KEVIN ADDY Will take the arts and sciences program at the Universtiy of Western On tario in London MICHAEL ALLEN Will study chemical engineering at Waterloo Lutheran University Kit chener Will Top student at Barrie Central Collegiate is Michael Allen who received the Barrie Central Centennial Scholarship ther award winners are Carl Clark Kiwanis Club Award and the Dr Bob Delaney Award Kim Collins the Lions Club Award Blaine Boake Major Hersy Award for Leading Citizen Carolyn Kostandoff Grandview Ford Award for Head Girl and Michael Allen the Grandview Ford Award for Head Boy NORMANllltlSTlIi iii51LitIiiilfflliilfi EAsrvmw WINNERS Eastview secondary school has announced its Grade 13 award winners for the past academic year The Grade to 12 award winners will not be known until fall The Club of Barrie Rotary SHIRLEY COMFORT Plans to take year off and work in Harrie fc SlSAN DESJARDINS ï¬go KFN inn To study engineering in ttic iincrsiiy otiicroo SAMINAKANIAI To study science at the tiiiyersity of Western On tario school and work II Mt IIIERSON Could not be reached Picking site tricky chore Choosing site for the pro posed outdoor lacrosse box is causing quite few problems Just when the city had prime location at the end of Fredrick Street soil tests were unfay orable ELIZABETH MITCHELL Could not be reached NR WARNINGS The City is approving draw ings for warning lights at the Public ROBB BARSEVICH take an arts and science pro ram at Universityof oronto JOHN FRElNDORIER MICHELLE LEGROS Intends to take year off LORI MOORE To study chemistry at the tniveisity of Toronto TRANSIT MEETING works members are meeting with CONNIE HRYSON Could not be reached the Central students win Ontario awards awards will go to head boy John Alexander and head girl Gaye Slessor John Alexander also won the Major Hersey Citizenship Award The North Collegiate Achieve ment Award was won by Ghislaine Hunter and the Con stance Sheppard Memorial Scholarship was won by Judy McLean Art Walker won the DeVilbiss Senior Science Award the Kiwanis Club Scholarship and shared the Barrie and District Real Estate Board Scholarship with Jim MacDonald Jim MacDonald also won the Barrie Legion History prize Mom Hamilton will receive the Lions Club Scholarship KIM HADDEN To study mathematics at Will study mathematics Will attend the University ilictnivcrsityofWaterloo physics and chemistry at of Waterloo and study the University of Toronto science WENDY LENNON Will take home economics course at the University of Guelph MARTHA IORRIS Could not be reached lt Tuesday July 13 ELECTRICAL SERVICE No decision was made Mon committee Now the city is considering intersection of Innisfil Street representatives of the day by the public works com the park it Assikinack Public and the Canadian National ministry of transportation mitiee concerning the cost of Sehoul where Barrie owns six Railway tracks south of Tif and communication AND to supplying electrical services acresofland fen Street The warnings in discuss the cost study to the new picnic shelter at In report to the public clude flashing lights pointing analysis of publicowned and Centennial Beach The city works committee Gary along Jacobs Terrace operated transit The citys has one quote by Dykstra Stoner director 0f parks and flashing li hts along Innisfil bus service is owned and Brothers Electric Ltd of recreation said there is Street and waming bell operated by Stock Brothers $3100 but the committee distinct advantage to locating the lacrosse box at Assikinack Bus Lines Travelways meeting The cost of the lights is $6000 and the city will pay 125 per cent of the cost subsidiary of Bus Lines is scheduled at wants quotes from two other firms The city budgeted $11m for the service he GEMMA VAN AMELSVOORT To study medicine at the University of Western tario ARLCLARK To study science at University of Toronto the EUGENE ORNACtIIIA Could not be reached SYLVIA RODGERS To study nursing at the lniversity of Western On tario EXAMINERS STANDARDS Barrie recreation depart ment is sponsoring Red Cross IIxamincrs Standards Clinic Saturday at the Bar rie Liens Pool on Grove Street West The clinic bet ween am and pm is open to all swimming instruc tors Red Cross represen tative will teach instructors the standards for various swinimingtests LIFESAYINtPROGR5IS Royal Lifesaving Society new program clinic is scheduled Sunday at the Bar rie Lions Pool tiroye Street est Anne Hocklcy 0f the Ontario lhyision of the Royal Litesayiiig Society will teach at the tiiiiit inch is open to ex cry one Solution on booth reached Barrie recreation depart ment seems to have solved the problem of cancession booth operations at the citys twoarenas The Barrie Minor Hockey Association BMHA and the Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association BMLA were fightingfortherights City council will consider granting both groups ex clusive rights at the Eastview arena and give the BMHA exclusive rights at Barrie Arena on Dunlop Street The BMHA has operated the concession booths at the two arenas in the past The BMLA used the booth and facilities at Eastview last summer This year bidding war broke out when it was an nounced the BMHA would have to pay $300 for the Eastvicw Arena The group also pays 10 per cent of the gross sales at Barrie Arena to thccity The BMLA offered the city few more dollars for the concession rights at East view In aii attempt to resolve the problem Gary Stoner direc tor of parks and recreation rcpared an agreement al owing the hockey group ex clusive rights at Eastvicw when the ice surface is in and the lacrosse group rights when the ice is out The agreement is gOod for five years Sr 14 CHURCII SUMMER SCHOOL STARTS Danny McArthiir enjoys week long summer school at Westminster Presbyterian Church The CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Wednesday