PROPERTY roll SALE REAL ESTATE nut 31 mom ion EAL mm aimFm Rm The Barrie Examiner Friday June 197613 PROPERTIES POR SALE an In DAV Mor lg 3155353 iimlliioll°$llll3ifasnwé MORTGAGES APTS TO RENT lllllllllllillllllllllllllllll LEPAGE grmï¬trung Residential Farms Acreages full basement 1068 sq ft $37500 or any reasonableoffer accepted 3258456 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for ONO ram available olmrIIIlecItlately No ROBERT ARMsTR MiTzO REALTOR ren no pe ne room Apply NEW Armstrong Hardware or telephone lllllilllll llllllllllllllllllllll KlNZlE go ecut ve su slon area eaut wel LARGE ONE bedroom pc bath high lil AI lll lill pf freed lot Walking distance to beach quamy broadloom mmughom re BARGAIN BUNGALOW NEAR BORDEN Priced to sell bedroom on large lot 105 200 Equipped with ef ficient kitchen and adioining laundry area near good fishing area and has clean country air Call Vicki Kent at 7370011 or at res 487 2501 BEAUTIFUL MASTER BEDROOM Price $42900 Storey and half bedroom with broadloom pine floor in living room bright kitchen with walkout to patig Excellent home with 220 feet plus lot See now Call Vicki Kent at 7370011 or of res 4872501 EXCELLENT VALUE$43500 Close to downtown immaculate older excellent condition bedroom storey with fireplace in living room separate dining room plus large family room Good mortgage at 10 Please call Enid Day at 7370011 or of res 7266904 NEW COUNTRY HOMERaised brick bungalow bedrooms bathrooms family room with floor to ceiling brick fireplace walkout to pool sized yard large attached garage access to Lake south of Barrie Its real beauty Priced at $64900 Call Queenie Little at 4361922 START YOUR COUNTRY HOME RIGHT NOW with this bedroom house with acre lot set in farm country 15 minutes south of Barrie Priced to sell at $32900 Call Queenie Little at 4361992 STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME minutes from Lake new well and septic system nicely decorated new kitchen cupboards well in sulated ready to move into south of Barrie Priced to sell at $30000 Call Queenie Little at 4361992 QUALITY BUILT BRICK BUNGALOW on large lot in Anten Mills stone fireplace in living room bedroom full basement partially finished Asking $61900 Call Vic Small 017264651 or 4362305 PRATT BUILT bedroom bungalow finished full basement quiet Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER 149 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 10 MORTGAGE ls iust one of the features of this immaculate bedroom bungalow situated on quiet street In the college area Home has broadloom over hardwood in large 18x13 ft living room partially finished recreation room nicely landscaped lot with plenty of room for your family For an appointment to view this $48900 value call Allan Thompson 7269262 or Res 7281024 No B776M COOKSTOWN $52900 bedroom older home on quiet side street Tastefully moderniled with quality broadloom and panelling new family room addition with sun deck Large lot has unique loftgarage and addition outbuilding Good financing B740M Please call Wayne Dobson 7269262 or Res 3222838 WATERFRONT GILFORD $129900 This year round home on $48500 with $12000 down Call 8111 Roblllard 7264744 Peter Lush Assoc Ltd Realtor 7370611 JUST BUILT bedrooms roughed in nice bungalow with garage Well freed lot In Tollendale Your choice of colours Move In July 1st $47500 with 39000 down Act fast on this one Call BIII Robillard 7264744 Peter Lush 8i Assoc Ltd Rea Itor 7370611 BUILDER SPECIAL bedrooms roughed In on Edgehlll Drive Nice country surroundings Ready by July 1st Lot slle 88k 200 Ask lng $47500 with $10000 down Call Bill Roblllard 7264744 Peter Lush 8i Assoc Ltd