20Tho Barrie Examiner Wodnosda Jul I976 TELEVISION GUIDE IIIEEALO TORONTO II NAMIIJON IARRIE IIIEEAlO TORONIO IUEIAlO I2 PETERIOROUON BARRIE All 22 OlOIAl MORNINO VIMINO MAY 10 FRIDAY 55 lilo 157 Price in Right 0Focus 17 Daybeai 0Iroublo with Tracy 000 Sr norm Various 9Unlyarsily oi lheair CBS News Programming IlFrlghlonstem 045 10 Friendly Giant 27 High Rollers Window 0n the 35 ll Mr Drouup World Dialing For Dollar Art at cooking 000 0100 II 00 Not For Women Only Dinah Wheel ol Fortune Cartoon Playhouse t2 Mon Ami I2 Somme 579 or Jack La none Gambit Employment File Toronto today Edge ngtil 700 Kareeha Yoga Canada AM Color tar and Musir Galloplnu Gourmet Nudity OECA 30 Captain Night on 010 Hollywood liquor Morning Show latiletulcs Young and he it special Plate Summer School Rollins 730 ll ltomperltiyrni Happy Day 7Rntkellhtp won Its Your Move 000 Price is Riulii il Magistrates It It Ontario Phil Donahue Show Court WAY IVININO 00 0200 l2 Queenin in ii News 1Movic the tiger Matias Outi Jarkno Hours it Baseball Definition 030 Moytt News She 22Adam ll Movie ll Party Game the I2LawrcnceWelk Show Mm 700 YoKIll rTho Joiiersoris ago 2r aowling tor Dollars CIIS News Crown Court 12 Nancyniuonci To Tell the truth 000 Moyie Little House iin the Prairie Bionic Woman Kelly Moritcith the Westernerl floretla Wiutiingtori no NighlaeatNows NightFiriat 110 Jotinnndrson oils McrvGrltIln 22 Sports Probe roiluntcl Movie Gambit Assignment ll Larry Solwoy Show 00 ll News it Movie Genghis Khan It Merv Grillin MovietlheWnr ol the Worlds ll Lillie HOUR Glen oniptiell 30 onlhcPioirie 010 News 130 Chitoa thr Mon 90 High Roller Swni ti MOvie All About Show on tit00 Eve Strikes Spans llowk 00 Ami MIMIi star sky it llult ti tomorrow sour is oi the ll nitat Donah it Movre iitio Great XXI Olympiad News ltt Rip Dill Lets Make Deal to to Movie 22 Beverley iiiiliulins sum tstwnt tllio Snake PH Challenging Sea it no Movie Naughty More We tio Again ll News Mor iettnl to My tuiicil Moviii tlhc Mail Ghoul INIIRSOAI AFTERNOON 00 ll Iloiiiili pnsui Dt My Guest Fun Fattm Mm us Vtllly Commander Tom Hutkleber lIo Il Young and The Hound ll Days 0t Our ives Resin55 News As the wot iii turns +00 Suinriierol Ctlillt1lltlllrll anltl tAMoii Uncle Bobby Show Riiynir Anti Reason Iiltcti Sitdoe ll Miodov iovtc IM 20 200 Farm News celebrity 30 All lri ilii Goiigsnow interimti Leave it to Ilcoyrr Sean For Mar to Co Tomorrow l5 Eu Alien linir Newx AllMVChlltlrlt 230 Jointly $20 000 iyiariiiil Whats the Moira Hunt CrossWitt Forest Rangers 22 Lively Woman IrouhleWitii Tracy ll Mort usWolhy 410 Brady Buniti 35 Mi Dressin Mod Squad yiilsori Iloillilliws id liaohnn Flintstones title Rost nls l2 Parry Gariic Good Word Mike Douglas ll Dot tors 500 Around Edge oi Night tronsrtle The him it Wor III Gunliiig Light lruih 0r News Break Il tank Coiiscquoiit es l00 300 IlintLiiil News to Another World ll Onion Magazine inkc thirty Family Mini Doybcol All In the Family 510 Concentration 22 Condition Cavnttnrtr News Sheriot ll General Hospital Love Amem an Evans Noon 310 Style On Van Dykc iiictii ity Cooks Partridge Family Matt Canto Jokers Wilil INIIRSOAV EVENING 000 Scarttilo 247 II In Ncws MOVIK Cowboy Shinohor Polor mom thc l010 l2 Don Adonis Screen test 21 Hows lhcwriltons 00 Delintlion Wtlt oiim Rack 1t II News kotiii Be My Ourst NBC News ll Streiiicantl 20 22 Adam normer trial on Late Edition ABC Ncws 010 Night tool News News Barney Miller Niuiii trial it Party ionic 000 Little House on Movie he out 10 the Prairie Hot Summer Johnny