I2The Barrie Examiner Monday June I976 TELEVISION BUFFALO TORONTO 11 HAMILTON BARRIE SS Gym BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO I2 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL 600 2457111222News 3Movie 9Definition 630 2NBC News 22Adam 12 7ABC News 9WOrid Beat News llParty Game l2Hawaii Fivevo 700 Cable city Council Meeting 9Good Times 2Bowling For Dollars 4CBS News sln Good Company 7To Tell The Truth 11Friends Of Man 220dd Couple 730 2Holiywood Squares 4Strikes Spares And Misses 22Movie 7Lets Make Deal 9Headline Hunters llPolice Woman 1200 2MagnilicentMarbIe Machine 3Goober 4712News sBob McLean Show 22Ed Allen 9Uncle Bobby Show llMidday 1220 12Farm News 1230 2Take My Advice 3Leave It To Beaver 4Search For Tomorrow 22News 7AII My Children 9Flintstones 12Party Game 1255 2Around The Black World 35News 100 2Magazine 3Daybeat 4Concentration 5In Touch 7Ryans Hope 9Dick Van Dyke 11Douole Exposure 12MarcusWelby 600 247711 1222News JMovie Hello Fricso Hello 524 Hours 9610 2NBC News 22Adam l2 7ABC News 9News liParty Game I2Rockford Files 700 MONDAY EVENING l2Barney Miller I200 2John Davidson 22News 1030 9One Day At Time 3512Rhoda 3512Nature of Thing 7Charo Variety 1100 9Jacques Cousteau 2345v791112News 330 22Be My Guest 3512Front Page 1120 Challenge 39News 7Movie 12Night Final 11Starsky Hutch 1130 9Olympiad 2Johnny Carson 900 4Merv Griffin 34512All in the sFinal Edition Family 7Movie 22Sports Probe llLarry Solway Show QBoxing ZFGoli Classic 9Joe Forrester 1150 930 12Movie 422Maude 1200 3Fay 9Movie 512Chico and 3Movie the Man SMary Hartman 11Tommy Makem Ryans Fancy 1000 3512VP AllMedical Centre 9Pig Whistle TUDAY AFTERNOON 130 211Days Of Our Lives 4As The World Turns 22Agape sCoronation Street 7Rhyme And Reason Mary Hartman llMerv Gritfen 100 2Tomorrow 4Guiness Book of World Records 7Commander Tom 11 Young and The Restless 400 Movie Leave Her To Heaven 9Joyce Davidson Show 3M°ira Hum 200 4C 9Celebrity Dominoes 512I=srlsIRangers 5All 11718 22Little Rascals Family 9Trouble with 22Canadian Tracy Cavalcade 7S20000 Pyramid 12Marie Callaghan 215 11MarcusWery MD 430 9Brady Bunch 512Mr Dressup 2ElgNews ARobertYoung Family Doctor 9What The 22Giliigans Island Good Word 7Mike Douglas 21Doctors 500 3512Edge of Night 9r0nside 422Guiding Light JHTruth Or 7Break the Bank Consequences 300 22That Girl 3512Take ThiIIY sIts Your Choice AAll in the 11Dinah Family 12Faml All 22Be My hues 530 lGeneral Hospital 3New5 29Another World kAdam 12 330 3512Celebrity Cooks 22Lively Woman 12Partridge Family 22Jokers Wild TUESDAY EVENING 600 1000 Cable Seniors 22News Old Fashioned House Party 35l2City of Angels +Switch ZThe Presidents 9MarcusWeby 3517On The 1030 Evidence 117Wicks 4Really Rosie 1100 7Happy Days 030 Cable Pool with Eric Chaemallard 722Laverne and 22Be My Guest 7911127 News 1120 3News irNight Beat News Cable TimeforOId Magic 2Bowling For Dollars 4CBS News Shirley 9John Allan Cameron ACandid Camera l2kNighi Final 1130 22Design Explosion liCannon 5Crown Court 900 infSmear Repo 0613 Couple 2Police Woman Nickeys World 7To Tell The Truth 4MA5Hgt 7Movie 9BobbyVinton Sh0w JT8A The war Lord ygsmwbl 22The War Years 11Larry Solway Show 7Movie Prudence 1150 ZIIILdiIf World and the Pill 12 Movie The Bedford nima 9Rookies Incident 4Strikes Spares 5Fmayand 00 kéggmï¬gz Company 2Johnny Carson 22Caan 930 3Movie Crossfire 7The Price Is Right 9The Bionic Woman IIDinah Shore l2George Hamilton Show ATime Here AOne Day At 512Look Whos 11Baretta I2CurrenlAftairs SrMary Hartman 97Movie 41lvMerv Griffin 130 Mystery of the Week ILHE DOCTOR SAYS Stills disease childs ailment By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson Please tell me about food additives causing hyperactivity in chil dren have read little about it but wonder if keeping my daughter away from them would help calm her down My cousins little boy is six and he is quite nervous and overactive when hes eaten something with additives in themMrs RW This problem seems to be increasing among children Much of it may indeed be caused by the huge volumes of chemical additives which keep food fresher longer enhance its color or preserve its flavor Call it what you will the price of modern convenience or what ever it is part of 20th century living especially in ad vanced areas of the world study among schoolchildren in Oakland Calif indicates