Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1976, p. 14

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14The Barrie Examiner Saturday June 19 1976 Newspapers Get Things Don SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND THE FARM vvaVW eFor P90ple CommunitiesAdvertisers 7282414 DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE mitt PROPERTY FOR SALE the home follcs PROPERTY FOR SALE RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE IllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllll LEPAGE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Barries One Man Real Estate Office For results without confusion PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PETER who about People cflflhflnn 10 Collier St rrie 7284401 S°w 47COLUERST DirectTarontoaLine 3646625 Llllflllllllllllllflllijlllillfllflllo ljlEAWSIITE CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street HORSE FARM br home on acres scenic land large barn Only BARGAINS BARRIE ANGUS INNISFIL $2500090 Simcoe StANGUS2 bedroom bungalow $299008 Frederick StBELL EWART2 bdrm winterized cottage 538900256 Tiffin StBARRlEbungalow with attached garage FOR PROMPT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 TThSTF JL 38 OLLIER STREEI ASSOCIATES LTD 73711611 AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES $73000 Don Allan 4872412 bedroom older home garage implement shed bank barn 99 ACRES featuring 1600 sq ft remodelled modern bungalow beautiful view Asking $69900 Trout creek along rear of property 20 minutes from Barrie Asking INGRID MILLER 7284998 BERNlE ROTH 73700 $69 900 Make an offer LOU GALLANT 7264651 ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 HIGH DRY BUILDING LOT 147 155 mature trees corner Con DON MILLER 364507 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 cession Ora and Ridge Road Open for offers JUN EéUTZIVZICSME ravinfe lot in Aligndale Heigtxsi2 full pc KAREN pAWLlK 7374096 Vic SMALL 4362305 can Mary Foster no toll 322 18 Wm excellen financing 9p ace lvmg room mg $79900 TW WET WWW WW MyVETTTWWflmid if Morg Wood no toll 4373149 Lorry Wood no toll 4873148 Esme Kennedy 424547 Bob Sounders 7263883 GENERAL STORE AND POST OFFICE miles from Barrie in an ex PROPERTY FOR SALE Stewon 7284153 Marion Bryk 7286405 pending area bedroom living quarters Leo Cavanough 7231207 Ross Batstone 7263043 35 SPRINGHOME RD BriCk bun 777W ga ow With many features 20 20 TTT rec room with floor to ceiling fireplace baths hardwood floors wasoga BeOCh mahogany trim and doors 60 135 lot well landscaped mor $53900 rooms swimming tgage close to schools bus stop Asking $54900 pool circular drive near 100 ACRE FARMJarge frontage on Can 10 lnnisfil iust east of 27 everylhing huge lo Hwy Barn is sruitable for mixed hausing the house has been SENTRY REALTY LTD moderniled wit new wiring plumbing heating Excellent paten i416766747 43 31 tial for training track Askin $139500 9c GO AHEAD Treat yourself To real home Th JUN Is ric unga ow has 1800 sq ft finished nestled on acre wooded lot Double garage large deck super master bedroom with its own ensuite SPACIOUSSBEDROOM BUNGALOW bath Too many features to mention here but this was built by WEEKLY SPECIALREDUCED PRICE 2storey 3bedroom home located on two large lots in the quiet village of Wyebridge The garage and extra lot make this an ex cellent buy at only $31900 Owner has purchased new home and must sell try your offer today Call Dave nights 3221283 LOOKING FOR QUIET COUNTRY HOME Want large treed lot Then this new bedroom brick alum bunga0w is just what you have been looking for Call now for an appointment to see yOUr new home Asking only $41500 with financing available to your down payment Call Dave nights 322 1283 ENJOY THE POOL Located in the privacy of the backyard of this three bedroom bungalow Finished rec rm large vegetable garden and garage Located just mi from Elmvale Owner has purchased new home and must sell Asking only $32000 See y0ur new home today Call Dave nights 3221283 Ju19 72631 RSI RA III 11 ST HARRI Il Photo Multiple Listing Service REDUCED TO $45900 198 Wellington St East bedroom bunga0w with rec room 1z baths breezeway attached garage good