Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jun 1976, p. 1

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Outside workers will meet over city offer Barries 72 outside the offer until after the Council agreed to most clause meaning employees ty offer last month of per Other Barrie city canask forconciliation The city IS Continuing workers members of local meeting at the citys opera clauses in the contract which pay thefirst$250fabilL cent wage increase instead employees do not have den The outside workers work negOtiationS With 27 1533 If the Canadian Union of tion centre on Ferndale is valued at about 75 per cent ofadental care plan tal plan in the public works recrea firefighters members of the RIM Employees CUPEl Drive over the 1975 contract but Estimated cost of the plan tion and parks departments Internauona Association of meekwedneSday to Mr Deason said Jim would not agree to basic without the deductible clause Other municipalities are City firefighters have for the city They maintain of dISCUSS he CitYS latest Con Anderson CUPE represen dentalcareplan is $10000 for the next six mon starting dental car plans says asked for dental plan in city parks and property Firefighters IAFFl den tract offer tative from Toronto and one ths This is equal to per Mr Deason including St otheryearS operate street sweepers the tall plan is not included in the Gary P885011 local presi of the locals negotiators will The city is offerin dental centwageincrease Thomas Waterloo Colling If the outside workers re sanitary landfill site and do list of demands from the dent said he cannot discuss discusstheoffer plan With $25 eductlble The local turned down ci wood policeandOrangeville ject the contract offer they otheroutside jobs firefighters EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Circulation 7266539 Sunny with cloudy periodsj today Main sunny an Classdied Advertismg 7282414 warmer Friday Low tonight Other Departments 7266537 13 hlgh Friday 27C Ulir Tantra Examiner The Barrie Examiner 112th YearNo 142 Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday June 17 W76 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly leages Se MAR ILNST left and Mariane Cancilla led delegation of parents to the Simcoe County Roman Ca tholic Separate School Board Wednesday to ask for help in eliminating safety hazard at the in tersection of Codrington and Mulcastcr Streets where children must cross on their way to St Marys Dorian is sorry for adverse publicity BY PETER DEPODESTA Examiner Staff Reporter Dorian is sorry Not for calling an 82unit townhouse subdivision slum and disgrace but for the adverse publicity which followed her remarks Mayor Parker sent each of the families in the subdivision letter dated June but most of the residents are sen ding the letters back Theyre not happy with the attempted apology The mayors letter ad dressed to all residents of Parkview Gardens subdivi sion on Donald Street said May say Im sorry for the adverse publicity which your homes received due to my statements at the June lst planning board meeting May also ask you to read on for moment while explain my views on AHOP Assisted Home Ownership Program pro jects am not against AHOP developments as they do fill need in our society and assist those who qualify to purchase home that otherwise they might not have been able to ac quire am not in favor of making AHOP develop ment mandatory in all areas of our city Under the Planning Act municipali ty does not have such jurisdiction However from planning point of view do feel that AHOP projects should be ap proved on limited basis and have strict main tenance and upkeep con trols It was never my intent for my Comments to be of fensive to anyone ar whcrcinthecity Elaine Winters kinder arten teacher at Johnson Street public School leads Wayne Beatty vice president of the condominium corporation which represents the residents said most of the letters were given to him un til the corporations ex ecutive decides what to do NOT PLEASE Mr Beatty said the mayor did not apologize for her remarks and the people realize this and are not pleased We didnt want the mayors comments on AHOP housing he siad The major complaint with the letter he said is that its not easy for the children to understand Mr Beatty said the children at Parkview Gardens are taking the comv merits more personally than theadults The mayor has claimed her statements were taken out of context at the boards meeting She said she was referring to townhouses in general and did not specify any single development Mayor Parker sent memo to the planning board asking the board to defer approval of the minutes from the special board meeting June until the next meeting She is at conference for mayors in Vancouver this week The mayor said there are definitely some references that are attributed to me which were not made and would like