Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1976, p. 1

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to 4C highs Sunday 10 to 12C EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST ircu ion sun In land 726 6539 todag zvivrid Scundaby pgilgh crossmed Advertising 7282414 today 10 to 12C lows tonight All Other Departments 7266537 ll2th Year No l08 The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada May 1976 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 20 Pages Sandy Schuryk 13year old Grade student at Por tage View School on Letitia Street displays the plaque and scroll proclaiming her SAFETY PATROLLER HONORED safety patroller of the month Principal of Por tage View Richard Fox croft left and chairman of the Kinsmen safety if patroller program Don Lee were on hand to make the presentation Friday ExaminerPhoto More strong tremors hit northeast Italy GEMONA Italy AP Four meduum and strong earth tremors struck nor theast Italy early today as iescue workers searched for possible survivors of the ear thquake that devastated nor theast Italy Officials expressed fears of cholera outbreak in the area and appealed for more doctors medicine and vac cine National police said 628 persons were known killed and more than 2000 injured in the earthquake Thursday night They said the death toll was likely to rise Casualties and damage from the new tremors were not known but one measured 42 on the Richter scale Thursdays quake felt from Naples in the south to Yugoslavia and The Netherlands had reading of 69 An earthquake measuring four on the Richter scale is capable of causing moderate damage while reading of seven indicates possible widespread heavy damage Special flights arrived today at Udine airport bringing Italians back from Switzerland and West Ger many to seek relatives and help with rescue work In Germona one of the wor st hit towns at least 150 bodies were found and no buildings were left standing In the town of 13000 woman and one of her children were found alive but second child with her was dead crushed by concrete beam as the three ran down the stairs of their collapsing threestorey house SON DEAD Federico is dead Mrs Linda Venturini told rescuers trying to free her from the wreckage He is dead here on my legs Alessandro is alive He needs you Look af ter him At nearby Ossopo four chil dren were found alive in the rubble of their home 30 hours after the quake We are still finding bodies and some survivors said Red Cross worker in Gemona The survivors Sevenday truce in walkouts ByTHE CANADIAN PRESS Hospital workers in Quebec and Saskatchewan ended walkouts but hospitals in British Columbia continued hairless You mean noane remembered it was Mothers day to be among services and in dustries across Canada disrupted by strikes this week In Quebec sevenday truce was declared Friday by the common front of 175000 hospital workers and teachers who have been in volved in series of oneday walkouts by public service workers The workers have pro tested what they say is lack of progress in negotiations with the provincial govern ment spokesman for the group said members will wait until May 15 to see whether settlement is negotiated before deciding on further moves tentative contract agree ment between the 2600 member Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and the Saskatchewan Health Care Association was signed this week ending 10 days of strikes by nurses in Saska toon and Regina and inter mittent withdrawals of ser vice throughout the province were hiding in basements Many are hurt but at least theyrealive Thousands of tents were set up in fields and town squares to provide shelter for the esti mated 100000 homeless and the thousands of others who spent second night outside their homes fearing more earthquakes More than 30 light af tershocks were recorded Friday but area residents too weary or still in shock did not seem to notice them They caused no major damage Rescue efforts have been tempered by clogged roads and poor communications Two major bridges were destroyed three rail centres wrecked and telephone com munications disrupted Two hundred Canadian troops were rushed to nor thern Italy The defence department in Ottawa said most of the men were flown from Lahr West Germany the Canadian NATO base to Trieste few were making the 16hour trip by road The Canadians included six doctors large number of medical assistants water purification specialists and otherexperts Aid poured into Italy from Austria Yugoslavia Ger many and Australia and the US Army sent medics and helicopters from base at virenze Several tent Cities were set up in surrounding fields with up to 30 people in each tent Water was being supplied bystruck because the towns water supply was cutoff Man charged in accident Hillsdale man was