WWWL 22The Barrie Examiner Wednesday June 1976 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Anywhere on all homes Open Mortgage Loans cottages farms vacation and commercial properties 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 To consolidate debts Home improvements To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service low monthly payments any worthy reason free advice try us 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MORTGAGES KINZIE MITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates of interest prompt com mitments and complete con fidentiality for first second and third mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE IS FREE Coll IAN KERR 737188I 4875885 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Bus HOME TF MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN Consulting Budgeting Large Small Business Loans ANY FINANCING AS WELL AS MORTGAGES Talk Confidentially TO THE MONEYMAN CALL GERRY ODONNELL 726 221 SI7 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 We specialize in older and rural properties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN MiaA an rArun First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association IF MORTGAGES Isl 2nd 3rd bought and sold immediate action confidential ap praised service included Hamilton RE7371000 IST AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold arranged Firsts from 11 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con fidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 MORTGAGES bought and soldrim mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 7264651 even ings MOBILE NOMES AND TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenefte Cygnet Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayfield St LET US GET you hitched trailer hitch that is All types Call Harold at the Hitch House Limited 7289700 CAMP 1974 Volkswagen Westphalia fully equipped Excellent condition Will certify $5800 Telephone QQQBLQLQM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SALON central location established over years Owner has other Interest very reasonable for quick sale Call Victor 7269382 ww COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE plus storage area Ideal for warehouse operation busy Piala location Very reasonable rent Lots of parking Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 LOTSfOR SALE ORoChoice building lots high dry and well treed all approvals and ready RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT CLOSE TO BARRIE Detached bedroom home large kitchen dining area large living room bathrooms laundry room two Car garage This house goes with two acre property and could also be used for commercial pur poses large storage building also available For occupancy July lst Call 416 8571236 RENT NOW with option to buy $300 monthly bedroom dining room living room family kitchen full basement with fireplace garage years old 10 per cent mortgage with $4000 down Bayfleld and Cundles area Contact Mr Jain Rep United Trust 7269915 or 7288800 APTSVVATITTED To RENT TWO BEDROOM apartment or small house wanted for couple with small children for July Call Larry 7263462 between8and5pm ROOMSTO LET VACANCY Girls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facilities centrally located $18 per week Phone after pm 728 9672 EEEAN BRIGHT modemffurnlshed room downtown location immediate possession Call Hamilton Real Estate to be built upon Call 7261938 Ian Rouse 7323000 representing Willson Realtor WATERFRONT COTTAGE lot in Parry kitchen immediately FURNISHED ROOM with privileges Available Sound area 100x229 well freed hydro T9l99h900 776 9205 or 737 0426 close good gravel road 728 1311 CHOICE BUILDING lot 90 200 Painswick area paved roads and street lights good level iot telephone728 2950 WE WILL rent your room or apartment for minimum charge Just call Rad Krezek 7371000 Hamilton Real Estate SERVICED RESIDENTIAL naTi acre FURNISHED ROOM in clean quiet lots available in shanty Bay Builders residentialhousolormenonly With com welcome Call Dick Draper Torpey Ltd 7260715 or 195 728 3378 PARRY SOUND DISTRICT Eagle Lake iust off Highway 11 private sale of 17 large waterfront cottage lots 150 frontage $12000 TO $16500 Call 416 5972229 RENTALS APTS To RENT KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF WELLINGTON PLACE One two and three bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Lease