Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 May 1976, p. 4

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Elite Titania Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Saturday May 22 1976 Planned general strike is form of blackmail The Canadian Labor Congress has decided to have oneday general strike across the coun try to protest the federal wage and price controls The national general strike has been proposed as method of br inging labors unhappiness with wage and price controls to the at tention of the government The proposal is form of blackmail The strike will not be against the government but against the general public The CLC theory is that the public will be so enraged by the general strike it will pressure the government into exempting labor from the wage or price controls or bringing about changes satisfactory to the CLC It appears to have escaped the CLC that there is another group opposed to wage and price con trols Business people in Canada have through their organizations made it clear to Ottawa that the wage and price controls we now live with arent satisfactory The government has done nothing to change this situation The CLC has come up with weapon to persudade it hopes the government to change its mind Business weapon How about national oneday lockout by all Canadian business firms no matter what size or Thumbs up To Paul Wessenger chosen as NDP candidate for Simcoe Cen tre Looks as though it might be good race To Innisfil Council members who can joke about annexation Maybe just maybe the whole annexation question can be resolved without bitterness To the 12man team from Cana dian Forces Base Borden for the successful relay run to Montreal To Blaine Boake the Kiwanis Club youth of the month To Bob Shea who pulled no pun ches this week in speech about real estate and the law To winners of awards at the Ys annual awards banquet To Nellie Triemstra chosen to represent Barrie Central at the provincial music leadership camp this summer To the people of Angus who obviously needs what type of business Close all the supermarkets all the corner stores all the mens wear and womens wear clothing stores factories everything Just for day Of course business wont do it And not for the reasons the CLC and the government are con vinced business wouldnt dare do such thing either It is matter of responsibility Business people recognize that an important part of business is good relations with the public And it is not good relations with the public to blackmail the public with nationwide general strikes orlockouts The history of unionism in Canada the United States and Great Britain is history of in creasing power in the hands of few with corresponding decline in responsibility Unions have shown themselves more and more completely uninterested in the welfare of anybody or anything but unions We rather hope the national general strike will happen Maybe then the hardputupon blic the public which has suf ered increasingly from capri cious union action will realize that the union movement has put too much power in the hands of an irresponsible few And maybe then the public will demand that steps be taken to make unions once ain responsi ble members of Cana ian society have thrown their support behind plans for development of two playgrounds in the community To the parishioners of West Oro Baptist Church on the start of construction of their new church To the Orillia Chamber of Com merce for picking up the canoe race gauntlet thrown down by the Barrie Chamber of Commerce To Judge Clare for the con sideration shown defendant who was convicted every possi ble consideration despite the fact the defendant refused to speak and showing that justice is still in this country more than matter aflaw To city council for considerin cancelling one bus route because it doesnt pay By that rationale all bus routes should be cancelled To Stephen Lewis for having the grace to praise Tory document Thumbs down To Mayor Dorian Parker for appearing in an official capacity as mayor at the PC meeting Thursday night and not ap aring at the NDP meeting We nesday night To Stephen Lewis for backing out of the question about the pro posed national general strike Come on Stephen these are YOURpeople To the Ontario government for brirjing five cabinet ministers here this week and only letting one of them talk Does it take five cabinet ministers to make speech one to talk and four to pull the strings To downtown Barrie quickly becoming the broken glass capital ofthe world To owners of dogs who allow their pets to befoul public sidewalks and private front yards May your sewers back up THE PICK OF PUNCH In the end decided against coming incognito Readers opinions are welcomed on The Examiner editorial page By SEAN FINLAY City Editor The Examiner What should newspaper be There are as many answers as there are newspapers One of the things think newspaper should be is forum for opinion And nobody has yet come up with better forum than letters tothe editor We publish letters to the editor But we dont publish enough them We would like to get more let ters to the editor Everybody has an opinion on at least one subject If you think your opinion is worth sharing with your friends then it is worth having it published as letter to the editor In the past few weeks several people have asked how theygo about having letter to thee itor published First there is no char for publishing letters to the itor We would like to know your name If you dont want your name published let us know and we wont print your name But we still have to know who is sendingthe letter Include with the letter gone number where you can reached so we can check and make sure you actually did write the letter or check the contents of the letter with you If at all possible type the let ter doublespaced If you aint type the letter then make sure your handwriting is legible Double space the letter and if you think we might have any doubt about word then print it Avoid writing on both sides of thc paper and try and use foolscapsize paper QUEENS PARK Davis enmity to Liberal leader tires some MPPs including Lewis By DON llllCAltN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service lremicr