charged with careless driving and failing to wear seatbelt following singecar crash on the Oro Lake Road early today Paul Whitton suffered in juries and was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie for treatment after the car he was driving failed to round curve and rolled The car was eastbound missed the curve entered the ditch on the north side of the road and rolled three times before coming to rest on its roof The car sustained $2000 damage To apply for FM station hee WOULD BE FIRST flVBARRIE AREA Undercover officers casebook is referred to at hearing Just answer the question and lets get on with this afiid provincial judge Don In Defence lawyer Moishe Reiter was into his second day of crossexamining somewhat reticent Royal Canadian Mounted Police un dercover constable Brian Calnen Reiter is defence lawyer for Robert Rowbotham charged with three courts of trafficking in anarcotic preliminary hearing is being held in Barrie provin cial court now to determine whether there is enough evidence against Rowbotham to put him on trial before jury The trafficking charge carries possible life sen tence Generally there is ban on publication of proceedings of preliminary hearing but Reiter requested one then withdrew the request in the first day of evidence had Reiter been questionina Calnen ahnlit how much beer he had drunk during his contact with Rowbotham and whether he had recorded it in the large case book he was using to refresh his memory The book contains about 60 pages of notes on Calnens contact with Rowbotham and John Mepstead also charged in the investigation Reiter had spent most of the morning fighting for the right to look at Calnens book arguing that since Calnen had used it for reference he could be crossexamined on it Prosecutor John Burgar did have copy of the book and Reiter felt he should have one too After concluding that Calnen had used the entire book for reference Judge In ch allowed Reiter to examine it and question Calnen on the contents The judges request to get on with this was symptomatic of the entire days proceedings He repeatedly halted Reiter rvhnp hh hlHin tn Ivnvnr areas flVNAJIE 0F RESEAR CH he had already questioned on and often had to wait whenever Calnen was asked question requiring reference to his 60 pages of notes Whenever Reiter wanted to look at Calnens notes Burgar would follow him to the witness stand and look over Reiters shoulder Finally Reiter protested to Judge Inch saying Burgar had his own notes to look through The gist of Calnens eviden ce so far is that on July 22 1975 he went to the farm oc aipied by Rowbotham and received one marijuana cigarette Aug he returned with Constable Jocelyn Belec with the intention of making larger purchase in order to get evidence against Rowbotham After being in the area three days he at tempted to make the pur chase Aug He had planned to buy vial of hashish oil cannabis resinl At the time he tried to make the pur chase Rowbotham was asleep so had asked Mep stead Mepstead had no hash oil so sold Calnen quantity of marijuana CARRIED TAPE Aug and Belec had carried tape recorder in her purse and Calnen had radio transmitter concealed in cast on his left arm The tran smitter was to transmit any conversations to receiver operated by two other con stables in car nearby The constables were to record what was transmitted However the transmitter didnt work on either oc casion and Calnen speculated it may have been due to sweat from his arm The preliminary continues sometime next week whenever court space is available Thursday at pm in the court on Vespra Street is the only definite day There will be bail hearing for Rowbotham who has been in jail since Nov 20 Thursday at930am Seals being tortured group claims VANCOUVER CP The Greenpeace Foundation says scientists financed by the federal government and the oil industry are torturing and killing seals in the name of Will try for changes on gun control issue FROM THE OTTAWA BUREAU OF THE EXAMINER Ross Milne LPeel Dufferin Simcoe has joined group of about 15 other members of the Federal Liberal caucus who will at tempt to persuade cabinet to soften some of the rigid new gun control measures Most of the MP5 represent predominantly rural con stituencies from Newfoun dland to British Columbia which are expected to be har dest hit by the gun legislation Mr Milne who is in the unique position of represen ting riding with large rural area but densely populated urban sector does not share all the concerns of his colleagues and doesnt argue as vehemently against the more controversial proposals of the legislation Nevertheless he does feel some portions of the Peace and Security Bill that are related to gun control must be refined support the bill very strongly in principle but want to change it so it has higher