BThe Barrie Examiner Friday May I976 MAYOR DECLARES SPECIAL WEEK Barrie Mayor Dorian Parker officially declared this week Better Speech and Hearing Week Mon day afternoon at city hall Taking part in the ceremony were area students attending the school for the deaf in Milton teacher from Milton and Rev Bob Rum ble of the Evangelical Church of the Deaf Pic tured above standing from the left are Ron Hackett of the Milton school Sandy MacGillivray of Barrie Rev Rumble Mary Jane McGoey of Tottenham and John Graham of Elmvale Standing beside Mayor Parker is Mark Pattenden of Midland Examiner Photo Energy strategy for Canada is reviewed by Ross Milne By ROSS MILNE MP Peel Dufferin Simcoe Last week the government tabled ver important document titl An Energy Strategy for Canada which deals with the major con siderations for Canada to be mainly selfsufficient for Oil and natural gas The focus of the document mainly on oil and natural gas which currently make up about 65 per cent of the total Canadian energy con sumption While nuclear energy and coal will play an increasing role in the total energy requirement the major concern over the next ten years has to be our in creasing reliance on im portedoil By 1984 the traditional oil wells in Alberta will not be able to supply Ontario and the western provinces and im ported oil will be required tmless there are some very major new finds or the tar sands projects proceed on schedule The tar sands in Northern Alberta contain enormous amounts of oil perhaps as much oil as there is in the middle east The Mounting popularity seen for Canadian ballet group ByMURIELLEEPER Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is developing into one of the most imaginative and refreshingly creative companies in Canada Tuesday nights opening at OKeefe Centre to packed house established the com pany as one that will become increasingly popular here andabroad The overall program was exciting Beethovens for midable piano variations The Diabelli Variations was performed as written on piano The dancers with of course classical approach gave superbly flowing in terpretation of the various forms of variations the canon imitations sequence and fugue From exquisite trio dance to solo to full company the dancers created beautiful and creatively flowing approach problem is cost barrel of produce in the middle east and about $10 from the tar sands The labor costs alone are over $1 per abarrel for Oil produced from the tar sands OBJECTIVE The objective of the long term strategy is to make Canada as selfreliant on domestic oil as possible to protect against the rapid in crease in price for imported oil and against the un certainty of supply There are nine major elements in the strategy appropriate energy pricing energy con servation increased ex ploration and development increased resource in formation substitution of other fuels for oil and natural gas new delivery systems emergency preparedness increased research and development and greater Canadian ownership and par ticipation To achieve these goals some difficult targets will have to be met It will be necessary to reduce the average growth of energy over the next ten years to less to the technically dilticult ano 5010 All this was with ckdrop that was only suggestion of baroque and again artistic and imaginative quartet from the com pany gave visual images to electronic music by Pierre Mercure Some of the effects were totally descriptive and the dance engrossing This second section ended with Time out ofMind with music by Paul Creston The dance seemed to be in primordial times the dan cers all in white This was far from classical ballet and almost disturbing in its powerful dramatic ex pression Tam Ti Delam La Danse St Dilon brought waves of applause and many curtain ca Is to the dancers It was the country hoedown with the caller using French But PM admits premiers thwarted his plans OTTAWA CP Prime Minister Trudeau confirmed Thursday that provincial premiers have temporarin thwarted his latest plans to claim the countrys un derlying constitutional law from Britain Following oneday private meeting with premirs at his official residence the prime minister told reporters CINCINNATI Time Recorders Sales Service Star Business Machines Ltd Barrie 7266595 there had been no progress and no falling back on the prolonged constitutional im passe Allondole Golf Club PayAs You Play Membhrship 9hole Par 36 Course Twilight