Energy cos tsaving firm considered by school board The Simcoe County Board of Education will not consider purchasrng the servicesofan energy cost saving company until trustees know what other or anizations the com panywor sfor Wednesday night the board energy management committee proposed the board purchase the services of National Utilities Services Canada Limited com panfy that studies utility bills togsmd opportunities for sav Tom Shultz su rintendent of business said company would review the utility bills of each school and determine if the board could save money by being placed in different billing classification The com ny would charge startup ee of $5000 and 50 per cent of all savings for five years Mr Shultz said the savings could run from significant to major Joe Whelan of Barrie said he was opposed to spending FIRE ASSOC THANKS SHAN TY BAY RESIDENTS SHANTY BAY People in this area are being careful about fire and the Shanty Bay Fire Associa tion is thankful There have been no brush fires in the Shanty Bay District this year says George Sutton Shanty Bay firechief And people being careful is the reason why he says Usually there are about three to five brush fires year says Chief Sutton The firemens associa tion would like to thank people for being so careful Brush fires are caused by people who just dont think It looks as though peo ple are becoming more ed ucated about the fire danger and are being more careful More people are doing what they should be do ing Driving motor vehicle strictly privilege AG VICTORIA HARBOUR Permission to drive motor vehicle should be regarded strictly as privilege rather than as right 0n tario AttorneyGeneral Roy McMurtry told the Simcoe East Progressive Conser vative Associations annual meeting here this week He said he had quite predictably run up against the publics love affair with the automobile in enacting Many seniors to be away for accommodation hearing STROUD The Ontario Housing Corp is holding public meeting June 15 to compulsory seat bet legisla tion and acknowledged that some view the law as the ultimate legislation against the publics rights But he said opponents of the law ignore the cost to society of not wearing seat belts He also defended his stand in hockey violence from charges of police state in the arenas saying that hockey players have the right to protection against un determine the need for senior citizen accommodation in In nisfil but it appears few Swine flu vaccine meets our standards OTTAWA BUREAU OF THE EXAMINER The Swine flu vaccine the government is buying in Australia Europe and the United States for mass im munization program this fall completely meets Canadian standards health and wel fare minister Marc Lalonde said in the Commons In his reassurance the minister told Dr Rynard PCSimcoe North that health department of ficials have been in touch with manufacturing firms to ensure the correct vaccine is produced Dr Rynard said at least one firm initially began to manufacture the old type of Swine flu vaccine instead of incorporating later trans mutations in it The modernized Swine flu vaccine affords much high er level of protection the medical doctor told the Com mons during the daily oral question period such large sum of money and questioned why member of the existing staff could not check the bills Mr Shultz said this would require large number of staff members and there is no one on staff who has the expertise to investigate the invoices It would cost $10000 year to hire new clerk he said and with energy costs con stantly changing the com pany is able to keep its people up to date The company has worked for other school boards Mr Shultz said and one school board was able to save $10000 Several trustees asked for names of clients but Mr Shultz indicated the company does not reveal the names of its clients Trustees said they did not believe the board should enter contract until in formed of other clients and the amount of money they saved Mr Shultz said he would obtain names and figures and present them to trustees during private session of theboard warranted attacks by other players He said he has as Conser vative always believed in in dividual rights and been skeptical of government in terference in peoples lives But he said the government must pass laws to protect people from their neighbors and themselves even if those laws infringe on individual rightsandprivileges elderly will be able to attend Several of the townships senior citizens groups will be away on tours outside the the township Reeve Bill Gibbins noted Wednesday group from Lefroy will be visitin the Thousand Islands that ay he said while Stroud group will be away on atrip too They lHCi seem to have picked bad day he said June 15 has also be dc clared Senior Citizen Day at the Stroudlnnisfil Communi ty Centre and number of ac tivities and events have been organized The public meetings will be held at pm and again at in the township council chambers at Stroud The presentation will include slide show and question andanswer session SAM NEILLY Simcoe County Board of Education trustee for Gilford pre sents the award to top boy graduate of the twoyear occupational training