golf tennis course or just plain relaxing atmosphere Only 27 Treed Lots left IURCHAST your own or bedroom Modular Home completely PT up wrth thew loaturos sodded tread lat sewer and water snow remova Open House Daily Take 400 Hwy rentral sanitary playground noon to pm orth to BARRIE Hwy 27 North to Hwy 26 then West approx 14 miles to Klondike Park signs JOHNSON CAR IIMVAII 1711111117 Realtor 3131 or 479 3877 llrtirisinilint lllllllll Park It kliirtrliiirl lrllk REALTOR rMl 11111le SIIIIIIZI Aill N1 08 AMII Bill RobHard Joanne Thomson Dora Bar reto Jy27 PETER 03H ASSOCIATES lTD TftTlllill Ii QIIAIIIV IiOMlx 15 REALTOR 988AYIIEID sr BARth no 400 Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Bruce Lallin 7287741 Bill Evans lno tolII 3221575 Bert Cull 7284067 John Calwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 CHOLKAN Er REALTOR APPRAISALS TORONTO 410 889 948 OPEN DAYS AWEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Frank Haoey 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Lorry DeWilde 7283253 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Mogill 7263864 Simon Beekuilen 7373795 TF Egt CO TD 7K in Ir Bflflhflfln to Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 831 11 11 €111 ST BAR 11111 713631 11 Photo Multiple Listing Service Mary Foster no toll 3221 18 Morg Wood no toll 4873148 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Bill Stewart 7281153 Leo Covonaugh 7281207 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Marion Bryk 7285405 Ross Batstone 7263043 TF 79 BAYFIELD ST 728 2930 487 2920 487 3609 IT 7264744 728 7177 72B 8927 TF 33 MURRAY ST dinin room partir ulars all Joan MIDHURSI roman hotlt onsuito lull details 1015 IIHIIOIi 215 Baylmld St apartments lose to dowtown Iilho BARRIT Bill MrCreary Dorothy Mnrthr rm George Wilson 728 1865 728 63511 726 8927 Intro 149 BAYFIELD ST Terry Vogon 4562544 Marilyn Mason 726 2895 Thomas Bralley 7282994 Grace Broiley 728 2994 Bradley Watts 7287209 Ernest Watts 728 7209 OLE REAL TOR JOHN COLE 7288017 AURORA $68200 bedroom brink ltunualow attar Itiit Qataqn t1 ytars alrt Iarair tanitsnipoo lot 1084 to 710018 and strapping Swnt rrrina pool optional trioaitloarn Titol shed 416 727 3778 ALL BRICK sinalo tamilv home with carport 834 per lTTI mortgage Gmruian College arm Completely tented lot 900 lull prii Prim rpdls only Telephone 728 125° INVESTMENT PROPERTY own in come UilLk triplex $59900 Privatisalo Ca11728 9799 during business hours 1873 RENOxATED HOME staiiwct glass windows moulded plaster toiling 13 rooms possible Income property Two bathrooms kitchens garage an workshop Central 3mm Askmq 354 900 728 0963 evenings PR1 ATE SALE or me residential pro perry bedrooms storey and one halt baths tencea walk out to patio some Draaalaatr single parade per cent tirst mortoaoe Near Gearuiart Cot leap Must sell Sacritrri $50 900 post otter with or Input dawn payrrwpr mix wilibe your barqatn 28163 HAVE ONE 009 Ilunoltd dollar down house available In Barrio Cart Dan Henderson Rep Uniqroup Broker 7371 IDEAL STARTER HOME 82 900 down Aliandale area rot 66280 mature trees my parking present sell conta hep apartments Esmllint inortqage owner KCULleS 060700171 large apartment th tiat tinisheo base ment plus bedroom apartment and bachelor apartment tar income tridges and stoves Enaucilt property to carry any hobby Contact Represinta tron United Trust Mr Jam 728 8800 or 726 9915 in $43900 New smote lamin homes under k0 struction Georgian College area Telephone Pratt Homes 728 