wa nus was whomawn bizom new vrn swat my ï¬m 54 BE OPOSEI ASSESSMENT CIL4NGES Oro Views vary on new tax plan ORO STATION iStiiff Proposal to mount fnrnilnnd from property uses with farmers iaying taxes only on their ms doncos was uniml bv tooncillor Allan clean himsolf nn Oro dniry farmer would too the move is hilly ustiflod lo farm mndi tions he said mentioning the tonne food supply Under the proposal fiuiiiers would only pm law on their residences in the assessment merluuil dis cussed for unit piopoity inyn tioii The gmeiiunooi plan call for farmland and managed tomst to be hunt at Illl rate which would lHIllV iuial llilllllilpnlltiis oi lay Ittllllt lint ilic pioiiiice would pick the nut ttm would nimn tic iali would he met by isnuiws oitioi than than pmpoiti NERIISSII It uouht ioyolic tin ltflilllllï¬ change but on quick um ould cciu helptul to tat iiici said touiicilloi lcl can slstin he tell the piwussl ineiihx further study An utniio gsiieiiiiucot sp pointed commission headed to loinier Fast oik iiiayoi Willis titan hm started holding beatings tll JIiiII torts oi the prey nice on ieac bolt to the gmctiiiiiciits no iuscd plans tor ovcttkiiiiiig the municipal property Il system The rcyisiou oi tiiiiilind ind lorcstiy pro perty II isoncas icct Otlicr pioposas front the govermiieiil action ot ten yccus ago ot taking over real tSIJIt assessment from municimhties would imolvc adjusting Itsltittllltll assess nieut for taxes at 50 per cent of their market value and business and industry at 100 per cent Other classes of property such as vacant industrial and it lxI ltultl study coiiinicicial piopeily goll cooixes and coonnation authority path would lie unified and tausl at tile pet cent it was suggestisl fun llttllllll IlllS tliinli that button con uderatioii should be given itd cwuses said iounciiloi th can rctcriing to the iectcational value llc sug gestcd the health dcturtineut should support this vicn siiicc gull piovnicd healthy cer rise for many people and higher tows could make the fees piohitutii tor many Reen Wallacc Key men tinned it could affect five golf courses properties in Oh township These were Shanty liay course SimOro Horseshoe Valley Sim coeside and new course now under construction at Iiir rntt It is quite important to us and this lttltlllitltl area hesiud In reference to the COUNTY GLIMPSES Check farm fields for army worms ALLISTON Staff Farmers have beeti warned to be on the lookout for ar myworms by the South Sini coe agricultural office Southwestern Ontario areas have been plagued with severe infestations and they could spread to this county The best time to check field is in the early evening since they hide under clods or plaiit debris during the day These are dark brown greeii caterpillars marked with five long strips from head to tail it was ex plaincd If there are five or six caterpillars per square foot when you check you might consider spraying Once they are at inch and half long they will do little damage its the small ones to get concerned about Since they move from field to field like an army you can spray around the borders to protect afield Sevin Malathioti and Methoxychlor were all recotnmeded for control Where practical aircraft spraying is often the most practical way to combat this pest the agriclutural message advised ROI MEETING MIDHURST Staff North Simcoe Soil and Crop ini rovement Association wil hold its annual twilight meeting at the crop dem onstration area here on Thursday evening July 15 startingat7z300clock MAPLE TOUR ELMVALE Staff An nual summer tour of the On tario Maple Syrup Producers Association will be held in the North Simcoe area on Thursday July 22 The tour will start at am at the Midhiirst forest station with an inspection of the nursery It then goes to Hillsdale potato farms and three sugar fnrinlnnd property tax change the Oro reeve said Inrniers needed tax relief but cautiously added that he would like to see complete picture of the pro oscd unsnnniiicnt overhaul efore ninkiug further comment lmou have to come from nonowlioic nod would like to we the entire plan and Mill pint where it Is going to be nhl