Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jun 1976, p. 8

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8The Barrie Examiner Friday June 25 1976 DAILY CROSSWORD WIN AT BRIDGE Young Jim adds to arsenal 60 AFTER THE WAR STORED MY MEDALS AND TURNED T0 Answer to Previous Puzzle QUEEN ilullltl TELWESIO Sanford and Son Night Beat News Across the itayi 422 Sara izvNigmpinal 155 3512 vMary Tyler 10 II Meiyinilliii M00 TJohnny Carson I0 MOVO The 72 George Anthony Movie Desperate Miles Final Edition Faithful Cilyl By TIIOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson Recen tly there was an interview on TV in which some doctors said thrombophlebitis arises from mental or physical strain This was during discussion of for mer President Nixons throttl bophlebitis thought long working days long hours standing much walking and fatigue were the causes of thrombophlcbitis Am Icoiieci Partially correct However you dont mention weakened tvaricosmii veins which must be there to begin with People With strong vein structure are not susceptible to such problems Weakcned valves cause faulty flow of blood uphill and this is aggravated by long periods of standing Sitting also places pressure on the abdomen and on important leg vessels nearby This abdomen pressure is reason why some women develop varicose veins in preg nancy Thrombophlebitis in flammation of vein wall with clot formation occurs where there is sluggish flow of blood tstasisr Leg injury infection or malignant growth elsewhere in the body can be factors along with the weak veins Incidentally about 40 per cent of men and 70 per cent of women develop some degree of varicose veins Walking does not promote varicose veins In fact it helps by promoting circulation to the limbs Nor can they be caused by tiring work unless it in volves long periods of standing or sitting Anything that pro yokes blood coagulation may lead to clot formation in these weakened veins Thus the con traceptive pill is discouraged for women with the problem There is no direct relation sth between mental strain and ombophlebitis There are yes too many obvious physical factors involved liter public life do nd man hours stan ing in reception linest rir case of former President ltgtor photographs of him seated usuall showed him to ar habitual kneecrosser places extra pressure on the veins supplying the legs and car contribute to the problem Dear Dr Thosteson The doctor told me my uterus was pulled away and was pushing the bladder and rectum out of Vniltlerl He suggested surgery although it is not ur gent Is this called prola sed uterus There is no ble ing Will it cause more trouble later on am 68 in good health and do not want an otkrationMrs MB You have the right name prolapsed uterus Prolapse meansfallingforward Organs are held in position by fibrous tissue When that tissue weakens as it can with the uterus in women who have had several children then both the uterus and the cervix descend into the vagina Eventually the bladder follows suit Much as you dislike the idea of surgery it mi ht be your best bet No it to burden your later years unnecessarily with such unpleasantness It is commonly performed operation with good success rate The surgeon secures the structures in their proper places Your good health is an other reason your doctor sug gests the surgery Thats plus for you and you should prob ably take advantage of it You also have the luxury of time in which to schedule the operation for when it best suits nu Meanwhile ring pessary in be inserted into the vagina is temporary aid If you are unalterably op posed to surgery essa can serve you tolerab wel for years Dear Dr Thosteson Can oranges cause damage to the kidneys or bladder know they are good for me but am in the habit of eating tw0 every night Does it matter when they are eaten thought maybe by eating timber 111E DOCTOR says Weakened veins are the reason them at night it might be had because of sleeping for about eight hours Mrs ltt No harm It doesnt matter when you eat them unless youre allergic to them In that case any time is bad in rare cases sensitivity to citrus fruits can cause bladder symp toms Dear Dr Thosteson just went in for my physical and my doctor told me have an en larged uterus am 47 and go ing through the change Is the change related to the enlarged uterus Ive had eight chil drenMrs The normal uterus is about the size and generally the shape also of pear It does of course enlarge greatly during each pregnancy Then it contracts to