that hyperac tivity may have risen in the last two decades to as much as 25 per cent from two per cent of the school population The study suggests connection between this and the growing use of food chemicals specially in soft drinks col red cereals candy syrups lunch meats and ice creams all childoriented products Claude Frazier in his book Coping With Food Allergy has much to say on this subject He Siggests that allergy sufferers should probably curse the day additives ever saw the light of day Specifically he writes those Who are sensitive to aspirin may also be sensitive to host other closelyrelated com pounds found in some synthetic colorings and flavorings There have been reports of sharp reduction in hyperac tivity among children denied the products especially those in which artificial coloring is med Hy ractivity should be diag nos The basic symptoms are short attention span restless ness and clumsiness Not every hyper youngster is an addi tive victim by any means Additives are screened by the federal authorities who must ap rove their use However it is ifficult to measure such sub tle effects as those invnlved in peractivity About all you can do as par ent is to be aware of thepos sible connection If the child is suspected of being hyperactive Withdraw whichever items from his diet that have food ad ditives If the condition im proves it would be wise to con tinue the restrictions This shouldnt be interpreted as putdown of the food in dustry With growing popu lation to feed the gardentoIar bel route becomes increasingly impractical For that reason reservatives and flavor and color enhancers seem essential We have to learn to recognize the potential dangers and for estall them as we can Dear Dr Thostcson Will you please explain what vascular headache is KO Its headache caused by the temporary dilation ex pansion of the arteries of smaller blood vessels serving the head area These are extra sensitive and respond with pain at the slightest pressure The throbbing headache is an example of vascular head ache The sufferer feels spasms of pain with each beat of the heart and often the blood vcs 981 can be seen literally pound ingaway It is the vessel itself that gves the pain not the brain as is commonly thought Such headaches can be re lieved with medicine to con strict the vessels Confidential to Miss Fi The doctor may want to know whether woman did or did not ever have sexual intercourse It could be part of the history But hes not there to make moral judgments much less express them Your friend Should get with it and not allow her sensitivity to interfere with getting needed medical treat ment Vaginal bleeding requires attention At 49 she Should know better her favor and tell her JOIN CHOW LINE JACKSON HOLE Wyo AP rancher here feeds his horses at 10 am every day Knowing this the horses line up at that hour to trot singlefile into the corral gate The National Geographic Society says that invariably at the end of the line are three or four moose who have learned of the daily handout DONT FALL OFF Spruce needles remain on the tree five years or more Bernice Bede 0801 Tuesday Juno 1070 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Take nothing for granted In any commercial dealings you have today Failing to stay on top of matters could be costly mis take TAURUS April 20May 20 Your usually dependable allies may be the ones who let you down the hardest today its best you rely more on yourself and less on others GEMINI May 21 Juno 20 Rather than work on task you resent doing today set it aside for the moment You wont do good job it your heart isnt in it CANCER June 21July 22 Dont attach strings to favor you do for another today Ac tions of this type will breed resentment and put the relationship in ieopardy LEO July 23Aug 22 Usually you can be rather optimistic regarding the outcome of events that you take hand in but today youre likely to be very unsure of yourself VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Dont go around carrying chip on your shoulder today as its sure to be knocked off Weigh your words carefully and avoid CflIlClZlng others LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You can be qwte generous when dealing With friends but today youre likely to be more of taker than giver SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Try not