Carson 700 MovreiihnCnmc Meerrillin BowimgFor Dollars isOvoii FinniEdiiioii CBS News ll Hawaii we Movrc Crown Court Our ollow the Other Man Odd Couple Annm ans ll Lorry Solwny Show To tell The truth Sir nets oi Gointt Places Viva Valdez San rnnt ist 50 ll Narry Hrbbs The iint tit Movre 730 Movtc iticl Smoke Signal Excuse MyFiunrh CliiistioLovc I200 27 Hollywood Squa cs More Comes MOVIl Llllntl Shikts Spar es ihe Futuic 22 Movre Night And Misses 910 Must Fall Whercrhcsky Mn Icar Dennis Movie Begins rut Tho Vrt tors 22 Beverley Hriihrliios Porntchsi Movie Bobby VrntoiiShow l000 iiarzans Peril II 00 Blue Knight It Movto I2 Iohn Forsvthc Amer it No Scx Plenscl NtWS IOO The Streets oi HariyO Tomorrow San Francisco ti Barnaby Jonis Monnix THE DOCTOR SAYS Osteoarthritis not crippling By TIIUSTESON Nil Dear Dr Thosicson would like to know why recently my ring finger seems to he swollcn at the knucklc it is hard to rc move my wedding ring dont have any arthritis am Mrs JD Most likely it is form of arthritis callcd ostcoar thritis But dont panic it bears no rcscmbiancc to the other kind rheumatoid Noris it crippling as rhcumatoid can Osteoarthritis is not tinusual at your age Its not entirely clear why it occurs but ccrtain hormone dclicicncics associated with nicnotxtusc arc suspected Or prolonged misusc of joint or many littlc in juries to it can bring it on In women the fingers secm more often involved than in Ilitll There is usually no pain in voIved as therc is with rheumar toid arthritis and then usually only after misuse of the joint You may also noticc the Joints at the end of your finger are flawed If so these are called eberdens nodes It is cartilage problem The cartilage softens thcn rough ens Finally the bone is left on protected and begins to thicken and This is what hap panes your knucklc Because there is no early pain the condition often goes undetected until as with you difficulty in rcmovmg ring causes concern in way this is fortunate because this type of arthritis responds well to early therapy Moderate exercise of the aim is the keythat is avoi prolonged use but giv its ficient exercise you are overweight you certainly should reduce Finger otnts arent the only ones af lected It is in fact common in thc spine and in weightbcaring joints such as the knecsl which havc bccn cxposcd to the extra strain of obesity thn pain dc vclops rcst and moist hcat usu ally ring rciief Dear Dr Thosteson Scrcral of my fricnds and have bccn making hooked rugs Some of us find that lint front pulling the wool through the titktn causes us to cough out this be harmful to the throat or lungs Airs II if thcrc is enough to make you cough it is not healthful suggest you wear small gauze mask whilc you are Working know one woman who began teaching young daughter the art of rughooking Soon the child was developing chronic respiratory symptoms and had to kcpt home from school frequently The child was ailer gic to the wool another factor to consider The wool motes can also im talc tht eyes Dear Dr Thostcson My physician has recently diagnosed that have one of the collagen diseases He thinks that pregnancy might make it go away Is there any truth to thisD Collagen is the fibrous material which makes up most of the bodys connective tissue There is group of diseases called collagen diseases ifive or six in fact which at fect organs skin and bones One of them is arthritis it is not uncommon for arthritis and similar problems to improve duruï¬pregnancy But it would roba return afterwards uch