Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1976, p. 15

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IIP WANTED HELP WANTED lam SA The Barrie Examiner Monday June 14 197615 stacles Professional Sales Person no CONSIGNMENT SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES ntarios most aggressive appliance and furniture chain requires sales person seeking career Death Notices Engagements Births $500 Sufiesisfu applicant can earn up to $30000 per year Excellem °p 19° Weigefizidays IZIIIPIil maximum 40 words additional words cents per word P0 ty or advancement °°W Ca dof Thanks 25 500 For appointment contoct Manager or Assistant Mana er at OR To NEW AND USED Addhl°nal $032 in Per WW Bad 80 Iiances NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY Consignments accepted pm to In Memoriam no verse 35 00 PP Urn Ure THE CORPORATION OF pm day before auction Pick Verse or co Bayfield St North THE CITY or BARRIE up service By ALEX BINKLEY in Hungary in April beating the adding that Audrey Van Barrle To DISPENSE WITH AVOTE Coming Events $322 per column Inch The Canadian Press Sowet Umon East Germany dervelden 22 of Vancouver II 7267053 OF THE ELECTORS AUCTION CENTRE we have to beat Hungary Hungary and Bulgaria Then the towerin striker and Patti Nobody beats and Boy TAKEN 49 MORRow RD UNIT Il ENGAGEMENTS BIRTHS and pemtobein sitiontowin only 1085 was to Cuba All of Olson 18 Calgary have also Jul OTICE THAT BARRIEI ONTAmo p° which establishes Canada as come along strongly in the last CANTBOUWHUIS Mr and Mrs MELson5oe and Laurie are happy to an Olym Ic Medal says Moo The Council of the Cor BRYAN pAcstLo IngIIIiIzcaenIhgtegagri pieIahsfid dto announced the birth at their son Joseph park diminutive im figegyvgnengil power year 24 01d Porghon lhle ley of Barrie In Anchorinmpmprmor for Laura HelgngtdnJohnoH Eouwahlgis ubiargrgdiognfgrphlik 2abrilrleras perturbable Scum Korean who Vancouver Thimos were the Altt iysa el 81 becao BONDABLE BOARD SECRETARY ten sIto appy to the Ontario 7OSI737I087972 II 631 on ofmr aTnId MrsIIdeT BoimnuLs ofIOro Gerry Stubbs and Mr and Mrs Ron coaches Canadas womens vol nucleus of the national team her ex riefige yand veban BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR M°P° °°° PP°° pm 33582 ArlfeiiigfrildiciloIJJrSftoFiir leyball team And we have pe satdaJ 261976 sM Bylaw Number 7671 to MWFJu30 ChuurIEhIYBarPlIr vs which came into being in 1974 ability REQUIRED BY authorize the purchase of Part and MrsiLawrenceMdsm tggaorhshance to beat those ah it hasiTmpltTlvelj rethaykh camle Bismp 27 0f vex MUSKOKAPARRY SOUND HEALTH UN 10s ml 10 Concession l3 PUBLIC NOTICE PuIiLlc NOTICE ciiléisyrifiIlloliézilyefinéoliiiiil3 By implication Park is con gin mng Swgldpglfaemlgfm lcalluverIiéirtuiiliy ufrlkgown until AT ITS HEAD OFFICE IN BRACEBRIDGE Township of innisml now in he Isfullofwoe Thursdays child hasfarto ceding that the Canadians are lane may mullet Ct 90 Friday child ls loving and giving 1k the ShlpS was forced to leave the team to record minutes prepare budgets reports and financial yo or smu Pu or fxluadndy Cynigyw°trlfssarrdf°wgssm 31 etyeao noc Po the The girls are young and en laSt year for an operation to statements manage properties and all business matters including $50655 at an esmnmed cos If b3 Dnyalsctatr med Ws néngood 83 340 cal 31a es 0° thusiastic and they are trying correctaback problem has be ciericoldeparMOMOnd responsibiliwforbankingI municipalevies 000000 which amount oay Children hearing this verse by Ja an whichwon the first reallyhard nowParksays come one of the squads spar ond full set of books with support of administrative assistants Must 2M be mad by he 5°I° °f Tritighegasudieiheawgeyl vrlaasnflIETr fifth 01 ic volleyball gold medal He Fakes Mary DemPStert21v kphgs and was named best set be able to relate favorably with staff of 50 other department ebemrres payable om°c me To so iiiIt igfriiatlgfiigi 3Shit3iy°° ml inyl9f and the Soviet Union wmmpeg as the mOSt lief in the European muma re 2735 thleI corIpIIorIotIe bOTrddplOVInClOl consultants member 222Inrgzznoag $923 dong$120 mcnpxfigificErrngIneegagIzthI Annrogglfig which won in 1968 and 1972 are proved member at the team merit cu OIhelrcLthgy znilIcsla re ate agenctes and fellow administrators at 2I Applicafion win be made Io mega meIwfiekI 30m and INTI Egg bets to be the finalists ewegtan otervta Th OntaoMBd filA id Address h°d wr°°° to an 33 °°h THE