to put your sellInterest too far above others today Be ing only concerned about No Will turn people off SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 You have talent today for creating your own problems Stop and think about the penalties assocrated With erratic actions CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Profit from your past mis takes Dont put good money after bad In Situation that Isnt paying off Be prudent where finances are concerned AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Goals that you hope to achieve today may slip by the boards because you wont be Willing to put forth the necessary effort PISCES Feb 20March 20 Dont do anything against your better ludgment today if you feel somethingisnt good for you chances are youre right Your Birthday June 1976 Substantial rewards WIII be there this coming year youre Willing to pay the price Be in dustnous and take the long range View Dont look something for nothing AIAIMEI PRESIDENT TORONTO CPI Ruth Lol zkar of Vancouver an executive board member of the Consumers Association of Canada CAC has been elec tcd association president by ac clamation former president CAC British Columbia she said she would like the association to play more aggressive role for OUR BOARDING HOUSE WHERES THE AN TONIGHTE THE HAVE NO FEARé TVZ IVE BEEN FINAL6 0F EMPTY BOYSI THE TV WAITIN ALL WEEK SUPERBOWLhALL l5 PLUCJéED INTO TO WATCH THE THE PAGEANTRY THE HOOPLE AD SHOW THAT HP6 OF THE BIG ONE ELIMINATOR EVERYTHING WITHOUT WASTIN WELL WATCH FRONTIER YOUR TIME ON BOTH 5HOW6 MEDICAL THE GAME LATER DETECTIVE WITHOUT IMANKINDS HIGHEST POINT 67 RPollys Pointers Perk up your coffee WIN AT BRIDGE Easts deception backfires NORTH 10 WEST EAST 10 10 an SOUTH 10 Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Dbl NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By James Jacoby Oswald Starting in 1975 New Yorks Cavendish Club runs an invitation tournament lfor the benefit of the wth organdy filters By Polly Tramcr Inflation Fighter DEAR POLLY My husband thinks my ingenuity warrants my sharing it with the other readers Our coffee maker requires filters that arc no longer availablel had some white organdy left from making curtains many years ago Using my pinking sllcurs made several dozen filters at one sitting Thcy are cvcn better than the original ones much clicapcr discolor less and can be rinsed without removing Another use found for some of this organdy was mak ing jelly bags to line my colander when straining juicc from the fruit and this works well too My motto is Use what you have wherc you are JEINKS DEAR POLLY buy the largc sizc tubcs of toothpastc thn think they are empty start at the bottom and cut off about an inch and quarter from the bottom of thc tuhc opcn brushings EIAH DEAR POLLY After rolling out pic crust Ircczi lhc cut off scraps 1n plastic bag thn cnough accumulatc crumble thcm over the top of fruit pic and 11111 suvcd ustng top crust Bake as usual RUTH DEAR POLLY One day my neighbor was hanging hcr wash and breaking innumerable new round woodcn my mother taught me ovcr 50 years ago years But whcn using them as they conic from lhc storc thc prossurc on the clothes and line breaks thcm 1n half doc to lhc dryness of thc wood Beforc using put all ncw pins In pan completely cover with WHIPI and let soak until thcy arc wct through not dry off but put each onc on the clothcslinc to dry in the sun This cxpands thc pins so they will not snap in half Happy wash days chin DEAR POLLY 77 My incxpcnsivc tip for cleaning spots from carpets Is to use club soda Always save that liltlc bit left in bottle Sponge or brush on littlc club soda and as it drics the spot will disappear find this works better than somc ol thc cxpcnsivc products onc buys Just for that purpose lIolIys note Iuh soda has long been favoritc for rcmoving wct spots pets might make on rugs KK DEAR POLLY Sincc colognc is lcss cxpcnsivc in thc splashon containers than in thc sprayon ones buy thc splashon kind Icrfumc atomizcrs are almost impossible to buy now so thoroughly clczin 2m antipcrspirunt rollon top bottlc fill With oiognc rcplzicc tlic rollon top and cap sccurc ly find this rollon is as cosy to usc as sprayon bottle and none of thc liqu1d is wasted savc moncy this way and hopc others will too EVELYN clothcspins lquitc cxpcnsivc nowl So sharcd