Jamie Borneman two and half years old of Midhurst is the mascot for the village team in the Vespra Senior Fastball SMALL MASCOT ENJOYS JOB AT MIDH League playin catch with players on the nch He is the son of Rick and Glenna Borneman of Midhurst The senior team will play its next home game on Wednesday at pm Ex aminer Photo Cookstown steam show to have new features COOKSTOWN Staff tractor woodsplitter and hotair engine are among ex hibits planned by Barrett Muir of Shanty Bay in the 11th annual show of the Georgian Bay Steam Au tomotive Gas and Antique Association which is to be held at the fairgrounds here on Saturday Sunday and Monday July 31 August and2 It heats the air and ex pands said Mr Muir in referring to his hotair engine It weighs about 500 pounds and is quite machine Mr Muir has been exhi biting in steam shows for the past 20 years including the 11 Ivy Orange sponsored by the Georgian Bay Association He also has shown at Milton and other places We enjoy showing the ma chines and it gives us satisfaction to see the interest of spectators said Mr Muir member of pioneer family whose great great grandmother Janet Campbell settled in the Shan ty Bay district in 1831 DEMONSTRATIONS Daily demonstrations plan ned at the coming Cookstowu show include saw milling drag sawing log sawing threshing grain and stone crushing In addition blacksmithing will be demonstrated as well as cut ting table tops and making hall sale set for Friday night yJEAN JENNETI IVY Articles will be on sale for only nickle on Friday June 18 at the Ivy Orange Hall 730 to 10 pm The Christ Church parish pic nic will be held at Essa Park on Sunday June 20 Congratulations to Rev and Mrs Bruce McCallum on the arrival of baby boy Robert Jonathon in Toronto hospital first grandchild for Dr and Mrs Warren of Toronto and Mr and Mrs McCallum of 0t tawa Sharon Arnold of London Ont spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Rick Bates and family Mr and Mrs Harold Russell of Cannington visited on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Clive Patton Mr and Mrs Norman Tindal and Cheryl of Whitby and Helen Smith of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ken Smith Laureen and Norman are building new home on the lower sideroad Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson and family of London Ont spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson Ronnie McLean and friend spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Lyall McLean after being on band tour up north Jeffery Eyers of Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bob Davis Dr Warren of Toronto the father of Mrs Bruce Mc Callum took the service in the BASEBALL SCORES Ivy Leafs defeated Honeywood 32 at Ivy last Saturday night The Ivy Rangers downed Tot tenham 65 on Friday night Marion McVanel of Toronto Mr and Mrs Garnet Campbell and Heather of Barrie spent Sunday with Bruce McVanel Mr and Mrs Keith McVanel spent Saturday with Mrs Arnold after returning from trip to Philadelphia and other cities in the United States INTENSIVE TEENAGE SUMMER COURSES Modelling or Personal Improvement Wflmd II when loathed In axehandles Parades are scheduled for pm each day of the three day exhibition which last year drew more than 10000 visitors despite rain model railway will be set up to pro vide train rides for young sters There also will be hay wagon rides every day Dalton Curran of Cree more president of the spon soring organization also drew attention to other ac tivities These include an amateur fiddle contest on the Saturday open air church service on the Sunday ladies bazaar and crafts displays along with showing of collec tion of pioneer utensils and implements COMING BACK Earl and Martha Heywood wellknown radio musicians will be returning to provide special entertainment which made popular hit with spec tators last year George McKonter of Wal kerton won first award for best steam engine at last years show with his Robert Bell tractor 1935 Chevrolet entered by Elmer chber of Cookstown won first for anti que cars In the junior class Jim McCague of Beeton was an award winner for his 1934 halfton International tractor with SawyerMassey steam engine entered by Allan Cur ran of Stayner judged second Dwight Lubeniecki of Scar borough was the winning fid dler in last years contest This summer to Canadas most famous beauty and modelling school you can become the person you want to be With new beauty charm and personality Study modelling for IV Fashion Photography learn the morlels secrets of makeup wardrobe grace and potse Enroll now for your exerting personalized July and August day classes limited enrollment Weekly budget terms PHONE NOW 923 4679 WALTIR lHURNlUN MUDll E1 CHARM SCHOOL 60 AVENUf ROAD lorunto Just north of Rloor Steps to both subways Regular fivedigit Wintario ticket and series numbers Fortive