GOSPEL CONCERT AT RAY FIELD MALL Kids tI Image musical group fron the Canadian Na zarene College in Win nipeg performs at the first gospel concert of the sum mer at tiie ltayficld Mall The onerhoiir concerts are offered each Sunday at it 30 pm Next Sunday per oriiicrs Will be Our from liar iies Church of tlic Naarcnc anti baritone ltrnce Owen About 20 cars choir surrounded the stage for the first outdoor per formance Examiner Photo Joy and delight mixed with mourning as Israel buries commandoraid dead TEL AVIV AP Israel gives heros funeral totlay to LtCol Yonatan Netanyahu the only Israeli commando killed in the rescue of more than 100 hostages held by Palestinian terrorists at Ugan das Entebbe Airport No of the three Israeli civil ians killed in the gun battle Sat urday ni ht were buried Mon day wit military honors Speaking at one of the funerals Israels chief military chaplain Brig Mordechai Piron said the 2400mile three plane commando raid was magnificent courageous operation but it is the fate of this nation that every joy anti delight be mixed with pain and mourning Threats of retaliation from Palestinians in Lebanon and from President Idi Amin of Uganda did nothing to diminish the pride and rejoicin of the Israelis in their arm forces mostnotable exploit since the defeat of the Arabs in the 1967 III ll threats ilcr were expected Amins threats aroused cori ccrn only because one of the Is raeii passengers on the hijacked Air France airliner 75ll0ltl Dora Illocli was in Kampala hospital when the coiiiinaiidos landctl and they cniild not bring her back The lsraeli government appealed to the international Red Cross and an unidentified third country to secure her release The Ugandan president who reported that the Israeli com iiiandos killctl 20 of his troops and wounded 32 sent protests against the attack to the United Nations tiietirganization ofAf rican Unity iOAU the Aral League and other Third World countries He also declared to day and Wednesday days of iiioiiining for the dead Ugan ilans SEEKS IN ACTION The til nation OAU unani iriously condemned the raid and said it will ask the UN Security Council to take the matter Amin accuse the govern ment of his neighbor Kenya of giving major aid to the Israeli attack The Kenyans denied the charge and said all they did was to provide medical treat nieiit for Israelis wounded in the operat ion UN SecretaryCeneral Kurt Waldheim denied an Egyptian report that he had accused the Israelis of flagrant aggres sioii statement from spokesman said the secretary geiieral was questioned during visit to Cairo about legal and juridical aspects of the Israeli raid and replied that it was indeed violation of the sovereignty of UN member state But later Monday in Frankfurt Waldheim ex pressed satisfaction that it roved ssiblc to save human ives spokesman said to get CAMBRIDGE Ont CP Muriel La Porte is afraid she may have to become liar to get job Mrs La Porte 36 says she has filled out more than 100 up lications in the last six mon btit has failed to land job and fears the problem is caused by lack of experience iititl the fact she is woman Im beginning to think may have to start lying about my experience arid Ive never lied about anything in my whole life she said in recent inter view Mrs La Porto who has been raising four children on her own since 1971 graduated from on estoga Colleges machinist course in ovenibcr She has the equivalent of trade 13 mathematics aiitl is qualified to read blueprints and operate grinder milling filing and shaper machines as well as three ypes of lathes Mrs Porte said she Iias about 18 years in machine and press work but because most of that work was icked up at her fathers side ic is not classi fied as skilled labor In 1974 Mrs La Portc was working between 70 and 90 hours week in her home doing leatherwork fora Toronto firm but she said she gave up the job when she realized there was no time left for her family She started working at local tubing factory but because of Will she lie job lack of work she was laid off seven weeks later WAS REIRAINEI Mrs Ln lorlc said she then decided to apply for Canada Man iwer retraining after brie period on welfare Man power financed the Conestoga machinist course and she was paid $l09 week while attend ing school Within week of graduation slic linti found job at local iii dustr but again she was laid off ter seven weeks because of work shortage She then started filling out job lip cations in Kitchener Waterlloo London anti inelph Mrs La lorte said she feels one reason for her iiiabilily to secure Iiob is decline in the auto int ustry as most in tlustrics in this area depend on it lint she said she also feels that in some cases dis criininalion against her as woman has also been the fac tor Sonic shops have toltl her they dont have washroom facilities fora woman ltut they have women work ing in the office she said Wlint do they do She snitl people have told her to complain to the labor depart incnt but she is concerned that if she gets job under those conditions the employer would make life miserable Best soils in same area as industry and population HALIFAX Pl Land is limited resource and in roti tier country like Canada at tempts to control its use are new anti an alien idea to most pco lc lr JS Clark director of tlic federal still research in stilute said Monday The problem here in Canada is that the best stills are in the same area as the heaviest po lation anti industry anti iis resents conflict in laiitl use ctween high pressure industry and agriculture hcsaid The energy crisis the sod den disap earaiice of the