TELEVISIO UID 3uiiiiir Iiiimio TORONTO 11 HAMILTON 12 PETERBOROUGN IARRIE GAME 22 GlOIAI 600 3Movle Wonders of Aladdin 45News nNewsweek 7WIde World of Sports 9Rolf Harris 11Bingo 030 279News 11Wrestling nAdam 12 700 2Hee Haw llts Academic 5One Night Stand 7Black Experience 9Emergency 730 4Treasure Hunt SPhyllls Hoff Classic 600 9Cartoons 11Speclal Place 30 2Insight 7Chrlstopher Closeup 9Encounter 700 2Ecumedia News 7Herald of Truth 9Cartoons 11Crossroads 30 2Day of Discovery 3Crossroads 7World Of Gospel 11Father Meehan 000 2Jimmy Swaggart 3Day Of Discovery 7Sunday Surprise lllnternationai Outreach 1200 2Champicnship Fishing 5leing Tomorrow Way Out nJohnny Lombardi 7Movle Ghost and Mr Chicken 9Album TV 1230 2Meet The Press Aldentity 11News 100 2Grandstand 3Garner Ted Armstrong 4By The People 5This Land 9Family Finder iiMovie Time Travellers 600 247News 35Disney DGlobal Newsweek 9Fraser Kelly 630 2Wild Kingdom 4World At War nMoney Talks 7Here and Now 9News 11Dayid Frost 700 9The Six Million Dollar Man 2Willy Wonda and the Chocolate Face tory 3512Beachcombers 460 Minutes nWildlife Cinema 7Space I999 730 35 Irish Rovers SATURDAY EVENING 7Last of the Wild 11Confrontatlon 00 2Walt Disney 35NHL Playoffs AThe Jeffersens nNumber to Call 7Movie Future Cop 9Movie The Oregon Trail 30 4Doc 11Lawrence Walk 00 JMary Tyler Moore 30 Bob ewhart 11Coldltz 1000 4Carol Burnett nMovie Marco Polo 9Norm Perry SUNDAY MORNING 030 2Gospei Hour 3Jlmmy Swaggart nCanadlan Cavalcade 7Rocketshlp 9Uncle Bobby 11eracie Crusade 900 3Show Biz 5Hoe Hoe Hoe 4us or Archie nlt Isertten 9Paradox llOral Roberta 930 2Rex Humbard 3Family Affair 4harlem Globetrotters 5Movle Ship Ahoy nEncounter 111115 Written 1000 3Faces SUNDAY AFTERNOON 130 2A9WCT Tennis Doubles Final 352Country Canada 200 4N BA Playoff JRex Humbard 5Lacrosse nGood News 7lssues and Answers 230 7Lets Eat Food llThe Onedin Line 22Masters Touch 300 3Movie Follow The Fleet 22Circle Square 30 nHousc of Song 7The American Sportsman SUNDAY EVENING ZZIn Private Life liPeyton Place Revisted 1975 000 mEllery Queen 3512The Waltons 49Senny And Cher 900 49Koiak 2Columbo ifsUpstairs Downstairs 11What is Truth 930 11Larry Solway 1000 351 he Days Before Yesterday lidBrook 22Adams of Eagle Lake 1100 3M579ll12News 622Mov1e 111E DOCTOR SAYS Water needs sometimes vary 1030 sMovle Machine 11Movle The Undefeated 1100 23457912News 1130 2Weekend 4Texas Primary 7Movle The Horror of Dracula 11 50 sMovie McHales Navy 12Movle Guns of Navarone 11 55 JMovle Accident 1200 eMovle Sunshine 9Movie The Land Raiders 4Lamp Unto My Feet mGreek Program 9Album TV tiItallan Panorama 1030 20 nRap 3Lively oman 4Look Up and Live zFostival Portuguese 7Flintstones 1100 2Orai Roberts JWorld Relief Special ABishop Head 5Meetlng Place 7These Are The Days 9Peoples Church 11 30 2James Andrews lFacethe Nation ZZPortugal 76 7Make Wish iiHee Haw 400 Grandstand vChurch Today 430 2Family Circle Cu Tennis 460 58er Week ZAgape uTiny Talent Time 9Question Period 500 35Science Magazine 22Niven Miller 9Untamed World llWild Kingdom 530 3Phyllis 5Muslcal World DSingin time 9Brady Bunch liSpace 1999 Anna Karenina 1948 1130 2Movie The Bravadors 4Cannon Rachel Rachel 11Health Care Today 1150 SAvengers 12Movie Frenchie 1155 Dantes Inferno 1200 9Colombo itGunsmoke iiiMike Douglas 1230 4Love American style 100 2Wiih This Ring 7Sunday Surprise By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson How much water should person drink day to stay healthy GR The average adult body contains more than 10 gallons of water The short answer to your question is to keep it at that level During riods of inactivity the aily re quirements might be as low as quart Remember that water is not the on source of liquid Many contain large quantities The requirement varies with the amount of liquid lost in urine perspiration and other ways You can pass quart or more day in urina lion and another pint or and onehalf pints in perspiration With heavy physical activity water lost in perspiration can be well over quart There is also what is called insensi ble loss through expired breath which can amount to pint or more day In normally unctioning body thirst is the best in dicator of need and the nor mal person need not be con cerned about getting the pro per amount It is only in