Realtor 7370611 SHANTY BAY THREE two acre estate lots in ex ecutive subdivision $34000 Builders terms Call Bill Robillard 7264744 Peter Lusha Assoc Ltd Realtor7370611 LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds Immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash frlgerator and stove parking cosy home for responsible person Central resl dental $200 monthly 7262596 7267416 after 530 pm ONE BEDROOM stove and refrigerator near downtown area No pets $170 monthly Please phone 7286980 SELFCONTAINED one bedroom apart ment living room kitchen with stove and refrigerator piece bath electric heated parking space North on St Vin cent St near Mldhurst suitable for bachelor or adults only no pets Available July first $150 per month Telephone 7266716 NEWLY DECORATED large bedroom apartment with stove and refrigerator heat supplied S225 mon thly Apply Whitfield Office Outfitters 29 Dunlop West 7370201 ON BUS ROUTE in quiet area of Barrie bedroom fridge stove dryer drapes utilities paid $200 month Available July 12 call 3222013 afters pm SAVE AN TIME OUR ADVICE IS FREE MATURE BUSINESS glrl wanted to YE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE street in east end Asking $55900 Call Vic Small at 7264651 or 436 In °°° Pl d°° p°°pl° wm l°ds 5°° C°° °5 Wk 351i 331° IlrzllmrgoriilIlwinclfl 2305 sq ft of living space plus guest cottage 85 ft of shallow safe bedroom apartment Rexdale Call IAN KERR We ls YT 200 ft frontage on the 13th Innisfll Twp rooms plus surrounded II 200 II bathr°°msr CWesi elecllc Bus 7371881 an area cannon or me wlt 0c Exce ent an scoping Wit me we mph bmwmm am may mature trees The new brick addition With 30 20 llvmg and $49500MERRETT DR bedroom brick and aluminum split entry 3759 phase can Wayne Dobson 7269262 or Res 3222838 to move in Close to No 27 401 and large HOME 4875385 ONE BEDROOM apartment stove and dining rooms offers the purchaser more than adequate room to en raised rancher with 4th bedroom finished recreation room and View Ihis proper WWW plaui Emmi KINZIE LIMITED emgeum my Vlcmm mm tertain plenty of water from the 90 drilled well and if youre in walkout to large lot with many apple trees super view of Barrie Ju11 2100 landttsdebheghallngggaght lrrtlacre 107 iiiiiRYEliilierliiledmyMm terested in quality construction and iust something different Phone north across Bay Call Don Miller at 7264651 or 4364507 Pg dew wrlle 50 R34 35 £13113 Ea SUMMER SPECIAL sublet July and xam ner Wes or Dan at 7370011 anytime JUST LISTED acres in on near sugar Bush very we bum W1 IIIIIarryl Vothan 4362534 sizletlï¬glpson 7281024 9TH INNISFIL Near beach Beaumm Member Ontario Mongage gigszigztglgtlsgfllégtbegggonzggeaI AFRIENDLY HOUSE THAT SHOUTS WELCOME storey split entry with huge fieldstone fireplace full room °Y °° °s° 7370625 bed°°°°°°°°°°°e Brokers Association PM mm be Thomas Bronoy 7282994 Dowd wlgley 7268497 garage well freed double lot Builders route Rent reasonable7283747 Reduced to I0 marks chue OI $491900 owner movmg back sement exce ent carpentry work house set in middle of maple Grace Drone 728 299 POUI Dumoulin own home Priced Sell Wll look TF 262 SHANTY BAY Rd Kempenfelt Metro and will consider an constructive offer Located on Uiet bush excellent for ski chalet or permanent home Call Dan Miller at any °° 9° Village WWIWHY W009 59 Brode we 7287209 737 07 Bill Robillard at 7264744 representing secluded sIreeI WM rooms car attached garage and paved 7264651 or 4364507 ErnesKNons 7287209 woyne bobson 3222838 Peter Lush and Associates Ltd Rigiglflagfielï¬gflgmfiï¬g Iovlffgf drive and mature trees Large fenced 62 115 lot roughedin $2690075tarter or retirement home carries