ap roxi mately the pear shape an size With several pregnancies it will tend to enlarge slightly Unless your doctor found some reason for concern there is nothing for you to worry about It is not re lated to the change Dear Dr Thosteson My doctor has advised me that cannot eat any foods containing gluten know gluten is found in flour so cant eat bread crackers potato chips pret zels cookies pasta etc Are there any other foods that contain gluten How about corn meal Is there any kind of flour that does not contain glutenMrs SH First question first Yes many other nonwheat products contain gluten You will have to become an expert label reader For example some puddings are thickened with flour So are some canned meats and prepared meats like sausage Some soup mixes con tain gluten Even some sher bets do Glutencontaining foods are too numerous to list even partially here Gluten is vegetable protein found in wheat buckwheat oats barley and rye also malt so all those should be avoided There are special lowprotein bread potato rice and corn mixes for those on glutenfree diets White potatoes and corn are usually tolerated but again be ware of those unless you can prove there is no gluten added Generally anything that rises in baking should be avoided It is gluten that gives dough its elastic quality and its peculiar ability to rise when gas is released by yeast in the baking process The usual reason for people not being able to tolerate gluten is the inability of the intestines to absorb it properly This is called the celiac syndrome puffedout abdomen thinness fatty stool and muscle weak ness What became of Bailey SAINT JOHN NB CP Where is Bill Bailey these days What became of that slim dapper hockey coach whose teams of three decades ago were feared opponents Hes back home Bailey known throughout New Bruns wick for his attention to detail and spirited urgings for vic tory has just spent the winter coaching his favorite game He is having the time of his life he says coaching in the Saint John Oldtimers League where his club recently wrap ped up the league cham pionship after thirdplace regularseason finish Winning titles is not new to the tall wiry and funloving coach who is workshop fore man at the Saint John Drydock Co Ltd To many it seems like yester day when his high school clubs were always threats and when one of his teams won the Mari time high school title In reality it was more than 30 years ago when Baileys Saint John high school club whipped scrappy Sydney NS Academy team for the big one potatoes corn VIRGO Aug 23Sepl 22 this is one of those days where you respond well to challenge Dont look for pmhlruns but dont iiin from them either LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 itle away in the hack of your mind lessons learned today through petzonal experience iaitei tliny can be used idvnii indentist SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 to hold today but not tiiollini iv tti achieving your pitipomii ll iiiavado is called for lino it litii use it NlRtly SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Hit answers ytiiiic ltitikititi fill ciiii lio foiiiid itdny liy Itlih iiit iiiii iiioiileiiis ttl Willi lIN Iif have Ultfitirint iii CAPRICORN Doc 22Jnn 19 Min may spot Iztitiioilittiq ittiliy that could mean some tll titlilt fni lil it you do riioyn iiiiiniiiily imimv tliii tip iioriiiiitty hides AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 to Qilft to consult with lil male today Itfttff matting Qiiili of tho iiiOlIitill plans Hts idem tiiiiiti iilrii out in he lots more fun PlSCES Feb 20March 20 Filtiiilyrnfltilittf itittytties Will affciid you the iiientest pleaSiire today Be sure that even the smallest members are included June 26 1976 Several new Interests this year Will prove to be both fun and profitable Expose yourself to Situations where you can meet forgighied enterprising peo ple tNFItIBLIIS VARY PORTINSCALE England CP Appeal organizers at Rochester Cathedral have re ceived cheque signed by Quicksilver and Quincetwo cats with batik accounts The cats are owner Beatrice Hills way of giving to cathedral res toration funds Every week she pays five pence into their ac counts and signs the cheques in their names Wilma ofw advice on dry Cleaner Iii iolli ti iimei Pollys Problem IIIIMI ltll My white civpc IiItillkt Wtlll to ilit di cleaner with IIII pants quit it iiiaichis It came hack till iilsi stains on it that taliiitii ltlllIWt tIftl flying main things Him im also mark on IIIt tIVtI