depends on what type of collagen disease you have Its no reason to become pregnant tit nBorntco Bod Oool For Thurday July 1070 ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Honor agreements today oven though your ucond thoughts Indicate you could have done better had you bargained more Ihrowdly TAURUO April 20May 20 Render lull service lor what youre paid to do today Youll think more oi youraoli it you resist the impulse to ctit cor hers OIMINI May 21Juno 20 Dont go agalniit your prudent ludgmoni on riaky vonturon Taking Iooiiah chances could lighten your purse conlt aldarabiy CANCER Juno 21July 22 it you do something nice for luv ed onos today dont make them loot obligated Ihoyll ro sent it it they think youre throwing it up to thom LEO July 23Aug 22 Trorit with strictest contidonco that which in monnt to your ear alone You could spill the beans iI youio not very corolui VIRGO Aug 23Bopt 22 Spond any small surplus youvn iiccnmutiitnd on your trimin today it will be much more npprnciritod than it you blow it on passing lnnclos LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont mriko concussions undor presuuio It you think whats being riskott lei Illllillt hack oil quickly Stand up tor your llgllltt SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 80 gintolut today tor gniiia which como through Ilteltl Though tiioiio might bu loss than you iinticipiitod ltS ttm best they can otloi SAOITTANIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Scroon caroiully proposntons prosontod to you Curtain key parts rnny ho tiri ctonr Dont act urilil sum ot tho lacta CAPRICORN Doc 22len 10 Your insights nrn sharp to day but your methods innvo much to bo domiod Try to ex ocuto your ideas as ctovorly as you concoivod thom AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 10 You know what you want dono today but you may be luzzy in oxpressrng your Views Concentrate on com municating clonrly PISCES Fob 20erch 20 Your possibilities tor success today look voiy promising Hownvor steer clear oi poopto who have no real intorost or contribution to make gour birthday July 1070 Rewards in your work or career Will come through your own oi lorts Tho srm oi the return will be proportionato to your eliort and expertise LEARN THE FACTS WiliiElithSE Pi tmiiidinns tend to think of Van couvcr island as tlicir most wcslcrn kisscssioii Actually Beaver trcck Yukon is the most westerly community Thc Yukons ca itai Wliitchorsc is overlitltl mi cs further west than Victoria BC OUR BOARDING HOUSE JMFMWRW WHAT HIS NIB5 WOULD BILL 5HAEMAN WAS 5HARMON WM ilE HAVE MADE dusT AN AVERAGE FREE WA witicmii GREAT THROW gamma UNTIL aerorr Worrssorzu Nam ANALYZEO Hi5 5TYLE luckiest THAT HE trim inLr HIM Hlb MhhiitiHED 93 TR LOOKINd WARM Trit REMiND NM Al ME BAskEl ygnlgl uP ovaus MEN JAN 990mm fiTEHLt flmo r12 3A wrzsr IlMlI cgji li Ml 0er Ty rm it viiivi vKquiu ftï¬ 0A7 01 iiiiii Jillth siilllii ilii iii It It it vfvr PI North mth Villllllitlllt Wiiri North IJiml South All iNl tins in loss luim JJ dill111 llpciiiiig Imrri Pollys Pointers Stained or faded blue jean puzzle lIy lnlly lriiniir Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Lust summer was pointing out of doors IIlltl lplllld some cxtcrior white paint on my blue denim jeans Even though they huvc betii wuiihcil scvcriil times the paint spots remains would lIkc sonic suggcsiiuns for rciiiuving them ItitAN DEAR IiItAN The various washings hiive no doubt helped to set the point spots on your jeans but you might try the following