family room with stone fireplace family sized kitchen attached wTATE PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Illiiilllllllllilllillllllllllllll LEPAGE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LTD ALT told her she ONTARIO OR EXCELLENT HOMESI EXCELLENT PRICEI Name your down payment is the Name of the Game on sparkling clear bedroom back split in Allandale Extras like family room with bar Quality construction and double car garage make this home the right home for you at only $49900 CALL Wes Ol Don NOW of 737001 ALMOST WATERFRONTFURNISHED Just reduced by the owner he said dont turn back any offers so If you are looking for bedroom birch panelled throughout and only 150 from the waterfront Asking only $41900 completely fur nished garage 50 by 50 landscaped lot TRY AN OFFER CALL Wes or Don 017370011 MAKE HOME HUNTING EASY By comparing other homes bedroom side split In town including garage and 104 ist mortgage Get some ammunition in hand and give us call to really compare CALL Don or Wes 017370011 PARKLIKE SETTING JUST REDUCED $49900 Spotless clean bedroom bungalow in Barries north end Features in broadioom throughout double car garage and private fenced yard Call for an immediate appointment CALL Wes or Don 01737001 bill low rates fast serv you raise the roof TWO STOREY BEDROOM Plenty of room is what your family needs and thats exactly what youll find in No Springdale Drive This home is really family home including family room with fireplace large garage and ex cellent financing CALL Wes and Don 017370011 to view BRICK INCOME PROPERTY Lakeview Duplex large rooms with two bedrooms each floor Large JIMBURKE GARRY MEGER suitable for pool and garden Full basement Appliances SEMI195 negotiable CALL Vicki Kent at 7370011 or 4872625 RETIREMENT HOME HEAD OFFICE $46500 Excellent retirement home on Hwy 11 Live all on one floor but have room for the family when they come home Large garden lot CALL Muriel Jeffery at 7266383 $29900 BELL EWART YEAR ROUND Cosy two bedroom bungalow with lovely living room modern kit chen and dining area Modern pc tiled bath Large car in sulated heated garage Beautiful treed lot Stones throw from lake CALL Muriel Jeffery at 7266383 INDUSTRIAL ZONED MT LARGE LOT $49900 bedroom bungalow in excellent repair CALL Muriel Jef fery at 7266383 My20 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfieid St BARRIE Ontario RESDENTAL COMM He raised the municipal MORTGAGE Mrs jones husband was expecting twins He needed extra space He got it by raising the roof adding dormer and presto Lots of room We gave him second mortgage to help pay the ice easy terms Why dont EVENINGS PLEASE CALL 7371966 7372694 uc loan corporation 88 Dunlop St Barrie 7267200 Branches Georgian Mall Barrie Midland Orillia Gravenhurst and Pembroke Member Canada Deposit insurance Corporation MThMy28 MORTGAGE SERVICES caring lot ranand ERCIAL RECREATIONAL Offering Best possible rates Im COMPLETE SERVICES 89 COLLIER ST BARRIE MIKE WOLLENBERG REALTOR mediate Commitments Available 24 hrs day FOR BARRlE AND AREA 7264491 BARRIE 8630398 TORONTO TThSTF ASSOCIATES TL 58 COLLIER STREET 73741611 IF You NEED MONEY immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans AGENTS FOR CAMPEAU QUALITY HOMES MARSHALL STREET Beautiful custom built bedroom sldesplit with double garage Sunken family room with floor to ceiling fireplace Panelled rec room with separate bar Many special features Please call Joanne Thomson at 7287177 Anywhere on all homes To consolidate Construction fu My202l25 We have ready the home folks who care about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN Et COLLIER STREETS Barrie 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTA TE NEEDS Call 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 ci¢r KlNZlE LIMITED Isl 2nd and 3rd MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ANY USEFUL PURPOSE Consolidate Bills Additions or improvements Bill McCreary 7281865 Corby Adams 7286829 Lowe MonthIY payments Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7284662 