Ellie 13mm Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Saturday May 15 I976 Take big chunk now and get it over with Will the big nasty city gobble 4500 acres from surrounding townships You bet it will or close to it Area township councillors following meetings with Barrie council representatives have complained the city is grab too much Too much land too much com mercial assessment Late this week Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra said he did not think the meetings serve useful purpose He vowed the township would fight the city at an Ontario Municipal Board hearing on an nexation Several representatives from suggested Barrie limit its bite With the provinces apparant in affected By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The latest jobless ï¬gures74 per cent of the labor force last month up from 69 in March are bad enough on an overall basis But they are even more dis couraging when viewed on provincebyprovince basis and in the contest of govern ment efforts to stimulate regional economic expansion The April figures are the first to give the unem ployment rate in every one of the 10 provinces Only four ind smaller proportion of unemployeddpeople than the national average Alberta and Saskatchewan at 41 per cent Manitoba at 45 per cent and Ontario at 65 per cent In British Columbia the unemployment rate was 97 per cent in Quebec 83 per cent in Prince Edward Island 81 per cent in Nova Scotia 91 per cent in New Brunswick 112 per cent and in Newfoundland 14 per cent What accounts for the wide disparity in the employment picture from one region to an other Obviously there are good many factorseach regions natural resources its poximity to markets even its local climate and customs GROWTH INDUSTRIES But mne highly important factor is the growth potential have sistence on population 125000 by the year growth to 2000 the city will need 4500 acres more province trying to shot From here it looks like the will exert pressure to allow annexation for the whole Township politicians are saying all the right things as far as their ratepayers are concerned There have been suggestions Barrie take two bites That would mean two OMB of regions dominant in dustries study published few days ago by the Economic Council of Canada illustrates thepoint During the 19605 unem ployment throughout Canada rose by an average of 30 per cent But in British Columbia where industry was developing rapidly em ployment increased by 475 per cent between 1961 and 1970 And in the Atlantic and Prairie regions where slow growth industries were pre dominant unemployment growth was 177 and 184 per cent respectively during thatdecade According to Professor Fernand Martin of the University of Montreal author of the study the highestgrowth industries have been Carpet mat and rug industries autoparts manufacturers refrig eration office and store ma chines motorvehicle and trailer makers and boiler and plate work The list of industries with belowaverage growth rates is longer and dominated by the textile trades The study emphasizes the importance of key tertiary in dustries such as business services in the growth of some types of business and therefore in the growth of employment CANADAS STORY The postage stamp grew enormously By BOB BOWMAN The geography of Canada was greatly changed on May 15 1912 when the boundaries of Quebec Ontario and Manitoba were extended Ellie lBarrtr Examiner 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie 644 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Mons treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Co yright in all original adver tis ng and editorial material created by its employees and re reduced in this newspaper ogyflght Registration Num r203815 register 61 Quebec was given the territory to Hudson Strait while James Bay became the northern boundary of On tario Manitoba originally as postage stamp province of 14000 square miles Its nor theastern boundary was tex tended to Hudson Bay in duding the ports Nelson and Churchill The total area of the province became nearly 212000 square miles The inclusion of Nelson and Churchill was victory for Manitoba because Ontario tried to get them by having its western boundary extended directly north Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden also kept an election promise by authorizing the construction of the Hudson Bay Railway The Manitoba extension railed New Manitoba also brought The Pas into the province It was becoming thriving community as the Canadian Northern built line there with bridge BIBLE THOUGHT And Pharaoh said unto his servants Can we find such one as this is man in whom the Spirit of God is Genesus4l 28 person without the Spirit of God can be described as man moving on nervous energy and manmade rograms hoping for the st hearings more misunderstanding and hard feelings and lot more tax dollars out the window Barries annexations in the past have been limited to much smaller acreages Why not take big and get it over with YOUR BUSINESS Employment picture has many variables chunk now In both the Atlantic and Prairie regions economic ac tivity is concentrated heavily in primary in dustries agriculture forest ry fishing and the like which have never been noted for