Rates licensed under llB0 Just oil Big Bay Point Rd 7285513 than and half per cent per year through very effective energy conservation program It will be virtually impossible to develop new Canadian oil supplies fast enough to supply demand at the rate the present demand is increasing Equally as im portant it would be an enor mous financial drain on the country to develop nevr resources that fast MORE EXPLORATION As minimum it will be necessary to at least double the exploration and develop ment in the north and off shore along the east coast The social and environmental considerations are enormous good deal of the strategy will be determined by the decision whether or not to build the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline and the success of the exploration in the north Justice Berger will be reporting this fall on the social and economic effects of the pipeline His report will be vital to the pipeline decision Equally important is the whole question of the native land claims which are oil costs less than 50 cents to outstanding on the majority of the area where future resource development will take place Because of the importance of energy intend to write the next columns on some of the specific considerations would be pleased to send you summary of the energy strategy paper Just dr opmea note With Interest Token ANNUALLY Member Curmrlu DIDUSII Insurance CUIUUHIIIUII WCTORIA and GREY rrruzt QMIAnr writ one the company communicated withanunderlying gaietyand dash vigor and freshness that is heartening for Canadian Ballet It was an exciting evening and one that will bring many of the people in the theatre back again to see their second program Ballet will not die as long we have creative companies such as Les Gran dsBallets Canadiens MIKE BENvENUTi Manager LEO MIRTITSCH Accountant 35 Dunlop St 737I4II SELLING OUT COMPLETELY PROPERTY BUILDING TRUCKS WOODWORKING SHOP EQUIPMENT PINE FURNITURE ALL CONTENTS WILL BE SOLD BV PUBLIC AUCTION ON THE PREMISES Ray Hoines 8r Son Construction Ltd PINE FURNITURE 4167753873 8th Concession Rd Bond Head Ontario 25 miles South at Barrie Hwy 27 Hwy 27 to 8th Concession 1st Road North at Bond Head Hwy as east ott 27 Hwy mi or Irom 400 Hwy go Weston 88 to 5th lino tot Rd North to 8th Concussion tolt 14 mi with NO RESERVE on Saturday May I976 II am Sharp Terms Cash or make arrangements botore onto Food on premises PARTIAL LISTING SHOP EQUIPMENT BUILDERS SUPPLIFS 220 oir comproooor Vi drlvo Ill impact wrench DoVrIblu lr regulator acetylene welder rw rant rirttlng tnrrh ntr Main Warner Ir It It tan Irydraulrr lurk II Briqqo Slratton gas generator I500 Its Continontnl IN wallr pump Bully oump pump 400 Ibo various size nallo Izono spiral nails 500 Ibo Inpluo ulrr stands aloctnc rnolora HP ocnllold solo nw pins anchor tmltn pull hole dlqgor wheelbarrow shaylo axlrrnslon cords It Iilon concrete poot lormo ortanolon laddaro brtolo dooro WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT picks ortonlmntrlao cedar mahogany doors rhrornnlor hottor door ttnrtiwara V4 II jigsaw Craltoman In olroha tabla onw Commercial Crnlloman llroct drlvo 20 J05 Cora bandaw commorclal typo to Cralloman radial saw 7v aIrIl aaws roular mod olro HP 2700 RPMo V4 airlll aaw Duo last powor alr otnplar duo tool power air nallor 200 oplral units 500 Ibo olaptu VEHICLES ACCESSORIES ottlco workohop on whoolo 20 long wlrod and elect hoot brakes TRUCKS 100 OMC 1000 tractor V12 2lrano1000 rubber 00 tag alto exclllonl Chair tan cyl automatic powor otooring braku rndlo low mlloaqo I012 Chev Vr ton plckop cyl radlo low mlloauo both original It lltro now aooortmant Iruclr ttroo 900120 Winnebago PU cap camper clp out dour tractor truck Illoo FLOAT 30 now Itroa lull air aooortmont dour rollorbnrlnua oolo N0 otool tow cabin 100 otoal cable Iork IIItIorIro NEW PINE FURNITURE Joalo oolld plno Irblao chalra bonchoa coltaotnbloo hutchoo llowarotando clear otalnod OFFICE APPLIANCES aIr condttlonor Mllchall window type haator com bltratlori dratting cook Ir chair Undorwood manual lypowrllor calculator otoctric addlng muchlno Vlklno dryar aloclrlc typewriter Bully waohar OllvotllDZB ANTIQUES rockrs blanket bouo our 100 yooro old plus several other daotrohlo anthuao PROPERTY BUILDING TO BE SOLD AT PM SHARP Approximately acre Primoland with Heated Bullding Ottico 80ttx30tt Moderate Roaorvo Cash pretorrod OPEN FOR INSPECTION FRIDAY Homer Stephens Auctions Ltd MISSISSAUGA 