or Building Mortgages George Wilson 7268927 Audrey Marshall 4362880 Interim Financing Existing Mortgages Bought For Cash Discuss YOUR MORTGAGE ï¬g 79 BAYFIELD ST NEEDS WITH KINZIE LIMITED OUR ADVICE IS FREE BA Call IAN KERR Anytime Business 7371881 LIMITED Home 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES TF BARRIE OFFICE 109 Bayfield Street MORE THAN JUST MORTGAGES FROM THE MONEYMAN Dorothy Fitzsimmins 4562620 Fred Walker 7265199 Tom Fitzsimmins 4562620 Vlurray Stovell 4362306 ANY INANCING AS Wle AS MORTGAGES lolk COllIlfItfllIlOlly TO THE MONEYMAN CAILOERRYODONNEII 7261 221 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED on H°°Y 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Reasonable Rates FPd R°Yn°ld 7286333 Poul Arbour 7263897 Existing LPW D°wnd° 7283253 Norman McMillan 7268957 Mortgages Chuck l°mb° 728900 Bruce Laffin 7287741 Purchased 728975 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 For Cash any Mogul 7263864 Bert Cuff 7284067 Mortgage Life Insurance Simon aflkullm 7370795 John Colwell 7267726 Avouobl FINANCIAL 780811 HOMES MOBILE HOMES ENTERPRISES AND TRAILERS 21 BAYFIELD 51 RUSSELL CHURCH TRAVEL MATE MOTOR HOMES for 7267130 sale or rent Holiday In complete home comfort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayfleld St Office Hours am pm Mobile Homes by appointment Home improvements MORTGAGE FUNDING 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Consulting Blllqtllflg cottages farms vacation and commercial properties debts low montth payments any worthy reason To pay existing or maturing mortgage nds free advice try us cash to purchase mortgages Wm 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 95 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS Residential Commercial Cottages Builders Loans SECONDS FROM 13 1We specialize in older and rural prOperties at prime rates For free courteous advice call 7265861 FLOYD LAFFIN TauIA LTD ACRE AulO SECOND MORTGAGE for sale available discount present Interest 14 and half per cent principal value 57000 Please call Lorne Hay Real Estate Ltd 7281566 151 AND 2ND MortgagesBought sold arranged Firsts from 11 per cent Seconds as low as 13 and onehalf Pro mpt attention Reasonable rates Con fidential Call Robin Jupp Mortgage Manager Philip Jupp Limited Realtor 7288675 evenings 7371362 COMPARE JIFFYatesrlrst secdnd third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 371414 TGAGES bought and 50ch Im mediate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker 72646519ven Ings RENTALS APTS TO NT BEDROOM APARTMENTS 255 Dunlop St West We have spotless apartments available starting at $243 mon thly all utilities included playgrounds large balconies or yards colored appliances and fixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas full time live in manager superintendent Oneyear lease available For appointment to Inspect or further Information please call 7371295 TF Larqr Small Busnlos Loom For People Who Care If you are looking for comfort quiet secluded location HOLGATE COURT HOLGATE and BAYVIEW Ltd TET READY for spring Have the Hitch Member onmï¬o Mormage and BEDROOM Ltd oblems all SALE RENT eqllallgel 23d utllltyIi Brokers AssoCIation Now RENTING IT or OTIS CO Parts and Service $33316 appngtrTlent fut9700 TF Very lgrgle 595 Exclusive Dealer For TENT TRAILfoï¬ACgflgglson338d Earge eadconrrzmm Cantfl Bendix And Glendale aIG7I26u£ger pm or can be seen BARRIE COMMUNITY cablzprv gy OT enw MOdUC H°m°5 WW2 set up iiitot 050 MO Porkn9 Northlandors furnished no down payment If you lIst mortgages City bus service Travel Trailers $89235 evlenï¬g °°°°° T°°ph°° 92nd mortgages Adults only cum Gl°° P95°°l loo Color automatic appliances Cygnet MORTGAGES Our mortgages are open sauna bath Terms TO YOOIS MORTGAGES lst 2nd 3rd bought and Ilw s°h sold Immediate action confidential ap 7235191 728 9682 170 Burton AVG 7283866 praised service Included Th 25 TThs Hamilton RE7371000 APTS To RENT KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barrles Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 