rapid growth of em ployment opportunities Ontarios industry on the other hand has been more widely diversified The variety of secondary manufacturing and tertiary service industries has been the basis of its aboveaverage growth and jobcreation rate The federal and provincial governments jointand costlyefforts to decen tralize industry and to at tract it to slowgrowth areas havent yet had much impact on the chronic unemployment problem of those areas Too often the government subsidies have attracted grab and run entre preneurs those who are happy to accept handouts to open new businesses then move on to greener pastures once the subsidies have stop ped Regional employment dis rities will probably never eliminate altogether in Canada Its important however that any government assistance be used wisely to encourage industries with aboveaverage growth poten tial backed by committed people across the Saskatchewan River Originally The Pas was established as furtrading post by Henry Kelsey He was the first white man to see the Prairies when he travelled west from Hudson Bay bet ween 16901692 The boundary extension was the climax of great boom which Manitoba had been enjoying for number of years At one point property on Main Street in Winnipeg was selling for higher prices than property on Michigan Avenue in Chicago As far as is known Win nipeg citizens were not as boastful as those of Ed monton which also enjoyed boom An American visitor is said to have asked how large Edmonton was and was told Its as big as Chicago but it isntall built up yet OITER MAY 15 EVENTS 1656Zacharie Dupuy was granted trading concession from Gulf of St Lawrence to Nipigon Ontario 1689 Count Frontenac was appointed governor of Canada for second time 1789Final payments were made to Loyalists for losses inUS 1814Port Dover was bur ned by US troops 1885mLouis Riel surrender to General Middleton 1907 Toronto plumbers went on strike until Sep tember Historic Landmarks Association was established RATHER MAN RISK ANY MORE MEMOS BEING LEAKED PERHADS you SHOULD PUT EVERYTHING ON TAPE W70 77mm SUN By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service We are being drowned in sea of facts alleged facts emotionalism and political chicanery in the issue of where all our oil and gas went and why whats left costs so much Many in the academic com munity especiallv political scientists interpret changing events as the machinations of the international oil com panics They and their political allies especially from the New Democratic Party are much more effective than the spokesmen of the big oil cor porations or government of ï¬cials in winning continuous media coverage Again we are being told and cajoled into believing that in Canada as earlier in other countries the system is being subverted by the power and connections of the multina tional companies The enemies of the multi nationals and all their wicked ways assure us tha in other hemispheric nations such power was stripped away by necessary nationalization presumably permanently in Cuba temporarily they say in Chile because Marxism in power ended with the over throw of the late President Salvador Allende in Sep tember 1973 Both here and in the United States the issue of how much corporate power has become at times more ideological than economic It was good thing say the neo Marxists that Castro took over the Americanowned sugar industry in Cuba And it was another good SPECIAL REPORT Multinatlonal corporations How bad thing that the martyred Salvador Allende finally ex posed the allegedly huge ccmittances the US copper corporations were taking out of Chile justification enough for their sudden ex propriation they say new and somewhat schol arly book by American econo mist Eric Baklanoff of the University of Alabama strips away much of the myth and untruth about thesc earlier nationalizations of in ternational firms without en tering the controversial and deceptive area of ideology His book called Ex propriations of US In vestments in Cuba Mexico and Chile has matteroffact title but deals with the above thorny issues in revealing way Did you know that Cubas sugar industry was not American controlled when listro took it over in 1960 but was more than 70percent Cubanowned with that major portion of the industry producing 62 per cent ofthesugar Did you know that former Chilean President Salvador Allende consistently ordcrcd expropriation decrees without the prescribed authority of local courts Congress and the Supreme Court of Chile all demanded by democratic constitution Allendes many in ternational supporters quite rightly keep alive the memory of the cruel coup which murdered him But they quite wrongly support the constitutional nature of his brief years in office as an elected president Allende the elected Marxist leader flauntcdthe YOUR BUSINESS How to talk to By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Its finally hap ened The civil service has ecomc the largest occupational group in Canada At the beginning of this year the federal government had 458626 emplo ees on payroll that ha by then reached an annual rate of $3215 million When all levels of govern ment are included the num ber of ublic em loyees inc uding armed orces and police is probably