pro gram at Banting Memorial High School Alliston Win ner was John Lynn who received the NP Mac Donald Memorial Award at graduation ceremonies Thursday Examiner Photo 30 in occupational skills graduate at Alliston high ALLISTON Thirty Ban ting Memorial High School students recived their cer tificates of training at graduation exercises for suc cessful completion of the twoyear Phase 11 program The program teaches occu pations ills such as hair dressing shop home nursing and driving Iop Grade 10 girls student was Lynda Weller who was resented the McCague Blemorial Award by Simcoe County Board of Education trustee Audrey Trotter Top Grade to boy was John Lynn who received the NP McDonald Memorial Award presented by Sam Neilly also SCBE trustee General proficiency awards were also given to three Grade students Wen dy Roth Carl Merklinger and Randy Bone There were eight graduates of the Red Cross Home Nurs ing course this year Kathleen Bell Debbie Douglas Marion Keating Catherine McCullough Rona Murray Cindy Reed Heather Ruiter and Lynda Weller Miss Ruiter won the nursess aid general profi ciency prize and was presented with the Everett Womens Institute Award Several special awards were presented as well to Kathleen Bell for perfect at tendance Marion Keating for hairdressing Debbie Pepin for hairdressing Grade Keith Simpson for general proficiency in shop and Anne Fournier for most improvement Valedictorians were Michael Milner and Rona Murrary reception was held after wards ROBERT SNEDDON AND STEPHEN McNEIL WORK ON THE QUATRACYCLE North Collegiate students in The Great Canadian Race Two Barrie NorthCol legiate students will unof ficially represent the city in The Great Canadian Race this monthAa 400 mile trip to Montreal from Toronto Robert Sneddon 18 of Angus and Stephen McNeil 17 of Vespra Township are the only area residents entered in the race which starts June 19 from the Canadian National Exhibi tion grounds The race is not relly race in which contestants try to beat each other Robert said The objective is to promote harmony and goodwill between people and communities The eightday event is sponsored by number of companies including Air REV SKELLY irst Canadian to earn degree Rev izirdincr Fred Skelly pastor of Collier St llnitcd hurch Harrie 1023001 is the first zinadian to complete the requirements for the degrees of Doctor of Ministry Min from Princeton Theological Seminary Ncw Jersey The honorcd award was conferred June Dr Skclly will return to Barrie in tobcr to preach 140th anniver sary services at Collier United graduate of Trinity Tol lcgc Dublin from which he holds RA and MA degrees Dr Skelly gained his HI Doctor of Divinity from Queens lJNniversity during his ministry at the Communi ty Thurch of Deep River 195350 Since leaving Barrie he has been senior minister of Rycrson United Church Ha milton He has also had the distinc tion recently of having sere mons published in national journals in both Canada and the United States and was the only Canadian preacher to be included with 14 authors from America and Europe in vol ume entitled The Rest of Master Sermons Strike enters 18th week The strike by 38 employees at Barries Chrysler Canada utboard plant entered its 18th week Thursday with both sides still waiting for date to be set for third session of mediationtalks The last mediation sessmn was held three weeks ago Chrysler comptroller Dan Cowan said today provincial officials have been in touch with the firm but have not yet given notice of date for the next session Frank Berry in ternational representative for the United Steelw0rkers of America USW said the delay is not unusual The employees members of USW Local 6831 went on strike Feb 12 after working without contract since Nov 30 Canada CTV Benson and Hedges Avis RentACar and Shoppers Drug Mart and proceeds from the $10 entry fee will go to charitable groups and sports organizations Robert and Stephen have planned the trip for about month and have prepared fourwheel pedal powered cycle Two used bicycles were welded together and have com mon steering and pedal system The cost they said was about $40 for the quatracy cle and they are not quite finished the work Contestants in the race are divided into number of categories including ecology interesting hood winking whimsy antique comfort land sea air motorized nonmotorized and the ones who want to compete against the clock The race is along High way and starts at the CNE attiam All we have to do is ride about 50 miles day Robert said in voice filled with optimism figure we can go the whole route Stephen was not quite as positive saying Well try our best He admitted he is worying about the trip for both of the riders Neither of the two stu dents has done any real longdistance riding but during the past month they have gone everywhere by bicycle Why compete in trip which means going 50 miles day for eight days Just to do something to go to Montreal and to get out of the house Stephen said Its an event which will probably only happen onccinalifetime The two boys admitted their parents were little skeptical of the trip and did not believe the students would enter or complete thequatracycleintime