William Davis per sonal emnit toward fortncr Liberal learIir ltobert Nixon appears to be spilling over on to his successor Stuart Smith of Hamilton Several times the prcniicr has replied sarcasticaliy to questions frorti Mr Smith while his answers to qucrics frorn opposition Icader Stephen lAswis tend to be straight forward The Tories call Mr Smith the member frotn Wimbledon because Mr Smith was ap uircnlly playing tennis onc time when Mr Davis was making art important speech in the legislature But some Mlls arc gctting tired of the constant hostility as evidenced by an interjection Mr Lewis made in one tttlll DavisSmith oxchtingc Does it never cnd thwn he told the premier WIIAIWASIIIAl Sometimes members deliberately misunderstand each other during ltlmlt At other times its far from deliberate Sit BllAIIJJJSlllllllll KINGSTON int Ill chen prisoners at the irisoii for women hcrc dccitcd to learn how to transcribc braille in their spare time af ter meeting With rtprcscn tativos frotn the Canadian National Instiltitc for thc Blitid They must transcribc 70 pages including six without errors to pass the NIH exam in June What is otic to tiiakc of this rimnicnt by lanics Biillbrook LilwralSarniai takcn from the unedited first vcrsion of llansard Iould you clarify for tiic what scctning inconsistency in your approach that tlicsc matters being so national in scopc so consequential iii moment should bc rcfcitcd to national tribunal why didnt you do the samc with llydro rates latcr perhaps by way of arc filial suuolctnciitarv cdifv inc in thc rationalization of your inconsislcncy plcasc It rcads worse than it sounds chrr inn cirv Mll Eli Martcl NDP Sudbnry IIastl is onc legislator whos kccping an caglc cyc on tho cvil ItKlS who throng thc lryways of tlic BigCity llc rccciitly criticized proviir cial cotisumcr and commercial iclations minister Sidncy llan tilttitan for not providing mougli staff to adequately han dlc complaints at the Sudbnry triiisumcr protection office He said clip artists coming to the Nickel Basin are costing taxpayers great deal think every shystcr run out of Town to takes the next train to Sud lury Which is nice compliment to the Metro Toronto police llNIlllltltIJCI ANNY Shades of old Leslie Frost tario it was roadbuilding was first elected to Enniskillcn council on It was to improve the road situation That was my platform and still is want good roads for the people of On tario lhats minister without p0rt folio Lornc llcnderson PC What should be in the lettcr Your opinion and we come here to few donts There are three reasons let trr wont be published it is libellous it is in contempt of hurt or it is in bad taste Libel without trying Ll give legal advice is very basically hurting persons nputation Libel law is dif ficult area in which most mwspapcr editors prefer to err in the side of caution And if we at The Examiner err on libel it is on the side of caution ontcmpt of court is again very basically commenting on legal action civrl or criminal that is underway In other wor is if man is being tried for mbbcry we wont publish let tcr saying he is guilty or not gully Iaste is dcspitc the new morality pretty simple to Lanibtoni explaining onc ivason why hes lll politics to sometimes stivagcly hostilc lcgislativc committcc examining his dutics But ncithci Liberal nor Nlll criticism ruffch tlic lllilll some acknowluigc to bc among tlic cannicst politicians in Ontario DAVIS Sllfllill lrovincial Irogrcssivc oii scrvativcs appear to have lcarv tied lcsson or two from their fcdcral brcthrcns internccinc strife ovcr Icatlcrship the past dccadc Even though lrcinicr William Davis led his party to its lowest cbb in 45 years in last autumns elections there was no indication of headhunting at the Tory annual meeting last weekend Mr Davis cart apparently stay iintii he wants to go define bsccnity tops the listwas do personal attacks on in dividuals Your opinion on any subject is welcome We would like to hear from you and we hope we will Reporter Peter Lesniak felt little like Woodward and Ber lbltlll of All The Presidents lcn after this weeks ixikstown council meeting As he came out of the meeting he was invited into Lirkcncd shop on ookstowns main strcct group of citizenry thern all of whom wanted everything off the record proceeded to tell rcportcr Lesniak just what ookstown council is doing Tllll Lcsiiiak is keeping iii touch with the dccp throat group More latir maybe tild plants dont die They just withcr away Freshman Mll Monty Davidson NDPCambridgct thinks $721 year for plants lll government offices is full during constraint pciiod When one building was renovated he wanted to know what hap icncd to the plants lxtt nobody could tell him for certain Iovcrnmcnt scrvices minister Margaret Scrivener said plants sometimes serve function as partitions iti gover nment offices where they are cheaper than walls but sometimes are just ornaments People like plants she said noting some have been known to disappear from hallways at Queens Park into Mlls offices BILL DAVIS SIIIIIIIIN IlIS BOOK REVIEW Three books on sports for leisurely browsing The Scrapbook History 01 Baseball Thomas Allen and Sons Ltd 320 pages $1795 Fischlers Hockey Encyclo pedia by Stan and Shirley Fischler Fitzhenry and White side Ltd 628 pages $1595 Games Of Fear And Winnipeg by Jack Ludwig Doubleday Canada Ltd 218 pages $895 By DOUGLAS MAXWELL Two of three new sports books deal with topics of inter est to almost all Canadian spor ts fans while the third has potential readership among Canadians who are baseball buffs The Scrapbook History of Baseball comes out at time when Toronto is acquiring bigleague franchise and Mon treal of course already has the Expos However even in such areas of prospective interest this book is unlikely to appeal to many baseball enthusiasts As history reference book it is comparatively use less without either an index or table of contents It does how ever have come appeal as cot eetable browser The Scrapbook History of Baseball is as its title says scrapbook Newspaper clip pings about base all events down through the years are assembled chronologically and simply photocopied for reproduction in the book It is more of compilation of raw material for