about one million The civil servantsor civil masters as some would call themthus outnumber the Canadians engaged in the ageold promary occupations of farming fishing and mining put together Whatever ones feelings may be about the emergence of the ublic service as Canada is dominant oc cupational group one point is clear Dealing with government that is with the public serv ice is an essential part of the activity of most businesses in Canada today Yet too few business people have any real concept of the decisionmaking process in government nor of how they might be able to contribute to that process One Canadian who does have grasp of that is William Lee who had been executive assistant to the ministers of national defence transport and housing before constitutional guarantees more than his immediate elected and nonMarxist predecessors in country which was once one of South Americas few working democracies And on Mexico Dr Baklanoff reminds us the oil nationalization decree of 1938 was not so much model for postwar nationalization in new nations without their own juridical basis as it was the implementation of hemispheric constitution honored in Mexican jurisprudence like the famous American document ofl776 Article 27 of the Revolution ary Constitution of 1917 laid dOWn that the subsoil of Mexico and its resources were the property of the Mexican people More than 20 years later the Mexican government implemented their constitution and later labor legislation to ex propriate properties and assets technically hold in violation of Mexican law well known to the oil companies of thatday But what Mexico did juridi cally where the foreign c0rpo ration was concerned both Castro and Allende did ar bitrarily Dr Baklanoff makes his point from the more than adequate statistical record of what happened He reminds us that Cuba before Castro radically altered it into Marxist model and into hhe world of underdeveloped countries already had all the requirements for balanced takeoff in nonMarxist ter ms Cuba in 1958 was not an un derdcvcloped country but civil servant setting up private firm Executive Consultants Ltd of Ottawa in 1968 to act as liaison between the public and private sectors Heres the advice that Bill Lee offered to an audience of business people in Toronto at the recent Financial Post conference on credibility Dont wait until legislat ion gets to the parliamen tarycommittee stage and then rush to Ottawa to appear before the committee By then the government is com mitted to it Dont try to use political bagmen as an entree to politi cians and bureaucrats They resent that approach Leave the lengthy briefs at home They may tell your story beautifully but the people in government are too was already endowed with enough foreign investment and technology applied to Cuban public sectors like social services to become an integrated modern state This is radical thinking at this late moment in time when Cuban scholars for more than 15 years have rejected any positive analysis of proCastro Cuban in stitutions The author is more devas tating in again analysing from the statistical record Chilean as well as in ternational the deceitful ways in which Allende his former finance minister and ambassador in Washington all Marxists created the muchpublicized excess profits position of the foreignowned copper cor porations in Chile He announced this through major speech at the United Nations in 1972 And having dons so he pro ceeded to change the assess ments into Chilean law by passing local courts and the Chilean Congress to do so In both the Cuban and Chil ean cases author Baklanoff analyses the welldefined checks and balances in both the Chilean Constitution and the Cuban one of 1940 to which Castro before his vic tory paid constant lip ser vice against unjust proper ty takeovers In Canada similar clamor is taking place where the US oil multinationals are con cerned once more heavy with hearsay comment and bad judgment Dr Baklanoffs study of the same crisis in different countries under different conditions nevertheless begs warning busy to read them On the other hand dont go to Ottawa unprepared and inadequately documented Dont use expressions such as You cant do this to is Public servants believe that what they are doing is right Avoid talking in terms of narrow selfinterest and con centrate instead on public policy Dont expect to keep in formed on whats happening in Ottawa just by visiting the city every few months and taking civil servant to lun ch Make point of finding out whats going on in your field before legislation is recommended Public scr vants probably welcome in formation at that stage NOTES AND COMMENT Of lemOn pie and real service By SEAN FINLAY City Editor The Examiner Slung an office camera around my neck Saturday obtained female companion for the night and journeyed out to the Guthrie Community Centre for the Town and Country Bowling League awards banquet The dinner very simply was one of the best have ever had The beef was just perfect And the lemon pie for dessert should serve as model for lemon pie everywhere understand the ladies of the community centre prepared the dinner If you get chance to have one of their dinners take it It is well worth it It was very pleasant