Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1976, p. 6

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uuuunpnua IL upcu uanunonunionllllmlillllllllliiizlllir oa ner Soturdo Mo 1976 6The Barrie Exomi Evelyn Gervais left presi dent of St Marys Catholic Womens League and Lori Lafontaine show the afghan which Lori made by hand The afghan will be raffled off May at St Marys CWL Picture Print AFGHAN RAFFLE and Plant Day which will be held from 130 to 330 at St Marys auditorium Examiner Photo Trinity ACW members Will attend annual meet Trinity Anglican Church Women will send represen tatives to the Toronto dicocese ACW annual meeting May in Toronto it was announced at recent with devotions led by con vener of St Hildas group Mrs Wolfenden President Mrs Clark welcomed guests from the senior group Thursday Club meeting of Trinity ACW and members who returned The April meeting began from lengthy illnesses ANNOUNCEMENT We cleaned house this week and discovered well over 100 wedding engage ment and graduation pic tures which appear to go few years then come to The Examiner business of fice anytime between am and pm From Mon day April 26 to Friday April30 The photos are at the front desk and you can sort through them Maybe youll find that longmissing picture back several years They must belong to somebody Ifyou have ever had wedding engage ment or graduation photograph published in The Examiner in the past ANN LAN DERS Married teen env1es friends Dear Ann Landers Please are planning on getting married this year 16 married my dream man At 18 when high school friends were receiving their diplomas was at ome foldin diapers for two Some of my girl friends said they envie me but little did they know how much envied THEM was too ashamed to admit that my dream man was spending more evenings away from home than with me year later we were fed up with each other couldnt take his running around and he couldnt take my nagging All you teena ers who think marriage means romance forever are ki ding yourselves First theres the mone oblem When we were dating there was always enoug or pizza movies picnics whatever we wanted to do After we married the ills began to pile up We didnt know where they came rom You think baby will hel keep him home Well it keeps YOU home but it pushes out Hed rather be drinking beer with his buddies Crying babies make him nervous wish had finished high school could ex ress my feel ings better feel halfeducated and Messe Up At 19 Dear 19 You ex ressed your feelings uite eloquently and thank you Any igh school dropout wishes to et diploma can do it if he or she is Willing to work at it all your high school principal and ask about the alter natives+there are several Andfood luck to you dear Dear Ann My husband an owned small farm and worked together to make it go We made the old equipment do and lived conservative quiet life so we could give our children the best of everythin Six years ago my husban passed away suddenly was 45 Somehow managed to pu myself together and carry on alone Two years later met wonderful man who made me want to live ain Ralph and were married My 16yearoi son was ha py for me He liked Ralph very much but the 23yearol son is another story He is oolle raduate lives away from home has fine job and is de ree He has nice friends and leasant life but he cant stand the sight of his stepfather did everything un der the sun to keep me from marrying Now he says must choose between Ralph and him He refuses to come to see me unless assure him that Ralph IS out of the house If there is family party he will not attend unless agree in advance to come without Ralph Sometimes think go crazy trying to deCide what to do Ralph has been very patient but how long can he put up with this isolence love my son and dont want to lose him Will you please tell me what to do Torn Dear Torn Your son is already lost Moreover he is selfish punitive young man who could use some professronal help Tell him oure but you wil not ask print this for all the teens who sorry he feels so stronglyI about Ralph our husband to leave the house nor dehm rom family affairs Letyour son know my Sgrexliljalwdys be but since he inSists that you make choice you must oose your husband Minutes were read by Miss Gwen Scott secretary The financial report was iven by treasurer MrsJ Sea Ven and Mrs Read Canon and Mrs de Pen cier Wright and Suffragan Bishop of Toronto were guests at the lenten lun cheons Mrs Gwen Speers attended citizenship court and presen ted new Canadians with pins on behalf of Simcoe County token gift will be presen ted to the retiring president at the annual meeting May The deanery will meet May 12 at the Prince of Peace Chur ch Wasaga Beach The ACW is sponsoring child for the summer camp conducted by the downtown church workers in Toronto Plans are being finalized to replace cassocks and sur piesses for the childrens choir deanery meeting was held in the resource centre of Trinity Church for ACW presidents and vice prssidents group conveners with guests Miss Guntiey Jamaican deaconess who recently returned from two year tour of Zambia and Mrs Audrey Sheppard retiring president of Toronto diocese Les Cook led discussion on how to develo good leader ship qualities ow to develop postive goals and to com municate those goals to others Frances Ligght bourne arranged the meeting Politics way of life HALIFAX CP Carole Regan wife of Nova Scotias Liberal premier Gerald Regan is happy laying complementary roe in her husbands political career and being mother of six children Sometimes when see my friends doing things on their own get ittle jealous but then think+maybe am bit oldfashionedthat it is Important that there is solid anchor in the home or my husband and children would suffer sympathize with anyone who wants to do thin on her own have career ut feel reasonably