the baseball history buff than readable history of the game Its only ap peal is in reading of events as written by the sports reporters of the daythe first ap pearance of Babe Ruth or the riginal newspaper clipping of Casey at the Bat Some of the clippings are dif ficult to read in reproduction but this is due more to the size the type and quality of print ing in the original material rather than the reproduction Starting with clippings from 1876 the Scrapbook presents quick glimpse of each baseball season from then through to 1974 adding an occasional car toon or other print items that might interest the historically minded Compilers were Jordan Deutsch Richard Cohen Roland Johnson and Davis Neft HOCKEY BASICS Fischlers Hockey Encyclo pedia is more of Whos Who in Hockey down throu the years primarily relat to pro fessionals than an encyclo pediabut there are segments dealing with professional clubs rules the rink goal nets packs and similar topics CANADAS STORY Long haul from PEl By BOB BOWMAN It was long haul from the Charlottetown Conference in 1864 to November 1866 when delegates from Canada New Brunswick and Nova Scotia went to London with plans for Confederation The next steps were taken quickly The House of Lords passed the British North Amer ica Act BNA Acti in Feburary and the House of Commons fol lowed in March On May 1867 Queen Victoria unclaimed that Confederation would take place July and ap minted the 72 members of the senate There were 36 on servatives and 36 Reformers or liberals Members of the House of Commons had to be elected of course and elections took place tiring August in Ontario Que bec New Brunswick and Nova Scotia There were 181 mem bers who were paid $6 day daring the session Sir John Macdonald had mmfortable majority although all the Confederation can didates exce Sir Charles Iup per were efeated in Nova Scotia The leader of the Opposition as Macdonald ut the men whom Sir John feared were Joseph Howe the Nova Scotia leader and Edward Blake who would become leader of the Liberal party later He was the son of William Hume Blake whom Macdonald had challenged to duel years earlier Bl BI IC TM It lil And the Lord said unto iJoshua Fear them not for have delivered them into thine hand there shall not man of them stand before thee Joshua 108 Dont worry about the looks of things The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is Mighty Wit WANI Ytlllli llNlth Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street iid drcss and phone number although they will not be published Lcttcrs which can not be lltlllltlllltlllltl by phone cannot be published For the sake of space iublic interest and good taste he Examiner reserves the right to edit con dcnsc or reject letter Compiled by the husband wife team of Stan and Shirley Fischler the Hockey En cyclopedia provides its material in alphabetical order You wont find who played on the Canadiens in 1936 for ex ample or settle bets by quick reference to Stanley Cup series or the scorin records That type of materia has been left for other annuals or his tories The Hockey Ecyclopedia does however provide long list of biographies ranging from the great stars such as Morenz and Richard Orr and Howe to players of little talent but who had some aspect in their Na tional Hockey League careers that could be noted It provides basic vital statis tics but the anecdotal ap proach to the biographies makes it fun to browse ineven for the casual fan with vague memories of earlier years LOVE AND HATE Games of Fear and Winning by Jack Indwig is compilation articles that first appeared in Macleans The articles cover variety of sports topics from events to personalities from hockey to horseracing and the Calgary Stampede The author weaves course between the gee whiz and the ab nuts schools of sports re porting with his Iove of Sport and athletes set against his dis taste for many elements of the business of professional sport The articles comprising the book can be enjoyed piecemeal but they also form mosaic that gives an interesting dis turbing and tooseldomseen view of sport at the professional level Curling rodeo competition hockey in the National Hockey League and Team Canada events horseracing and the lifestyle of Canadian Foot ball League quarterback com txne to present crosssection of Canadian major sports scenes and interests Only in the golf section are the prin cipal characters un derstandably American In each of the sports areas covered there are interesting behindthescenes anecdotes and comment Its book for the thoughtful Canadian sports fan and its recommended reading for parents who dream their sons reaching the big time in professional sport Mr Maxwell is an Ontario based sports consultant and commentator heard frequently at the Canadian Broadcasting Corp Thomson News Service Sir Johns old political enemy George Brown was not in Parliament as he had been dafeated in Tomato He was ap pointed to the senate later but never took an active part in poi itics OTHER MAY EVENTS HasMontcalm arrived Quebec to prepare for 811231 attack iTSSChippewas cadet acres of Simcoe County mosSimon Fraser began historic trip dour Friser River ISISLs regamec For Niagara ismMyers Creek became Belleville and Shipmans Con nets became St Catharines ismLord Dalhousie iazd foundation stone of Daihouse Lniversity in Halifax tanEarl of Dufferui came governor general lassEarl of Aberdeen be came governor general 1902Coilapse of mine at Femie BC killed H3 men woeThe last British garri mn in Canada at Esquimalt was withdrawn lSlQHouse of Commons ssed resolution that titles not awarded Canadians be Ehr Earrir Examiner 16 Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Telephone72trt5537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai ySunda sand Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $443 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly lBalance of Canada $3600 year National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or lleuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Exmniner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced Ill this newspaper Ciggrriglit Registration Num 203815 register 01

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