and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Ltd 7263827 or 7267I53 anytime TF with centrally rerit Call ONE BEDROOM apartment refrigerator and stove located very reasonable 7263257 BEDROOM apartment fridge and stove $195 monthly pay own hydro First and last months rent in advance child welcome 11 Victoria St COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bedroom apartment $150 monthly in cludes utilities downtown location Suitable for working girl Telephone 7260988 week days MODERN TWO bedroom Refrigerator and Stove included Young married cou pie preferred $230 monthly Telephone 7371130afler6p ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex Fully broadloomed heated fridge and stove parking laundry faCilitics $200 monthly Available July 726 0857 after 530pm BEDROOM apartment Available July large modern well kept underground parking and drapes throughout blocks from hospital 726 0965 BEDROOM Apartment downtown $150 monthly fridge and stove mentions 726 1020 COOKSTOWN One bedroom self contained apartment fully renovated broadloamed full bathroom garage Available immediately Telephone 4589764 TWO BEDROOM apartment available July Beautiful View of the Bay adults $259 per month Telephone after 30 7262652 BEDROOM apartment with private entrace available July lst Central Bar rie Stove fridge utilities parking in cluded $160 per month Cali Dave Fer rier business 728 2773 residence 726 9782 Weekends 416 727 3830 BEDROOM furnished apartment cen tral location Adults only no pets Laun dry facilities parking Telephone 7280755 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent stove and refrigerator parking Allan dale Heights Available immediately Telephone 7372868 after ONE BEDROOM apartment Re frigerator and stove Centrally located Parking $223 monthly Telephone 726 5532 after 530 pm BEDROOM apartment with fridge stove and parking $170 monthly Avail able July lst East end location Telephone 726 0875 FURNISHED KITCHENETTE bed sit ting room share bathroom $59 monthly downtown Suitable for working girl Telephone 726 0988 weekdays ONE BEDROOM apartment second floor refrigerator stove utilities park ing $175 monthly Available June 15 Suit middle aged couple No pets 84 Worsley 728 5049 evenings ONE BEDROOM apartment Stove refrigerator and parking supplied $145 monthly hydro extra miles from Bar rie Adults only No pets 728 7692 THREE BEDROOM apartment stove and refrigerator $255 monthly Available July Easlview area Telephone 7373563 after 430 pm UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for rent available immediately No Children no pets One bedroom Apply Armstrong Hardware or telephone 7282441 LARGE ONE bedroom pc bath high quality broadloom throughout re frigerator and stove parking cosy home for responsible person Central resi dental $200 monthly 726 2596 726 7416 after530pm ONE BEDROOM stove and refrigerator near downtown area No pets $170 monthly Please phone 7286980 BEDROOM apartment in Triplex main floor fridge and stove heated parking on bus route close to down town $215 monthly Telephone 726 0857 after530pm SELFCONTAINEDone bedroom apart ment living room kitchen with stove and refrigerator piece bath electric heated parking Space North on St Vin cent St near Midhurst Suitable for bachelor or adults only no pets Available July first $150 per month Telephone 726 6716 NEWLY DECORATED LARGE bedroom apartment with stove and refrigerator heat supplied $225 mon thly Apply Whitfield Office Outfitters 29 Dunlop West 737 0201 HOUSES TO RENT OR BEDROOM townhouse for rent on bus route Ferris Lane area $300 monthly Available immediately Telephone 728 8192 BEDROOM HOUSEFavailabler July located east end of Barrie Rent $235 monthlyrTrelephone 728 3951Aafter pm GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREA Large bedroom semi full basement 1V2 baths available July Telephone Aurora 4167273830 alter pm or all day weekends plete use of all kitchen facilities Cen trally located only 520 weekly Call 7267186 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM furnished with porch stove and refrigerator linens parking gentlemen only private entrance Available immediately 7263791 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room Private entrance TV parking Avail able immediately Telephone 7263611 after4p 30914 AND BOARD ACCOMODATION AVAILABLE for an elderly gentleman Private home No stairs Kind care Good fool