Familysize 2door Frostless refrigerator ends messy defrosting chores forever 47 i8 cBig capacity Coldspot with freezer that holds 140 lbs Odorfree stainresistant porcelainon steel interior 3temp butter conditioner 10 position shelves Adjustable porcelain meat keeper and twin moisturesealed vegetable iiiV WM ming éfl ilï¬lï¬ illl 3313 2563552633399 Freely d°° She liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i7 d171cu ft Frostless with freezer that holds 155 lbs White 46R 075 930 $51998 Pm Harvest Gold Avocado or Coppertone $10 more ll Checkthe low prices on these Coldspot freezer values e70cu ft chest freezer with rigid thinwall insulation Power interruption light Holds 245 pounds in White 47R 039 070 Notshown$19998 f160cu ft chest freezer has big 560 lb food capacity Thinwall insulation Booster coils White 47R 034160 Not shown $26888 im iL 521998 t69998 Economical Coldspot 104 cu ft spacesaving Big sidebyside Frostless refrigerator Coidspot chest freezer refrigeratorfreezer While White White ql Ocu ft with 2door con sDeSigned to keep food Within aim t18 lcu ft Frostless Coldspot with venlence Freezer h0dS 78 IDS reach 80 easy to reach into 104 cu adjustable cantilever shelves Slide slideout shelves Dairy compart it chest freezer holds 350 lbs Has two out meat keeper Vegetable Crisper memv FUNWdth Cflsper Egg rack basketsone diwder Nosag foam insu 3temp butter conditioner Never Separate temperature COMFOL lation Bottom booster coils Counter needs defrosting White 46B 086 570 Never needs defrosting White balanced lid Power interruption light In Avocado Harvest Gold or Coppertone 46R 036 900 great buy Tough acrylic finish on cabinet Only decorator colors only $10 m0re r130cu as above but With 22 deep 47R 042100 Charge it on your Sears Account manual defrost 46R 036110 $29998 MAJOR APPLIANCES DEPT