NEW STORE TAKING SHAPE Workmen are busy in the Barrie Canadian Tire Store getting ready for the grand opeing next Wednesday The twostorey store will be the third largest CTC store in Canada and the largest retail store north of Toron NEWS FROMNORTH Another year has passed high school over for some By BONNIE AND BRENDA SCOTT Hi Well another years done and we would like to wrap up few loose ends of information in the last column of this year Its been fun doing it even if it wasnt on too regular basis Well to start off we would like to congratulate our senior rugger team on an excellent season They didnt have one loss during the season and Cen tral was their main contender all season But unfortunately they won out over us in GBSSA play on May 27 But they made for it at DavespartyRight oys Next comes an event not too popular in the school but one in which we did outstandingly well This being archeryhad our girls team ag3 in this year capture the SSA title with Sandy Giffen capturing the outstanding top girl of the meet The boys squad didnt place first but did very well in deed and the top boys award also came to North Still pertaining to athletics the Girls Athletic Association and the Boys Athletic Association sponsored the 5th annual Athletic Banquet Although we feel the turnout could have been better con sidering the number of athletes in the school it was suc cessful event Some of the awards were as follows Top Male Athlete Mike Forgrave Top Girl Athlete Susan Spencer Gow Award Senior Foot ball Howie McFadden Junior Boys Football Mike Gartner Most Valuable Player Soc cer Jr Jamie McFayden Senior Girls Basketball Bonnie Scott Junior Girls Basketball Denese Cadeau These are just few of the many awards given out that night The biggest event of the year took place Friday May 28 The Senior Prom theme Wish Upon Star involved many hours of long tedious work but in the end it was sight to be remembered Many opinions were given about its ap pearance and all were favorable Its amazing what you can turn common old gym into We would like to give credit to all those involved no matter how as it was one of the biggest Grad dances ever with well over 100 couples attending The big event of the night for some came upon the selection of the Queen of the Prom Congratulations go to Chris Cuthbert who won the honor and to Hodgins and Carol Coursey her princesses Also we would like to thank the teachers who showed as it was nice to see them mingle with the students and allow some to take classes off to decorate The Grade 13 assembly took place also that week and for all the preparations we had done it came off fairly well Many of the skits and songs were en joyed by the rest of the student body and teachers but there were few boring moments Many fine actors were present and it was fun for those who participated We would like to thank Chris Wilson who organized gave ideas and acted most for job well done and also Sherry Chap pel and Carol Coursey who spent many nights organizing the ideas and especially to Anna Moller who received standing ovation from the senior asembly You have lot of courage Anna that many of us were sure glad to see and good voice Anna by the way ended the as semny by singing personal version to the students of We did it Our Way In the track and field scene almost forgot OFSSA took Summer flower show planned at Crown Hill By MURlEL HART HAWKESTONE An early summer flower show will be held Wednesday June 30 at Crown Hill United Church Proceeds from recent auc tion at the town hall will go to the Oro Township Horticultural Society Mrs John Richards of Barrie spoke about volunteer work with the mentally retarded at the May 26 meeting of the Hawkestone Womens Institute Mr and Mrs Ed McBride of Toronto are spending few days with their cousin Mrs LesJermey Mr and Mrs Roy Martin of Oakville and Mr and Mrs Bert Simpson of Uxbridge visited MrsLesJermey Mrs Frank Obee of Orillia spent last weekend with Mrs Victor Hart and visited other relatives An anniversary setVice was held June at Hawkestone CATCH THAT CALL 24 HOURS DAY DAYS WEEK aslowas $l4lMonth ANSWER SYSTEMS 7281734 ANYTIME United Church with guest speakers Rev Mel Fisher from Forest Home and Rev Donald Jay from Central United Chur ch Barrie Mrs Mel Shelswell was guest soloist The next euchre party at Hawkestone community hall will be held Friday June 11 Winners at the May 28 session were first Nancy Jermey and Ellwood Reynolds second Mrs Bailey and Mike Mahoney third Mrs Obee and Bob De Hart low Mrs Gilchrist and Bob Sargeant Studies in Management to according to owner Arch Brown Examiner Photo lace on June and The ollowing are some of the out standing performances by the largest team North has ever had at OFSSA in long time Leslie Black made finals of 1500 7th in the 3000 Michelle Etheir made semifinals in 80m hurdles Mike Forgrave lst senior 400 2nd in 400 hurdles setting new record along with the first place finisher Mike lost this race by only 01 see it was very tight race Also we would like to make mention of Tammy Myers who won an outstanding shorthand competitionaward ELECTIONS Well this time of the year also has many elections and next years student council president is Steven Cuggs and vicepresident is Elizebeth Aquino Goodluck next year and hope you do as well as Bill McNabb and Carol Coursey have this year We would like to take the opportunity now to congratulate Bill and Carol on splendid year and even if some students dont realize it they worked very hard and