July I976 13 LOCAL GENERAL MAN IDENTIFIED STAYNER ntario Pro vincial Police herc say man burned in car accident Saturday morning was definitely Leslie Leah 40 of Glencairn Positive identification of the body was established at the Centre for Forensic Sciences in Toronto Tuesday Police had been fairly certain of the identity before it was determined positively ROTARY GUEST John Bulloch the outspoken and often con troversial president of the Canadian Federation of In dependent Businessmen is guest speaker at the Thursday meeting of the Bar rie Rotary Club The meeting is at Miramar Gardens restaurant and begins at 1215pm ATTENDSCONFERENCE Jim Perri teacher at Eastview secondary school is attending weeklong con ference on American studies for Canadian teachers at St Lawrence University Can ton New York Mr Perri is among 30 Canadian teachers taking part in the program which focuses on the theme Time for Reflection Americas Bicentennial Year PUBLIC MEETING public meeting is scheduled Thursday at pm in the third floor meeting room at the Municipal Sav ings and Loan Corp on Owen Street The meeting is plan ned by the CanadaOntario RideauTrentSevern CORTS advisory commit tee The committee is in terested in comments on the corridor and particularly relative to this part of the waterway running from 0t tawa to Port Severn Gave $16715 want plaque The Barrie Jaycees want to meet with the public works committee and discuss the possibility of havmg plaque erected at Eastview Arena The group wants the plaque to honor its fund raising ef forts when the arena was built The Jaycees raised $1671 in draw held in May 1971 Only one other group in Barrie made large contribn thl to the arena fund the Barrie RtAF club says Gary Stoner director of parks and recreation Creative playground planned at Sunnidale Time was when play ground was few swings and aslide No longer Members of council public works committee were shown model of 810000 creative playground Monday night by Gary Stoner direc tor of parks and recreation The committee is sug gesting the city buy the 810000 playground for Sun nidale Park The park has platforms and ladders rising to height of 14 feet Tire swings sandbox swinging bridges balance beam slide firemans pole and cable ride are included in the playground equipment is to be pur chased from Henke Trading Ltd Toronto firm Mr Stoner said his depart ment considered bids rom three firms Big Toys Ltd equipment was rejected as being too ex nsive The firm uses wood rom British Columbia Paris Playground equip ment firm new in creative playground equipment also madea bid The Henke playground uses natural materials Total area of the play ground is 38 by 40 feet ex cluding the cable ride The playground will be in stalled by Henke near the picnic section in the southern section of the park FILMSATLIRRARY Beginning Thursday the film department of the Barrie Public Library at 56 Mulcastcr St will show childrens films every two weeks Aesops Fables will be first The Disney Film The Hound that thought he was Raccotm will be shown July 22 Cartoon Parade will be shown Aug and Laurel and Hardy will be whown Aug lit The films are from 273 SOCIETY STANDARDS clinic is scheduled Sun day July 18 am to pin to teach swimming instruc tors the Royal Liftsavmg Societys Examiners Stan dards An Ontario division representative of the Royal Lifesaving Society Will con duct the clinic Contact the Barrie recreation depart ment to register WATER POLO Dave Mcflintock goal tender of the Canadian Na tional Water Polo team will hold water polo clinic in Barrie at the Lions Pool Saturday July 24 between am and pm Contact the citys recreation departnient to register for the clinic Monica Lighthourn left and Marianne HeiJmans both of Barrie have been hired through the provin czal governments Ex perience 76 program to children learn some crafts and also study the liiblc Dannys instructor in this craft class is Sylvia ochranc Examiner lhotoI 360 cadets training at base this summer This weekend start of SIX wcck stxcializcd training irogram for 360 young llltll ant women from Sea Army and Air adct corps The cadets will take part in music athletics rifle shooting photography and technical training at Tana diaii Forces Hast Hordcii The programs taught by regular and reserve nicni hcrs of the armed forces in cliidc band course an athletic leadership course rifle training course and technical course which will llltIlItIt training in plio marks the togiaphy airframe engine maintenance electronics The band formed this sumv llitl WI perform at various functions in civilian com iiiiinitics throughout the sum iiicr An offshoot of the athletic leadership coursi W1 be the formation of high horse vaulting team and rifle coaching course will produce shooting team which will Olllptll pioVincially and nationally Graduation ceremonies for the cadet courses Will be held at Hast Borden Aug Bantams beat Midland twice in two nights For the second time in as many nights the Barrie Kinsmen Bantams have beaten Midland Tuesday at the IJastview Arena it was 872 decision Monday in Midland the score was 103 in favor of the Kinsmen Ihrec goals and three assists by Darrell Nutt pro ved profitable evening for the Barrie player Jacques Mireault had two goals and an equal number of assists STUDENTS WORK AT MUSEUM spend 14 weeks cataloguing items in the Simcoe County Museum The old system of cataloguing is being re done to fit standard pro with Murray Lloyd Alan Ityiiold and Rene Lafontainc scored the other ltariic goals Hobbic Shaw laiil Hahn Brian Moore and rot Le miciix had one goal each for Midland NAMEflIANGED In ancient times Afghanistan was known as Aryana and in the Middle Ages it was called Khorasan vincial format third year the Sinicoc County program has been in operation Examiner Photo This is the