Robert and Stephen hope to cycle to Toronto two days before the race starts to get used to the pedalling Now they are looking for sponsors in Barrie par ticularly sporting goods stores to donate some equipment They started canvassing the area Thursday afternoon LOCAL AND GENERAL AS EIIIING The regular monthly meeting of the Simcoe County Childrens Aid Society board of directors will be held Tuesday at pm in the societys offices at the County Administration Centre Mid burst Directors will consider election of new vice president of the board to replace Rev Ken Portion of Barrie who has been transferred to Toronto Mr Purdon will remain mcm ber of the board until his term expires Land Pt Maggie STRAWBERRY SlIIIIR Grace United Church Wo men will hold their annual strawberry supper from to pm on June 22 The church is on Grove Street East at Cook Strcct IAKIN ARE About 200 LatterDay Saints Mormons from the Barrie area will travel to Toronto today for the world premier of Takin Care documentary film about anada and about the role played by Canadian Mormons Thc 30Aininute film by Karl II Konnry of Toronto has scenes from 140 locations in all 10 provinces The film will be screened at pm at the new Etobicoke lympium with the expected overflow crowd to see it by closedcircuit television at the churchs Toronto Stake Centre nearby For tickets and transportar tion to the screening call 7288237 or 4245899 JOHN MOORE ROAST The Mincsing Community has planned Roast John Moore Night at on June 18 in the Mincsing Community Centre Present and former students staff and parents of Minesing Central School are invited to attend this farewwll to Mr Moore OFFICERS INSTALLED The officers of the Barrie Kinsmen Club and Barrie Kilt nettcs Club will be installed Saturday durin an installa tion dinner an dance meet ing The dinner starts at pm at the Continental Inn and will be followed by the dance RUMMAGE SALE The Knights of Columbus will hold sale of clothing home furnishings and home baking June 19 at their hall Berczy and Codrington streets Proceeds will go to the St John Bosco Home for Boys The Barrie Judo Club will give free demonstra tion and free tea coffee and cold drinks will be served OPEN HOUSES Open Houses will be held each Monday this month at the Allandale Lawn Bowling Club for those interested in learning about the sport Free instruction will be pro vided at the open houses which start at 130 pm Flat soled shoes are necessary The club is located on Essa Road Further information is available by phoning 7206012 TENDER OPENING tender opening commit tee meeting is scheduled for public works committee members Iune 28 at pm for road paving materials The public works committee will hold special meeting at 530 pill to award the con tract OAFIIESNEEDED Coaches and managers are needed for the 19701977 season of the Stroud Minor Hockey Association Applica tions can be mailed to Barry Gerrard General Delivciy Stroud by June 30 PLAYGROINI RIIUISIRAIION chistration for the citys playgrounds is scheduled llicsday June 13 from to to pin it the nine locations Johnson Street School xll ington Strcct School Stcclc Street School Maple irovc School undles Heights School Ilillcrcst School Prince of Wales School King Illward School and Allandale Heights School The summer program at the playgrounds arc opened to tots 57 years old juniors 810 years old and seniors 1111 years old llic cost is $10 for each child $30 for family for the slimmer MARIYRS SIIRINIi MIDLAND The Jesuit community of thc Martyrs Shrine hcrc will celebrate the BARRIE Hob Dufresne left Bill Jef fels and John McKocn are getting ready for their an nual toll day to raise money Fl RE FIGHTERS 3011i anniversary of the foun ding of the present shrine June 20 with concclcbratcd Mass at 230 pin followed by reception The ceremony will also mark the 350th an nivcisury of thc arrival in lliiionizi of St Jean de lircbcuf one of the most famous of thc martyrs who was tortured in death nearby by thc Iroquois and lies lllricd acros thi road at Ste MarieAmongthcllurons FAMILY LIFE The Family Life Associa tion is holding general meeting Thursday June 17 at 730 pm in the faculty lounge at Barrie Central Col legiate The guest speaker for the meeting which is open to members and the public is Dr James Henderson direc tor of psychological services at Royal Victoria Hospital SPARE LIFEGIARDS Harrie recreation depart ment is holding spare lifeguard clinic Saturday June at the Lions Pool north of Grove Street west The clinic is open to anyone with current bronze me dallion from the Royal Lifesaving Society The clinic operates from am to pm and will train people in terested in parttime work as city lifeguards at the pool for the Muscular Dystro phy Association Firefight ers will set up toll gates at the exits of the Bayfield Mall Barrie Wellington Ellie Therm Examiner CITYNEWS The Barrie Examiner Friday June ll 19767 Prenatal classes stOp for nurses strike Prenatal classes and pre school health screening pro grams offered by the Simcoe County District Health Unit will be cancelled next week due to the scheduled nurses strike Dr Nancy Armbrust medical officer of health said Thursday But health unit services