with hcr hint Round woodcn clothcspins are cut from dry hardwood that should lost many Childrens cancer fund Jim Jacoby won it last year with Jeff Westheimer This year it was won by Allen Sontag and EPeter Weischsel one of the Ibest young pairs today Jim was unable to play Ithis year but judging by the way Peter and Allen played doubt very much if we could have repeated Oswald Allen and Peter gained lot of points when an opponents attempt to fix them backfired Easts one notrump was pure whimsy and gave Peter chance to bid two hearts Allen tried athree club cue bid Ictcr jumped to four hcartsund Allcn bid six FUNNY Buginisjs one side and can get anywhere from 10 to 12 additional Jim There wasnt any real problem in the play Peter drew trumps and at tacked spades by cashing dummys ace and his own queen When East showed out obviously Easts notrump had been pure whimsy Peter was able to finesse against Wests jack He had to lose club at the end but he could afford it Ashtho 6° Missouri reader wants to know if the experts spoil bridge with special com plicated conventions We dont think so Jack Nicklaus is allowed to attempt golf shots that the average player cant make Jimmy Connors is allowed to hit tennis ball as hard as he wishes In world competition player should be allowed to use his full skills Do you have question for the experts Write Ask the Jacobys care of this newspaper The Jacobys will answer individual questions if stamped selladdressed envelopes are enclosed The most interesting questions will be used in this column and will receive copies of JACOBY MODERN FIGHTSEATBELTS LAKEFIELD Ont CP More than 1200 pensioners have signed petition urging the provincial overnment to exempt the el erly from On tarios seatbelt law They id arthritis and other oblems made it impossible or some pensioners to rate the sometimes com Iicated seatbelt hanisms Im MOI so SURE THE PIPEDIN MUSIC wAs SUCH HOT IDEA DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle QEIEEIIEIE ramrémnm 14m11m11=111 INLOJEIIIhiIE lJlliii=ii1 ilflï¬lléifl 33 33 Pm nirzm maintain umn Banner 35 Courtesy title inï¬lqmldg Mark of 37 Latin malaria 1411 onlth respect conlunCIlon 1i21uiifcl LIMIT1m 11 Manllke pt llf1illll=1 tihiiimï¬ mechanical 38 Steel i=IIHHI=I YLVIHY Milli1 devlces 40 Elongated fish atollllama 13 Hoisting cable 42 Senora 3b 73mm BLEIIEIQ Ill31m 14 Reluctant C°d°°° raining1am iamï¬lggia 15 Talked 46 Fleshy red fruit pompoust 49 Reach destination 16 Distant prefix 52 Vital spirit Fr 17 Negative vote Possessive 27 Falsehoods 19 Industrial 53 Shiny cotton pronoun 29 Nathan Hale engineers fabric Eggs for one 3b 54 Nuisances Country 33 Postage 20 Negation 55 Ancient Curved 34 Turf prefix Persians moldings 36 Depended 22 Musical DOWN 10 Bright colors 37 Worn away syllable 12 Dispatched 39 Sheep sounds 23 Genus oi came College group 13 Devoted 41 River 24 Dined coll attachment embankment 26 Girls name Adored 16 Part of to be 42 Pace 28 High mountain Eastern Asian 21 USA has 50 45 Lairs 30 Soft metal shrub 23 Little boys 47 Talent 31 Aunt Sp Mild oath nickname 48 It IS contr 32 Japanese dial 25 Lambs 50 Male goat monetary unit Streets 6b pseudonym 51 Route lab IIIIH WHITE IIIfl III III III all all KIWI EIWAWII II ï¬llH WI WIWIW HI 1H fllIflfll WWWII WIIIII IIII slots GLANCESM Frankly dont care if NEVER see anotherpicentennial WINTNROP SHORT RIBS WHATaN SAY MR DRAKE HE ISMYFLEH Hl5 SISTER KERRY DRAKE or cIL 09 GUARANTEE FIhE FUDDSY CTEF ALLTHE HELD WE TRIED IO GIVE YOJV DO YOU HEN ATTQINKER Mfgr snap AROUND THE FOOL AROUND M421 Dinfoï¬ï¬vd wm ALL THAT FOREIGN AI MONFV YOU STILL REVEQT TO CANNIBALISM THE FORTUNEJSOF LITTLE IMPOR TANCE WEARE MEMABQJT SARAH NONWHAT Hï¬Ã©ilAPPEtED TO HER l5 SirA WHOYEP SWWDZJIIESE ARE THE QUESTIONSJHAT TORMENTUS rx CLUvlcré WHEN HE 925 RING COLLAR HE DOEENI grams 11w nun 0011151215 amorous writ 1002 you TALK ANDY CAPP BORN LOSER ARE LIOU QUITE CERTAIN HOURE SAFE DRIVER ldrt HAVINb realms gï¬mbMYcowé INT0 THE ARCTIC GALLERY 00 WEIWTTIK BYEIPETAN pour STAY on Too LATE WORRYIN EONINLANZ 29 Dunlop Barrie 1310201 EXHIBIT ITIIIE NUDE IN MODERN ART WOULDNT URT YOU TO WORRY LITTLE BIT YOUVE GOT NOTHN ELSE TO DO 006 MORE ARREST AND THELIlL REVOKE MLI 111661096 IIIE SAFEST MOTHER éARbLE STUDENTS Improve Your Marks Rent towards owning your own typewriter Inquire about our Rental Ownership Plan