existing mortgage REDUCED TO $32900 bedroom bungalow with family room located an 85 150 ft lot Pine River Road Angus Good existing mortgage 62 ACRE HOBBY FARM on Highway 26 iust east of Minesing With large kitchen and living room dining area piece bath en closed front and rear porch areas Garage with storage and workshop area Camp Borden Road at Alliston Asking $50000 ttthil tht $1000 DOWN $45900 br bungalow fam rm 11 first mtg childogalldlglzjzrgldlilflm lus pas mm Abdrm BlllROblllard 726414 Daphne Cres Sue Drennan 7370437 349900249 Tiffin Stlot 71 4253 bdrm bungalow 320 Thotmson 321927 NEW HOME 25 ACRES Alliston area br SS LR HP wos CALL Muriel Jeffery 07370011 or Res 7266383 r° °° TF baths rolling land stream Drennan 7370437 COOL OF THE SUMMERPOOLSIDE MODERN HOME near Alliston br brick bungalow Dr Lr rec rm we have lived badr°°ml 5P°Il°55 Side 3pm Prime patio garage ondscaped 01 Drennan 7370437 residential of Barrie Home features good sized rooms family room REAL ESTATE EXCELLENT STARTER HOME Angus br brick bung good shape mhsggfigfflc°bgr9f2dol 32 q° ms only 93 DUNLOP STREET EAST large lot garden area Vendor anxious Drennan 7370437 7282419 68 WHY NOT BUILD YOUR OWN HOME Excellent bldg lot 150 250 ot ATTSOAETRIE NE SUNS OPEN DAMand new DUNLOP 7283293 lw Prk 320005 SD $51 an ae mg 53 eroom ac spiwi ou ecar EAST Cwso er own renn°n7 03 garage Beautifully maintained home and yard You w0uld be prOUd bungalows 5pm levels and JUST LISTED newly decorated br brick bung on quiet street close to own this home CALL Peter at 7370011 or 7263916 5°Y5 55 bédr°°mSI to plaza schools $29900 Drennan 7370437 brick and aluminum stding and EALTOR NEWUSTING WA QUALITY ON OVER3ACRES WITH STREAM POOL 525 LOTS open Houw Weekdo RNICA RD br bftCk bungalow 75 200 lot 26 There are too many qualities to list to describe the abundant Pm and 630 to pm hr Your Y5 Saturdays to 26 rec rm broadlaom $44900 West 7269672 BEGINNERS DREAM OR RETIREMENT SPECIALo terrific buy at $32500 425 ft deep lot with stream year old electric heated bungalow immaculate conditon $120 year taxes try $3000 down FULLY BROADLOOMEDsituated on quiet street close to shop ping and schools this bedroom home features family room with fireplace and walkout plus neatly finished rec room IV baths at tractively decorated Asking $57900 Make appointment today 23 ACRES OF TREESprivacy and view Ora Twp high and dry Asking $36900 Financing arranged low down payment BEDROOM2 storey brick home on 51 120 lot on Dufferin St Garage part basement living room large attic Asking $38900 BEACH RIGHTScome with this bedroom bungalow on large private lot at Big Bay Point owner will assist with financing $37900 28 COLLETTE CRESthis home must be seen to be appreciated large brick fireplace on lower level full games room with bar large bedrooms fenced lot garage $54900 $5000 DOWN to one mortgage bedroom two storey house on large lot main floor laundry room dining room paved drive at tached garage GEORGIAN BAYPicturesque hunting fishing lodge with year round facilities located near Britt Ontario 35 miles north of Parry Saund Vendor must sell Listed at $79900 with vendor to take back Ist BELIEVE IT bedroom in Barries east end with car garage fen ced yard for $48000 with maximum down payment of $2900 OWNER ANXIOUS to sell this bedroom raised sidepslit in Barrie east end near Georgian College Asking $56900 features of this quality built home with 4600 feet of living area $53900 SHANTY BAY RD Terraced back yard surrounded by gracious trees enhance this bdrm country home See the many unique features by calling OR PENNETT 7370011 $29900 we 13 ACRES Old Barrie Rd Oro Excellent building site PENNETT 7370011 ACRE MIDHURST Century storey surr0unded by gargeOUS mature trees Exclusive area miles north of town OR PENNETT 7370011 SUNNlDALE PARK $115000 GorgeOUs ravine lot complete privacy and your own inground kid neyshape pool Breathtaking view over valley Ranch style 20 year old bdrm home Complete with luxurious carpet equipped kit Chen formal dining fireplaces baths OR PENNETT 737 0011 BIG BAY POINT WATERFRONT $175000 Architecturolly designed all year waterfront home backing on golf course with 158 waterfront