125° FORCLOSURE SALE bedroom name on quiet street in Angus Arr auctioned broadtoom in living room 82 700 down payment House is vacant can move in immediately Call Citicorp Realty Ltd l4lbl 226 5313collect INCOME INVESTMENT income property Live in beautitut bedroom home in east and and receive an income at $220 monthly to carry mortgage Must be seen Owner transterred Telephone 726 9008 alter lully lirrishml basement with wet bar wet bar and lull krtrhen sauna the home folks car about people 47 COILIER SI CORNEF OF OWIN 011 ITR BIRTHS grmfitron Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES IOGHHER ROBLRY ArturTunNo LIMITED REALTOR 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE Complete Realtor Service Simcoe St AT FRET GRANT SQIARE Barrie 737 3711 fjiomrr rori slit EXECUTIVE HOMES real beauty spurious bedrooms baths Custom designed bedrooms baths rer room with heated pool games room lorrrral living room lotnral dining room master bedroom with marble stone llieplrrtes extras too numerous to mention Situated on wall trend riryirm 11 arts lat LII ill LAKT lots 80 200 on rttlo lake sidaroad Approved and ready to build on now Nii ely tread and lot atad on the lake side all Leon lot pot INCOMT IRUIERTY Completely ronoyrrtnil triplex Thioo bedroom lilual lor toupln to live tn one and rent the other Owner is anxious to snll all nort to VlltW ly8 726 2611 TOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR All YOUR REAL ISIAH NEEDS 728 6829 728 1662 436 2880 II Cat by ATT1 Hnlnn Hopkins Audrey Murihnll BARRIT 01 ICT 109 Baylirrlil Slimt 7381121 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LTASL any type 01 REAL TSIAIT in On 17 IT 7269262 Allan Thompson 728 1024 Elisabeth Rose 737 0625 David Wigley 726 8497 Paul Dumoulin CRASRA 737 0731 Wayne Dobton 322 2838 7372101 AGENT FOR LETIZIA HOMES IN MIDHURST PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF COOKSTOWN ANTIQUE SHOP $10 000 down storey tramr hump With 7515 tt store area With Iwrnq quarters Ownrr FlTlrtng ExrolIrnt buSrniss or portunrty Full DFILL only $411000 Call Frank KDKLI 458 4488 or 458 9583 Mt Liarr and Saunders Roal Estate 76 COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE Cookstown bedroom storey brick home in excellent condition wnh 27x12 it stare area and room tor expansion washrooms rec room werkshop double car qaraqv On large tread lot Full prire V4900 Call Frank Kukol 458 4488 or 458 9511 McLean and Saunders Real Estate PRIVATE SALE attractive bedroom bungalow larqo 1310 living room large knotty pine kllfhfn and dining Modern DIN bathroom broaalaom lull base ment Large insulated cm garage and workshop Large WLII tried lot and pryatedaraenUa 000 $19000trrsimort and at 1014 per or Low taus 436 4542 evenings or Toronto 480 240 NEW BEDROOM brick bungalow With Garage tully broadloomeo on large 10 198 electric heat Call Pat Neil 424 5550 representing Westwood Realty Ltd Broker ePLEX tar sale $120 000 Inc0mests 000 yearly Terms or trades considered Telephone 28 0485 atter 300 FERRIS LANE rust att Baytield St Lot 9050 246 PM zoninu Vendors very anxrous Saunders Real Estate 7263111 BEACH AVE innisrir Beauritur bedroom cottage turnisned on treed lot ac 214 Close to Lake Srmtpe Asking $24 000 Saunders Real Estate 726 3111 FARMINGDALE CRESCENT beauttul bedroom split entry Finished rec room With irreplace completely broadloomed walk out to attached Garage Asking $50900 Saunders Real Estate 726 1111 INCOME PROPERTY Live in beamtut bedroom home in east end ard receive