acceptability in rural areas Mr Milne explained There can be no com promise however on the ef fort to register gun owners he claims and that is the geatest point of contention in PeelDufferin Simcoe If theres better way what is it he asked suggesting that almost everyone is in agreement on the intent to restrict firearms ownership to those that are fitand competent The only way to accomplish that Mr Milne claims is to register owners The system of screening owners the proposal requiring them to obtain guarantors which is similar to the regulations ap plied to passport applicants Over 800 musicians take part in Kiwanis Music festival By MURIEL LEEPER The Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival came to con clusion yesterday after two weeks of competitions About 835 musicians participated and were adjudicated by five es with classes being in four halls Scholar ships from the Festival will be announced today and on Wednesday May 12 con cert featurin some of the top musicians wi be held Stars the Festival will be held at the Orillia Opera House at Results of the final classes were Piano Duet yrs and un der Sandra Cornell and Cyn this Grise Port Carling 85 Tobi Churchward and John Wolfe Barrie 84 Duet 10 yrs and under Lisa Ritchie Maureen Jaeger Elmvale 84 Kristina Wessenger Caroline White Barrie 83 Michele Maddison Dennis Purdon MacTier 80 Duet 12 yrs and under Carolynne Varney Danielle Harper Barrie 86 Lisa Rit chic Maureen Jaeger Elm vale 85 Michele Maddison Dennis Purdon MacTier 82 Duet 14 yrs and under Anita and Jennifer Slattery Orillia 80 Barbara Macin tosh Susan Vanderjagt Mac Tier 78 Duet 16 yrs and under Susan Hopkins Lvnn Langford Barrie 85 Carolyn Weeks Shelley Aim Madison MacTier 84 Michele Wheatley Marsha Gerha rt Parry Sound 79 Duet Open Christine and Jean Kemp Orillia84 Piano Solo Quick Study 12 yrs and under Sandra Joanne Evans Barrie 86 Shelley Ann Maddison Mac Iier 85 Piano Solo Quick Study 14 yrs and under Lynn Langford Barrie 83 Piano Solo Quick Study 17 yrs and under Laurel Pollard Parry Sound 82 Piano Solo Quick Study Open Blair Bailey Orillia Piano Solo 10 to 12 yrs lst or 2nd yr students Fred Pat terson Barrie 87 Laurie An ne Tyler Barrie 86 Debbie Patterson Barrie 85 he suggests is rha the bestpossible pe The theory is that the community itself would have the authority to say who should or should not own guns he said The MPs main objective in joining the group is to smooth out some of the rough points in the proposed legislation IOORLY WRITTEN As an example he cited the section of the bill dealing with ammunition The description of ammunition he claims is not definitive enough and poorly written Another major concern to Mr Milne is that of licensing and the fees that will be charged to gun owners research In news release Friday the environmental action group said the charge is based on an environment department report which describes how about 30 ringed and harp seals were either forced to eat acute doses of crude oil or were covered aompletelyin oil The report details the animals lengthy suffering before any of them died dur ing the experiments or were killed later by the scientists The report also reveals that of the 96 ringed seals caught by the scientists for the pur pose of experimentation 64 of them died while being netted The purpose of the ex periments was to examine the effect of contact and in gestion of crude oil on ringed seals The report was prepared for the Beaufort Sea lrojectrr jointly financed by the federal government and the oil industryby Thomas Smith of the fisheries and marine service of the en vironment department and Its official Snow tires off You can safely take the snowtires off your car and put the snow shovel away says the Tronto weather of fice The snow on the ground this morning will probably be the last Barrie and district residents see until nextwinter Temperatures will get warmer Sunday and Monday temperatures wi be seasonablein the 22 to 94 range The Collegiate Concert Series is bringing the Lon don Symphony Orchestra shown here to Barrie next Nobcm her as one of its four presentations The London The high Sunday is ex DectedtolleC Skies today and Sunday will be sunny with cloudy periods Monday will be good day to get start on the tan of 1976 with sunny skies predicted all day The extended forecast predicts showers Tuesday and cloudy skies Wednesday with high temperatures ranging from 16t019 Ont orchestra will be under the baton of Clifford Evans The other concerts will be presented by the Slicvchcnko Musical by Joseph Geraci of the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph The report dated December 1975 deecribes how 96 ringed seals 64 dead and 32 live were caught in nets off Browns Harbour NWT in the summer of 1974 Also used in the research were