evening spent in pleasant company dancing and good music And special thanks to Beth Bell and Bud Horne who helped line up people for pic tures Taking pictures of several people right after superb dinner and just when the bar opens can be little frustrating and their help was much appreciated Drummond McDonald is alive and well Two weeks ago reported at length about the problems we were having tracking down Drummond McDonald the census representative for the area We redoubled our efforts to track him down this week when we received lovely press kit from Statistics Canada about the census Reporter Peter Lesniak called our Ottawa Bureau and had them call Statistics Canada in Ottawa to let us know if Drummond Mc Donald was real person Statistics Canada Ottawa and Toronto phoned us back with Mr McDonalds telephone number and we got in touch with him Meanwhile reporter Lesniak had somehow or other got in touch with Helen Winter the Barrie census rep Ms Winter said she had read the appeal in this column asking her or Mr Mc Donald to come forward Why didnt she come for ward Lesniak asked It is just not the way things are done she said QUEENS PARK Hospital orders to cause vote By DON HEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The hottest issue of the session has been handed out by the division court It just might land us in toan election As you undoubtedly are aware the court has found that the government didnt have authority under the Public Hospitals Act to shut down the hospitals it has or dered closed And this decision has thrown the whole ball game here into confusion There are many ramifications involved but the most pertinent point is that the Liberals have pledged themselves to fight an election on the issue They have said that if the government brings in legislation to give it the authority which division court said it lacked under the Hospitals Act they will vote againstit This came in writing from leader Stuart Smith afher caucus decision so it is firm commitment The New Democratic Party certainly also would vote against any such legislation And the government wocld have to regard it as con ï¬dence issuc meaning that with defeat there would come an election The question of cmursc is whether such legislation will bcbroughtin There will be court appeals before any decision is made person phoned this office one afternoon at about 430 asking if we could cover dinner at6pm had to say no every reporter was already assigned to job The person became quite abusive when suggested that plans for the dinner must have been made some time ago and had we been called some time ago then the din ner would probably have been covered If you want something covered give the city editor call at least one day in ad vance and every effort will be made to cover the event The Salvation Army is can vassing the area for funds People are constantly being asked to contribute to charities and there is United Way in Barrie But the Salvation Army stands out just little from charities It helps people who need help and gives it help in places where most of us do not care to be Anyone who has ever had any contract with the Salvation Army knows what am talking about And have yet to hear anyone say the Army had refused to help anyone The Army is staffed by dedicated people who do what they do out of conviction It is worthwhile organization and if you just dont donate to charity think hard about it when the Salvation Army asks for funds The Army can use it and the Army uses it well Who says oldfashioned ser vice is dead took color picture at Christmas got the print and had it enlarged to 11 14 for mothers day gift Come Saturday realized had the print but no frame hurried over to Oates Paint and Wallpaper and they agreed to frame it They said it couldnt be ready for Mothers daywhich fully understood That was at 130 At 430 got phone call at home saying the picture was framed and ready to be picked up That is service And it is that type of service which makes shopping in Barrie nice thing to do First to the Ontario Court of Appeals and then probably to the Supreme Court of Canada These will probably last in tothe fall But if the government finally loses out there Would seem to be no choce for it but to fire the house with legislation and then take trip to the people It would look just too weak if it did anythingelse So we might be going to the polle possibly in November orearlywinter Just how the government might do in an election on such an issue is conjectural but there is reason to believe it might welcome it In the ridings where hospitals are slated to close presumably it wouldnt do too well But of eight seats in volved it now only holds two Beyond these immediate areas there is good chance the public is in favor of the governments program People generally like to see governments save moneyas long as it doesnt directly hit them and the climate today is biased towards economy And the opposition parties really dont appear to have very strong fighting material The NDP main attack is on alleged lack of consultation and putting people in the hospitals out of work It may sound callous to say so but do people again outside of the immediate ridings really care Womens Lib seems to he ovvrywvhcre these days