2The Market Place Wadi1292 June 16 1976 MORTGAGES MORTGAGES 1st hid to Doug and sold Immediate action conï¬dential a9 included Sought sold per cent Seconds as low as and onehatf Pro mpt Reasonable rates Con Fidential Call Room JUDD Mortgage Jupp Limited Waised service ISTAHDWD arranged Firsts lrom 11 Manger Philip Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas £7271 Pat Quinn Ltd 7111414 MoRTGAGES bought and sold im mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 7264651 even mos WANTED $31M third mortgage on in come property Place to yield 1622 per cent For more details call 7267294 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE plus Storage area Ideal for warehouse operation busy Plaza location Very reasonable rent Lots at parking Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BEDROOM DETACHED bungalow In Angus wall to wall broadloom ravine lot years old Ist mortgage $28000 at 93 per cent no agents please Rent Is $275 plus utilities Call Hansra 7421936 days 457 7179 late evenings HOUSES WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM apartment or house wanted for couple with one child lor August Ist Cali Brian at 519 4338336 London EMPLOYED gentlemen require un lurnisehd house in Barrie area under $300 per month Must be clean and In good repair Telephone residence 728 9961 or 726 2121 business hours ask lor Pat Cousineau ROOMSTO LET VACANCY Girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry lacilltles centrally located $18 per week Phone alter 728 9672 CLEAN BRIGHT modern lurnished room downtown location Immediate possession Call Hamilton Real Estate 737 1000 FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen privileges Available immediately Telephone 726 9205 or 737 0426 FURNISHED ROOM in clean quiet residential house for men only with com plete use at all kitchen laciiities Cen trally located only $20 Weekly Call 726 7186 FURNISHED ROOM for rent Linen supplied $18 weekly Central location Telephone 728 8484 NEW OWNERS have one newly dec orated furnished room in mens resi denco Share bath Apply 183 Bradford St or phone 726 9718 ROOMS available in private home Close to Baylieid Mall Kitchen privileges Telephone 728 I442 alter 530 pm GARAGES WANTED GARAGE with hydro cen tral location or near Blake St for sum mer months Phone office hours 7264240 ask for Jim ACCOMMODATIONS TOSHARE MATURE BUSINESS lady to share ac comodations in private home Close to Baylieid Mali For further information call 728 I442 after5130pm FLEETMASTER DEEP LUG 110 Bradford St Barrie MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES tor sale or rent Holiday In complete home comlort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayfiela St LET us GET you tiitaioo trailer iiï¬Ã©ti Call Harold at the that is All typfl Hitch House Limited 728 9700 1774 FORD threequarter tori Club Cab truck and silosIn camper Sleeps on ty sell together In excellent condition Telephone 72160824 altar pm so it to HOUSE trailer tor iiief iuin equipped In good condition Telephone45637os $4000 MOBILE HOME on corner lot in Imlll park 62 12 Like new Telephone 7216875 728 7716 COUNTRY LIVING In quiet Dork south of Barrie New homes on large 7500 sq ft lots Ready to move In Low down payment Call 7236875 15 year mortgages 197 NORTHLANDE Rf Fridge stove and extras Included excellent condition Landscaped lot $13900 or best of lerPhone 72877716 alter 530pm 1970 Is It Travelalr trailer sleeps Toilet stove relrigerator and sink Campy trailer lack and standss car mirror sleeping on dishes pots drainage holes sway stand patio lights electric brakns Col eman stove good condition Asking price $2000 726 1647 ROOMS wANTED ROOM AND board wanted In Stroud or Barrie area from June 28 to August 27th lor 18year old boy from Quebec rail 41610 OFFICES STORES F9 RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayllald St Barrie 5008000 sq ll air condl tioned 416 221 7233 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 RL Angeloll IDEAL FAST food or small restaurant location high tralllc count new building Allandalo location Building