vuflmwï¬cï¬ pea941W Spring Tonic For An Upset udget SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PAGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND THE FARM The Barrie Examiner Wednesda June 197621 Classified Ads 7282414 DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE MORTGAGEES SALE MORTGAGEES SALE OF LANDS AND BUILDINGS AT 70 COLLIER STREET 81 and 87 WORSLEY STREET IN THE CITY OF BARRIE ONTARIO Also known as Civic Square Towers Barrie Ontario The mortgage on the property described below having been in default for the requisite period of time and notice of exercising the power of sale provisions contained in the mortgage having been duly served upon all persons entitled under Part III of The Mor tgages Act RSO 1970 279 the undersigned will receive sealed tenders until 200 oclock in the afternoon on Monday the 5th day of July 1976 for the purchase of the said property PROPERTY FOR SALE The property being offered for sale consists of 9storey office building known as Civic Square Towers at 70 Collier Street Barrie Ontario fronting on the north side of Collier Street and adjacent property fronting on the south side of Worsley Street on which is situate 2storey brick house known as 81 Worsley Street Barrie Ontario and storey house known as 87 Worsley Street Barrie Ontario The office building comprises approximately 57000 square feet of rentable area of which approximately 60 is leased The brick houses are both rentable The total land area of the property being offered for sale is approximately 1095 acres The property consists of four parcels Parcel being composed of Part of Lots 77 78 and 79 on the north side at Collier Street ac cording to Registered Plan No for the City of Barrie Parcel II being composed of the west half of Lot 103 on the south side of War sley Street according to Registered Plan No for the City of Barrie Parcel Ill being composed of Part of Lot 104 on the south side of Worsley Street according to Registered Plan No for the City of Barrie Parcel IV being composed of the west half of the east half of Lot 103 on the south side of Worsley Street according to Registered Plan No for the City of Barrie The mortgage which is in default is contained in demand debenture of Civic Square Towers Barrie Limited dated May 10 1973 and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe No 51 as Instrument Nos 431462 and 531078 The mortgage is first mortgage securing ap proximately $2425000 on Parcels II and Ill and is second mor tgage on Parcel IV The first mortgage on Parcel IV is mortgage securing the principal amount of $16500 Subiect to any registered agreements between the owner and the City of Barrie and the said first mortgage on Parcel IV the pur chaser of the property being sold will receive title free and clear of other encumbrances or charges The tender must be in conformity with Terms and Conditions of Sale supplied by the undersigned and must be accompanied by cer tified cheque payable to the undersigned for of the amount of the tender by way of deposit Such deposit will be returned if the tender is not accepted and will be forfeited as liquidated damages if the lender is accepted and the purchase is not completed by the purchaser The highest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted The closing date shall be August 12 1976 and all adjustments to the purchase price shall be made as of that date For further particulars including Terms and Conditions of Sale details of existing tenancies arrangements to view and inspect the property and arrangements to inspect the plans of the building kin dly contact PauI Jerabek of the undersigned DATED at Toronto this 31 st day of May 1976 DUNWOODCO LIMITED Receiver and Manager of Civic Square Towers Barrie Limited 25 Adelaide Street West 9th Floor Toronto Ontario Telephone 14163684586 Ontario Hydro PROPERTY FOR SALE TOWN OF BALA Ontario Hydro is offering for sale parcel of land and building thereon being part of Lot 14 Concession in the Township of Medora now in the Town of Bola located on Highway No 69 lost south of OPP Detachment Further information may be obtained by writing to Ontario Hydro 93 Bell Farm Road Barrie Ontario L4M 1H1 Attention of Mr Schmiedchen Telephone 7057285521 representative will be on the site June 15 from 1100 am until 300 pm Offers to purchase must be submitted in sealed envelope ad dressed as follows Raney Secretary ONTARIO HYDRO 700 University Avenue TORONTO Ontario MSG 1X6 and marked Tender for Sale Property and must be received by