BARRIE PLANNING BOARD has received an application to biggie permfifierit°rcc$rsl°ory2 If C9daca escape ml Medcalomce °f Heahhr 8°x 109 Bracebrldgei P03 1C0 pen rezone property located at the northwest corner of Cundles and B°°k mm The the ehmmanon round It WI Jun the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works linP WANTED linP lump AW roiepover may within twentyone days after the first II publication of this notice send BACK HOE OPERATOR Barrie Examiner Birth Notice 15 only $500 Maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 7282414 Kozlov Street The property is presently zoned Residential Hold and the request is to rezone the property to RAI by site plan to permit an apartment complex Planning Board will be holding public meeting on TUESDAY JUNE 15 1976 at 830 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall In terested persons should attend or write to express their opinions BATES Asst SecretaryTreasurer probably face the Russians in the slgmiflirlials AiIiId elIren aflrflss Wou stil eavet or the thirdplace bronzg pTiesum NEW YORK AP TWO Seconds neede for the Photo ably against South Korea East pennies can make the differ grnphISemprmiplaysgames Germany Cuba ence between good photo IIplace two bright shiny The Canadians defeated Peru graph of child and great Pennies 0n the floor hesays in Vancouver before the Pan one says Dino Semprini the and challenge the child to American Games last fall be owner of portrait studio here keep with covered with foot MURIELS FLOWERS 77 BAYFIELD ST BEAT THE HEAT thyechTtyprpngrizbet limo dress given below notice in writing stating his obiection to 3PARTTIME OPENINGS such approval and the grounds BARR PLANNING BOARD fore losing to the Tame team in and phthgrapher or children It children EzprtEenceId yrvIlethIllcence Year MUST of such obiecfionI Ju111415 AM the Games Mexco City PHOTOS CHANGED are more photogenic he has em Have Igood car 32 The Omario Municipal BEAT RUSSIANS He says the pose conveys the toys and games on hand to help 8° °b w°rk fr°m Board may order pursuant to feeling wanted in the photo strikelively responsive moods 630 pm to 1030 pm dolly he mm the he assem of or II II But from Ithere they wentIon graph Since the difficulty lies He also has tall props such as plus am to pm Saturn the stack she no be A4 ig The Florist Who Cares to make an Impresswe showmg in coaxing an active youngster stuffed animals so the child re EISEIEIIYEIthT Rbiigskgégrélselgveirtagyg day required and may approve GROVE DUCKWORTH PLAZA In the Savarla Cup tournament to maintain one position the few mains preoccupied Egpectad flatwork afllgne in professioInal 2b195l°rlmmed°ely the said works but before 7268642 15 ICE TI TI merit resiirheI tgoeoxechilTTNBarerritapE 36 of legua ageI dong 5° may app°m We 10 eminer and place for public hearing MATURE RESPONSIBLE and loving We °9 °d °P when any obiections will be person is needed for night relief duty in childrens home Commencing August 15th Phone 7262640 PLUMBER required Certification tools transportation necessary Poten tial to layout work and handle man desirable Douglas Plumbing Co Li mited 7289641 Evenings after pm 7372480 POY considered For interview call Mr Jones DATED at the City of Barrie this 7th day of June I976 STRAUGHAN City Clerk 84 Collier Street THE BARRIE PLANNING BOARD has received an application to develop land which is located south of Shirley Avenue west of sun nidale Road and north of Highway 400 This area of the City is presently zoned Residential R2 which permits single family detached dwellings and the request is to rezone the property to Residential RM4 by site plan to permit fortytwo street townhousing Consistency is strong point RICHARDSON Melvin Fredrick Passed away Saturday June 12 1976 at Suabury Memorial Hospital Son of the late Fred and Laura Richardson Mldhursl Ontario Survived by his wife Patricia daughter Helen sons Harry Philip Michaelle and Paul Sisters Madeline Beatrice Mariorie Joyce MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Qualifica tions High school physically fit Shirley Brothers Chester Jack ALEX 13mm FY when joined By the second From there could nothave SALESPERSON required ior homeJm energetic outgmno personable dwelling units pItovgmentIrOIwn car gzgential commis gggYilggivgggleoggexfififgIénsfiifigevi BARRIE ONOIIO Planning Board will be holding public meeting on TUESDAY JUNE aélehsag 38°11fifieghigfeggfgfigffig OTTAWA CF