CEDARWOOD COURT 7264991 Adults TF WELLINGTON PLACE One two andthree bedroom apartments to rent Children welcome Lease and reference required Call Leon Garrick Real Estate Lid 7263827 or 7267153 anytime TF LUXURIOUS bedroom townhouse with rec room brand new with malor ap pliances exclusive location You have to see It to believe it For more informa 332 call 7263432 after pm ask for BEDROOM apartments We have mtless apartments available Starting at $243 monthly all Utilities Included TWO playgrounds large balconies or yards color appliances and fixtures broadloom Close to downtown beaches parks and arena Clean common areas full time liveIn managersuperinten dent One year lease available For ap pointment to inspect or further Informa tion please call 7371295 TWO BEDROOM apartment Available May Stove and refrigerator cable TV laundry room One year lease required Telephone 7266046 FURNISHED APTS One bedroom partment newly decoared ms monthly also one bedroom pert rnent $200 monthly Both overlooking the bay Modern appliances and Cable TV Ideal for adults Central 7260988 week days AVAILABLE IMEDIATELY bedroom martment $200 monthly telephone 7269205 or 7370426 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment orl outskirts of Barrie Available June $180 monthly Telephone 7268698 ONE BEDROOM apartment with refrigerator and stove centrally located very reasonable rent Call 7163257 BRIGHT three bedroom apartment east and location Includes heat and laundry facilities parking with winter plug Available immediately $240 monthly Telephone 7268488 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent Refrigerator and stove supplied Pay awn hydro First and last months rent In advance No pets No children 7370665 TWO BEDROOM apartment available in 11 plex either June lst or July ist $215 monthly plus hydro no pets references required 7281035 MISSISSAUGA COURT Apartments bedroom apartments col cred appliances next to Simcoe Plaza 7163383 ONE BEDROOM apartment overlook ing Lake Slmcoe walkout to deck nicely decorated utilities included Couples on ly $225 monthly Telephone 4361882 or n83542 TWO BEDROOM apartment central location fenced In back yard partly fur nished $250 per month Heat and utilities Included Call Wass Real Estate 7264651 OVERLOOKING LAKE bedroom apartment Stove refrigerator one car parking available June Married cou ple No children or pets $207 plus hydro Telephone 7281845 ADULT BUILDING bedroom heal hydro stove refrigerator broadloom paved parking laundry facilities all In duslve $195 monthly Apply to 240 Steel St Apt 12 ADULT BUILDING bedroom heat hydro stove refrigerator broadloom paved parking laundry facilities all in clusive $195 montty Apply to 248 Steel 2TWO BEDROOM apartments one close to downtown available July first one at Midhurst Available June first stove refrigerator laundry facilities Telephone 7266725 after pm centrally located 318 per week Phone RENTALS ROOMS TO LET VACANCY Glrls residence Common lounge kitchen and laundry facllltles fter5 pm 7289672 BRIGHT broadloomed room to rent Available Immediately Linen supplied Kitchen privileges Downtown area Telephone 7370578 CLEAN BRIGHT modern furnished room downtown location Immediate ssesslon Call Hamilton Real Estate E71000 FURNISHED ROOM central parking kitchen and living room privileges linen stpplled weekly Telephone 7267186 FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen privileges Available immediately Telephone 7269205 or 7370426 LOVELY CLEAN home large bright furnished bedroom with sink rooms Cleaned linen changed weekly kitchen facilities free parking central Gentlemen only 7280598 ROOMS BY the week or weekend Sum mer resort Big Bay Point Modern facilities Sandy beach close to golf course Telephone 41161882 or 7283542 ROOM FOR RENT near west end plaza mstalner only Free parking Linen dlanged weekly Telephone 7261179 dter615pm LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room Front verandah central laundry facilities no