fulfilled in what am doing Politics has long been way of life for Mrs Regan one of four children of JII Harrison who was Liberal member of Parliament for Meadow Lake Sask from 1949 to 1958 She likes the doortodoor campaigning at election time and with her friendly smile and outgoing personality she finds it easy to meet people PEOPLE AND PLACES VACATION GUTHRIE Paul Cald well and his cousin Randy Penman of Stroud spent two weeks in the Barbados recen tly They rented car for week for sightseeing in cluding visit to dairy fair BAKE SALE BARRIE May Greenacres president of the GetTogether Club attended the bake sale held by the club at the Army Navy and Air Force Hall ATTIC SALE BARRIE The Womens Committee of the Huronia Symphony will hold an attic sale May 15 from am to 12 noon at the firehall on Collier Street Featured will be variety of furniture tools sports equipment books lamps ornaments and dishes For donation picku call 7284096 Proceeds wi support the regional sym phony CRAFT SHOW MINESING The Minesin Station Hobby Club will hol spring craft show and bake sale May 15 from 11 am to 330 pm at the Minesing Station Community Centre Admission cost is 50 cents CANCER SOCIETY The Barrie branch of the Canadian Cancer Society WEN DYS COLUMN Diction set and good show By WENDY HICKS Last week we went to Toronto to see the DOyiey Carte Companys er formance ofHMS Pina ore had been brought up on the com ny because my father wou often take me to Lon don to see them and this is why could never bear to do an amateur production Gilbert and Sullivan as per formed by DOyiey Carte is something quite by itself All the singers in the chorus are trained all the actions and stage business are repeated for each performance and in ched the audience would be most upset if there were any deviation The diction is perfect One can hear and understand every word from each of the soloists and from the chorus Often in travelling show the scenery and costumes become rather tatty but for this show they were sparkling The set which con Sisted of the deck of HMS Pinafore with sailing ship in the harbor behind was newlypainted and well designed The costumes were ankingfresh and clean oes polished and trousers pressed So if sound as though we enjoyed ourselves its because we did And am even more determined never to do an amateur er formance at least unti the right people are there to do it In the program there was an interesting letter from student complaining about the high ticket price and an even more interesting letter from Ed Mirvish in reply As ii The Preceptor chapter is the newest cha ter in Beta Sigma Phi ma ing total of six chapters in Barrie The executive and members of the preceptor benefitted from season windup hockey party held by theSarjeant Ready Mix major peewees Money was left over from funds for the party and was given to the cancer society SQUARE DANCING BARRIE John and Isabel Smith enjoyed an afteran of square dancing yesterday at the Parkview Centre for Seniors ORDER OF THE ROSE BARRIE Irene Gracey and Bertie Bileski members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorori ty received the Order of the Rose Thursday night for their service HAPPY SIX BARRIE Zelmond Hart wick joined the Happy Six League Thursday in bowl ing tournament at Sheas Bowl LEARNING DISABILITIES BARRIE Scott Bowman executive director of the creative centre for learning disabilities Welland Port will be guest speaker May 11 at pm at Barrie Central Collegiate in the faculty lounge He will give film and slide presentation of CampKeewaytan VISIT BARRIE Leona Beck worth spent four weeks in Florida for vacation am involved with the Gryphon Theatres sub scription series it was fascmating to find that Mr Mirvish who is an acclaimed business man above all else thinks that the subscri tion is the only way to provi good theatre for the subscriber and for the company The company must know to large extent how much money there will be for the season and this is provided in advance by the subscriptions The benefit for the subscriber is usually monetary one in the Gryphons case one show free The company can bring in better actors if it knows what money is available and the subscriber knows that he or she has seat for each per formance It really does make sense and this is why we are trying so hard to sell the sub scriptions before the season opens Mr Mirvish made another very good point He pointed out that there is great cost and risk in producing musicals toda For instance the DOyiey arte Com ny was brought over rom England at great expense It has cast 65 and full or chestra making total of over 100 peo le Imagine the air fares an cost of bringing the scenery and costumes not to mention ac commodation while they are here He said that even if the company sold out they could not make money This is why in some cases ticket prices must be high to offset these costs But even so subscribers still save NEW CHAPTER IN SORORITY chapter attended the din ner Thursday night to celebrate their 45th an niversary of the founding day of Beta Sigma Phi From left Jean Smith MENTAL HEALTH Patients of Penetang Men tal Health Centre were asked recently to depict what is mental health for Mental Health week Above is the work of pa tient in the Oakridge divi sion Mentally healthy person has fears and depression WIFE May to May is Mental Health week and during this period the Barrie Examiner will be carrying series of six articles covering variety of topics including mental health and the elderly and mental health and education in an effort to define mental health and point out the im portant part it plays in all aspects of our daily lives By JAMES HENDERSON MD All of us use words like normal and healthy as matter of course and for the most part we know what we mean by them However sometimes we have to state what we mean by them and that