ANN LANDERS Make certain pork is cooked llour Ami Lmutors Wovo boon lionring ii lot iibout tho swino flu luton it sounds liko tI dondl sloknoss looplo uro oonipnring tho oxpootod opidoinio to tlio ono that hit during tlio First World Wnr lt oluiniod the lives of moro Aniorionns thun diod on tho liiittloflold lloiiso Ann givo us somo striiight fuots iihout this lit tloknown disouso My fnniily is nfriiid to out pork or hum or huoon dont holiovo tlioro is nny dun or of gottlng tho swino flu froni thoso prmluots lint ld fool lltl if liourd it from you RS lll hot millions of othor roudors would too lliiinks for your holp Wnnt lo Koop lloulthy hour ttKll uliond tltltl out pork hiiin und tinoon if you Wnni to unloss of oourso youro kooping koshor It is sissihlo to oiitoli swino flit if you ooino itito oloso oont not with swino who lins it hot this is not in common 0o ourronoo lho sunio flu piokod up its iuinio hoouuso undor niioros opo ll rosiiiitilos ll virus thni iittiioks pigs but no ono knows for ooiiuin thut it is tho idontioiil virus Just niiiko suro hotoro you out nny niont lliiil oonios from pig thii ll is thoroughly oookod our JIlll Iiiindors Is it possililo to unspoil couplo of liriits My liusliiind iind niudo tho iiiistnko of loiiving our kids Wllll doting grnndpnronts unit it couplo of untniirriod nunts for months ltl ii iinio tovory suniniori ilion tho griindpiironts nioyod noxt door tllltl took thoui ovor ooni ploioly Wi yoro ihrillod to how built in sittors Wo lovod our iroodoni illltl ilio griindpiironts lovod tho kids llints how it till liiippoiiod Now Im iisliiiniod to toll you tlioso two snotty ptiiiks toll us to got lost ind drop ilond lhoso nro just two of tho pliinsos tlio uso that you oiiii print lho wny thoy tulk to us in front of our trionds is ii disgriiio lhoy roluso to niind dont do tho things thoy should do und run noxt door for protoction it no tlironton punislunont Its ronl nioss Ann tIlItl wo dont know what to do nhout ii lloiiso dont roud us ilio riot not for lotliiig this hiippon Wo kiioo It no iiiiul niistiiklz hut tlio quostion is Wliiit do no do ttlmltl tl now How oiiii pnroiits got oontrol onoo tho kids iiio spoilod rotton Is it too Into livo us soino tltlitt Lord knows ro lltttl it lronipoil lipon In lulustout Itoiu lroiiipod How old nro tho spoilod liruts Aro thoy ltt now 12 li Your qnostion is tlio siiino iis iisking ii pliysiciiin it llSIiIPVt is ournlilo without tolling him how longyouyo had it liiiit is liko skin Iiisli its it lot onsior to got lllltltl control ityoii tttltli ii iii llltttlll stiigos lltlll tho sound oi your lotlor suggost outsido holp un nioiliiitoly iiiooii ooiinsolling for you itid your littsliiuid is troll its tho kids lto propgitod for ionligniiiont of tho ontito intuit structiiro llii gruiidpiiroiits iio Wtlltllllttltllttl iiiiinii Illtl piipii siilistitutos This has got to stop nnd llll tollyou tl ioiit liippoii oiornight Good liiok ltltlll olyou oiitidoutiil to list onion and Slim llorsos Wliul hin pons llttt you got too slow tor tho inst Million and tho horsis dont coiiio through it this is your info lioyor ltoy yoiiro loiiningon might slondor