to have the minutescorrected The minutes taken by the planning department staff say the mayor discussed the Donald Street townhouses mentioning they were being run down and that the city did not need any more of them her future class through game of Farmer in the Dell Wednesday Negrt School They said the iii tersection is too busy and difficult to be manned by school age crossing guards Examiner Photo Mr Beatty said the townhouses were sold under the AHOP regulations which limit the size to 1100 square feet and cost 339500 Most of the homes are owned by young people who were living in the city before they bought he said This is not bedroom of Toronto most of the people also work in Barrie The development is not comparable to an Ontario Housing Corp rentgeared toincomc project he said because the residents own their houses The people are first time house buyers who have at least one child he said Were just people trying to get ahead Mr Bcatty said there is some discrimination from the city because it is con dominium development He said the residents are paying about $23 each in the town houses for garbage collcc tion They have to pay the $6 person levy for garbage col lection but do not have municipal garbage collec tion So he said residents have to have contract for collection The cost is about $1011 person Mr Heatty said the con tract is with Baxter Ltd which does the citys garbage collection The truck he said travels doortodoor through the subdivision at the same time it picks up Donald Street garbage Other municipalities Oakville Orillia and most communities around Toronto have changed the condo minium agreement to pick up the garbage through the municipal service MEETING THE TEACHER AT JOHNSON STREET SCHOOL years kindergarten class attending school for the morning to meet with their Adult crossing guard urged for intersection By SHEILA McGOVERN Examiner Staff Reporter Adults man dangerous school crossings in Orillia and Bradford and the separate school board doesnt see why Barrie doesnt do the same Mary Dunstan spokesman for group of parents told the board Wednesday she had asked city council for an adult crossing guard at Codr ington and Mulcaster streets near St Marys school Council said crossing guards are the responsibility of the school board she said Board chairman John Brennan said the city is wrong Crossing guards must be hired by the municipality he said and deputized by the police department as they are permitted to stop traffic It looks like someone is passing the buck he said Maurice Mclarland Oril lia trustee found it hard to belicve Barrie doesnt have adult crossing guards Orillia hires about dozen he said writst Ir Excuse me Senator Its about Miss Jones think shes writing book Separate trustees support motion on pornography Trustees of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will ask its provincial association to support motion calling for stricter control of por nography The motion circulated by the Wellington County Board of Education asks that retailers of hard core pore nography be licenced the magazines be contained in opaque plastic and that the magazines be laced out of the reach of chil rcn Trustees decided to write to the Ontario Separate School Trustecs Association asking it to support the motion The Simcoe County Board of Education received the same motion at its meeting last week The board decich to take no action become fa miliar Wllll school surroun dings Examiner lliovfi teacher and This city might be the prettiest but it is not the most progressive said Ross Saunders Barrie trustee Constable Gary Logan the Barrie police safety officer agrees with the parents said another spokesman Marianc Cancilla He was interested in atten ding Wedncsdays board meeting but wasnt allowed to by hief Earl Snyder claimed Mrs Cancilla Chief Snyder did not seem to think the intersection was dangerous she said At first he said there had never been an accident at the intersection then said there had never been an accident involvingchildren Mrs Dunstan said when she enrolled her kin dergartciiaged daughter at St Marys in March she was surprised to find the girl was expected to cross such dangerous intersection Morning traffic is very heavy she said and children sometimes wait 15 minutes to cross It is impossible to see right around Mulcastcr Street and sometimes small children will be in the middle of the in tersection when car comes Mrs Dunstan claimed Cars do not come to full stop at the flashing red light at the intersection she said because of the speed and heavy flow of traffic TOODEMANDING Mrs Cancilla said there are safety patrols at the in tersection but it is too demandinga job for children Joe Duncan St Marys principal is nervous about the intersection said Mrs Cancilla and on bad winter days goes out and takes children across himself Patrols get frustrated waiting for traffic