changed to suit Call 728 Mar 726 5407 FOR LEASE 2000 ft heated warehouse space plus lots at space tor open storage Ideal location for dealer ship or distributor For Lease 300 3000 sq ft olllce space ample parking Barrie and Orlilla Phone exchange no charge For ram 350 sq lt store ideal tor gift shop beauty salon etc Hallway between Orlilla and Barrie 11 Highway 487 2123 AIR CONDITIONED ollicos excellent parking Price ranges $90 $135 and $400 Available July 101h Telephone 728 4378 284 Dunlap St DOWNTOWN STORE for lease Available July Telephone 7268980 cAMPINO EQUIPMENT AIRSTREAM Travel Trailer 24 leet fully equipped excellent condition Ask Ing$3600 To view telephone 424 6198 MAN tent used times Blue white and red curtain bedrooms Screens and lloor New $228 Now $100 Telephone 726 5721 SMALL HALFTON camper rovercab storage burner propane stove with tank sink water tank and hand pump Table bed conversion l2volt and elec tric hook up 728 7266 alter6 pm 1972 FORD van slide in camper sleeps 74 Ford sliding camper sleeps 75 Chev shag carpet slide in camper sleeps Telephone evenings 4363897 EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAYCARE AVAILABLE Reterences ars hlbachl and OM IO SALI SAVE AND TIME It commuting mllesto work Own this ogldroom apartment Ratiola bathrooms hair antes atutrii llraplaca broadloom rlaan ready to move In Close to No 11 401 and large shopping plara recreational taillitlas Ownar transtarrad Attiirilalile prlio 839900 and one hail par Lattt mor tga More details wrlla tlriit 816 liar rla grammar IF YOU are house hurtting drive by I9 High Street 97 Past street and 11 Vina Crescent Also have bedroom rrioblia Realtor PRIVATE slur baautllul bungalow in Barrie Prolassionaliy remodeled In side and out xulient starter or ratira merit homa bedrooms or bedrooms plus den large lot Must be loan Inslita Asking $3990 For appolritiiiant all 726 9334 LOW DOWN payment $11900 vendor will hold mort bedroom MxlllT traodlot Call eacork Rap Ilriiuroup inc Drokor at 737 lHl ECCLES STREE Excellent value lm macuiato bodroom newly stuuood storey Flrplau in living room separate dining room and large tarnin room ius detached garage Exiollent nior raga at 10 par rant Ionail for duplex ull price $43500 Call Enid Day representing Le Page Realtor 737 001i TRADE acious ballroom home near Barrio ash dlfleronut $5000 PO Box 893 Barrie Private $25000 FULL PRICE 116 acras mature inos some hardwood bush near Baxter 49 It trontago Terms McLean and Saunders Realtor Cookstown 458 4488 $43900 New slnglo lamliy homes under con strucllon Georgian College area Telephone Pratt Homes 728 1259 ALL BRICK single lamin home with carport par cent mortgage Georgian Collegn aroa Completely foncod lot $44900 lull price Principals only Telephone 728 I259 I873 RENOVATED HOME Stained glass windows moulded plaster ceiling 11 rooms Possible Income property bathrooms kitchens garage and workshop Central Barrio Asking $54900 728 0963 evenings ALLANDALE AREA bedroon medium one small large yard ap pilances Gas heat and hydro separate Available August first Telephone 424 0574 alter pm Thursday Friday BRAND NEW storey home bedrooms garage broadioom washrooms low down payment asking $54900 Call 728 4931 between pm and 5pm week daysonly INCOME PROPERTY Live In beautiful bedroom home In east end and receive an Income of $220 monthly to carry mortgage Must be seen Owner transferred Telephone 726 9008 after pm WINTERIZED COTTAGE rent tree for services on small estate For lurther in lormation telephone 436 3243 evenings alter530pm ATTRACTIVE bedroom house on acres Available July Ist $500 monthly References please Telephone 726 8698 BEDROOM executive townhouse and one hall baths stove relrlgerator and garage Adults only relerences $275 monthly plus utilities Call 726 7616 WIDOWE WANTS pensioner or retired couple to share clean bedroom borne lurnished plus board with all utilities paid $150 per month Roy Grummett 168 Margaret ST Mealord Telephone 538 1144 or 538 3314alter6pm FARMS FOR SALE lenced yard With C0098 SUPCFVISIOHVBARRIE 10 miles west 90 acres sandy Other