pets suit single lady Telephone 7280755 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room In Allandale area broadloom TV private entrance parking available May 25 Call 7263611 after4pm LARGE SINGLE room available in girls residence kitchen facilities Com mon room parking Central location Apply 22 Ross St anytime FURNISHED ROOM In central Barrie 522 weekly Call evenings 7269859 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND board In quiet new home linen changed weekly good home cooked meals Abstalners Telephone 7265017 ROOMS WANTED ROOM AN board situations required in Barrie for young Intellectually han dicapped men For more Information please contact Mr Morgan at 7371311 extension 43 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT NEW OFFICE SPACE 357 Bayfleld St Barrie 5008000 sq ft air condition ed4162217233 AUTOMOTIVE THE AUTOMOTIVE AFFAIR Antique and General Interest Car Sales 101 York St London 1st annual Victoria Day sale All cars reduced and opened to offers 1951 Ford hardtop 1955 Chev hardtop 1956 Corvette 1931 Chev coupe 1951 Chev convertible beautiful 1950 Bentley Mark VI many more All cer titled and licenced Special sale hours Thursday May 20th till Monday May 24th Open am to pm each day Closed Sunday May 23rd Model and parts Kelcey wide tires Phone 5194333915 1975 HONDA HATCHBAC perfect con dition radio bought in late 75 real buy at $2600 Telephone 7371806 after 630pm 1974 AUSTIN Marina door coupe automatic radlo 19600 miles like new Telephone 7289350 after 530 pm 1971 OPEL GT for sale In good condi tion certified best offer phone 4354838 1968 MGB In good condition but needs some motor work 8400 Telephone 4154259 near Alllston 1973 TORNADO Oldsmobile excellent mndltlon full power Michelin Radials air conditioned Collingwood 7054454673 1974 FORD MAVERICK door hardtop cylinder automatic radio 22000 miles $3200 or best offer Telephone 7287613 1971 DATSUN 510 for sale good body gas saver tack shag rug tape deck 8900 or best offer Telephone Chris 41622068fter4pm 1973 GREMLIN cylinder standard floor shift door yellow with tan ln terior bucket seats radio mag wheels Licence FMD 855 $2195 Marsh Archer Motors 167 Bradford St DOWNTOWN STORE for lease corner property consisting of approximately 2080 square feet hour customer park lng Telephone 7268980 WANTED SMALL OFFICE 100 150 sq 11 In Barrie Telephone 14167891151 or vvrlte to Box 253 Downsview Ont SPACE FOR RENT FT 10 FT garden lots On St Giles plowed and dlsced water available 20 for season 7283 after pm ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE WANTED people to share bedroom house with bachelor Cundles and Bayfleld area for appointment call Rene Arielle 7263242 between 10 and pm after6pm 7372078 COTTAGES TO RENT $450 to $850 321bedroom cottages for season Sandy beach10 miles from Bar rie4872427 KEMPENFELT BAY near Barrie bedroom lakefront cottage fully equip pad $400 monthly No singles or pets Telephone 7285198 COTTAGES FOR SALE BEDROOM cottage for sale 200 ft lake frontage aluminum siding one year old miles north of Huntsville $45000 55500 down Telephone 726 2942 church property 95 Cook Street Lots 1974 HORNET sportabout station wagon tan finish cylinder automatic power steering and brakes radio white wall Michelin tires One owner licence JDZ 232 $3695 Marsh Archer Motors 167 Bradford St 1973 CHEVROLET NOVA door custom V8 power steering and brakes turbo hydromatic transmission green mite vinyl top radio Never driven In winter 17000 miles $3200 Mrs Gallant 4563005 1972 MARQUIS Brougham Two door hardtop power steering brakes and windows Factory air Conditioning even comfort seats and other extras rustproofed Never driven through Canadian winter No rust Beautiful con dition an exceptional car Private 1222698 1974 SATELLITE Sebrlng Plus Fully equipped 36000 miles Should be seen n85630 I970 VOLKSWAGEN 1971 Toyota Cor olla good condition asking $650 each Telephone 4241758 1960 CADILAC Blue good condition mod body Asking $300 to $500 Must be mid immediately Come to Bernick Drive