worlds Food reserves monetary problems mid the ap parently uncontrollable population explosion have made us sto and take stock of the land ant its potential he agricultural industry and complaint from Ill Macltac principal of the Nova Scotia Ag riculturc College that tradi tional sources of financing for agricultural research have dried up The total present levcl of funding for agricultural re search clearly indicates governments are not at the rescnt timc placing very liigh priority on such activities lIl spite of the demonstrated concerns of future food needs at reasonable cost Ir Mzicltae said He said about $15 billion was meal on scientific and tech ological research in anada last year Agriculture and its related sciences got less than 10 per cent of the total TheBorrle Exam lner Tuesday Jul l9763 iii 13 PAINTING FOR THE CREDIT UNION $300000 building in Ilarric loe ltainscy left of ol lcctioii ontrol Ltd presents painting to Larry Sliriibsole prcsident of the 43ll0llilllllltl llarrie onimuiiily Credit Union on Saturday at the opening of the coiiipanys new AIR SAFETY INSPECTORS Antiinflation board stands behind reduction OTTAWA The anti iiiflalioii board announced Mon lay it will not change tlccisioii reducing pay incrcascs offcrctl fctlcrzil aircraft safety in sixclors In another announcement the board ordcrcd cuts in pay increases in contracts between Ottawa board of education and 2000 elementary school teach ers aiitl maintenance personnel About 330 workers who in spcct aircraft safety equipment and test pilots and who are rep resented in contract talks by the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada are Englishspeaking controllers ask for immediate transfers MONTREAL TIJ Six IIriglislrspcaking airrtraffic controllers here have asked for immediate transfers out of Quebec Quebec were received from 00 uniliiignal liliiglish speaking controllers at the beginning of the year So far only seven of the 00 controllers have been Customers of the credit union are also sharc holders Examiner Photo deliberating on what future ac tion to take spokesman said The antiinflation board said it found no basis for special con sideration which would permit inspectors annual pay in creases to exceed $2400the maximum allowable under Canadas selective wage con lrols This decision rejected May arbitration report by Mr lus lice Emmett Hall who called for salary increases of l96 per cent and 94 per cent under contract retroactive to July 28 1975 This would have resulted in average pay increases of $3 700 in the first year and $2218 in the second year without taking pensions into account Inspectors went on strike June 25 when original board de cision was announced Since June 28 the union has reduced this to selective strike of SixDay War PATROLS ON ALERT Border patrols were being es pecially vigilant and Palestin ian reprisal attacks on Israeli said in paper prepared for delivery to the annual meeting of the Agriculture Institute of Canada Dr Clark said the loss of relocatctl The rcqiiesl for transfers comes just as the Association tics lens dc lAir in Quebec called off its workrto rult cam llcnn Flattn former prcsi dent of the Saskalachcwan Fed eration of Agriculture anti die rector of the Canadian Feder lhcir rcqucst follows the re cent transfcr of seventh llllg shspeaking controller to ad ministratch work when he al sccmed likely lliii uitii the Palestinians lll Lebanon fighting for their existence ill civil war with Christian Kenya Uganda Qv MWWWWMM di lomatic and business estab li ments in foreign countries Lebanese and Syrian forces no largcscalc raids across the bor growing rift prime agricultural land in Ori tario foreign ownership of land ation of Agriculture said one of the chief requirements of the lcgcd that working with lltreii Chspcaking controllers iiiiidc paign against Air Canada anti about 60 inspectors at Mon Air effectch lllltllllllt cl it on NAIROBI All llit lsracli Arabs and the systematit and the Maritimes suskai dlsl Nrd mm no in commando raid Sunday on brutal extermination of his chowan land bunks and Slimlmy licqucsls for transfer out of tonight Vancouver Ugandas Entebbc Airport is enemies touml favor in agricultural land reserves in as Palestinians attack BEIRUT AP Ceasefire talks were post oned iii definitely as the Le nesc left istPalestinian guerrilla com mand reported it opened ii new front against the Christians in northern Lebanon The leftists Beirut Radio said Moslem forces drove south into Christian territory below Tripoli and seized the village of Chekka 40 miles north of Bei rut The broadcast said the left scheduled for Monday lHtiill Lebanese Christian and Moslcm leaders was put off in definitely because of tlic crary escalation of the fighting Palestinian guerrilla leader Yasser Arafat met with reprc sentatiycs of the Christian llia Iangc party and Syria Sunday night lilaii said all three tic tions had agreed to begin di tailed negotiations on cease fire and settlement of tiici elm expected to intensify the bitter ncss between neighboring lganda and Kenya tgaiidan President Idi Amin accused Kenya of complicity in the rescue of Israelis held hos tage by Palestinian and Ger man hijackers Kenya denied the charge lint the three Is raeli planes stopped at Nairobi airport after the rescue for treatment of the wounded And there were reports that at least one at the planes landed here on route to lganda and that ad lllit lsraeli agents were oper iiing freely in Nairobi lillll is bound to step up his Kenya The adverse publicity hurt the tourist industry throughout East Africa and in Kenya particularly