bdrms completely furnished dream kitchen with every appliance professionally landscaped Call AL BILBROUGH 4362297 AE LEPAGE ONTARIO LTD BAYFIELD STREETBARRIE ONT737OOI Ju19 355 78 ACRES of tread land for $29900 near Flesherton Ontario IN TOWN BRICK TRIPLEX on lnnisfil 5t with good income and tenan ts paved drive and fenced lot Asking $79700 THIS WEEKS BEST BUY Asking $50900 features 88 142 lot 1424 sq ft stone and brick bungalow all rooms oversize stone fireplace in living room brick fireplace in finished rec room both with heatilator broadloom throughout Excellent financing quality builder for himself BAYSHORE ESTATESSplit entry bungalow very good housekeeping with extra bedroom downstairs roughedin fireplace Mortgages DAVID WAS Ill Al ElsAIE III 7264651 Appraisals DAVE WASS CRA 7284651 53 Marshall Street Modern bedroom storey brick with family room baths inspection Salesperson at sales THE RIVERWOOD BROOKE wood Farm sodded front and rear and side yard and much more Plan T0 qualitied purchasers up to $100 monthly rebate first year of ownership through Assisted Home Ownership SUNNlDALE RD br 1600 It 55 In do be 100 275 fireplaces internal vacuum system authentic clay brick exterior as off on Hi 40000 to com ot Ce WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION LA YVATERRO°NT reggcedl o£gi1n°e loads sand ballad Audcrey treed lot August goth occupancy choose YOU own colors fixtures well as car brick detached garage miles from Barrie CALL Peter Avenue YOUR ngSEGHPJQéPgago or 726261 trim Wes 7264672 for all details GT 7370011 01 7263916 Ju19 Jui9 3700 SO FTprestige area5 br Dr HP circular oak stair case 533000 ACRE TREED LOT now vacant new Joe son 7262090 Plus bedroom home off Con 12 lnnisfil Bright cheerful interior is PROPERTlES MORTGAGES John cramlord 487 5955 Peter Sheswell 7284930 Bi Mccrear 728 18 Mabel Marshall 7268603 Phil Franchette 7282619 Roger Shelswe 4872920 65 Corby Adams 7286829 well worth seeing OR PENNETT 7370011 Dorohy MccQuorrie 7286358 Helen Ho kins 7281662 ACRESclean well kept storey mile from Some sep lOls 5100509 7288082 DOVd Shelswe 4876560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 Gem workshop 20 30 $48 900 Joe Dyson 7262090 $57500 PEACOCK LANE IN ALLANDALE Lorena Coulson 7260423 Jim Cross 7262159 11 99 5° 7268927 AUdTeY MOISlOll 4362880 mm la le horn on ersize fenced lo Quiet cudesoc 7A ANTEN MILLS 2600 sq ft sentry huge rec rm FP heated pool ecu ve WV WTTw makes this very desirable location bdrms baths wet bar In ange ouse $87500 good fun Dyson 7262090 family rm Call OR PENNETT 7370011 ORO STATION br Dr new brdlm 120 180 lot of todays better ID buys $35500 52000 down Dyson 7262090 mass EHAQI9 MORTGAGNGREALTORORELOCAN N0 TOLL BARRIE EXECUTIVE $15000 dawn brick and alum storey bdrms baths family rm with fireplace games room double garage paved drive All appliances water softener elec garage dOOr TV tower Pine LS REALTOR APPRAISALS $42900SOUTH OF TOWN treed lot with swimming pool mi of City Don Rumble 322 98 BAYHELD ST BARRIE 72874067 TORONTO 416889 9487 on 75 200 ft lot Beautifully landscaped huge garden gas BBQ 33 and patio off kitchen View the attractive interior by calling JUDY OPEN7DAYSAWEEK WEEKDAYS UNTL9 PENNETT 73700 $45795 With Only $4600 DOWN If you and your wife earn about $18500 you probably qualify to buy at River 10 day move in some plans or when school is out Detached single family homes from 1115 square feet to 1643 square feet plus oversized basements and bedrooms and washrooms Country size lots 55 to 60 feet wide 105 to 150 feet deep We include such items as walltowall broadloom range and oven refrigerator Amtico vinyl asbestos tile in kitchen bath and entry area ceramic tile around tub and shower double stainless steel kitchen sink insulated secure steel entry door fully weather stripped insulated all exterior walls and atticmodern forced air gas heatingfully Take Hwy 400 North to Hwy 26 and 27 North Proceed short distance to Cundles Rd Turn left and follow the signs to River wood Farm I1 BEDROOM ALUMINUM SIDING HOME and family room Double garage paved drive Asking $56900 fireplaces electric heat TRY AN OFFER on this estate home at Shant Ba The builder