the Secretary no later than 400 pm Daylight Saving Time on June 21 1976 Offers to purchase must also be accompanied by certified cheque payable to Ontario Hydro for at least of the amount of the offer Cheques will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders Offers submitted must allow until July 12 I976 for acceptance or rejection and must not be withdrawn until after that date The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted RAN EY SECRETARY 39 REAL ESTATE LIMITED EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME storey brick with bedrooms Less than years old Finished rec room with open fireplace located on Collette Cres in Barrie $38000 first mortgage at 10 Many extras including broadloom patio attached garage and paved drive For appointment call Jane Young 7261938 or 7284717 THIS YOU CAN AFFORD located miles north of Barrie bedroom bungalow It has just been remodelled from top to bottom New wiring new heating broadloom new bathroom Large deep lot Asking $32900 Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 No 872 EDGAR VILLAGE building lots ready to go 15000 sq ft each $12500 each Call Pete Switzer 7261938 or 72136435 No 878 BUILDERS We have lot 538 acres zoned RM3 which has draft plan approval for six units of Town housing or plex Well located Call Jack MacLaren for more detail 7261938 or 7284950 No 904 119 DUNLOP 717 Wm Irwrllllr 1747217 AIIIJAIMII AND IIIUH 111 OH MIN Ju9 REAL ESTATE no 7281566 10 ROSS STREET BARRIE ONTARIO NEW EAST END LISTING level back split in immaculate condition bedrooms bathrooms family room garage patio large first mortgage of 10 Asking $51900 for quick sale Call Al Calhoun 7281566 or 8352742 CITY BUILDING LOT with 50 90 ideal for new home sometrees For details call Lorne Hay 7281566 or 7267680 Ju9 contact Brian Millett at 7371771 or 7288494 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE an REAL ESTATE lSkopit Itownhomesl in Barrie IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII llllllIllllllll lllllll III IIIII $1 Buy yours this wee and costs of ownership THE BUILDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL OR CHANGE FINANCING PRICES AT ANYTIME WITH OUT NOTICE Call Collect Barrio I7OS726262I We Pay All Charges you KEY TO BETTER LIVING REAL ESTATE 7PE9EEIVTQELIE 55 Collier St mm Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 Mortgages Appraisals Consulting WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS $35900 bedroom stucco bungalow in town Try $2000 down $37900 bedroom miles north of Barrie 107 200 lot $48900 New side split with garage and finished family room with fireplace Call Al Beacock for information on any of the above ads at 7267949 or737177I Ju91014 DETACHED HOMES PRICED LESS THAN TOWNHOUSES Ihave few detached single family homes and bedrooms with full basements All priced in the thirties with down payments as low as 1000 dollars WITH NO EXTRA MAINTENANCE COSTS To inspect one of these contact Brian Millett at 7371771 or 7288494 CUSTOM BUILT EXECUTIVE HOME featuring two car garage lfireplace in finished family room two baths separate dining room intercom system completely broadloomed throughout plus many other extras Priced in the high 50s For an appointment to view Ju9 995 down to one mtge Carries for as low as $26900 per month The best deal of all with AllO financing end and get III Your monthly carrying costs with be lowered by reducing your mlge Interest rate as low as per yr You may also qualin for additional grants at up to $750 per year That will Iurther help you lower your 111 ESTATE PROPERTY r011 SALE 104 marn stw stouffvrllc 0R0 4873437 ORO WATERFRONT Two completely furnished room cottages situated on 50 220 ft lot This property also features garage guest cabin and boat house Asking $44900 Try your offer ORO BUILDING LOT well freed high and dry 100 ft 150 ft steps to Lake SImcoe reduced to $12000 24 ACRES located between Perkinsfield and Midland HAVE CLIENTS looking for the followlng properties Apartment Building up to 20 units Permanent home on Lake Sim coo Dairy Farm LISTINGS REQUIRED Ju911 PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Mortgages 7264651 Appraisals DAVID WAS Ill AI lilAll llll $49500 MERRETT DR bedroom brick and aluminum split entry raised rancher with 4th bedroom finished recreation room and walkout to large lot with many apple trees super view of Barrie north across Bay Call Dan Miller at 7264651 or 4364507 JUST LISTED14 acres in Oro near Sugar Bush very well built storey split entry with