childrentoplay with Must beoverloam river on property $800 an acre one year John and Sanford area Phoneoood tor 1287086 gt TRIPLE TREAD Smooth riding special deSIgri tread gives ymi superior traction on wet and dry roads plus long do pendable mileage START $3 SIZE litmus 67015 70015 60016 65016 70016 75016 70017 75017 800165 875165 950165 moodooocoaomatatmo ITUBELESS CONSTRUCTION Uniroyal has tire to Ill almost every car and every pocketbook And you can always say Charge It UNIROYAI CENTRES potatoes sod or any vege tablestPrivate 4166350654 FLEETMASTER DEEP LUG Deciqvierl for traction tn rriiul owl wow With extra deep self cleaning cleats tr llil titsky log Iypr tread INO AT 15 SIZE 60016 PLY TUBE TYPE TRIPLE TREAD DEEP LUG 4265 4665 4665 5065 3865 4265 4465 4965 4965 5465 5765 6265 7065 7565 7465 7965 5965 6465 6365 6865 8965 8265 UNIROYAL 7285965 home Telephone 776 8364 hit Ilswsnap AVAILABLE July llrst one and two iiin To RENT COMPLN IN FURNISHED one in apartment mo monthl Inc at lilies downtown location Slyltsblzlg working girl telephone 7260986 week ays MODERN TWO bedrootrtï¬RVOfrï¬lgarator and strive lm lulled Young married cou ila iralarrad 8230 monthl Tel 71 lllo altar 4pm who hblmrmM Apartment 6077m H40 monthly lridga and stay lalolttmna 714 1090 PilerlbllllI RITCHENETTE badsit ting room share bathroom $59 monthly downtown tiiiltabia tor working girl telephone IM M88 weekdays ON nus more In quiet area Jamie bedroom triage stove dryer drapes July 12 all 127 2013 altar pm MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartment colored ap plianus drapes supplied next to Sim coo Plara Telephone 726 3363 BEDROOM apartment for rent bathrooms parking Adults only available immediately Reasonable between barrio and Orlilla 2123 two BEDROOM apartment iorTeTt with relrlgarator and stove laundry latllitirrs parking Pay own hydro and cable Available July Telephone 7268171 BEDROOM APARTMENT in and stove Included Available Immed ately Telephone 726 0617 Phone area available Immediately with various rants Telephone 7263257 one bedroom apartment stove and refrigerator heat and hydro included Royal Victoria Hospital area Available immediately Telephone 7281188 Ist Close to schools bus and shopping ydro Telephone 7370944 between and pm AND bedroom unfurnished apart ments available children no pets Apply Armstrong Hardwareortelephone7282441 ONE BEDROOM apartment lorTeTnT ralrigerator and stove centrally located Parking S223 month Telephone7265532alter530pm FURNISHEDONE bedroom apartment $190 monthly overlooking the lake Suitable lor bachelor year lease Telephone 726 0241 and 7268420 UNFURNiSHEDiEéorstmiï¬irtmflt In trlplex separgte thermostat parking no pe ava la to Jul 1st Te 726 8875 phone Two BEDROOM apartment for rent Available July Children welcome Grove and St Vincent area $215 mon thiy plushydro Phone 7371154 SUMMER SPECIAL sublet only July and August lurnished one bedroom apartment Bright and cheery Private entrance and parking on bus route $145 permonth Telephone 7283747 bedroom apartments $211 to $232 In cludes relrigerator stove heal and parking bus stop location no pets Telephone 726 4016 HOUSES TORENT THREE BEDROOM semidetached home tor rent Cable TV partly lur nlshed available July Telephone 4246583 winer SWEEPSTAKES WIN IARIU DELUXE TAXI 7284444 7205555 Clopperton St WlNlililll elf 331511 Aint CW 2155 21293 iIATTAN WICKER Furniture Iasksts Fine Selection to choose THE GALLERY I39 DunlopE ADAMS MEATS CUSTOM KILLING 40 OUARTIIIS SAUSAGES PATTIS STACK UP NOW BEFORE TN SUMMER PRICE INCREASES 728 934 Minesing WIN Illlllil chemicals 204 Mont WI laveltrouglilng Willi lalilnos Alumitlum Siding Free Estimates 7370890 Installations CUSTO MADE DRAPES SNOPATIIOM Service 4872606 BAYWOOD DRAPERIES Randy Forbes Canada finest RF MINIMOTOR HOMES and CUSTOM VANS MIDIIUIST ONT 7284111 BUY 011 LEASE FROM US ONE AND two bedroom In downtown BEDROOM apartment available JUN children welcome $225 monthly plus immediately No LOTS FOR SALE ORGChoice building lots hlgh dry and well treed all provals and ready to be built upon Cal 726I938 Ian