Last February Amin laid claim to large chunks of west ern Kenya Ile said the terri tory was Ugandan historically and had been wrongly trans ferred to Kenya by the British Thousands of Kenyans took to the streets in protest Many dc manded that Kenyatta order an invasion of Uganda The people of one province offered $10 mil lion for Amins head Kenyatta said in speech that only madman would British Columbia have all become hot political ind moral issues The issue of land use was one of several debated tliirin the plenary session of the 56 an nual meeting of the institute which has attracted more than 1100 delegates from the groups 5500 membccs across Canada ISSUES WARNING Others included warning from Dr PI McTaggart owan that federal politicians are 1101 taking seriously enough the energy requirements of the ist forces also advanced Moii nesc war oiiciliicsdiy iiof words against Kenya in make the territorial claims day to within four miles of Am As the battle tor lllt lll£liii ininied soiiittS 5401 mm 35 kmg chit the site of the Christian ra ians lal aalai retiigw camp tiianda iiid Kenya are part Amin also has resented dio station 20 miles north of thc ca ital he Moslems said they cap on the southeast side of ileiriit tOlIiiIlllttl lied Cross comoy of 19 trucks tried to reinoic iltl iili lanania the East lriciii iIcoiioiiiic tomnnmity iiiins predecessor President Kenyas continued ties with ls rael Although Kenya broke diplomatic relations with Israel said planted turedastring of coastal fishing about 300 lllllilttl Hunt the was imam usrpspcctpdin an the 1973 Ambismph war SAN FRANCISVO AP and farming villages along the camp But the convoy turned Kenya nid on friendly terms the Israeli government main The terrorist New World Liber way The Christian radio denied Chekka has fallen Fighting was also reported at dozen points around Chris tian enclave between Beirut and Iripoli Reports in Beirut said more than 100 persons have been killed mostly in the back when both sides broke lll agreement to stop shooting din mg the evacuation spokes man said After two tthiif lllliltty1lli mg the Palestinians ocic re ported still iioldini central section of underground bunkers and tunnels in the icrc llll Kenyan licsident lomo lilllli lien inin then army com maadcr oyertlircw Ohote military coup in January 1971 lxcnya chose not to interfere md rciectcd Obotes request for political as lillil lit itls lill RISM tains an office in Nairobi and lsrael has invested heavily in the Kenyan economy Many of Kenyas most prosperous busi nessmen and industrialists are Jewiin Diplomats believe that Kenyas part in the Israeli raid no matter how small was in ation Front iNWLFl says it has planted three time bombs in go off by Saturday at two Pacific Gas and Electric Co iPGlCi sites in the San Francisco Bay area communique released Monday and signed by the NWIJ Central Command war htingatthekka tilmit Th illllslhl NM mt tint Amins abrupt cxpulsron Amins eyes conclusive evi ned Pacific employees to stay rab League Secntartvcll werc about to complete 1hr oi ioooo Stln his break with dence that Kenya is real away from work until after eral Mahmoud Riad Sold In conquest ottlicramp llltl his flirting with the enemy lulyiosotheywontbehurt the meeting Damascus that Liquor clerks out on strike in Montreal MONTREAL iCPl Clerks and cashiers in publiclyownui liquor stores went on strike We want to give the best Todays picture is meant for tomorrow Just like savrngs plan IUst tome in and say hello and one of both you us and any additional prints you here 0nd nd romiscd make botatleaof lipuor hard of our stall will arrange an buy there absolutely no em blVdurml smmh appointment tor tree photo obligation are at nominal tost OI mpic tiames im Lilli workers who staff about Quebec Liquor Corp stores in Greater Montreal the Ottawa Valley and the Eastern Townships Monday overrode suggestion of their union execn tive to put off strike action and voted to close down the stores immediately August is traditionally slow moo for liquor sales and return to work following the Olympics might be considered by the members if settlement is not reached union officials told ers The strike closed all liquor stores Monday in greater Mon treat as well as other Quebec communities which are hosting 0t mpic events lnion leaders admitted the strike Will not affect bars or Mounts hen which have be held July lOth We at Wholesale Swimming Pools are proud to announce the opening of new outlet at 2950 Kennedy Road in Scarborough and we are celebrating with Free Draw at our Barrie outlet Draw to 26000 Apollo Room AirConditioners Will be given away To enter simply drop down to our showroom at 230 Boyview Drive and fill out an entry form while youre there check out Our BU Pit turc your family yourself or friend in professional natural tolour portraits The first one is on Visit or phone the Sterling Trusts brant nearest you and arrange appointment This offer is open to everyone whethe But the sitting and the first print are rcc At Sterling putting you in the pit ture on mean ree professronal colour portraits better future for your you deal with Sterling amp supplies to see them rmmammal mpicpenod or not Heuidwzminotberpar ftvtZchf is at thte vd wuh rec990 Lapig skimmer two returns 30 mil liner StaRight filter Free 57500 is Ross Futzecott whether they Will follow with this offer back up in v0 ue 513 IQ humusimiaiiwciwuir Unnlpg dull ahead on SWImming Pools ncv JM iAi 736644 ration em mlmkmm Cm Supplies Ltd flit lwltoma across the prov 230 BoyView Dr 7373 10 Member Canada Deposit insurance Corporation