to subside at the intersection said Mrs Dunstan and allow children to cross by themselves Mrs Cancilla does not 100 Barrie families same By PETER LESNIAK Examiner Staff Reporter There are at least 100 Bar rie families perhaps more who like the Jim Howes fami ly are in need of rentegcared to income apartments The Harrie office of the On Xvi tario Housing Orp WHO has 98 applications on file from families seeking such accommodation spokes man said and is accpcting more applications every day Mr Howcs is janitor who makes $265 an hour and takes home about $140 every 15 days He pays $130 month rent for an apartment at 15 unlop St and faces possi blc evcictioii Hes been searching newspaper want ads for more than th weeks to find an apartment he can afford but has not found anything suitable The city has 74 OHC rent gcarcdetoincomc units now and has another 64 units in the development stage ac cording to Margaret McKcvcr We drastically need more incomegeared housing the OH manager said Thurs day She added that the last Ht family units were built in tliccity in 1971 City welfare adminstrator Steve Hines also confirmed the acute shortage of low priccd apartments that family on minimum income can afford He said up to two years ago the welfare department used to keep list of apartments preparations boat as Howes available for families on low income But with the current shortage the demand can not keepupwiththesupply One city employee who recently advertised an apart ment for rent in the newspaper want ads received 85 inquiries the day after the ad appeared he said He added even apartments in the $180 to $200 month rcnt range are gobbled up as fast as they become available Hardly day goes by when someone doesnt come in looking for help finding an apartment Mr Hines said And too there are large number who telephone the welfare office for help in firi dingaplacetolive The pressure is increasing Mr Hines said as more peo ple from the rural areas move into the city to work and to be close to where the actionis He said the city just has no way of helping such people it doesnt have the time or resources to search for apart ments for families like the lim Howes Capt Gary Venables of the Salvation Army too said he gets pleas for help from families who want an apart ment but cannot afford pre sent prices There isnt heck of lot we can do Capt Vcnables said We can only give what wehavetogive He said the shortage of af fordable housing in the city is situation over which he has no control say reports reaching neighboring Tanzania from Ugandan government sources Teachers get higher award SAUll bitrator STE MARIE Ont has awarded 600 Sault provincial ar Ste Marie high school teachers salary increases higher than those offered by the board of ndiicat ion Britain organizes convoys BEIRUT Router The British delegation is organizing two convoys to evacuate Western nationals from Lebanon on Friday and Saturday embassy officials said today Haircut price rises July TORONTO CP An organization representing 1350 On tario barbers said Wednesday its members will raise their minimum charge for mans haircut by 50 cents to $450 as of Julyl Robs selfsufficiency TORONTO CP guaranteed annual income robs the iii diVidual of selfsuffic1ency James Taylor Ontarios minister of community and social services said Wednesdr believe parents delegation can get very far with city councn They dont mind spending money but not on kids she said The city should look at ways of routing traffic out of the area said Bill Bolger superintendent of schools Mr Bolger said he did not believe there should even be an intersection at Codrington and Mulcaster The board appointed com mittee under Mr Saunders to meet with the city Discussions will be held on the CodringtonMulcaster in tersection as well as in tersections at Grove and Cook near St Monicas and Cundles and St Vincent near Monsignor Clair Credit counselling service resumes operation in Barrie After several months of dormancy due to lack of operating funds the Simcoe Georgian Bay Region Credit Counselling Service is open again The free service is intended to help people sort out their financial difficulties so that they can pay off their debts and still say solvent The service has new credit counsellor Don Whelan formerly of the Credit Bureau of Barrie The previous credit counsellor Vern LeClare resigned when operating Mediation resumption awaited at Chrysler Both sides are still waiting for resumption of mediation talks in Barries Chrysler Canada Outboard strike which entered its 19th week today It has been more than four weeks since the most recent mediation session the second of the series The strike involves 48 members of United Steel workers of America Local am who went out Feb 12 after working without con tract since Nov 30 Money is the chief issue in the strike Union officials said last month they were seeking