4162753000 Former director to face charges QUEBEC CP former organizer for Progressive Conservative leader Joe Clark in Quebec province has been charged with several counts of corruption and breach of trust spokesman for the Quebec justice depart mentsaid Gilles Varin former director of Quebec govern ment manpower training commission for the area nor th of Montreal was also chairman until Thursday of the organizing committee for Rodrigue Biron candidate for the leadership of the provincial Union Nationale party spokesman for Mr Biron said Thursday morning that Mr Varin was asked to leave the organization overnight Mr Varin who now works as an administrtor for private business group faces two sets of charges one in Montreal and one in St Jerome Que spokesman for the Quebec justice depart ment said Wednesday Heis togoon trialMay 26in Montreal on charges of con spiracy corruption and breach of trust relating to alleged attempts to obt$in kickbacks from heavy equipment operators school in return for referring studen ts to the school at the time he was in charge of the training commrssron AOn Aug 19 he is scheduled to stand trial in St Jerome about 30 miles north of Montreal on similar charges relating to bribe of $6920 he allegedly received in 1973 from an Ontario con struction firm then en aged in work at Mirabe In ternational Airport lt Management Semrnar WITH THE fillOPERATION OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ATAT THE CONTINENTAL INN BARRIE ON MAY I9th WWW REGESTRATION 830AMAL Would you like to attend It so please complete the coupon below For lurtner inlormation please contacto Mr s°°I at Tel 7286072 The Manager Federal Business Development Bank P93Zéa MA lwrll attend the businnqs management 73 seminar at Barrie Aaon191 1976 Namese Addressmnu Tel Regrslrallon Foe at $15 payable at desk on morning at seminar Luncheon included 900AM to 430PM SERVICES Container Says authority law owning jeepardized city TORONTO CP En vironment Minister George Kerr said legislation will be introduced in the next few days to curb the use of non returnable softdrink con tainers He told the legislature Thursday the legislation would give the government power to pass regulations aimed at implementing regulations of report made pu lic last month He said he hoped about half of the twelve recom mendations of the report would be set in motion this month through regulation He said it would not mean an immediate ban on non returnables but would require storekeepers to stock returnables and non returnables equally TORONTO CP Bud Ger ma NDPSudbury said Thursday the Nickel Belt Conservation Authority has jeopardized Sudbury on two occasions through its negligence He asked Resources Minister Leo Bernier in the house to allow Sudbury Mayor Jim Gordon the power to control both Maley and Frood Mine dams oow con trolled by the authority Mr Germa told the house the mayor recently broke into the Maley dam control building in order to save the city from being flooded out because there was nobody from the conservation authority in the city of Sud buryorthearea The MPP added in the legislature that the mayor may face criminal charges for breaking and entering FEDEPA BUSN555 Mr Bernier said he disagrees with charges that the authority was negligent and added that the local authority has done an ex cellent job during the last 27 years He told Mr Germa he is re luctant to turn over authority for regulating the dams to the mayor particularly because of the experience and ex pertise of the local authority in the area of flood control The minister added that while there may have been mmunderstanding of problem relating to the in cident outlined by Mr Ger ma dont think it will be regular occurence Outside the house Mr Ger ma said the mayor broke into the dam after several city streets were flooded and city officials were unable to con tact the authoritv DE VELOPMENT BAN Effective Management of Human INCLUDES 360 V8 engine power steering knit seat trim chrome western mirrors heavy duty springs or shocks AM radio or step bum per runs on regular gas deluxe camper cover two problems DOUGLAS Lincoln Mercury CHALLENGES ALL companion YourChoice of 1976 FORD PICKUP from $4494 Offer Good Till May 15th 81 Essa Rood Barrie Resources and Cost Controls can help to increase efficiency and profitability in your business Here is business management seminar dealing with these DOUGLAS lincoln Mercury 7285558 Lil23 riv nu