hints for oil point removal Rub petrolcuni jelly in the iipots to soften the paint and then WIN AT BRIDGE Take advantage of lead Ity llswuld it James liicohv North glared at South and said It there were such it thing as it lltttltil to bid tiiilruinp would try to IIIth yours rivukcd Whirl could have done IItlllltll South could not hpr liming ihc spade lllltflm No one wart holding mill to your head lliltl ordering you to inkc it continued Ninth We were sure of ironic iiiiil IlllllitI it you rose with the act and wvni nitci IIhI nine tricks lltc IIlittlt lintsac llittl lust llnsi Iiuil slitlicrl to litnil and South had llittll tip lwu lillkh Hliilll til coursc it the itpadc Iliicrisc had succmdrii South would lIrIVt niadi iuiir nuiriiinp nut tihl Ililci iiiaich puiiit player might sunk In turpentine Wash In warm writer and map rind WT IN rlnsc iiii usual am nfriild your tIpolI will require ruthcr giiiiic lic would hiiw notcrl drastic treatment so If the above Inllii you might soak the spots In equal parts of turpentine and ammonia If you Ilkc your jeans to look till my grandchildren liki theirs icstlng for failing is beside the point since Iiidcd jeans seem to he the thing IlllY DEAR iIiY would likc to voicc it Put iccvc that lain sure otlicrs have it is the way thc carts In grocery stores arc shoved together so tightly that it is almost impossible to gct them apart This is rcai problem for thusc having baby along or some other reasons for having only one lianil availablc Thanks for listening FERN DEAR POLLY Cecile wanted to remove bliic stains from her pink toilet bowl that were caused by onc of those disinfcc ting canisters had the same problem Nothing worked until tried rlcnture clcancr it is advertised as taking stains off of pearls so put half dozcn tablets In tho bowl and lot them stand until they seemed to stop working found the stains were almost complctcly gone now repeat this every two or three weeks to keep it bright MRSJB DEAR POLLY had the same problem that Cecile has with stains in the toilet bowl We drained the water out and uscd rust and stain cleaner and the stains quickly dis appeared lioilys notc Do follow directions carefully for use on porcelain POLLY DEAR POLLY Now that the time for fresh chctahlcs is hcrc out comes the big piece of nylon act that use to linc my dish draincr it bccomcs giant size colandcr for draining berries Icaf lcttucc etc Vegetables can be tumbled in it to speed draining by gently pulling on the side of the net and can be carried to the cutting board or counter top by picking up the corners hobo fashion MARY ALICE DEAR POLLY This is sort of an answcr for Jean as too am refunder often see offers on the groccrs shelf with BIG letters on the box stating dollar refund on this box and in very small print is the expiration date Sometimes the offcr has already expired or the coupon is inside the box saying it has expired but send it in any way and have ALWAYS received the refund Just thought she might feel better know ing this ANTIIER REFUNDER that he had hccn lucky ll get it spadr llrlll not it iiiart ind FUNNY BUSINESS gone up with the ace of spades to insure his contract hit mums Wye Canadian reader wants to know the meaning of the ox prciiiiton One peck iii worth two Itnesaos You shouldnt try to uric your opponents curds but some plltytfrli hold their bandit no iiiuppi that you cant help seeing them Once you have seen tlicin you can return luii ing finernics and hurt tukc win iiinu unis Briefs Wt INI IIIUIII HALIFAX ltTIl