always poses some dif ficulty want to say something about what it is to be normal orto be healthy One way to put it is that health means maturity of the kind that belongs to the age of the individual To be sophisticated or intelligent in some matter before the age at which one might be ex pected to be is no more healthy than to be delayed in development Maturity depends in complicated ways on an interplay of innate qualities that one is born with or which are predetermined at the time one is born and good enough environment to foster the emergence of those innate qualities The good enough environment starts with high degree of adap tation of the mother to the in dividual infants needs Usually the mother is able to rovide this adaptation ause of the special state she is in around the time of birth and caring for young baby In health the mother is able to delay her function of failing to adapt to her infant until the baby becomes able to react angrily to deprivation rather than be traumatized or damaged by it have tried to put this in such way as to underline the crucial importance of the in fantmother relationship and of the function of mothering generally as an absolutely crucial uilding block of in dividual mental health and of social velibeing in our com munities We can look at the question of the individual in relation to his community or society as an extension in adult life of what most of us experieiced in relation to our family In health man or woman is able to move toward an iden tification with society without president Bileski Bertie vicepresident Joan Stoner treasurer and Norma Sykes secretary Examiner Photo too great loss of individual or personal autonomy and freedom Inevitably there is some loss of personal freedom in societys demand for control of personal im pulse but the extreme of this total identification with society with total loss of sense of self and of importance of self is not normal or healthy at all We see that kind of ill health occasionally in these times of premium attached to community relatedness It is not healthy from ychiatrists point of view or the individual to lose him self in the group community or collective It is clear then that we are not contenting ourselves with the idea of health as simple absence of symptoms of disorder Health is not ease The life of healthy in dividual is inevitably charac terized by fears conflicts doubts frustrations and oc casionally depression What is involved in health is reasonable coping together with the feeling that man or woman is living his or her own life taking responsibility for action or inaction and ac cepting credit for success or blame for failure Included in health is the idea of tingling life and the magic of in timacy These things go together to create sense of feeling real and feeling enriched The healthy per sons inner world is in reasonable harmony with the outer or actual world yet it remains personal and the emotionally healthy person is mpable of inner richness and aliveness think it can be usefully emphasized here that flight to sanity is not health There is psychological value in depression or perhaps in the health that is inherent in the capacity to be depressed and to use depression con structively as springboard to further personal growth The depressed mood is nearer so to speak to the ability to feel responsible to feel guilty to feel grief and to lflee joy when things go we ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Lawrence and Mrs John Cregeen Svinimer 19 Charlebrook Oakville Ontario The AveBarrie are pleased to marriage will take place announce the engagement Saturday May 29 First of their daughter Deborah Baptist Church Barrie Lynn to Constable Derek Steingard Photo John Cregeen son of Mr TIME TO CLEAN UP FOR SPRING THE Carpet Doctor PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING CONSULTANTS CARPET UPHOLSTERY DRAPERY CLEANING SERVICES CONTRACT AND RESIDENTIAL CAIIS Cli ANiD UP AND IltCllNDITIONED INSIDE AND DUI 7265591 Sears CORRECTION On page 14 of our 20poge circular of April 21 The regular price of Crown Glory Carpeting item should have read 1499 sq yd with saving of 300 sq yd instead of $400 sq yd as stated We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you our customer SEARS BARRIE 509 Bayfield St Barrie Ont Camp members attend bowloffs Members of Lovat Camp attending The Sons of Scotland InterProvinCial BowlOffs in Niagara Falls Ontario on April 23 24 and 25th included chief Doug Westland and Agnes Westland chieftain Fred ink and Agnes Spink aplain Edwin Todd and Elsie Todd past chief Alex Sim and financial secretary DinahSim Five hundred members of The Sons of Scotland from Montreal to Vancouver at tended the Bowling Dinner Dance which took place in The Sheraton Brock Hotel on Saturday April 24th The hosts were Lochiel Camp of NiagaraFalls and music for dancing was by Bill Burnetts Heather Trio of Stroud Lovat Camp celebrates their third birthday on May with buffet dinner and dan oe in the Willow Room Con tinental Inn INSURANCE El If your wife dies unex pectedly how will you pay the cost of housekeeper cook governess seam stress loundress and general home manager Does wife insurance make sense Why not ask her Then call us DAVE FLOOD 4362482 808 NICHOLSON 4363214 43 Metropolitan Life Where the future is now Wedding Photography By Len Marriott For Details Call 7281050 ANNOUNCEMENT MRS HELEN AITKEN Mrs Betty Hay of Hoys Travel Service is pleased to announCe the appointment of Mrs Helen Aitken as travel con sultant Mrs Aitkon brings to our firm over two years experience with well known Toronto firm as travel councillor Helen will be specializing in all forms of travel planning service TrY Our Personalized Ser vice HAYS 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700

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