like rent just south of UNUSUALLY LOVELV walellm P° an on cluded Adults only no pets Available IIIreplace and you can move in tomorrow Please ask for Don or Barrie Extra large lot Call Dan Miller at 7264651 or 7281998 Seebryoolltoftomeffllégï¬ge15Sighting Mozlifjiiltzzéiceo JXALIISTSQXUZZWCOU RT est at 737001 Some fruit reduced to $86000 for quick COOL ONE OFF THE DECK 5539004 bedrooms storey home in College Heights area good alï¬hlgo eigergrgllgngwood or 4295736 Existing bedroom apanmem colored ap mortgage For more information call Ingrid Miller at 7264651 or mm Morlgoges Pllagclesi flareshzupggfgsage Slm Exceptional value with large rooms throughout including square 7281998 ballroom Side 59 locate mlljlllles Pmchosed plankitchen wtth access to cedar deck and patio doors The 22 ACRES of roIIIng beouIIfUIIy 99d land wnh possible pond site fsgtirzleaggiéilgagsver 230 osgé1éftllallrl159 For Cash stove Included Available immediately SpOClOUS liVing room wtth cathedral ceiling offers excellent area for Call In rid Mme 01726465 or 7284998 laundry room country kitchen and M°9°9° Lle Insumnce Tewphone 7287695 all your rnt re The fesso all th 59mm ml °° WI WE bl FOUR ROOM Upper warmer who lU rd in yinise recroomWI Avaiag Hm 96 ioining pc bathroom is must to see phone Don Dr West at 737 WASAGA BEACH COTTAFET bedrooms dmmg room blond new STAT 3315156DbetrdgiflzivgYTRblgetTRIrgTavlfglf 2211 °c5°ce eggrfearllgggmrovggg oon anytime Asking only $53700 °f°¥ fireplace in living room sun room Asking 539900 7281566 acre trezd iot ciose proximity to golf ENTERPRISES ggrlergmcrggglgs gvgnlagIgnquI 35 course all Gerry Syvokas 4872700 no 2STOREY2CAR2BATHROOMS DISTREZZO mind Mhnemlné 728 998 10 R085 STREET BARBIE ONTARIO MbisfliflLEEEEJELWL 121 BAYFIELD ST par me Reduced to realistic $53900 The owner is Willing to negotiate more detailzwczilrlngiidaxgler Ieggélfdigftrzglelï¬xéne oro For ACRES SOUTH OF BARRIE bedroom executive home large LOTS FOR SALE bathrooms parking Adults only even at that price Brick and aluminum family home all rooms larger than most homes in this lOw price range Put your feet Up and relax in the rec room Phone Don or Wes at 7370011 anytime RIGHT DOWN BY THE LAKEFRONT Eight years young birch panelling throughout completely fur nished qith quality furniture You can move in quite easily without CHEAP INCOME along with easy building to core for triplex priced at only $47900 with very low down payment Call Dave Wass at 726 4651 BURTON BUILT HOME of prestigeous quality close to Lake Simcoe on large lot Priced to sell at $51 000 Call Dave Wass at 7264651 family room with fireplace all airconditioned full basement car separate garage patio call now for further details Al Calhoun 728 1566 or 8352742 Like to Garden want some privacy or perhaps large private yard for the family Immaculate split entry bungalow very impressive large homemakers kitchen The owner is moving out of town Good Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association OROChoice building lots high dry and well treed all approvals and ready to be built upon Call 7261938 Ian Rouse represgnting Wilison Realtor WATERFRONT COTTAGE lot in Parry Sound area 100x229 well freed hydro close good gravel road 7281311 CHOICE BUILDING lot 80 200 TE available immediately Reasonable Between Barrie and Orlllla 41172123 HOUSES TO RENT OR BEDROOM townhouse for rent on bus route Ferris Lane area $100 monthly Available immediately Telephone7288192 Phone hassle and sit right down and enioy the nearly new 26 color TV Jun morlgoge available l°m° HrlY 7284569 7267680 Jun ï¬ghï¬m$o1iii TOTYTglggggriea7r2g2llrsï¬f SeLdorSEm TtgmeBAISrTTeEkitgteetTmï¬tin