Telephone 728 9465 OFFICESSTORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Baylield St Barrie 500 8000 sq ft air condi tioned 416 22l 7233 DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2080 square feet hour customer park ing Telephone 726 8980 MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large SUIIIS Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angeloff OFFICE FOR RENT Ross St mam level car parking excellent location for exposure Recently renovated For details Lorne Hay 7281566 COTTAGES TO ENT $450 to $850 bedroom cottages for season Sandy beach 10 miles from Bar rie 487 2427 KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie bedroom lakefront cottage fully equip ped $400 monthly No singles or pets Telephone 728 5198 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES hoursfrom Barrie Lake Cecbbe Wafer front camp sites elect Valiouelto 726 06171387 3791 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages on Lake Simcoe Sleeps six $75 weekly Telephone 705 4B7 5083 FIVE OR SIX bedroom large home at Wasaga Beach on the water Suitable for boating fishing and swimming Fully furnished $350 weekly or $3500 per season 429 3826 or 429 5427 LAKE SIMCOE lakefront bedroom cottage all conveniencrs completely eQUIpped Available lor season Telephone 487 3814 Oro AUTOMOTIVE EEEostLE 1972 COUGAR must be seen to be ap preciatcd 50000 original miles mint Condition certified Only $2495 or closestoffer Call 424 5315 I974 CHEV IMPALA door automatic 31000 miles $3650 Cer tilted Very clean in excellent condi lion Telephone 424 I279 I973 FIREBIRD Well equipped automatic radials lots mori S2995 Must sell Phone 728 892 1971 FORD GALAXIE sedan white With black vinyl roof power brakes and siter ing factory air conditioner low mileage beautiful rondifion 3221089 SILVER BIRD 1975 Tunderbird Wllll every possible lux ury oplion prestige automobile youd be proud to drive Only my rhnngr of employment necessitates this offer Full two years remain on least at reducod monthly rate with buy out oppnrtunity If interested ploosr phone Jack Graves 726 0393 or 728 6073 I974 SATELITE SUNDANCE automatic power steering brakes radio 25000 miles Michelins Telephone days 737 2569 evenings I975 MATADOR BROUGHAM and 1966 Plymouth bolh in good ronditinn Telephone 737 3294 I974 MAVERICK for sale 000 23000 miles cylinder automatir $1000 or bestoffer Telephone 737 3851728 7611 I969 OLDSMOBILE 455 JIIC With on the floor Aluminum rnngz hrrtdrrs condition and lots of ilxtro Serious on qurlLS only $2500 Telephone 728 9963 V8 Sharp power all original Dave 737 1223 I970 CHEV lmpalla Grind rondilion best offer leiephonn 7263094 or 726 2894 I974 TRIUMPH Spitting 1500 23000 miles 456 2840 I971 FORD MUSTANG Excellent condi tion Telephone114 0306 1971 VOLKSWAGEN as is Telephone after 458 9509 1969 CHEVROLET is Telephone 726 0165 1966 DODGE POLAR1 good running condition body nrnds wotk Best offer Telephone 736 5909 I972 MUSTANG convertible txirillunt condition Phone 424 5287 after 1971 OLDS CU LASS Jllpffmf automatic power steering brakes win dows air conditioning buckets radials excellent condition low mileage $1900 Telephone 728 9644 after 30 I968 OLDS 442 400 Speed Slick power steering brakes windows AM FM r0 die track dock mag wheels extltllflnf condition $1400 728 4020 tillr 1969 PONTIAC Lnrtnlian 86000 miles good motor body tight above avnrage Uncerlified Asking $900 Telephone 726 7364 1965 PONTIAC and Mustang Mustang Is in running condition Reasonable Telephone after 487 3591 I974 RALLY CUDA itirk ticodors pasl Craegars white and black Zlebarted $3800 or beat OIIfBI or trolli for van Telephone 726 8144 1967 DODGE DART ryllTIUtJr dOor automatic radio snow tires Good con difion Call 728 5893 lmlwIIn and pm Excalienl Condition best Offer 5600 $250 1970 BUICK LASABRE door hardtop in excellent condition 63000 mills Ollf owner Telephone 458 9278 1969 FURY 111 Convertible while with black top One owner Body tires and engine excellent Corfitird Asking $1650 Telephone 728 5107 1973 VW SUPER nlrrtlt 710000 rilllfï¬ radio snow tires ans hflt111r licbarfcd condition $2300 Telephone 458 4405 after pm I972 DATSUN 510 Certified 33 MPG orange good condition 47000 miles speed transmission $1095 lullphone 3BEDROOM spilt entry bungalow win 724 5057 2extra finished rooms plus rer room and utility room in basement and one half baths close to schools bus and shopping ceiicnt malls Lease