Apt 605 ask for Peter 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury custom Four door green with matching Interior V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio rear defogger body side mouldings other extras miles 20418 Licence JJK 123 53995 Call Tilden RentACar 7370800 CARSwANTED To BUY COTTAGES WA NTE WANTED TO RENT by mature couple Smell cottage anywhere near Barrie Required for month of July Modern con veniences on or near water Telephone BEDROOM apartment on main floor of triplex Refrigerator stove heat hydro aid parking Included $225 monthly Central Barrie mature responsible people only need apply Available July Telephone 835 5372 evenings SUBLEASE for July and August Ohe bedroom furnished self contained wstair apartment Central location private parking Can be seen at pm Telephone 7283747 UPPER DUPLEX apartment bedroom fridge and stove fenced yard ample parking $200 plus pay own hydro Available immediately phone 7286700 after4pm BEDROOM APARTMENT to sublet Imperial Towers Fridge stove heat and hydro Underground parking in Cluded on bus route near plaza $223 monthly Phone 726 1756 TWO BEDROOM apartment Stove refrigerator heat and parking included Available June Children welcome Telephone 458 9038 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment Private entrance on bus route not Stitable for children or pets Utilities In duded would suit one person or working couple Telephone 7266344 after pm ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent Refrigerator and stove parking cen tral Available Immediately Telephone H60617after6pm Examiner Want Ads For Best Results HOUSES WANTED TO RENT OR BEDROOM home wanted to rent Responsible couple No children no pets Required Immediately $200 range Telephone 7264237 WANTING To rent bedroom hoFsE with back yard In Barrie area needed Immediately Approximately 5250 month Telephone 7269995 HOUSES TO RENT NEAR GEORGIAN College bedroom house Immediate occupancy £100 per month Call after pm 7264958 or Toronto 4167432765 collect FOUR BEDROOMS new home with raga Available July Telephone Classic 350 V8 automatic power steer W75 THAR after8pm 7265838 TH BEDROOMS carpeted throughout attached garage Tall trees subdivision $300 monthly plus heat and utilities available June ist Call 7260424 ll best or 7264900 LUXURY 3bedro6m townhouse 1338 half baths stove refrigerator and garage Adults only references $27500 monthly plus utilities Available June 1st 7267616 7265749 SMALL ONE bedroom house In central Barrie Stove plus utilities Available June Telephone 4167734063 for ap polntment DETACHED2 storey large bedrooms with garage and half baths close to all conveniences Duckworth and Grove area 8325 per month Phone 7262978 AVAILABLE AUGUST bedroom brick separate dining room fireplace convenient downtown location monthly Lease and references required Telephone 7266383 PUGET COURT 275 BLAKE ST 41968 FORD GALAXIE 500 $285 CARS FOR SALE 1970 THUNDERBIRD Excellent condi tion power steering brakes radio radials sacrifice $1800 firm Must sell Telephone 7289275 I970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN va power steering power brakes new palnt $1000 Telephone Bernie 737 3664 1954 DODGE Two door hordinTiiiith windows all original Certifiable condi tion Cali John at 71170966 1969 CHEV 27 impala 811 power radio excellent condition tires trailer hitch certified $900 or bestoffer 7287218 LL 1971 TRIUMPH TR6 red convertible wad condition $1850 or best offer Telephone 727870983 after pm 1976 BRAND NEW Honda Civic automatic 5000 miles asking 33150 telephone days 7262551 evenings 7172699 1972 GRAN TORINO Sport 351 good condition radial tires radio power steering and brakes certified Telephone 72170273 1974 voiKo 145 full inlection air tach roof rack radial ply AMFM low mileage In mint condition telephone n68633 anytime 1962 CHEV II In good running condition 51000 miles as Is 3150 Telephone 063507 1972 DODGE POLARA 360 new tires disc brakes 52000 miles blue 76 plates certified $1695 Must sell Telephone n66779after530pm 