the presence of systemic diseases as diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus where there is excessive urination that water intake becomes concern In some kidney disorders increased water loss can occur Dear Dr Thosteson am male 20 years old and just barely over five feet tall Is there any way to find out why am not growing and more important is there anything that can be done about it DL At 20 further height growth is unlikely The rincipal reason most like is heredi ty Physiologica that is because your bone endings epiphyses have fused preventing further growth Xrays would show this If this has not yet occurred then some further growth can hepredicted Dear Dr Thosteson My 32 earold son has trouble with breathing He also has sinus condition which doesnt help Sometimes after mowing the lawn or going out to toss football with his nephew it comes on He is not heavy smoker but sometimes cigarettes seem to bother him He has been examined for heart trouble and has been told hes 0K there He is also bothered at work It seems to come on also when he pets our dog What should he do Mrs EA All of the factors you report the cigarettes the lawn mowing the outdoor football playing the dogadd up to what seems to be an allergy or series of allergies perhaps worsened by an asthma condition as well as by the sinus problem both of which can themselves be allergybased As you are aware dander and dust perha his work are among the ief causes of allergy He should definitely be tested by an allergist to determine specific sen sitivities The smoking no matter how little should be stopped Nasal sinuses are often the first respiratory structures to react in an allergic state Dear Dr Thosteson When was teenager began to gain weight That is when started to vomit re ularly to lose After severa years was down to 85 pounds and looked like skeleton The trouble is that by the time lost what wanted the induced vomiting had become habit ended up having to see plsychiatrists Now have fina put things back together an am getting along pretty well The point in my writing is to hel dramatize this ro blem fore the public is probably more widespread than one would think Thank you for dealing with it in your column Miss BEW You asked for anonymity soIcameu withsomebrand new initias for you You neednt worry though because have had letters identical to yours in the past You are rightthe practice is more widespread than one would think This letter from you may have more effect on anyone thinking of trying this horri ble practice than all the preaching can do Bernice Bede 030 For Sunday May 1976 ARIESMarch21Aprll 10 You need variety of activities to keep you happy todayPlan to have several things on the back burner to be at your very best TAURUS April 20May 20 The possibility for gain looks promising in two areas today However itll take some cleverness on your part to realize it GEMINI May 21June 20 Your presence generates ex citement today Your dynamic personality is showing Wherever you are that is where the action is certain to be CANCER June 21July 22 You should be able to reason or talk your way into or out of any type of situation today es pecially if you use your flashes of insight LEO July 23Aug 22 Avoid old logies today Spend time with people who are on the go You need those around you to day who dont take life too seriously VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 To day you wont be numbered among the losers Should late close one avenue for ac complishments youll come up With another LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be good listener today Something may be said that will be worth remembering It will be useful to you in the future SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Busmess situations should be your forte today It will take an exceptionally sharp horsetrader to gel the better of you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youre back to being your old cooperative self today Others WIII find your company most enjoyable Partnership situations will be fortunate CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Youre best swted for ac tIVIties today that require both mental and phy5ical exertion Do something to keep y0ur head and hands busy AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Generally this should be rather fun day for you You may even have surprise In store through someone new youll meet PISCES Feb 20March 20 Your place is likely to be pop ular gathering spot today Relatives as well as friends may unexpectedly pop in Your Birthday May 1976 Be enterprismg this coming year and you may find an ad ditional source of income It Will be something in COHIUHCIIOn With your present method of 88an USED WOODEN FRAME CHICAGO AP The first real motorcycle was invented in 1885 by Gottlieb Daimler German engineer He at tached fourstroke piston mgine to wooden bicycle frame says World Book En OUR BOARDING HOUSE UMYA$TrIE REALITIE5 or MODERN LIFE AFFECT THE REENACTMENT OF THE YORKTOWN 5URRENOER GEORGE WAsIIiNaTON PARTY WILL ARRIVE ey WELL HAVE MORE BANNERS WIFE EVERY ON THE LlMMO WONT THING MY LEAVE THAN WANT TO ME CHEER CAN TELEVléEP FOOTBALL LlMOUblNE leTEAD OF GAME HOW LEADER55AVE H0125€BACKY PROPERLY DECORATED OF COURSE ABOUT WITH Bernice Bede Osol For Monday May 1976 ARIES March 21April 19 Conditions having direct effect upon your basic needs and security are both fav0rable and unusual today Dont waste opportunities TAURUS April 20May 20 Your desire to please today will work for your ultimate benefit Those whose lives you brighten will try to brighten yours too GEMINI May 21Juno 20 This should be rewarding day because of something going on behind the scenes Someone is working on your behalf CANCER June 21July 22 Youll handle yourself so as to impress those with whom you come in contact People meeting you for the first time will want to know you better LEO July 23Aug 22 Success should come to you today if youre not afraid to try new methods Put your splendid imagination to work VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 new proyect With promismg potential may capture your fan cy today It Will be definitely worth exploring LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 For the next few days devote as much time as possmle to your most ambitious goals You can make progress if youll put forth the effort SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Usual routines could bore you to tears today but any situation that challenges your inven tiveness will bring out your best SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Something profitable may be developing businesswise You may learn of part of it to day but theres more to come tomorrow CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 The loner role is definitely not your bit today Youll be more fortunate in things you do with partners AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 There are opportunities at work today but if anything materializes it will happen suddenly and require prompt action PISCES Feb 20March 20 Youre much on the mind of several people who are fond of you Chance are youll figure in plans for something SOCIal thats coming up yYour Birthday May 1976 This coming year Will be an ac tive one with several important new friends entering your life You Will probably travel more than you have for same time COUNTY NEWS 0R0 STATION By Mrs Crawford Proceeds were good for the community centre at the rummage sale held at the Community centre Thursday evening Draw prizes went to Lloyd Schram Margaret Perrie Gladys McCuaig Bessie Crawford Margaret White Walter Iles Florence Wood Mrs Emily Cain Mrs Ellen Rawlins and Sandra Crawford Mrs Phyllis Harper spent few days visiting relatives in Owen Sound the past week Twentysix children and several mothers attended day nursery Thurs am at the community centre then proceeded over to the greenhouse at the home of Mr and Mrs Paul Hansen where they all had the op portunity of planting seeds Euchre was played Monday night at the centre 10 tables in progress Winners were Mrs Gert Jermey Arnold Greenhalgh Mrs Grace Mawhinney Fred Nelson Mrs Cis Le Grand Lloyd Schram WIN AT BRIDGE If all else fails squeeze 13 NORTH 4105 VQJ86 OAK2 +AQ86 EAST A8743 0J1087 411092 WEST AKQJQG V7542 095 473 SOUTH 112 10 Both vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass 4NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass pening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Take quick look at the NorthSouth cards You really worry that you