chances at $100000 and more than 40000 other taxfree cash prizes Abuck and youre in for both COUNTY GLIMPSES Plan second Midhurst nursery school MIDHURST The second meeting of group trying to set up second nursery school in Midhurst will be held Tuesday night Organizer Bonney Smith said all interested people are invited to hear guest speaker Connie Speakman nursery school teacher The meeting will be held at 830 pm in the home of Jen nifer Nightingale Wattie Road BANDCONCERT MIDLAND Staff An oldfashioned band concert will be held at Little Lake Park under the sponsorship of the Simcoe County Recrea tion Association for the In stitutionalized Senior Citizens on Saturday June 19 SECOND INSTALLMENT COLLINGWOOD Staff Second installment payments on 1976 Collingwood taxes are due on Wednesday June 30 according to notice of Momuth clerktreasurer STRAWBERRY SUPPER ELMVALE Staff An nual strawberry supper spon sored by Wycliffe Anglican church will be held in the Stubbs memorial hall here on Saturday July from to 7pm LEACOCK AWARD ORILLIA Staff Author Harry Boyle winner of the 1976 Stephen Leacock medal for most humorous book by Canadian writer will be honored at garden party at the Stephen Leacock me morial home here on July 24 His book The Luck of the Irish was the second winner of the award for Mr Boyle In 1964 he was chosen for book titled Homebrew PICK WARMINSTER WARMINSTER Staff This Medonte towuship com munity has been chosen as the site for the 1977 spring convention of the North Sim coe district Womens In stitutes This years meeting was held at Eady CHOSEN DELEGATE ORILLIA Staff Ald Frank Kehoe was among delegates appointed by city council to represent Orillia at the threeday convention of the Association of Mu nicipalities of Ontario at Toronto on August 67 and CONSERVATION ORILLIA Staff resolution by Rama council asking the Ontario govern ment to consider the forma tion of conservation au thority for Lake Couchiching Black River and Severn River watersheds has been endorsed by the Orillia city council ANNIVERSARY COLLINGWOOD Staff Mr and Mrs Joseph Lougheed will receeive members of their family and friends at Collingwood United church banquet hall on Satur day June 26 on the occasion of their 50th wedding an niversary CHURCH PICNIC DUNTROON Staff An nual church picnic of West Nottawasaga Presbyterian church will be held on Tuesday June 29 with sup per served from to pm RATE APPROVED MOONSTONE Staff monthly rate of $250 to handle garbage from the villa of Coldwater at the Me onte waste site on part of Lot 19 Concession 14 has been ap proved by Medonte council STRAWBERRY SUPPER UTOPIA St Georges Anglican Church in Utopia will be host to strawberry supper and ham salad plate on Wednesday June 16 in the Utopia community centre The meal will be served from 530t08pm DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Monday June 14 I976 tax free June 211976 Extra one million dollars for 00 bonus prize of $10000 each Eightdigit Bonus Draw number lfthe eight digit bonus number on your ticket corresponds exactly with one of the 100 bonus numbers drawn you win $10000 On this occasion to accommodate the In accordance with the Lottery regula tions all unclaimed prize money is re tained in the prize fund until the expiry of the oneyear claiming period It is then transferred into special prize fund to be available for additional or bonus prizes in subsequent draws June 24 is our first Bonus Draw For the June 24 Wintario draw your Wintario ticket has two sets of numbersone for the regular Wintario draw for between $3 to $4 million in prizes And the other for the special milliondollar Bonus Drawwith one hundred extra prizes of $10000 each one year claiming period Get your ticket now aFiSh SUHda June hrï¬oMMoVWWIAaIQN ause of Rev McCallums hWIdflohumhlm absen ce advance bonus drawing ticket sales will cease at 600 pm Thursday June 24 1976 SO get your ticket now be cause theyre going fast And watch the special onehour Wintario show live on TV from Hamilton June 24 at 900 pm WE ARE FOR CED TO VE Owing to present premises being sold our new location as or June 15th15 Collier Street lViau Real Estate Bldg opposite Barrie Community Credit Union Ltdl ln appreciation to our many clients we will have Mr Johnston technician for international Hearing Aids Ltd June l7th and mm from 930 am to 530 pm who will clean and check your hearing aid regardless of make or model also hearing tests and ear molds cleaned free of charge Take advantage of this service by visiting our new modern offices We are the only Hearing Aid office in Simcoe County that represents of the worlds leading Hearing Aid manufacturers II ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION Our Battery prices are the lowest anywhere in Canada ELLIS HEARING AID SERVICE 15 Collier Street Phone 7262561 Serving Simcoe County slnco I945