1972 FORD CUSTOM door hardtop power steering Dower brakes air condi tioning vinyl roof Mlchlin radial lies Certified good condition Telephone 684443 Cookstown 1972 EL CAMINO 350 four barrel bucket seats automatic floor shift power steering front disc brakes powor mar locks full Instrument panel camper top air shocks trailer hitch 7285021 after6 pm 72116963 1973 CHEVROLET NOVA door green power steering radio 16000 miles Must sell Telephone 7373794 74 PLYMOUTH CRICKET good condi tion Low mileage Call 7261517 after pm weekdays 1966 passenger Comet Mercury stationwagon 289 automatic needs body work asking 8200 Telephone 6751508fter5pm 302 V8 engine door radio power steering and brakes not Certified asking 8400 Telephone 4362283 1974 CHEVELLE Malibu Four door Ing power brakes and radio One owner car In excellent condition Telephone 7269547 weed many new parts Lraugers Must offer serious Inquiries only many many extras 4245817 after pm 1975 PLYMOUTH CRICKET Formula Fully equipped radials speed nual transmissions 2000 CC engine rear window defogger tilt steer eol tinted glass racing stripe ln cor group silver grey Al con 7288780 TOCK CARS 1972 Monte Carlo 289 Ford motor 411 gears also 1964 Chev ll modified 411 gears $700 for both olephone 7280655 1974 PLYMOUTH DUSTER door tomatlc power steering cylinder adio tape deck low mileage In ex llent condition Please call 7260112 or 81566 1973 AUSTIN MARINA radio radial res 20000 miles will certify $1300 elephone 7265774 BARRIE FOR LEASE OExecutive luxury townhouses and bedrooms Prestige location Most overlooking bay Stove refrigerator washer dryer Rentol applications now being taken references For appointment to inspect Call 7262361 or 7265992 TThSTF Z13£LWW RESORTS OPENINGS MAY 2124 Pitkerel Pike and Lake Trout Family Camp Vacancies June July and Aug Clear Lake Cottages Arnstein Ont 295 Z7°93 AUTOMOTIVE URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 7284272 TF SCRAP CARS and trucks wanted Top prices paid will pick up 728 9666 176 BRADFORD ST TOP PRICE for top oars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices Ipaid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS Cars and TruclTsA for wrecking and pans top prices paid freeplckup Telephone7268487 SCRAP VEHICLE wanted 53 prices paid free immediate pickup anytime 0672900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking $25 and up Fast pickup 045949 or 435 6322 or 72172515 SMALL CAR wanted with automatic transmlssion must be certified and in reasonable condition and price Telephone days 7282395 nights 7285895 TRUCKS ANDTRAILERS 1973 FORD farm truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis like new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 8352308 1974 FORD F100 XLT Ranger 460 power steering and brakes elr condi tionlng aux fuel tank tinted windows AM radio radial tires tool box Phone 7265926 1972 CHEV VAN Vs standard mechanically sound new tires as Is best cash offer Telephone 4364179 MUST SELL 1957 Dodge Fargo itali ton in good shape 5300 Telephone 6751506fter5pm 1972 threequarter ton Ford Supervan Paradise Motor Home low mileage new paint iob In very good condition $3595 private sale must sell 7055382331 1975 DODGE VAN V8 automatic 7000 miles still under warranty undercoated block heater radio snows with rims $4500 or best offer 4362707 1974 DODGE ton truck for sale dual wheels hoist and ft steel platform Fully automatic less than 1200 miles Telephone 7054665844 SERVICE AND REPAIRS AUTO ACCESSORIES FOUR SPEED GM Muncle transmis sion with Hurst competition plus shifter 81 excellent condition $225 Telephone n71016evenlngs OLD STYLE tla motor plus speed automatic can be heard running com plete or separate best offer Telephone 4245817 after6pm 1967 CHRYSLER MOTOR as EIJTE inch good condition 5100 Telephone 7265774 MOTORCYCLES HONDA $1400 In Immaculate con Itlon Also 1973 Penton 125 cc trall ke 5500 Telephone 7266759 after LEY DAVIDSON I75 cc trail 524200 miles excellent condition Call 1974 KAWASAKI 350 excellent condi tion