flJ vmtwe so 24The Barrie Examiner Wednesda June 16 1976 Newspapers GaLflings DoneFor People SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE vi an 89 BAYFIEIJ ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service 7263111 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW with attached garage full basement broadloom throughout asking $49350 Call Mary Foster 3224 18 or 7263111 NORTH OF BARRIE bedroom bungalow large living room and kit chen priced at only $31 500 Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 7263111 WEST OF BARRIE on large freed lot bedroom bungalow with at tached garage fireplace in large living room asking $43500 Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 7263111 BUILDING LOT OROOnly $13500 Try your offer Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 72631 Ju16 Mary Foster notoll 3221118 Marg Wood no 1011 4873148 I°Y Wood no toll 4873148 Esher Kennedy 4244347 Bob Sounders Bill Stewart 7281153 Mom 30 7285405 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Ross Batstone 7263043 WILLso REAL ESTATE LIMITED 119 DUNLOP ST EJ261938 TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING not no OPEN UNTIL PM 17 MILES FROM BARNES19500 will buy this cozy bedroom house at Orr Lake Full basement with finished rec room Nicely treed lot Good mortgage at Call Pat MacRiner 7261938 or 7263929 No 891 DUPLEXPEEL ST Apt No has bedrooms new pc bathroom neat and clean Apt No has bedrooms Fridge and stove remains in both opts Excellent house and location Call Lee Benhom 7261938 or 4245033 No 873 BRICK AND ALUMINUM SIDESPLlTRobson subdivision bedrooms Lshaped livingdining room 1220 sq ft living space Fireplace finished rec room paved drive and beautiful 36 18 pool Call WiIf Vezeau 7261938 or 4244246358 MLS860 ACRE ESTATE LOTRobwood Village off 13th line of Innisfil High dry treed and ready to be built upon Minimum home size 2000 sq ft For sale as lot or custom home can be discussed whichever suits your needs One of the best estate lots in area Call lan Rouse 726 1938 or 7265407 MLSI 124 Ju16 REAL ESTATE 7281566 10 ROSS STREET BARRIE ONTARIO EAST END BACK SPLITlarge bedroom bathrooms family room open concept from the lovely kitchen car attached garage side walkout to large patio This is one of the cleanest brightest im maculate homes in Barrie Call me to see it and you wont be sorry AI Calhoun 7281566 or 8352742 no toll MLS BUILDING LOT8th Medonte close to ski areas for permanent or seasonal residence health and bldg permits available Reduced to $11500 Coll Roy Harriman 728 566 or 7268280 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE74 acres streams small barn with water and hydro bedroom home bathrooms fireplace in the den TV room games room workshop etc Separate car garage with breezewoy to patio Call me to see AI Calhoun 7281566 or 8352742 MLS Ju16 CHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR nflflhflfln Io Collier St Barrie 72134401 Direct TOronto Line 3646625 GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street ï¬rmstrong ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER 149 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 Terry Vogan 4562544 Allan Thompson 7281024 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 Thomas Brolley 7282994 David Wigley 7268497 Grace BroIIey 7282994 Paul Dumoulin FRI Bradley Watts 7287209 CRA SRA 7370731 Ernest Watts 7287209 Wayne Dobson 3222838 INESON ASSOCIATES LTD 73711131 IS HI IIll SIlilllil ACFN TS r1 CAMPI AU QUAIITY HOMES Bill Robillard 7264744 Joanne Thomson 7287177 Dora Barreto 7288927 TF NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil FranchO 7232619 Roger Shelswell 4872920 David Shclswll 4875560 Ralph Wilson 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 REAL ESTATE EMORY PROPERTY FOR SALE 7R LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 the home fours who care about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service OLE REALTOR JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF PRIVATE SALE Prime Residential Property bedroom storey baths fenced lot walkOut to patio some broodloom single garage first mortgage Near Georgian College Must sell Sacrifice $50900 or best offer THIS WILL BE YOUR BARGAIN TELEPHONE 7281832 Ju1618 Mortgages 7264651 Appraisals DAVID WAS HIAI INTII III DAVE WASS 728 4651 BERNICE WHELAN 726 2334 INGRID MILLER 728 1998 BERNIE ROTH 737 0017 LOU GALLANT 728 3104 ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 DON MILLER 436 4507 OUEENIE LITTLE 436199 KAREN PAWLIK 737 1096 VIC SMALL 436 2306 LEWIS KELLY 726 1930 Barrte One Man Real Estate Office For results Without confusion Sam 104 mam stw stwffyuc Sell wrth 0110 4873437 WHITE REALTOR ORO BUILDING LOT Bu1ld your dream home on this 100 150 well treed lot Recently reduced to 512000 TAT SA 24 ACRE PARCEL Located on 50 en éld LE County Road 25 between er room Perkinsheld and Midland Try bungalow large lot Also rental Income For details call Ernie your offer Reed Telephone 7266821 or JUST REDUCED 50 220 lot on 7285753 Lake Simcoe with boathouse JU7 Two fully furnished