available rent $350 mon thly Telephone 7264958 after 5pm 2BEDROOM house for rent lnthe coun try miles north of Elmvale For fur titer information call 3222853 THREE BEDROOM townhouse and onehalf baths stove refrigerator garage Adults only references $275 monthly plus utilities Available July lst Call 7267616 Examiner Want Ads For Best Results 1970 RENAULT 1040 miic per gallon door automatic Blnupulikt radio Ex condition all around $1100 Telephone 466 2536 in CTPPHIOII 1958 AND 1960 COIVOIlfS tiardtopn PX cellent running ordor Both engines Ill built Certified Original louver hood on 1958 Telephone 70 435 6765 Alilston TutoliioTIVI MR CAR DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 Elite Barrie AUTOMOTIVE BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE HAS THE PROFESSIONALS CANAMCZ JAWA HODAKA Why buy Japanese Toy Motorcycle when you can have the real thing CLEARANCE SPECIALS new 1974 C2 400 cc MoteCross $1050 plus tax and setup 11975 Suzuki TM 125 MotoCross $59500 plus tax Barrie MomCross Centre 389 Hayfield St IN of Grandviewl 7264112 MOTORCYCLES ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS ACOUSTIC CEILINGS mfoms movable partitions Itlons alterations general contractors Honoahoo Vallgy 0052926 7167191 dr wall ALUMINUM ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING Soffif fascia eavoatrough door windows awnings porch enclosures stonework Installed with 255352 dg m1 Old Fashioned Pride Juli GIBSON General Contractors CARS FOR sALE ARTICLES FOR SALE 7265609 1973 DODGE CHARGER SE for sale door AM FM radio airconditioning radials Ziebarted new radial snow tires $3995 Telephone 726 2946 after pm ADVERTISED ivaaPONTiAc 327 $150 1968 AustTrT American $175 1969 Austin American $250 1968125 Honda $100 All need work not certified Telephon4gl994 MATTRESS SIDING SOFFIT oavufrou hlng Painwick FACIA Froo Olflmafo Iumlnum 7269769 ALTERATIONS LADIES AND tlornona alterations Mary St alaphona 7373432 or residuum0446 ALTERATIONS making xlpporl homo real etc Hemp 7370335 APPLIANCES Also from NATIONALLY i972 TOYOTA COROLLA TOOTTGIis saver good second car as Is best offer Telephone 72672810avfter 530 EXCAVATING WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontol Augering 7289833 EXEAvAinNS Lots Cleared Back Filling Stone Fences Buried PondsDifches etc DozerTrackoader 34 yd Backhoe MEEHAN Const Co Ltd 3263410 ORILLIA FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Both Pieces CARS ELECTROLUX Canada Specializing In DOTUIOISTOIIO 3102333 Iorvlca 18 Alliance antique brick It URGENTLY REQUIRED Alito REPAIRS For Barries Newest Car Dealer WE PAIR Im Euro W°lkm°nsmp 9U°mnl°°d formation Ant Sam 17 BARRIE GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL FREE DELIVERY INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens AUTOMOBILES Ez CREDIT no rooms Coll Run 4363681 ofth ORV HARDY MOTORS NO MONEY DOWN TORONTO 2937934 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 CARPEmY AND MASONRY Swlolllnfl TF fire lacos Written warranty Also CARPENTER do OOML brlc block and stonom5673 SCRAP cans and truck wanted Top novotlom romodoillng etc No iob foo BRICK BLOCK atone work Fireplaces pricespaiyiwmptckupyzagm PMPIIHAIWL specialty Free estimates Stan Knlco fdaï¬ï¬gg for EBTCTHWM°M AND General Contractor Kitchen Ltd Bradyord Barry 7m rec rooms renovations additions COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel foc WAN+ED flroplacnflaranfoodJIHISOI torybulltRXITlffin7206040 no CARPENTER Specialising In roc paid Sarge day pickup Holt Auto mom Wm mng Mm Wieders DL Please callmm4d6 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for 202Dunlop St wrecking and parts top prices paid in we work damnlfld era om Free9161599191929209739HL 54 °°° SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices Barrio Arena enterprises and GENERAL frame shingle and Reasonable Ices 7264377 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Con afrucflon 7267461 Contractors Will Id fr tlm pa eei med ate pc up any in how 436 2900 7262900 COCE BROS Carsrand trucks wanted Julo for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 42475949 or 435 6322 or 7372515 ABOVE Inground Pool kits discount WIiI Install Telephone 4563918 SWIMMING POOL Wholesaler must TRUCKSAND TRAILERS STOM Mom 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed dlsposeof I975 aluminum pools In stock Juflï¬ï¬ Rx transmissiononetoncabln chassis like sacrifice