an income 018270 monthly to carry mertoaae Must be seen Owner translerred Telephone 726 9008 alter 997T5955 SALE PRIVATE 85 miles tram Barrie 115 it watertront on Star lake Two bedrooms tour piece bath electrically heated Carpeted throughout Unturnisned Ask ma $23500 ITttoncI 737 2178 LIST BUY OR SELL WITH LEON ARRICK REAL ESTATE LTD 31111le 7263827 Quality broadloom 30 living Double for garage and pool sired lot For onrpleta Call loan loi Rm F5141 lllIIlIIIllll ll 177 IIIII THIS YOU CAN ATTORT IIII FARM Ii rlti tlllli irr tr AllltAlrltIl A1111 IIItll IIll lllltllllllil ll loraled rsoratt ioii in Mason REAI iSTAll LIMITED £13 noth pl Barrie II miles bedroom bungalow wltl has just been rmnodelled lrortr top to hot Nr 872 162 MARY 51 lovely homes on Irfleil lot tom New wiring new heating deep lot Asking $2129X all Leo Bertharrr 726 1938 or 424 5033 broadluorrr new bathroom large real rilre stutter or retirement spot among other 11 Imdroairis separate dining room lull basement Ior lull details ur11726 1938 No 952 TARGE RAVINT 101 110 360 Midhurst village area Septir system approval dug well already In plme Call Paul Hort 726 1938 or 726 6171 No 955 $52500 Split nnlinnie bungalow large master bedroom will or IUIIIIIIUIIIIIH Inigo sulta anirm litiislrlrig In basement Good lltst mortgage at 10 urge garage and paved drive all Pele Swit Im 72 19311 or 7211 1471 Nu Lee Betiham 424 5033 Wilma Bldwell 726 9135 Carl Daron 728 7805 Lou Dull 424 1356 Art Edmunds 726 0787 Bob March 728 8444 Pat MarRiner 7263929 Maureen Mater 728 6294 Paul Hurt 726 6171 STERLING VIMN IIVOIleQAIh 146 Iy7 Mary Morrison 7289933 Jack MarLaren 728 4950 lair Rouse 726 5407 Rita Scandrett 7284865 Peter Switzer 7286435 Will Vereou 4246358 Morg Wakelield 4245465 June Young 7284717 If 17 W1 STERLING TRUST CORP Iii IIIINI III TSIAII iAll IIARRII lilirr room bungalow in Allandoln on large trmirl IIIONI 7Ii iiil71 lot Good giriilnii Alan initial titr onto ll triioil liit iiiiar TIiIlin lImIrh Must bn gold to IBIIIR nstatri Mrrkir on lirirvir rid building lot Ilirrsuslrim Vitllny lovely view In itispait all how Rriil 72115753 Jy EMORY MILLER llMlll RIAI 10R IIIINI ltI WI 11 TTARRII 727 Illlil 1RIIIIIIII 7741 LIST BUY OR SELL WITH LEON ARRICK rum tarntr III Blair 7265827 MWFTF LOTS FOR SALE WAIT RI HUNT ill Ifilvl lot Itl Iitrty 1F LOTS FOR SALE IA11NIIUAIJ IIIzIWIHINlWT nwiII Ill ri trirtbll or Iitiilrltnq Iuti Iry rtlt villir tl runilrr 47 stati 726 Illl IIUIIllthrlUTvalnwrIlrtrrui1001 14 new ltlrttll in Allrt 0n path rimrt IIIrphurIr 424 rrrll Int Nlrl liptll111tlttl Wrrslwnrirl Nrzilty Illtlllli Illhll PROPERTY WANTED ttV1 liiiit Inoktnu tar tiritrrirrrri Imttiriiirin boom in ttir ant III IrrIrr tlrnnrtInarri ITIJI4 qarnqn wrtrr riiiutili pawrt itrrvi trmitriut Iritrtirn Ian 101 at iriptiimrrl 5pm will If on 10 $65000 It you Mr thinking Ill srllrrru inrl IIIIVI our It Itiirrrr DItdJ all loan rtlllllll illtrl Illllxrl Wlll Itltll tiyrlrri nrriik riprrrmtltrrrg rnrttutrrrrb limit lrrr irrirriIirrnvilririiit 1111 MORTGAGES Iitri irmtna ill 716 111 MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 151 and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Arrywlwri till 129 OUNLU ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 726 0981 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc lIMIIED MORTGAGES WE HAVE lunds immediately available with competitive rates 01 interest prompt com mitments and complete con Iidentiolity lor lirst second and third mortgages ALL TYPES ol