will brocleOm dOUbl° 99099 With attached separate apartment close to downtown Alliston Located on large double lot priced to sell $65000 enher hnSh or so as ASk9 5123900 verY AX°US Other exras BEDROOM STARTER HOMEneeds some work good in $77500 HUMBER HEIGHTS ESTATE vestment for young couple Asking $29900 Principals only By ap room split level ranch style bungalow with large bathrooms BEDROOM IMMACULATE completely broadloomed home with P°l° wall to wall carpeting Located on 22 acres of land beautifully lan CROSSMAN 728 1615 dscaped property adioins acre lake Sprinkler system for 90 bOth levels fully finished Rec room with split fieldstone fireplace or dens $93400 and washroom on lower level Patio doors to large cedar deck and Mvrffiff USLE AREA lreed yard Asking only $58700 with mortgage COM 18 RE bedroom brick house with bathrooms large living room and kit LDG SITE ngh andldry ll homage Cleared INVESTME NT With some mature hardwood mile east of Con Oro on Bass 00d chen With sliding doors to patio Finished recreation room in Lake Siderood $36 000 $555565 ifigjeiparifffigofigSwlgfinty basement located on large lot by paved highway price $55000 paved parkina private Tclcphoné Jule 19 25 26 JUST LISTEDA four level side split broadloam three bedrooms 1416775 2877calect mv shaped living dining room partially finished family room with SANDY CQVE acres beautiful patio walkout roughedin fireplace and second washroom on an 3221255lgririlinloginrleévilzifilllcihti deck $37900 Pat Quinn Real Estate REAL STATE IIMIII It 7281566 10 R038 STREET BARRIE ONTARIO BUILDING LOTABth Medonte close to ski areas for permanent or seasonal residence health and bldg permits available Reduced to $11500 Call Roy Harriman 7281566 or 7268280 EAST END BACKSPLIT large bedrooms bathrooms family 80 x190lat $57900 LARGE 10t° MORTGAGENearly new brick bungalow acre landscaped lot close to Lake Simcoe in Oro Township $52900 TRY $2000 DOWN and enjoy carefree summer In this room cot tage lust north east of Barrie Beach rights and fireplace are two features THREE BEDROOMS family room fireplace double garage paved drive intercom lovely landscaped grounds and fenced yard feature this prestige back split at $58500 20 BURBANK PLACE3 bedroom semidetached back split Finished family 3m Extra large lot $39900 EXTRA LARGE bedroom in Midhurst Finished family room with fireplace Large separate dining room quality home for $116000 Limited737 1414 PRIVATE WASAGA beachfront bedroom cottage Fieldstone fireplace 190 50 lot choice location tantaslic view Write to Box R43 Barrie Ex aminer INVESTMENT PROPERTY good in come brick triplex $59900 Private sale Call 728 9799 during business hours IF YOU are house hunting drive by 79 High Street 97 Peel Steel and Vine Crescent Also have bedroom mobile home Telephone 726 8366 Eric Dewsnap Realtor SUNNlDALE RD area quiet residon tial street $47000 cash bedroom recreation room treed lat Write to Box R46 Barrie Examiner WASAGABeach frontage bedroom YCSDKUIEIE PRICE To Gravenhurst 325 BEAT THE PRODUCT ANYWHERE 8321 BUILT BY room afien concept from the lovely kitchen car attached garage Ju9 cottage tleld stone fireplace land side we out to large patio This is one of the cleanest brightest Harold Davis 7287543 Scam6 lot 59 190 Write BOX 43 Immaculate homes in Barrie Call me to see it and you wont be PaulArbour 7263897 Frank Haoey 7280676 Sg€dmulcryor quick We owne sorry Al Calhoun 7281566 or 8352742 no toll MLS Norman McMillan 7268957 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Iranslerred III bedrogm Bpiece bathlI ca REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE74 acres streams small barn with at Laiizn arrkaLeWiLde €5$m° REE Rgsmjgzg R9 at water and hydro bedroom home bathrooms fire lace in the V°s am al97783°° don TV room games room workshOp etc Separate 2pcar garage 39 CU 7284067 l°Y Brewer 7299745 $50392agedtgorggfigangmgwlgfé with breezeway to patio Call me to see Al Calhoun 7281566 or JOh c°lw°ll 7267726 Harry MaQL 7263864 laacre lot close to city An egcelFant buy om $52742 no toll MLS Jul9 Doug Baker 7283274 800 All srfnelfecaioepfitgefigftirimgsoali37 0939p

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