price for desperater hooded onabil comb Hom 3478 new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods factory warehouse space Brand new Hillsdale8352308 swimming pools Include Walkaround angprcgju pl goigggfom gs deck Fenced filter and werrantee Size CARPET CLEANING 360 V6 automatic trans radio extra 77 If rms C9 50 gas tank HD suspension radial tires flecLIIW TA You PIW CNMW today new paint low mileage private Can be SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice loading Mr carpet with Al carpal seen at 274 Burton 728 8531After6pm manufacturer and distributor has °° ï¬fth7256371 7281716 aluminum pools left over from 1975 1976 SUBURBAN Siygggaaof 75 $31th pcrlcne qrarariteed in tallatlon COMMERCIAL ART drive positraction 400 power steering 3r 5° mm and brakes many extras Telephone mans COMMECM 57 logo desist art work layout etc Plow call collect 4169362631 cusron FENCING CUSTOM FENCING and Supplies Phone for estimates Free delivery Bar rio Fence Co 7263760 Lambert 7202670 DRESSMARING 726 0306 1975 FORD Super cab halfton 360 F100 standard transmission and brakes heavy duty susspension front wheelde brakes undercoated mounted snows Al condition 11000 miles Telephone after 726 0085 1969 GMC 84 ton 327 automatic cer Iified $1000 or best offer Only In terested persons call weekdays from to pm 7269946 nights and Satur STAFLiCITY WASHER spin dryapt Site $120 14 months old Telephone CHROME TABLE and Chairs brown $65 Silvertone black and white portable TV I9lnch $75 Viking humidifier variable speed control $48 All Items in excellent condition make an offer Please call 7289759 HARVEST GOLD frlg and stove almost new $500 for the pair also klt days after 7301 428 5265 Chen chrome suite In good condition $05 zlgull Wdl bY 103 4225493 ng pan au 1971 FORD VTTO heavy duty V8 stan CE BM SE LECTRIC typewriter used only °° °°° w° dard condition can certify with or without cap For information call mealtime726l960after5pm 779 7721 GIMME17797653 WOODEN BARN for sale Telephone 1974 BLAZER loaded V38 BUtomatic 7286400after6pm power steering and brakes tinted glass ï¬ï¬‚chNTELCAMPERI my mumpng PROFESSIONAL MOIIRIWM IPPIIB 9995 AM FM 5th GAIN sink Stove and Ice box In newcondltlon 33923309guï¬zzï¬zol3d5cmllngs terior new paint extras $5500 7289644 unique syew and Warm radio 630 model 1931 baby furniture 1975 TOYOTA long box with cap 6000 cameraCall7263153 miles left on warranty $3200 or best of SPANISH STYLE WWW If T691100 73°°9I°ï¬lmA large chest of drawers and large 1965 GMC 50 PASSENGER bus without dresser Double bed with headboard seats good body and drive chain ideal never Used ASKING $450 or best offer Camper conversion $1200 or best offer Teleohone after 7269414 T°° 53 025 CONRADIO 23 channels Fannon Fan SPECIALIIING ln taping and We 1°11 723110 EAVESTROUGNING COLORED Aluminum oavosfroughing All work done and guaranteed by owner Free estimates 7269769 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING polarold texture Your fine furniture deserves the quality and care of our hand stripping and finishing 205 Dunlop St 705 7266178 NANDYMAN AND HANDYMAN Services Renovations sun docks patios pain ting comonf work general repairs 1319719 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled owoy JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm SPRING CLEANUP Storm windows removed and cleaned General lawn care Exterior pointing Trash hauled and small moving iobs Days 7268424 Evenings 4362387 STORM WINDOWS removed Eavastroughs cleaned lawns cut gardens rotorfilled Phano 7289367 GENEWRAEFtOME maintenance and repairs Painting lawn care cleanups etc Phone 7282626 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry bing Experience 726MG SPRING CLEANUP Pruning Ioddlng seeding general flowerbods1 etc 7266552 HOME AND COTTAGE Painting Plumbing Roof 2191 436006 HEATING COOLING VESPRA VALLEY Healing sheet metal Forced on heating air condition Ing electronic all clean 7280733 COMPLETEM plumbing NEATTHO rinklor ayatoml airconditioning fabrication Service and maintenance painting plum reforencos reliable mowing mointananca Maintenance and Chimney metal maintenance 24 hour Sorvlce 7370909 HOME IMPROVEMENTS BOB CUMBERLAND Complete bathroom kitchen renovations including ceramics Mosaic tiling also rec rooms 4364I79 STONE brick facln floorln coating Also whoosala on retail of building products 7269710 or vIaIt our showrooms Clapporton 51 Barrio TIXTUT INGLIS