rood Preventive measures to curb blindness rate GENEVA tltoutor Ihoro uro iii lonsi in million tttiitly hliiid pooplo in tho World todny iind thoir nunihor niuy doulilo by tho your 2000 if llliljtil ol lort is not nindo to instiill oor tuin siniplo porvontivo nionsuros This is tho conclusion of World llonltli lrgiinimtion thltli studios Wlltlostuiintos thnt lilindnossiiflootsiit ltiltwl It uiillion porsons not counting tho iiiillions nioro who how such dotoctivo siglit tliiit thoy iuust ho oonsidorod lilind loI oduontion work iind Hotllll sor Vioo purposos Wllt oxports oousidor tlint nt loiist two thirds of thoso iooplo tiood not huvo ltttll lilint piir tioulurly in dovoloping ooun lrios whoro tlio innin oiuisos iiro insuflioiont food nnd poor siini tutioii tllltl inodioiil ï¬ttvttls hi April tho orgiiniution luunoliod ii oiiiiipiiign tiiisiil on tho slognn liotosight lroyonls lllindnoss lioliind tho oninpiiign is tho conviction of WHO ltlttltll tionoriil llnlldun Mnhlor tliii lilindnoss is not Just porsonnl trngody hut ii lniunoiiil hurdon otitliolilindporsonsooinitiy IltIIVlINIIONHIMILII lovontion oi lilindnoss is rolntivoly sitnplo tiold of tooth out iiotivity llr Mlilorsnid littor snniintiou nlono wllll oloinior wutor supplios iiiid liot tor porsonul mid oiivironiiiontiil hygiono Would significantly out down iniijoi lilindiiig oyo disousos suoli us trnoliouin Wlltl osttniutos it costs oiin 50 oonts to trout ouso of trii ohoniii $5 to roniovo oiitninot inid rostorosight and i2 oonts to provido onough Vitiiniins to protoot ii child torn yoiitiigiiiu st tl lilinding nutritioiinl disonso ltindnoss is provnlont in iill oountrios nlthough tho dovot oping stiiios of Africa nnd Asiu nro tho hnrdost liit About 2H porsons por I00000 inhnhilnnis nro lilind iii th llnitod Stutos ninkuig toliii lilttillptiptlltlllotlolJilliitltlt In Africa tho Itlt ruto is GRADUATES lohn lticliiirdson son ol Mr itiil Mrs ltltk Richardson of Park Stroot ltiirrio grsidiiiitod from tho tiiiyorsily oi Wostorii in ltllltl llll un honors liicliolor oi scionco dogroo in choinistr llo hiis ltll iirdod tii liiiiirio gindunto scholnrsliip and Ill coiiiinuo his studios zit ostoin Mr ltichiirdson is giiiduiito oi ltiiiiio toii trul tollogioio Iiiglindis lTolxliiidt dotightoi oi li tind Mrs ltoli litklldltll ot Mlillttllsti ghiiliinloil ioioiitli lll liiclioloi oi itts Ill siiii studios llltl tiiio irts trolii tlio liiiiisiti nt Windsor ind lltlltlill oi lTilitin tion troiii tho tliitiiio loiolioiss tollogo ttl loronto liss lilltlltll is gluiihinto oi oith tol Iogmlo liislitiito lllll hIs iccoptoil toicliini post tion in loiontii lllltlt tolin illor iocouod his first class honors tiiicliolor of arts dogroo in niiithoniniics iind licholoi ot oducatmn dogroo lliiltt oik lniyor sit tit tho Juno comocn tion il Villor is tho son oi Jmt ll llm HN ll illltl lrs lhillip Villor diiiihtoi oi li iiid oi tmirington Stroot ltgir th Ho Ho gluiduutod troin ltnoszrii ziiliiiiod till ltlttitt itl itttlit tltutii in Hilllhtiittili iliorip llotitlioi nixidtmio tit itiirio ortli tollogiiito studiod tor to yours at tolgiito lniursit lll No ork Stitc rind coniplotod ltii