with Rotor Two water systems one from the lake garage fenced DAVE WASS CRVA 728465 ISAPAï¬TRTVV Near large liVth room bathrooms 50 150 101 Asking only $41900 iust reduced Coll Wes or Don at INGRID MILLER 7231998 BERNIE ROTH 7370017 DISTRICT ltaollinsgrgoersosrrlfh atwtvifocaacrreqrfrbbgityjarrf 7370011 anytime LOU GALLANT 726465I ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 Ea IE could also be used for CogtTItlleCIBI pillr ROOM To ROAM AND POOL EQUIPMENT DON MILLER 4364507 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 29933gigoiggiygs gammy 035ch 22 an 100 100 sq landscaped lot with cool pool Seven rooms stove WC SMALL 362305 50 Homage 20004 To 6500 can 85712 fridge and washer wonderful start for the young couples With 10 we can arrange to move you into home of your own Asking only $38500 try on offer You might be surprised Its vacant and if you ask for Don or Wes we have the key and the price is right KAREN PAWLIK 7371096 JOHN rim 416 5972229 FULLY TREED 23m estate lot in ex clusive subdivision iust north of Barrie Asking $29000 telephone 7286143 after pm MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN Consulting Budgeting THREE BEDROOM townhouse and onehalf baths stove refrigerator garage Adults only references $275 monthly plus utilities Available July lst Call 7267616 BUSINESS Mr 85 II RENT Now with option to buy $300 Juli REAL ESTATE LIMITED 89 BAYFIELD $1 BARRIE 7263111 opporrrumms AazN°Ncï¬2bszs 0211213553332108Itllsrï¬itgï¬ photo MUIII Ie Service BEAUTY SA ON As MORTGAGES with replace garage years 04 AE LEPAGE ONTARO LTD BOX 70 MAIN ST COLDWATER 6867800 armored out 62326035592 Talk Confidentially 331533awgggigiésmagnoiag BOX 695 KING ST MIDLAND 526421 pist so OleEIgSTRJrsT gitEmergixkoï¬fmizmdbrflgxm 3gggfï¬Â¥gg9b CIR MONEYMAN $3353 99 ivlng room inl RY ODONNELI BEDROOMt bl attached garage beautiful tread lot Vendor W111 hold first mor non HOMES first Adults owdreTgEEedvaTaeleghgn CALL FREE 9090 mil substantial d0WP°¥° C9 Vim Tunms 726122 2263 HOUSE for rent miles SKI MOUNT ST LOUIS 517 th Barri rking Ie acre lot with 15mm View 190 No 400 Highway 4500 CALL VIEW OF THE CITY Dutch clean bedroom brick bungalow with self RUSSELL CHURCH mm pggfered Telephoneemgm evenlnogus TOM or BARB ADAMSON 8352323 contained one bedroom apartment good existing first mortgage Homes 50m Emmi aicï¬nf°gIgjenï¬MallaE APTSWANTED EALTO jig MEDONTE FARM mg $51000 Ftaarhiletan Siéilcaflooof To RENT iETriifNM Two BEDROOM 11 zigzagIor322rzsxlxséeNfogaioggébedroom home $125300 198WELLINGTON ST EAST Vacant and ready 10 love SALE RENT arraï¬ged FTrstgrflrggtfsliObg house wanted for Eggplgnsllltho 3mg or cflnlflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 364 6625 GENERAL INSURANCE 7289921 Now at 10 Collier Street EXECUTIVE HOME MURRAY ST Brick storey centre hall plan Im maculate and pleasure to show Elaine Jackson 7263780 ORO 22 acres mile from Lake Simcoe room house steel barn fronts on concessions other buildings Jackson 7263780 CONDOMINIUM bedrooms storey townhouse broadloom appliances rec room 9t°o financing $35350 with terms OLD IS BEAUTIFUL 4bedroom frame home in Woubaushene IV bathrooms big lot new septic bed pine trees single garage Ready to move in $26500 full price CALL THOMAS DEAN 6867711 SPREAD YOUR WINGS 66 wooded acres about cleared small 2bedroom cottagestyle house overlooking Matchedash Bay Asking $49900 CALL MARIE PLUE 6867459 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT Charming little 2bedroom home on quiet street in the hamlet of Woubaushene Immaculate condition Only $29900 CALL MARIE PLUE 6867459 bedrooms large kitchen breezeway attached garage reduced to $49900 