huge fieldstone fireplace full room basement super carpentry work house set in middle of maple bush excellent for ski chalet or permanent home Call Dan Miller at 7264651 or 4364507 $26900 Starter or retirement home carries like rent lust south of Barrie extra large lot Call Don Miller at 4364507 $53900 bedrooms storey home in College Heights area good mortgage For more information call Ingrid Miller at 7264651 or 7281998 22 ACRES of rolling beautifully treed land with possible pond site Call Ingrid Miller at 7264651 or 7281998 WASAGA BEACH COTTAGE3 bedrooms dining room brand new kitchen lovely fireplace in living room sun room Asking $39900 Make an offer Call Ingrid Miller at 7264651 or 7281998 DISTRESS Owner has bought nearly acres plus home in Cm For more details call Ingrid Miller at 7264651 or 7281998 Ju9 DAVE WASS CRA 7284651 INGRID MILLER 7298 BERNIE ROTH 7370017 LOU GALLANT 72 4651 ISABELL SIMPSON 7261952 DON MILLER 4364507 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 KAREN PAWLIK 71371096 VIC SMALL 4362305 Saunders REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service attached garage br0i oom throughout Asking $49350 Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 7266111 WEST OF BARRIE on large treed lot bedroom bungalow attached garage fireplace in living room owner anxious to sell try your of fer Asking $43500 Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 7263111 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for couple near Barrie small restaurant make hours to suit yourself brick bungalow for owner good op portunity for someone Asking only $62500 Coll Mary Foster 322 1118 or7263111 ORO BUILDING LOT only $13 500 Try your offer Call Mary Foster 3221118 or 7263111 BRAND NEW bungalo south of Barrie on large lot full basement Ju9 Mary Foster no toll 3221 18 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bob Saunders 7263883 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marion Bryk 7285405 Bill Stewart 7281153 Ross Batstone 7263043 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 726 1881 TORON TO 364 7941 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 Phil FronChelle 7732619 Roger Shelswell 4872920 David Shelswell Wilson 4873609 Jim Cross 7262159 TF EL LIMITED PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES Tf 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 REALTOR ASSOCIATES LTD 7x IIIICI SIREEI 737111111 AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street 7289201 Let us HELP you BUY SELL or LEASE any type of REAL ESTATE in On tario REAL ESTATE REALTOR JOHN COLE 7288017 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE Complete Realtor Service PROPERTY FOR SALE militia 7372101 PETER GUBBELS 7284425 REAL ESTATE LTD BARRIE 7263827 grmï¬trong ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential Fa Commercial lnvestmen rms Acreages Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER 149 BAYFIELD ST Terry Vogan 4562544 Marilyn Mason 7262895 Thomas Brolley 7282994 Grace Brolley 7282994 Bradley Watts 7287209 Ernest Watts 7287209 7269262 Allan Thompson 7281024 Elisabeth Rose 7370625 David Wigley 7268497 Paul Dumoulin FR CRA SRA 7370731 Wayne Dobson 3222838 Harold Davis 7287543 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert Cuff 7284067 John Colwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 PROPERTY FOR SALE ESTATE HOME Custom Built Home on acre ravine lot Beautifully landscaped grounds bedrooms formal stepdown living room family room kit chen dining room dinette den Florida room Foyer featuring circular oak stair ways finished basement with Iarae rec room workshop utility room and extra kitchen The home has bathrooms and extra shower Nestled amongst the trees is floor hobby barn with authentic barn boards The grounds feature beautiful flower beds lily pond with fountain oak birch and maple trees It is located on quiet street in Tollendal iust south of Barrie Will be shown by owners on appointment only Please call 7286605 TF iRIESIlACH Photo MLS Realtor 43 DUNLOP 7289844 7289997 NELSON GARRETT 7266096 ELEANOR CLARKE 7269319 LADDIE GRIESBACH FRl 7289844 MWFTF INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWFTF REAL ESTATE 93 DUNLOP STREET EAST 7282419 PROPERTIES MORTGAGES Mabel Marshall 7268603 Lois Stansfield 7288082 Lorena Coulson 7260423 MWFTF BRAND NEW storey home bedrooms garage broadloom washrooms low down payment asklng $54900 117284931 between pm and 5pm we daysonly INCOME PROPERTY lee In beautiful bedroom home In east