cottages FOR PROMPT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 guest cabin and garage Only If $43900 Call on this property lEI3bLL3 41 Oday EIrlti Hiltrl HAVE CLIENT looking for an executive home with small acreage In the $100000 range If you are selling and have such II1 ICSI 11 LISTINGS REQUIRED will Photo MLS Realtor 43 DUNLOP 7289844 7289997 ELEANOR CLARKE 7269319 APERSONALIZED SERVICE LADDIE GRIESBACH FRI 7284294 7289844 MWFTF BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street ZS9201 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On tario 79 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE 7261405 LIMITED arrm PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD 5T BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Frank Hooey 7280676 Norman McMillan 7268957 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bert Cuff 7284067 Lorry Brewer 7289745 John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 cardamom REAL ESTATE ANT THE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE LIST BUY 0R SELL WITH Gï¬hRICK REAL ESTATE LTD II II III llll lllII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllllllll II III lllllllllll Elllllllllllllllllll Illllll Illllll lllllllllllllll 11111 III Illl lllll Illll financing Buyyours this end and get REAL ESTATE HENRY ELRICK MlCHlE REALTOR 49 Collier 7285583 NEW bedroom bungalow ColorLok siding Carport FA oil miles from Barrie MLS No 1397 $39900 OLDER 1z STOREY home on large 70 298 ft lot large cement block workshop In city nice area $41000 MURRAY SYKES 7266651 Ju1618 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll III $1950 down to one mtge Carries for as low as $26900 per month The best deal of all hAHO Ill Your monthly carrying costs with be lowered by reducing your mtge Interest rate as low as per yr and 21 You may also qualin for additional grants of up to $750 per year That costs at ownership TH BUILDER THE RIGHT TO OUT NOTICE Call Collect Barrie 1705472632621 We Pay All Charges wee BRAND NEW storey home bedrooms garage broadioom washrooms low down payment asking $54900 Call 728 4931 between pm and 5pm week daysonly SAVE AND TIME Stop commuting miles to work Own this bedroom apartment Rexdale bathrooms balconies electric fireplace broadloom clean ready to move in Close to No 27 401 and large shopping plaza recreational facilities Owner transferred Affordable price $39900 and one half per cent mor tgage More details writc Box R36 Bar rie Examiner IF YOU are house hunting drive by 79 High Street 97 Peel Sirocl and 13 Vino Crescent Also have bedroom mobile home Telephone 726 8366 ric ansnap Realtor RESERVES CANCEL OR CHANGE FINANCING PRICES AT ANYTIME WITH will lurther help you lower your You my to BETTER LIVING INCOME PROPERTY Live In COREY REAL ESTATE 93 DUNLOP STREET EAST 7282419 PROPERTIES MORTGAGES Mabel Marshall 7268603 Lois Stansfield 7288082 Lorena Coulson 7260423 MWFTF beautllul bedroom home In east end and receive an income of $220 monthly to carry mortgage Must be seen Owner transferred Telephone 7269008 after pm PA in Tic Large bedroom storey air conditioned home family room wet bar 2andahall baths billiard room rec room wired for sound Double electric garage Beautilul home on large treed lot Call Doug Ferguson representing Cholkan and Co Ltd 728 6172 or 7284401 COUNTRY LIVING and one half miles from Barrie Large new bedroom brick bungalow with stone front on large well tried lot central air conditioning it lull basement buy now for choice of carpet and colors $58500 Principals on ly Telephone 728 7484 CommunitiesAdvertisers 7282414 DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DE PROPERTY FOR SALE TRADE aclous bedroom home near Barrie ash difference $5000 PO Box 893 Barrie Private $25000 FULL PRICE 116 acres mature pines some hardwood bush near Baxter 249 ft frontage Terms McLean and Saunders Realtor Cookstown 4584488 $43900 New single family homes under con struction Georgian College area Telephone Pratt Homes 72111259 ALL BRICK single family home with carport per cent mortgage Georgian College area Completely fenced lot $44900 full price Principals only Telephone 7284259 1873 RENOVATED HOME Stained glass windows moulded plaster ceiling 13 rooms Possible income property bathrooms kitchens garage and workshop Central Barrie Asking $54900 7280963 evenings PRIVATE SALE beautiful bungalow in Barrie Professionally remodeled in side and out Excellent starter or retire ment home bedrooms or bedrooms plus den large lot Must be seen inside Asking 539900 For appointment call 7269334 LOW DOWN payment $35900 vendor will hold mortgage Ci bedroom 66x132 freed Iot Call Al Beacock Rep Unigroup Inc Broker at 7371771 ECCLES STREET Excellent value 1m maculate bedroom newly stuccoed storey Flrplace In living room separate dining room and large family room plus detached garage Excellent mor tgage at 10 per cent Zoned for duplex Full price $43500 Call Enid Day representing Le Page Realtor 7370011 LOTS FOR SALE OROChoice building lots high dry and well treed all approvals and ready to be built upon Call 7261938 