Try your offer Vendor very anxious HOBBY FARM miles from Barrie on highway 26 clean storey and half aluminum siding bedroom house garage implement shed bank born 42x50 62 acres beautiful view of Countryside Vendor will hold mortgage with substantial down payment Call today 34 SPRINGDALE level bedroom Tudor home family room with fireplace lovely freed lot Excellent existing first mortgage reduced to $51900 Vendor anxious LAKEFRONT furnished winterized bedroom home 10 miles south Of Barrie Sandy Beach pleasure to show Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mot attention Reasonable rates Con fidential Manager Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288615 evenings 7371362 COMPARE oDr rates First Second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 MORTGAGES bought and sold Im mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 7264651 even ings WANTED FOR client who has pur chased home in Oro township first mortgage of $20000 For further par ticulars call Gary representing May Real Estate at Ora 4873437 RENTALS TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday in complete home Call Robin Jupp Mortgage children for July Call Larry 7263462 betweena and pm ROOMS TO LET VACANCY Girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located 318 per week Phone after pm 7289672 CLEAN BRIGHT modern fumlshed room downtown location immediate possession Call Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen privileges Available immediately Telephone 7269205 or 7370426 FURNISHED ROOM in clean quiet residential house for men only with com plete use of all kitchen facilities Cen trally located only $20 weekly Call WILLSOII BUILD RURAL RETREAT JU II comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 En EXE°L es 728 40 On your choice of acreages from to 200 Some wooded some Mary Foster no toll 3221 118 LarY W°°d 4873148 LET US GET you hitched trailer hitch APTS To RENT mallsgarliEiTsikgrï¬rignï¬gdhtgï¬gfrtgg INVESTMENT year old plex one lbedroom and five 2bedrrom open fieIdsy some with rivers and streams For further information MOIg wood no to 4573143 Bob Saunders 7263883 Exhaust 3519326 fzzlblggmd it WELLINGTON PLACE gt gkeintlerRanls Saidaencdef séiasr inth EVm ar ng ppy ra or ee or opts Gross $15420 $119900 w$20000 down West 726 0672 MARIE musk6367450 5th Kennedy 4245471 Marion Bryk 7285405 CAM PE Vol wage one wo and use bedroom telephone 7269113 WATERFRONT ORO Year round 60 Io broadloom or BIII SIewarI 728II53 Ross Batstone 7263043 Westphalia fully equipped Excellent ormens Io rem LOVELy CLEAN homel urgebrig garage fireplace wolkouts $69 900 West 7284401 Leo Cavanough 7231207 condition WIlI certify $5800 Telephone mrnished bedroom Wm ï¬nk rooms $705 716 TENT TRAILER $150 sleeps Terlephonve 435 5774£fter pm Children welcome °Lease and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267153 cleaned linens changed weekly kitchen facilities free parking central Gentleman only 7280598 LOVELY SLEEPING room with kitchen privileges For mature person or couple BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE years old baths garage ap pliances rec room $1000 down 10 mortgage back Browne 7265551 1974 FORD threequarIEr ton Club Cab truck and slidein camper Sleeps on iy sell together In excellent condition TF Central location Telephone 7268782 1V ACRE JACKS LAKE near Wasaga Beach bedroom home full ToIeiphononooaylager 4pm WV anytime from7to9pmevenlngs basement year round home years old $49 900 Browne MOBLE HOME 65 bedrwm ROOMS WANTED carpeted living room kitchen with stove 72655 EAL STAT LIMIT BARRIE Itndprlelriogatfrritflffgezmh Vkllnl KANEFF ROOM AND board wanted