end and receive an income of $220 monthly to carry mortgage Must be seen Owner transferred Telephone 726 9008 after pm TRADE Spacious bedroom home near Barrie Cash dlllcrence 55000 Box 893 Barrie Prlvate $25000 FULL PRICE 116 acres mature pines some hardwood bush near Baxter 249 ft frontage Terms McLean and Saunders Realtor Cookstown 4584488 SPANISH ARCHES three bedroom backsplit on crescent Family room with floor lo ceiling flreplace Spacious kit chen with eat in area Excellent financ Ing large first mortgage at and one quarter per cent Treed lot pleasant neighborhood 726 5612 or 726 9438 Income property centrally $215900 located storey brick house Phone Karen Pawlik at 7371096 for details Rep David Wass Realtor MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Frank Hooey 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Larry DeWIlde 7283253 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Magill 7263864 Simon Beekuizen 7373795 PROPERTY FOR SALE $43900 New single family homes under con struction Georgian College area Telephone Pratt Homes 7281259 PRIVATE SALE beautiful bedroom bungalow in Barrie excellent starter or retirement home Professionally remodelled inside and out Must be seen Asking $39900 Telephone 7269334 ALL BRICK single family home with carport 834 per cent mortgage Georgian College area Completely fenced lot $44900 full price Prlncipals grfly Telephone 7284259 PRIVATE SALE Luxurious condominium apartment 0n 1y two bedroom unit available In building Many extras included to your benefit 7266182 or 4361857 COLLINGWOOD STAYNER Wasaga Beach area 10 acres market garden soil apple orchard small barn Ex cellent bedroom storey red brick house Call Dorothy Weatherall 4662914 or 4663230 Clayton H099 Ltd Broker $2500 DOWN DROOMS New storey home wlth baths broadloom attached garage Easy 10 per cent first mortgage Best location in Barrie Call Mr Bent 4364253 Norm Black Realty Limited Realtor ATTRACTIVE storey bedroom brick house double garage freed lot wlth garden excellent condltlon In Village of Thornton Call owner at 4589215 PRIVATE cottage for sale Muskoka on Severn River 2z mlles Severn Bridge Lot 75 frontage well treed boat house and cement dock Prlce includes furnishings boat and motor asking $26000 or reasonable of fer Phone 7266815 IF YOU ARE house hunting drive by 79 High Street 97 Peel Street and 13 Vine Crescent For further information telephone 7268366 Erlc Dwsnap Realtor TWO BEDROOM HOME Sandy Cove Acres 172 baths stove refrlgerator drapes etc $30000 Telephone after 3230 4364910 EXTRA LIVING space In lively country setting yet so close to the city bedroom custom bullt brick sldespllt Priced at $52500 Call Laddle Grlesbach Realtor 7289844 or 7289997 $52900 storey family home bedrooms hardwood floors fenced yard good Iocatlon In Barrie Please call Laddle Grlesbach Realtor 7289844 or 7289997 BEDROOM BRICK bungalow Potential Income of $400 per month from basement plus your own private bedrooms living room kitchen and bath on maln floor Phone Karen Pawlik at7J7lo96 Rep Davld Wass Realtor 50 ACRES High and rolling nghway 27 Anton Mllls Excellent property for es tate years new well kept home Big creek full of trout $10000 down full price asking $79000 Make an offer Con tact Mr Jain Rep United Trust 7269915 7288800 1873 RENOVATED HOME Stalned glass windows moulded plaster celllng 13 rooms Possible income property bathrooms kltchens garage and workshop Central Barrle Asklng $54900 7280963 evenlngs EASTEND LOCATION beautlful level back spilt famlly room wlth flreplace and walkout and onehalf baths bedrooms broadloom through out garage fenced lot Owners transfer red and must sell Full price only $52500 with low down payment Call Jay Decarie at 7283542 or 7371414Rep Qulnn Real Estate HALF ACRE lot enhances this coly bedroom bungalow wlth extra large Ilv Ing room full basement Priced to sell at $37900 Call Audrey Gallant Rep Robert Yates Real Estate 72841104 or 416 2398191 $27900 BARGAIN BUNGALOW bedroom Ilvlng room dlnlng area place bath Large freed lot south of Bar rle Low down payment to quallfled pur chaser Call Audrey Gallant Rep Robt Yates Real Estate 7283104 or 416 2398191 PRIVATE SALE bedroom bungalow on large corner lot full basement par tially tlnlshed Close to shopplng area $46900 Telephone 59 after pm NEW SPLIT LEVEL Price slashed to sell detached bedroom home with attached garage on landscaped homesite Builder wlll ac cept your trade In excellent Barrle location Call Mr Bent today 436 4253 Norm Black Realty Ltd Realtor