eager ly to bring events such as Nanook Week and dances to the school in an orderly and enjoyful manner We also would like to congratulate them as Carol was chosen the Head Girl for the year and Bill the Head Boy In the GAA elections Denise Cadeau will be president taking over Susan Spencers position Congratulations Sue for good job this year and Good Luck Denise next year The vice president for next year is Michelle Ethier secretary Christina Dixon and sports convener Leslie Black The results of the annual StudentTeacher Baseball game between the math depart ment and Grade 13 Algebra students came to the most likely conclusion The Students Won Good try teachers maybe next year you will recapture yourtitle To end off the year for the Grade 13s the students are going to lunch with the teachers at the Brookdale on Tuesday Remember though teachers you have classes the rest of the day Well thats about it and for us and many other senior students we may never walk in the halls of North again But its not gloomy faces you see but grinning ones we finally madeit STAY SAME DISTANCE Once formed branches re main the same dstance from the ground throughout their life because trees grow in height only from the tip York University Requires for the Barrie area two parttime instructors to teach in the evenings Business Administration Fundamentals of Accounting Applications are invited from qualified individuals for the above positions Resumes should be forwarded to Professor Carl Garry Chairman Studies in Management The Centre for Continuing Education York University 4700 Keefe Street Downsview Ontario M3J 2R6 EDMONTON CP This is the year of psychic phenomena pyramid power and auras Toronto coach Red Kellys decision to put yramids under the Maple Lea bench during their National Hockey League playoff series is only the most recent example of an increased interest in things mystical But Hal Bolter of Edmonton is not gratified with this sudden interest in the paranormal Hal is the closest thing pos sible to an expert in the field of spiritual and mystical pheno mena field that grants no de grees or diplomas He has stud ied several kinds of Eastern and Western religions and among other things he says he can see auras Ford LTD Country But he is reluctant to talk about this last ability of his be cause he feels people are get ting hung up on external sym bols and missingI the true spiri tual revolutiont ey reflect Things like auras are the lowest level of attraction into the spiritual work he said earnestly sitting crosslegged on the floor of his room in communal house surrounded by the symbols of half dozen religions and beliefs HOOKED 0N AURAS People get hooked on auras and wayout psychic hap penings like pyramid power but they dont stop to realize theseare relatively unim portant trappings Interest in things mystic doesnt gratify Hal Bolter If pressed Hal will tell you he can see your aura He explained that by unfocus ing his eyes and not really look ing at you his trained per ipheral vision can catch your aura Usually persons aura is white and murky reflecting confusion problems and hang ups but sometimes can see colors and these colors can be interpreted to tell me about your emotional and physical state He also said that auras con tract and expand depending upon mental and physical health Auras are form of energy he said and if person is tired or physically sick he will radiate less energy and his aura will contract closer to his body happy person full of con structive energy will have an aura that expands far out wards AFFECTED BY FOOD Food can also change the aura Hal said Much of the food we eat is filled with heavy chemicals that slow dowu the vibration of the bodys molecules he said Heavy food slows down the vi brations reduces energy and results in more contracted aura There are even some highly trained people who can look at an aura and tell that the subject has liver or heart condition by fluctuations in its energy Hal said Every living thing generates an aura but 99 per cent of people are unable to see them he said And this is the crux of Hals complaint about the popu larization of the party tricks attached to spiritual ex The Barrie Examiner Thursday June 10 l97615 perience Theres no way will go into room full of people and an nounce that can see auras If sense person is open to talking about spiritual changes then will discuss the aura in this per spective but wont go around telling people see their auras ree le tydio just to make myself success at the party NERVES TN TUNE People can only see auras when their nervous system is in tune with the rest of their body and they have reached physical harmony he said CUSTOM MADE DBAPEBIES and BEDSPBEADS Total Decorator and Coordinating Services Choose from an outstanding selection of excellent quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal service on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as required Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or drop in to the Studio RR1 Hwy 93 at Crown Hill Only Miles North of Barrie When it comes to fullsize wagons Squire towing capacity rating Ford Wagons hauling power is rated at 7000 lbs with our HeavyDuty Trailer Towing Pack ton more than the Chevrolet wagon dealer for the optional towmg package desrgned to meet your speCIal needs Open the tailgate different ways age Thats half Consull your Ford Ford has threeway Magic Doorgale It opens down like tailgate for 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