in Stroud or mom Bar at ne 28taAu 127th ALLANDALEI spilt entily $57200 ZlbedrOOIns 2bcct gaggevlomily ii DUIII 11 xi in in if ur rIlr on $6500 Telephone 7286607 APAEIMEEIJESMES 22 ngggrmzorgoyumm Queggé ca room irep ace wa Ou roa com ernon Browne 7265551 Al Mil lrii Atiil lliitir liii LIMITED MORTGAGES IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 OFFICES STORES rli ll Ilillil 112 If IM NEW LISTING Brick and aluminum bungalow close to hospital 50 WA PHOTO MUWPLE LISTING SERVICE CEDARwooagquT 726 4991 FOR RENT 338 lot Ruth Gibbons 7281409 NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfleld St Barrie sonmoo sq ft air condi tioned 4162217233 DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2080 square feet hour customer park Ing Telephone 7268980 MODERN OFFICE space for lease PRICE REDUCED Asking $39500 must be sold to settle an estate three bedroom brick home set among mature trees on large 66 lot in downtown Barrie Spacious rooms new furnace Call Wilma Bidwell 7261938 or 7269135 to view MLS 1190 INCOME PROPERTY Main apartment bedrooms dining room living room kitchen fireplace car garage also bachelor apart APPRAISALS MORTGAGES OPEN HOUSE 21 Porter Crescent TF MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE DUPLEX close to downtown Barrie large bedroom apts car garage Lot 55 165 Don Allan 4872412 KEARSEY CT 3700 sq ft bedrooms baths dining room family room circular oak staircase fireplaces games room rec room car garage Central vacuum system air cond ducts Joe ONE BEDROOM apartment with re frigerator and stove centrally located very reasonable rent Call 7263257 COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bed room apartment 5150 monthly includes Saturday and Sunday utilities downtown location$ultable for Small Ol large SUIIES ImmEdlate 0C Dyson 7262090 ments fully furnished low down payment make an Offer Coll Wilf 12 to pm agglflll 0lrl Talephone 7260988 week antaggvdegwrt or long term 7163400 BEDROOM storey close to downtown 15 18 master V6180 7264938 or 4246358 MLSHn Four bedrooms onlyl year old Vendor must sell Open to Offers Deal DITBCt MODERN Two bedroom Retytperaror OFFICE FOR RENT Ross st mlaln bedroom ensuite bath rec room terraced lot Joe Dyson 726 HOBBY FARM CLOSE TO BARRIE Approx acres on Hwy 26 Jun NO Finders Fees 2Â¥223 I3$Llg$2 lirelxgoéï¬felï¬Ã©lllfiy$313323 2090 Brick storey home with bedroom large kitchen family room 7374130 319 deans Lorne 2356 PROPERTIES rolt SALE PROPERTY TOR SALE No Arrangement Fees SPRINGDALEiabedmom splityomilyrooml reduce large Full basement beautiful View of valley Must be seen Call Pat BEDROOM Apartment downtown or ran location high traffic count new building Allandale location Building FOR LEASE 2000 ft heated $150 monthly fridge Telephone 7261020 TWO BEDROOM apartment available July Beautiful view of the Bay adults and stove MocRiner today for appointment 7261938 or 7263929 MLS 1204 EDGE OF TOWN2 year old level sidesplit Four bedrooms family room large living room and large 80 190 lot Home is very chen attached garage $55900 Large mortgage Joe Dyson 7262090 INESON $2500 DOWN BEDROOMS STERLING Ivm WT NELSON ST bedroom bun olow hi and dr basement New Storey home wlth baths $259 Per month TGIGPNOM 530 w°°s° 59 pcu 296 well decorated and has ualit broadloom throu hout Gr tf ml broadlwml attached Garage Easy 10 Eme Reed 7262652 099 50099 99 105 l0 deal ea ears old Excellent financm Vacant Joe son 7262090 ship or distributor For Lease loo pe centflrst mortgage Best location in 726 6495 OM ith la home With country setting but only minutes from downtown This PERSONALIZED SERVICE game Mr Ben 4361251 Norm nï¬icDeRgvaIlagfeaflflyeflI