Rouse representing Willson Realtor WATERFRONT COTTAGE lot In Parry Sound area 100x229 well treed hydro 039 good gravel road 7281311 CHOICE BUILDING lot 80 200 Palnswlck area paved roads and street lights good level lot telephone 7282950 FULLY TREED acre estate lot In ex clusive subdivision lust north of Barrie Amino 329000 telephone 7294143 after Pm TOURIST COMMERCIAL lnnlsfll Beach Cloverleat 400 exposure Several building lots still available New Motor Hotel site in the very near luture paved utllllg mm 00 mom Avwame roads water and ready to build Ex cellent Builders terms available Call Bill Roblllard at 7370611 evenlllgs at 7264744 Representing Peter Lush andAssoc Ltd COTTAGESTO RENT HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES hours from game Lake Cecebe Water lront cam sites elect Vallquette 72606171 73791 1973 TRUIMPH BONNEVILLE 7000 miles In AI condition Certified Make an alter Telephone 7269711 to pm Alters pm 7265161 1972 TRIUMPH Daytona 500 4500 miles Like new with extras $1350 llrm Call 7262892alter6pmAsk for Bill I974 HONDA 350 cylinder 2600 original miles with windshield and backrest $1100 or best olfer Must sell CARS FOR SALE 1911 CUTLASS SUPREME power iteér ing brakes and windows air condition lng buckets radials low mileage I973 FIREDIRD Well equipped VO automatic radials lots more Sharp 2995 Mustseli Phone 7280923 1° in $1800orbest It precat orgrla mesmn merino m° er pm 7239 condition certified Only 32495 or 1973 MONTEGO Mx BroughAm VJ closestollerCall4245315 302 automatic chrome wire wheels ex cellent condition Can be certified En quiry between am and 12 midnight 1973 FORD larm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like 7263343 new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Telephonemfln 71 Volvo certllled automatic Neon dition Ideal can ca R3an 1974 BLAZER wheel drive loaded FARM MACHINERY telephone 7289644 after 630 pm 1973 JEEP pickup wheel drive half ton heavy suspension immaculate con dition Private sale Telephone 7289282 1974 CHEV hallton with cap 350 automatic transmission power steering Certilled $3000 Telephone 7286426 1964 GMC threequarter ton van tor sale In good shape Ideal for small camper $425 Telephone 7268613 MOTORCYCLES 1972 HONDA C70 travel 3000 miles lion can be cerlllled $350 or best otter Call 7265056 1976 VEGA HATCH BACK Low mileage show room condition many extras Must sell owner changing lobs 7283098 alter pm I971 TRIUMPH TR red convertible not certified Must sell $1450 or best offer Telephone 7280983 alter pm 1973 MUSTANG convertible excellent Sogdltlon Telephone 7370001 after I970 DATSUN 510 $lI75 certllled AI condition Telephone 7372762 or 4361374 1968 DODGE POLARA tor SOIE power BALE THROWER racks 20x8x8 New wagons 710 ton 12 ton tandems Apply Charles Batt Barrie 7286560 CUSTOM BAILING 30 cents bale Custom combining and trucking avail able Call 4364553 or 4362451 between and8pm SET OF Ford double discs 14 plates $400 Agratlc hay stacker $550 star post hole dl per $250 Only used years on 75 acre arm Phone 7283819 after pm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE real lor In town it excellent condi steerlng and brakes will certily Su urb condition Asking $500 reiepï¬one i=ox AND Hound Tack Shop English 7269516 1972 HONDA CB 350 Mint condition riding equipment and apparel Robinson LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages on Lake Slmcoe Sleeps six $75 weekly Telephone 705 4875083 4500 miles with backrest helmets Hardware 31 Dunlop St Barrie 728 1973 FORD door Best reasonable manual and 00 k1 ask for am 4241827 2431 oller Telephone 7263512 mornings PRIVATE 50 lot choice location fantastic view Write to Box R43 Barrie Examiner ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in Good condition bring them to the Cir culation Departmentor phone 7266539 CASH FOR OLD FURhHTURE books dishes old lctures clocks odds and ends Pre19 Item 7283234 OLD FURNITURE lamps china oddS and ends wanted Antiques for sale 7268704 WANTED TO BUY Used iTwn bowlino bowls In good condition for Allandale Club Telephone 7266012 54INCH mattress wanted