have missed grand slam You take your ace of spades at trick one and start to pull trumps East shows but on the second lead and at this point in time it behooves you to stop and count sure winners You still can come to 13 if both minor suits break 33 but with hearts breaking 41 there is good chance that neither minor suit will break and that you will only score 11 tricks an you do anything about lhis Yes you can if one player holds the long cards in both minor suits you can develop squeeze against him provided you give up trick to rectify the count Therefore you should lead your low spade at trick four West Wins and leads back trump You win cash your last trump and poor East is FUNNY BUSINESS IUE FACED ii11$ PROBLEM BEFORE THINK THE END seeriam IoILL BE SIPENQTFIEMEDIFA CRoss CONEIEDEATIOM Is PLACED HERE 93 ©19769nyA in cyclopedia WHERE ARE You GOING4 10 THE mNDY arm TO THE M0VIE67 Wt GOING 10 THE DENTIGT TO THE ICE CREAM BARLOR TD TPE PONLIT 6HOPPE ILL NEVER AsAlN ACCEPT AN INVITATION TO BARBECUE 1N SALEM SHORT RIBS v55 MY kins WILL WANT FAMISNEDIAND Loon ALI THE DETAILS TOO LIKE wiINr out You KNOW WHAT IM SUWENLY HUNGRY ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL NAME MAY CALL you KERRY TOLD YOU THEYEE AL AGIRL ALWAYS DREAMS ABOUT WAV5 FULL OF QUESTIONS LT DRAKE BUT T1115 IS REAL ESPECIALLY CINDY ROMANTIC ESCAPE ILL TELL AND KEQQY KERRY DRAKE IT MEAN HAVE TD CLEAN UP AFTER THE CEREMONY GPECIAL DELIVERY LETTEI F012 YOU BEEN INVITED ACCEPT AN HONORARY PHD WIZARD OF 10 IVE mo ALL MY FRIENDS Aeour EM YOURE LEGEND OF THOSE TERRIFIC CFDCOLATE SHAKES BUGS BUNNY FRANK ERNEST Complete Office Outfitters 02 YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS mom we 29 Dunlop St SEE 11 ERNIE SHORTAGE IS stonecold dead He is down to diamonds and clubs and must unguard one of his jacks An lowa reader wants to know what she should open with AAKx VAKx OJxx dJxx There are only 12 cards shown so we are going to add another small card to any one of the three card suits This leaves her with perfect 16 point onenotrump opening MIDHURST By MONTEITH Vespra Horticultural Society held its meeting Mon day evening in Reforestry Hall Guest speaker was Gor den Beswetherick who spoke on growing dahlias Mr and Mrs Wolfenden spent the Easter vacation with friends in Hamilton Mrs Monteith has retur ned home after 16 days touring to St Peterburgh Miami Florida Nassau St Au stine Fayetteville Nor th aroline Harrisburg Pa and home She went with Penetang Midland Bus Lines Mr and Mrs Moran spent Easter with their son and family in Ottawa Jolly Rebels last card game will be held Tuesday April 27 with pot luck lun cheon at 630 pm in Midhur st community hall EARNED BUS STOP APPERKNOWLE Englan CP Villagers recently won 20year fight for bus shelter at this Derbyshire town But now the bus com pan has changed the route an the shelter stands unused DAILY CROSSWORD At Table ACROSS Soft food Savory herb Vegetable 12 Poem 13 Girls name 14 Hodgepodge 15 Biblical character 16 Certain Europeans 18 Hebrew ascehcs 20 Road curves 21 Possessive pronoun 22 Fencing sword 24 Depict 26 Ginger cookie 27 Fruit seed 30 Armed fleet 32 Legislative body 34 Slacker 35 Pesterer 36 Lass name 37 Sit for portrait 39 Tenels 40 Greatest amount 41 Hall 42 Hindu garments 45 Pays heed to 49 Basic 51 Hiatus 52 Not any 53 Emanation 54 Greek letter 55 Scatters as hay 56 Superlative suffixes 57 Hot flax DOWN Cornbread Huh drinks Fruit Intends Otiose Kind of hut Beverage City in Idaho mama émm mama am Guidos high 29 Personal ab notes 31 Oust 10 One German 33 Artless 11 Fling 38 Standing 17 Wigwam var 40 Bulloons 19 Heating 41 Book of maps deVIces 42 Transmitted 23 Stickum 43 Medicmal 24 Mu5ica plant syllables 44 Tear asunder 25 Press 46 Smail pastry 26 Aegean gull 47 and nut 27 Farepaying cake traveler 48 Gaiter 28 Newspaper 50 Scottish paragraph negative Answer to Previous Puzzle SIDE GLANCES OFFICE OUTFITTERS can turn bore room into completely decorated and furnished office Cell 727 0201 to consult Professionol Office Planner 7370201 dont know whats wrong with me Richard Burton and Liz Taylor have separated again and dont feel thing DEMOCRATS ARE IN MEANS LONGER LINES JEEZ FOR THAT MUCH THE MISSOURI MAYBE BUT Nor GRIGK M6YWD THINK INEfD LET YA FLY ORTHyIArv 11m 51 TuAvai