Vcemrfri 3000 sq ft office space ample Parklng $87500 ANTEN MILLS Split entry car garage double P°V9d one is really worth looking at Call Ian Rouse 7261938 or 7265407 7284294 Black Reamizlmuegkiapc tum25 rle stove trldoe utilities parking in 2=g3552°ta1t drive 2600 sq ft bedrooms den large rec room bar room No on TF 50ACRESHHIgEh anfl rolllng HighvtIay cIuded $1 Per mgglglzï¬f tor glottShop beauty salng etc OHEII way Anton xce en Proper er bus ness res ence heated pool Many stone and brick interior walls Joe Dyson 726 INCOME PROPERIY BARRIEMTMS duplex has bedroo pt and mtkayelflsfwltwI°kI 20mg 95 PER CENT 72 Weekendslwnyufl Orlllla and Barrie 11 Highway 2090 ree ul rau ow bedroom apt Neat as pin in excellent area of Barrie Priced to BRAND NEW or h°m° grlce asking $79000 Make an offer Con MORTGAGE LOANS BEDROOM mmmea aparmem cm BEDROOM STONE CEDAR BUNGALOW acre miles west of Barrie Ideal for newlyweds or retired folks $42900 Joe Dyson 7262090 SPECIAL bedroom Oro Station 120 180 lot needs work bedrooms garage broadloom washrooms low down payment asking $54900 Call 7284931 between pm and 5pm week daysonly TNCOME PROPERTY Live in beautiful bedroom home In east end tral location Adults only no pets Laun dry facilities 7280755 Two BEDROOM apartment for rent stove and refrigerator parking Allan dale Heights Available Immediately GARAGES WANTED GARAGE with hydro cen tral location or near Blake St for sum mer months Phone office hours 7264240 fact Mr Jain Rep United Trust sell at $44900 Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 No 873 72699I5 7233300 $52500 SPLIT ENTRANCE BUNGALOW large master bedroom will accommodate large suite some finishing in basement Good first mortgage at 104 Large garage and paved drive Call Pete Swit Residentiol Commercial peehr Cottages Builders Loons 1873 RENOVATED HOME Stained glass windows moulded plaster ceiling SECONDS FROM 13 13 rooms Possible income property We speckze In oIder and rumI bathrooms kitchens garage and parking Telephone ask for Jim Tel ne 7372868after6 $35900with lowdown Vacant Joe Dyson 7262090 zer 726 I938 723 6435 LSrrecrï¬gï¬ Cmgfbenamfngum workshop Central Barrie Asking Properties at Prime rates For ON EDROOM nmem Re ACCOMMODATIONS or Jun tranzferredg Tgelephone 7269008 alter EHJEHYQMLLELL free courteous advice call and we came sum To SHARE UNIT APT BUILDING 36 Puget St redecorated inside and out pm EASTEND LOCATION beautiful 726 586 PaTkerg $223 monthly Telephone 09 lbedmm °Ps 90 Wming 10° Dyson 726 ï¬raetsmcmmmsa IIve back dwlimapflvaggogimggn 7265533after530pm wxmeo people to share bedroom 2090 near BarrieCashdlfferencessmooP0 replace FLOYD LAFFIN BEDROOM waymen Wm ma house with bachelor Cundles and LIST BUY OR SELL WITH baths bedrooms broadloom through out garage fenced 101 Owners transfer red and must sell Full price only $52500 with low down payment Call Jay Decarie at 7283542 or 7371414Rep Quinn Real Estate Hv HALF ACRE lot enhances this any bedroom bungalow with extra large llv lng room full basement Priced to sell at $37900 Call Audrey Gallant Rep Robert Yates Real Estate 7283104 or 416 2398191 $27900 BARGAIN BUNGALOW bedroom living room dining area piece bath Large treed lot south of Bar rle Low down payment to qualified pur chaser Call Audrey Gallant Rep Robt Yates Real Estate 7283104 or 416 2398191 PRIVATE SALE bedroom bungalow on large corner lot full basement par tlally finished Close to shopping area $46900 Telephone 7289459 after pm NEW SPLIT LEVEL Price slashed to sell detached bedroom home with attached garage on landscaped homesite Builder will ac cept your trade In excellent Barrie location Call Mr Bent today 4364253 