property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages lor cosh OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR 7371881 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF MORTGAGES COMPARE ow rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 7700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1411 MORTGAGES bought and sold rm mediate action contrdentiai David Wass Reel Estate BrokEr 726 4651 even ngs MORTGAGES Ist 2nd 3rd bought and sold Immediate action oniioential ap prarsatserviceincluded Hamilton 737 1000 on all Iriirriirs IJITTIMIIPH TIT I1T1111ttlliti propirrtiir Iii iiirisolrildtte illTits NUTIN irrrpltrvnrriunts Itltylttll tron IirrItI Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service liirrris vacation low monthly payments any worthy reason In my all lllnTthl or nurturing TIIUTqflT Irrr Irlyri it try its WP hvr rrnrrly mum to purrlmsr IVtOTquDPx MORTGAGE FUNDING 3478AY STREET TORONTO ONT 363 3421 TF 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 1359 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For tree courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN NONI um AL First and SecOnd MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Lle Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Ollice Hours by appomtment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGES IST AND 2NDMortgages Bought said arranged Firsts trom 11 and three quarter per cent Seconds as low as 13 and one halt Prompt attentlon Reasonable rates Contrdential Cali Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip 12 Juan Limited Realtor 778 5675 even inps 717 1362 IllI DAVID WASS CommunitiesAdvertisers 7282414 728 13111 lit Till IrASSITIEII IIIIIARIMTINI normt ton sm mi Isms CORBY REAL TSIATE Mtll Igiigii rl IlIlNII SIRE TAST Irill iIIi AIIIIULRUIL 728 2419 IRtlllRilTS MURIGAGT BEDROOM SID SPLIT with huge leni ed in lot on lovely quiet unit Muhel Muflm flu For more details all Ingrid Miller in 716 4651 or 7211 19911 mull mm lrtTl rulertr I26 i142lt INNISTII TOWNSHIP Nearly iotripletad ruisod bungalow with all Illll llltmHIVl 76 the extras Asking $64900 irll Ingrid Miller at 777 4651 WT 998 Ill IERTTCI STARTTR Cull lngrlil Millet rrt 7211 19911 or 4651 lARGl 01 in Talnswiik $19900 Call Lou Gallant at 726 4611 SIARII HOME terior deroratlng Asking $113900 726 4651 NEW HOME lNNlSlll TOWNSHIP through property Asking $59901 all on at 72 4651 DAVE WASS RA INGRID MILLER IOU GAILANI DON MILLER KAREN PAWIIK rmnntly renovated lIt ltllllrlll $30900 iNIlJSIIN 11 RtthAl IIH ST lt 728 4294 high and dry randy to build iIII Asking itr Barrie ilosu to shopping bedromris needs in rrll ll liir lirII prrrtirulats iiIIIlISIIAIII large lot Illultlth trees strimrn ly tlrutii MI Realtor 728 4651 728 19911 BERNIT RUTH 717 0017 r1 IIIINII1 726 4651 ISABHI SIMPSON 726 195 Im 91144 4116 450 QUFINIT IIIIIT 436 199 Im IIII rim Ittu 737 1094 VIC SMAII 436 2710 MWT Ti mrlrrin Buy ours this ll IIIIIIIIII 111111111 III III II llllll II lllIIIII 1111111111111 1111 =1 55 $1950 down to one mtge Carries for as low as $26900 per month The best deal of all wee end and get III Your monthly carrying costs Iowered by reducing your rig Interest role as low 05 878 per and You may also quo ity ior ode grants of up to $750 per will iurtlter help you lower costs oi ownership TN TN CHA PIIC OUT BUILDER ussnvss merit 10 CANCEL on N65 mecmc ls AT ANYTIME wrr NOTICE CcI Collec Barre 17057252627 We Pay Cncges

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