In 0006 con dltlonJelephone 7372226 alter pm USED BOAT TRAILER lor 16 lt boat wanted in god condition Reasonable Telephone agter pm 4362971 WANTEDS MANS gear bicycle must be in good condition Reasonably priced Phone afterSpm 728 4756 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY to lay pullets Also larm lresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 4361811 FEED SEEDAND GRAIN HAY Good quality hay for sale any quantity no rain and lirst cut Will deliver it necessary Thornton 458 4591 HAY FOR SALE Climax Timothy ex cellent horse feed We are now taking bale orders lor field pickup Telephone 179174 CUSTOM HAY baled also loader lor mranureremoval4363491r HAY FDR sale standing Telephone Don McNabb4361995 AUTO ACCESSORIES CHROME reverse rims 14 Inch plus2 J78 14 tires In excellent condition Telephone alter 530p 7261845 WIN $5 BOOKS OF WINTARIO TICKETS YOU COULD WIN $100000 Its our gift to WilliKIN done the PROFESSIONAL WAY Were Pros When it comes to drycleoning trusl us to do It right WRIGHT Cleaners ltd 7285531 103 Bayflald Air Conditioning FARFU RN VIINIIiiiii 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Gas Oil Installations Sales Service Processmg Equipment Air Conditioning Authorised Consumer Gas Dealer Metro 11 No 11730 114 DUNLOP ST 7370243 7372644 QUALITY POOLS BY JACK BOTMAN Eighl years experience with the installation Of great variety of pools gets you guaranteed workmanship Check our references Quality service See us for all your Ptl II II ll LiliiliJJl FREE ESTIMATES Wliotsysr your Fencing ï¬n Requirements 737081 MEIR Sales and Service CLEARANCE 54 DUNLOP 7260042 bedroon cottage Fieldstoe llreplace I90 wheel covers excellent condition Miles you and all you have to do is check through the advertisements on this feature down the names of the advertisers where the name WINTARIO appears and forward to Wintario Editor The Barrie ExaminerThe first name drown each week will be declared the WINTARIO winners and notified WINIililil Industrial Commercial llsh pies SEVERAL RIDING horses for sale quiet AI standard Telephone 4241756 DOGS AND PETS MAYS Poodle Parlor Professional cllP ing and grooming reasonable rates elephone 7260061 EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums accessories prlce143Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolm and CH ping of all breeds Sophia Street POODLE TRIMMING grooming all dellvery7268798 Pet Studio REGISTERED male Lhasa Apso up months old Telephone 4872503 LABRADOR Retriever Registered shots wormed sire Cham pion Hugo Telephone 705 4875083 FREE TO good home cute puppies both are males and onehalf months old small size dog when lull grown It in terested call 7287876 REGISTERED GREAT Dane pups lawn and brindle champion stock Hamilton Ontario 14465251876 POODLE PUPS miniature weeks old Had all shots black only $45 Telephone 7262386 plants all ast 7264141 7280720 NEWKassfedsgscgrnotorcycgaqasg or HORSE TRAILERS for sale or rent HOUND PUPS Walker ASAGA beach 9mm MERCURY COUGAR xR7 I974 ower eeP one horse transportation available crossed 13 weeks old windows pOWer brakes power stegrlng 1972 KAWASAKI 90 cc street motorcy reawnable 19572545 3355653 AMFM stero posItractlon air condi tioned 400 engine excellent condition $4195 7261466 am to Ev 7373523 enmgs I973 CUTLAss SUPREME 350 speed turbohydro bucket seats $32000 or best oller Telephone 7268617 or 7371091 1975 DATSUN B210AI condition low mileage up to 40 miles gallon Snow West olfer 7371929 cle Excellent condition Asking 375 or APALOOSA8yearsold In Western Sad best oller Telephone 7373308 I974 SUZUKI T550 only 1000 miles Ask Ing 5300 Telephone 7263915 young rider $550 7289542 after pm I971 COUGAR Convertible 351C 48000 original power windows brakes and steering Guarantee 22 MPG mags Certllied $1800 Telephone 7288630 or 7263343 SILVER BIRD 1975 Thunderblrd with every possible luxury option prestige automobile youd be proud to drive Only my change of employment necessitates this after Full two years remain on lease at reduced monthly rate with buyout op portunity It interested please phone Jack Graves 