Norm Black Realty Ltd Realtor ncome nvestment Box 893 Barrie Private $25000 FULL PRICE 116 acres mature pines some hardwood bush near Baxter 249 It frontage Terms McLean and Saunders Realtor Cookstown 4584488 $43900 New single family homes under con struction Georgian College area Telephone Pratt Homes 7281259 PRIVATE SALE beautiful bedroom bungalow In Barrie excellent starter or retirement home Professionally remodelled inside and out Must be seen Asking $39900 Telephone 7269334 ALL BRICK single family home with carport per cent mortgage Georgian College area Completer fenced lot $44900 full price Principals only Telephone 7281259 PRIVATE SALE Luxurious condominium apartment On ly two bedroom unit available In building Many extras Included to your benefit 7265182 or 4361857 COLLINGWOOD STAYNER Wasaga Beach area 10 acres market garden soil apple orchard small barn Ex cellent bedroom storey red brick house Call Dorothy Wealharall 4662914 or 4663230 Clayton Hogg Ltd Broker Bayfleld area For appointment call Rene Artelle 7263242 between 10 and pm after 7372078 COTTAGES TO NT 5450 to $850 32lbedroom cottages for season Sandy beach10 miles from Bar rle 4872427 KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie bedroom lakefront cottage fully equip ped $400 monthly No singles or pets Telephone 7285198 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES hours from Barrie Lake Cecebe Water front camp sites elect Vallauette 7260617 13873791 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages on Lake Simcoe Sleeps six S75 weekly Telephone 705 4875083 LAKE SIMCOE lakefront bedroom cottage all conveniences completely equipped Available for season Telephone 48738 Ora COTTAGES FOR SALE WILL TRADE bedroom cottage piece bath electrically heated on water near Lake Rousseau For fully serviced building lot In Barrie 7372178 SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUSKOKA bedroom cottage for stove and parking $170 monthly Avail able July lst East end location Telephone 7260875 FURNISHED KITCHENETTEbedslt ting room share bathroom $59 monthly downtown Suitable for working girl Telephone 7260988 weekdays REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IF YOU ED MONEY Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties ACRES 1s storey home mile from Barrie bedrooms 25 living room Upper floor could be rec room Separate 20 30 workshop In choice condition well decorated Joe Dyson 726 2090 98 ACRES NEW LOWELL 43 acres inside town limits approved for acre modular home sites Good terms Joe Dyson 7262090 IOACRE BUILDING LOTS County Rd 22 Hwy 400 Extension High and dry building permit available $17500 each Joe Dyson 7262090 HORSE FARM bedroom home acres large born miles west of Barrie other buildings Joe Dyson 7262090 JUII mNA L70 AVDN REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 7265827 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE litulna 7372101 Complete Realtor Service low monthly payments any worthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice To consolidate debts Home improvements try us For Best Results Examiner Want Ads OLE REALTOR Call Anytime 1F you ARE house hunting drive by 79 spam my my mum BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT High Street 97 Feel Street and 13 Vlne howIng good returns stoves 7250931 Phone SGVice 363 3421 sgletlUI1rlrTlffdl WtTdreir 40223791 JOHN COLE 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 3951 F° mm l°ml° refrigerators laundry paved arkln 129 DUNLOP ST EAST 347 BAY STREET phone 7268366 Eric Dewsnap Realtor evenings private collect 109 141 977 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Issoc