harp seal pups caught on the ice in the Gulf of St Lawrence IMMERSEI IN 011 The scientists described us ing six ringed seals in an oil irnmersion study conducted in holding pens in saltwater ponds onecm layer of oil was poured on the surface of thcwater The seals were left in the oil for 24 hours and their body temperatures monitored con stantly The report describes how within minutes the sea 15 eyes began to water and become reddencd and inflamed After 24 hours the seals were removed from the oil placed in clean water medically examined and then finally killed by gunshot over period of days so autopsies could be per formed Charged in car crash Anthony Stone of Elmvale was charged with careless driving and failure to wear seatbelt following an acci dent on Highway 27 at 430 am today Provincial police in Elmvale said Stone was southbound when his car went out of control left the mad and hit roadside sign and fence Damage to the car was estimated at $500 The driver escaped injury SYMPHONY ORCHETRA TO Ensemble return engagement by popular de mand the Canadian Opera Company and the annual spring concert by the Bar The Canadian Radio Television Commission will hear an application in June for Barrie FM radio station Les Cooke chairman of the board of Huronia FM said today the station if ap poved will serve the Barrie area Its range will be com parable to the AM station in the city There has been need to supplement other forms of media that now exist Mr Cooke said Our station is to meet the growing need in the area The station may be on the air 24 hours day but final decision on that question has still to be made by the board Mr Cooke said The stations format will be block type with time slots for varying in terests Huronia FM has been talk ing of starting local FM sta tion for about year The group of local businessmen however have been waiting LES COOKE board chairman for hearing date to be an munced The hearing will be on Ot tawa during the week of June he said Home ice factor in Flyers loss says team coach Home ice advantage was factor in the Barrie Flyers defeat in the Allan Cup finals team coach Darryl Sly told the Examiner today The Flyers lost the series 40 to Spokane Flyers Washington team Spokanes young team and they are good Our side never really got on the track Sly said There were cou le of games we could have won but we just didnt get the led reaks Anyway we got long way down the line he ad Sly and few others of the Flyers organization arrived home last night around 11 oclock from Washington The rest of the team had to stay overnight as they couldnt get flight booking but were expected to arrive in Barrie some time today heard last of bribesstatement OTTAWA CP Irritated members of Parliament decided Friday to call one time member Auguste Cho quette on the carpet for say ing half of them take bribes Mr Choquette Liberal member for Lotbiniere from 1963 to 1968 was defending Lebanese elect new president BEIRUT AP Lebanese parliamentarians defied mor tar fire and leftist ban today to elect new president charged with ending Lebanons bloody civil war Syrianbacked Elias Sarkis governor of the central bank won on the second ballot Leftist Moslem forces shelled the area around Mediterranean villa serving as temporary parliament building in vain attempt to keep deputies of the 98 member assembly from ar nvmg But two hours afzer the ses sion was scheduled to begin 69 members of the assembly were present three more than needed for quorum lawyer accused of bribing an immigration officer when he said in court in Montreal Thursday If everybody who had ever taken or given $600 or $700 bribes in their life were arrested 50 per cent of the MP5 would no longer be sit ting know it because was anMP for five years The Commons in rare agreement passed motion by Walter Baker PC GrenvilleCarleton referring to the allegation to the House committee on privileges and elections steering committee meeting rapidly agreed to have its clerk check the transcript of the trial to see whether the comments reported in newspapers could be verified letter would be sent to the court reporter so he could be called to verify the remarks if necessary Mr Choquette would not be called before the committee until the case has been hearda courtesy to the court Commons veteran Stanley Knowles NDPWinnipeg North Centre later predicted that Mr Choquette will dive at the chance to appear Recalling the rotund cigarsmoking lawyers days as member of Parliament Mr Knowles said PERFORM HERE ric Collegiate Concert Band Series tickets are now on sale on first come lesisat$l2forthefourcon certs all seats reserved Unreserved pit tickets are available to students at $6 For additional information call Mrs Betty McNiven at 7261657 Hum

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