toil hc iuiid mention on lllï¬lltl income It as one huhlli iii lILllillï¬l llw Iililllll tor the goiuinnmnl to pay tax on miiuiiinwol properties also on Mount with some slicp llilblli It in Illlllitlltttll that constantly uiuinii it is kept in mind our oliioctiw in serving puymn ill the Illllhl clli vivid and doinocicitlc way said ioiincllloi Mclcnu top mg with pimoiit duy inflation and high lawn Was it chnl lunar to all levels of govern uqu which have been ruim in into ditticiiltics trying to keep within the proposed eight pet cent guidelines it Il time for more realistic viiiv said the iiio councillor who is former incic ol the township stating that iiicrceisin public debt with todays litin carrying charges was milling to infln tiotiury trctiils Just back frqu ll trip to Spain lltlt be inspected ctit tlc forms touncillor Mchnn said he found it bolli educii tional and enjoyable IIiit was glad to get back home Deputy lleeve Simpson iilso lil her taxes and piiilic demands for services le agreed that the rights of taxpayers should be it pri nuiry concern SAliliIll ll lItN ouncillor Paul was asked his Illlltlll lllmlll II safety turn on lllgliwuy II on positc the municipal IlIIi lhcy should do something lieugrccd lcrlinps they will do It when change is mode for Iiulns rciunrkcd Iiipoly Itccchimpsoti Itccvc Key said make the litrii Into the niuniclpnl office biiildiii parking lot diiriii busy trii tc times It cool he used us no excuse for dclnying tux tuivuictits he sold Members of the office stuff confirmed the turn is often dimcroiis piirticuliirly on IlltllN ntid Moiidii when summer trnffic low is licnvicst Drawings showing pro posed overpiisscs in OH over Ilighwny it have been on ex hibit at the township office livc overpnsses were shown with priority fnvored for llnwkestono and Shanty Bay roads Quite few ratepayers have shown interest in the drawings officials said DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Wednesday July I976 bushes in this area The tour concludes with supper at Bishops iark here FREE FILMS STROUI free hour long film show for children will be offered Thursday at the Stroud branch of the in nisfil Public Library iii the Stroudlnnisfil recreation centre Starting at 10 am the following films will be shown Our Gang Follies Big Light House arid Little Steamship Looking at Matti mals Hang Ten and Beaver Dam Through the summer films will also be shown at pm each Wednesday iii the hurchill library STRAWBEIIRIIIS Edgar strawberry festival will be held tonight frotn 530 to 730 pm in Edgar community hall ARTS AND IIAFIS MIDLAND threeday arts and crafts festival at St Pauls United hurch here McCague defends policy on arena safety rules By GEORGE cttilE Mll Duffertn Simcoel The arena inspections and consequent closings which are currently taking place across the province are simply mat ter of safety It is easy enough to say that the roof looks per fectly safe or to claim that we always feel secure when we are iii our local arena but it really is imposSible for us to tell just what condition the building is in As Labour Minister Dr Bette Stephenson said the Ontario Government is not about to risk the lives of innocent people iii order to keep some unsafe arenas open The Liberals or the other hand are openly defying the provincial safety standards and claiming that they would be willing to be held responsible if we leave the arenas open and something happens so says the Liberal Mll for Prey Dr Stephenson tOIIlliltllltd have never heard such cavalier attitude towards public safety iii all my lile It takes qualified engineers to professionally inspect the arenas The trouble is many arenas budt more than ten years ago follow ed design made for the almost snouless conditions of South iarolma This design was made before engineers learned about technology that takes into account uniform and nonuniform snow loads In the past teii yeah we have learned about the three main forces that affect an arena its own dead weight snow loads and the wind and designs have been adjusted accordingly Thats why the prOVlnClai government has undertaken to professuinally inspect sine 350 arenas in the province They Just may not be safe And the only thing to do under the cir cumstances is to close them down until the necessary rcpairs have been made Although the Opposition is complaining about the lack of advance notice given for some of the closings the fact of the matter is municipalities have been warned for seven years that arenas not meeti the prescribed safety stan ards would be closed Of course the government never anticipated that there would be so many arenas found to be substandard and we are ready to help municipalities repair their facilities The Minister of Culture and Recreation Bob Welch an nounced in the House that up to half the costs of necessary repairs will be paid by the Oti tario government The offer seems to me to be quite help The government at an an 13mYTs 5m 5214 Tat will pay 25 per cent of repairs up to 375000 and further 25 per cent in matching grant to communities which manage to raise up to 25 per cent of the cost This will come frotn Win tario funds As inconvenient as it may seem think that we should all put safety fist and buckle down to ensuring that our arenas are ready for use as soon as possible 21th Eiilh nd The Downtown Berri ODresses miTShirfs Commencing Monday June 281916 lids rows ssor TIEl5 Clearance Imports from aroundfhe world °Gowns from our Rose Room °Panisuifs 0Pierre Cardin and Sportcraff All Reduced 20 lo 50 Off TOWN SHOP Downtown lurk 728 l52l will begin Thursday About 30 exhibitors are expected SUMMEIIAMA PENETANGUISHENE Summerama 76 sponsored by the local Lions Club will be held here Thursday Friday and Saturday DAYCAMI BEETON The first lay camp at Beeton Park this summer will start Friday The second twoweek sesr sion is to begin Aug IDLFTOURNEY HAWKIISIONE Staff ladies open golf tour nament with the winner receiving the Doris Trisbec memorial trophy will be held at Simcocside golf course near here this com ingSaturday GRADING WORK FOREST HOME Staff iitario ministry of transportation and coin munications equipment has been busy grading shoulders of connection link road through this Orillia township communi ty with Highway 11 during the past couple ofdays WILL PLAY IVY IVY Staff Barrie Red Sox will be the attrac tion against Ivy Leafs at the local ball park in Sim coe County league game on Friday evening July BROOKLEAGOIJ MIDLAND Staff An nual ladies invitational golf tournament at Brook lea golf course will be held on Thursday July with the winner receiving the Fred Shoreman memorial trophy Spring Sum mer of es referred to increased llunson some rntctuiycrs fliid lt difficult to Cookstown WI anniversary SPECIALS COOKSIOWN continually Oldest Staff ache branch in Simcoe County Cookstown Womens institute ta observing its 75th anniver sary with meeting tonight Hanlmex PF 628 TeleHanomatlc Regular $3120 695 FUJI II Colour Print Film 1261281101 993 Regular 39 each 95 FOR DF Photo Albums Regular $349 49 we SELL PRODUCTS at Central school starting at it oclock President of the Federated Womens institutes of On tario Mrs Herb Maluiihe will be joining others in extending WHILE THEY LAST SAME DAY COLOUR PRINT SERVICE Miss Nude Norfhland will be at our downtown location Ioday only from I200 pm to 7pm Shutterbug Photo Clopporton St at Points BRASS GLENN ITD oonmowu IARRIE NEt BRASS CLOTHING Iors ms 900 Minna nu IARRIE congratulations She will be touching on the back ground of organization with the first branch formed at Squires Hall Stoney Ireekinititn MISS NUDE NOR The Cookstown branch was organized in July 1901 Members of ornton branch which was red by Cookstown the next year will be among the guests THLAND Photo session from 600 pIn7 pni BRING YOUR CAMERA We use Kodak colour paper For the Good Lookl EVE GOT GREAT LOOKING SUMMER WEAR FOR YOU WEVE GOT ASSORTED KNIT SHIRTS BY AVAILABLE IN LOTS OF STYLES IN PLAINS STRIPES GREAT FOR GOLF OR JUST FOR THE WEARING SIZES SMLXL PRICED AT ONLY 600 SHORTS FOR COOL COMFY LOOKS THE BRASS GROUP STORES HAVE GOOD SELEC TION FOR YOU FROM LOTS PLAIDS AND CHEC PRICED FROM 595 SPECIAL OF SUMMER SPECIAL JEANS REGULAR DENIM FLARE 399 SEAFORTH TO CHOOSE PLAINS STYLES Om st