to doctors and schools will be provided on an emergency asis by the fivemember senior staff she said Seven or eight prenatal classes for expectant parents are under way across the county she said and the sevenweek course will be ex tended one week to make up for the week missed She said health unit offi cials also hope to reschedule preschool screening of youngsters who will enter kindergarten in the fall Dr Armbrust said she could not predict the degree of disruption the oneweek strike will cause to health unit services Well have to wait and see she said Nurses at the unit are join ing in provincewide one week strike at an estimated 27 health units across the pro vince Nurses involved members of the Ontario Nurses As sociation are striking for bin ding arbitration of contract disputes and to support nurses at the Haliburton KawarthaPine Ridge Health Unit who have been locked out in contract dispute Contract talks at the Sim coe County unit broke down March 12 after one concilia tion session Wages and ar bitration are the issues with the 30 nurses seeking wage parity with hospital nurses Hireastudent week filled with activity Mayor Dorian Parker has declared June 21 to 25 hirea student week in Barrie and the Canada Manpower Centre for Students has series of events planned to convince employers of the ability and willingness of student work ers poster display and con test at Georgian Mail will oc cupy next week and car wash will be held June 19 at East End Gulf 340 Blake St Students will wash windows of downtown businesses June 21 wash cars at the Shell Avis Centre at Dunlop and Bradford June 22 and 23 and wash more cars at Ron Mc Leod Texaco 336 Bayfield June24 and 25 In addition the manpower centre is soliciting photos of todays prominent Barrie residents working on summer jobs in their younger days to be published by The Ex aminer as means of show ing the value of investing in youth Do you remember your first summer jobhow eager you were to show that you could work hard and well asks Marilyn Jeffery direc tor of the student Manpower centre Things havent changed much Portable classrooms for Barrie schools This September an addi tional 12 portable classrooms will be located at Barrie schools Eastview secondary school will receive four of the por tables bringing the total number of portables located at the school to eight Central collegiate will receive three classrooms br inging its total to eight and North collegiate will add three classrooms to its ex istingthree However the 22 classrooms will be done away with in September 1977 when fourth high school is opened inBarrie The remaining two por table classrooms scheduled for Barrie will be located at Cundles Heights public school The Simcoe County Board of Education currently has 115 rtable classrooms scat ter around the county That number will increase to 120 in September Wednesday night trustees acce ted the tender of Halli ay Homes Ltd of Burl ington for the supply of the five new classrooms at $49405 the lowest bid of fered The tender price does not include carpets hydro con nection or public announcing and fire connections The total cost is expected to be $56905 The budget alloca tion for this project is $60000 Pain tlike slicks caused by pine pollen Yellow paintlike slicks covering rivers and lakes in Simcoe CountyMuskoka Dis trict are caused by pine pollen says Environment On tario Samples of the substances were collected after residents complained to the ministry Ministry staff tested and found the material to be com mon pine pollen The ministry spokesman says pine pollen is spread Street Plaza and East End Plaza on Blake Street during the evening of June 18 and all day June 19 Per sons travelling through the through the air every year but for some reason it is par ticularly noticeable this year perhaps from strong winds It is buoyant and often col lects in large slick trapping floating plankton and other lake debris the spokesman said The slick will eventually settle to the bottom becom ing part of the natural lake sediment gate may make voluntary donation to the campaign which last year raised $15000 Examiner Photo Muscular DystrOphy tolls start June 18 On June 18 and 19 toll gates will be set up at Barrie shopp ing plazas as local fire fighters continue their cam pfign to raise funds for the uscular Dystrophy Associa tion Barrie firefighters began their campaign against the dreaded childrens disease in 1903 and in the early years worked hard to raise $350 By 1970 their endeavors began to pay off and with the introduction of toll gates they were able to raise record breakin $15000ast year The unds go toward re search summer camps and special patient services Barries full and parttime firefighters will par ticipating in the campaign an this years chairman John McKoen is enthusiastic as specialists are getting closer to cure The toll gates will be in ration during the evening June 18 and all day June 19 at the exit gates of the Bayfield Mall Wellington Street Plaza and East End Plaza on Blake Street Vespra Township Fire fighters man the gates at the Georgian Mall and will carry out their campaign in August Persons may give volun tary donation