pants siiii li suggestionu IllIiIlY III II liliIIIH My suggestion is that you made ii gr ue eiioi in not taking iiiii blouse and still bitch in tha tII cleaner If they made the spots they should have iciiioiiil tlieni ltil III Il Illll iiiiiiillc am VII the sponsoring Itititf ctiiiipaiiies do not lilplfil llil ciilici Attached is sample lliitll was lIlt loser as use to ilfllllt two wantmf HIIIIiIJZY llcloic starting to paint iioiiiid lllt housi gluc papci illiilt to the lioiiolii of IIlt can so it catches ally Milli di ips This AIM pitnides handy Illvltf to lay the brush pi lHIlltlx on both sides and was not iiilti This is Hill the lust Illilt have had flilk liappcn lili li ltllIY MARY Packing suitcases is my long till when not in use IllAli Itlll hayc been an All loicc wile for 20 yiars and visited 21 itiicign countries choose polyester type clothes as tilitll as possible loiii iiiitly and llltll roli each item iiiio Jelly roll to go in the suitcase pitcc of cardboard Willi slit in ii anti balloon stuck in it are put iii my suitcase Illow up the balloon and you have wig stand Thought those planning summer vacations might llkt this BIIITYII IINIZ soriicones birthday etc buy it riglil then you can send that might otherwise be forgotten Just for giggle Polly remembering names is my hang it Mrs fump MRSUMI My Iel Itivi with iicvvspapii people who do not httli hack of ihc pages it which coupons lIl run and pilot llltill iiii liotli sides of the page Iflll making some ll1it flli To hard boil eggs without cracking them take the eggs out of lllt refrigerator at the time put the water on to boil When it starts to boil dip large spoon in the water set the egg in the water in the spoon and wait for the egg to warm before lowering it into the pan of water This has always kept them from cracking when boil them MRS if iliisiit ItlliY When sec card that fits for address the envelope put the mailing late where the stamp wrll eventual ly go and keep all these IllttI by dates One look at them and am reminded arid do not miss special dates nor forget to buy card never have the trouble of trying to find the right one at the right time If you do this think how many happy messages so try to associate the names with words things and so on Well have learned to be careful about that as told an old lady tllkt met to just remember what we did to the pump when the water would not come for remembering my name lit is frimci She introduced me all evening as ycs you guessed gingh suit plays dont think know them all by now but didnt back linen line of the first learned was the so called Obligatory lintsite learntd it quite accidental ly It was that same tourna ment that won with life iiiastci lliil liriggs when was just starting The defense started with three rounds of clubs ruffed the third club and promptly led heart to dummy Maybi West Would hop up with his two anti Iit mt make what looked llkt an iiiipossibli con tract lliat didnt happen Ift playtd low and had to put up duimiiys king drew trumps stopping in dummy led back heart toward my Iiand went into famine and finally played iip WITH YOLR HEARTlWT 5TEVIE 15 EFAFZTING CLUB TO COMPETE FRIENDEJHIPQLJB WINTNROP SHEQIFF THE BOYS OVFR AT THE CASINO HAVE BEEN BErnNON your CHAiLCFSw in thrown to the floor KERRY DRAKE BUGS BUNNY l5 OKAY MAN WILL HAW1 TO PLAY ROLE OF A5 lefty tries to return nor MARM MF guyI gum Gamma the sugar cubes which My Pi the saumel monkey has DONT BELiEVE lT ej WHEN var nice THE MOONUANLE KI AT HIGH NOON VOURF Si lGHI UNUEfsIUG l5 OKAV MiGCHiEf ffI ICM 167 MIN I5ONLV TRYING CA UNBEAK THAT WORMOK iLi COME Our THERE AND rte Your FACE in KNQT ii Ive FlNALLY soweo ALL THE PROBLEMS IVE bEEN HAVING WITH MY TEACHER Miss luv Moi fable im in FUNNY BUSINESS now THiS is one DELOXE HOME emeeminiienr CENTER leCll in Aboiriou To COLOR Tv AimFM iviEzt ereeeo mono AuD TAPE FEATUQES DIRECT Piionei Lle To the PizzA PAQLOQ OF 68002 CHOICE launched company of 30 danc ers including herself in mixed program of pas de deux and oncact ballets at Eaton Audito rium in 1951 SIZNI FILM SCRIPTS MONTREAL CPI When the National Film Board of Canada invited Canadian women to submit short dra matic scripts for possible films they received replies from 661 women who sent 900 scripts WANTS DAY CARE HALIFAX tCi Dr Joseph Lauwerys former director of the Atlantic institute of Educa tion has recommended that daycare centres be established in some elementary schools to give children an early op portunity to mix with older children He