IIiiica nnc hiltlltilll iitmiii Nuvn icnlin that in unity in ronimnlmr No not of the province lh rnurc him no initial truth the men but few muplc know the length the it toritine provincial lrriir Iiiiii ilcpiirtinient irificlnl bliyb than Itit tt4lli rnlluh iii II ALWAYSItlJNllIIIIJII DAWSON l7llY clinic Ilic 20th ccntiir hi Mniya hiiapiliil here cried Klondike alurnlwrtcra It form of llluc Cruiin The annual list was 120 ounces of gold dust which included laundry aerku Iu driyri Yukuner heiiciitn frurn guvcinincnt ispimauried hospital and inrrliciil ciirc pliinn KNOWN AS illM HALIFAX ilfi Charlies Dickienii unic ciiliiil lrnvinci lloum it cut of timirglnn iii chiiecturc Ifuiiiplciieri in mm tlic building in the merit of thc provincial guvvriuniiil Ihc vnlunhlc utl pninlingn the historic chiirnbcrk unit the classic Hylltlllllly IIII filled with ihc history of Iiic provinci 82 OH MOTHIMQI no GUST MEDITATIMQ DAILY CROSSWORD P99 Answer to Prayioua Puzzle iHl Eli L1 qrit lulu Ill II til thinllll rjuf iii rziiriullraiii ACNOII driya oh ul ill llt iru agency lt Id Dug imurrrl inti Shrill han Ilirii tlug l2 lily plant lit iaianrl ii l4 Malia rnuitriy I5 link to Wapiti ll Spanish tar ilt finian iiir ttl lanthar thong 4i liih drink Holmes tpralui 41 irmiuuid truth 46 larger hunting rings 50 inrippnrl llr il liiitniiri rin Htlilil at Wood 29 Arm hon fill Mural man ling lirnrhn iurimulm Mm murmur irnser lrrhm il large tumor 20 lnni mil ri mmll lung ring Conductor rur iimrrm imirml ring Ir rvur oiiuntlon Mouton iminu hii Hnlwtr IIIUN It Imi up tti theater sign iimp Itnruimml hm lmy string 40 flflllifl Iv billihliltilh int HI rtlim limiriari Ll Moriitliw hit Murmur llmrirmir 4t imprriyn 2t llnlry riot mm rum ll tmrl tiiln 421 Iniaphurre tl irrign tank 59 IIIIHIII llihiiiupnoh mun cull lltillmi lilI liltmmninus lllfli limit ll Itilmi group mini ills 44 lIilIi lhurl lull 00w Muirgiui ring iiio and ililliillhl it iiilimit lr yr II1llllu5 Iliislui Mail ill lliliIl rimn II Nil trimls All ltIilorl rlu llth lIm Illll mil 41 mnt turner it ittmimi int IiiII nitling plain hm iii Uponiii mu mural lrr amp luypiiarr glut on v1W SIDE CLANCES Sightseeing isnt exactly my be My wrte does the ahingv and do He Eingl FANCY womans IN EARLY LL OOAN WE CHAY WIH 52 we 52 new Try AWAV WHILEYEINISH your paper Dill r1 wit lFi llttii llilii If Attfr if RAN rwiNtr trilll Mi Mi All it and Front iriii POPf lt lt 3i SHORT RIBS Bfï¬iDLn TELLING you ABOUT SIMON AND 5BA5YAN LAST moat WHAT ELSE Dit ItEroutor THE 516 COLJNTE 55 KERRY DRAKE DO NOT Bf SO STRESSED SAMBANO VOI NE AWAY NO STAY SECRE T5 52m THIS LETTER To 1iltï¬6Wi corits 51 LAST MONTH Liz2 A5 SALT LAKE om MA you HM NOT BEEN ABLE TOGET AN wan to in HQ ASN ER MEAL EVMER BUGS BUNNY DCNLLZCEN btppogeo Diunwt TL DRILL 50C NJ rcrc Cl Â¥J gigs xiil L4h ya4 THE MEAT WAS TOUth1HE COFFEE AND DISCOVEPED THERE WAS MSfAGEDUE BUT PERMAPé CAN Sr OF ASSIS APOOINTMFNT TO SEE THI5 5EBASTIAN WOLFEI TANCE TO WINK HAVE BEEN KNOWN TOGEY NTO THE MOST lMPREGNABLE PLACES ILL KNOCK BORN lOSER WIZARD OF ID PER CENT or ER CHECK iF YALL KEEL ER your OCWN FRANK ERNEST Com plate OIlIco Outlittorc DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS lt moans 29 Dunlap St Barrio MA that OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn bore room into complotoly contort and furnished of fice Call 7310201 to consult Professional Offlcc Planner 137020l ï¬LEmc PEA cwflrwg Cy MALL rm NEPLTCM 5m OTHERS I6662844 yiéAKEf yak 801 WITH You ttABSENcE Bacon THINK Youp MAKE BETTER saunrorz