dryer one year old Like new asking $150 fare I00 and Shakesphere antenna$150 Mr9TQR91CLES £L32M°£1f°m199m°11373345 223315 ilifiï¬nmwilfm AXLE AND rear frame for wheel POGO STOCK steel UTIIITY cabinet motorcycle could be adapted to any 320 Chrome kitchen set $35 Gold motorcycle also 1973750 Triumph frame mlrror $9 Dressers one basxeicase Telephonelza 7365 grawe an7d one high Day $41 each WHEELERI ELECTRIC Industrial Tm iep one 265909 commerclo residential oIIo op 1975 BOMBADIER Moped Excellent JLc condition only 560 miles call after SET or DRUMS In 9004 con P° 97 pm Askior comma 7413 dltlon asking $250 o1r7 best of fcr Teleohone 72684 after TOWN SUZUKI pmggkforpgutA SIMCOE ELECTRIC Special sale only 1976 GT 750321 COUNTRY KITCHEN Cupboard for Induatrlol Commerciol 1976 GT 500 $1479 Bayfleld st North sale partly pine approximately R°sidn° Farms Baymart Plaza 726 9544 long ft high 30 years old good condi 1974 HONDA cai75 ExcéiiBntESnE °T°° 7397 °P Lighting design min low mileaoe helmets plus ac 30 for Sissie ftzsfsmgiolaï¬Ã© efï¬gy Eloctricolconsultlng cessores $500 firm Tele hone 737278 on an fair condition Telephone mun after 20 yrs experience 1974 SUZUKI 185 sham uiooiiIifni ETDL GL ley Masters Lic 118 mcr excellent condition Many extra GOLF CLUBS 18M 11 Club ul of including 2exlra tires and helmet Mus Spaldlna 00 clubs with bag and cart 7288234 est offer 728 3182 at 121 Steel st used only months very good condition MLLLLL mOEeItsroem EXCAVATING ARTICLES FOR SALE FROSTFREE SIDE by side ro frlgerator freeler Color white 32wlde BULLDOZING small and large lobe xrbfvrhighigienew+Teiephone 7260075 Eolon and Sons ll MlnaIIng ELECTRIC GUITAR Hagstrom red 77676 LLLLLLL wood electric solid body Humbucklng DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farm pick ups $130 In good condition Tol ndl ditching general excavating atc ephone 7269789 7268691 condition 728 4307 UTILITY TRAILER box type like new condition light hook ups $350 firm Issshw 9fl9 DINING ROOM suite pieces china cabinet buffet table and chairs ex cellent condition Telephone 7267365 FREEZER for sale 165 cubic ft white chest type RCA In good condition Telephone 7372584 after pm and ask for Anne McLean PATTERNED RUG lo andone quarter with felt underpad $20 Tale phone 7288994 Telephone ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE Many antiques ln cludlng solid oak table and chairs ap pllances furniture baby furniture childrens clothing and toys camping equipment books and many other ar ticles June 9th 10th 11th and 12th 12th Concession of innlsfll and half miles west of Highway 11 THE BARRIE EXAMINER IAMOUS MAKI CIII IIJII IV RENT TO OWN $409 $3 per wk Oil ram in Own NO Millifly IlIIWll 301NCHWKELTVINATOR stove good WILL NOT HAVE mm zzuleoadmonitiln OFNEWSPRINT AVAILABLE UNTIL Junellthand12fh10amtoapm145 FURTHER NOTICE Penetang Street Cottage furniture TF rugsyTV tires and many other articles ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE UNCLAIMED FREIGHT FREIGHT LTD 707UUNII1PW JIISI WIISI ll Barrie Arena GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY Phone 176 71W Julll INIgOOIR SféOWROOM full sliegpm on isp ay ome nfoda orca for free 32 page booklet bf Inground and Illqu Gloupmg above ground pools Baymart Plaza mv YORK AIR conditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for Information call 726 1009 LAWN BOY lawnmowers and JohnSon Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 7261001 Pioneer Pools FINE ROOMS FURNITURE $683 FFIEE DELIVERY piece black pine finish bedroom suite Including nlto tables plus Spindle headboard pc living room suite HB chair LB choir of toman and Chesterfield pc kitchen suite chairs table and leaf IF WE FAIL TO MAKE DEAL WE WILL PAY YOUR GAS HOME 202 DUNLOP ST Just West of Barrie Arena PHONE 7262900 WALL HANGINGMacrarrieITEiï¬FiE N0 wool approximately ft 20 nc black and white TV 12 12 carpet MONEY Chesterfield For further information CREDIT DOWN telephone 728 0775 ml7 NEW AND USED oil furnaces heat pumps and air conditioning Call 728 1311 Hugt 24 USED foot 4fblurlubAfluorescenf light fixtures $10 each Contact Barrie Ex aminer16 Bayfleld 517266537 CARS FOR SALE DEALER Examiner M9 ARTICL FOR SALE DA SPECIALIST now Directory of Business Services and Products tiara IMPROVEMENTS NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom play room laundry af flce storage space Also painting waIIEErlfl Murgy Boll 7280906 LIFTING AND