llt fl tni logiiito il York Mr illoi yiic ind is own coin koniix iind daughtor iiloirm ict ntitrifliiii tini mtt llt lll Scar ictorii llil1itl llilti borough ihoro li llltl li7ht lll touch it lioron lnrk liinior Public School Bridge ici ion at local club in iictioii iii tho ltiiriio ltuphcnto litidgo itiiti Juno lliino Mans ind Frod lXSJJHltth took first pldco in north south pin log lorc ind lir oodstoclx canio sooond illltl EILI Soinos illlil liiig louoll third to oust iost lioWiti illltl tinr tIdniunds canto first loin lturkc and Vtt no lliirt socond unit lion Hunt and in Smith third pin Hill icliiiol John Tiizk of In it Mondm liino Ls Luciollnflor anti 10 Mon Barrio graduated With it took first pliico in North iillr arts poltlltal South play loiin liniko iiid Sltmf and economies Doro Louis soconii iind Tm Mlthaols tollcgt Rick Snle and John lllttmlt at lixstiiikiiiitliiril 10 wring coniiwntion Ho msi may BN1 is gruduoto of 51 losoph and Bot llull ciinio iirst ills Nlmol and lAlSlVlt tllivo llcrsoy rind itillt 5lltli13 Nhtml HP Wllt lltlli socond itott tiinn mm his Sllllllts at tho tiioiilty oi lam it tho Morg limoll niycisit oi lronto tllglttllll and third ltoliori lrsor son of Mir iiiid Mrs tirsor of 10 tttiiy Avo ltnrrio gruduntod with on honors liucholor of arts dogroo Ill liusinoss ltllllltllHlllllttlll from tho liniyorsit ol Wostorn lntnrio grndunto of llSllt Socondiiry School ho hos nocoptod ll touching posi tion it tho school of husinoss idnunisirntmn ll Wostorn roloyo and Mrs tlrost tilonn Douglas son of Mr Kroloio oi 40 lnrion trs Barrio rocoiyod his hucholot of laws dogroo from tho liicult of ll lniyorsit ot Vostorn iln tnrio it tho luno comocn tion rocontl griiiiiiuto oi St losoph High School ind Barrio North tollogiiito lr Kroloyo is articling with tho firm of Moon Burgor ind lroon of Bar rio nhout ttio iorsoiis ot ovory l00000 but io proportion is il high is lll1illtttttlf ltl llggindn iiid iioiirly 1200 iii lxonyii ln Yonion noorly 4000 pooplo ol ovory loo000 iiro lilind lho proportion in Snudi Arulnii is it 000 iiiid L000 in Pakistan ln Fiji it Istionily 1200 TN MIA UM Mth lho llllttll onusos oi tilindnoss tn dovolopnig oounti ios nro tin ohoinii onohoooroinsis or tltt liliniltioiis nnil xoioplitliiiliiiio which rosults froiii Vitamin dolioionoy lrnolionin tlll nitootious dis onso Wllltll ittnoks tho oyos outor oonting nnd oini onuso liliudnoss is known to illoot nonrly 500 million poopio in oluding tzto inillioii poisons lll ltulin nlono Aliout two iiiillioii lltltllllllllt siillorors iiro liluid lho tlisoiiso con ho provoiitoil liy iinpiovuig hygtononndsniuiiition Atlvtiiitoil ousos tiootl tllttt surgionl intoryoniion wliioi tiikos only tliroo iiiinuiis to lttl torni ltui dovoloping ttllltlltltt soldoiii liiivo sulfioiont lltttlltfll tzioilitios to itiltll ynst niid soot torod po iulntioiis ltivor lilindnoss iiiioots iiliout 50 million pooplo iiiniiily in Al lltlt1tlilll Ill tlio Wosl At noon Voltii ltivor linsui whoro nlinost ono totitli ol lllt to mil lion populoiion uo ltltlll Illtl iti000iroliliiid llio disoiiso is oaiusoil by tho liliuktly wlnoli broods Ill inst running woll ttlitlttl