Ian Rouse representing Willson Realtor WATERFRONT COTTAGE lot in Parry Sound area 100x229 well treed hydro close good gravel road 7281311 CHOICE BUILDING lot 80 200 Painswick area paved roads and street lights good levellot telephone 7282950 FULLY TREED acre estate lot in ex clusive subdivision iust north of Barrie Asking $29000 telephone 7286143 alter pm TOURIST COMMERCIAL lnnlslil Beach Cloverleaf 400 exposure Several building tots still available New Motor Hotel site in the very near future paved roads water and ready to build Ex cellent Builders terms available Call Bill Robiliard at 7370611 evenings at 726 4744 Representing Peter Lush and Assoc Ltd FARMS FOR SALE BARRIE 10 miles west 90 acres sandy loam river on property 5800 an acre Good for potatoes sod or any vege times PrivateLI4lal635gt0654 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SALON central location established over years Owner has other interest very reasonable for quick sale Call Victor 726 9382 SMALL RESTAURANT near BarrieS brick bungalow for owner Must sell $62500 Try your offer Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 726 3111 Rep Saunders MORTGAGES IF YOU NE Immediate Ist and 2nd Anywhere an all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Ill 129 DUNLOP ST EAST Cm Agwme 347 BAY STREET BARRIE ONTARIO 24 TORONTOONT 726 0981 Phone Service 363 3421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc PARTMENT to MONEY Tn consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any worthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING REAL ESTATE iltIESBACH Photo MLS Realtor 43 DUNLOP 7289844 7289997 0th MAPLEHURST BARRIE bedrooms bright kitchen large entrance hall attached garage easy to own good mor tgage all ready on Call Laddie Griesbach 7289844 or 7289997 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT on Ellen Street close to down town storey brick home with seIfcontained apartment bringing in $225 per month please Call Laddie Griesbach 7289844 or 7289997 LOW PRICED STARTER HOME bedroom bungalow full basement lot 60 150 Call Lad die Griesbach 7289844 or 728 9997 DUCKWORTH ST bedroom storey and half with income from bedroom basement apartment Call Lad die Griesbach 7289844 or 728 9997 WELLINGTON ST $34900spacious bedroom semidetached Call Laddie Griesbach 7289844 or 7289997 COLLEGE CRESCENT Four bedroom storey brick home lovely for the family Call Laddie Griesbach 7289844 or 7289997 JuI6 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BEDROOM DETACHED bungalow in Angus wall to wall broadloom ravine lot years old lst mortgage 528000 at 934 per cent no agents please Rent $275 plus utilities Call Hansra 7421936 days 4577179 late evenings COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE plus storage area Ideal for warehouse operation busy Plaza location Very reasonable rent 30761 ol parking Pat Quinn Ltd MORTGAGES Open Mortgage Loans KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR Bus 7371881 HOME 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN MNIHA L11 Acruï¬ MORTGAGES bought and sold Imr mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 72a 4651 even ings WANTED $30600 tata mortgage air in come progeny Place to yield 18 22 per cent For more detarilsICalI7267294 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES T21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF MORTGAGES MORTGAGES lst 2nd 3rd bought and sold Immediate action confidential ap praised service included Hamilton RE7371000 1$T AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold arranged Firsts from 11 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con lidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 MOBILE HOMES AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289666 MOBILE HOMES ANDTRAILERS TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Ca 34 Bayfield St LET US GET you hitched trailer hitch that Is All types Call Harold at the Hitch House Limited 7239700 1974 FORD threequarter ton Club Cab truck and slideIn camper Sleeps on ly sell together In excellent condition Telephone 7260824 after4pm 50 lo HOUSE trailer for sale fully equipped in good condition $4000 Telephone 4563708 MOBILE HOME on corner lot In small park 62 12 Like new Telephone 7286875 or 728 7716 COUNTRY LIVING in quiet park south of Barrie New homes on large 7500 sq ft lots Ready to move In Low down payment 15 year mortgages Call 7286975 1973 NORTHLANDER Fridge stove and extras included excellent condition Landscaped lot $13900 or best of ferPhone7287716after530pm 1970 15 ft Travetalr trailer sleeps Toilet stove refrigerator and sink Canopy trailer lack and standss car mirror sleeping bags dishes pots drainage holes sway bars hlbachl and stand patio lights electric brakes Col eman stove good condition Asking price $2000 726 1647 RENTALS APTS TO RENT ALLANDALE AREA bedroon medium one small largo yard ap pliances Gas heat and hydro separate Available August first Telephone momWW KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barrlos Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF