IbThe Barrie Examiner Wednest July I976 Stroud groupinspects agricultural museum By MRS CAMPBELL STROUD Fiftyone se nior citizens from Stroud en joyed tri recently to the new agricu tural museum at Milton After picnic lunch in park at Geulph we visited Elmira and saw film on Mennonite life at Mennonite church We had twohour tour of the surrounding coun tryside Many of us marvelted at the beautifullykept farm homes many of them with no electricity or telephone Crops and gardens are lux urious Everyone appreciated the work of conveners Mr and Mrs Ward Goodfellow and Mr and Mrs Ed Marquis in arranging different and educatioriaitri Tuesday ternoon found more than 60 members of the Stroud senior citizens club at the StroudInnisfil recreation centre for chicken dinner PICNII PLANNED pot luck supper and pic nic will be held July 27 at Centennial Park with Mr and Mrs Ford and Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson planning the program Acting as chairman vice president Jessie Campbell thanked retiring secretary Nell Carscadden and trea surer Irene Reynolds Quebec legislature centennial QUEBEC Pi One hun dred years ago the Quebec gov ernment paid Ottawa $15000 for cricket field and built upon it what the lieutenant governor of the time described as the sanctuary of our provincial autonomy The sanctuary is the cite parlementaire the provincial cqmvalent of Ottawas Parlia merit Hill collection of build ings housing the legislature and various government offices The centennial was marked by reunion of former legisla tors in May and in midJune symposium on the parlia mentary system gathered legis lators from across Canada England France and the United States onstruction lasted until 1886 and cost $166924916 Ernest Gagnon then secretary of the department of agriculture and public works noted meticu loust in his 1897 book entitled Government Buildings in Que bec Like the Montreal Olympic facilities today the legislature buildings cost more than ex pected One of the reasons cited by Mr Gagnon was the dynamite explosion caused by criminal hands on Oct 11 1884 which necessitated certain amount of reconstruction SIIIIItITY TIGIII Security today is tight Spe cial constables from the public works department patrol the outside provincial police guard the premier and more than 80 legislature guards keep watch at the doors In 1973 an xrray device was installed iii the basement post office to screen incoming mail for letter bombs and other LXIIIII3PS But security was already concern in the last century For several years the doors on the sides facing SainteJulie and SaiiitrAugustiii Streets have been closed in order to allow more effective sure veillance of the comings and goings of persons who have ac cess to offices or other areas Mr Gagnon wrote The provmcc owes its mots to Je me souiicns tl remember to the architect Eugene Tache who drew up the plans for the legislature The motto made its first ap pearance as an inscription above the main entrance to the legislature after being author tied by the government in contract signed Feb rim IIRNIZRSTtIVIf lIi The cornerstone of the pi tans main entrance was laid June 17 IBM Ironically In view of todays emphasis on the essentially French history and character ol Quebec plaque bearing the name of an English speaking ptlltllll was buried in that stone at the very heart of the plum inccs political life John Ross was one or oiin two English taiiadiaii premiers in the history ot Quebec and held office from 1834 to It It was at the cornerstone cer emonresthatlt Gm Theodore Robitaille described the assent bly building as the sanctuary of our provincial autonomy This autonomy has been fully guaranteui by the Von federation Act hlkh thus con sarates the principle of de centralization of government hesaid But the centralizing tendon cies of the federal goveniment are still the subject ot many at tacks by Quebec officials today RIDE lIM COWBOY WASHINGTON iAIi About 11 million persons at tended almost 600 approyed professmnal rodeos in 42 states of the lnited States and four provinces in Canada in 1975 says the National Geographic Socrety Contestants vied for $6 million in prize money Ben Steers president of the Simcoe County senior citizens spoke briefly before presiding at the election of of ficers He reminded everyone of the county picnic at Midhurst on Aug 18 The new executive is made up of past president George Satchel president Mrs am bell first vice presi ent Allan Todd second vicepresident Ed Marqurs secretary Mrs Eben Sawyer and treasurer Mrs Harry Horton Iarence Kcll is in charge of euchre cards Mrs Wright getwell and sym pathy cards and Mrs James Leonard special birthdays and anniversaries ONCOMMIITEE On the bus tour committee are Mr and Mrs Ward Goodfellow and Mr and Mrs Ed Marquis Euchre was enjoyed after the adjournment Constable Frank McKay was honored recently at gathering of the police associatioti at Minesing In nisfil residents were sorry to hear of Franks resignation from the township police force and we wish him well in his new employment Tbrm Investments at the Permanent pay interest on your interest OurTerm Investments offer the option of accumu lative interest The Permanent can com pound your interest every six months and add it to your principalWhich makes our Term investments an easy way to make your money work lot harder your inter Rate subject to For instance at 101400 would earn $64839 over years So look into the benefits of Term Investments at the PermanentWeII make sure est is wellrewarded change Member Canada Deposrt insurance Corporation the Permanent Canada Permanent Trust Company Canada Permanent Mortgage C0rp0ration Well always be here to help you make it PLEASE FORWARD MORE INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR ACCUMULATED INTEREST TERM CER TIFICATES SEND COUPON TO NAME the PERMANENT ADDRESS SQOBAYST SAVINGS DEPT POSTAL CODE ATTENTION MR TARFEE FURTHER REDUCTIONS AT ALL OUR LOCATIONS REMEMBER AT SH ï¬stMet GEORGIAN MALL 7267463 WIRE is no CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS OT Homogenized Pasteurized HOMO MILK qt bag or jug Canada Grade Large Vthe Eggs DOZEN EXTRA LARGE 85c Powdered Detergent LB BOX Steinberg L8 BAG Brand Orange Pekoe Tea Bags BAG OF 100 Budget Dog and Cat Food 15 OZ TIN $119 79° MIRACLE leads the way with Homogenized Pasteurized Partially Skimmed MILK BAG or JUG Plus deposit on jug $129 Plus deposit on jug Champlain Pony Tail Wrap WHITE SLICED BREAD 24 OZ LOAF MEDIUM 730 15 Mmeme Granulated HID BUAMTEIO it VIJORONTU mam Picnic Concentrated Pink or Clear FROZEN LEMONADE 12 FL OZ TIN 12 Ft 025 cuNCEm FROZEN Canadian Processed Kraft Colour Print Royale Towels ROLL PKG Cheese Slices LB PKG SINGLES Fancy Whole Kernel Corn Green Giant Assorted Flavours Mission Suit Drinks 24x10 FL OZ TIN Niblets 12 FL OZ TIN Chocolate Creme Filled Liquid Mira Mart Palmolive Donuts Detergent pkg ol 24 fl oz btl Mi Mart Cinnamon Skim Pinwheels Milk pkg at qt bag or jug plus deposit on Jug Crisco Orchard King Choice Vegetable Whole $113 51° Oil Tomatoes 26 fl 01 101 treat 19 II oz tin sman Peanuts Hot Dog and In Shell Hamburger Buns 24 oz bag pkg 0t pkg ol 49c Bovril Luncheon Mitchells Meat Apple Juice 12 oz tin 100 II 01 tm McLorons Smooth Peanut Butter lb in ww Canadian Ounn Cooked Canned Ham Mrs Bake DII Freshly Baked Onion Buns PKG 0F