raise of $135 an hour over twoyear con tract on an average pre strike wage of $327 an hour They said the company has offered raise of 75 cents over two years Company officials have declined comment on bargaining positions funds evaporated in January Money to continue opera tions was provided by major local credits such as banks and finance companies who normally are the losers when people default on their loans The remaining 60 per cent of operating costs comes from provincial government grants Mr Whelan said Wed just like to let the public know that we are available for credit counsell ing again Mr Whelan said We welcome anyone with financial problems to set up an appointment The credit counselling ser vice is located in Suite 102 at 39C0llierSt The service never actually closed down Mr Whelan said but continued to make disbursements although there was no counselling from January to May About 1000 people in finan cial straits in Simcoe County and Muskoka have been helped by the credit counsell ing service in the past three years ABBY tre goes over the agenda HOFFMAN cen for last nights meeting with Judy Perkin left and Sadie van Bccst field workers for Program 50 to stimulate the interest of women in sport throughout Huronia The meeting was sponsored by Experience 76 Program 50 the GHSC and Barrie recreation department Examiner Photo More women in sports CAPSULE NEWS should be strived for Mercenaries plea today LUANDA Reuter Thirteen white mercenaries on trial for their lives for their role in the Angolan civil war last February are due to make their final pleas today Fakes assassination try Ugandan President Ida Amin staged an assassination at tempt against himself last week on order to do away with certain officials and to prevent coup he believes is in By BILL McFARLANE Examiner Staff Writer Olympic track star Abby Hoffman deplorcs the dearth of women in sports in this country and urged recreation leaders to go out and vigorously campaign to get more girls and women in volved in Sports of all kinds Miss Hoffman was speak ing last night at Sunnidalc Community Centre at Sim coe County general meeting for women in sports fitness and recreation sponsored by the Greater Huronia Sports Council GHSC and the city recreation department Miss Hoffman told the au dience of about 60 that she had been lucky in that she came from family which was SpOllSOllOlllCd and had been involved in sports all of herlife There were very few op portunitics at her schools for girl athletes little equipment and poor gymnasium facil ities she said Even the trophies for the boys were bigger than ours Miss Hoffman rapped the news media for not being en couraging with coverage when women are involved in sports Shc quoted one ncwpapcr columnist who wrote that skiing makes one youiigcrrlooking it makes woman of 40 look like man 0f30 This attitude is typical at some people said Miss Hoff man were often depicted as monsters masculinized She urged women to fight for equal ice time with men in arenas saying arenas are recognized as male pre serves The wholc mythology about women in sports said Miss Hoffman is that women cant do as well as men so why should they be kgiven similar op portunities Its just not true that women arent as good as men in sports They last live longer for one thing its easier to teach girl to swim as she floats more easily and Women have better sense of balance in gymnastics She rapped the overall myth that girls can be in jured internally by sports While admitting that some sports may not be suitable for girls she said most sports do them no harm at all Miss Hoffman noted that most municipalities recrea tion programs lack facilities finance equipment and leadership to give women equal opportunities with men Sewing and cooking are among the activities listed for girls she said During questionand answer period member of the audience asked if women should aim for fun or ex cellence in sports Miss Hoff man rcplied bit of both adding that there is nothing wrong with being good at something RAISE CAIN One woman said that her daughter who attends an area school was told to stop doing the broadjump as it could do her physical harm Miss Hoffman replied that would raise Cain with the school board this reflects the attitude of schools Some sports events may not be suitable for women said Miss Hoffman but lets not blanket the issue with overall statements Another woman said it had taken about 10 years to get decent park for the Barrie and District liadies Softball League long time to ham mer and hammer the au thorities on the need for such afacility Miss Hoffman twotime Olympian will compete in the 800metres at next mon ths Summer Olympics in Montreal Asked what she thought her chances of winning were she said cant really tell the competition is pretty tough at the Olympic level

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