Several year DOHOhIle had US trusting had better set 0f Clrcum on ephone the bottom and acceptself development JU7 15 1976 at 700 pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss eaCh 0ther Stance5 Funeralarrangr€ntsIobemadelaler rincELLouon orwncoorveron Years ago Jac Donohue was tario formerly iii Barrie Ontario in holdingatraining campin Wln MATURE PERSON for application of coatings on buildings Experience not We offer Above average wage hospitalization life insurance maior this proposal Any interested persons are invited to attend or write Donahue gets you to believe In 1973 between high school essenfia WT rain simcoe spraylex medical dental travel allowance tree EXAMINER To express Their Opinions hospital on Saturday June 12 1976 In yourself and diSPiphhe your and univeysity Played an 7233 meals opportunity to learn the business WANT ADS BATES his olst year Mr Pacello was ter mpeg lmkmg for players for Sle and think out Situations He summer With the national team BUILD career In retail management world with leader Duties To train ritorial manager of Master Feeds and the national baSketbah team tau specialist in feed and crop for United when determinedlooking Cooperative of Ontario Beloved hus ght me how to control the and that helped me step right tempo of the game into college bail bond of Ruby McClelland Father oI feenager came up mm bah Riley realizes he is good He has two more years at John of Sharron Bryan of Barrie In hand and asked if he could 8mm Madeline HullIauebKI and playI player and works hard at get Manitoba before completinghis two brothers In Montreal Grandfather ting better says Donohue physical education deyee of three grandchildren Resting at DonOhuei Who Says one Of his He has developed into good Brunei and Sons Funeral Directors 2H9 biggest battles since becoming Shooterva WANTS TO COACH Laurier St Rockland Funeral services Tuesday June am in me the national coach In 1972 has John RestivoI recently He says he may keepplaymg Mikes Milk requires manager trainee for Barrie area store months training program provided salary plus bonus Apply to Mr Bob Waller Mikes Milk 45 Penetang Street 7371281 EXPERIENCED MECHANIC for farm equipment dealership also set up per son Farming background an asset App ly Glffen Farm Equipment Minesing telephone 7284610 motivate develop and lead groups of PHONE 72824 teenage students towards acheiving quality service cleanliness and profit Kindly complete an application form available at any McDonalds Restaurants PO Box 51 Barrie On tario KITCHEN SUPERVISOR required Experienced in stock control and super vising staff Excellent company Asst SecretaryTreasurer BARRIE PLANNING BOARD Jul 14 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING benemSI in chapelfollowedbycremailon been to get Canadian basket With thenatlonal team until the arsesiitizacrc°tzzzis Uni PHONE Inn Arno ballers to take themselves se SheriSieéfiiléfileifédzfééfi 1980 Olympics in Moscow Bur iwflwiwn re as Ia arrte une wage Mun 5W 5mm RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED im 7282414 Iglwn Arthur Smith In riis 915i oushi t°°k one ta and Bayfleld Mall 7263431 IF YOU WISH to work day week or month at time and have previous ex perience as bookkeeper clerk typist or stenographer Please call Manpower Temporary Services at 7281191 MATURE WOMAN required to babysit in my home days per week Children 12 years years and months Light housekeeping Must have own transpor would really like to get into year Beloved husband of the late Ellen Old the ieenager get on the isrigcgattlgiléyseiysthlzilegoss Coaching working with digit ioiiélefSioitIfiififl court think is doing lot but when younger Ems David predeceasw Loving orandtame It was couple of years be you look at an the Statistics you Internaional basketball wasa of Kenneth Nancy Elizabeth and Peter re Mar in Resting at the Steckiey Funeral Home ley ma ethe na see how mVOlved he 15 in all bigcnangeforhlm SOWOrsIeyI St Barrie after pm Mon onal team but IDonOhue says parts of the game Imlhe biggest change is dis jay SIebrwIce2 In the Ictiapel VieIrelIngsIdayt he has become perhaps the Hers steady for someone So c1phne You have to be under une pm It ermen ms mm Memmmdonanwsm Gena most conSIsient player In Can young Theres not any aspect more control than In college mediater by local building supply firm Must be experienced typisl and cus tomer orietned Excellent fringe benefit Reply to Box R41 The Barrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display ad vertisement which musl be in by In two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 114E BARRIE PLANNING BOARD has received two applications to subdivide and rezone land located south Of Curldles Road east of Anne Street and west Of Sunnidale Road One draft plan is for eighteen lots the second for thirtyfive lots The requested zoning MATURE MOTHER to mind chiIJren in my name John Street area Hot lunches and recreation supplied Call 737 0991 or tation and be punctual and reliable 726632op AOwordi$500 dian Cancer Society or charity of your ada You can make couple of mis LocatedIat Highway 400 lnnistil Beach VACATIO gigsErlfflficna week Additional wordmcts per word is RBSIdentlol R3 which permits Single family detached dwellings choice would be appreciated Riley 20 has not received as of the game he ls Weak He takes andbedown 10 or 15 pom need em no er da Ba to approx 50 works hard and his defenswe mam mpA Ym BOX R39 The Iy babysitting in my home Collier St CARD lHANKS 75 wardi $500 Ad Planning Board WI be holding PUBLIC MEETING on TUESDAY much recognition as Bill Robin la ex 11 Whe th ts 93 Telephone 728 5690 for runner in di°°w°d°lt WW JUNE I5 1976 tBOO th Ch II 11 Phl ce em Barrle Examiner formdfionI IN MEMORIAM NOTICES on pm in ounCI am ers ity to son amie usse an loose ball you know her be it ernationa asketball is MATURE AND Iattractive person DAYCAfiE AQAILAéLE ReerencesI WM mum 1m discuss this development and zoning Interested persons are invited TOUCStrUp stars 0f the national me first to dive on In rougher The players arebigger IV 32128325oifieiiri2iiaéi 53 fig IMSIB gummy ln attend or write to express their opinions Funeral Home Chapel team for the last few years and stronger and also tougher SUItaIbIe person could be ironed sincere oneeyearl Jgifl 33353332 63 p335 COMING MNrs BATES I27 BAYFIELD ST Bu Play 35 he gulled un BEGAN Ab LOSER WM the team 0f appllcant only need apply Schnitzel 12870 $322percolumninch verSIty of ManItOba Bisons to rt and recogntlon at home House7263B31 rAwvr no 24 wow MINIMUM 55 ea ory reosurer 7282530 the Canadian Intercolle iate Riley firs layed on SChOOI thers Rl BARRIE PLANNING BOARD 193 we wan ELECT ROLUX CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Catch Friendly Courteous Service Athletic Union championship team in Gra 98 It 105 four to be called great because we Jul il4rl5 MWF55 this year showed why Donahue games After Grade 11 he led arentyet Full or parrtime Male or female or Diuount Rain apply if paid within days couple If you own car can Show you One or two innrtlons 9c per word in me way increase your earnings While every endeavor will be who comm mmon an says he really controIIIs the omwththe nationalteanl Other countries teams at teresting challenging For confidential made to forward replies to box cents pot word insertion total son Six CARDS OF THANKS basketball and the game The next year he led his high tract large crowds at home and interview ask for MrIGraul 7293392 consecutive insertions 8c per word per in numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect Of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies school uad to 404 wonlost we would like to have more TENDERS TENDERS CHURCH The family of thelate Rciia May Church wish to express their thanks AIMS OR n1FDAl record support usn and appreciation to their neighbors friendsand relativeslorcordsllowers The wet00h guard ha memorial donations and other kind been on the national team for nesses Special thanks to Dr Little the nurses and staff at Royal Victoria three years and has played Hospital more than 70 international union total $1152 Multiple insertions may be ordered subiect lo cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words counl as 24 words Each initial ab breviation set of numbers etc count as separate words OPENING FOR an ambitious salesper son commencement salary from $600 to $900 per month plus bonus Must have Grade 11 minimum and three years business experience Call 72611436 Mon day through Friday9ta 12am VE EXPERIENCED MECHANIC required for farm equipment dealership located it Ontario Governmentlenderf lust north of Barrie on Highway 93 Ap however Otherwise pmoofgffiltipm games Like Donohue and his gaovkmxqt¥fieogu3i32d€332 ificNr no convenience to the advertisers COMINGIEIYIEINTSII teammaiest he ls cOnVlnced Therefore Ihe Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kin