MOVING Cottages Foundations Alterations Additions Custom Bulldlng Fox Contracflng 7261710 Offers SPECIALIZING IN Tuck Infi chim neys waterproofing brl on stone caulking windows and expansion IotntsWork Earanteod 4509346 STONE WORK patloa fireplaces fond scaplng Reasonable rates 20 oars ox gorlonca Free estimates after INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Coll Run 4363681 after 630 pm References available FOR QUALITY homo Improvements use our new llghtrock for exteriorInterior Brochures available Our showroom Is Clamrton Sf or call 7269710 7204450 CARPENTRY REPAIRS renovations rec rooms rrtasonry acklng 20 years Briana Estimates 7269135 GRAHAMS Home Improvements Shlngles Installed Roofing Repaired Alumlnum Eavestrough Alumlnum Soflt Aluminum Siding Galvonlzed Eaves Chlmneys Rebuilt Chimneys Repaired 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL 7285628 INCOME TAX lmOME TAX returns prepared Angus Barrio area $5 up Dobson 4245910 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns reparod for small bualnou form and home Mit chells Bookkooplfl Sorvlce 7262973 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 7281267 LANDSCAPING HOT SPECIALI We hava Top Soil Manure or both mixed 75 cents bushel Delivered 7263845 Landscaping gardening and free cut ting Roasonablo rafos Free estimates Call 6875781 after LAWN CARE HOT SPECIALI We have top IOII manure or both mixed 75 cents bushel Delivered Telephone 7263845 SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing padding Beading general maintenance flowerbods etc 7268552 WEED SPRAYING fartlllzlng mowing hedge and shrub trimming etc Vic Trlomstra 7260477 BOTTING PROPERTY SERVICES Lawn and garden molnt landscape ser vices reasonable rates 7264536 LIGNTNING RODS VESPRA VALLEY Healing Licenced agents for Dominion Lightning Rod Co Ltd Reduce insurance rates 7280733 MOVING AND STORAGE ESSA MOVERS and Cartago 7283311 or 0260711 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ pIe who like to dance 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical popular Marcel Patvln Guitar 7261409 MUSIC INSTRUCTION Guitar Ac cordion Piano Canadian Academy of Music 121 Bayfiold St Two months trial Instrument loaned for home practice beginner and advanced 7281799 Mualc for poo Good rates and Studio MW PAVING MANIERI PAVING LTD Drlvewoys Porking Lots Tennls Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Serving Slmcoe County for 16 years PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 7370179 MANIERI PAVING LTD Patios Sidewalks and Steps Free estimates Work guaranteed Book now Phone 72 BILOTTA CONTRACTING Paflos sidewalks stops chimneys curbs Now work and ropolrs Fro botlmatos 4504233 after pm RAILINGS RAILINGS GATES fireplace room dlvldors fences pool Free estimates 7265939 RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrio five minutes Windy Haflh Farm 7260192 ROOFING ROOFING Carpentry work guaranteed 4361540 DONS SHINGLING SERVICE Shlngl ing repairs Now old homes and cof tflg chlmms flashed 4246834 ROTO TILLING HAVE GARDEN TRACTOR to rotafill your garden Rates 36 and up 7261294 or screens fencing All reasonable Alterations and 7281346 SNOWPLOWING WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commercial and residential reasonable rates Phone 7267757 STUCCO RUSSEL TEXTURE Spray exterior stucco Interior textured walls and call lngs Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurlf ta ephono 7284392 IRANSMISSIONS TRANSMISSION KING 458 Blake Street Specialists in automatic standard clutches differentials For free road test call 7372292 TV AND RADIO IARRIE TV Inhome makes of tolavlslonl 7284297 WATER NAULAGE THE WATERMAN Lofroy 4563918 Wells cisterns swimming pools filled WINDOW CLEANING ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Spoclallsfa in houses apartments and stores Telephone 728I914 service to all 29 Collier SI Coll BANDSTAND MUSIC Studios Boyfipld Mall Guitar classes Yamaha method all age groups 7264973 PAINTING PAINTING Inferior exterior established over 25 years Froo Osflmafos work guaranteed 7287696 PAINTING decorating drywall fanc lng satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates 7371060 PAINTING paper hanging parlancad free estimates Richardson 7262012 7560074 HILLSDALE DECORATING exterior wallpoporlng walls and ceilings 835261410cal VELLINGA PAINTING and docoratln Interior exterior Work guarantee htablishod in years 