with very low mileage Telephone 7289727 otters pm HARL EY DAVIDSON triikae chromed electric start Must be seen to appreciate $2200 Telephone 7266189 1973 550 GT SUZUKI for sale In ex cellent condition and Is certified Best of Telephone 7283327 afters pm like new excellent condition only 3000 miles also storm windows perfect ndltlon 55 x36 sell cheap 4589486 1973 HONDA SL 125 only 2700 miles 25 or offer Telephone 4363388 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE excellent ndltlon recently rebuilt clipans rearset pegs new tires new shocks In pipe fibreglass seat Sacrifice 3750 117372567 evenings late 1971 650 YAMAHA 16753 Best FIFE elephone 7289367 for further Informa on 1975 HERCULES moped180 miles used ly months In excellent condition 50 or best offer Telephone between weekdays 7265009 975 250 YAMAHA Enduro for sale Good otdltlon 8000 miles Best Offer 2354 ARTICLES FOR SALE RECONDITIONED color TVs from rte 1129 Collier Shins4297 GETTHIS For only $670 Week you can buy this new 26 Zenith console colour teleVIslon And if you phone tonight you can take free delivery tonight with no money Own and no payments tll August Kraly Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 1974 RD 350 YAMAHA bought In 75 The Barrie Examiner Thursday May 20 197621 CARS FOR SALE MR CAR DEALER DONT BE LEFT OUT FOR YOUR AD lN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 Tillie Barrie Examiner ARTICLES FOR SALE $600 PE WEEK Buysa beautiful 26 RCA colour Spanish to the floor console television No money dawn no payments til August Phone tonight Dellver tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 $400 WEE KLY buys this 19 RCA Accucolor television with no money down and no payments tll August Phone tonight and take free delivery and set up tonight Krazy Kel lys In the Barrie Plaza 7371182 Gold Medal VALUE 26inch COLOR CONSOLE TELEVISION TO THE FLOOR s437 SPECTACULAR 20inch COLOR TELEVISION 3388 Name withheld at manufac turers request but you will recognize it as one of the top name brands Rent to Own Just 451 per week No money down no payments until July PHONE TONIGHT DELIVER TONIGHT UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 DUNLOP ST iust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 My20 LOOK AT THIS You can buy this new 20 super Zenith Chromacolor portable colour television Now for only $400 week No money dovm no payments til August Krazy Kellys TV Phone tonight free mllvery tonight 7371182 20 PER CENT OFF cylinders etc for Arctic Cat and Kawasaki snowmobile motors in stock Sport Haven Marine 7261001 YORK AIRconditioner 25 ton com pressors water cooled 2083 phase hydro model 1003 for information call 7261009 OHM BARHIE PLAZA BARBIE 7371182 RENT TO OWN 20 inch TV 814 monthly Phone toniteIDeIivery tonite New Low Rental Rates RENT TO OWN RCA 26 inch per month 525 RCA 19inch per month $16 Philco 25 inch per month 519 General Electric 25 inch per month $18 All models rented on on annual bOSIS Short term slightly higher Open daily II000m900 pm Saturday 930 to pm Krazv Kellys Baiélliiaéie Phone tonite Deliver tonite MT ThFTl VAIRCONDITIONERS Headquarters for all sizes of home air conditioners priced from $189 We ser vice what we sell Vlslt Barrie TV and Appliances Sales and Service Centre 29 Collier St 7284297 IAWN BOY lawnmowers and Johnson Outboard Motors new and used Sport Haven Marine 7261001 BICYCLES All sizes recOndltloned re painted repairs After pm 7260850 SIDES OF BEEF 90 cents per pound cut wrapped and frozen Guaranteed good Telephone 8352435 WALL HANGING Macrame Lamb wool approximately ft 20 Inch black and white TV 12 12 carpet Olestertleld For further Information telephone 7280775 USED VACUUM cleaners Hoover Singer Electrolux Filter Queen etc 20 up Call 7260853 ARTICLES EOR SALE AMAZING 26 INCH COLOR CONSOLE TV FREE PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY ONLY$3995 WT or pay iust $400 week No money down no payments til August Phone tonight free delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE PLAZA 7371 182 