decreasing school enrolment makes this perfect time to try his plan ANDY CAPP ASK YUURSELF IS iT RIGHT To BRING HiM HRSCADD COULD HAVE WORD thit BORN lOSER THE END WIZARD OF ID SHE TRANSFEKRED linens FRANK ERNEST SIDNEH WIHEUJX AND iA liff UNIT ova ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER VICTOR has cash register tailored to your business inquire about the individual Clerk Responsi features at Whitfield OFFICE OUTFITTERS Youve HEA mom HIM THATé Jusirr CANT GET iM To COME WHEN ES SOBER bility and Complete Profit Control 29 Dunlop 137020l WELL THAT QIOULO RAISE THE LEVEL OF lNIELLibENCE iil 80TH JUQTIFIES lHE HAHANOUIR ire BEEN MONTHQ Hiree WEONE wouw manages l6 witmo AerNe AND THE To RIDE BY Your WANle TENSION i6 00 no UNBEARABLE THATS ALL RIGHT 11 0051 Ship coop MoRNlNG THIS You CAPTAIN SPEAKiNG Oimrimi in to as IM in IS $5255 AilaoEigNgynytxéiy Fitters GAB RATtAER Etggfllrgflifgiggg nt do Powaizrfiq ROCKING gulps AND HE ELL NORTH low heart West had to play £33333 mm 38 figiiinmw EMHigfggffijmiiIIEIHg at ca so AND DRINKING GLAssgs MADE 97 hIS ace and my rather poor Food tish 39 Golf gadgets Emnaiflldifiilw lat17 For Saturda June 28 1976 contract had waltzed in North Atlantic 40 Small boys oilt4 Ill 31 strait TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO Antes Marti 21Apiii 19 ifngREBCUYfés BUT wme fish 42 Above contr ggggmgngamfigg II HAMILTON PETERDOKOUGH Make game out at the tasks ii 12 Fish 8995 43 Gauchos THE GREAT 13 Freshwater 44 Can Zn15 HHHH tacmg you Oday Your Chances AMERICAN game fish pt 46 Grain bristle EHIIIEQFFEJ lll3illll for success increase it you WEST in IZASI 14 Peer Gynts as Tree with rnion Vinnie dont take things too seriously obligafgrly What an is 23 rembing fatme JEiié misting 600 too we eaves 24 iii 227News iaooonnv mam formecnaiienqei TMIRUS Pm 20 20 1t 02 Todays article gives an ex suffix 51 Incursions Piece out caSi9f°8h 3Wrestiinq 35tMAsH an 50 b9 Vflv emfilansmg it it 67 ample The only way Jim 16 Greek letter 55 Pedal digit gable support 32 Away from the 514 Hours 2The Practice 4M rv Grlfll BY Or 39 TeaSOOS 17 Route tab 56 Brief ormer Win it Definition mo in The wants and needs of loved M1 dwby mum make hS COP 18 Glacial ridge so Latitude abi Russian rulers 33 Edible mo 1R°c° 95 7M0Ve FWSWS ones will motivate you ti tract after West held back his 20 Lariat user or Spanish cheer Manyboned freshwater iish 2377 ZcimiiS FMW ti ace on the first heart lead was 22 Used in fishing 62 Makes level Ireshwater fish 39 Common Apaftmeam MachoCallahan Movie ti Remember GEMINI May 21Juno 20 to play low and hope that the 24 Revised 53 Small shield to Bone comb sandwich tisn JsiaSunshlne Hour Mama Plan Is schedue oda or Standard 64 Writing form 41 Same tab IOOSpace i999 3230With Flvlnn Colors 9gloyleLovelso yount 28an bored S38k 102 would have to be played Version ab Implemem Foes 45 Bury 25 65 47 522 45 ESBSINews vcfandom Country ir Mgvlae 5°m9h9 dleem West North iJiit South MM 312 66 Japanese com 21 EBibl fig ggéfepgmsh xp orcrs Sh Odd Couple formy am siiiflflosrztffiiia CANCER June 217Juy 22 PM niativee as now 23 ngge game 50 Hammer head ToTeli The Truth ysmstty and Hutch 100 This should be profitable day Pass Paint Plum 3o Mldde Eas Gwa Lake sh 52 Islands Fr SanfordanUSion 22News rneMidnioiit Special for you but not necessarily T0 in awe 2C0unness 24 suckerish 53 Sma ii oleaggxamtiion gisalffiaoce 50 rbaookies through your own efforts Your lefsJr own land 34 Summers in years 25 com 54 gesgwaier 130 LNEM MMMW pom benefits will come to you iii MARK ANNIVFRSARY 35 Alcoholic Onionllke bulb 26 iiaiian volcano en er liquor Nonflowering 27 Strong grass senseless CESLEIIYI ii Country Way AlwaysRlnqs Twice directly Ify Oswald it ltimr it Iiii oliy vaUNTU GP Celebra 36 Bombay mam seed stem 57 Mgr before Reach For The rep LEO July 23Aug 22 Youll wm my mum wfly in tions for the National Ballet of 37 Mariners Mimeograph 29 Entice fish 58 Legal pOinI s°Spares l0230 100 be happier today being with Kan mi an brmw Canadas 25th anniversary will de°° an 31 Us 59 snow 5cm andMsses T°mVM MwiNPW frimis hi it hiv MM Chips moo 105 my own did get little long fillII tovclr IOda Peg 32 iPierre Berton 23 ii it Movie The Pursuit SWW litintitl unmvers nNagizTNhatgunc 22 Be My Guest ow wet Happiness mixing Willi ilti unfamiliar Llnfgliwrxt giddy NOV 12 marks 25 year to the 20 820° Late Edition Movleiilieltouse riiitht whcn Lelia Pranca first CANT BE CHOOSERS so an we vussrbio

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