7260393 or 7286073 Buying Used Car 1974 MONTE Carlo green with mat ching interior and Iandau root V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio white side wall radial tires deluxe available for your consultation 61103 Licence HUE 613 Price $3895 Call Reg Smith Chrysler 7370801 1964 RAMBLER American uncenilied lair condition 65000 miles Asking $100 Telephone 726 7090 1971 FORD MU STANO Excellent 553 tion Telephone 4240306 OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM 1967 DODGE DART CYlinder door automatic radio snow tires Good con ditlon Call 7285893 between and pm 1970 TOYOTA Corolla 1200 new tires radio etc Pest ollerJelephonAe 7372848 1973 VENTURA Sprint naichbackfï¬Ã©fi speed Telephone after pm Ask lor 3017265768 1974 MAVERICK lor sale door 23000 miles cylinder automatic $3000 or best Oller Certified Telephone 7373857 728 7613 1959 FORD Mercury hall ton truck or sale Can be seen at 38 Tilfin Street bet ween and pm Dear Used Car Buyers write something better Wll Yitliill Pink Panther Banyo Shower Curtains Daisy Chain Style Reg $1695 SPECIAL1295 your budget can afford is our business Yours truly 1975 Buick LeSabre dr PS PB vinyl roof Valiant Scamp dr HT PS PB 1974 Dodge 2ton pickup std step bumper Ford 2ton pickup rear bumper Ford Galaxie dr HT PS PB andatd AUTO GLASS LIMITED WINDSHIELDS SAFETY GLASS die especially suitable lor female Or old llrm Telephone black 4361888 ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED FREE TO good home puppies weeks male and female brown and white Telephone small breed ORV HARDY Takes The Risk Out Of If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way misrepresented you will always find me ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford 31 Phone 7284272 WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 1976 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay tOO much But it is worse to pay too little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the car you bought was incapable Of doing the job it was supposed to do The common law Of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot It cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come in and iust look at Our merchandise Putting you behind the wheel Of the best used car JFC611 HE884 T68148 D40371 KYX052 °°iiili°° Buick LeSabre Luxus dr HT PS PB KWH800 WWW 7725695711 Plymouth Satellite dr HT PS PB HJV833 ongo 1973 Ford LTD Brougham dr HT PS PB Buick LeSabre 11 HT PS PB Buick Centurion dr HT PS PB PW TW Ba rrie WINIAIIIII Salon Shompooing Clipping to all breeds 7264141 Sophia St 1972 Pontiac Pars Brougham 11 HT PS PB Olds Delta 88 dr HT PS PB AC Buick Skylark dr HT PS PB Toyota dr cyl PB Volvo dr 144S cyl std radio RD 1971 Ford LTD dr HT PS PB Chrysler Custom dr HT PS PB Ford l2t0n Pickup Cap Bumper Buick Skylark 11 HT PS PB 1970 Pontiac Catalina dr HT PS PB Ford Maverick dr Olds Cutlass dr HT PS PB Ford Fairlane dr HT as is Buick SIW PS PB 7261587 coal5 comes roeo murmur rm sciiii TakeOut Delivery Fine selection ol Oriental Gifiware 7281823 53 Collier St Olds Toronado PS PB Chev Impala dr HT PS PB Dodge Coronet dr sedan PS PB Jail Dodge Dart dr HT STORAGE Pontiac dr Sedan SHED 1968 WITH Buick Skylark dr HT PS PB 1967 VALUE $100 ALL ORDERS OF Alcan AL AN tMiNiiiH 991 61880 GENERAL CONTRACTORS CALL 7265609 Dodge Dart dr Dodge Polara dr Pontiac dr PS PB ALL THE ABOVE CARS Real Estate limited Residential 95 Vacation Farm Apprailï¬giéfï¬mng I76 BRADFORD s1 BARRIE 7261938 The home of driving mans car at thinking mans price 119 Dunlop St KFX681 KLS409 HDU226 HHY901 FBS862 KYX362 KRX572 FCX528 HWY368 EVV917 T68147 FMA716 FED133 ARR268 FKK322 FCZ9l4 KMH518 HTR357 FLE132 FPA127 DUL840 FFE326 FCW125 FLN234 FKS594 ATY813 ARE FULLY RECONDITIONED AND CERTIFIED CONVENIENT BANK PLAN TERMS AVAILABLE ORV HARDY MOTORS LTD WWW breeds pickup and hOUSCDFO en Lowest protesslonal Pups Blue Tle Telephone ss $5 95 $39 $3195 $3495 $3395 $4495 $3595 $3295 $3195 $3295 $2395 $2695 $2595 $1595 $2695 $1795 $1895 $1995 $2295 $1895 $1795 $2295 895 $1995 $2195 $1495 $1495 $1495 895 $1795 895 895 495