Value Calculator features full memory keyboard °o key 599 aThe Microlith Memory also features square root change sign and exchange keys Large digit display Adds subtracts multiplies and diwdes Does mixed chain calculations Auto matic constant Credit balance lyr guarantee Operates from 9v batteries 0r AC adapter sold separately below 39R 041 302 31 micronth The Mlcrolith Scientific 3498 bLarge 12digit display digit mantissa digits of soientilic notation Performs basic functions trig functions Full memory Operates from 9v battery or AC adapter sold separately 399 041 303 cAC adapter 39R041088 $399 Underwood 315 typewriter 7998 dA lightweight and very sturdy pOrtable Has keyset tabulatOr segment shift touch set margins automatic ribbon reverse 10 carriage 86character keyboard English picat 03R 040103 In gtin llllltl Hanimex camera outfit Agfa camera outfit Celebrity binocular Reg $1998 Reg $2998 eHanimex PF 128 pocket camera fEconomical Agla Autostar 126 gExcluswe Celebrity 40 outfit includes camera with wrist camera outfit includes camera binocular With fully coated optics strap 12exp 110 color film with wrist strap lZexp color locked in prisms Large centre cartridge and 8shot Flipflasht print film cartridge and Magic wheel focusmg adjustable eye 39R 01 535 great gift idea cube Black plastic construction piece Field of view abt 498 Dont miss this sawngl Budgetpriced 39R 011 350 Lens mp straps 39R 025 016 tiAMt lii Vt PT sears hour Barrie customers call Or shop in Pï¬ersoni shop by phone Mon Tues bat 980 am to 530 pm serVIce Orillia reg hours 4873615 W9d Thursw Friv SlmDSOHSSeaFS Ud 930 am to 930 pm