7262609 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Exterior and Interior Free estimates ax Jack Inforlor custom textured Tolephonl 705 Work guaranteed 7267389 ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERS FARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINARIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 thick 300 EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 ARTICLES FOR SAL I975 MOFFATT frostfree refrigerater $250 or best offer Telephone 7373033 FRIDGE AND STOVE white good working condition Reasonable Apply 166 BayfleldSt FLOORING New Armstrong Sun dial cushioned non wax light shades of green 10x12 $100 Telephone 7269861 between9 ands pm BOX SPRING and mattress 54 inch site now never used cost $180 will sail for $90 Too large for owner Telephone 726 2938 BOATS AND MOTORS FOOT 10 Inch pointhydro lane with 20 hp Mercury outboard as extra brace on transom for more arful motor Gascaninciuded Price 350 Call 7282089after6pm 1971 REVEL CRAFT Cruiser 31 foot many extras new condition fibreglass hull docked at Midland Telephone 7054295668after5pm 16 FT MlROcraft convertible side cur talns 55 hp Chrysler plus trailer Used only one season Telephone 4872446 after pm ALBACORE SAILBOAT 15 ft in ax cellant condition with racing options Asking $1800 Telephone 3257775 OUTBOARD BOAT and motor for sale III ft moulded plywood fiberglass on bottom 50 hp V4 Starfllght Evlnruda outboard very good condition $800 com plate Telephone 4245737 ARTICLES FOR SALE BOATS AND MOTORS WE BUY and sell new and used boats Smackfawn Marine Shanty Bay Rd SAILBOAT 14 ff Enterprise with trailer Al condition Asking $850 Tele hone 7268379 14 FT FIBREGLASS boat All ITP Johnson outboard with electric start Trailer with 14 Inch wheels $700 or best offer Telphone after pm 4246877 PACESHIP 16ft daysaller for sale Ex cellent condition self balling cockpit full floatation 800 lb Wiscot tralar $2000 Telephone 7289851 16 FT SIDEWINDER deluxe with 115 hp Mercury power trim all guagas Tonneau cover ski bar Licenced trailer Excellent sha Best offer talephone 7287562 or 72 7361 John Bir re 32 FT CABIN cruiser for sale Excellent condition Fully equipped sleeps For more Information call 7261009 or 275586anyfima EXAMINER WANTADS PHONE 7282414 CITY WIDE WINDOW CLEANERS 20 years experience Fully insured Phone 7372472 SAND GRAVEL Crushed Gravel 48 and 34 Stone Concrete Mason Sand Any kind of Fill Top Soil DE GROOT SAND AND GRAVEL 3222390 Phelpston ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES wANTED WANTED Barrie Examiner carrier bags the Barrie Examiner will buy back any Barrie Examiner carrier bags in good condition bring them to the Clr culatlon Department or phone 7266539 CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books dishes Old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7288234 OLD FURNITURE lamps chine odds and ends wanted ADTIQUCS For sale 726B704 WANTED 283 307 or 327 engine In gggd condition Telephone 4246867 after DOGS AND PETS MAYs Poodle Parlor Professional clip ping and grooming reasonable rates Telephone 7260061 EDGEHILL AOUARIA Aquariums flsn plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POODLE SalonSham ing and cll plng of all breeds ophla Street ast7264141 POODLE TRIMMING ofesslonal grooming all breeds pckup and delivery 7268798 Pat Studio SHIH TZU pups registered show quail ty champion parents small and cudd ly real beauties apartment slza pets 3000 7280822 REGISTERED male Lhasa A080 pup pies months old housebroken $150 each Telephone 4872503 LABRADOR Retriever Pups Registered shots wormed Sire Cham pion Hugo Telephone 705 4875083 BEAGLE PUPs weeks old excellent hunting stock Four females $25 each BEEGLE FEMALE and pups for sale Telephone 7370458 mm good with children male colour black $100 or best offer Telephone 7280175 LOVEABLE PUP monthsold trained male Dalmatian and Labrador Free to good home Telephone 7265723 DALMATION 001 old registered ITIBII IINOB Ch POO CWHTIY DOM needed SIN Telephone 4240939 CUTE LITTLE terrier puppies weeks ggigrï¬wn and black $5 each Telephone DOBERMAN PUPPIES black and tan rod and tan weeks old no papers $100850 Call after 430 weekdays ï¬gflflggkendl 4361179 IRISH SETTER male can aid registered all shots amt wlt children flan blue male registered all shots Ta aphone 7373556 anytime FREE To good home fernla WOW months old house trained and vary at fectionate Telephone 1370858 after pm