MTThl=Tl= THE BARRIE EXAMINER WILL NOT HAVE CORES AVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE FANTASTIC 20 INCH COLOR TELEVISION $343 or pay iust $350 Week NO monev down No payments til August Phone tonight free delivery tonight KRAZY KELLYS TF BARRIE PLAZA 7371182 MTThFTF Ew AND USED oil furnaces heat mps and airconditioning Call 81311 BLACK AND WHITE Panasonic 19 rtable television excellent condition ES Telephone 7269484 INGLIS PORTABLE dryer like new also Kenmore automatic washer needs adiustment $15 for pair or will sell separately Telephone 7283573 75 MO Private sale on 75 model best offer Telephone 7261853 between am and pm HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale refrigerator stove and many other items Telephone 7373136 after pm ALUMINUM TRUCK cap fits haltton good condition 3200 Also Inflatable boat for men or 1200 lbs like new 3150 Telephone 7265876 19 COLOR $359 New Canadian made TV sets Bar rie TV for best prices best value We service what we sell compare then shop Barrie TV and Ap pliances Sales and Servicentre 29 Collier St 7284297 HOBART MEAT SAW for sale Model No 5012 60 cycle 220 volt i725 rpm Telephone 7266694 312 HEADERS and shorty pipes $100 Small portable fridge 110 DC 21 22 23 deep $100 351 Windsor engine running 5150 Telephone 7289366 BICYCLE LADYS speed CCM new brakes gears decorator mirror drawer dresser hlboy dresser steel utility cabinet various household ar ticles7265909after515 pm ANTIQUE VANITIES and bed Mc Clary refrigerator double mattresses headboard foot mirror ornament stand wooden bench black and white television wringer washer baby crib assorted chairs stereo stand chrome tables large purple rug 7373990 SWIMMING POOL filter and pump almost new 12000 gallon Aquafilter reasonable Telephone 7370559 £25 and 30 Phone 7280922 after pm DUAL 1214 TURNTABLE with M91ED and M44 cartridges used and half years $95 flrm Call 7263002 after pm PIANO MOORE medium size oak cabinet 8450 Also kitchen table and chairs $60 All in good condition Telephone 4872802 SOLID WOOD cabinetend desk table lamps floor trIIamps and Chester fields suitable for cottage and various other things All In good condition Telephone 4872802 MEDALLION automatic washer and dryer Harvest bench saw com plete picnic table 50 old piano rolls bamboo curtains curtain stretcher revolving Clothesllne7261507 16 RESTAURANT OR Office Chairs uborlte 32 square tables TV stand record player stand humidifier 3x5 pool table 7263173 evenings TWO PIECE Chesterfield suite In good condition Telephone 7281706 TRAYNOR amplifier for sale with four lolnch speakers In good condition 5250 Apply 36 Penetang Street Apartment ANTIQUE FURNITURE Restored Oak hall chair chllds Chair stained glass window mirrors As Is needing restoration chaise lounge frame roll top desk pine table legs and Enter prises 205 Dunlap 7266178 PIG MANURE for sale well rotted $10 for load delivered Telephone 72815 after6 pm large living room and dining room like new condition Telephone 7373276 VIKING HEAVY duty automatic washing machlne like new 1970 Nordic Sklddo electric start double trailer like new Telephone 4362083 ORGAN Basic two keyboard electric organ In excellent condition Asking 3295 Phone 7287781 BARN FOR sale 5700 Telephone na1397 for further information RUG green shag 86 11 excellent condition Lawn furniture consisting of unbrella table and chair lronllng table oil painting pink clothes hamper green Wom 7266528 LAWN SALE Complete single bed unit bar dresser small table exerciser aluminum door chalrs small cases olI gas containers electrical appliances numerous miscellaneous ltems Call at 89 Steel St Friday May 21 Saturday May 22 SIMCOE COUNTYS ONLY TRUE DISCOUNTED UNCLAIMED FREIGHT The competitionknows us You should too lovely rooms Of furniture FULL PRICE s459 Consisting of piece living room suite piece bedroom suite $195 used black and white from 29 Bar piece kitchen suite No money down lnstore financing We accept Chargex Mastercharge 202 DUNLOP ST WEST Just West of Barrie Arena Phone 7262900