yntors Adam and Eve ruin snakes reputation WliSl llltlltiltll totui tAll Louiso Milko suys siiiikos liiiyo liton goltiiig lind pulilicity suioo tho days of tlillll and Him Sho llltltlllttlllti thiit thoy iiiiiko nioo pots Mrs Milko should know Shi llith Itit lion oonsttnlois Slio liought lior tirst lroiii pot stoio Illtl tho soootid tloiii toniiootioiit lulilio lolovrsion Ittoltolillilooyozirsngo llio foot niothor Illtl in loot lnlhoi hllflktH look lliito yours to ioprmliioo Mrs Milko soul slio pliiiis to soil tho Ill liiiliy sunkos liiit only to pooplo who will tiiko propor tltt of tliolii fool strongly thit tlioy should not lio sold to soiiioono who Will got tind oi llttllt liko ui lInsloi look or soonthing likotlint Mrs Milko said tho liiliy ERMA lM BIQQK Stale ter eals sit on shelves It llll lHHlIHLl Whilo lillllil lloiiiliotk iiikis oll ilosoiwoil oiio iook Itt tion tltiilit tlio iippiirtiiii il to tutor sotiio ol hoi iiioit popular post coltniiiis Ilo toll kiiou lltl tho tltlth ttt tLilllll polishing oii ttl opoiiid lttl oi liltlllitl itltll in your cuplionid Woll tt illiiii ll llii llilltl itlikiils lioi tho lust II oiiu lllt lliltl no loss than Itoon or so liili tilltll lNIt Ill lllllllttl lilinkios Iiikl lxtiintliios tipliiii Sugar lir lii loistoil Kiiggliis lliiip it lloiio iiiil tiii Krispios Ho gultlloss iii litl iiti liio lioiii told thoso ioiodls Illtllli siiiip crucho or pop Ilii inst lll ihorooii tho lltlt ttlilll1l ionintitl llllllttllillt lltllll ii niontli Iiio lllittll in illllltillllttllltlll liioiikinst lhoii Hll lio no nioro cornii ptttiltdsul in this lioisi lllllll out up oyor siiiglolios that is opotioil llio tlt shorksl llltillltli tiiiily llitllc Why Hotiuso tlll no longor ii iord to support 12 hows oi into ponod coroiil luko this hm oi itlontod iliits lll soiiioono ouhl lllilllllll lioiiulit ior til oiiits itl xiili tt llltllilNllltlttlti71litlllli tt nticloir stilniniiino coiiiploi Htl otou iii if llilll litiY plans tor occupying on noctiout you nit ilso rc nionitior illittltltllll ilit tho stili tlllllll ilippod tool ii thit cost iiio sit JADE EAST RESTlRl index Nith of Sci to viuie Ngvh 39 39 NOW OPE Specialist in Polynesian hinoao di anadian dishes ine in our In limato Dining Lounge OPEN DAYS WEEK Fro Oolinry l0 ROOM clup ï¬r 7373910 The Barrie Examiner Saturday July W70 Shop Monday am to pm MOHCICIV Only MonitorBail Btiv lowers Prices Even Further ltlllillt liliiokflios sproud tho disonsi liy lonving holiind tiny tliroiiiliko Worms ns tlioy suck tho liltiod of luunnns thoy linvo hittoti lhi wornis lth for to yours roproi uoing prmligkiusly onoulntuig lll tho skin nosing torrililo itching rnshos ltllll ovontuully pnolriitnig tho oyos to onuso ilinduoss llio tly onn trnvol up to 00 niilot so it is inipossililo to ox ltllllllltllt nll ndult thos Wlltl tonmt uro working to oliininiito tho fllos oggs ttlltl tiny Wiggl iiig Ilivtio liy sprnying ilioir rivor lirooding grounds with oliouiliuls luirniloss to othor rivor lilo lho ditouso hits oiiusotl iiion to iiliiniikin tho rioh rivor hunks to sottlo hi fur nwny soiiii iirid urons whoro tho drondod flios onnnot ranch tlioiu No