dly recheck their advertisement imr mediotely after first insertion in order that MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Installation of New Heating System at OPP Headquarters in BARRIE Ont Canada can win an Olympic basketball medal this summer for the first time since the Ca polntment contact Murray Richards of Charles Richards and Sons at 7285339 EXPERIENCED CHEF required for steak house and seafood tavern located OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Arrow dians won the silver in 1936 close to Barrie references please °Y 9° WY P°d GBA3l9 THORNTON UNITED CHURCH bef that FlewMon 436 1882 728 350 Grades TyohgeLin your rociiiTed firmthenlerlocing dayogithlricgtyion Replace Underground Steam Heating Lines at the Muskoka Cenv WEDNESDAY JUNE 73 canada dd not quahfy ba BUSness EqUPmem spare time All books supplied Low itifEjfrnimizrmjzgmlg03g Ire in GRAVENHURST Ont Steepm £91m fordhe I972 thynipc manlygaggmsngzbnemuxbeiru$253 Skseczteztc ah than only to the OXIITIT of AmeSSTOn Aduls gencaugse fie Representallve Institute 451A Eglinton Avenue West WIND Gd WOW llpll PLUMBING CONTRACTORS under l2 5150 TorontoM5NlA7OntarIo Errors which do nol 23 country But Ryiey thmks the reqwed for Barre 391 eVCW Ewnw in vol advimnur Supply and install New Septic System at the Camp Dufferm trouble shooting mechanical typewriters vA in er team has PYOVEd itself by beal noteligibleforcarrecfionsbymakegoods the major world con The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to Detention Centre DUFFERIN COUNTY Ont 66910 and adding machines Salary negotiable Car supplied All replies will remain con WANT ADS clatslf hm or reeclan wanlads COFFEE PARTY tenders except the United 3mgDBTPIEQMOTIRTREPS PHONE 72824 WONEIHBIHY Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm AND BAKE SALE States and Yugoslavia 3267331 flesemww local time on WEDNESDAY JULY 776 WEDNESDAY JUNE Lisi lIiIugLést theJ team So IIEIIOrEISiLEEd Combined Tenders will not be accepted 930 to II am feat oviet mon 72 eSame HELP WANTED up WAND up WANTED Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of ST ANDREWS CHURCH HALL Olymplc champlons 8684 Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Owe °nd W°5l°Y S5 140s Of People 533 l5 was Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 Admissionsoc fluke but that doesnt matters NOTE For Further information regarding the Tenders please call Juld It was their best team Iand we Mr MCIsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 haVe to start some time Riley says reports that the national team is made up of in BI dividuals who have only love of the game and admiration of The lowest Or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Tomato Earn Extra Money St John Vianne Hall Donohue to keep them together Government EVERY TUESDYAY are completely true WW Bacon ADMIRAIION MUTUAL Sewlces $200 Jackpot mm team wasm together MTF WHICH DAY Ontario In Your Spare Time THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS in the following areas III iiy iIIIi Tentlender zitty New in Town Ontario Govern Pickles To su and ins all full au oma ic iese enera or plant Izgriiplete wifh automaTic trarIisIfer sfiilhvdlng 100lgllon erl You nd glenIngzlrygy1refoggItIZIIInIstry of Health Mental Health fricnd Whom you Mustard VANCOUVER ST 1036 see this Sign Ketchup SHANTY BAY AREA MONDAY oaSted received until 300 pm LOCAL TIME on PENETANGPERCZY AREA WEDNESDAY neInt iOIIViChGS RegiorzgfigfggeIfga James SIIIeeIItIiriEIcTsiry one one or romt inistr overn ment Servrices Public Tenders Office Room M143AYMacdonad Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario Telephone No 416 965 52 with liilllkl hilltiltUll SATURDAY Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as Od ones satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 $1000000 Bid Bond 100 per cent Performance Bond and 50 per cent Payment Band will be required For Illl ll1lIIllIIllI1 NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Campbell Ministry of Government Services Toronto Ontario Telephone No 416 9651152 or the Regional Office above The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted call 261454 347 Bayfield $1 Barrie Name Ministry of gritgrkiiinziizrz£25 72833331 7280941 Government B°Ytéfrmféfliiisén Address 332117¥hdgzahfg Classified Section Phone 72324 Telephone Age Ontario

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