ooinplotoly siilo curos nro yot lviititihlo for tho vlottnis lho two known niodioiuos oflon onuso unploiisnnt sido ottoots Xtroplithultnin is onusod hy ninliiutrltion iiiid Vllitlllltl dolioionov Its usinil victims olnlilron told it cnn ho pro Vllllttl tiy vttuniin slip ploiiionts llio ilisoziso lilinds nourly Itio00 oliildron Iti llltlllt oiory yotii In iiiilistiiiilizotl wostorn ooiintrior tho iiinin onusos ot lilindiiosr itlt nooulonts dinho toi iind disoiisos arising from iyostrninntid ngo suoh its ontn root whitii nltools tho pupil siiitkos mo utilo to got nioiig oti llltll own iiltot thoy ftlt lioin lhoy dont look ltko liuliy stitikts hut liko iiiiuinturo adults Mrs Nilko wlioso intorosi in siiiikos 500 lliltk to hor olitltl hood oiioiungos lior oliildion tohkitlfoni Much of hoI tiino is dovotod to changing tho hnd unino siinkos how not uirod ovor tho yours Sinoo Atlnni nnd lflvo slio stud snzikos linvo iilwuys lNtll spokon of in oonnootion yitlisoiiiotliuiglind Sho givos doiiionstrzitioii loo turos to schools iiid oninps oiii pliiisiiing thon good points Mrs Milko sind slio ioiiohos tlllltlllll it young ngo not to tour sniikos llint wny thoy wont grow into ndults who linvo tioon lirninwnsliod hy tho snukos lind pross itililiillllil iiiiiiitlllililltil tiiijiiiiiiiiitiltiiiiiiziiitiir1iiiiiiitiiiuj ii in mum it Hill tllll Hion tho ooionl dutiit lllt tit our lirooktnsl tulilo run oii into tho siiou oiio iiior iiiiig lll iii liodrooiii slippors to liiistli to soiiio sluryuii lnitls uho pikod oiiio ll Il tlioii iiiigiiiil ltlltll llio lll llllltllltf lot iii iolil ttil lllt it This ooronl hos ilso l1ll llll us through tlirm innits llttll ooiiiitiiii tho putking sliippi iii tlltl tlJIlllI oosi iiotuiil sin lt Illi iltiiotoil tlll llllllt lll liotiso llltll put tiio linik LI tot lrups All iolloil this lltlllllt hos oi tt toil this lost its Siltlsi lIit up Iliimiiioiiiiiii ttll iotho gtoooix sloio tho ttltttl ulilIHs lilo tililtlttl lltiitl it liitl liloiil goitigto iiiio Hll iiiit lNl til ioiiuil llitl viistiod iiii sot ltlttllll litlitll1ll llilll llit int llltl iiiiiziiiiiitios iitl lltlt llintix lltll ttl Soggiim illll turn your tooth ptiipli ol got ltltiLlit lollios llio iniit liio Ill nutrition lltlittl liriciiloiisl llll singlo hm Ilttitlti Illi iiiiiioil liils lliiits grout siiiil iin piiticiilnrioisoii oih tlioioszitiiii1itkii in solo giiiirnntooil to tiiiko iiii thingdisiipiwiii General Electric 20 BlackWhite Portable For Dependable Solid State Viewing i15888 lilt lilJllil itnlo iliii titllt rpmitlv itllilitliilil untilinn itllttllllillltt llltl tlit Mir inim lmiri tiny Vlii lllti l1VEIIl1IrlyVÂ¥1ilirfillliylillE llitlit tirilytirtitiyloio ttliiitl thirty ii lilV iti tarp ril llll minr Mllltltl willy urlitlt rtmruwl llllitilltlli tIli4rtiiii mittmoi Delivered liiiii ltrit its poopli iith tho itplNHlttl Nt till litutl 6000 BTU Air conditioner with air freshener and speeds ApartmentSize Automatic Washer 211Zyj gt Does The We One 1i$1r=1ifbx wsivfcsewsisec rses as 41 v1hn cad Rainwszx my miw 98 are ors avs an 11 rie Rcvs amt rm 28 Deriveec HIGHWAY 26 27 BARRIE 7267053 SERVICE 1284700 In it BEA SBAD Btl